No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Apr 17, 2023



Bobby ended up transferring out of our dorm room. I frantically washed all of his sheets before he came back that night, but he smelled they were fresh and started asking questions. I stammered my way around some excuses until Ryan finally cut in with the truth: "Oh yeah, Ethan nutted on them so he washed 'em for you."

Bobby, who was sitting on his bed sniffing his comforter, lost all color from his face. He slept elsewhere that night, I think at some girl's apartment. And not long after, he moved out.

I thought it was a little sad that Ryan and Bobby's friendship had gotten destroyed the way it did. I felt like maybe it was partly my fault. After all, I was the one who'd untied Ryan and let him fuck me on Bobby's bed. I had lied to Bobby about Ryan blackmailing me to suck his dick this whole month. It made me feel kind of sick. The truth was, I hadn't been blackmailed. I'd sucked Ryan's dick willingly. I'd fucking begged to suck his dick. I liked feeling his cock pulsing in my throat, and I liked feeling his warm load splash across my face. Even after I'd finally nutted, that desire hadn't magically disappeared like I'd thought it would.

When I told Ryan I felt guilty about him and Bobby falling out, he pulled me into a one-armed hug and ruffled my hair. "Don't worry about it, bud. It was a long time coming." I felt Ryan's strong arm squeezing my body, his rough hand in my hair, and I blushed a little bit.

"But if I hadn't been your roommate, this never would've happened," I insisted.

"Nah, he never really believed me about the Andy thing, no matter what he said to my face. He's such a fuckin' prude, I was getting annoyed. It's like... we're in college bro, lighten up."

"He's a prude? But he's banging chicks all the time."

"Yeah, but like he would never understand what we'd been up to, you know?" Ryan said, looking into my eyes. What had we been up to?

"Like he'd think you were gay?"

Ryan shrugged. "He gets hung up on technicalities. Whereas I recognize a good blowjob and find a way to make it a regular thing. You know?"

I nodded. He'd certainly made me sucking his dick into a regular thing. "Are we going to keep showering together?" I asked timidly. "Now that November is over?"

Ryan cracked a wide smile, showing off his boyish dimples. "There's always room for you in the corner of my shower stall, Eth." Ryan was being so nice to me. Why was he being so nice?

But then he got suddenly serious. "However, we do still have a problem. You lost us six hundred bucks."

I nodded, staring at my feet. "I'm really sorry. I wish I could make it up to you."

Ryan nodded. "I have an idea," he said, and I saw that twinkle of mischief in his eye. That twinkle had gotten me into a lot of shit so far in college.

Ryan had to head to class, and I decided to take a shower on my own. There was the usual line of guys wearing nothing but towels around their waists, waiting for their turn. I found myself checking out their bodies more than I used to, noticing who had the most defined abs or pecs, noticing who had bulges showing in their towels. I noticed them all stare at me when I entered, but they didn't say anything. The guys who'd seen me walk to the bathrooms with my face covered in cum would certainly have told everyone by now... but I didn't care. If they tried to say or do anything mean to me, they'd have to answer to Ryan. He'd stick up for me, just like he had in the showers against Kai that one crazy night. Ryan would always have my back, and he could beat most of these guys up.

I smiled, thinking about how it felt when Ryan had pulled me into a one-armed hug earlier. How it felt when he'd wrapped his arms all the way around my torso and held me while his giant cock massacred me. As long as I had Ryan, I was safe.

In the shower, I took off my towel so I was just in the jockstrap. Was I really going to keep showering in this jockstrap forever? That seemed crazy. There was no reason for me to keep it on now. November was over, the bet was over. I could just be myself now.

I pulled the jockstrap down and my soft cock and balls flopped free. Standing in the shower, the hot water streaming over my 100% naked body, felt strangely exhilarating. I felt so incredibly naked. I noticed I hadn't pulled the shower curtain completely closed -- it was maybe 25% open. If one of the other guys got out of their shower and glanced over, they might see me naked.

