No Regrets

By Jerlar / Jetdesk / Mark Stevens

Published on Jan 21, 2021


This story is purely a work of fiction. Any resemblance to person's Living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely Coincidental.

The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or Publication of this story is allowed, except by the web sites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author.

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Mark Stevens

I would like to welcome my previous as well as hopefully new readers back to enjoy this story. However, should you have not read any of the Porterville books before, you should do so

  1. Porterville 2. Murder in Porterville 3. Silver Candlesticks 4. No Regrets

All three stories are stand alone, however, a lot of the same characters from the first book return for more adventures.

To my old readers: Welcome back. To my new ones, welcome aboard.

Please feel free to write me with any thought you might have. Please keep comments positive. I already have an editor that keeps me walking the line. Ha ha. You can email me at:

No Regrets

Chapter One

Britt Williams signed a copy of his latest book and handed it back to the woman standing in front of me. A celebrated author, Britt had twenty different book titles circulating around the world. Mystery was his forte, and judging by the popularity of the books, Britt's style of writing was enjoyed by both men and women. Britt had already published a few books when he returned to his home town of Porterville two years earlier. Carl Turner, his agent, had suggested that Britt return home and write a story that took place in a small town. Britt had been skeptical at first, but after he began his research, he had to agree with his agent that it would be a great plan. It became a plan that would change Britt's life forever.

Britt knew at a young age that he was gay. After high school and college, Britt had left Porterville and moved to Oklahoma City. Through a contact there, Britt was introduced to a publishing company in New York City, and a year later his first book was accepted for publishing. For the next five years Britt had a book published each year. Britt thought his life was complete. Not only was he writing and publishing books, but he had found the love of his life.

Britt had met Bruce during a book signing in Oklahoma City. There had been an immediate attraction between them, and a short time later they began dating. A few months later they had moved in together, and for Britt, the next four years were the happiest of his life. His writing was taking off, he had bought a house in Oklahoma City, and he was totally in love with Bruce.

Then sometime during their fourth year together, Britt had discovered Bruce was cheating on him. His heart was broken. The months following the breakup were the worst ever in his life. Walking away from Bruce had hurt him even more than his father's death six years earlier. Suddenly the writing that had come so easily before left him. He would sit down at his laptop and stare at the screen hours on end, but no words would come to him.

It had been about this time that his agent had suggested returning home for a short time and try to come up with a storyline dealing with a small town. That's exactly what he did, and now, two years later, Britt Williams would be eternally grateful.

Not only did he reconnect with his mother, but he reconnected with his hometown and made new friends. Most importantly he met Devon, and the two of them fell in love. Devon had come into his life because while researching information for his book, Britt had discovered a Porterville mystery. When he had solved the mystery, not only had Britt fallen in love with Devon McKenzie, but he had also discovered that Devon had a twin sister who went by the name Alice Cooper.

Britt signed another book and handed it back to a fan. The line had stopped for a moment, giving Britt a chance to look around the room. His book signing was taking place in the Porterville library, a place where he had spent many hours while growing up in the town. Agnes Johnson had been the town librarian for as long as Britt could remember. She was standing to one side of the table where copies of Britt's latest book were stacked.

"Several people have come out," Agnes said. She smiled and added, "I'm really glad for you, Britt. We were wise to pick Friday evening to have the signing."

"I guess the week Carl spent going around town and promoting my book is greatly responsible for our success," Britt reminded her.

Britt's agent, Carl Turner had come to Porterville a week earlier to promote his client's latest book.

"Is he still staying with you and Devon?" Agnes asked.

"He is. However, he will be returning to Oklahoma City in the morning. He flies out tomorrow afternoon."

Britt reached for one of his books, and opening to the front fly cover, he wrote a message and signed his name.

"Here you go, Agnes," he said handing her the book. "For your library collection."

"Thank you so much, Britt. I will put this on the shelf next to your other books." She gave Britt a kiss on his cheek. "You are so good to this town. You and Devon both," she added as she walked away with her new book.

Britt walked across the room to where Catherine Williams, his mother, and Alice Poteet, Britt's future sister-in-law were standing.

"What are the two of you concocting over here?" he greeted.

Catherine Williams gave her son one of her special looks. "We're discussing Alice's new home. "

Alice had married the Chief of Police, Brian Poteet, six months earlier. The couple had lived in the home Alice grew up in while they were waiting for their own house to be built out near Porterville's small lake. In fact, the home had been built on land that Alice's brother, Devon, had given them. It was this same brother that Britt had fallen hopelessly in love with. The two were planning to be married in three weeks.

