No Strings Attached

By lulupower

Published on Apr 14, 2000


No strings attached, by lulupower

Legal disclaimer: This story is purely fictionnal, and if you're not 18 or if you're offended by homosexual topics, please leave now. I'm not involved in any way with any of the guys of N'sync.

Author's note: Hi there everyone! I'm back! :) So enjoy this story (I think it's better than Brian and Joshua) and e-mail me with coments, questions, whatever... And if you have a free afternoon someday, go read these: -Brian and Justin (Of course) -Brian and me -Studio in the country -Because I love you -...

Now, on with the story!


JC laid still on his hotelroom bed, a smile slowly spreading across his face. He just couldn't believe his luck. Lance was in the shower, recovering from their lovemaking. It had been four months that day since they had started to fool around secretly. No one knew about it, and they intended it to stay that way. They weren't dating, but there was something rare between them: they were in love, and they didn't even know it. JC snapped out of his trance when Lance called his name from the bathroom. He got up and slightly opened the bathroom door. "What's the matter James?" he asked softly. Lace turned off the shower and stepped out. "Could you hand me a towel please?" he asked in his deep voice. JC smiled and grabbed a towel from the cabinet. "There ya go" he said, giving his partner the towel. Then he made a move to leave, but Lance stopped him by putting his wet hand on his shoulder. JC looked at Lance with wonder in his eyes. "What?" he asked. "We have to talk Joshua." Lance said seriously. "JC knew that when Lance called him Joshua, he had to worry. Lance pulled on some boxers and pants, then he sat on the bed, remaining silent. JC sat down beside Lance and waited for him to satrt talking. Lance took a deep breath, and then he began. "Jc, we can't go on like that forever." he said. "What do you mean?" JC asked. "We can't just fuck around like that for years. We'll end up breaking each other's heart when one of us starts to date someone." he said. JC looked at Lance for a few seconds, then asked: "What should we do then?" Lance thought about it for a minute. "Maybe we should just stop..." Lance said with a sad look on his face. "Yeah maybe..." JC said. There was a long silence. "What about one last night together, then it's over?" JC asked shyly. Lance nodded. "Tomorrow night at 8, my room, after rehearsals, k?" JC said. "Ok. I have to go back to my room now, before Joey's wake up call at 9:30." Lance said, standing. "Ok. See you later man." JC said, grabbing Lance in a tight hug. Lance kissed him on the cheek, and released him. "See ya." Lance said, then he walked to his room. JC sighed, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Lance's cologne was still on the counter, and the room smelled like it. JC took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He could still feel himself in Lance's arms, a little while ago, while they were making love. He could remember what it was to kiss his neck and taste his sweet but sweaty skin while he was thrusting in and out of Lance. He could still remember exactly how it was to touch and be touched by his strong but so soft hands. JC opened his eyes, stunned. "Oh my God, I'm falling in love with him!" he said out loud. "You are?" a low voice asked. JC looked behind him, to see Lance standing on the door step. "Hey Lance...What are you doing here?" JC asked nervously. "I forgot my cologne here...I'm sorry, I usually don't knock...I didn't know you were thinking out loud." Lance said with a smile. JC looked at the floor. "JC, look at me" Lance asked softly. JC's eyes remained on the floor. All of the sudden, he was afraid of Lance. "Josh, please..." Lance pleaded. JC finally looked at Lance. "We've been fooling around for four months. Why do you think it lasted that long? After one or two times, I could easily have said that it was enough. But I didn't. And...when I told you that we couldn't go on like that, I was hoping you'd say that it'd be better if we were 'together'..." Lance admitted. JC smiled. "So you mean that we can still see each other at night? And I could call you baby and all?" JC asked childishly. Lance laughed. "I guess so. In fact nothing's gonna change. Except maybe on thing..." he said. JC looked worried. "What do you mean?" he asked with fear. Lance took JC in a hug, and kissed him lightly in the neck. "I'll whisper sweet things in your ear, and tell you I love you every five seconds. And you won't be JC anymore for me. You'll be my boyfriend..." Lance whispered in his deep sexy voice. JC shivered. "Do we tell the other guys?" he asked softly. Lance released him. "Do you want to tell them?" he asked. "I wish