I soaped up my entire body, my ass, my cock, my crack. Fuck -- I winced a little bit. My ass had been really sore since Ryan fucked me. I hadn't expected that. My muscles were sore from working out at the gym with Bobby and Peter because I hadn't worked out in awhile. In a weird way, my ass felt like that too -- it was sore the way your muscles get when you hit the gym for the first time in a long time. It made it so sometimes when I bent over certain ways, I would feel this dull throbbing. Or when I sat down, I especially felt a sharp pain inside me.

I'd find that sitting in class that week was particularly interesting. The soreness lasted a few days, and whenever I sat on the hard lecture hall seats, I felt it acutely. I realized that the sore feeling was because of Ryan's big cock, because of how hard he'd plowed me, and I'd get a boner right there in class. I found my mind drifting often, unable to focus on the lecture, instead thinking about how helpless I'd been to Ryan's dick. I wondered how long my ass would be sore. Or how long it would be until he made it sore again. What if Ryan fucked me again and a again? Would I just have to get used to always feeling sore when I sat in class? Would I have to get used to always walking a little funny in the morning?

In the shower, I realized my cock was rock hard. I looked down at it. It was a decent cock, for sure. I wrapped my fingers around it. It felt small now that I was so used to Ryan's, but I knew it wasn't small. It was a perfectly average dick.

I closed the shower curtain all the way. I decided I didn't want my dormmates seeing my hard-on after all. But fuck... I had a boner, and I was all alone, and there was no bet stopping me... maybe it was time for me to finally jack off again. I could take back control of my dick. Finally. And nut in the showers like a normal college freshman.

I spat on my dick and started jerking. I didn't care if I was making too much noise. All the other guys fucking did it, and I was one of the guys, too. It felt crazy to feel my shaft again. To actually jack off again. My strokes were short and fast and felt pretty good. I closed my eyes and found myself imagining that night when Ryan had been all the way inside me and Peter had watched, wide-eyed, filming us.

I slipped my other hand between my legs and pushed a couple fingers into my asshole. Immediately, my pleasure increased. I imagined it was Ryan's dick pushing into me as I bent over. I couldn't help but moan a little bit, then quickly quieted myself. It was one thing to jack off in the shower, it was another to finger myself in the shower. I don't think any of the other freshmen boys fingered themselves like this.

I continued jacking off and fingering myself, remembering the scent of Ryan's breath and sweat. And then I remembered what he'd whispered in my ear that sent a shiver all the way down my spine: "From the first day I met you in this dorm room, I knew you'd love this. Welcome to college, Ethan Sharp."

I felt an orgasm start to build, and then soon after my dick pulsed and shot a few dribbles of cum onto the shower drain. And then it was over. It felt a little anticlimactic, to be honest. I thought it was going to build into a super intense orgasm, but I just kind of came, and I guess it felt pretty good, but... it just didn't feel all that intense.

And instead, I felt a sudden overwhelming sense of guilt. I'd just nutted again. I knew there was no reason I shouldn't... the bet was over... but I still felt guilty. Would Ryan be upset if he knew? I'd taken off his jockstrap and jacked myself off without even asking if it was okay. What if he got mad and didn't want to let me kneel in the corner of his showers anymore?

I toweled off and trudged back to the dorm room.

I still felt guilty later that evening when Ryan and I were back in our room doing homework. So I finally blurted it out, "I nutted in the shower earlier."

Ryan put down his textbook and examined me, a little puzzled. "Okay?"

"I just... I wasn't sure if I should keep wearing the jockstrap or whatever... I guess I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing."

Ryan looked like he was holding back a laugh. "Oh, buddy... that's okay. I didn't realize you were still wearing the jockstrap."

He didn't? Then why was I still wearing it all the time?

"How did your nut feel?" Ryan asked, coming over to stand in front of me at my desk.

I looked up at him and shrugged.

"Did you use your dildo, too?"

"No... my fingers."

"And how did it feel to nut?" he asked.

I shrugged again. It had barely felt like an orgasm, to be honest.

"Probably felt like kind of a waste, didn't it?"