"It is very nice," Britt agreed. He smiled warmly at his future sister-in-law. "Also, it's great having such good neighbors living close by."

When Britt and Devon McKenzie had first moved in together, they lived in the huge and elaborate McKenzie Mansion just outside of Porterville. The place was enormous, and the two continually lost themselves in the mass of rooms. While Devon's parents had been alive, Britt and Devon had maintained two separate addresses. Besides the mansion, the couple also had a cabin near the lake. Even though it was quite large, the cabin didn't compare to the size of the mansion. As a good gesture to the town Devin decided to deed the mansion over to the city of Porterville, to be used for special events. Realizing the cost that went into supporting such a structure, Devon had also donated a large sum of money to be used in the upkeep of the place. Now, weddings and wedding receptions, along with various special event meetings were held there. Britt and Devon had moved into the cabin, happy to live in a much smaller space. Edna and Wallace, cook and butler of the mansion, moved out to the cabin with the two men.

"It's much better than nice," Britt's mother disagreed.

Smiling at Britt, Alice turned to Catherine and said, "I almost forgot to tell you about our dinner. Brian and I are hosting a dinner Sunday evening. Just family and a few friends."

"We'll be there with bells on," Britt assured her.

"Are you getting excited about your wedding?" Alice asked.

Britt shrugged his shoulders. "At the moment, no, I am not. You know how I like to compartmentalize, Alice. I want to get through tonight, and then I'll think about the wedding."

Britt saw that a line was forming once more before the table. "I need to get back to work. I'll see you two lovely ladies later."

Britt took his seat once more behind the table and began greeting readers of his latest book.

"I was talking with Bonnie Owens a few days back," Catherine said to Alice. "Bonnie told me that Larry was really looking forward to Britt and Devon's wedding."

Larry Owens was not only the local Methodist minister, but he was Catherine's pastor, as well as a good friend to all of them, especially Britt and Devon.

"Larry is truly a good man," Alice praised. "And Bonnie is one of the warmest friends that I have ever had," she added. "I think that it's wonderful that they truly believe in and support the guys' wedding."

"They are good people," Catherine agreed. "I love them both."

Carl Turner joined his client at the signing table. "Britt, I'm very pleased with the turnout this evening," the agent said and smiled.

"You're the reason," Britt told the man. "The week you spent going around town and building it up, along with the fliers you left in businesses, well, I'm not surprised at all."

"I may have had something to do with it, but the town is proud of having a celebrated author in the middle of its population. Your good name alone would probably have been enough."

Agnes Johnson, the librarian, was suddenly standing at one side of the table. She was holding an envelope in her hand. Handing it to Britt, she said, "I found this on the circulation desk. It's addressed to you, Britt."

Britt took the envelope from the woman. Holding it in his hand, he read, "Britt Williams. Confidential."

"What's this, I wonder?"

"Only one way to find out," Agnes said with a smile.

Britt pulled a single folded sheet from the envelope. As he read the contents, his face paled. The note read:

"Be warned! A man who marries another man is headed for hell. Think of Porterville and how a wedding such as yours will harm the town."

Seeing the look on Britt's face, Agnes said, "I hope it's not bad news."

Britt silently handed the note to Carl Turner. The man read it and handed the paper back to the author.

"Where the hell did this come from?" his agent asked.

"I found it at the circulation desk," Agnes repeated.

As Britt took hold of the message he saw Larry and Bonnie Owens walking toward him. He asked Carl to take over for him at the table, adding, "I'll return in a moment."

Britt stood up and walked around the table. He made his way toward the minister and his wife.

"Good crowd," Larry said extending a hearty handshake to Britt.

"I'm so happy for you," Bonnie Owens said and gave Britt a quick hug. "I've started reading your latest book, and I can hardly put it down."

"It's the truth," Larry said with a twinkle in his eye. "I—"

Britt interrupted the minister and said, "Larry, I apologize for being rude, but I need to speak with you."

"Certainly," Larry said. "What's on your mind?"

Looking at Bonnie, Britt said, "I'm sorry, Bonnie, but I need to have a word with Larry privately."

"That's perfectly alright," Bonnie assured him. "I see Catherine and Alice across the room. I'll be visiting with them," she told her husband.

Britt watched the woman walk away and said, "Larry, I need to show you something. Let's step over here where it's a bit more private."

When the two men were standing next to a shelf filled with books, Britt handed the minister the piece of paper with the warning message.

The minister read it twice before speaking. "Have you shown this to Brian? This seems to me to be an out and out threat."

Britt told the man that he had just received the warning, adding that Agnes Johnson had found it and brought to him.

