No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Apr 10, 2023



I felt a wave of shame crash over me. I couldn't believe Bobby and Peter had caught me like this. After they'd gone through everything to try and help me get revenge. To try and reclaim my manhood, my dignity. And I'd squandered it. I'd spent the last who-knows-how-long sucking Ryan's cock while he was tied up. And then untying him. And massaging and licking his feet. And letting him skullfuck me and slap me in the face with his cock. I had no defense. Peter and Bobby saw me now as I truly was.

"What the fuck!" Bobby yelled and shielded his eyes from Ryan pumping his cock in and out of my mouth. "Stop!"

"No, I think we're gonna keep going. My little buddy Ethan here was nice enough to untie me when I threatened to stop letting him suck me off like this. See how much he likes it?" Ryan said as he ran his fingers through my hair. He stopped bucking his hips back and forth and I instinctively kept the motion going by bobbing my head up and down his dick. Goddamnit.

"Fuck you guys," Bobby spat and stormed down the hall. "Come on, Peter!"

But Peter seemed totally stunned, and I realized he was staring at me sucking Ryan's cock. Just staring, wide-eyed.

"Bro?" Bobby said.

"Uh... dude, what if Ethan nuts from this?" Peter said.

"From giving head? What are you talking about?" said Bobby.

"He still has to make it to midnight to win... you think we can trust Ryan to tell the truth if Ethan nuts after all this?"

"Bro... I don't give a fuck about that anymore. I need to fuckin'... go hang out with some girls or something," Bobby said and continued down the hall, leaving Peter still in the doorway.

"I see your point," Ryan said to him. He pulled my head off his cock and I lost my balance and fell backward on my bare ass on our dorm room floor. "It wouldn't be fair to the other guys if Ethan secretly nutted and we lied about it."

"Yeah," Peter said, stepping into the room. I noticed him steal a couple glances at Ryan's saliva-soaked cock.

"I tell you what, why don't you sit in that chair and chaperone? Just make sure our little buddy Ethan here doesn't nut in his jockstrap."

"And you're just... gonna let him keep sucking you off?"

"Yup," Ryan said, smirking.

Peter turned his attention to me, though I wished he would just ignore me. "You're cool with this?"

I shrugged, and Peter said, "Do you like... sucking him?"

"He loves it," Ryan answered for me. "Don't you, Eth?" Ryan grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. I gulped, then nodded. I avoided looking back at Peter. He probably thought I was pathetic, admitting I liked sucking another guy off.

Ryan grabbed my arm and dragged me off the floor. "Come on, let's give your knees a rest, they're probably real raw. Peter, sit in the chair," he said. Peter quickly sat in the chair that had formerly bound Ryan. The ropes were still tied to it. Peter seemed very quiet, unsure, nervous.

Ryan pulled me over to Bobby's bed. He laid on his back and shoved me onto the bed by his feet.

"Isn't that Bobby's bed?" Peter asked.

Ryan gave him a mischievous grin as an answer. He was going to make me suck him off on Bobby's bed? That was evil. Bobby would hate this.

Ryan folded his muscled arms behind his head, revealing his hairy armpits, stretching his pecs taut. He nodded at his dick, then looked at me, and I understood. I knelt between his feet in my jockstrap, bending over to wrap my lips around his cock again. I realized my asshole was very exposed in this position. As I bent over to suck him, I felt my hole exposed to the air, very aware I was only wearing a jockstrap. Could Peter see my bare ass and exposed hole right now?

"O-okay Ethan... m-make sure you don't accidentally nut," Peter said. His voice was wavering slightly. He sounded super nervous. Understandably so. He was being forced to watch one guy suck another guy's dick. Well, I guess he wasn't being forced. He felt he had to do it for the good of the competition. Then again, he had really been staring at Ryan's dick.

"Don't worry, he won't nut. See how he isn't even hard right now?" Ryan said, pointing at my soft bulge in my jockstrap.

"Huh... I thought you said he liked giving head, though," Peter said.

"Oh, he loves it," Ryan insisted as I continued sucking up and down his shaft, pretending they weren't talking about me as if I wasn't right here.

"So then why doesn't he get hard?"

"I've trained him to focus only on my dick. So since I'm hard, in a way, it's like he gets to be hard too. Isn't that right, bud?" Ryan said, patting my bare shoulder. I didn't dignify it with a response, I just kept sucking his cock pretending I couldn't hear him. If I just kept my eyes closed and kept sucking Ryan's cock, I could pretend none of this was happening. But then what would I do once he nutted? Peter was going to see it happen. He was going to see Ryan nut in my mouth.

"Is he... g-good at it?" Peter asked hesitantly.