Well, I don't know if I would call it a "waste" per se... but... "It didn't really feel like how I remember nutting to feel... before November I mean," I admitted.

Ryan frowned a little bit. "Yeah... sorry about that. Unfortunately, I think you've gotten used to your new way of nutting."

"My new way of nutting?" I asked.

"Well, as you've seen, it's kind of pointless for you to jack off by yourself like a normal guy. You get a lot more pleasure from helping other guys get their nut now. As we saw the other night, you get so much pleasure from it that you can nut without even touching your dick. And that was a good nut, wasn't it?"

"I mean, yeah, but... wasn't that just because I hadn't nutted in a month?"

Ryan considered. "Maybe partly. When you were jacking off just now, what were you thinking about?"

I blushed. I really didn't want to admit it, but Ryan looked at me expectantly. "About... the other night."

"About me fucking you?" Ryan pressed. Why did he always want me to explicitly say things when he knew exactly what I meant.

"Yeah," I mumbled. It felt like Ryan was my older brother and had discovered my cum sock or something. I was so embarrassed to admit what I'd done.

"You really liked getting fucked, didn't you?" Ryan said. He grabbed his bulge through his sweatpants. I noticed the print of his dickhead and licked my lips.

"Forget it, I shouldn't have brought it up," I said, trying to change the conversation.

But Ryan wouldn't let me go. "No, I think you're onto something, Ethan. From now on, it's best if you don't ever nut on your own. Save it. That way, you can feel like you did the other night again when I fuck you."

"S-so you're gonna do that to me again?" I asked, sounding almost hopeful. Sounding kind of pathetic, really.

"You know, I've been thinking about how you can make it up to me. The six hundred dollars you owe me."

I was confused -- I didn't really "owe" him $600, it was money we were both supposed to "win." But I did feel like it was my fault we didn't have it. So I guess in a way I kind of owed him.

Ryan brought his laptop over to my desk and pulled up a folder of videos. The folder was labeled "Ethan." It was all the videos he had of me. There was one of me wearing my cage fucking myself with a dildo. Another of me blowing Caleb. Another of me getting fucked by Ryan's big dick. I knew he had them, but seeing them all together as a collection... Ryan really could do whatever he wanted to me.

"So there are sites where I could upload these and then we'd get ad revenue the more people that watch them," Ryan said nonchalantly as he pulled up an amateur porn site styled like YouTube.

"Woah, what?! I don't want anyone else to see these," I blurted.

Ryan ruffled my hair. "I don't know why. You look so cute in them. Look at you."

I blushed as Ryan pulled up the one of me fucking myself with the dildo Ryan had given me. I looked like a slim, cute college boy, and I bit my lip as I slid the dildo into my exposed hole. I heard myself moan, "Fuck!" as I winced and breathed heavily. Then looked at the camera and asked, "Are you close to nutting?"

I sounded so honest, so innocent. And I mean... I guess I did look really cute somehow.

"Shut up and keep fucking yourself. Imagine it's my cock," came Ryan's voice in the video. And I did as he said.

Ryan stopped the video. "I bet you could help so many guys get their nuts from watching you. Wouldn't that be a nice thing to do?"

I hesitated. What if my friends back home saw? Well, I guess that would mean they were looking at gay porn. But still... what if it came back to haunt me later somehow? "I don't know, Ryan..."

"This is the way forward, Ethan. Sorry to say it, but you're gonna have to earn that $600 somehow," Ryan said, suddenly serious.

"What if I get a part-time job or something to pay you back?" I stammered. I could just work somewhere, make some money, and then Ryan wouldn't be mad at me anymore.

Without warning, Ryan pulled his sweatpants and boxer briefs down to his knees, letting his manly cock and balls free right in front of my face. Instinctively, I leaned in to try and suck his cock.

But Ryan grabbed my face. "You're addicted to my cock now. You see that, right?" He squished my cheeks with his big hand while I looked up at him, my mouth inches from his dick. "Now that Bobby is gone, we don't even have to go to the showers to have our little secret time. We can do it right here. I can let you suck my cock every morning when I wake up, and every night before I pass out. I bet you'd like that."

