No Regrets

By Jerlar / Jetdesk / Mark Stevens

Published on Apr 2, 2021


This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's Living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or Publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

All of us enjoy the stories here, so please, support Nifty. Like any other Business, it takes resources to keep it running.

I appreciate you, and I know Nifty appreciates your support!

Mark Stevens

I would like to welcome my previous as well as hopefully new readers back to enjoy this story. However, should you have not read any of the Porterville books before, you should do so

  1. Porterville 2. Murder in Porterville 3. Silver Candlesticks 4. No Regrets

All the stories are stand alone, however, a lot of the same characters from the first book return for more adventures.

To my old readers: Welcome back. To my new ones, welcome aboard.

Please feel free to write me with any thought you might have. Please keep comments positive. I already have an editor that keeps me walking the line. Ha ha. You can email me at:

Chapter Twenty

It was ten o'clock Tuesday morning, and Brian had called for a meeting to take place in Britt and Devon's living room. Larry, Bonnie and Britt's mother were sitting on the sofa. Cory and Brian's dad, Jerry, were sitting on the chairs located on either side of the fireplace. There was one other chair in the room, and Alice had taken it. Britt and Devon brought two chairs from the dining table into the living room and sat down.

"I've asked you to come here this morning to give you some wonderful news."

Brian told them about the arrest of Boyd Wilson, and that the councilman had confessed to killing Sandra Collins. He added that Britt had stumbled onto another murder, and Wilson had confessed to that one as well.

"Dear Lord, what is happening to our town?" Britt's mother asked when Brian had finished filling them in.

"It's frightening," Alice declared.

"Hopefully things will return to normal," Brian said. Looking around the room, he continued, "Everyone in this room has helped in one way or another to solve this horrendous crime. Dad, and Cory, I appreciate the two of you putting your lives on hold and coming to Porterville to help.

"Britt and Devon, I appreciate everything that you did," Cory praised.

"Hey, that's why you pay me the big bucks," Britt grinned at the Chief.

"I wish I could pay you more, but at the moment my hands are tied. I want you to know that I really appreciate all of the time you put in helping solve this mystery."

"I'm not complaining," Britt said. "If ever I get close to starving, I'll hit you up for more money."

"You'll do no such thing, Britt Williams." Catherine gave her son one of her special looks and added, "You know that I would never allow you to starve. You will not ask Brian for any more money. Just how much is he paying you anyway?"

"Now, Mom," Britt smiled. "Are you trying to get into my business?"

"Moving right along," Brian said deciding to stop the war before the battle began, "I have one other thing to say. Two, actually. First, Larry and Bonnie, I want to say something to you. I am so sorry that you lost your home. I know there is nothing we can ever do to make up for everything you have lost. Alice and I want you to know that you are welcomed to live in Alice's house for as long as you want."

Tears formed in Bonnie's eyes. "You guys are so sweet and kind."

Larry said, "Bonnie and I appreciate everything you guys have done for us. I'm not sure if we can ever repay you for your kindness."

"We're happy that we could help," Alice assured both the minister and his wife.

"You said two things," Jerry reminded his son.

"I did, Dad. Thanks for setting me back on track. When I leave here I'm going by Kathy Applebee's shop and give her a short version about last night. Then I'm going to tell her that she can continue with her plans for Britt and Devon's wedding reception and not worry about anything sinister happening to her or her business."

"Oh, yes, wedding plans." Bonnie leaned forward on the sofa. "It's exciting. I can't wait for Saturday to arrive."

Larry reminded everyone of his intentions to resign from his church the morning after the wedding.

"It's a shame it has come to this," Catherine said. Everyone in the room could hear the sadness in her voice. "I confess, this situation has made me step back and take a look at my religion. I'm sorry, Larry, but it has."

"Catherine, you have nothing to apologize for," Bonnie assured the woman.

