No Regrets

By Jerlar / Jetdesk / Mark Stevens

Published on Apr 9, 2021


This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's Living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental.

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Mark Stevens

I would like to welcome my previous as well as hopefully new readers back to enjoy this story. However, should you have not read any of the Porterville books before, you should do so

  1. Porterville 2. Murder in Porterville 3. Silver Candlesticks 4. No Regrets

All the stories are stand alone, however, a lot of the same characters from the first book return for more adventures.

To my old readers: Welcome back. To my new ones, welcome aboard.

Please feel free to write me with any thought you might have. Please keep comments positive. I already have an editor that keeps me walking the line. Ha ha. You can email me at:

Chapter Twenty-two

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to a couple that I am proud to call my friends." Larry motioned for the two men to turn around and face their wedding guests in the crowded church sanctuary. "Please offer your congratulations to Mr. Devon McKenzie and Mr. Britt Williams-McKenzie."

There was the sudden sound of hand clapping as friends, family and guests stood and congratulated the newly married couple. As Britt looked around the big room his eyes settled on his mother. Catherine Williams had a smile on her face and tears running down her cheeks. Her smile let him know that her tears were happy ones. He returned her smile and felt a tear of his own slowly making its way along his cheek.

As Best Man to them both, Brian was quietly standing next to his brother-in-law. He gave Devon a simple hug and said, "I'm really happy for you, Devon." Then he turned and offered Britt a hug as well. "Welcome to our family, Britt." Saying those words Brian walked over to join his wife. Catherine was standing at the end of the church pew, and Brian gave her a smile. He kissed her on the cheek and went to stand next Alice.

Britt took Devon by the hand, and together they left the front of the church. The couple stopped when they reached the row where Catherine stood. First Britt and then Devon kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you both so very much," she whispered.

As the couple walked toward the entrance of the church building, they heard Larry announce the wedding reception. "Please join us at the Porterville Event Center, known formerly as the McKenzie Mansion, for their reception."

When they reached the vestibule, Britt pulled Devon to him and said, "We did it. You have made me so happy, Dev."

A tender look appeared on Devon's face. "Yes, we did it alright. And Britt, marrying you has made my life complete. I love you so much."

Larry joined them and said, "I want you to know that performing your wedding has been one of the happiest moments of my life." He gave them both a hug.

When they stepped outside of the church, a look of surprise appeared on both Britt and Devon's faces. Parked sideways in the parking lot was a long white limousine.

"Is this for us?" Britt asked Devon.

Devon shrugged his shoulders. "I have no idea."

Britt's mother, along with Alice, Brian and Jerry had joined them on the sidewalk. When he felt a hand on his shoulder, Britt turned around and discovered it belonged to Brian's dad.

"I thought since our family is larger now it would be nice for us to all ride together to your wedding reception."

"Thank you, Jerry," Britt told the man.

"Yes, thank you, Jerry." Devon reached out and shook the man's hand.

A man had been sitting behind the wheel of the extended vehicle. He was suddenly standing by an opened car door. Britt and Devon crawled in first, followed by Catherine. Alice and Brian were next, and Jerry was the last to enter.

"This is so very thoughtful," Catherine said to Jerry. Looking at Alice she asked, "Did you know about this?"

Alice admitted that she had known. She smiled and said, "Brian's father wanted to do something nice for the family."

The trip to the home where Devon had grown up was pleasant. When the limousine came to a stop under the covered circle drive, the driver was suddenly at the door and waited as his passengers exited the vehicle. When they entered the ball room of the mansion, Britt took in how beautifully the decorations were.

"You guys did an awesome job," he praised his mother.

"I had good help," she reminded. "Your sister-in-law has a natural talent for these things."

Kathy Applebee had set her food line at the far end of the room and to the side. She hurried across the floor to greet them.

"I'm so happy for you two," she said. She took each man by the hand. "I apologize for not attending your wedding. I really wanted to, but I felt I should remain here and make sure everything was ready for your arrival."

