No Regrets

By Jerlar / Jetdesk / Mark Stevens

Published on Feb 25, 2021


This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's Living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental.

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Mark Stevens

I would like to welcome my previous as well as hopefully new readers back to enjoy this story. However, should you have not read any of the Porterville books before, you should do so

  1. Porterville 2. Murder in Porterville 3. Silver Candlesticks 4. No Regrets

All the stories are stand alone, however, a lot of the same characters from the first book return for more adventures.

To my old readers: Welcome back. To my new ones, welcome aboard.

Please feel free to write me with any thought you might have. Please keep comments positive. I already have an editor that keeps me walking the line. Ha ha. You can email me at:

Chapter Nine

Britt and Devon walked into Larry Owens' office at noon the following day. They had received a call from the minister asking them to drop by his office. They shook their minister/friend's hand and took a seat in front of the man's desk. Larry's secretary, Anne Richards, soon returned with coffee and sat it down on Larry's desk.

When she had poured them each a cup and left the office, Larry said, "Thank you both for stopping by. I know with everything going on that you are very busy."

"We always have time for you," Britt declared. He grinned at the man behind the desk.

"You're the busy one," Devon remarked, "so why don't you tell us the reason for inviting us to your office."

Larry took a sip from his coffee cup and put it down. "You are right, I do have a reason for seeing the two of you. You see, I've reached a decision. I will definitely be performing your wedding ceremony."

Britt leaned forward in his chair. "Are you certain, Larry? I cannot even imagine all of the consequences that will take place should you marry us."

"I've given the matter a lot of thought. To be honest, I've had a few sleepless nights thinking about your situation. What I've decided is simply this: I am going to perform your ceremony, and then the next day I intend to resign my pastorate."

"Larry, you are our friend, and we love you, but we simply cannot be the reason for you losing your livelihood," Devon protested.

"You're not taking a thing away from me," Larry disagreed. "While I would most likely lose my license to pastor a Methodist church, I would still have the one issued by the State of Oklahoma."

Waving more protests aside, Larry continued, "Bonnie and I have studied and prayed a lot on this matter, and we both agree this is the right decision. We're at peace and feel we're doing the right thing."

"What will you do? How will you live?" Britt was very concerned for the man.

"As I said, I can still pastor a church. Just not a Methodist church. Actually, while I was searching for the right thing to do it came to me that perhaps I could form a nondenominational church. I'm not sure where that would be just yet, but I want it to be here in Porterville."

"You would be happy doing this?" Devon asked.

Larry took another sip from his coffee cup. "I would," he said. "As I've told you, Bonnie and I have made this decision together, and we both feel it's the way we should go."

Britt felt his eyes water up. He couldn't believe a minister would change his life completely around just so he could marry two men. Wiping at a tear that was slowly making its way down his cheek, he said, "Larry, you are definitely a good friend. I think I speak for both of us when I say that we love you and appreciate you as a man and a great friend."

"We certainly do," Devon agreed.

They left Larry's office a few moments later. When they reached the sidewalk, Britt said, "I'm not sure how we can help, but I want to try and help Larry find a place for his new church."

"Already entertaining an idea," Devon hastened to say. "Why don't we talk with Jeff Brewster and see if we can rent the banquet room in the mansion Sunday mornings?"

"You think the mayor would go along with your request?"

"Hell, he had better," Devon declared. "We did, after all, give the mansion to the City of Porterville and set up a trust for its operation. I think that should allow for certain privileges."

"Can't hurt to ask," Britt agreed. "You have time to drop by and see if he's available?"

"I'll make the time." Devon looked at his wrist watch. "I have a meeting at two. It's not quite one o'clock now."

They had arrived in separate cars so Britt followed in his vehicle, and they drove to City Hall. The mayor was indeed available, and they were shown into Jeff Brewster's office.

"Britt, Devon, what can I do for you?" The mayor leaned across his desk and shook hands with them.

They didn't waste any time making their proposition to the mayor. When they were finished the mayor said, "I'm sorry to hear Larry Owens is going through something like this. I think it's wonderful that the two of you are willing to help him find a place for a new church. As you know, we've just had our monthly meeting, but I can get with the city council and run it by them. I wouldn't think it would be a problem, but you never know."

"Not to sound crude, but when will you replace the vacancy caused by Sandra's death?" Britt asked.

"We will appoint someone to fill the space until April. At that time, they would have to actually run for the office. If no one opposed that person, he would automatically fill the spot permanently for the full term."

"It's hard to believe that someone would actually want to harm Sandra. I've dealt with her a lot, and we've served on several committees together," Devon said. "She was one of the sweetest people I have ever known."

"It is sad," the mayor agreed. He looked at both men and asked, "How about one of you taking the spot? Either one of you would do a great job."

