No Regrets

By Jerlar / Jetdesk / Mark Stevens

Published on Mar 17, 2021


This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's Living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or Publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

All of us enjoy the stories here, so please, support Nifty. Like any other Business, it takes resources to keep it running.

I appreciate you, and I know Nifty appreciates your support!

Mark Stevens

I would like to welcome my previous as well as hopefully new readers back to enjoy this story. However, should you have not read any of the Porterville books before, you should do so

  1. Porterville 2. Murder in Porterville 3. Silver Candlesticks 4. No Regrets

All the stories are stand alone, however, a lot of the same characters from the first book return for more adventures.

To my old readers: Welcome back. To my new ones, welcome aboard.

Please feel free to write me with any thought you might have. Please keep comments positive. I already have an editor that keeps me walking the line. Ha ha. You can email me at:

Chapter Sixteen

"I'm convinced that Boyd Wilson is somehow involved," Jerry Poteet said.

Brian agreed with his dad and said, "I think you are right, Dad."

After their eventful Sunday morning, the group of men that the police chief now addressed as "The Team", were having a meeting in Britt and Devon's home. The purpose for the meeting was to decide the next step they would take to uncover the person or persons responsible for Sandra Collins' murder, as well as who was responsible for destroying Larry and Bonnie Owens' home and painting the warning on Britt's automobile windshield. Catherine Williams, along with Alice, Bonnie, and Kathy Applebee were having their own meeting in Bonnie's home. The ladies were putting together the final plans concerning Britt and Devon's wedding.

"I have a suggestion," Cory said. "It seems like we are in agreement that somehow Wilson could be involved. Why don't I shadow him for a day or two? He doesn't really know me, so I should be able to follow him without being recognized."

"I think that's a great idea," Brian told the detective.

"I could work with you, Cory," Jerry offered. Looking at his son, Jerry said, "Between the two of us, Cory and I could keep an eye on the man day and night."

"I could help as well," Britt said, and Devon also volunteered his time.

After giving some thought to the plan, Brian said, "I appreciate you guys. I think this plan is a good one." Addressing his brother-in- law, he said, "Devon, thank you for your offer. For now, however, I think I will keep you out of the mix. I'm sure that your company demands a lot from you. Also I don't want to have to tell my wife that I have put her brother in any kind of danger."

"What can I do?" Larry Owens asked. Up to this point the minister had remained silent listening as the others discussed the plan.

"Keep alert to anything you might see or hear," Brian told the man. "Just keep the team, one which you are definitely a member, informed of anything you might discover or hear concerning our mystery. You and Bonnie have suffered a great loss, and I feel sure that it is connected with every detail in our case. I know that I speak for everyone in this room when I say the two of you are true loyal friends."

The serious mood appeared to lighten up by the police chief's words. For a moment or two conversation drifted off topic, and the men enjoyed light banter.

Then Britt said, "While it's true that I'm on a deadline with my book, it's not a tight one. That being said, Jerry and Cory, just tell me when I'm needed, and I'll help with your shadowing."

The meeting lasted half an hour longer, and when it was over, Britt, Jerry and Cory had agreed on a plan. Cory was going to find a dark secluded spot near Boyd Wilson's home and keep watch that night. Jerry would relieve him early the next morning, and Britt would take the next evening.

"We won't plan anything further than that," Brian said. "I'm going to visit with Wilson in the morning. If he's guilty of anything concerning this case, I'm hoping that my words will spur him into some sort of action, and we can catch him."

Another hour passed while the men enjoyed a cold beer and general topics. Britt told them about his latest book and the progress he was making in the writing of it. The topic of Britt and Devon's wedding was mentioned, and Britt said he felt certain that after this evening, the final plans would be put into action. "I'm sure with Mom, Alice, Bonnie, and Kathy putting their heads together, everything will be finished and taken care of by tomorrow."

The clock in Britt and Devon's living room was striking the hour of ten o'clock as their guests were leaving. It was a cold night, and Cory, armed with a thermos of hot coffee and blankets provided by his hosts, left to begin his watch near the Wilson home.

When the last guest had gone, Britt closed the door and said, "I feel really good, Dev. I have a feeling that this will all be over when we get married on Saturday."

"I believe you are right," Devon replied. "It makes me really happy that we have so many friends that are working to help us realize our dream."