I gulped. I imagined a life where Ryan and I lived together and I started and ended each day swallowing one of his loads. Why did that idea sound so thrilling? Why did I want to let him use me like that?

Ryan released my face and I stretched my jaw, rubbing it with my hand. "Just try it, bud," Ryan said. He ran his fingers through my hair and his thumb stroked my ear. Suddenly he seemed so sweet and tender again. "Let's just put up one video -- I'll let you pick which one. We'll see how it does. And if we can make that $600, then think of all the cool shit we can buy for our dorm. We'll have so much booze, we can get new video games to play... it'll be so much fun. Just you and me."

I imagined staying up late drinking and playing video games with Ryan. And then leaning over and sucking his dick. Or maybe... maybe he would fuck me again if I asked nicely. What harm could one video really do?

"Okay, let's do it," I agreed.

Ryan took my face between his hands and leaned down so his eyes were staring right into mine. Then, he pressed his lips to my cheek and kissed me. It was surprisingly soft, and brief, but my entire body shivered and I felt myself melt into him.

"Good boy," he said, patting me on the head, leaving me with a dreamy grin. Then he grabbed my shirt and pulled it up over my head. "You're gonna start coming to the gym with me, okay? You can spot me and re-rack my weights, and in return I'll give you some lifting tips."

"Okay," I said eagerly. "And maybe we can have some fun in the showers there, too."

"Oh, we'll have plenty of fun," Ryan said deviously. He took his sweatpants and underwear all the way off, then stripped off his tanktop. "Get naked and bend over your desk, I want to fuck you."

My heart started racing. Out of nowhere he just... Ryan wanted to fuck me again? I was still so sore from the first time, and I wasn't even sure if he'd want to do it again and... he acted like he had just asked me to grab him a beer it was so casual. Just bend over your desk so I can fuck you, bud.

My nut in the shower had really left me feeling unsatisfied, though, and I had a feeling it was because my fingers weren't as long and thick as Ryan's dick.

I practically tripped over myself trying to take off my shorts and jockstrap. Ryan laughed. "You're so cute," he said, and I couldn't help but smile. He'd called me cute multiple times now. Was I really cute? The boy in that video was cute, and that boy was me. So I guess I was cute. Ethan Sharp -- cute, college freshman boy. Ryan was actually lusting after me, after my body, after my ass. If a total stud like him was lusting after me... fuck, I was cute!

I leaned on my forearms on my desk, sticking my ass up and out as Ryan positioned himself behind me. "Hopefully fingering yourself in the shower helped warm you up. It might sting again," he advised.

"Okay, I'll try to relax," I said. I remembered how close I'd been to calling it off when it hurt like hell the first time. Thank god I didn't, because that had ended up being the best orgasm of my fucking life.

I heard a squirt sound and realized Ryan had a bottle of lube he was dispensing onto his dick. When had he even gotten that? The guy was a magician. He jerked his dick to spread the lube around, then slapped it against my asshole. I felt the cool, sticky lube against me. Maybe the lube would help it hurt less. The first time he'd just used his spit. It was kind of hot knowing he was railing me just using spit for lube, but this seemed more sensible.

I tried to relax as Ryan gripped my hips and eased his cockhead into me. I felt a sharp pain as it popped through inside me and let out a wincing moan.

"Come on, focus," Ryan coached me. I nodded and tried to think only about the pleasure his cock was feeling as it slid in and out of me. I quickly loosened up, and while the stinging sensation lessened, feeling his dick back inside me really activated the soreness I'd been feeling in my ass since the first time. I had to just give into it. I might have to get used to my ass always feeling sore. That's okay. I could manage.

Ryan leaned over me and I felt his pubes against my ass cheeks as he slipped his dick deep into me. My muscles relaxed as he wrapped his arms around my torso and I felt his warm, taut body cradling me. He kissed my ear, whispering, "Good boy. You relaxed a lot faster this time."