"Well, you need to show Brian. He's over there talking with your mother now. I think you should tell him"

Britt looked at the clock. "The signing will be over in ten minutes. "I'll finish with that and then talk with Brian."

Britt left the minister standing by the bookshelf and returned to the table. It looked like the crowd was dying out, and he thought it best to be done with that before talking with Brian.

The book signing ended at nine o'clock, and when the last person had left the line, Britt looked up and discovered Brian Poteet, Chief of Police, as well as his future brother-in-law, standing before him.

"Hey, Brian," he greeted.

Larry joined the Chief of Police at the table. "I'm sorry, but I told Brian about your note."

Holding the note, Brian asked, "Do you have any idea who could have written this, Britt?"

Britt shook his head. "No idea at all. Agnes found it on the counter and brought it to me. I had no idea what was going to be inside the envelope."

Devon McKenzie joined them and asked, "What's going on?"

Britt eyed the man standing next to Brian Poteet. Although the two of them had been partnered and living together for almost two years, Devon McKenzie could still cause Britt's heart to flip flop when the man came into a room. Devon's brown eyes and his great smile never failed to melt Britt's heart. He loved the man with every fiber of his being.

"How was your meeting?" Britt asked him. He knew an unexpected meeting had detained Devon from being at the beginning of the book signing.

Before Devon could answer, Brian said, "It seems that someone is against you and Britt getting married." He handed Devon the note to read.

After reading the warning, a dark scowl appeared on his face. "When did you receive this?" he asked Britt.

"Agnes found it during the signing and gave it to me."

"Why the hell didn't you stop the signing?" Devon demanded. "You could have been harmed."

Britt walked around the table and tried to assure the man he loved with a hug. "While the note startled me, I didn't feel that I was in danger," Britt said after he stepped back from Devon.

Brian asked Agnes to lock the library door. Once that was done, he called everyone over to join them. As Catherine, Alice, and Bonnie stood together around them, Brian explained about the warning note.

Catherine Williams' face turned white. "Oh, my lord," she said softly.

Britt hurried over to his mother. "It's alright, Mom. Nothing is going to happen to me."

"You don't know that," Devon disagreed.

Looking at the man who made him so happy, Britt said, "What about you, Dev? If I am in danger, then so are you. After all, I'm not the only one getting married."

The room became silent for a moment. Finally Britt broke the silence by saying, "Larry, what do you think? Should we call the whole thing off?"

"Definitely not," Larry declared.

"Should we get married somewhere else other than the church?" Devon asked.

"No," Larry said with a stronger tone in his voice this time.

"We don't want to cause any trouble for the town," Britt explained.

It was Larry who spoke next. He said, "By no means do I intend to preach a sermon here, but I do have a few words to say. I know that you both love each other very much. Each of us is a child of God. He loves us all the same and doesn't show any favoritism. I don't feel that God has a problem with the two of you getting married, and if God doesn't have a problem, then why should I? Or anyone else?" Larry added.

Catherine walked over and stood between the two special men in her life. "I will admit that I am concerned about this warning," she said. Looking first at her son and then at her "other" son, she smiled and said, "I agree with Larry. It's plain to see how much the two of you love each other. I'm going to be proud to call you both my sons." Then looking around the room, she said, "And I dare anyone to speak against either one of my sons."

Bonnie walked over and gave both Britt and Devon a warm hug. Then she said, "I'm with Catherine. I'll knock anyone in the head who says differently."

"Still," Brian spoke up, "I think we should take this note seriously. Britt, you and Devon need to be on your guard at all times."

Britt wrapped his arm around Devon's shoulders and said, "We'll protect each other."

Brian was finished talking, so Agnes unlocked the door of the library, and everyone walked outside. She turned the lights out and left the building, locking the door behind her.

"You guys be careful," Brian warned as Britt and Devon, along with everyone else, got into their vehicles and drove away.

As they were walking inside their cabin, Devon said, "I don't know about you, but I could certainly use a drink. How about you, Babe?"

"Definitely," Britt answered as he closed and locked the door behind him.

Both men shrugged out of their coats and tossed them over the back of one of the chairs in the room. Britt took a seat on the sofa and waited for Devon to return with their drinks.

"Here you go," Devon said a short time later as he handed a glass to Britt.

Britt took a sip of his drink and said, "So tell me, Dev, what your take on this situation is."

"That we should take the threat seriously."

"Do you still believe we should have a public wedding?"

Devon smiled and said, "While I believe the warning warrants caution, I sure as hell still plan on marrying you."

Britt sat his glass down on the table beside him and scooted across the sofa to be next to Devon. "I'm glad to hear that."