"Thank you so much, Kathy," Britt said giving her a smile. "You have done an excellent job."

Devon echoed Britt's compliment and added, "We appreciate everything that you have done to make our reception a success."

The guests soon began arriving, and Britt was amazed at the turnout. At his wedding he was aware of people in the sanctuary, but their faces had been a blur to him. The first guest to greet him was his lawyer from Oklahoma City, Glenn Redding.

"Glenn, we're so glad that you could be here." He shook the man's hand.

"Wouldn't have missed it," Glenn assured him. He congratulated them on their wedding and went over to join the other guests.

It was no surprise at all when Britt saw Alice's two aunts, Sarah White and Mary Nell Thomas making their way toward him and Devon.

"Here come the Militia," he whispered to Devon.

Devon's Aunt Sarah was a quiet woman by nature, and she was always very polite and courteous. When she reached Devon, he leaned over and gave her a hug.

"Thank you, Aunt Sarah, for coming. I am so glad that you are here."

"Congratulations, Dear Boy," she said as she stepped back and gave him a smile. "My only wish is for you to be happy, Devon."

When the elderly lady turned to Britt, she echoed the same sentiment to him as well. She walked away and suddenly Mary Nell was standing in front of Britt. He wasn't sure what he was to say, so he waited for the woman to speak.

Looking over the top of her glasses, Mary Nell asked, "Mr. Williams, do you remember my words to you at my niece's wedding?"

Wishing his heart wasn't beating so rapidly, Britt gave her a nod. "I do."

"I'm glad that you remember. I want my nephew to be happy. If I ever think he's not and you are the cause of it, well, I won't be accountable for my actions. Are we clear on the matter?"

"We are, Mrs. Thomas. I can assure you that it will be my purpose from now on to make sure that your nephew is very happy."

A smile appeared on the woman's face and she said, "I know that you will—Britt. Welcome to our family. And will you please address me as Aunt Mary Nell?"

Feeling as if a big load was lifted from his shoulders, Britt leaned over and gave his new aunt a gentle hug. Thank you." He thought it best for now that he not remind him of his name change.

The sound of music suddenly filled the room. Britt looked around and discovered a band of stringed instruments sitting between the food line and the wedding party table.

Devon was surprised as well. "Did you hire them?"

Britt shook his head. "Sorry, I have no idea where they came from."

Alice walked up to them. "Do you like the music?"

Devon assured his sister that he did. "Who is responsible for them being here?"

"Catherine and I found them. We thought it would add a nice touch to your reception."

Britt gave her a hug. "They sound great. Thanks, Alice, for making our day so special."

"Can I have your attention?"

All eyes turned to the front of the room where Brian was speaking into a microphone. He asked Britt and Devon to make their way to the food line. He invited the rest of the guests to follow behind the two grooms.

Britt and Devon filled their plates and found seats at the wedding table. Catherine sat next to Britt, and Alice was beside her brother. Brian was next to her, then his dad sat next to him. Alice had insisted that her aunts join them, so the two elderly ladies were at one end of the table.

It wasn't long before Britt pushed his plate to the side and looked around the room. He was amazed at the number people that had come to witness his marriage to Devon.

Brian pushed his chair back and stood up. Reaching for the microphone he said, "Can I have your attention, please? As Best Man to these two, I would like to say a few words. Devon and Britt have done so much for not only the town of Porterville, but they have helped most of us here out at one time or another. The very fact that we are here tonight celebrating their marriage is due to Devon donating his childhood home to the city making it now known as the Porterville Event Center."

Looking at Britt, Brian continued, "Some of you may not know, but Britt has given countless hours helping your police department with one situation or another. He is always willing to do anything that will make Porterville a better and safer place to live. Devon, on the other hand has willingly shared Britt with us, and I for one, have appreciated that. If you will, please stand and we'll toast this couple."

