No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Nov 9, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and in no way it implies anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned in it. Also, if you're offended by homosexual topics, if you're not 18 or if it's illegal for you in any way to be reading this, please GO AWAY! (or read it anyways...But don't get caught! What would mommy say?)

Author's note: Hey y'all! Sorry again for the last chapter, it was awfully short and boring. I've had quite a few complaints...Man, sometimes you guys can be harsh! I'll try to do better this time. I tried something new, writing from the guys' point of view. What do you think? And sorry too for the LONG delay... I'd like to thank all of you who have written to me, I really appreciate it, even for those who have sent me some negative comments. I always like to get comments on my writing, it tells me where I should lead the story to and how. So if you don't like the path I'm giving this story, you HAVE to tell me. Now, on with the show!


Driiiiiiiiiiiing! Too caught up in their making out session, Lance and JC hadn't notice that it was almost 3:30 by then, and Lance had promised Justin he'd pick him up at 3:15. Which was why Lance cell phone was ringing at that time of the night. "Hello?" Lance panted in the phone. "Lance? Where the hell are you? We'll miss the plane!" Justin said with anger. "Shit. Sorry Just, I'll be there in a few seconds." Lance said, hanging up. He put his phone in his pocket and grabbed his suitcase. "Come on JC, we're late. Let's go." he said. JC got up and threw on his shoes, then he followed Lance outside, locking the door behind himself. They almost ran to the car and within a few seconds they were on their way to Justin's place. When they got there, Justin was waiting for them on the sidewalk, luggage in hand, an angry expression on his face. "Don't get me wrong guys. I'm very happy that you're back together, but dammit, you could at least set an alarm-clock when you're making out!" Justin said when he sat down in the car. "Hi you too Just. Let's go Lance." JC said, looking at his lover. Lance nodded and headed to the airport.

"Promise me you'll call everyday." JC said softly, tears starting to well up in his eyes. They were at the airport, and the guys were about to board the plane. "I promise. I'm gonna miss you Josh..." Lance said. At that point, he didn't care if he was in a public place or not, and neither did JC. "Guys, we have to leave. Come on Lance." Joey said. JC tightened his grip on Lance. "Don't go..." JC whispered. "I have to. I love you Josh. I'll call you tomorrow morning." Lance said. He gave JC a last kiss and joined the other guys at the boarding door. JC just sat down on a bench, sighed and cried softly. On his side, Lance sat down beside Justin and in front of Joey and Chris and cried on Justin's shoulder. "God, this is gonna be so hard..." Lance said, wiping his eyes. "We'll be there for you Lance, okay? And everything will be fine, you'll be together in a few weeks." Chris said. "I know." Lance said simply.

From JC's point of view... I don't know how long I stayed there, crying on that bench, but after what must have been an hour and a half, I stood up and walked my way out of the airport. I looked at my watch: 6:30 am. Then I remembered. We had taken Lance's car. He had the keys. "Damn!" I said out loud, then I grabbed my cell phone and dialed my mom's number. I hated to do that. After a few seconds, she picked it up. "Hello?" she said. "Hi mom, it's JC." I said. "Hi honey, what's wrong?" she asked with a concerned voice. "I'm at the airport, the guys just left for the tour. And I came here with Lance, in Lance's car and I don't have my keys, they're at home. Before you go to work, could you go at my place and grab my keys, they're on the coffee table in the living room, and the come here and give them to me please? I have no way to go gome and I have no money to pay the parking fees either, my wallet is in the car." I said with desperation in my voice. "Of course hon. I'll be at the airport in about half an hour. You can wait for me at Starbuck's." my mom said with amusement. I could sense that she was about to burst out laughing. "Go ahead mom, you can laugh at me. I was in a hurry when I left home, I totally forgot my keys..." I said with fake anger. "It's okay honey, I sometimes get like that too. I'll be right there." she said, then she hung up. I went to find a table at Starbucks and ordered a coffee. As I waited for it, I started to think about Lance and I, about everything that had happened between us since we met. I remembered every moment. Everything he had said. Our first kiss...