"You certainly do not," Larry agreed. "You have been faithful and very supportive to the church and to Bonnie and me ever since we arrived in Porterville. I don't believe you are disappointed in your religion. God isn't the problem here. The problem Bonnie and I are facing is due to the actions of a few men."

"Devon and I have come up with a solution we think will work," Britt said. "Why don't you tell them, Dev?"

"Britt and I have worked something out with the mayor. Jeff Brewster has agreed to let us rent the ballroom in the mansion every Sunday for one year. We thought this would provide a perfect place for Larry to hold services."

"That's a wonderful idea," Catherine said, and everyone in the room could see how proud she was of "her two sons".

"I'm grateful to you both, but that's an awfully big expense," Larry said shaking his head.

When Devon went on to explain that he and Britt were going to pay Larry's salary for one year, the minister was adamant. "I can't allow you to do that. I appreciate that you want to, but—"

"Hush, Larry," Britt interrupted. "It's been decided, and there's nothing you can do or say to change our minds. Besides, I believe in a year's time the church will be self-supporting."

"I'm going to ask the mayor for a six month extension in case we need the time to relocate or build a new structure," Devon explained.

After a little more persuasion, Larry finally agreed to Britt and Devon's plan. "Alright, if this will make you happy, Bonnie and I will gratefully accept your help."

"It will make us happy," Devon assured the minister.

Larry told them that when he resigned he would inform the congregation of his plans to hold services in the McKenzie mansion adding it wasn't his intention to pull anyone away from the church, but that anyone would be welcomed in the new location.

Brian listened as talk generated around the room. He was silent for a time, but finally interrupting the group he said, "Okay, if no one has any other questions, I need to get back to the station. As I mentioned earlier, I want to drop by Kathy Applebee's shop first."

Larry and Bonnie were the first to leave. Bonnie hugged Britt and Devon and told them how much she and Larry appreciated their kindness. Larry gave the two men a firm handshake and echoed his wife's words.

Alice hugged her brother and his future husband and told them she needed to get to the newspaper. "Sam will think I've decided to take a holiday," she said.

"If I know Sam, he's probably taking advantage of you," Britt remarked.

"I'll walk you to your car," Brian told his wife. "Does anyone care to join me at the station?"

His dad and Cory told him they would be in his office shortly.

"What about you guys?" Brian asked Britt and Devon.

"I probably should go to the office," Devon replied.

"I'm going to take a nap, I think," Britt said when he saw the police chief's eyes on him. "My short night is catching up with me."

Before Britt's mother left, she pulled him into a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you," she said softly. Then she gave Devon a hug. "I'm proud of both my boys. I hope that you know that, Devon. I feel truly blessed when I think of my two sons. I love you both so much."

"We love you, too, Catherine," Devon assured her.

"We do, Mom," Britt added.

Catherine was the last to leave, and when the door closed behind her, a silence settled over the room.

Britt yawned and said, "I think I'm heading up to bed for that nap."

"Would you like some company while you nap?" Devon asked.

Surprised, Britt said, "I thought you had to go back to work."

A wide grin appeared on Devon's face. "I'm the boss. If I decide to take the morning off, I don't think I'm going to fire myself."

"I'll come up in a minute," Britt told him.

As Devon headed up the stairs, Britt went out into the kitchen to tell Edna of his plans to take a nap.

"You should," Edna told him. "You need your rest, Mr. Britt. After all, your wedding is only a few days away. Wallace and I will make sure that you aren't disturbed."

Britt thanked his faithful employee and headed upstairs to the bedroom he shared with the love of his life. When he entered the room, he discovered Devon already under the covers. Seeing the man's clothes arranged neatly on the chair next to the wall, Britt realized he was naked under the covers. He quickly shed his clothes, and not being as neat as Devon, Britt allowed his clothes to fall on the carpeted floor. Naked, he crawled into the bed and lay close to Devon.

"I want you to fuck me, Dev," he said.

"I thought you wanted to take a nap."

