No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Feb 29, 2020



It had only been a few weeks since I last nutted, but I felt like a totally different person. I remembered the Ethan who used to sneak in a jack off session in the shower or bathroom stall, watching porn on his phone. Watching girls with big tits getting railed. Imagining I was fucking them, making them moan, making them cum. That Ethan sometimes thought about having sex with his ex-girlfriend when he jacked off. He was proud of his dick, thought it was bigger than average. He was a popular guy that other guys admired.

But ever since Ryan had tricked me into putting my cock in a cage to try and win a $600 No Nut November bet, that version of me had been slipping away. Ryan had shown me a new way to watch porn where I stop caring about my own orgasm and just care about the guy in the video. And then somehow I started watching Ryan jacking off. Because it helped calm my sexual frustration to see him nut. And in that process, somehow I became almost addicted to it. I got angry and irritable if I didn't get to watch Ryan jack off. His dick was so big and he always came such big loads. It was impressive, really.

So I guess it's not that surprising that when he did let me take my cage off, my dick seemed smaller than I remembered, and I had a hard time actually getting hard. As much as I hated to admit it, there was a part of me that was just more interested in Ryan's dick now. It was unquestionably a better dick, and he was nice enough to let me stroke it as if it were my own.

Not only that, he had started getting me to suck it. I was so desperate to see him nut that he convinced me it would only work if I sucked him off. And then having done it a couple times... well...

Ryan and I resumed our normal nighttime shower routine, but with a twist. I would still kneel in the corner, waiting for him to finish soaping up his naked body, watching the suds run down his abs over his soft cock. Then he would shampoo, his biceps reaching up to his shaggy hair. Then conditioner, face wash... all while I knelt quietly on the hard tile floor, waiting.

A couple times, he even peed into the drain while I was there. I guess it's not that weird, I mean we've all peed in the shower. But he didn't even ask me if it was okay or anything. He just started pissing into the drain while I knelt there and watched. I guess it was just part of his routine or whatever, so I didn't complain, but I did feel a little bit of his piss splash on my thighs. Whatever, we were in a shower.

When finally he was ready for me, he would step closer to me and my heart would start beating a little faster. I'd wrap my hands around his shaft and star to jerk him off. It was always kind of crazy to feel his soft dick grow harder and harder, longer and longer, as my fingers wrapped around it. If I had a dick like his, I would jack it off all the time. I don't have a dick like his, but at least I get to jack his off, I guess.

And then the new part of the routine came toward the end. Ryan would whisper, "Come on, do that thing..." and I would know he meant I should lick his shaft from the base to the tip. He loved it when I did that. He'd moan a little bit, and I'd know I was making him feel good. And then... well, his dick was right in my face and I knew it was going to make him feel good and get his nut, so I would just finish him off in my mouth.

There. I said it. I thought I was never going to suck a dick, but it was just hard not to when I knew how good it made Ryan feel. He was always so appreciative when I sucked his dick, told me how I was really talented at it. And then he would bust his load, usually in my mouth, tell me to swallow, and then tell me that it was an amazing nut. Cum didn't taste that bad once I got used to it.

So yeah, I know how it looks, but honestly, you try and not jack off for a month and see what it does to your sexual urges. Obviously this is all temporary, but it was really working and I felt confident about making it to the end of November. Once I just accepted that I was going to start sucking Ryan's cock regularly, I allowed myself to start enjoying it more. And so I actually looked forward to our nighttime showers when I would get to suck his dick.

Because while I used to be able to jack my own dick off, I could never suck my own dick off. So it was kind of cool to be able to suck Ryan's, since at this point I had just started feeling like his dick was my dick. In that... I don't know... like whereas I used to jack off my own dick all the time, now I would just jack off his dick all the time. So his dick was really familiar to me now. I was used to the girth of it in my hands, knew each vein, knew how when it throbbed a certain way that meant we were about to get our nut.

I started understanding the rhythm Ryan liked when I stroked him. He really liked when I played with his balls with one hand and jerked him while rotating my other hand. He really loved when I used two hands, probably because it made him feel like his dick was really big (which it is). Sometimes when I'd use two hands, he would put his hands on his head and flex his biceps a little as he looked down at me with that little smirk of his. He was probably thinking he was the man, getting regular blowjobs every night and not having to do anything in return. Which, yeah... I guess that does sound pretty awesome. But just like I felt like I nutted when he nutted, I enjoyed him feeling like he was the man. Even if that meant spending my evenings kneeling on a tile floor swallowing his cum.

The whole path to this point definitely felt a bit bipolar. I'd been so furious with Ryan at times and truly hated him for what he was making me do. But I realized if I just stopped fighting it, it was a lot easier. So what if I was enjoying sucking his cock sometimes. It wasn't the real Ethan, it was November Ethan. November wasn't going to last forever, so I may as well just enjoy it if I could.