I had improved. Just like my cocksucking had gotten better with practice, so would my fucking. I guess that was good. Probably it meant it would feel better for me over time. Maybe I'd even adapt to the day-after soreness. Who knows?

Ryan bucked his hips rhythmically making me moan, my elbow and forearms pressing into my desk, making it shake and rattle and bump against the wall. Ryan was really fucking me. One second he'd said he wanted to fuck me, and a moment later, I had obeyed, letting him plow me from behind on my schooldesk. Who gave a fuck what Bobby or Kai or any of the other assholes in my dorm thought? Ryan thought I was cute, and he liked to hold me and whisper in my ear and fuck me hard to get his nut. As he should. He deserved it.

"That's right, Eth, take that whole big dick, bro," Ryan growled. He ran his big hand through the back of my hair and then tugged on it, making me gasp as my neck snapped back, arching my back, allowing him to push even deeper inside me.

"Ohhh, fuck, bro!" I gasped, feeling his dick hit a depth I'd never felt before. "I'm fuckin' yours now, bro!"

Without even looking, I knew Ryan had the biggest smirk on his face right then and there. He knew he had me.

With one hand under my belly, feeling my abs, Ryan pulled open my desk drawer. "See those papers? Take them out," he commanded.

I was confused -- what were these papers and why were they in my desk? I grabbed them and realized they were some kind of legal form.

"I printed those out for you," Ryan said, holding his dick still inside me and the pulsing it a couple times. My own dick jumped each time he did it. It was like he was puppetting my cock with his cock.

Scanning over them, I realized they were some kind of release forms. For the porn YouTube site he'd shown me.

"In order to monetize ads on the site, you've gotten sign your consent and give a copy of your driver's license," Ryan said. "You ready to do that now?"

"Right now?!" I moaned. It seemed like we were kind of... in the middle of something.

"I took the liberty of scanning your driver's license into that document already," Ryan said, flipping the page. Sure enough, there was my California ID: Ethan James Sharp, with a photo of me from when I was 16 with braces. I looked so young in that photo.

Ryan pumped his dick in and out of me a few times, and my knees trembled. "Fuck," I gasped.

Ryan grabbed a pen off my desk, clicked it, then held it out for me. "Sign it," he commanded.

I gulped, taking the pen with a shaky hand. There were several paragraphs I was supposed to initial by. Ryan slowly slid his cock all the way out of my hole, and I felt suddenly empty and incredibly sore. I looked over my shoulder at him, confused, and he nodded down at the paper. I sighed. One video, just to see how it performed. I could always take it down.

I initialed next to the first paragraph: "E.S." and Ryan pressed the tip of his dick back inside me. The soreness subsided a little bit, and I pushed my ass backward to take more of his cock in. Ryan giggled a little bit. I initialed another paragraph, and Ryan bucked his hips hard into me, shaking the desk.

I stared down at the legal document in front of me, just briefly scanning it. Something about giving away all rights of my image, releasing all liability, assuring I was over 18, etc. I initialed again and again: "E.S."

Each time I initialed, Ryan railed his dick deep into my ass, making me moan and lose myself for a second, my schooldesk probably making dents in the wall. I took one last look at 16-year-old Ethan on my old driver's license. He was so young, so innocent, so... straight. Or was he? Would he have liked this? Maybe this was in me all along. There's no way one month could really change someone this much. Maybe this is just who I really was meant to be. Little Ethan... you have no idea what a stud named Ryan is going to do to you in a few short years.

I reached the end of the document with a line for me to sign my full name. Ryan picked up the pace, railing me with all his might, making me moan with each thrust, my school desk was banging incessantly against the wall. The whole hall could probably hear.

"Oh fuck, Ryan... fuck!" I moaned.

"That's right, take that dick like a champion," Ryan growled, slamming me harder. He fucked me so hard I dropped the pen and it rolled away.

Ryan laughed, pulling the full length of his dick out of my, then slowly, inch-by-inch, sliding it all the way back inside until I was filled with his manhood again. He was all the way inside me, owning me. He leaned over me and growled, "Pick up the pen and sign your name."