Brian waited for the guests to stand and then turned and faced Britt and Devon. He smiled at them. "The first time I saw the two of you together I could see how much you loved each other. And the amazing men that you are, I have seen the love that you have for your family as well." He picked up the wine glass in front of him and said, "To a very lucky couple. We love you both so much. Britt, welcome to our family."

The toast was followed by the guests clapping. As they took their seats once more, Brian said, "I have asked the orchestra to play a particular song. A little birdie told me that this was their favorite song. Let's give them the dance floor first, and then we'll join them. Guys, the floor is all yours." He gave a nod toward the orchestra, and the strings began playing the sweet gentle bars of "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You?"

Both Britt and Devon were surprised. While it was true they had danced a few times at the only night club in Porterville, The Fox Den, it had been a very long time ago.

Britt took Devon's hand and together the two stood to their feet. "Dance with me?"

Devon smiled. "I would like that."

They slowly made their way to the dance floor, and Britt whispered, "You lead."

When they reached the floor, they stepped into position, and began slow dancing to the beat of the music.

Brian watched along with everyone else as the couple made their way smoothly across the dance floor. A short time later he invited the guests to join them. He and Alice began dancing, as did several of the guests.

Jerry asked Catherine if he could have a dance with her, and she followed him to the floor.

"I really can't remember the last time I was on a dance floor," she warned him.

"I understand it's like riding a bicycle," he said with a smile.

As they were dancing, Devon said, "Look at your mom and Jerry."

Britt smiled. "This is the first time I've seen her dancing since my dad's been gone."

"She's doing a swell job."

Britt watched as Cory glided Diane Baxter smoothly across the floor. The detective from Little Rock had worked with the Forensic Specialist on a couple of cases, and the two had become friends.

"Why are you smiling?" Devon asked.

"I was wondering if another romance might be brewing." He used his head to point direction.

"Diane and Cory, huh? Well, you never know."

"Devon McKenzie, have I told you lately that I love you? With all my heart?"

Devon smiled tenderly and said, "You have, but I never tire of hearing you say it."

"Duly noted, Babe. From this day on I will make it a point to remind you daily how much that you mean to me."


When the dance ended Britt and Devon remained on the floor and looked around the room at their guests.

"Britt, did you have any idea that we had so many friends?"

"It's because of your social status. After all, you're a member of the Founding family."

"You do remember that I really wasn't, don't you?"

"You're privileged to belong to both," Britt declared.

"Britt and Devon, I am so very happy for you."

They turned and discovered Agnes Johnson, the town librarian, standing before them.

Britt took her hand. "Agnes, we are happy that you could be here to celebrate with us."

Agnes had been the librarian at the Porterville Library for as long as Britt could remember. She smiled and said, "You were just a small child the first time I saw you in the library. I could tell then that you were going to put a big mark on the world."

"Hopefully it will be a good mark," Britt said with a smile.

"It already has," she assured him. "And I know there is so much more that you are going to accomplish. You both are," she added taking Devon's hand as well.

As Agnes walked away they were joined by Glenn Redding. "Congratulations guys." The lawyer gave them each a firm handshake. "By the way, I have made the legal changes that you asked me to. I'll have them to you in a few days for you to sign."

"Thanks, Glenn," Britt said. "I know that you and I started out with a client/lawyer relationship, but I want you to know that I—realize that you are a good friend as well. Thanks for everything that you do for us."

Cory and Jerry are next to congratulate the two men. After them came Doctor Marty Wilcox and his partner, Ron James, who also offered their best wishes.

"When are the two of you going to get married?" Britt asked.

A smile passed between the two men. Ron said, "Actually we visited with Larry Owens this week. He's happily agreed to marry us when we're ready."

"And when will that be?" Devon asked.

Marty shrugged his shoulders. "We'll definitely let you know. Again, congratulations, guys. We're really happy for you."