It was Devon who answered the question. "I don't think we would qualify. We don't live inside the city limits, and I believe that is a requirement."

"Unfortunately this is true. I hadn't thought of that. A pity, too, because either of you would do an awesome job."

Before they left the mayor's office they stressed the importance of keeping their idea under wraps for the time being. "Of course the council will have to know, but please explain to them that this is a confidential matter and must not go public for now," Britt reminded.

Jeff Brewster assured them that the matter would be handled under the strictest of confidentially, that their plans would be safe.

Devon returned to his office, and Britt drove home. Coming into the house, he found Cory sitting on the sofa. He smiled at the detective and asked, "How's your day going?"

"I spent the morning poking around town to see if I could uncover anything."

Britt joined Cory on the sofa. "And?"

Cory shook his head. "Not a damn thing. To be honest, I am growing quite frustrated. I can't believe how many loose ends there are to this case."

"I can certainly understand where you're coming from. I do have some news for you that is connected to it."

Britt told Cory about meeting with Larry Owens and what all that had entailed. After he had answered what questions the detective had, he went on to describe his visit with the mayor and the reason he wanted to speak with the man.

"That's really nice of you guys," Cory said when Britt was done. "I cannot believe that Larry is willing to give up his vocation for you and Devon. Not that the two of you aren't good people, you are. Still, that had to take a lot of guts for him to make that decision."

"All the more reason why Devon and I will find him a place to hold worship," Britt declared.

They talked for a time, and then Cory left for town, and Britt went upstairs to work on his book.

"Don't hold dinner," Cory said as headed toward the door. "I'm not sure what my plans will be. I'll grab something in town."

Britt spent the rest of the afternoon in front of his laptop. From the moment his fingers were touching the keyboard, words came quickly, and caught up in the moment, the next two hours flew by. Britt was just ending his chapter when the door to his office opened.

"Hey, you," Devon greeted. He walked over and gave Britt a kiss. "How's your afternoon going?"

Britt saved his work on the laptop and closed the lid. "It's been good, and I feel as if I've accomplished a great deal."

Devon placed his hands on Britt's shoulders and asked, "So you would admit to having a satisfying afternoon?"

Britt stood to his feet and turned to face Devon. "I think so. However, I could use with a little more satisfaction." He pulled Devon to him and began kissing the man.

Passion quickly filled them both with desire, and Devon pulled away. "How about a little more satisfaction before dinner? I think we have time."

Eying the clock on his desk, Britt said, "I think you are right. Let's hit the bed."

Britt closed the door to his office and the two quickly made their way into the bedroom they shared. Once inside the room, the door closed, both men were naked in hardly any time at all.

Britt studied the man standing before him. It didn't matter that he had known Devon in every way possible for two years, the man and his body still filled Britt with desire. Devon's heavily coated chest hair and treasure trail connecting to his thick brown pubes never failed to cause Britt's dick to rise. The man was just too damned hot.

Devon walked over and pulled his soon-to- be husband into his arms. As one hairy body pressed tightly to another, two cocks began rising to the occasion. The two men shared a deep kiss until Britt finally pulled away.

"Fuck me," Britt said heading for the bed.

"I will under one condition."

"You're giving me a condition? Before you fuck me?" Britt shook his head.

"I think it's a condition you will like," Devon hurried to assure him. "I'll fuck you, but you can't cum until you fuck me."

"Damn, I can live with a condition like that," Britt said. He fell to the bed, pulling Devon with him.

For a time Devon played and teased Britt's body. He tongued his way up and down the man, followed by lots of kisses. His touch was driving Britt wild, causing him to want Devon's dick inside him.

"God, yes," Britt moaned. "I can't take it any longer. Shove your cock inside and fuck me."

Devon and his cock were both ready to slide into Britt's ass. He pulled a bottle of lube from the bedside table and planted a generous amount around Britt's hairy opening as well as pushing the gel inside. Next he coated his dick heavily and throwing the bottle to the side, crawled between Britt's legs and pressed the tip of his slippery dick next to the man's hairy entrance. He rubbed in a circle round and round until Britt finally told him to push inside.

"So you think you're ready for my hairy dick?" A big grin appeared on Devon's face.

"Get down to business," Britt ordered.

Devon did as Britt asked, and suddenly Britt's body shook. "God, I can feel your bush pressed into me. And I swear that your cock is thicker than usual." The last words were softly spoken.

Moving back and forth with gentle thrusts, both men enjoyed the sensation they were receiving. Devon's cock felt wonderful to Britt's ass, and Devon was enjoying the way the walls were sucking him deeper with each thrust.

"I never get tired of fucking you," Devon whispered. His thrusts became stronger with each word he spoke.