Britt grinned and said, "I am tired, but a good fucking from you will help me to rest better."

Devon turned over and pulled Britt to him. "Then I'm going to fuck you so hard that you will sleep the rest of the day."

A shiver went through Britt's body as he felt Devon begin kissing his neck. As the man slowly worked his way down Britt's hairy chest, the shivering increased.

"Are you cold?" Devon asked as he paused and looked up at Britt.

Britt reached up and placed his hands on Devon's head. "Not cold at all," Britt answered. He pulled the man's head down to his furry stomach.

Devon resumed kissing, and Britt sighed. "I love the special feeling that your touch gives my body."

"I love touching you." Devon's words were muffled as he continued kissing his way down his lover's furry body.

Britt shuddered when he felt Devon's tongue trailing down his shaft. The wet trail it was making on Britt's cock created an excitement and a wanting in his body. Devon enhanced the feeling as he began to gently suck on Britt's furry nut sac. Britt took the excitement and pleasure Devon was giving him as long as he could. Suddenly he pushed his lover's head away.

"What?" Devon asked. "Was I doing something wrong?"

"Not at all," Britt hastened to assure him. "I want to suck your dick. I need to get him ready to fuck me."

Britt raised up in bed as Devon fell down on his back. He crawled between the man's legs and eyed the luscious cock as it stood proudly surrounded by his lover's thick dark bush. Britt loved the way the man's crotch hair grew. It had such a wide pattern, and he never failed to get excited each time he looked at it.

"I love the way your pubes grow," Britt said with a grin.

"So my crotch hair is the reason you want to marry me?"

Britt ran his fingers through the curly tendrils and said, "Among other things." He wrapped his fingers around the Devon's thick shaft and stroked it slowly."

"So my pubes and dick are the reasons why you're marrying me?"

Britt moved his body up and when his chest hair was intertwined with Devon's body fur, he leaned down and kissed the man. "While your cock and bush are a big plus in marrying you, there's much more to you." He kissed Devon a second time and said, "I love everything about you, Babe, but the thing I love the most is your warm heart. You care about so many things, especially people, and I hope that you will always know that is what I love most about you."

Devon smiled as he placed a hand on one of Britt's cheeks. He gave it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you, Sweetheart. I love you with all of my heart."

Britt slowly moved his body back down until he was between Devon's legs once more. He turned his attention to the man's cock. Pre cum was slowly crawling from the tip, and Britt used his fingers to work more of the sticky substance out into the open.

"I think he likes me touching him," Britt grinned.

"God, yes."

Britt worked his mouth halfway down Devon's hairy shaft and stopped. Focusing his eyes on the man's face, Britt remained there for a time and didn't move. The he began working his way back up to the thick mushroom head. When only that part of Devon's cock remained in his mouth, Britt once more paused. He gently sucked on the tip and enjoyed the taste of Devon's pre cum as it reached his tongue. Such sweet nectar, he thought.

Britt's touch drove Devon mad. Without a word of warning, Devon slammed his crotch hard against Britt's face. The action forced Britt to take the entire length of his cock into his mouth. When he found his nose planted in the middle of the man's dense pubes, he breathed in deeply. The aroma coming from Devon's crotch hair drove him wild. He began giving Devon's dick a workout. He used his mouth to fuck the man's hairy cock root. He traveled from tip to hairy base, causing Devon's moans to become louder.

"Stop!" Devon suddenly cried out. "I need to fuck you. Now!"

Britt pulled his mouth off the man's cock. Falling on his back he said, "I'm so ready to feel your hairy rod inside my ass."

He watched as Devon reached for the lube that was in the drawer of the bedside table. Devon squeezed some out into the palm of his hand. Britt opened his legs wider and enjoyed the touch of Devon's fingers as he gently pushed the gel inside him. Devon finger fucked him, coating the walls of Britt's ass.

After Devon felt Britt's ass relax and ready for him, he removed his slippery fingers and used more lube to heavily coat his cock. He threw the bottle to the floor and pushed the tip next to Britt's grease-filled hole.