Britt was in for another surprise when he turned and found Larry standing beside David Sands.

"Mr. Sands," Britt greeted. "Not that you wouldn't be welcomed, but I must say that I'm very surprised that you are here."

Sands smiled and said, "I'm not here to cause any trouble, Mr. Williams."

"I'm glad to hear that. By the way my last name is now Williams-McKenzie."

"Well, Mr. Williams-McKenzie and Mr. McKenzie, I'm only here to offer you both my best wishes."

"Thank you, Mr. Sands." Britt and Devon reached out and gave the man a warm handshake.

"I know that Larry is resigning in the morning, and I'm really sorry for that. He has told me what the two of you are doing for him and Bonnie, and for the record, I am very pleased. I'm sad that he is leaving. Larry is a God-fearing man and pastor, and I hate to see him leave. Truth be told, I wish it was in my power to allow him to remain, but unfortunately it's not. Helping him to re-establish locations makes me see the good in you both. I only wish the two of you happiness in your new life together. And Larry, I wish you nothing but success in your future. You and Bonnie both."

"How about that?" Larry asked as the District Superintendent of the church walked away. "I would say the man is proof that God answers prayer."

Britt gave his minister/friend a hug. "You may make a Believer out of me yet, Larry."

"I've always known that you were one."

"What about me?" Devon asked.

Larry smiled. "I think that you already know the answer to your question."

The orchestra began playing another song that Britt liked. He walked over and asked his mother to dance with him. Beaming with pride, she followed her son onto the dance floor.

"I'm so proud of you, Britt. You have accomplished so much with your life. Every time that I sit down and read one of your books, I'm reminded of how smart and creative you are. And I am so very happy that you found Devon. I know how much the two of you love each other. I hope that you remember how much your father loved you. He would be so proud of you."

"I believe he would be proud. In fact, I choose to believe that he is with us today, and that he knows that I've found love."

When a puzzled look appeared on his mother's face, he said, "I know it sounds strange, but I have felt Dad's presence today. It started this afternoon in your living room and has remained with me even now."

"I have had the same feeling. Somehow I believe he has been watching over us today."

When the dance ended, Britt kissed his mother's cheek and watched her walk over to Jerry Poteet. He smiled as he watched the man asked her to dance with him.

The band began playing another song that Britt liked. "Dance with me, Babe?"

"I'll always dance with you, Britt Williams-McKenzie."

As they were dancing Britt said, "Thank you for coming into my life."

"Thank you for loving me."

"Brian was right," Britt remarked.

"About what?"

"When he said we loved each other from the first time that we met."

Devon smiled. "Yes, he was. I know that we both grew up in Porterville, but I really didn't know you until you came back to write your new book."

"A book that turned your life upside down."

"True," Devon agreed. "However the result made my life so much better. It gave me a beautiful twin sister and two very interesting aunts."

"Aunts that have welcomed me into their family."

"Yes, and because of your return to Porterville I now have so many wonderful people in my family." Devon looked across the floor to where Alice was dancing with her husband.

"What about mysteries?"

Devon looked puzzled. "Mysteries?"

"They seem to find me. Find us both."

Devon smiled. "Let `em come. A good mystery now and then will make our lives interesting."

"I do love you, Devon McKenzie. With all of my heart."

As they danced across the floor, the men couldn't help but wonder what life had in store for them. Whatever the future, they both knew that they would live it together.


Hi, everyone!

I hope that you have enjoyed Britt and Devon's adventure, and that you are sharing in their happiness of the love the two men feel for each other. I have had email from guys wanting to know if more adventures are in store for the two of them. Well, life continues to be and as long as there are people in the world, there will be mysteries to solve. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

I would like to thank each and every one of you that took time to write and tell me what you thought of No Regrets. I can't tell you how much I appreciate you doing so. As I've always told the readers, it's your email that inspires me to continue writing. I love each and every one of you. Your kindness means so much to me.

Until we meet again,


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