Britt's cell phone rang, and when he answered the call, he discovered Brian on the other end. "Hey, Brian."

"Britt, on the way home, Dad reminded me of something I had forgotten to mention. When we went back to examine the spot beside the road where we thought a vehicle might have been hidden, we found something else. One of the trees looked as if something had rubbed against it. A large piece of tree bark was missing from the tree. Looking at it closer, we discovered a streak of gray paint. I think we need to keep our eyes opened for any gray vehicle we may see around town. If we find one with a scratch, I would almost guarantee we could discover who the murderer is."

Britt thanked the chief for the information and ended the call. He filled Devon in and listened as the man sighed.

"That's great news. Like you, I feel like we're going to solve the mystery. It will feel so good when nothing stands between us and our wedding."

Britt went around the room turning lights off, and Devon set the security alarm. Coming into their bedroom, Britt said, "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join me, Mr. McKenzie?" He began pulling his clothes off.

Devon grinned and began undressing. "I would love to get naked with you in the shower."

Naked as they stood in the room, the men hugged each other. One hairy chest pressed against the other and two mats of thick curly hair became intertwined. The touch of hairiness created a stir in their cocks.

Britt began kissing Devon, lightly at first, but quickly kissed harder as desire began coursing through his body. Still kissing his lover, soon- to-be husband, Britt ran his hands up and down Devon's hairy back. He loved the way the body fur tickled his fingers.

"Oh, God, let's hit the shower," Devon groaned as he broke the kiss. "Otherwise I'm going to throw you on the bed and fuck you right here. Right now."

"While I would love having you fuck me this very moment, let's do hit the shower first. Who knows, something might turn up there. Just so you know, I would have no problem if it did."

Devon reached between them and wrapped his fingers around Britt's semi hard cock. "Something is turning up alright." He gave Britt a few strokes, which caused the man's dick to grow completely hard.

"Thinking of this," Britt said taking hold of Devon's hairy cock, "being inside me makes me hard. If it were possible I would keep your dick inside me all the time."

"Let's go." Devon removed his hand from Britt's cock and pulled the man toward the bathroom.

When the water temperature was just right, both men stepped under the spray. Steam began filling the stall as hot water ran down their bodies leaving wet trails all through their body fur. Each man took a bar of soap and began soaping the other, creating white sudsy drifts all over their bodies. As Britt made his way slowly down along Devon's furry skin, as always, he was filled with desire. The fact that he and Devon had been together for two years hadn't made any difference. He was just as turned on by Devon's body now as he had been that first time two years ago. The man had created a hot desire in Britt then and still did.

When Britt reached Devon's furry crotch, he gave it special attention. With soap covered hands, Britt cleaned the man's pubic area well, paying close attention to the hard hairy dick that sprang out from the rich dark brown carpet that surrounded it. While he cleaned Devon's dick, Britt took his other hand and lightly caressed the man's furry nut sac.

"Fuck," Devon moaned.

Britt returned his bar of soap to the tray and said, "Dev, fuck is right. Get me ready so I can have your dick inside me."

"You want me to fuck you here or in bed?"

Britt reached down and gave the man's dick a stroke. "I'm greedy," he said. "I want you to fuck me here and in the bed."

Devon moaned. "I do enjoy fucking your ass, Babe."

Britt turned around and leaned against the shower wall. He was directly under the large showerhead, and little watery trails began making their way along his hairy back. He felt Devon's hands on him, and his body shivered. Desire was quickly taking over his body, causing him to breathe faster. He suddenly felt Devon's fingers running along his furry crack. He groaned and spread his legs wider.

"Fuck," he moaned as he felt one of Devon's fingers slip inside his ass.

When Devon began finger fucking him, using soap to make the entry easier, Britt groaned. The movement inside felt good, and Britt's ass pushed back and forced the finger to go deeper. Britt placed a finger at the tip of his dick and wasn't surprised to discover pre cum leaking heavily from the head. He knew he was ready to get fucked.

"Stick it in me, Dev," he panted. "I'm so ready to feel your hardness forcing my ass to open wide."

Devon removed his finger and pressed his hairy cock along his lover's ass crack. "Are you sure?" He rubbed his dick along the slippery area as he wrapped his hands around Britt's wet soapy body.

"I couldn't be surer," Britt assured him. "Slide in me now."