Britt was glad that Devon was driving harder inside him. "Oh, fuck," he moaned. He forced his body to meet each thrust Devon made. For a few moments only the sound of fucking could be heard in the room. Suddenly Britt felt the cock inside him give a shudder. Then Devon cried out he was cumming.

"Shoot your cream inside me, Babe," Britt said and groaned.

"" The words came halting out of Devon's mouth.

When the final spurt of cum had filled Britt's ass, and Devon's body was on top and resting, Britt forced the muscles in his ass to squeeze Devon's cock, causing the man to shiver.

"That feels awesome and very sensitive at the same time."

"Just feeling your dick in my ass surrounded by your cum, well, that's an awesome feeling for me."

Suddenly Devon pulled out bringing some of his cum with him. Still between Britt's legs he said, "I hope you are ready to fuck me. My ass has been thinking about this all afternoon."

Britt reached between them and wrapped his fingers around his hard cock. Brown curls traveled up his shaft and tickled his skin. "See how much you have made me leak? I'm more than ready to slide inside your hot ass."

They traded places, and Britt reached between his legs. Managing to squeeze a great deal of cum from his ass, he used his finger to work it up inside Devon. Then for added pleasure, he squeezed lube from the bottle and added to the cum mixture. Satisfied there was enough, he drew more from the bottle and covered his leaking dick heavily with gel.

Britt was suddenly between Devon's legs, his dick teasing the man he loved. He didn't prolong pushing in as Devon had done. Instead, he pressed the tip of his dick next to Devon's hairy hole and without saying a word, shoved inside the man, not stopping until his wiry bush was grinding against Devon's flesh. He felt the body beneath him shudder.

Beginning to slide back and forth, Britt said, "I hope its pleasure and not pain that's causing your body to act this way."

The words coming out in a whisper, Devon said, "Definitely pleasure." Then a little louder, "It's been a while since you've been inside me. I'm suddenly realizing how much I've missed you fucking me."

"Well, I'm fucking you now, so let's both enjoy the moment. I love you, Dev."

"Love you, too, Babe. So fucking much," Devon added softly.

The two were lost for several moments, each enjoying the feel of the other. Devon had been correct in saying it had been a while since Britt had fucked him, and because of the fact, Britt was enjoying the feeling of Devon's ass and the sensation it was giving his dick. He picked up speed and began slamming his future husband with everything he had in him. Pubes against hot flesh, furry balls slamming hard into the man's body, Britt felt his orgasm beginning to rise. His balls were getting ready to pump out a huge load of cum and deposit it in Devon's wet and slippery ass.

"I'm close," Britt warned. "I'm going to fill you with my load."

"I'm ready," Devon moaned. He could feel Britt's cock shudder deep inside him.

"Fuck," Britt suddenly called out. He enjoyed the first of several spurts of man cream he sent flying into Devon's ass.

His balls emptied and his dick silent and still, Britt lowered his body until he was laying on top Devon. With his cock still planted in his creamy load, Britt kissed Devon on the mouth. "I love you so much, Devon McKenzie," he said softly.

"I love you, too. Just think," Devon continued, "in a week and two days we'll be married."

Britt planted another light kiss on the man's lips. "I'm so looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you."

Britt finally slid out of Devon's cream-filled hole and lay on his back next to the man. They both were completely satisfied, and it felt good just to relax and enjoy the moment.

Britt said, "I would have thought it would have been simple for us to get married. After all, it is legal nowadays," he added.

Devon grinned. "Do we ever do anything the simple way?"

His words brought a smile to Britt's face. "Probably not. I just hate the decision we made to get married has affected Larry and Bonnie the way it has."

"On that note, I've been thinking about something. Britt, would you be alright if we paid Larry's salary for the time being? At least until the church grows and the contributions start coming in."

"I would be great with that," Britt agreed. "I wonder what his salary has been."

"I have a pretty good idea," Devon replied. Then looking at the clock on the table beside the bed he said, "This is nice, but we probably should make ourselves decent and go downstairs. I'm sure that Wallace is beginning to wonder if the food Edna has prepared is going to be wasted."

They cleaned up best they could without showering and hurried downstairs. Sure enough they found Wallace standing next to the table in the dining room.

"Dinner is ready," he said in a way of greeting.

"Great, we're famished," Britt assured the butler, and they took their seats.

Wallace disappeared through the kitchen door, and Britt quickly leaned forward in his chair. "You think he knows what we've been doing?"

Devon shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Who knows with Wallace? Surely the man realizes that we fuck."

The door suddenly swung opened, and Wallace appeared, followed by Edna, with the evening meal. Britt winked at Devon, and the two enjoyed the food prepared by Edna.

Next: Chapter 10

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