Britt trembled as he became controlled by his desire for Devon. "Slide that thick thing inside me," he begged.

Devon gave a gentle push, and suddenly the lips of Britt's ass sucked him in tightly. With one thrust Devon was suddenly buried balls deep inside his lover. His bush with strands of pre cum nestled in the curls, was pressed tightly against Britt's flesh.

"Fuck," Devon groaned.

"My thoughts exactly," Britt said pushing into Devon's body. "God, I love it when you grind against me like this."

Britt's words created a desire in Devon to slam into his lover's body hard, and he attacked Britt's slippery hole trying to go further each time he entered.

"God, yes!" Britt cried out.

Each time Devon's dick hit his prostate, Britt felt his orgasm getting closer. He told Devon that he was going to cum and began stroking his dick.

Devon kept on fucking, and it wasn't long before Britt felt the cock inside his ass thicken up and shudder. He began stroking faster.

"Fuck!" The word came out of Devon in a growl.

"Jesus!" Britt cried out, and his dick began spewing its creamy hot load into the hair on his chest.

When both dicks had finished erupting, Britt had cum everywhere. His thick load was splattered on his chest, and his ass was full of Devon's hot seed.

Britt was the first to speak. "Devon McKenzie, I love you so much. I hope that you know that."

Devon's cock was still planted in Britt's cum-filled hole as he leaned over and planted a kiss on his lover's mouth. "I could say that I love you more, but something tells me we both feel the same way. I do love you, Britt Williams."

When Britt felt Devon's cock retreat from his ass, he suddenly felt empty inside. He told Devon he wished that he would stay inside him.

"You need to sleep," Devon reminded as he lay on his back next to Britt.

"I'd sleep better if you remained in my ass," Britt told him.

Devon rolled over and lay with his head on Britt's chest. "Believe me, Babe, I'd like nothing better than to do that." Feeling Britt's sticky fur against his cheek, he added, "Someone made a big mess."

"It's your fault. If someone wasn't so damned hot and sexy, the mess wouldn't have happened."

"I bet you tell that to every guy that fucks you."

Britt ran his fingers through his soon-to-be husband's hair. "Just so you know, there has never been anyone since you. I hope that you realize that. Not only has there not been anyone else since you, I hope you want to keep it that way."

Devon raised his head and looked at Britt. "How could I let anyone ever touch me but you? Did I ever tell you that no one ever satisfied me sexually the way that you do?"

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" A smile appeared on Britt's face.

"The greatest one I could ever give," Devon assured him.

Britt kissed Devon lightly on the lips. Then, "I'm so looking forward to sharing the rest of my life with you, Devon McKenzie."

"I'm going to hit the shower, but before I do, I have one question."

"You can ask me anything, Babe," Britt said.

"Are you certain that you want to tack McKenzie onto your name?"

"Don't you think that Britt Williams-McKenzie has a really nice ring to it?"

Devon smiled. "It makes me proud to know that you want to do that."

"Well, I do," Britt assured him. "I even thought about adding it to the author's name on my books, but the more I thought about it I decided that I should keep `em coming with no change in my name. "Are you okay with me doing that?"

"Britt Williams." Devon smiled and added, "I think it has a really nice ring."

"You're something else." Britt pulled his arm out from under Devon's head and sat up. "I'm going to hit the shower. Care to join me?"

"Hell, yeah," Devon declared.

Britt stood to his feet. With a wicked grin, he pointed a finger at Devon and said, "Then march your hairy ass into the shower with me."

"You do remember that your ass is also hairy?"

"It's not only hairy but filled with cum as well. Your cum if I'm remembering correctly."

Devon reached out and wrapped his arms around Britt. He could feel the cum beginning to dry in Britt's furry chest hair. "You're just one big mess of cum, aren't you?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," Britt declared.