Devon pulled him into a tight hug and their furry bodies connected. Then Devon pulled his hands away, and Britt felt Devon press the head of his cock next to his hole. When the thick head slipped inside, another shiver coursed through Britt's body. He involuntarily pushed back, driving the thick hairy shaft deeper inside him. The muscles in Britt's ass clinched around Devon's dick, causing him to moan.

"Oh, God, that feels good when you do that." Uttering the words, Devon shoved in as far as he could. He knew that he had bottomed out when he felt his wet wiry bush pressed tightly against Britt's slippery body.

"Fuck me. Please," Britt begged.

Britt felt hands on his ass, and they suddenly pulled him back, forcing his body to grind into Devon's soapy wet pubes. He loved the sensation the wet curls were giving his skin. He began pushing hard into the man, his ass taking Devon's cock hungrily with each thrust. For a time the only sound in the shower was a fucking noise accompanied with moans.

"I'm getting close," Devon warned.

"Fuck yeah, shoot your cream inside me," Britt groaned.

Devon's cock began pounding harder, and Britt felt the dick inside him grow thicker. He realized Devon was about to fill his ass with hot man cream. He pushed harder into the man with each thrust Devon made.

"God, yes!"

Britt suddenly felt the walls of his ass become heated as his lover's thick cum fill him. He was rapidly stroking his soaped up cock, and with his lover's cock buried inside his ass, Britt shot his own load out into the shower stall. It landed on the floor and slowly disappeared down the drain.

"Fuck!" Britt cried out.

Weakened by their strong orgasms, Britt leaned against the shower wall, and Devon, his cock buried inside Britt's cum-filled ass, rested against him. The two remained in this position for a time. When their strength finally returned, Britt straightened up. The movement forced Devon's cock to retreat out into the open. Britt suddenly felt empty inside. He leaned back into Devon, and the movement caused some of the cum to leak out and slowly run down his leg.

"I love you so much, Dev," Britt said softly.

Britt felt the man kiss the back of his neck lightly. "I love you more, Babe."

They finished showering, making sure that the cum was gone from their bodies, dried off with heavy bath towels and crawled into bed. As was their habit, Devon rolled over on his side and Britt slid in behind him. His hand went searching for the man's thick wiry bush, and the two fell asleep shortly afterward.

Britt was having one of those dreams that a person has when they realize they are dreaming and that it's not actually happening. In his dream he was walking around the town square in Porterville looking inside store windows. He was searching for something, but in his dream he wasn't aware of what he was looking for. The door to Kathy Applebee's shop opened and suddenly Boyd Wilson was standing before him.

"Hello, Britt," the man greeted in the dream. "Can I help you with something?"

In the dream Britt looked at the councilman closely. He was startled when suddenly the man became naked. Wilson stood before him, divested of all his clothing. Britt couldn't keep from looking at the man's nakedness. Wilson had only a few strands of chest hair. Below the man's navel began a blond treasure trail that was modest at the beginning but grew thicker and wider as it made its way down to a blond bush. Britt noted the man's cock, while not huge, was at the same time, nothing to be ashamed of either. He watched as Wilson took hold of his dick and began stroking.

"What the hell is going on?" Britt asked in his dream.

"It's no secret," Wilson answered. "You're cock is hard. You know you want to fuck me."

"Fuck you? Why would I want to do that?"

"Because you are gay, you sick son of a bitch." Wilson turned around and leaned his body over enough to allow his ass to wink at Britt. "Come on, pervert, and slide inside my ass. You know you want to fuck me."

In his dream Britt couldn't seem to have any control over his body. He had no desire to slide inside the man's ass, let along fuck the councilman, but for whatever reason, he couldn't stop. He placed his hands on Wilson's smooth ass and pulled the man's cheeks apart. He placed the tip of his cock against the man's hole and pushed inside.

"Oh, God," he thought. "Why am I fucking this man? Not only do I detest this man, I would never cheat on Dev."

"What are you doing?" Wilson suddenly asked.

"You said you wanted me to fuck you," Britt answered.



"You're fucking me."

"You told me to," Britt answered as he continued fucking Wilson.

"Britt, who are you fucking?"

"You, of course," Britt answered. Why was the man being such an asshole? he wondered.

"Britt, wake up. You're dreaming."

"What? No, I'm not dreaming. I'm fucking."