all the world knew James. I wish I could walk on these streets below us and yell like a mad man that I'm dating James Lansten Bass." JC said. Lance smiled a little. "Do you think they will mind?" he asked, sitting on the bed. "I don't know...Joey and Chris won't have a problem with it. But Justin..he's so unpredictable..." JC said. Then, there was a knock at the door. "JC, you in there?" Joey asked through the door. "Yeah, com on in Joe." JC said, looking at Lance, praying that Joey wouldn't ask any questions. Joey came in. "Have you seen Lan...Oh, hey Lance. I was looking for you. What are you doing here?" he asked. Lance looked at JC, then at Joey. "Bring in the other guys, and you'll know everything." he said. "What, you guys are coming out of the closet?" Joey asked. JC and Lance stared at him in awe. "What? It was pretty obvious...Lance, you have the lowest voice of all of us, and we heard you screaming 'Oh, JC...yeah... Yeah...Oh...JC, yeah...' many times..." Joey said, smiling. "So everyone knows?" Lance asked, his cheeks a little red. "Yeah, and we're very happy for you guys." Joey said, patting JC on the shoulder. "I'll go get the other guy. No, in fact, you guys stay here and have a nice little breakfast and Chris and I will eat by ourselves. We have the day off anyways." Joey said. "Why?!?" Lance asked. "Didn't you notice the snowstorm outside? Management called and the show id cancelled, and Justin is stuck in Fatima in Tenessee...No...Fatima is stuck in Tenessee with we don't have rehearsals." Joey said, opening the door. "I'll leave you tow lovebirds alone now. See ya later." he added, closing the door. Lance smiled at JC. "It went pretty well, didn't it?" he said, rubbing JC's inner tigh. "Yeah...I'm glad it went that well." JC said, resting his head on his lover's shoulder. "I'm going to take a shower now. Would you order breakfast while I'm in there please?" he asked. "Of course cutie." Lance said. They looked at each other, and they leaned in. For the first time, they kissed without any reason. When their lips parted, they smiled at each other. JC went to the bathroom and closed the door. He leaned against it, and smiled even more. The he turned on the shower, took off his boxers and took a real quick shower. Then he turned off the shower and stepped out. Lance was waiting for him, handing him a towel. JC quickly dried himself, then he followed Lance in the bedroom. "What are we doing today?" JC asked, dropping his towel to put on some boxers. Lance didn't answer. JC smiled. "Stop staring at my ass James Lansten Bass." he said. Lance snapped out of his trance. "How did you know I was staring at your ass?" Lance asked. "I know you...So, what are we doing today?" JC asked, pulling on a shirt. "Cuddle in front of a movie with the other guys?" Lance suggested. "Good idea...I don't know if Chris will want to cuddle with Joey though..." JC joked. Breakfast arrived, so they ate, and about half an hour later, JC called the front desk and asked for a movie. "Which movie would you like Sir? the clerk asked. " you have 'Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves'?" he asked. "Yes Sir. Someone's going to send it to your room. Do you need anything else Sir?" she asked. "No, thank you." JC said, then he hung up. Lance grabbed the phone and called Joey's number. "Hey Joe...No we're not fucking...yet..." Lance said with a smile. "What are you and Chris doing this afternoon?" he asked. "Oh...well JC and I rented a movie, care to join us?...K, see ya in a few." Lance said. "They're on their way" he added, hanging up. A few seconds later, there was a knock at the door. "Already?" JC said, then he yelled "COME IN GUYS!". Chris and Joey came in, a shy look on their faces. "What, are you guys afraid of something?" JC asked, seeing their looks. " was kinda weird to hear that my two best friends were sleeping together, but now that I see it, it's even weirder. But you two make a cute couple." Chris said. "Yeah, he's right...But could you just try not to get into that lovey-dovey stuff in front of us? Not that I'm not ok with it, it's just that we're single, and...ya know..." Joey said shyly. "It's ok Joe. Anyways, even if we want to make out, you won't see us cuz you guys get the floor and WE get the bed behind you." JC said with a smile. "Ah, no fair, we ALWAYS get the floor." Chris whined. "What, you want the bed with Joey so you two can cuddle without me and JC knowing it?" Lance asked playfully. "Ewww...NEVER!" Chris said, sitting on the floor. Joey sat beside him, and Chris threw him a look. "Not too close mister." he said. JC and Lance bursted out laughing. JC put the tape in the VCR, and hit the 'play' button, then he closed the lights and the curtains.

and hour and a half later...