Chapter Twenty-one

Britt was awake and had been for quite some time. He sat up in bed and rested his back against the headboard. Alice had been adamant that he and Devon not see each other before the wedding. They both had thought it ridiculous, but in the end it was Devon who made the decision and agreed to his sister's request. Devon had remained in the cabin, and Britt had spent the night in his old bedroom at his mother's home. As Britt looked around the room, everything was the same and yet it was different. Four years in college and a move to Oklahoma City had kept him from returning home. Ten years later he moved back to Porterville thinking that it was to be a temporary action, and he would return to his home in the City.

A smile appeared on Britt's face. Devon had reversed his life plans completely. Dear sweet Devon. Britt closed his eyes for a moment and thought about that summer. He had been hesitant when Carl, his agent, had suggested that he return to his hometown. Britt had been with his partner, Bruce, for a few years. When Bruce suddenly decided to move on without him, Britt had been devastated. As a result his creative writing ability had been affected and words no longer came. Carl had thought it might help Britt to get back on track if he visited his hometown and his mother. It frightened Britt when he looked back to that time in his life. Suppose he hadn't returned home? It saddened him to think he might have refused Carl's suggestion. Had he stayed away, Devon wouldn't have come into his life.

A knock on the door broke into his thoughts. "Come in," he called out.

The door opened, and his mother entered the room. "Good morning."

Catherine sat down on one side of the bed. "I hope you slept well."

Britt told his mother that he had.

"Did it feel strange to be back in your old room, Sweetheart?"

Britt gave his mother a smile. "Yes and no. Looking around the room, he said, "Everything looks the same, yet different somehow."

"I should think that it does," Catherine remarked. "After all you were gone for years, and when you did come back, you were only here that first summer."

His mother stood up and said, "I hope that you are hungry. I've prepared breakfast."

Britt sniffed the air. "I thought I smelled food."

"Whenever you are ready, come into the kitchen." Catherine left his room and closed the door behind her.

Britt pulled his robe on and walked down the hall. When he came into his mother's kitchen, he discovered the table set and food there waiting for him to enjoy

"Looks good, Mom," he praised and sat down.

"I'm so glad we could have this time together." Catherine returned to the table carrying two cups of hot steaming coffee.

"Me, too, Mom." Britt took a drink from the cup that she handed him. "You still make the best coffee," he praised.

While they were eating, Catherine told her son how happy she was for him. "I believe that you have been happier these past two years than you ever were before. Even when you were with—him."

Britt reached for a piece of toast. "You can say his name, Mom. However, you are right. At the time, I thought I was happy with Bruce, and even though it devastated me when he left, the time I spent with him could never measure up to the life I've had since moving back to Porterville."

"I'm so happy for you. You know that I love Devon very much, but Britt, you must believe that he could never replace the love I have for you."

Britt reached across the table and took hold of his mother's hand. "I know that, Mom. I also want you to know that if ever you loved him the same as you do me, I wouldn't have a problem with it. Devon didn't have a very happy life while growing up. Truth be told, "I believe Devon is closer to you than he ever was to his mom. Of course he didn't know all those years that Elaine McKenzie wasn't his mother."

Catherine appeared lost in thought for a moment. Then she said, "Margaret Cooper was a fine lady. I've often wondered what life would have been for Devon had he been allowed to remain with his own parents."

Britt got up and went for more coffee. After he had refilled their two cups, he returned to the table. "Well, he definitely would not have the money or resources that he has now."

Catherine shook her head. "Money doesn't necessarily make someone happy."

"Of course it doesn't," Britt agreed. Looking thoughtful he said, "I suppose that in her own peculiar way Elaine McKenzie was good to the town, but I feel that Devon has done more good with the money he inherited from the McKenzies than Elaine would have ever done."

"Devon does have a kind and caring heart," Catherine agreed. "Donating the home where he grew up to the town and providing for its upkeep was something that would have made his mother very happy."

"I'm assuming that you are referring to Margaret Cooper?"