Britt's eyes suddenly opened wide. He wasn't sure where he was, but something was making him feel really good. Becoming fully awake now, Britt realized his cock was buried in Devon's ass.

Devon pushed back into his lover's body, driving Britt's cock deeper. "I take it you are having some sort of sex dream, Britt."

Britt groaned. "I'm fucking you."

"No shit, Sherlock." Devon grinned in the dark.

Britt placed his hands on the man's ass and pulled him close. He began pounding Devon, grinding his pubic bush against the man's ass. Britt's furry nut sac was also slamming into his lover's body. Moments later, after a time of slamming and pounding, Britt suddenly cried out, "I'm shooting!"

Britt's body jerked with each spurt of cum that erupted from his dick. When the last drop had drained from his balls, Britt rested his body next to Devon. He remained there with his cock buried and felt himself growing sleepy.

Vaguely he heard Devon say, "I know you had a sex dream, and tomorrow you are going to tell me all about it. I'm really curious to find out who you had it with. I love you, Britt Williams."

Britt was asleep and didn't hear everything Devon had said. The only thing he was aware of at the moment was his cock buried inside his lover's cum-filled hole. He was completely satisfied and had no intention of pulling out.

Chapter Seventeen

Britt woke the next morning and discovered Devon sitting up in bed with his back resting against the headboard. Devon had covered his bare chest with the sheet.

"What are you grinning about?" Britt asked him.

Devon's eyes held a twinkle, and his grin widened. Folding his arms across his sheet covered chest he said, "I want to hear about the dream you had. It must have been a really good one."

A puzzled look appeared on Britt's face. "A dream? I had a dream?"

Devon leaned over and kissed the man. "You know damn well you had a dream."

"I don't remember dreaming about anything." Britt's face took on a look of innocence. "I remember fucking you and then falling asleep."

"Britt Williams!" Devon suddenly pulled the sheet way.

Before Britt could say a word, Devon was sitting in his lap. Britt's cock was half hard from morning wood, and it pushed its way into Devon's hairy crack.

"Tell me," Devon ordered. "If you don't, I'm going to leave, and you will have to take care of that growing cock against my ass by yourself."

"You wouldn't do that," Britt grinned. "You're a better man than that."

Devon moved as if he was going to leave the bed, and Britt wrapped his arms around the man's body. "Alright, I will tell you."

Devon wiggled his ass and felt Britt's dick pulsate against him. Grinning, he waited for Britt to speak.

Brit shook his head. "I did have a dream. And yes, it was a sex dream because it ended with me filling your ass with cum. Before I say any more, I need to assure you that I would never do what I did in my dream."

"Did you do something besides fuck?" Devon was enjoying the feeling Britt's cock was giving his crack.

Devon's cock had chubbed up. Britt took hold of it and wrapped his fingers around the thick shaft. He didn't jack the dick. Keeping his fingers still, Britt said, "I dreamed I was walking around the town square looking into various store windows. When I came to Kathy Applebee's shop I discovered Boyd Wilson coming out the door. Suddenly he was naked."

A surprised look appeared on Devon's face. "Boyd Wilson?"

Britt nodded. "Yes, Boyd Wilson. In my dream he took hold of his dick and stroked it. I remember him saying something, but everything's hazy now. I can't remember what he said. Except—"

"Except," Devon repeated when Britt paused.

"He told me that he knew I wanted to fuck him."

"Was he sexy to look at?" Devon asked.

"I'm not sure. I do remember looking at his dick and thinking it wasn't all that impressive. Funny thing, Dev, once I began fucking I realized it was you. I remember looking at his ass just before I pushed in and thinking it looked exactly like your ass. It even had that little turf of hair that grows at the beginning of your ass crack."

Britt paused, and Devon told him to continue.

Britt shook his head. "There's nothing more to tell. I realized I was fucking you, and I was happy to shoot my cum inside your ass. Devon, I hope that you know I would never do that to you."

"Never shoot cum in my ass? I would be very disappointed. I rather enjoy feeling your hot cream inside me."

"Not that," Britt said. "I hope you realize that I would never cheat on you. When Bruce did that to me, I was devastated."

When Britt and Devon had begun to grow close, Britt had told Devon about his partner, Bruce. They had been together a long time, and Britt had felt he had met his soulmate. When Bruce had told Britt he had fallen in love with another man, Britt couldn't believe it. He had been so hurt, and for a time his writing career came to a halt. Finally his publishing agent, Carl Turner, had convinced him to return to his home town of Porterville and see if he could become inspired to write a new book. Britt had returned, things had worked out, and now, two years later, Britt was happily looking forward to marrying Devon and living the rest of his life with the man.