I looked back down at the paper, then shakily grabbed the pen. I gulped. And then I drew out my signature: "Ethan Sharp."

Ryan snatched the papers away and throbbed his cock deep inside me. I could feel his pubes against my ass again. He wrapped his arms around me, squeezed me tight, and whispered in my ear, "Good boy, Ethan."

I shivered, feeling the fullness of his dick inside me, knowing I'd just given him permission to post porn of myself all over the Internet, that I'd signed away my body to him. But I didn't care. I wanted him to have it, I wanted Ryan to have all of me. He deserved it. I was his. And maybe some part of him was mine.

Ryan's cock pulsed repeatedly inside of me, and I realized he was cumming. "Fuck yeah, nut in me bro!" I groaned. His hot cum was splashing deep inside me, over and over, while he held me tight.

"Fuck bro, take that load deep in your pussy," he said. And I couldn't help myself and started cumming too, my own small load leaking out onto the floor of our dorm.

"Oh, Ryan... oh, fuck, Ryan," I breathed softly as Ryan filled me up with his college boy cum.

Having another boy cum inside of me was completely unreal. Knowing how big Ryan's loads were, I knew he had really just filled me up. His cum was going to be absorbed into my insides and be a part of me. I'd let him use me, let him fuck me hard and raw, all because I wanted his cock to feel good. I wanted his nut. I wanted him to be able to nut whenever he wanted, however he wanted. I didn't love that he called my ass my "pussy" -- I wasn't a girl, after all -- but I guess in this case I kind of was. Ryan could call it whatever he wanted.

I felt Ryan withdraw his cock from inside me and I sighed lightly. "Thank you," I heard myself say. I'd thanked him for fucking me and cumming inside me.

Ryan ruffled my hair and winked at me. "You're welcome. Looks like you got your nut, too. That's kind of amazing how you can nut without even touching your dick like that."

"You're the one who makes me do it," I said, shrugging.

"Yeah, I guess so..." Ryan said, suddenly smug with himself. "Nice... haha." I didn't mind that he was acting smug. He deserved to be smug. He was Ryan.

Ryan pulled me toward him by my arm so we were standing naked in front of each other, our soft cocks touching. He was a little taller than me, so he looked down into my eyes. I looked back at him, and felt so relaxed. The post-nut feeling combined with the post-fuck feeling made any anxious spinning thoughts depart from my brain. I felt completely present, just looking up at Ryan, feeling our soft cocks pressing against each other. Even though Ryan was taller than me, his soft cock hung down past mine. But that's okay. His cock was my cock, too.

"I'm proud of you, bud," Ryan said.

And then I don't know what took hold of me... but I had that same feeling I'd had with Peter when he took care of me and was tucking me in. An overwhelming sense of... I don't know, some kind of passion or lust.

I grabbed Ryan's head in both of my hands, pushed myself up on my tippy-toes, and kissed him fully on the mouth.

Unlike Peter, he didn't pull away. He didn't really kiss back much, but he let me kiss his soft lips, smell his breath, rub my nose against his nose. When I pulled away, I was red in the face and a little terrified he might freak out. But he didn't. He just shook his head and laughed a little bit.

"What's funny?" I asked.

Ryan shrugged and wrinkled his nose a bit. His cheeks looked a little red. Was Ryan blushing? "Nothing... just don't get all ooey-gooey on me, okay? I'm not looking for a girlfriend... just a solid bro."

"Yeah... sorry. I shouldn't have done that."

"It's cool, I know getting fucked like that probably messes with your head a little. Makes you feel all... attached."

"I can be your solid bro."

"I know you can," Ryan said, then shook his head. "Fuck, you are one cute bro after you've been fucked."

"Really?" I asked, blushing.

"Yeah, your face is all red, your pupils are like the size of saucers... like you're rolling or something. And your hair is all mussed up like you just crawled out of bed."

"That's because you keep ruffling it up," I said.