"Oh yeah," Ryan said emphatically. "Better than any chick." I felt a swelling sense of pride hearing that. Ryan really did like it when I sucked him. "Ethan, do that thing I really like."

I pulled his cock out of my mouth, then looked him in the eyes while I licked his shaft from the base all the way to the tip.

"Damn," Peter muttered.

Ryan glanced over at him and laughed. "Enjoying this?"

"Huh? No..."

"It's cool, bro. I see you're hard."

My head immediately snapped to look -- sure enough, there was a visible tent in the soccer shorts Peter was wearing. He blushed a deep red and quickly grabbed his hard-on with both hands to hide it. "Sorry... it's just... I need to do laundry so I'm free-balling and... the silk sometimes just like..."

"Bro," Ryan said. "I'm literally hard as a rock right now. You don't have to be embarrassed about your hard-on. You're welcome to whip it out and jack off if you want to get rid of it."

Peter gulped, considering. I watched with bated breath. But then Ryan snapped his fingers and pointed back to his cock. I sighed and put it back in my mouth, my ass sticking up in the air once again. But while I sucked, I looked over at Peter as best I could.

He still had his hands covering his hard-on in his silky soccer shorts... but it seemed like he was rubbing it now. Yeah, he was definitely rubbing his boner through his shorts. Holy shit. This was the same guy that had acted like I was a weirdo for wanting to compare our hard cocks in the showers earlier. But Ryan suggests he jacks off and suddenly he does it, no big deal? Was he just hornier now? Yeah, that's probably it. He was just hornier now.

Ryan pulled his cock out my mouth and sat up on the bed. He idly stroked his wet cock and turned his focus to Peter. "Bro, just whip it out. Are you embarrassed by it or something?"

"Fuck no, I just... I'm not like..."

"Come on dude, let's see it," Ryan said. He stood up from the bed and swaggered closer to where Peter sat in the chair. Ryan was butt-ass naked, idly stroking his massive cock. I had a view of his taut, lightly-hairy ass as he sauntered over.

Peter sighed, hooked his thumbs under his soccer shorts, and slid them off. I unconsciously licked my lips as I saw his hard cock flop out. And wow... it was definitely bigger than when I saw it soft in the showers. I mean, it wasn't the size of Ryan's, but it was like... a model's cock. Like the kind of cock a girl probably actually liked getting a dick pic of. And not intimidating the way Ryan's was. But still... fucking impressive. Everything about Peter just seemed perfectly proportioned in a boyish, soccer jock way.

Peter was still blushing -- he seemed to blush easily, kind of like me -- as Ryan looked down at his dick. "Nice cock, bro!" Ryan said.

"Thanks, bro," Peter said, making his voice a little lower than normal. "You too, bro," he said, returning the compliment.

"You wanna compare?" Ryan asked. "See who's bigger?"

"Uh... I mean... I think you win, bro," Peter said.

"Let's just see," Ryan said, stepping even closer. Peter reluctantly stood, letting his soccer shorts fall to his ankles. And I was left alone on the bed in my jockstrap, watching these two incredibly attractive college boys as they compared their amazing cocks.

Peter gulped as Ryan casually grabbed both of their dicks in his hands and lined them up next to each other. I scooted to the edge of the bed to get a closer look.

"See... you've got me beat, bro," Peter admitted. His hands dangled stiffly at his sides as if he had no idea what to do with them.

"Yeah, I guess I do. Length and girth," Ryan said, puffing his chest.

"Girth?" Peter asked.

"You know... thickness. Here, feel how thick mine is," Ryan said, taking Peter's hand and wrapping it around his hard shaft. Peter froze, his fingers wrapped around another boy's dick. Somewhere inside of me I felt some deep jealousy. What was going on here?

"Yeah, you're right... it's th-thick," Peter stammered. He looked briefly at me, but then quickly averted his eyes back down to his and Ryan's dicks.

Silently, Ryan guided Peter's hand to start stroking his dick up and down. Nobody said anything, and my eyes just widened in shock. Why was Peter letting Ryan do this? Ryan was definitely just taking advantage of how shocked Peter was to be confronted by naked dicks. But then Ryan took his hand away, and Peter continued the jerking motion in silence. Peter was jacking Ryan's dick. The same fucking Peter who had made me feel about six inches tall for trying to kiss him.

I didn't understand. Why was Peter doing this? He was a straight, soccer jock. As Peter continued jerking Ryan's dick, Ryan grabbed Peter's shirt and lifted it up over his head. I saw Peter's fit, lean body exposed now. It was much more slender than Ryan's more muscled body. But of course, Peter was more fit than I was. I was even skinnier, I guess. One day I'd be like Peter, if I kept working out.

