No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Nov 29, 2019



The first week of No Nut November was actually pretty hilarious. All the guys on my floor would give each other solemn nods as we passed, and the girls eventually caught on to what was happening and would just roll their eyes. Some of the girls actually made it their mission to end our objectives themselves. Kind of fucked up... but yeah, definitely some of them made a game of trying to seduce guys into losing their nut. The funny thing is I heard for some of the guys, they ended up just giving them handjobs or maybe a blowjob, but not even sex. I definitely wasn't going to give up the chance at winning $600 for a handjob.

Not that I had a choice. I'd had the metal cage around my cock for a whole week that prevented me from accessing my own cock. Ryan had the key to my cage, and I had the key to his. As far as I knew, Bobby had no idea of the plan we'd hatched. I did wonder why Ryan wouldn't have just gone to Bobby with this plan, but then when I thought about it, I realized there was no way Bobby would ever lock away his dick and give another man the key. He had way too much pride and would definitely think it was super gay.

At first it was weird to adjust to wearing the cage. I was self-conscious people would see it in my bulge or whatnot, so I tended to wear my looser jeans. And then of course I had to be super sneaky when showering or changing in the room while Bobby was around. I noticed Ryan had started putting his underwear on under his towel after showers, which he never did before. He suddenly had some modesty. Again, Bobby didn't seem to notice this change in behavior. But when I would look over at Ryan changing under his towel, he'd give me a little wink.

Already about a quarter of the floor had dropped out of the contest. I think some never intended to go for long, but every time someone drops out, they tell the story of how they lost their nut and everyone laughs. It becomes a little story on the floor for a few hours. Until the next soldier falls.

Also after a week, I was becoming extremely horny. Like, wouldn't be surprised if I had a wet dream levels of horny. I hadn't had a wet dream since I was 13. When I did start getting hard, it would press up against the cage and usually that would kind of prevent things from going much further. It was a crazy feeling to have my body so desperately want a full-mast boner and my cage tell it no. Every time it happened I had a minor panic trying to imagine what I would do if I needed to get the cage off without Ryan. Either I'd seriously fuck up my balls, or I'd seriously embarrass myself going to... I don't even know... a locksmith? I literally don't even know.

But after that moment of panic, I'd just relax, slow my breathing, and accept that Ryan had the key, and I had no choice but to keep my cock in this cage until he unlocked me. I think it also put me at ease to know Ryan was going through the same thing as me.

We talked about it some when Bobby wasn't home. We'd be watching TV and I'd say something about how I was starting to get turned on by even some commercials. Ryan kind of laughed and nodded in agreement.

"It's kind of crazy, right? Makes you feel so horny you'd do anything just to nut," Ryan said.

"Yeah man... I don't know if we're gonna make it the whole month. I might go crazy."

"Relax, Ethan. You're gonna do great. You just have to redirect that energy," Ryan assured.

"What do you mean?"

"You know when you cum, it's like there's this switch that goes off where your mind is like, okay, I'm satisfied now. And you relax."

"Yeah bro, it's called getting your fucking nut."

"Well what I'm saying is there is a way to trigger that switch in your brain without actually nutting."

"What, like have an orgasm without touching yourself?"

"No, no... you don't have an orgasm at all, but you just trick yourself into believing that you don't need one."

I stared at Ryan, pretty baffled by his idea. I thought maybe he was high or something.

"Okay, let me show you." Ryan grabbed his laptop from his desk and brought it to the couch. He pulled up a video... and when he hit play, I saw a porn of a girl sucking a big dick.

"Dude!" I exclaimed. Not only was it weird he was pulling up porn in front of me, but this is totally NOT what I would want to be seeing during No Nut November.

"Chill, Ethan!" Ryan commanded. "I'm trying to teach you something. This is how you can cope. Watch the porn, but don't focus on yourself or your own body. Just focus on the porn stars."

"...Okay? So like, try not to get hard?"

"Yeah, when you get good at this, you won't get hard at all. You're training your brain to redirect thoughts from pleasuring yourself to focusing on someone else's pleasure. So just watch that girl. Imagine how much she loves sucking that dick."

"Ryan this is gross... I don't want to imagine sucking a dick."

"Okay, then imagine how good the guy is feeling instead. How good his cock is feeling from that blowjob."

"...Okay?" I watched the girl bobbing up and down on his cock. Ryan grabbed the cursor and forwarded to another clip of the video. This time it was a low angle where we saw the man's face as he was getting blown.

"This angle is better. You can really see the pleasure on his face. Just imagine you are him in this case. It's YOUR dick getting sucked. And see how good he is feeling? That's how good YOU should feel."

I puzzled over this as I tried hard to just focus on the pleasure this porn star with a huge dick was feeling. It all seemed like some weird hippie meditation bullshit. I felt my cock growing against my cage. "It's not working," I muttered.

Ryan fastforwarded to the end of the video, where the man was jacking off furiously at the girl's face. "Keep watching, Ethan. Don't think about your own dick, okay? There's no point. Just focus on his dick. His dick can actually get hard. And now watch--"

Just as he said that, the porn star blew a huge load over the girl's face. "Ahhhhh, there you go, he nutted, Ethan," Ryan said. "So now you're good. You don't need to nut anymore."

"Why don't I need to nut anymore?" I asked, almost angrily. This was quickly becoming one of the weirdest things I'd ever done. I was starting to regret it.

"Because he nutted for you. That's the whole thing. You've gotta learn to get pleasure from him nutting since you can't. Like imagine you're him, and now you got your nut. You busted all over that girl! You're spent, bro."

I realized that my cock was no longer straining against my cage. It was flaccid again. And weirdly, I wasn't super horny anymore. "Interesting..."

A little twinkle went in Ryan's eye, and then I saw those big dimples as he smirked at me. "You got this, bud. I tell you what, I'll put some of these videos on your computer. I'm trying to find time every day to watch one, and I think you should, too. Just focus on the guy nutting, and once you get good at it, you'll feel like you got your nut, too."

"You're doing this, too? When?"

"The beauty is that since you aren't touching yourself, and since you won't be getting hard if you do it right, you can do it anywhere! In the library, in class if you sit in the back, even on an Uber ride."

"I guess that's true... damn, I didn't think No Nut November was going to be so hard," I admitted.

"Don't worry, bud, I've got you. If I can do it, you can do it. That $600 is ours."

"Yeah, man. It's ours."

Ryan reached down and knocked on my cage a couple times, making it clang. "Atta boy." I flushed red with embarrassment that my roommate would so brazenly knock on my caged cock that way. But some piece of me felt a little relief... it seemed kind of crazy, but maybe Ryan's method of kind of tricking myself into thinking I didn't need to nut would actually work. And then like he said, at the end of November, he would unlock my cage and I'd have the greatest orgasm of my life.

Hey guys, I hope you're enjoying my journals about No Nut November. I'll keep releasing them over time. I'm wondering if I should keep writing about other stuff too. I do think Bobby was right that it was helpful to write everything that happened out. Let me know if you've got any ideas for something else I could write about.

Next: Chapter 3

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