No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Oct 5, 2000


No strings attached, written by lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This FICTIONNAL story contains homosexual topics and sex scenes, so if you're not 18 or offended by that, please leave now. Also, I'm not implying anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below.

Author's note: Hey y'all! I never thought you'd take this "breakup" so badly... Anyways, thanks to thoses of you who have taken the time to e-mail me, I really appreciate it. A special thank you to David at Nifty cause he's doing a very good job. Ok, I have nothing else to say, except KEEP ON E-MAILING!! On with the show now!


JC sighed. An hour ago, Lance had left Justin's place without a word. Now, he and Justin were waiting for something to happen. None of them had said a word. They just waited. And waited. JC had his cell phone on the table, in front of him, and was staring at it like it was going to make it ring. Actually, it worked. JC grabbed his phone feverishly and pressed the "send" button. "Hello?" he said quickly. "Hey." the deep voice said simply. JC felt the tears welling up in his eyes. "Hi James." JC said softly, not wanting to say anything that would upset Lance. When Justin heard the name 'James' he got up and left the kitchen so JC could have a little privacy. "Listen, Josh, could you come over? Joey left a few seconds ago and I would like you and I to have a talk, face to face, privately. Is that okay with you?" Lance asked. "Of course! When do you want me to come?" JC asked, getting up. "Now, if you can." Lance said. "Ok. I'll be right over." JC said, grabbing his keys. "Okay, I'll be waiting. Bye." Lance said, then he hung up. JC sighed and flipped his cell phone close.

"Just? I'm going home, Lance wants to talk to me. I'll call you, ok?" JC yelled, then he slammed the door. He ran to his car and drove to his and Lance's place. He climbed the stairs pretty quickly, and once he was at the door, he didn't know what to do. Should he knock? It was at his place too...After a few seconds, he knocked and opened the door. "James? It's me. I'm here." JC said matter-of-factly. "I'm in the living room." Lance said. JC walked slowly to the living room, and found Lance sitting on the couch, perfectly calm. Lance pointed the other couch and JC went to sit on it. "So..." JC started. "So...I thought about this whole thing last night, and today too. You made a huge mistake Josh." Lance said sternly. JC closed his eyes and sighed. 'It's over' he thought. "I know...I know." JC said softly. "But I'm not giving up on you this easily. I love you and I'm ready to face anything to be with you. I forgive you JC. But only this time. And you're gonna have to win my trust back. But it's not over. I still love you, and nothing could make me stop." Lance said. JC's eyes flew open. "What? You forgive me? For real?" JC asked with hope. "Yes." Lance said, getting up. JC smiled and got up too. He reached out and grabbed Lance in a tight hug. Lance buried his face in JC's neck and sniffled softly.

JC could feel the warmth of Lance tears wetting his shirt. JC stroke Lance's hair and caressed his back with the other hand. "I love you Lance. I'm so sorry I hurt you...I wish I could take it back." JC said, guilt overwhelming him. "Don't ever do that to me again, you hear me? Never!" Lance said sternly. "I won't, I promise." JC said. Lance looked up and saw tears in JC's blue eyes. He leaned in and kissed his lover. The very instant their lips touched, it was like nothing had happened. It was like a huge relief for both of them, like a soldier coming home after a war. Their tongues dueled for a few minutes, then Lance ended the kiss. He let go of the embrace, sat back on the couch, and patted the spot beside him. JC sat down and put his hand on Lance's. "I want you to tell me every detail. Everything." the blonde said. JC sighed. "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yes. Tell me." Lance asked. "Okay..."

So JC told him the whole story. How he had spotted Jens on the dance floor, how he had had this huge attraction to him, how Jens looked so much like Lance, how they had been in bed only an hour and a half after they had met, and how guilty he had felt the second they had finished their buisness. Every word that JC said was like a knife in Lance's heart. After half an hour, JC stopped talking. Lance looked at him with tears in his beautiful green eyes. "I love you Lance." JC said whole-heartedly. "How am I supposed to trust you now?" Lance asked with sadness. "You're not supposed to. I totally understand you. It's okay that I have to win your trust back. Lance nodded and leaned on JC. He rested his head on JC's lap and cried, hugging JC's legs. JC tried his best to comfort him, but how are you suppoed to comfort somebody that you just hurt? After a few minutes, Lance stopped crying, and his breath became regular. JC looked down and realised that Lance had fallen asleep. He sighed and leaned back on the couch. He closed his eyes and a few tears rolled down his cheeks.

