No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Sep 9, 2000


No strings attached, written by Lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal and I'm not implying anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities mentionned below. Also, this story involves homosexual topics, so if you're not 18 or if you're offended by that, please leave now.

Author's note: Hey y'all...sorry for the wrong chapter last time...I don't know how it happened, but oh well. As always, please e-mail me when you're done reading this chapter. Getting e-mails is what makes me go on writing this story, and right now I'm seriously thinking about stopping it, due to the lack of e-mails I recieve. Don't forget my new e-mail address: And Neal, if you're alive, e-mail me soon, I miss talking to ya! Anyways...On with the show now.


JC had his head on the counter and was snoring slightly. He hadn't wanted to ruin the fun Lance was having on the dance floor by telling him he was tired, so he had just fell asleep at the club, despite the loud music. Lance and Chris were dancing their asses off on the dance floor, and Joey was sitting in a booth, making out with a chick he had met there. After about half an hour of wild dancing, Lance went to the bar and spotted his sleeping boyfriend. He frowned and gently shook him. "What?" JC asked sleepily. "Why didn't you tell me you were tired? Let's get you home." Lance said. JC didn't answer and followed his boyfriend. First, Lance went to tell Chris he was leaving, then Joey, and then they were out of the crowded place. Once they were out, Lance carelessly grabbed JC's hand and led him to the car. "You know we are in public right?" JC asked. "Yeah. But there is no one around..." Lance whined. JC laughed. "You're such a baby..." JC said, then he yawned. Lance unlocked the doors and they jumped in. "Seriously JC, why didn't you tell me you were tired? You know you have to be careful and you have to rest a lot." Lance said sternly, pulling out of the parking lot. JC sighed. "Yes, mom, I know. I think I'm old enough to take care of myself, thank you." He said with annoyance. Lance frowned again. "I'm just worried about you Josh, sorry if I care about you and don't want you to get sicker than you are." Lance said with anger in his voice. "I can take care of myself Lance. Anyways, you're not with me half of the time, so you don't really know what could get me sicker than I am." JC snapped. "Excuse me? I can't help it if management won't let us have more free time. And I'm not the one who can't handle a world-tour." Lance said. "Cheap shot James." JC murmured. Lance sighed. "I'm sorry JC. I'm just worried." Lance said with a softer voice. "You've already said that once. And I didn't tell you I was tired because I didn't want to ruin your night. You seemed to have so much fun with this blonde guy..." JC said, anger rising in him again. "What? There were about a thousand people around, how can you know if you're dancing with someone or not? He just happened to be close to me, that's all. You know I didn't do a thing. You're just jealous cause no one wanted to dance with you." Lance said. "No. You know how many people asked me to dance tonight? 23. And how many times have I said no? 23. Unlike you, I didn't feel the need to be with anyone else than my boyfriend." JC said. "Of course you don't need to be with anyone else, you've already been with enough people, haven't you?" Lance said. "What's that supposed to mean?" JC asked. "I know you've cheated on me." Lance said. At this point they were in the parking lot of their appartment, and Lance stopped the car. "What?" JC asked. "Don't act as if you didn't know what I am talking about. I know you've cheated on me, so who is it?" Lance asked. "What brought this on anyway? I mean, how the hell can you know I've been cheating on you?" JC asked. "You just said it JC." Lance said, stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut. JC cursed under his breath and stepped out of the car too. He followed Lance into their appartment and closed the door. "How did you know? You've been spying on me?" JC asked. "I didn't know JC. I was angry and thought that I'd say something to hurt you...How can you do this to me?" Lance asked, tears welling up in his green eyes. He wiped his eyes and sighed. "Who is it?" he asked. JC sighed and sat on the couch. "Who the fuck is it Joshua Scott Chasez?" Lance yelled. JC sighed again. "His name is Jens. I met him in a bar a week before we went back on tour." JC said softly. Lance sighed too and tears started to fall on his cheeks. "Why?" Lance whimpered. "I don't know. I love you, and I'm happy with you in every way, but it seemed like there was something missing in my life." Lance stopped him. "Get out of here." He said. "What?" JC asked. "Oh, and you thought I'd let you stay here? Get the hell out of here and I'll call you one day if I forgive you." Lance said. JC stood and went to pack a few of his things. "Lance?" he called just before leaving. "I don't recall telling you you could speak in my house." Lance said coldly. "Well right now I don't care. I love you James. I really do." JC said. "How can you say that you jerk? Get out!!!" Lance yelled. JC sighed and closed the door behind himself. He really did love Lance. And he was starting to feel guilty. Very guilty. Back in the appartment, Lance was curled up in a ball on the couch, crying. "How could he? What have I done wrong? God, help me..." he whispered. JC drove to the first place that came into