But then, as we headed into Thanksgiving break, I had a horrible realization. Ryan was flying home for almost a week.

He lived on the East coast, whereas I was a drive away. I realized this when he made a joke about how it was a good thing I wasn't going to have to go through TSA at the airport with my cage on since I could drive home. I laughed, but part of me spiraled toward imagining how embarrassing that would be to try and explain to airport security why I was wearing a metal cage.

"If I did have to fly home, you'd let me take it off, though, right?" I asked him. It was Saturday and we were both doing laundry. Our loads had finished drying so we were piling them in our respective hampers.

"No way, dude! First thing you'd do is go into the airport bathroom and jack off," Ryan said, laughing. "You'd just have to explain your cage to them."

He mentioned he was flying home tomorrow, and my face went white. "You okay, Eth?"

"How long are you gonna be gone?"

"I'll be back the following Saturday," he said. Then, realizing why I was reacting that way, "Oh man, you're worried about not being able to get my nut for that long, aren't you?"

As embarrassing as it was to admit, it was true.

"You might have to find some porn again. I'm telling you, just use gay porn, it'll be easier for you," Ryan said smugly.

I'd actually tried watching gay porn recently, but it just didn't have the same effect. Now that I was used to a real life situation, videos just didn't seem to work.

We walked back to our dorm with our clean laundry. After setting the hamper down, I asked, "Are you going to jack off while you're home?"

Ryan laughed. "Of course I am."

"Maybe you could Skype me," I muttered, blushing.

"Eh, we'll see I guess. Oh shoot... I didn't realize what time it was... I need to get to the gym before it closes," Ryan said. It seemed like he was always late for something. "You wanna come with?"

"To the gym?" I shook my head. I hadn't been to the gym since I put my cage on. I was too self-conscious to wear athletic shorts, let alone change in the locker room.

"Aight, well, do you mind putting my laundry away? I hate when my clothes get all wrinkly."

Ryan wanted me to put his fucking laundry away? "Can't you just do it before you go to the gym?"

"Dude, come on, I'm letting you suck my dick every night, the least you can do is help fold my fuckin' laundry."

"Letting me?!" I shot back. I was feeling heated again. Ryan really knew how to push my buttons.

"You know what I mean," he said, tousling my hair. "Come on bro, just put my underwear and socks in the top drawer, tanktops in the second drawer, pants in the third. Button down shirts get hung up in the closet."

I looked at his bulging laundry hamper. Was he really gonna make me do this?

"Or I can just do it when I get back tonight instead of showering," he said coldly.

"But you said you're leaving tomorrow. So tonight is the last chance..." I started saying.

"Yeah, it's the last chance for you to get my nut for awhile. Just put away the fucking laundry, Ethan."

"Fine," I muttered as I put some of my own clothes in a drawer.

"Do mine first."

I sighed and grabbed his hamper.

"Thanks bro," he said as he grabbed his gym bag and departed.

I was left alone in our dorm room with a massive pile of Ryan's laundry. Resigning myself, I started folding his clothes and putting them in the appropriate drawers per his instructions. I noticed he had a lot of Calvin Klein boxer briefs. It was weird folding his underwear, realizing his cock and balls had been in them dozens of times. I noticed beside his bed a used pair he had forgotten to wash. I picked them up and smelled them.

His underwear smelled like his dick and balls. I closed my eyes as I brought his underwear to touch my face, smelling his musk. Then stopped. What the fuck was I doing? Smelling my roommates dirty underwear? Why did I enjoy doing that?

Ryan was going to be gone for so long... and he had so many pairs of underwear... I wondered if he would notice if one went missing. He had forgotten to wash these, so maybe that meant he wouldn't notice them gone.

I stripped off my shorts and underwear so I was bare ass with my caged cock exposed. Then I pulled Ryan's underwear on. I looked at myself in the mirror, wearing his dirty underwear. My bulge made it obvious I was wearing a cage. My ass looked pretty good in them. Oh fuck it, I thought. I'm just going to take them.

I continued folding and putting away the rest of Ryan's laundry. Just before I finished, Bobby came home.

"Why are you going through Ryan's shit?" he asked, suspicious.

"No, I'm not... I'm just... helping him."

"Dude... are you putting away his laundry?"


Bobby just shook his head and sighed. I blushed red.

For my last shower session with Ryan before break, I started right away with a blowjob. Ryan stepped up to me with his soft cock and I immediately took the whole thing in my mouth. Since I wasn't going to get to do this for awhile, I wanted to make the most of it. It was a strange feeling having his cock grow in my mouth. He bucked his hips back and forth thrusting in and out. My saliva drooled onto the shower floor.