The next day, when JC woke up, Lance was sitting at the table, talking on the phone. "Yeah, Stace, we're back together now...Well I can't really be mad at him for more than a day. I love him...You're a little too young to understant that... Yeah, I love you too. Bye!" Lance said, then he hung up and noticed JC. "Hey Josh." he said softly. "Hey baby. Did you sleep well?" JC asked, placing a small kiss on Lance's forehead. "Yeah, I slept pretty well. What about you?" Lance asked. "I slept pretty well too. Did you have time to pack all your stuff? You're going back on tour tomorrow remember?" JC said. "Yeah, I know. I was thinking about doing it today. Do you know when you come back on tour with us?" Lance asked. "Not yet. Probably after Christmas." JC said. Lance sighed. "How am I going to survive without you?" Lance asked, getting up. JC pulled him into a hug, but Lance didn't respond. "I don't know how I'll do it either. But we'll manage, ok? We can do it. We love each other, and love can do miracles." JC said softly. "I know." Lance said simply. "If you think negatively it won't help and it won't chang anything you know..." JC said. "I know." Lance repeated. JC sighed and let go of Lance. He went to the counter and poured himself some coffee. "Listen James, I know you'll probaby be mad at me for the rest of your life for doing what I did to you. But could you at least TRY and be a little less freezing cold with me?" JC asked. "I am trying JC. But the only thing I can think of when I touch you is that he touched you too. And I can't get rid of these thoughts. So please give me a few days to get adjusted." Lance said. "You're leaving tomorrow Lance. I can't give you a few days." JC snapped. "I'm sorry then." Lance said, and he went to his room to pack. JC sighed. 'God, I wish that was over...' he thought.

Lance spent a few hours alone in his room, packing his stuff for the tour. Not that he needed much, since it had been only a few days break, but he was doing it so slowly that what should have taken 10 minutes took him three hours to pack. JC was sitting in the living room, watching TV, waiting for Lance to come out and do something. Which he did when he was done. He came out of the room and went to sit beside JC. He grabbed JC's hand and rested his head on JC's shoulder. "I love you Josh." he said softly, almost whispering. "I love you too James. I'm gonna miss you." JC said. "Yeah, me too. I'll try to have as much free days as I can. And I'll call you everyday. Ok?" Lance said. "Yeah." JC said. There was a pause. "I'm sorry." JC whispered with tears in his eyes. Lance pulled JC in a hug and gently rubbed his back. "I forgive you Josh, I already told you that. I don't want you to feel bad anymore. It's over now, we have to move on." Lance said. JC sniffled. "I know, but I'll always feel bad for what I did. I hurt you Lance. That's the worse thing I will ever have done. I will never forgive myself for that." JC said. Lance sighed and got up. "Are you coming to the airport tomorrow?" Lance asked. "Yeah, of course. At what time do you have to be there?" JC asked. "Well the plane leaves at 5am, so we have to be there at about 4." Lance said. JC cringed when he heard these words. "4am? So we have to get up at 3? That's pure insanity. Management is crazy." JC said. Lance smiled. "We don't have to get up at 3. We could simply NOT go to bed at all." Lance suggested. JC smiled. "Yeah but we'd have to do something to keep ourselves occupied..." JC said slyly. Lance's smile grew bigger. "Oh and what do you suggest Mr. Chasez?" He asked while wrapping his arms around JC's waist. "Hmm...It could be something like this..." he said, kissing Lance's cheek. "Or like this..." he said, kissing Lance's forehead. "Or like this..." he said, sucking on Lance's neck. "Or like this." JC said, then he leaned in and kissed Lance on the lips. Lance responded immediately and their lips started to move in sync. (Ha! Ha!)


Sorry for the short chapter, but I was really busy this week. I finally can take my e-mails on my hotmail account now, so you can write me at PLEASE e-mail me, I love to get e-mails! The next chapter should be out in 2 weeks. Til then, stay N'Sync!

Next: Chapter 13

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