No Regrets

By Jerlar / Jetdesk / Mark Stevens

Published on Feb 7, 2021


This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's Living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental.

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Mark Stevens

I would like to welcome my previous as well as hopefully new readers back to enjoy this story. However, should you have not read any of the Porterville books before, you should do so

  1. Porterville 2. Murder in Porterville 3. Silver Candlesticks 4. No Regrets

All the stories are stand alone, however, a lot of the same characters from the first book return for more adventures.

To my old readers: Welcome back. To my new ones, welcome aboard.

Please feel free to write me with any thought you might have. Please keep comments positive. I already have an editor that keeps me walking the line. Ha ha. You can email me at:

Chapter Five

Britt was in his office late Thursday afternoon when he received a telephone call from Brian Poteet asking him where he was. When Britt told him he was at home working on his book, Brian said, "Britt, I need you to meet me at Larry Owens' home as quickly as you can be there. It's on fire."

"Oh my God!" Britt's stomach suddenly felt as if it had experienced a hard blow. "I think Larry and Bonnie are in Oklahoma City. I'll be there as soon as I can."

Britt closed his laptop and hurried downstairs. Pulling his coat on, he stepped outside into the cold weather. He hurried toward his car, his feet making crunchy sounds as he walked on the snow covered driveway. He pulled away from the cabin and drove as fast as he dared into Porterville. When he was a block from the Owens' residence, Britt could see the dense smoke that rose in the air. When he turned on the street where Larry and Bonnie lived, Britt parked on the side of the road. He could see the fire department out in front of the Owens' home working hard as they tried to save it.

Britt left he car and hurried over to where Brian was standing.

"Do you know how it started?" Britt asked when he reached the Chief.

Brian shook his head. "Not yet. Right now they're just trying to save it."

The two men watched as flames from the fire spread to the roof. One side of the structure was completely engulfed. At the moment it appeared to be a losing battle.

"I don't think it's going to survive," Britt commented moments later when the flames seemed to be lapping at the home with a greedy appetite.

"When do you expect Larry and Bonnie to be back, Britt?"

"I have no idea," Britt answered. "Should I try and get hold of Larry? I really hate to call and tell him about the fire"

Brian shook his head and said, "Hell if I know. I don't believe the house can be saved."

There was a shout from one of the firemen, and suddenly one end of the roof collapsed. Britt and Brian watched as three of the men leaped back to the street.

"This makes me sick to my stomach," Britt moaned. "I can't help but feel responsible for this. If we had just moved the wedding out of town Larry and Bonnie would still have their home."

"You know that they will both disagree with you. However, at the moment there is too much going on to think about that."

Britt reached for his phone, and with shaking fingers he put a call in to Devon. When he had him on the phone, Britt quickly told him about the fire. He said he was afraid the house wasn't going to survive. When he explained that he was there with Brian, Devon told him he was on his way.

The fire chief approached and told Brian the crew wasn't going to be able to save the house. "We can control it so that the other houses will remain safe. I'm sorry. Do you know where the owners are?"

Britt explained that they were out of town but should be back sometime that evening."

As the Chief returned to the burning house, Brian said, "Britt, I'm not exactly sure what the right thing to do is, but I do think we need to contact them. Do you have any thoughts on what to do?"

"I've been playing everything over in my head. I'm thinking I will give Larry a call and ask him to come to Mom's directly when they arrive in town. I think I want to tell them about the fire first, rather than have them turn onto their street and see it firsthand. What do you think?"

Brian scratched his chin and said, "That might be wise."

When Britt had his mother on the line he told her about the fire. She was devastated and asked what she could do to help. Britt explained about Larry and Bonnie's trip and asked her if he could call and have them meet at her house.

"Of course you can," Catherine readily agreed.

Britt's call to his mother ended just as Devon joined them. Britt wrapped his arms around the man and hugged him tightly. God, he was glad to see Devon. The two clung to each other for a time.

"Do they have any idea how the fire started?" Devon asked.

Britt shook his head and said, "Not yet. I've called Mom and told her. I'm getting ready to give Larry a call and see when they expect to arrive back in town. Larry had a meeting in Oklahoma City this morning, and Bonnie went with him to go shopping. Speaking about that, I need to give Larry a call."

Britt quickly punched in Larry's number and waited. When his minister friend was on the line, Britt asked when they were going to be back. Larry said they were about half an hour way.