And before long, Ryan pulled out of my mouth and jerked his load off all over my face. I closed my eyes to stop the cum from getting in them, but could still feel the sting as some leaked in. The cum dripped off my chin. My whole face was warm. Ryan turned off the shower and said, "Good job, bud. See you again in a week," and left me.

I blindly felt around until I grabbed my towel and wiped his cum off my face. I felt dazed as I left the shower and went to the bathroom sink. Totally naked in my cage, I used my towel to wipe some more cum off me. I looked in the mirror and saw one of my eyes was bloodshot red from Ryan's cum. Damn it.

The bathroom door swung open and I hurried to wrap my towel around my waist as one of my floor mates came in. Whether or not he saw, I don't know, but I know the whole floor had already been gossiping about my cage. I hope they realize it's just for No Nut November, that it's not like I actually would choose to wear it normally. They might be laughing now, but I'd be laughing when I got that prize pool of $600.

Before Ryan left for his flight, he gave me a wrapped present. It was a about half the size of a shoebox.

"Why are you giving me this?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because you're my friend, Ethan," Ryan said and rubbed my shoulder. "But I don't want you to open it now, okay? I'll tell you when to open it."

It felt really good hearing Ryan say I was his friend. Yeah. I was his friend. That's why he'd been willing to help me deal with my sexual frustrations the past few weeks. Ryan could get laid by any girl he wanted, but he was willing to save his loads for me instead. And since I wanted to be a good friend, too, I made sure he always felt good, even if it meant sucking his dick, even if I wasn't normally into sucking dick. Sucking Ryan's dick was different.

"Thanks, Ryan," I replied. He gave me that signature smirk with his dimples before heading out. When he was gone, I felt the pit of my stomach fall a little bit. I was truly on my own now.

Ryan told me he was taking my key with him to the East coast. At first that made me nervous, because there would be no way for me to unlock. But I realized there was no reason I would need to unlock. I could make it no matter what.

Or at least I thought I could make it no matter what. The first three days were absolute hell. My cock was pressing against my cage all the time I was so horny. I tried watching gay porn a lot, and I saw so many guys busting their nuts, but none of them were Ryan, none of them were real. I found myself staring at the bulge of every guy I passed on campus. A couple times I saw guys walking in front of my wearing gray sweatpants and actually followed them until I could get ahead of them and take a look at their bulge.

I started to consider whether I should try and find another guy on campus to help me out. I downloaded Grindr and uploaded a torso shot. I was drinking heavily, of course, because this was very foreign terrain for me. A bunch of weird people messaged me. Some guys who wanted me to fuck them. Which obviously I couldn't do, nor would I want to fuck a guy. I just wanted to maybe watch a guy jack off. But none of the guys were like Ryan, really. It all felt so sketchy. So I deleted the app.

When I took my showers, I listened carefully to the other stalls around me for any fapping noises. I had this fantasy that maybe I could pretend I didn't know the shower was occupied and catch one of my floormates jacking off right when they were nutting. I was pretty good at knowing the kind of sounds Ryan made when he was past the point of no return. If I heard that from a shower stall, I could catch someone and they wouldn't be able to stop from nutting. I could pretend it was all an accident, and then I would have gotten to see a guy nut in person again.

But unfortunately that didn't really pan out either. I took long showers, and I often spent about five minutes of them just kneeling in the corner where I usually was with Ryan. Just kneeling on the floor while the water ran, closing my eyes, imagining him going through his routine. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, piss. Then stepping up to me. But I'd open my eyes and he wasn't there, and my cock was bulging in my cage. It was hell.

Bobby left for home the night before I was heading home. I had the room all to myself. And I ended up just drinking... a lot. Drinking helped dull the crazy sexual anxiety a little bit. I played some video games and just had some beer.

And then, my phone vibrated with a call. It was Ryan. My heart leapt out of my chest.

"H-hi! Ryan!" I stammered.

"Miss me?" he said. I could almost hear his smirk.

"Dude, it's been fucking hell."

My phone started vibrating some more -- it was a Facetime request. I accepted. And then saw Ryan laying on his back, shirtless.

"Guess what?" he said.


Ryan lowered the camera down his torso... and I saw his trimmed pubes and then there it was -- his cock.

"Damn..." I muttered.

"You miss it?"


Ryan laughed. I blushed, realizing I'd just said I missed a guy's cock. November Ethan was so weird. Then Ryan's muscled arm reached down and grabbed hold of his cock. And started jerking it.

"Are you gonna nut for me?" I asked.

Ryan flipped the camera back to his face, smirking. "Maybe. You want me to?"

"Dude it would... I mean... it would really help me. If you're willing to."

"Open your present," he instructed. I'd put his present on my desk, staring at it for three days, waiting for him to let me open it. I grabbed it and showed it to him.