"You have to believe me, Dev," Britt continued. "I would never cheat on you."

Devon smiled tenderly at the man he loved with all his heart. "I know that, Babe. I hope you realize the same is true of me."

"I do know that."

Devon grinned. "Boyd Wilson? If you were going to have a sex dream, couldn't you have at least chosen a man that was hot and sexy looking?"

Britt shook his head. "Beats the fuck out of me. I don't have any idea why I would want to fuck him."

Devon moaned. "Speaking of fucking, something seems to be trying to push into me. Whatever it is, it's leaking along my crack."

Devon raised his body and helped Britt position his dick for easy access. Most of Britt's cum was still inside from the previous night's fuck, making it easy for him to slip inside. Britt groaned as Devon's ass slowly engulfed his hard shaft.

When Britt felt the man's ass resting against his wiry pubes, he began a slow fucking motion. His dick created a desire in them both. Britt needed to cum. Devon wanted hot man cream in his ass.

While Britt was fucking him, Devon began stroking his swollen cock. The head of his dick was covered in pre cum and made it easy to jack. The strokes on his dick matched the pounding Britt's cock was giving him. It wasn't long until Devon felt his orgasm building deep within his balls.

"I'm about to cum," Devon moaned.

Britt groaned and pounded harder. Each thrust he made went deeper, and suddenly his balls came alive. They released their juice, and Britt shot thick cream into Devon's ass.

"Oh, God," Devon cried out. His dick began shooting ropes of cum, each one landing on Britt's hairy chest.

"Fuck." Britt uttered the word softly after both dicks had finished erupting. Britt pulled Devon close to him. "I hope you know how much I really love you, Devon McKenzie. So fucking much," he added and kissed the man.

When Devon broke the kiss he said, "I love you, too. I am so looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you."

They remained in bed for a time until finally Britt said, "I wish we didn't have to, but I suppose we should get up. We've got a busy day head of us."

Devon was sitting on Britt's lap with the man's cock still planted in his cum-filled hole. "I would much rather stay here." He forced the muscles of his ass to squeeze Britt's dick.

Britt moaned. "I'd like that very much."

Devon leaned over and gave Britt another kiss. "Then let's do it."

They teased each other for a few more minutes and then got up and took their showers. When they came downstairs, they found Cory sitting in the living room, having returned from his night of watching Boyd Wilson's home.

Britt greeted the detective and said, "Anything happen last night?"

"It was a quiet night," Cory answered. "No activity of any kind took place."

"That's good—I guess," Devon remarked.

"It smells like Edna has breakfast ready," Britt said sniffing the air. "Let's go eat, and then you can get some rest. I'm sure that it was a long night for you."

Edna always served the breakfast meal at the kitchen table, and as they took seats Cory said, "I do plan on sleeping some this morning. But first, Brian wants Britt and me to listen in on his interview with Boyd Wilson."

"What time is the interview?" Britt asked.

"Not sure," the detective answered. "He's going to call me when he's ready for us."

"Do you think Wilson will talk in front of you guys?" Devon asked. "Especially Britt," he added.

"We're going to be in the next room," Cory explained. We can hear and see what takes place, but Wilson won't know we're listening."

Britt's phone rang while they were eating breakfast. His mother was calling to see if he and Devon could meet them for lunch. It seemed they had the final plans for the wedding in place and wanted to run them by before finalizing anything. Britt explained about the meeting he and Cory were to have with Brian.

"I'm thinking it will be sometime this morning," Britt told his mother. "Hang on a second, Mom." Holding the phone away, Britt explained the purpose of his mother's call.

"I could probably make it by one o'clock," Devon decided.

"Alright, Mom, we'll meet you in the Square at one. If anything changes, I'll give you a call."

When the meal was finished, Britt and Cory returned to the living room, and Devon left for work. Britt really wanted to work some on his new book, but he didn't want to get started and then have to stop when Brian called. So instead of returning upstairs to write, he sat with Cory in the living room and waited for Brian's call.

