No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Dec 17, 2019



I found myself thinking a lot about the taste of Ryan's cum the next day. When he had accidentally cum in my face while I watched him jack off in the shower, some of his cum got in my mouth. It was the first time I'd ever tasted cum. I'd never tried my own before. I'd always been a little curious to know what it tasted like, and there were a couple times I thought about jacking off and trying my own, but as soon as I nutted I lost interest and thought that trying my own cum would be really gay.

I guess I didn't expect cum to taste as sweet as it did. Ryan's was a little bit salty but also sweet, and it was warm in my mouth. I think I expected it to taste gross the way that eating pussy did when I tried it in high school. But it was nothing like that. It honestly wasn't that bad. Of course, I still spit it out and everything. I wasn't about to swallow my roommate's cum. It was bad enough I'd kneeled in the corner of the shower and watched him jack off. Seriously, having my cock caged was making my hormones run wild. I'd never felt so crazily horny in my entire life.

When Ryan got home from class the next night, Bobby and I were both in the room working on homework. I approached Ryan as soon as he walked in and whispered, "You gonna hit the shower?"

Ryan smirked and shook his head. "I dunno, bro, I think I'm just gonna shower in the morning."

"Oh... okay," I said, clearly a little disappointed. Ryan ruffled my hair then went to his dresser. He took off his jeans so he was just in some tight black boxer briefs. Then pulled off his polo shirt. I could see his dick bulging in his boxer briefs. I couldn't believe he didn't want to nut right now. That's literally all I ever wanted to do these days and I couldn't.

Ryan put on some basketball shorts and a tanktop, then noticed I was staring at him. I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. "You know what? I think I will hit the shower after all." He winked at me, grabbed his towel and headed to the bathroom. I felt a strange exhilaration in me.

When we got to the bathroom, two of the stalls were already in use. Ryan put a finger to his lips and led me into one of the empty ones. He took off my towel and pointed to the corner where I knelt on the cold tile floor wearing nothing but the cage on my dick. He then pulled off his own towel, freeing his big, free-swinging cock.

Once again, I knelt on the floor, shivering slightly, while Ryan went through his normal shower routine. Body wash, shampoo, conditioner. I sighed a little loudly. Ryan looked down at me, midway through rinsing his hair.

"What?" He whispered.

"Why can't you do all that afterward?" I said. I felt like a whiny little kid, but I just couldn't help but feeling a little degraded to be stuck on my knees like this.

Ryan took a step closer to my and grabbed me by the chin, tilting my head up. His cock was just a foot away, and my eyes darted down to look at it. "Look at me, Ethan," he whispered. "You will wait as long as I want you to wait. Understood?"

A slight fear took hold of me hearing how serious Ryan sounded. I suddenly felt terrible for complaining. He was doing me a huge favor by letting me watch him nut like this. He didn't even want to shower tonight. I nodded. "S-sorry."

"If you want to help, you could get things started while I finish shampooing," he said. Help? How was I supposed to help? "Do you want to help me out?"

"Okay... how?" I asked, still trying to keep my voice down. Just then, one of the other showers turned off and I heard a boy in the next stall toweling off.

Ryan put his finger to his lips, then reached down and grabbed my hand. He pulled it toward him... and wrapped it around his cock.

I felt his warm, thick cock in my hand for a moment before realizing what he was doing. I instantly pulled my hand away. "Hey!"

Ryan grabbed my wrist and sternly pressed a finger to his lips. I heard footsteps of the other boy walking out of the bathroom. One other shower was still going. We still weren't alone.

Ryan pulled my wrist toward his cock again. "You said you wanted to help. Shut up and help."

I felt my fingers wrapping around Ryan's dick. It felt a lot thicker than mine. I'd never felt another guy's dick like this before. It was such a strange feeling... Ryan moved my wrist up and down, getting me to jerk his dick. "Ryan..." I protested faintly, but he put his finger to his lips again.

"Just pretend it's yours. Make it feel good," Ryan commanded.