"Right now?" I asked.

"Right now. Open it, buddy."

I ripped open the wrapping paper... and inside was... a dildo. Yup, it was a fucking dildo. Flesh-colored, thick, bigger than mine but smaller than Ryan's. My heart sank a little bit. Ryan laughed, seeing my expression.

"Is this a joke?" I asked.

"Come on, Eth, lighten up! You can't have my cock right now, so I wanted to give you another one."

I shook my head. Ryan really thought I would want a fucking dildo? Did he think I was going to start shoving things up my ass? He had just said he was my friend a few days ago... I don't know why I was so pissed off about it. I guess I had imagined for days what might be in the package. I didn't think it would be something kind of... demeaning.

"Take it out of the package," he instructed me. I cut it open and held it in my hand.

"Can I just watch you jerk off now?" I asked.

Ryan obliged, showing me his hardening cock over the phone. "You like watching me stroke my thick cock, Ethan?"

I sighed, knowing I would have to play along. "Yes," I said timidly.

"You wish you could wrap your lips around this shaft, don't you?"


"Suck the tip of the dildo."

I hesitated, and Ryan angled the camera away from his cock. "Did you hear me?"

"I don't really want to... it's a piece of like... rubber."

Ryan propped up his phone on the foot of his bed and knelt so he was looking down at me, his cock in full frame. It was a great angle. "Imagine it's my cock, Ethan. Suck it."

I raised the dildo up to my lips. It tasted... like latex.

"Good, now do that thing I like," Ryan commanded. I licked the dildo from the base all the way to the tip. "Hell yeah, just like that. Come on, put it in your mouth."

Ryan's voice sounded so sexy, I couldn't help but start sucking on the dildo as I watched him jerking off. I tried my best to imagine the dildo was his cock, though it surely wasn't as big. Still, with his moans, it was doing the trick. I drooled all over the dildo, bobbing my head, getting into it, moaning, as Ryan watched me.

"Fuck yeah, you love that, don't you bitch," Ryan said just as he started nutting all over his bed. "Ohhhh fuck yeah! Take that fuckin' load, bitch!"

I shoved the dildo deep into my throat, gagging myself as Ryan came. I imagined the taste of his cum on my tongue as rope after rope shot out. And then it was over. And I felt... a lot better.

"So?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah... that helped."

"Can I get a thank you?"

"Thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

I sighed. "Thank you for letting me watch you nut."

"And what about my gift?"

"...thank you for the dildo."

"Of course, bud. Talk to you later."

And then Ryan hung up. I was left alone holding a dildo that was sopping wet with my own saliva. I stared at the dildo for a long moment. It was weird to imagine some guys actually liked putting this kind of thing up their butts. Surely it felt really weird... right?

I slid my boxer briefs off so I was just in a T-shirt, my caged cock exposed. I didn't want to put the dildo in me, but I was curious what it felt like. It was so wet with my saliva right now, too.

Slowly, I brought it down past my cock and balls. Sitting on the couch, I lifted my feet off the floor and bent my knees, then touched the tip of the dildo against my ass crack. I rubbed it back and forth a little bit and felt a shiver run through my body. This was so weird. I didn't want to do it. What if I just pressed it in a little bit and saw what it felt like, though?

I felt my hole twitching a little bit against the tip of the dildo. I took a deep breath, and pushed it in. It was such a bizarre feeling having my asshole opened up by a foreign object like that, and I felt a sudden sting of pain. I winced and closed my eyes, but left the tip of it in me. Didn't seem like such a great feeling, really. Probably wasn't for me.

I slid a little more of the dildo inside me. With my eyes closed, I suddenly saw Ryan's smirking face in front of me. I saw him wagging his big, thick cock at me. "Take that fuckin' load, bitch," I heard him say as I pressed the dildo deeper in me, then started pushing it in and out.

"Gimme that load, Ryan," I muttered. "Gimme your fuckin' nut, bro..."

And then I pushed the dildo in a little too far and searing pain went through me. "Fuck!" I pulled the dildo out quickly and my ass felt suddenly empty. I breathed through the pain. Shit. What had I been doing? I was so drunk. I'd actually put a dildo in my ass? So gross. What straight guy puts a dildo in his ass? I could feel my own saliva in my asshole.

I shoved the dildo in a drawer and cracked open another beer. At some point, I passed out on the couch, still wearing nothing but a T-shirt and my cage.

Thanks for reading! It's been awhile since the last chapter, but I've been really busy with some other projects. I'm sorry to keep everyone waiting. Now you know what it's like to have to wait a long time for your nut, haha! There's still more to come, so bear with me... in the meantime, I love hearing from readers at :)

Next: Chapter 10

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