I realized my cock had grown rock hard in my jockstrap watching these two now-naked boys interact. I felt suddenly left out, but was unsure how to proceed. It didn't seem like Peter was interested in me based on our prior interactions... so I didn't want to go over there. But... Ryan wouldn't mind, right?

As if sensing my loneliness, Ryan looked over at me and gestured for me to come over. I climbed off the bed and cautiously approached the two naked boys.

"At least you've got a bigger dick than our boy Ethan here," Ryan said.

"Yeah, that's true," Peter agreed. When he saw me approach, he tensed a little bit. Ryan pointed at the floor and I silently got down on my knees.

Now I was eye level with the action. I was just feet away from watching Peter's fingers tugging at Ryan's dick with one hand. And Peter was jerking his own dick with his other hand. I'd wanted to see Peter's hard dick for awhile now. It was better than I would've thought. Sure, it wasn't as impressive physically as Ryan's, but... it was so perfect. I bet a lot of girls might even prefer Peter's to Ryan's.

Ryan pulled Peter's hand off his dick and waggled his dick in front of my face. "Open up, bud," he commanded, and I opened my mouth. As Ryan guided his dick into my mouth, I saw him reach over and take hold of Peter's dick. Peter gasped lightly and shivered as Ryan stroked him up and down.

Ryan was jerking Peter off now? Ryan had never done that to me. He'd never really touched my dick before except with his feet. He'd never even wanted to see it. And now he was... just casually stroking Peter? What the fuck?

"You want a turn?" Ryan asked Peter. They both looked down at me on my knees, sucking Ryan's dick.

"I don't know..."

"Come on, bro, it feels great."

"Does he want to?"

"Yeah bro, he definitely wants to. Come on, just try him out," Ryan insisted.

Again, they were talking about me like I wasn't even there. What the fuck? Ryan pulled his dick out of my mouth and cupped my face. "Okay bud, you're gonna suck Peter now. Treat his dick as good as you'd treat mine okay?"

The jealousy and confusion and subtle anger I'd been feeling around this whole interaction melted away when I realized with a jolt that Peter was going to let me suck his perfect cock. I'd fantasized about this in the gym showers. And now, because of Ryan, it was becoming a reality. Ryan was going to let me suck Peter's dick. He'd convinced Peter to let me do it. I couldn't even convince Peter to let me even see his hard dick earlier. I felt a strange gratitude to Ryan.

Peter stepped up close to me, and I looked up into his eyes. Those big, soft eyes. He was going to get his first blowjob from a guy, and I was the lucky guy. I felt excitement bubbling up through me and realized I wanted to make sure he felt really good. That he would agree with Ryan that I gave better head than any chick.

Peter smiled nervously down at me, and a part of me melted. I didn't even care how pathetic I looked on my knees before him. I just wanted to make him feel good. No, I wanted to make him feel amazing. And make him nut harder than he ever had in his life.

"Do I put it in his mouth or will he just start sucking it?" Peter asked Ryan. Fuck, I guess I'd just been staring up into Peter's eyes for a moment too long.

Ryan shrugged. "Either way."

I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out a little bit. I wanted Peter to place his dick in my mouth. And he took his cock in his hand and stepped a little bit closer and rested his heavy dick right on my tongue. His mouth hung open in a dopey way, his arm muscled a little tense, his big, curious eyes still staring at me.

I wrapped my lips around the tip of his cock, sucking it lightly, tasting his slightly salty cockhead. Then I took hold of the base of his dick in one hand and gently lapped at the head of his dick with my tongue. I noticed his knees tremble a little bit, his lightly hairy legs almost giving way. He liked it. I hadn't even really started the blowjob and he was already shaking. I was so excited.

With my lips wrapped around Peter's cockhead, I looked up into his eyes and met his gaze as I slowly slid my mouth down his shaft, feeling Peter's member entering deep into my mouth, then into my throat, until my nose was in his trimmed pubes. I felt it throb inside my throat as Peter muttered, "Oh fuck..."

Ryan laughed. "Good, right?"

"Fuck, bro..." Peter said.

Excitement surged through my body and I felt a feeling of contentment, knowing I'd done it -- I'd managed to deepthroat soccer jock Peter's whole cock and he fucking loved it. It wasn't as challenging as deepthroating Ryan, but in a way that made it more fun because I didn't have to gag as much. And it was definitely more enjoyable than Caleb. Caleb's dick was smaller and while it was fun to get his nut, he definitely wouldn't have looked me in the eyes like Peter was. Peter wasn't afraid to watch a boy suck his dick.

I picked up the pace on Peter's dick, jerking the base with one hand in circular motions while my mouth made loud slurping noises going up and down his dick. "Damn..." he muttered again.

"Better than a chick?" Ryan asked him.