Joey wiped his eyes. "This movie is so good, I can't believe I didn't want to see it before." he said. Not hearing any response, he looked behind him, to find JC and Lance wrapped together, kissing passionately, and Chris laying on the floor, sleeping. He smiled, and got on his knees. "Chris..." he whispered, shaking him a little. "Chris, wake up." he whispered again. "What do you want..." Chris whined, opening his eyes. "Shhh...Let's get outta here. Fast." Joey whispered sharply. Chris looked at the bed, and saw the two lovers. "Shit. Let's go." he whispered back. They started to leave, and when they opened the door, they heard Lance saying "Bye guys!", and then JC mumbling something that sounded like "Mphfffmmphff...Oh Lance...". They closed the door and smiled at each other. Meanwhile, JC and Lance were still kissing passionately. JC started to roam his hands over Lance's body. He slipped his hands under his boxer's waistband and caressed Lance's soft butt. Lance smiled through their kiss, then he took off JC's thight white shirt. Then he started to kiss his way down JC's neck, then his chest, then his abs, and then he slipped off JC's pants and boxers in one movement and was almost hit in the face by JC's erection. He threw JC's clothes on the floor, and softly kissed the tip of his cock. Precum was oozing out of the slit, and it tasted good. JC moaned. He was in heaven. His mind started to race. 'Isn't it supposed to be like every other times we were together? Why am I feeling so weird? Why is it so good this time? Why...' he totally stopped thinking when Lance's mouth covered the entire lenght of his cock. He let out a loud moan, and threw his head back on the pillow. "Oh God Lance...It's so good...Go on...Yesssssss" He hissed when Lance hit a sensitive spot with his tongue. He started to feel a familiar tingle in his balls. "Stop Lance...I don't wanna cum yet..." He said. Lance let go of his cock. "It's your turn now baby." JC said seductively. He softly pushed Lance, so he was laying on the bed, and got on top of him. He reached for the bottle of lube and a condom in the drawer next to the bed. He unwrapped the condom and rolled it on Lance's rock hard penis. Then he lubed it, and threw the bottle and condom wrap on the floor. Lance started to fear what was going to happen. JC was still a virgin. "Joshua, are you sure? We can wait if you want..." he said softly. "No, I'm sure. I don't wanna wait. I wanna know why you scream when I fuck you. I wanna know what it's like to have you inside of me. I want you to make love to me." JC said, then he started to sit on Lance's cock. "No, wait up, it won't work like that, you're gonna break it." Lance said with a smile, pointing his cock. "Let me do the job." he added. JC nodded, and lied down on the bed. Lance got on top of him and started to kiss his neck. He grabbed JC's legs and threw them on his back, giving him an all-access pass to JC's asshole. He put the tip of his cock on JC's pink bun, then he looked at JC, and saw fear in his eyes. He gave him a soothing smile and kissed him square on the lips. At the same time, he started to push his cock inside JC. JC winced in pain in the kiss, but Lance only deepened the kiss and pushed harder. His cock was almost all the way in. He opened his eyes while kissing JC, and saw JC looking back at him. He went on kissing him, and pushed one last time. JC closed his eyes. Lance let go of the kiss and panted. "Are you ok Josh?" he asked with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine...But could you just lay on me for a while, so I can adjust to this monster inside of me?" JC said with a smile. "My pleasure, dear." Lance said, then he laid down his head on JC's shoulder, and soflty kissed his neck. "You feel good inside of me, you know." JC whispered after a while. Lance smiled. "Do you want me to go on?" he asked. JC nodded. Lance slowly started to withdraw his cock from JC's ass. JC closed his eyes and moaned a little. It was starting to feel good. When only the tip of Lance's cock remained in his ass, he started to push it in again slowly, and when it hit his prostate, JC felt a wave of warmth and electricity running through his body. He wrapped his arms around Lance, and he caressed his back and his butt. Lance withdrew his cock again, a little faster that time, and then pushed it back in. The feeling was overwhelming, and JC started to kiss Lance's shoulder, trying hard not to yell. Lance was getting closer and closer. He fastened his pace again, then he took JC's cock in his hand and jacked him off. JC moaned loudly. "Lansten...I'm close..." JC panted. "I am Yessssssssssssssssss..." he hissed as volleys of cum flew inside the condom. A few seconds later, JC came too, his cum landing on Lance's abs and chest. Lance took out his cock, threw the condom in the waste basket, and wiped the cum on his chest, then he collapsed beside JC. JC rolled on his stomach and laid his head down on Lance's chest. "God, that was unbelievable." JC said, still panting. "I know...I didn't hurt you, did I?" Lance asked. "Yeah, you did. But it was worth the pain. Thanks Lansten..." JC said. Lance kissed his forehead. "Anytime baby, anytime." he said with a small smile. JC laughed softly. "How about a little nap?" Lance suggested. "Very good idea. Then we could go out and have a nice romantic dinner, what do you say?" JC asked. "I'm in." he said. Then he closed his eyes. "Thank you for making me feel that way JC." he said softly. "And thank you for being my first...Lance I...I love you..." JC said. No answer. He looked up and saw Lance sound asleep. He smiled sadly. 'You'll know it sooner or later Lance.' he thought, closing his eyes, and he slowly drifted off to sleep.