Cory was discussing different aspects of the case when his cell phone rang. Brian was calling to let him know his interview with Boyd Wilson was going to take place in half an hour. Cory told Police Chief that Britt was with him, and they would be at his office shortly.

Britt drove them into town, and when they arrived at the police station, the two men hurried inside the building. Brian met them, and they followed him down the hall to a room that had a window on the inside wall.

"You can watch and hear the interview I have with Wilson," Brian told them. You can see the other room through this window, but anyone in that room will not be able to see you guys. Now, I'm going to leave and shut this door. The councilman should be here any moment."

Britt and Cory walked over and stood next to the one way glass. It wasn't long before they saw Boyd Wilson walk into the next room. They watched as Brian entered the room and closed the door. He explained to the councilman he wouldn't keep him long and added, "I just have a few more questions to ask you, and then you can be on your way. I know how busy you are. Please have a seat," Brian invited.

"I'm not sure I can tell you anything new," Wilson said. "I've told you everything I know."

"I'm sure you have, but it never hurts to go over events again. The human brain, even though it takes everything into its memory doesn't always remember a certain fact until much later."

"Ask your questions then," Wilson muttered. "As you say, I'm a busy man."

"Were you in town the evening Larry Owens lost his home in the fire?"

The councilman said he wasn't sure. He asked Brian the date of the fire. When Brian told him, Boyd said he was at home. He couldn't prove it, because he lived alone. He reminded Brian that his wife had died a few years back.

When Brian asked him if he knew a man named Jake Warner, the councilman denied knowing anyone by that name. He asked Brian if he needed to call his lawyer.

"I don't think so," Brian told the man. "Have you told me everything you know concerning Sandra Collins?"

"I have."

Brian told the man he was free to go. As the councilman stood to his feet, Brian said, "Tell me, Boyd, why are you so against Britt Williams and Devon McKenzie getting married?"

"Because it's wrong."

In the next room, Britt and Cory could hear the anger in the councilman's voice.

"It's perfectly legal," Brian reminded.

"Perhaps the government thinks so, but God doesn't."

"Boyd, did you send those warnings out to the people involved with the wedding plans?"

"Of course I didn't," the councilman denied. "Why the hell would I do that?"

Brian shook his head. "It appears to me that you don't want the wedding to take place. I think you might be willing to do anything to keep the event from happening?"

Wilson walked around the table and headed toward the door. Placing his hand on the door knob he said, "I think it's wrong for two men to get married. I also think it's just as wrong for anyone else to go along with the idea. It's an abomination to mankind and should never have been made to happen. Now, I'm through answering your questions. If you decide to harass me again, my lawyer's coming with me."

The man opened the door and left the room. By the time he was walking out of the building, Britt and Cory were with Brian.

Brian asked them what they thought.

"I think he's one lying son of a bitch," Cory declared.

Brian looked at Britt. "What was your take?"

"I agree with Cory. The only thing the man's being honest about is his disapproval of my marriage to Devon."

"He's definitely not telling us everything he knows," Brian agreed.

"Well, I'm going to be watching him tonight," Britt said. "Hopefully you have shaken him up enough that he will do something to give himself away."

"You guys be careful," Brian warned as Britt and the detective were leaving. "There's much more to Wilson's story than we know, and he could be very dangerous. After all, someone has committed a murder, and I have a feeling the murderer is not far away.

It was soon time for Britt to meet his mother and Alice for lunch. He drove to the town square and parked in front of the restaurant where they were to eat. He told Cory to take his car and go home and rest. "I can get a ride home with Alice," he said getting out of the car.

When Britt entered the restaurant, he saw his mother and Alice sitting at a table. He joined them and took a seat.

"I'm glad you could make it," Alice said to her soon-to-be brother in law.

"Yes, it is nice that you could take the time to join us." Catherine smiled at her son, and the action let Britt know she wasn't as upset with him as her words might have indicated.

"Did your meeting with Brian go well?" Alice asked.

"Yes and no." Britt went on to explain what they knew. When he had finished he asked Alice if she would be so kind as to drop him off at his house after their lunch.

"I would, Britt, but I have to go back to work. Remember, I'm working at the newspaper office for Sam."

"I can drive you home," Catherine told her son.

"You're not quilting today at the Senior Center?"

"No, I took today off so we could meet you for lunch."