"You know that I am, Britt.

His mother reminded him about Larry and Bonnie Owens. "Devon was good to them. You both were," she added.

"Devon is a very kind person," Britt agreed.

"I feel so blessed," Catherine said as she pushed her plate to the side. "I not only have a wonderful son, I'm gaining an awesome son-in-law. For that matter, I feel as if Alice and Brian are my children as well. I hope that you are okay with that."

"Mom, you know that I am." Britt also pushed his plate away. "I'm grateful for the family we have. Aren't we just one big happy family?" He gave his mother a big grin.

The doorbell rang as Britt was helping his mother clear the table. When he opened the door, he discovered that the early morning visitor was Brian.

"Come in," Britt invited. He took hold of the man's arm and pulled him inside the house. "Good morning, Brian. What brings you out so early?"

Closing the door behind him, Brian smiled. "I am the Best man," he reminded. "It's my job to take care of you. Is there anything you need me to do?"

"You're also Devon's Best man," Britt pointed out.

"I know. I will check on him later."

As Britt led his soon-to-be brother- in- law to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, Brian told him that Devon was at his house.

"Alice insisted that her brother spend the night with us. She didn't want him to be alone."

"Well, it was her idea for us to spend the night apart," Britt reminded.

"Good morning, Brian." Catherine gave him a cup of coffee. "Have a seat," she invited.

"Thanks, Catherine." Brian sat down at the kitchen table. "So Britt, what needs to be done before the wedding?"

"Do you have the rings?"

Brian assured him that the two wedding bands were tucked safely away in the coat pocket of his tux. "Anything else?"

"So you had to babysit your brother-in-law last night," Britt said as he poured a fresh cup of coffee for himself.

"He came over when you left for your mom's," Brian answered. "Alice got up this morning and prepared a big breakfast for him."

"That was sweet of her." Catherine joined them at the table.

"What about Cory?" Britt asked. "Was he left alone at the cabin? He wasn't there when I left last night."

"He and dad ate dinner in town and went to a movie. They wanted Alice to spend some time with her brother."

"Because he's moving so far away?" A grin appeared on Britt's face.

"You know how Alice is," Brian reminded.

"Don't either one of you say a bad word about Alice." Catherine gave both men one of her special looks.

"Yeah, don't you dare say anything bad about Mom's daughter," Britt declared.

"Brian's my son so, Britt, do not ever let me hear you say anything to discredit him."

"Thanks—Mom." Brian loved teasing the woman.

"You may call me Mom' if you like," Catherine said. "I'm alright with Catherine" also."

"I think I'll stay with `Catherine' for now," Brian told her. Looking at Britt, he said, "I can't believe the two of you didn't want a stag party."

"We're much too old for that," Britt replied. "I feel much better this morning that I would have had we had a party." Britt asked if Devon was doing okay.

"I think so. At breakfast he was a little quieter than usual, but he acted really happy. He should be back home by now. He was getting ready to leave when I left. Britt, my brother-in-law loves you very much. He's very happy knowing that he's going to spend the rest of his life with you."

"I hope the wedding goes smoothly," Catherine said. "I can't believe that neither you nor Devon thought it necessary to rehearse the ceremony."

"Mom, it's going to be really short. There wasn't any reason why we should have a walk through."

Shaking her head, Catherine stood up. "I'm meeting Kathy at noon to help with the food."

"Mom, that's not necessary. After all, we're paying her well for the reception."

"Don't make me angry, Britt Williams." She placed her coffee cup on the kitchen counter. "It never hurts to offer help."

"Which you are very good at," Brian pointed out. He grinned at Britt.

Catherine smiled at the man. Then looking at her son, she said, "Brian understands. I certainly hope that you do as well."

Britt went to his mother and gave her a hug. "I love you, Mom, and I know for certain that you believe I willingly help people."

A soft look appeared on Catherine's face. "I know you do, Britt." She returned his hug and said, "Now, I've got to get busy."