Britt pulled the man to him and placed his lips on Devon's mouth. The two shared a kiss, gentle at first, but one that rapidly caused their bodies to become filled with passion, want, and need.

Britt broke the kiss and slid off the sofa. Pulling Devon with him, he said, "Let's take this upstairs. I need you to fuck me." The last words were whispered in Devon's ear.

Britt took their coats as Devon went around the room turning out the lights. They climbed the stairs and walked down the hall to their bedroom. Once inside with the door shut, both of them began tugging at their clothes.

"Not even going to take a shower?" Devon asked as he slipped out of his slacks.

"Took one before I left for the book signing," Britt said. He slipped his thumbs inside the waistband of his shorts and with a quick tug, they were suddenly down around his ankles. Britt quickly stepped out of them and gave Devon a wicked grin.

"I like it when you're naked," Devon said eyeing Britt's naked hairy body. He loved the way the man's thick hair spread down his chest and stomach and joined Britt's dense pubes.

"Would you stop staring at me and get naked as well?"

It didn't take Devon but a few seconds to toss the rest of his clothes to the floor, and together, the two men fell naked into their bed.

"God, I love you," Britt said softly, holding his lover close.

"I love you too, Britt," Devon whispered. "So damned much," he added.

Their naked flesh touching, Britt reached between them and went searching for Devon's dick. When he found it, he wrapped his fingers around the man's thick shaft.

"You're hard," Britt said unnecessarily.

"No shit, Sherlock."

Britt felt his lover's mouth covering his, and Devon's cock growing harder in his fist.

Britt kissed the man starting with his neck and working down Devon's furry body. He felt a tickle against his lips as he slowly made his way along Devon's hairy chest and stomach. When he reached the man's thick bush, Britt ran his tongue though it, leaving a wet trail behind. When he came to Devon's dick, Britt discovered the man was beginning to leak pre cum heavily from the tip. He used his tongue to clean the slippery substance from the tip of Devon's cock, and when he was done cleaning, Britt opened his mouth and took the thick mushroom head inside. Teasing Devon with his eyes, Britt, without any warning, swallowed all seven inches of the man's dick, stopping only when he reached the hairy base. With his nose planted in the middle of Devon's wiry cock hair, Britt breathed in deeply through his nose. He did love Devon's man scent. Britt continued sucking the cock in his mouth until more and more pre cum was leaking out on his tongue.

He pulled off and said, "Okay, fuck me."

"Hand me the lube and get on your knees," Devon ordered.

Britt did as he was told, and it wasn't long until he felt Devon's cockhead sliding around his hairy hole.

"Fuck, it's going to feel so good having you inside me," Britt groaned.

When Britt felt Devon slip the head inside him, he took a deep breath. Devon didn't push in any deeper so Britt pushed his body back into the man. The action forced Devon's dick to slide entirely inside and come to a stop as it reached Britt's prostate.

"Oh, God, yes," Britt moaned. "Fuck me, Dev."

Encouraged by the words, Devon began sliding in and out of Britt's hairy opening, driving Britt crazy each time he slammed against his prostate.

On his knees, with Devon's cock inside his ass, Britt took hold of his dick and began stroking himself. He continued jacking for a time, but stopped when he felt his orgasm beginning to rise from his balls.

"Stop," he said to Devon.

Surprised, Devon pulled out and waited.

"I want to look at your face while you fuck me," Britt told him.

Britt quickly turned over and fell to the bed on his back. He opened his legs so that Devon could enter him from the new position.

When Devon was once more inside, Britt resumed jacking his cock. It didn't take long for him to feel his approaching orgasm for the second time. He warned Devon that he was going to cum.

As Britt jacked faster, Devon began fucking harder, driving his dick deeper with each thrust.

"Fuck, here it comes," Britt cried out.

Inside Britt's ass, Devon felt his cock thicken up. "I'm cumming, too," he exclaimed.

As the first jet of cum shot from Britt's cock, Devon groaned, "Cumming!"

When both sets of balls had emptied themselves of their sperm, the men lay quietly together for a time with Devon on Britt's sticky stomach. Each could feel their matted body hair between them.

Feeling himself becoming relaxed, Britt said, "While I didn't need a shower earlier, I definitely need one now."

Devon gave him a quick kiss and rolled off his lover's body. "Same goes for me. Let's hit the shower and then get some sleep."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Britt agreed. He followed Devon into the bathroom.

Later, their showers over, both men crawled between the sheets and went to sleep with their arms around each other. For now they would dismiss the note Britt had received and worry about it in the morning.

Next: Chapter 2

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