When JC woke up, he was alone in his bed, and the room was pitch dark. "Damn, it was a dream..." he muttered. He sat in the bed and looked at the clock. It was 4:30 pm. "Man, I slept for ages!" he said to himself. He got up and went to the bathroom. Lance's cologne wasn't on the counter. "I knew it..." he said, then he sighed loudly. He wanted Lance so bad... He tried not to cry, but he just couldn't. He sat on the toilet, and tears started to roll down his cheeks. "Why the hell am I crying...It's just Lance." he whispered. No, it wasn't 'just Lance'. It was love. He got up, and decided to tell his secret. He had to say it. His best friend Justin was still in Tenessee with his girlfriend, Fatima, but he knew he could count on Joey to listen to him. He dialed Joey's room number. "Hello?" Joey said at the other end. "Hey Joe. How r u?" he said. "What, you and Lance are already done?" Joey asked sarcastically. "What do you mean?" JC asked, confused. "Helloooooo JC... You and Lance were almost fucking when Chris and I left." Joey said. JC smiled. "We were?" he asked. Joey remained silent for a moment. "JC, are you going crazy or something?" he asked. "No Joey. Hmmm, listen, I'll call you later, k?" JC said, then he hung up, not letting Joey answer. He ran to Lance's room, didn't knock and opened the door. "Lance?" he called. Lance came out of the bathroom, all wet, a few seconds later. "Hi there sexy!" he said with a smile. JC ran to him and hugged him tightly. Lance laughed. "Man, what's the matter?" he asked, hugging JC back. "I woke up and you weren't there, and your cologne wasn't on the counter anymore, so I thought I had dreamed all that...I'm so glad I didn't..." JC sighed. "I'm sorry JC, when I woke up you were still sound asleep, and I thought you could use some sleep, you know because of yesterday and today's workout...So I took my cologne and came here to take a shower, and I was going to wake you up in a few, so we can go out and have dinner a little later." Lance said with a smile. JC smiled back at him. "It's ok. You can go back to your shower now. I'm gonna get changed, then I'll be back, k?" JC said. "K. See you later." Lance answered, then he lightly kissed JC on the lips. Then JC opened the door and walked towards his room. He grabbed some dress pants, a tie and a shirt, and pulled them on. Then he put some gel in his hair, and combed it. About fifteen minutes later, he was about to leave, when he remembered he had to brush his teeth. He did his job, and then he sprayed a little cologne on himself and looked in the mirror. He smiled at his relection, and left. He locked the door to his room and walked towards Lance's. That time, he knocked. Lance opened the door, fully dressed, about the same way he was; dress pants, a tie and a shirt. He even had some new shoes. JC wrapped his arms around Lance's waist and buried his nose in his neck. "Hmmm..." JC said, breathing Lance's strong masculine scent. Lance wrapped his arms around JC also, and held him in a tight hug. "Shall we?" JC said, looking at Lance. "Yep, let's go." Lance said, grabbing JC's hand. They walked hand-in-hand down the hall, but when they entered the elevator, they instinctively let go of each other. JC called the limo, and they went to a nice little italian restaurant. It was quiet, and they weren't going to be mobbed, neither