Just then Devon arrived, and they turned their food order in. Over their meal Catherine and Alice presented the two men with the plans they had decided on. Flowers had been chosen, and with Kathy Applebee's input, the wedding cake had been selected and also the food for the wedding reception. When they left the restaurant an hour later, Britt and Devon felt relieved and very happy that everything had been taken care of.

"We're sorry to have dropped the ball," Britt said.

"It's perfectly alright," Alice assured them both. "We know you've had a lot on your plate."

"I can take you home," Devon said as Britt walked toward his mother's car.

"Nonsense," Catherine spoke up. "You're heading in the opposite direction. Besides, I have nothing else to do but chauffeur my son around town."

When his mother drove into the drive, Britt leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Thanks, Mom. For everything," he added.

Britt hurried inside the house. The downstairs was quiet, and he made his way up to his office. His car had been parked outside, so Britt realized that Cory must be in his room resting from his night watch at Boyd Wilson's home.

Britt opened his laptop. He looked at the outline he had written for his newest book, and picking up where he had last left off, his fingers began flying across the keyboard. He was surprised when he realized he had been working for two hours. The time had passed for him quickly. A few weeks back Devon had given Britt a small clock shaped like a book to sit on his desk. Britt looked at it now and realized he should try and get some rest before he took his turn watching the actions of Boy Wilson.

Britt had reached the end of the book's latest chapter. He saved his work and closed the laptop, satisfied with the afternoon's progress. He left his office and walked across the hall to the bedroom he shared with Devon.

As he pulled the covers back and crawled into bed, Britt didn't seem tired or sleepy at all. His brain was in full running order and a million different thoughts kept his mind busy. However, he was surprised when he suddenly felt someone shaking him.

Britt opened his eyes and discovered Devon standing beside the bed, his hand on Britt's shoulder. "Hey, you," Britt greeted. "What time is it?"

"Seven o'clock," Devon answered.

Britt threw the covers back. "Shit! I've got to go relieve Jerry."

"Hang on, Britt." Devon pushed him back on the bed. "Take a deep breath. You have plenty of time."

"But I don't," Britt declared. "Jerry's been on watch detail since early this morning."

"Let's go downstairs and enjoy dinner," Devon suggested. "You have plenty of time. Cory has gone to relieve Jerry. I let him borrow my car. He said to tell you not to come relieve him until eleven o'clock. By now I'm sure that Jerry is having dinner with Alice and Brian."

Britt stood to his feet. He kissed Devon and said, "Then let's go have dinner. I'm anxious to spend some time with my man."

"Well, your man is more than willing to spend time with you."

They left the bedroom and walked downstairs. When they entered the dining room Wallace was standing next to the swinging kitchen door. He informed them that "dinner is ready".

Britt and Devon enjoyed their meal, and afterwards they sat in the living room enjoying each other's company, as well as the silence of the room. Their talking allowed the time to pass quickly, and soon Britt was on his way to relieve Cory.

When he turned onto the street where Boyd Wilson lived, Britt discovered Devon's car parked a block or so away from the Wilson home. He turned the car's headlights off and drove the rest of the way in the dark. He parked behind the vehicle and watched Cory get out and walk toward him.

"It's been very quiet," Cory said sliding into the seat on the passenger side of Britt's vehicle. "Wilson came home an hour ago, and shortly afterward, all the lights went out in the house. I'm assuming the man has gone to bed."

Cory went on to explain that ever since he had relieved Jerry the street and the neighborhood had seen little activity. Boyd Wilson's arrival had been the only movement Cory had witnessed since relieving Jerry.

"There's a garage at the back of the house. When Wilson came home, he drove his car inside, and a short time later, he closed the door and headed for the house."

Britt was puzzled. "Boyd was driving a car?"

"That right," Cory answered.

"I didn't know that Wilson ever drove anything except a truck," Britt pondered.

"Well, he was driving a car when he returned home," Cory said. "It was too dark to tell much about the vehicle, but it was definitely a car."

"Perhaps the man has a car but only drives his truck," Britt said. "Perhaps Wilson's innocent of any wrong doing. But I doubt the man has an innocent bone in his body."

"I would have to agree, "Cory replied. "After hearing his interview with Brian this morning, I feel sure Wilson knows a hell of a lot more than what he's saying."

They spoke for a few moments longer, and Cory opened the car door. "I'll leave you to it, Britt. Don't hesitate to call me should anything develop. Be safe."