his mind, Justin's. He knocked at the door and waited for somebody to open it. Justin came, wearing only his boxers and his hair all messed up. "What the hell JC? It's one in the morning!" Justin said with annoyance. "I know. But I didn't have anywhere else to go." JC said with a sigh. "Why aren't you with Lance?" Justin said, moving to the side and motionning to JC to come in. "He threw me out." JC said sadly. "Why, what happened?" Justin asked worriedly. "I...I cheated on him..." JC admitted. "WHAT? Get the hell out of here Joshua Scott Chasez! Get out now!" Justin said, pushing JC towards the door. JC slowly walked outside his best friend's house. "I told you I was going to kill you if you ever cheated on Lance JC. But I won't do it cause it might hurt Joey or Chris or even Lance. But if it wasn't for that, I swear to God you'd be dead. I hate you. I can't believe you could have done that. Don't call me." Justin said, slamming the door. JC sighed again and tears started to well up in his eyes. "What have I done?" he whispered. He went back into his car and just sat there, crying silently. He fell asleep there, and the next morning, he was awakened by a pounding on his window. He opened his eyes and saw Justin. He got out of the car and closed the door, not saying a word. Justin sighed. "Listen JC, I'm very mad at you now. I'm not about to give up on our friendship though, because you're way too important to me. So now I want you to come inside and explain everything." Justin said calmly. JC nodded, affraid that if he spoke, he might just break down and cry. He followed Justin and they sat in the kitchen. JC stared at the table and stayed silent. "JC...Now." Justin said sternly. JC took a deep breath and began to speak. "It was in *****, about a week before we started the tour. We went to a club, and Lance went back home early. So I was there at the club, alone, drunk, and feeling very lonely. It was like midnight, so I started to dance with this guy, Jens, and after about fifteen minutes we were all over each other, and we went to his place, and we fucked. Period. I never saw him again, and I never meant to see him again either, and the minute it was over I knew I shouldn't have done it, but I didn't want Lance to know because I knew he was going to be angry. But I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing..." JC said, and at that point he was crying so much he couldn't speak anymore. Justin sighed and patted his arm. "Did you explain that to Lance?" Justin asked softly. JC shook his head. "He didn't let me. He just threw me out." JC said sadly. At the same moment, the phone rang. "Hold on. Hello?" Justin said into the phone. "Oh, hey Joey...Yeah, I know...Uh, yeah he's here...Okay...Okay, see ya in a few. Bye." Justin said, then he hung up. "That was Joey. He's on his way over to hear your version of the story. Lance called him yesterday night and he has spent the night there cause Lance was crying too much, he was affraid of what he might do." Justin said. JC sighed. "God, what the hell have I done...I hope he'll be fine...I didn't want to hurt him, Just. I would never hurt him, you know that." JC said. "Yeah, I know." Justin said simply. JC grabbed the phone and dialed Lance cell phone number. "Hello?" Lance said in a shaky voice. "Hey James. Listen I wanted to apolo..." JC stopped himself when he heard the dial tone. "He hung up." he said sadly. Justin just nodded. "I would have done the same thing." Justin said knowingly. JC sighed and let his head rest on the table. "What can I do Just?" JC asked. "Let him be for a while. Then, when he has had time to think, call him. And maybe he'll come around before you, who knows?" Justin said. Then there was a knock at the door. "That must be Joey. I'll be right back." Justin said, then he went to answer the door. JC heard voices, then footsteps, and then Justin came into the kitchen, followed by Joey and...Lance. "Lance! Oh God I'm so glad you came, I..." Lance stopped JC by holding up his hand. "I don't want to hear your apologies. I just want to know the story. Then I'll decide if you're worth fighting for." Lance said coldly. JC sighed, and Justin motionned Joey and Lance to sit. Lance sat as far from JC as possible and JC noticed it. "So, JC, tell us what happened." Joey said. "Well...It was about a week before the tour started back. Lance and I went to a club, and he wanted to go home early, I think it was like midnight, and I was drunk and I wanted to stay, so I stayed, and I started to dance with this guy, Jens. About fifteen minutes later we were all over each other, and we went to his place and we fucked. The minute it was over I regretted it. I never intended to see him again, and neither did he...I was drunk..." JC tried to explain his mistake. He looked at Lance who had tears in his eyes. "You're the one I love James...I know I shouldn't have done it, and I don't know if you'll ever forgive me for doing it, but I beg you, don't leave me..." JC pleaded, starting to cry too. Lance got up and walked out of the kitchen, Joey following him closely. A few seconds later, Justin and JC heard the door slamming.


Sucks uh? lol Well when you're the writer, there's no better feeling than leaving people wondering. Sorry folks! You'll have to wait another week or so before you know what happens! Don't forget my new e-mail address: I can't take my emails on my hotmail account anymore... Anyways, till next time, BYE BYE BYE!

Next: Chapter 12

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