"I realize it's been a busy day for you, but would you mind coming directly to Mom's house? I need to tell you something, and I really don't want to discuss it over the phone."

"Does it concern the warning notes we've all received?" Larry asked.

Britt answered truthfully, "I'm really not certain, but it possibly could," he added.

"Okay," Britt said when his call had ended, "they will be here in half an hour or so. Let's head to Mom's," he told Devon. "Brian, will you come by soon?"

Brian said he would be there as soon as he could, adding, "I'm hoping the reason for the fire will soon be discovered."

"I would think things will have to cool down before any searching can be done," Devon remarked.

"I'm sure that's right," Brian agreed. "You guys go on, and I`ll be there in a bit."

Britt and Devon drove separately to Catherine Williams' home. When they reached their destination, Britt pulled up in the drive stopping his vehicle just shy of the garage door. Devon pulled in behind him, and together they hurried up the walk to his mother's door.

Britt stuck his head inside and called out, "Mom?"

As he and Devon stepped inside Catherine greeted them both with a hug. Then she said, "I feel so badly for Larry and Bonnie. Have you spoken with them?"

Britt told her that he had and that they should be at Catherine's home shortly.

"I've put the guest room in order, and I want them to spend the night with me."

The doorbell rang, but when Britt opened the door he discovered that it was Alice rather than Larry and Bonnie standing there.

"Brian called me," she said joining them in the entryway. "I just wanted to be here."

"Of course you do, dear," Catherine said giving her a hug. "Let's go into the living room," she said leading the way.

Once seated in the room Catherine said, "I was just telling the guys that I want them to stay in my guest room."

"I was thinking about where they could stay as I drove over here," Alice said. "My rent house is empty at the moment. It's clean and ready to be rented out." Alice was referring to the home where she had lived while growing up. It was small but comfortable, and due to a recent remodeling project was very nice as well. "They can live there as long as they need or want to," Alice concluded.

"That's so sweet of you, dear," Catherine said with a warm smile.

The sound of a motor vehicle could be heard coming from the street. Britt hurried to the door and saw that Larry and Bonnie had just arrived. He was relieved to see Brian walking up the drive with them.

Britt opened the door just as the three stepped upon the porch. He invited them in and stepped to the side. "Let's go in the living room," he said greeting them.

"What's going on?" Larry asked. "Has someone received another warning?"

"I honestly don't know," Britt said as they came into his mother's living room.

As the minister and his wife took seats, Britt stood in the middle of the room unsure of how to break the news about the fire. He looked at Brian and gave the Chief a pained look.

"Please tell us," Bonnie said. "If we can help in any way, you know that we will."

Her words caused Britt's spirit to break. He looked once again at Brian, and his eyes sent out a plea. He couldn't seem to find his voice.

Understanding the look, Brian said, "Larry, Bonnie, I'm afraid that I have some bad news."

A look of fear appeared on Bonnie's face, and Larry could be heard taking a deep breath. Larry said, "What has happened, Brian?"

As Brian explained about the fire, Bonnie turned white as a sheet and her husband's face took on a stony look. For a moment neither spoke. Larry finally asked, "What happened? Was it caused by faulty wiring? Bonnie sometimes uses scented candles, but I know for a fact that none were left burning when we left for the City."

Brian said the cause had yet to be determined. "It will probably be tomorrow at least before we know anything."

"My God, Larry, what will we do?" Bonnie's voice trembled as she spoke the words.

Catherine hastened to say, "For tonight I want you to stay in my guest room. You can decide tomorrow what you need to do."

Larry stood to his feet. "Can I check it out?"

"Of course," Britt answered. "We can take you over in Devon's car."

With a voice full of emotion, Bonnie thanked Catherine for her invitation and followed her husband out the door.

"We're going to take care of you both," Catherine called after them.

When only Catherine and Alice were left, they went sobbing into each other's arms seeking comfort.

"I can't understand it," Catherine said as she pulled away. "Who would want to hurt such a wonderful couple? Larry and Bonnie both work hard and provide many services to the community."

Alice said she didn't understand either. Even though neither of them suggested it, they both had the same question running through their mind. Did the fire have any connection to the warnings that had been received? Their hearts were heavy for two of their dearest friends.

Next: Chapter 6

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