Britt remained behind the wheel of his car and watched as Cory drove away in Devon's vehicle. The detective didn't turn the headlights on until he was around the corner and safely out of sight from Wilson's home.

Britt sat for a time surrounded in silence. The weather had been warm enough that day to melt most of the snow that had fallen two nights ago. The cold Oklahoma wind whistled as it made its way between the houses on both sides of the street. Britt shivered a little and turned the heat up on the car's heater. Then he leaned back in his seat and began a close watch on Boyd Wilson's home. The structure was barely visible due to the dark of the night. For whatever reason, the moon had chosen to hide behind the clouds, and what little light there was came from a single street light about a block away.

Lack of movement was causing Britt to feel sleepy. If he didn't move around a bit, he realized he might fall asleep. Another five minutes had passed when he decided to get out of the car and walk around the area. He felt sure that he would be safe because of the darkness the night was providing. He shut the car engine off, and locking the car door, Britt slowly made his way down the street. When he came to the driveway that led passed Wilson's house and stopped at the garage, Britt hesitated for a moment. Should he go check the garage out? He wondered.

Britt stood in the street a few moments longer allowing the darkness to protect him. He decided it couldn't hurt to check things out. If Wilson was asleep, and it looked as if he might be, Britt thought the idea should be a safe one. There was a tall hedge on one side of the drive way, and Britt walked as close as he could to it, hoping it would keep him from being detected by anyone passing along the street.

When Britt reached the garage, he wasn't surprised to discover the garage door locked. When he tried to raise it, Britt could tell it was secured. Turning around, Britt eyed Wilson's home again, and he was relieved to see that all the windows were still dark. It was a good sign that the man was sleeping.

Britt walked around the garage and discovered a side door. When he tried it, he found it locked as well. A few feet past the door was a window. Britt moved quickly and when he reached the window, he tried looking inside. Everything was dark, and he couldn't see a thing. Britt had brought a small pocket flashlight with him, and he quickly pulled it from his pocket. Shining the beam through the window, Britt's heart gave a leap. There were two vehicles parked side by side in the garage, and one of them a car, might be green. The shadows made it hard to be certain.

"Well, what do we have here?" he whispered. He felt excited. Had he discovered something important? How in the hell was he going to get inside the garage. He had to discover a way inside.

When he tried opening the window, Britt discovered it was also locked. He definitely wasn't going to be able to enter the garage this way. As he shone the light through the window, Britt saw that there was a another window on the opposite side of the building. He turned his light off and made his way silently to the other side of the garage. He tired the window, and to his surprise, it proved to be unlocked.

"Fuck," he whispered.

With the window half opened, Britt turned and eyed Wilson's home one last time. He was relieved to see that all the windows were dark. The man must certainly be asleep, he decided.

Britt pushed the window the rest of the way up, and talking one more look at the dark house, he pulled himself up and rolled through the opened window. Once inside, he quickly closed the window and stood completely still allowing his eyes to adjust to the dark area. Once he could see, Britt realized he was standing next to Boyd's truck. Britt had seen the man driving this particular vehicle many times. A small car was parked next to the truck. As far as Britt knew, Boyd had only owned and driven trucks for years. He had never seen the councilman drive anything else around town.

Britt walked around the truck and stood next to the car. He quickly took note that it was a very small compact car. Using his flashlight once more, Britt inspected the car, taking in every detail of the vehicle.

Britt suddenly stopped. "What's this?"

The fender on the driver's side had a wide scratch. Something had definitely rubbed hard against it. Hard enough to take paint off, Britt noticed. He tried the door on the driver's side and found it unlocked. He saw the key was missing from the ignition, which didn't surprise him. Thinking what his dad's habit had been while he was alive, Britt reached under the seat. His hand touched something, and he pulled a key ring out with his fingers. It contained one single key.

"This is so you, Dad." Britt said the words softly as memories of his father flooded his brain.

Britt walked to the back of the car. When he placed the key in the lock, it turned easily in his hand. The trunk lid sprung opened, and Britt shinned his light inside.

"What the fuck?"

Britt's flashlight allowed him to see a man lying inside the trunk. It didn't take him long to realize the man was dead. Suddenly there was a clicking sound behind him. The garage was suddenly filled with light.

"You're too goddamned nosey. Unfortunately for you, it's not going to end well for you."

Next: Chapter 15: No Regrets 18 19

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