I put my focus on the cock that was just a foot away from my face. It had been awhile since I felt a cock in my hands. It was rapidly growing as I jerked it up and down. Ryan spit and it landed on his cock. My hand rubbed the saliva up and down his shaft, lubing it up. "Faster," he said. I jerked him faster and his cock started making that rhythmic fap-fap-fap sound. Whoever was in the other shower could definitely hear it... I'd heard it before. This was the sound Ryan's cock always made when he jacked off in the shower, but this time, I was the one making the sound.

His cock got incredibly hard, and I reached up with my other hand to jerk it off too. Using both my hands, my biceps flexing, as I kneeled on the tile floor in front of my roommate Ryan.

Ryan put both his hand on his head and looked down at me as I stroked him. I felt his cock throbbing... I think I was making him feel really good. It felt good to make him so hard. And as I focused on it, I could almost imagine what it felt like for him.

"Spit on it," he whispered. I leaned over, gathered some saliva, and spit on his cock. I rubbed it in with my hands, then spit a couple more times. "Good boy," Ryan said. "Get that nut."

I needed Ryan to nut, because then it was like I was getting to nut, too. What would feel good if this were my dick? I kept jerking his dick with one hand and reached with the other to fondle his big balls. Ryan moaned and closed his eyes a little. Yeah, that definitely felt good! I smiled, pleased with myself.

It was way more intense actually participating in Ryan's nut this time. I'd watched him jack off a handful of times, and that was good, but now I felt like I was really doing it. It was like I was getting to jack myself off, but instead of my own dick it was Ryan's bigger and thicker dick. I wanted him to cum so bad.

"Fuck yeah get ready," he whispered. Just then the other shower turned off. I heard the shower curtain open as someone stepped out.

But I didn't stop. I kept jacking Ryan off, fapping his big cock. Ryan smirked down at me, then grabbed my chin, shoving his thumb into my mouth and pulled my jaw open. I could taste his wet thumb against my tongue. Why was he opening my mouth like this?

He put his other finger to his lips, still holding my mouth open, as he stepped even a little closer so his cock was right in front of my open mouth. No... he had promised he wouldn't... motherfucker!

And then in my own hands I felt Ryan's big cock throb impossibly bigger and rocket a huge load of cum straight into my open mouth. He kept my mouth open and I just kind of froze, continuing to pump his cock. He was nutting. I felt like I was nutting. Fuck I felt so good for him.

And that salty sweetness filled my mouth as rope after rope of his warm cum landed on my tongue. When the last volley of cum escaped his dick, he pushed the bottom of my chin back up, closing my mouth. I had so much fucking cum in my mouth. I looked up at him with a mixture of arousal and disgust. I couldn't believe he'd fed me his cum like that after promising he wouldn't cum on my face again.

"Swallow it," Ryan said. I shook my head vehemently, tasting my own saliva mixing with his load. Ryan narrowed his eyes as he looked down at me. "Swallow it, Ethan. Now."

Why was he making me do this? It was so cruel... he'd already made me jack him off and came in my mouth. Why did I have to swallow? But there was no other way. If I spat it out, he'd be furious. So I swallowed. Three times. That's many times it took to swallow all of his cum. It was so much.

When I'd swallowed it all, Ryan suddenly smiled, showing those big dimples. "Good job, Ethan. That was the best nut I've had all week."

"Really?" I asked, a little surprised, suddenly feeling almost proud.

"Yeah, bud. How about you? Do you feel satisfied?"

I nodded.

"Do you feel like you need to jack off?"

I shook my head.

"Exactly. It helps to touch it like that, doesn't it?"

I nodded.

"Good. This works great, too. No mess to clean up. A lot more considerate to the other guys, don't you think?"

I nodded. I felt so ashamed. I'd practically given Ryan a blowjob. No. It wasn't a blowjob. I didn't suck his cock. I just jerked it off, which was just because I couldn't jerk off my own cock. And then swallowing his cum... well, I didn't have a choice in that. I had to do it. I felt like I'd had a whole snack it was so much cum.

Ryan ruffled my hair, grabbed his towel, and left me. I stayed there on my knees for about thirty seconds, still a little stunned at what had happened.

Thanks again for reading! I'm sorry if I haven't been keeping up with responding to everyone who writes in, but I really appreciate all the encouragement, and I'll try to write back when I get a chance. You can reach me at :)

Next: Chapter 7

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