"Yeah, I guess I do, don't I," Ryan smirked and ruffled my hair some more. "I'm glad you're my roommate, bro."

"Me too," I replied. Ryan and I shared a look of understanding. After all this, I felt like we really knew where we stood with each other. What we were to each other. November was a month of hell, but I had a good feeling about December and beyond.

The first video of me online ended up getting a lot of views and comments. Ryan titled it, "Caged boy fucks himself with dildo". I was the caged boy, obviously. It got tens of thousands of views and lots of comments of random guys talking about how cute I was or wondering if I had more videos. Some said dirty stuff, too, about how they wanted to fuck me. It was a little creepy, but I guess somewhat flattering.

We ended up posting more videos online, including the one of me sucking Caleb's dick. That one was called, "Caged boy sucks Str8 Wrestler". Ryan used some software to blur out Caleb's face. But not mine. That one went even more viral. People seemed to really think Caleb had a hot body. Which he did, of course. He was a wrestler, after all. And they said I was really good at sucking dick. I guess it was cool I got to suck him like that, even though at the time it felt like I was only doing it because Ryan was making me.

We quickly made the $600 back from ads on the videos, and I told Ryan we could just shut the whole thing down at that point, but he insisted we had a captive audience and should keep going. I should mention, he had it set up so the money would go to his bank account, but I didn't really mind. He was buying stuff for both of us -- booze, video games, etc -- so I figured it was cool. Sure, he also bought himself some new fancy clothes, a new iPad, and stuff like that. But he also bought me a bunch of new jockstraps. I basically only wear jockstraps now. Ryan doesn't make me leave them on all the time, though -- I can take showers naked and pee normally. So it's nothing like it was back in November.

When I shower with Ryan, he has me leave the jockstraps on, though. We still do it the same way, where I'll kneel in the corner while Ryan goes through his washing routine, then I'll suck him off and he'll either cum in my mouth or on my face, depending on his mood.

And since Bobby's been gone, we've had a lot of fun just in our dorm room, too. I've gotten pretty good at taking Ryan's cock, or at least that's what he keeps telling me. I haven't totally gotten over my ass being sore all the time, but I'd say it doesn't last as long as it used to. Like now, if Ryan fucks me really hard, I'll still walk funny and it'll hurt to sit in class the next day, but after that I'll be back to normal (assuming he doesn't fuck me again right away). And I guess sometimes the soreness is kind of nice... it's like Ryan is still there with me while I'm in class... a reminder of how hard he plowed me the night before. And it often makes me get hard in class just thinking about it.

I haven't been jacking myself off at all, really, but it's not making me crazy like it did in November because I still nut when Ryan fucks me. So once again, I guess Ryan was right... it's better for me to just not think about my own dick, save my nut, and let him take care of the rest.

Peter became pretty standoffish since the crazy night where he sucked Ryan's dick and came on my face. I'm not sure what his deal is. There was a time where I was minor-ly obsessed with him, and I had been so excited to get to suck his dick. But I think maybe he got kinda freaked out about what he'd done. Maybe he was ashamed he'd sucked Ryan's dick. But he clearly liked it, so I don't know. Maybe he'll come around to it, but for now he seems to be mostly avoiding me and Ryan at parties and such. He's friendly still, but just keeps his distance. At some point, maybe I'll talk to him about everything. He really does seem like a sweet guy with a big heart... so I hope he's okay.

Around the dorm, I sometimes feel like I've become Ryan's puppy. When there are parties, I'm always following him around, making sure he has a full drink. If he wants to leave, I leave. If he wants to stay, I stay. And I've been going to the gym with him too, following him around on his workout routine, helping re-rack weights and spotting him. I feel like I'm getting a lot more muscle definition, slowly becoming more like Peter, who I feel like has the ideal version of my body type. Sometimes I wonder if I had a body like Peter's, if Ryan would want to jack my dick off like he had Peter's. I still wasn't sure why Ryan had done that to him and never had to me. Either way, I think I'm getting hotter, so that's exciting. After workouts, Ryan is always particularly horny and busts a nut really quickly. He's fast enough that I've even sucked his dick in the open showers a couple times. I can tell he loves the thrill that we might get caught. That some bro might walk in and find me on my knees sucking his massive cock. And maybe the bro would be like Peter and join right in...