"Alice is planning on being at Kathy's shop at noon, too," Brian said.

"I concede." Britt said waved his hands in the air. "Go. Help. Just make sure you are back in time. I would hate for you to miss your son's wedding."

"Wouldn't dream of missing it." Catherine went to dress for her trip to town, and Britt poured Brian another cup of coffee.

"I do have one concern," Britt said returning to the kitchen table.

"What, may I ask, do you have to be concerned about?" Brian took a sip of the steaming liquid.

"Mary Nell Thomas and Sarah White."

"Alice and Devon's aunts?" Brian looked surprised.

"Britt nodded. "Well, perhaps not Sarah so much, but Mary Nell? The lady always makes me feel as if I'm getting caught with my hand in the cookie jar."

"She makes everyone feel like that," Brian grinned. "Mary Nell does speak her mind, I'll give you that."

"Have they mentioned anything about Devon and me getting married?"

"Only that Mary Nell plans on hitting you between the eyes with a baseball bat if you mistreat her nephew."

"Oh, God. I was afraid that of the two, she would be the hardest to please."

Brian smiled. "I'm kidding you, Britt. Relax. The last time they were over to the house for a meal, they both sang your praises. If you will remember, didn't Mary Nell talk to you when I married Alice? If I remember right, I think that aunt was very vocal about what she would do if I mistreated her niece."

A grin appeared on Britt's face. "That's right, she did."

Brian was in the process of leaving when a voice called out, "Hello, anyone here?"

Brian greeted his wife with a kiss, and Britt gave her a hug.

"I thought I had better check on Britt. How are you doing?" Alice studied her soon-to-be brother-in-law. "How are your nerves?"

Britt shrugged his shoulders and gave her a grin. "What nerves?"

"You and my brother. How can the two of you be so calm?"

"Easy," Britt answered. "Because we love each other."

Catherine soon came down the hallway. "Good morning, Alice. Are you ready to meet Kathy at her shop?"

Alice declared that she was, and the two women left in Catherine's car.

"Britt, I should go and check on Devon. Is there anything that I need to do before I leave?"

"I'm good, Brian. Thanks for dropping by and checking on me."

When Britt was left alone in his mother's house, he went into the living room and sat down on the sofa. There was a magazine rack beside it that held several magazines and an old photograph album. Britt pulled the album out and opened it up to the first page. Old family pictures stared back at him. He looked at pictures of his mom and dad when they were first married. His parents looked so happy and so young. Daniel and Catherine Williams smiled back at him, and Britt could see and feel the love his parents had for each other.

Britt turned the page and saw a picture of his father standing proudly in front of a rose bush. Britt was reminded how proud his dad had been with each passing year that the bush continued to flourish. The beautiful roses continued to display their beauty still, thirty years later. The memory created a sadness in Britt. Eyeing the picture of his dad closely he said, "I wish you could be here today, Dad." Britt had missed his father at different times over the years since the man's death, but today the loss seemed much greater than ever before.

"I really miss you." Britt leaned back on the sofa with the photo album still in his lap. "I love you, Dad." He closed his eyes and listened to the silence in the room.

Britt remained where he was for several moments lost in his memories. Suddenly he sat up and looked around his mother's living room. For some reason he felt another presence.

"Britt, you have to know that I love you very much, and I always have. I am so proud of you and of all your accomplishments. I'm happy that you and Devon have each other. I know how much you love the man. He makes you happy, and that my son, makes me happy. Thank you, Britt, for being here for your mom. I love you, Son."

Britt's eyes searched the room, and he realized that he was still alone. Yet his dad's voice had sounded so real to his ears.

"I love you, Dad. Thank you for being my father."

Britt suddenly felt the sadness leave him, and the sound of his father's voice created a peace like he had never known. A smile appeared on his face, and he walked down the hall to his room. It was time to take his shower and get ready for his wedding.

Next: Chapter 17

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