"Hey Lance, it's JC. What are you doing right now?" I asked in the phone while sitting on my bed. We were in Japan and it was raining so much that our show had been cancelled. "Nothing. I'm on my way ok?" Lance said. "Okay." I said, then I hung up. 'this is the perfect time' I thought, 'I'm gonna come out to him now.' There was a knock at the door, then Lance opened the door. "Hey." He said softly, closing the door. "Hey." I said. He came and laid down beside me on the bed. We remained silent for a few seconds, then we shifted positions so we were facing each other: Lance was laying on his tummy, his upper body resting on his elbows, and I was laying on my back. We didn't say a word, we just looked in each other's eyes, neither of us having the heart to break the moment. "You've got beautiful eyes James." I whispered without thinking. I hadn't called him James in ages. It just seemed like the right thing to say. "Thanks." Lance answered softly, still looking into my eyes. He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. At first, I was shocked, but after a few seconds I started to move my lips with his. Then his tongue started to caress my lips and after a moment, it dove into my mouth. Our tongues dueled for a few minutes, then Lance broke the kiss and rolled on his back. We both looked at the ceiling for a while. "God, that was...Wow!" I said in awe. "You said it man." he said, a little out of breath. I repositionned myself so I was facing him again; Lance did the same. I stared into his eyes for a while and couldn't understand what was happening. 'It's not like I loved him...Why do I feel like this is right?' I kept asking myself. "I know what you're thinking Jayce. I don't love you this way either. We should not be doing this stuff... But, God, this feels right, why should we keep ourselves from doing it?" Lance asked softly. "You're right. I want you, you want me, why not, right?" I asked. "Right." Lance said. He leaned back in and we kissed again. And again. And again...


I noticed that there was a cup of coffee sitting on the table. I took a sip of it and sighed, letting the warm liquid ease down my tight throat. The cup was hot, so I wrapped my cold fingers around it. It seemed to me that the whole world had stopped turning, and that everything was on slow motion. I started looking at the people walking in the airport. Everybody seemed in a hurry, they all looked like they were running out of time. Except me. I was the only one with all the time in the world in front of me. My head was spinning, yet it seemed like I was having more deep thoughts than usual. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair. 'God, this month is gonna be so long...' I thought. I missed him like crazy already and he had been gone for less than two hours. I opened my eyes and spotted my mom coming towards me in the crowd. I got up and went to her. "Hi mom. Thanks for coming." I said, hugging her. "No problem honey. Are you okay?" she asked, handing me my keys. "Yeah, I'll be fine." I said. "You look like you've been crying." she said. 'Why do moms always know everything?' I asked myself. "Yeah, I did cry a little, but try to understand me...Lance left for about a month, and I won't even be able to talk to him everyday. You know how hectic our schedules are sometimes." I said, a huge lump in my throat. My mother must have sensed it, because she wrapped her arms around me and patted my back. I let my head rest on her shoulder and I closed my eyes, allowing the tears to fall freely down my cheeks. "I know it will be hard for you, and for him too Josh, but you have to tell yourself that when this is all over, you'll end up together anyway, whatever happens. You just have to wait." she said. I looked at her with hope. "How do you know that?" I asked. Anything could happen. Lance could stop loving me, he could find somebody else, we could both grow apart, or we could have a fight... "Because he loves you just as much as you love him, and a love like that doesn't end. I know it. Now wipe those beautiful eyes of yours and go home. You need rest. And tonight, come and have dinner with us, okay? Now I have to go, I'm gonna be late for work." My mom said with a soothing smile. I sighed and wiped my eyes. "Okay. I'll call you in the afternoon. Thanks for coming mom." I said. "Anytime honey. Bye!" she said, walking away. I sighed and walked towards the other exit. Just as I pulled out of the parking lot, my cell phone rang. I reached for it in my pocket, trying not to let go of the steering wheel and to keep my eyes on the road. "Hello?" I said after a few rings. "Hey there cutie." a low, deep voice said softly. "Lance!"


There you go guys! Don't forget to e-mail me with comments, questions, ideas, whatever. See ya soon!

Next: Chapter 14

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