Supposedly we are going to get a new roommate to transfer in and take Bobby's bed at some point. I'm hoping it doesn't happen, because it's so awesome just having it be Ryan and me in the room. Sometimes he just hangs out naked playing video games. And I'll be beside him in my jockstrap, drinking beer, cheering him on. Sometimes he tells me to massage his big feet while he plays, so I'll sit cross-legged on the carpet beneath him while he sits on the couch, and I'll take his big feet into my lap and massage them one at a time. I know that sounds kind of pathetic, but I know it makes him feel good, and that makes me feel good.

Plus, occasionally his toes will graze against the bulge of my jockstrap, and I'll get hard. He doesn't even notice, I don't think, since he's playing his video game. Or if he does, it probably just makes him think I enjoy massaging his feet because I get a boner when I do it. It's not that massaging his feet makes me hard, though, it's just when his toes graze against my bulge I can't help but get hard... especially since I rarely touch my own dick anymore except to pee... but whatever. While I'm massaging him, if Ryan scores a goal in his game, I'll stop massaging his feet and suck his dick instead. If he's playing Madden, he'll make me suck him one second for each point his team has while he counts out loud. At first it's just like seven seconds, but by the end of the game it's almost a minute. Plus he thinks it's hilarious to slow his counting way down right as he gets near the end. Classic Ryan.

It seems like the other guys in the dorm all know what's going on between us. I mean, like I said, I kind of follow Ryan around like a loyal puppy dog. And I moan pretty loudly when he fucks me. He likes to do it on Bobby's old bed still. We just lay a towel on top of the bare mattress. The bed frame slams against the wall sometimes when Ryan really goes hard, and surely any guy passing in the hall would hear.

Also, I think some of them have maybe realized that I always do Ryan's laundry. Yeah... he just kinda started dumping his dirty laundry in my hamper and I figured if I'm doing my own laundry, what's the big deal doing his, too? I don't really mind that much. I kind of like folding his boxer briefs and putting them back in his drawer. Sometimes I'll steal a pair and wear it for the day. Although I have to be secretive about it so he doesn't catch me wearing something other than the jockstraps he bought me.

Whether or not the other guys know about everything, I don't really care. As long as Ryan thinks I'm cute, that's all I need. It's not that he's my "boyfriend" or anything like that. It's like he said... we're just "solid bros." We take care of each others needs. Or at least I take care of Ryan's needs, which in its own way takes care of my needs.

College is way different than I ever would have imagined. And while it's challenging at times, and while at times I've been really freaked out... I feel okay now. I think I had to go through what I went through to get to where I am now. Nothing is ever perfect... but life right now is pretty awesome.

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to wrap this up. Ryan just got home from class, and I'm going to surprise him with a six-pack of beer in the mini-fridge and a brand new version of FIFA that I bought for us. If I play my cards right, I have a feeling I might get another one of his massive nuts inside me as a thank you. I don't mind being a little sore tomorrow. I kind of like being sore, really, when I know it's because of Ryan.

Thanks for reading my journals of No Nut November. I hope you've enjoyed hearing about the ridiculous journey I've been on. Until next time...

This has been the final chapter of No Nut November! Thank you all for the encouragement and support as I wrote what turned out to be a full novel. Consider donating to Nifty to support the work to maintain this archive.

NNN may be over, but there's always the possibility of a spin-off down the road... it sure seems like there may be something more going on with Peter... or else there's plenty more in the life of Ethan to explore. If you want to be alerted when I post a new story, sign up for my mailing list: -- I promise not to spam you, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

I'd also love to hear from you at -- what you thought of the story, if you had any favorite parts or characters, what you imagine might happen next, etc.

Thanks for taking this journey with me.

-Ethan Sharp

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