recognised. They ate, and an hour and a half later, they were stuffed. "I can't eat anymore, what about you?" Lance asked. "I can't either. Let's pay and go out for a walk around the corner. We could go back to the hotel by foot, what do you think?" JC asked. "Good idea." Lance said. He took out his wallet and called the waiter. "Lance, no way, I'm paying." JC said, taking out his wallet. "Nope, my treat. It's a special occasion..." Lance said, then he leaned in and whispered "I took your virginity today...It's your special day. You'll always remember it...So it's my treat." Lance said. JC was about to protest, but the waiter arrived, so Lance paid, and they left. "Next time, I pay, James Lansten Bass." JC said with a smile. "Ok, ok..." Lance said, smiling too. "I wish we could hold hands..." JC said while they started to walk. "I do too...But we're in public." Lance answered. "I know." JC simply said. They slowly walked to their hotel, making small talk. When they reached JC's room, he invited Lance in. "Why don't you move your stuff in here? You could sleep in my room for the next few days...We're here all week anyways." JC suggested. "Tomorrow, ok? Now all I wanna do is SLEEP. I'm dead tired." Lance said, yawning. "Will you sleep here?" JC asked shyly. Lance smiled. "Of course I will." he answered softly. He took off his tie and unbuttonned his shirt. JC did the same, then they both lied down on the bed. Lance moved a little closer to JC, so his head was resting on JC's chest. "Thanks for the dinner Lansten." JC whispered. "You're welcome Josh." Lance whispered back. JC took a deep breath. "Lance?" he whispered. "Hmmm?" Lance said softly. "I love you." JC whispered even lowly. Lance smiled and kissed JC's chest. "I love you too." Lance whispered back. "Why are we whispering?" JC asked, still whispering. Lance laughed. "I don't know." He said, a little louder. "Your heart is beating fast." he added. "I know. I guess I was just nervous." JC admitted. "Nervous about what?" Lance asked, puzzled. "About telling you that I love you." JC said. "I guess I know, I was afraid that you'd say that you don't love me back." he added softly. "Well I do JC. I really do." Lance said in his deep voice. Then he got up and took off his shirt and his pants, standing in front of JC in only his boxers. So JC got up too and removed all his clothes, except his boxers-briefs. Lance undid the sheets of the bed and laid down, JC following him and lying beside him. "You know it's the first time that we actually sleep together." Lance remarked. "Yeah, I know...And I thought that you and I would only be a sex trip. I had never thought that you could actually have FEELINGS for me..." JC said, closing his eyes. "Who could not have feelings for you JC. You're the kindest, the cutest, the most intelligent young man I've ever seen. I'm lucky to have you." Lance said, closing his eyes too. "Thanx Lance...I'm lucky to have you too you know." JC said softly. He kissed Lance's forehead. "Goodnight Lansten." he whispered. "Goodnight Joshua." Lance whispered back. Soon, they were both sound asleep.


***That's it for part 1-2 guys. As always, E-MAIL ME WITH YOUR COMMENTS! I don't recieve a lot of e-mails, and if I don't get enough, I'll just stop the story. K? C-ya later!

Next: Chapter 2

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