Peter just let out a nervous laugh. I looked up and saw his muscles were still tense, and his arms still hung like weights at his sides. He was not totally comfortable with what was happening but he sure was enjoying it. I put my hand on his tight abs and felt them as I slowly felt up his stomach toward his chest. But Peter then grabbed my hand and gently returned it to his cock. Okay, I'd gone overboard. He didn't want to let me feel his jock body. I should just focus on his dick. Understood.

I was getting a little lost in sucking Peter's cock when I felt Ryan's wet fingers rubbing on my asshole. I jumped a little bit and heard Ryan and Peter laugh. Ryan had definitely sucked on his fingers and now was rubbing them against my asshole, which was completely exposed in my jockstrap. I was mortified to think Peter was going to see Ryan play with my ass like this, but I didn't want to stop sucking his dick to protest.

And so I felt Ryan's two fingers wiggle their way into my asshole, penetrating me. Fuck. It wasn't an unfamiliar feeling at this point... he'd fingered me before and I'd pushed a dildo in and out of myself a handful of times now. But the way I just took it without protest... I looked up at Peter and saw he had a look of shocked bemusement on his face. It was one thing to suck a dick, it was another to let someone penetrate your asshole.

Ryan withdrew his fingers, but I still felt his wet saliva on and around my hole, the wetness giving it a slight chill. I felt my asshole puckering. Then Ryan grabbed the back of my jockstrap and yanked me up. I instinctively got off my knees and Peter's dick slipped out of my mouth.

"Nope, keep sucking him," Ryan instructed. I didn't have to do anything -- Peter quickly pulled my jaw open with his thumb and put his leaking cock back inside. I could taste Peter's sweet precum now. I couldn't believe it.

And so I was on my feet but bent over 90 degrees -- Ryan holding me up by the back of my jockstrap while Peter's dick was in my mouth. I heard Ryan sucking on his fingers, then felt him pushing them back inside me -- this time, all the way. I groaned and winced a little, the sounds muffled by having Peter's cock in my mouth.

I felt the heat of Ryan's body right behind my asshole as he worked his fingers inside me. I felt my insides loosening a little bit, and I tried to forget that Peter had a front row seat to my asshole being violated by Ryan's fingers. I couldn't imagine what Peter thought of me now. But I didn't really care. I was going to make him nut, and then I'd be able to say he'd nutted from a guy sucking his cock. The joke was on him, really.

Ryan withdrew his fingers and I felt something slap against my ass crack. It was hard but a little spongey. It was Ryan's massive cock. Ryan grabbed my hips and slid his thick piece of meat between my ass cheeks, rubbing it up and down against my hole. Fuck, I hoped he wasn't getting any ideas. He better not let that thing slip inside me.

And then I felt the tip of his dick pressing directly against my asshole.

"Bro... do you fuck him, too?" Peter asked, bewildered.

"This'll be his first time," Ryan said.

I panicked. Ryan was trying to fuck me? No fucking way. It was one thing to suck his dick all month. That had helped me keep my horniness at bay. But that was enough. Every time I got Ryan's nut by sucking him, I felt inner peace and my horniness went away for a time. Being fucked by a guy was a whole different ballgame.

And as much as I wanted to keep sucking Peter's cock, I couldn't let it fly. I pulled off his dick and quickly stood, my asshole escaping Ryan's cockhead. "Come on, dude," I protested weakly.

Ryan grabbed the back of my jockstrap and pulled hard, making me stumble backwards into him. I felt my bare back and ass against his warm, slightly sweaty body. He grabbed my arms and pinned them across my chest. His thick shaft pressed between my ass cheeks. I felt a sense of warmth, of comfort, almost like he was cradling me, even though he was restraining me. He whispered in my ear, "You want this, Ethan."

I looked pleadingly at Peter, but he just watched with curiosity. I thought about it. Did I want it? Did I want to be fucked in the ass? Hell no. Ethan Sharp would never get fucked in the ass by a guy. That was out of the fucking question. I thought about what Bobby would say if he found out. He'd be so ashamed, so disappointed in me. That I'd let Ryan manipulate me into getting fucked by him. That was a bridge too far. That was a step I could not take, because if I did, then the old Ethan would be gone forever.

I had to save some shred of my dignity. So I shook my head.

"Come on, you love your dildo. Think how much better my cock will feel," Ryan whispered into my ear. Hearing his low growl in my ear sent a shiver through my spine and I felt my knees weaken a little bit. Ryan pulsed his cock between my ass cheeks. What would it even feel like? It was so much bigger, so much thicker than my dildo. The dildo did feel kinda good sometimes... but it was different because it wasn't an actual dick. No matter how it felt, taking a real boy's dick in me was a world of difference. I had to stand strong.

"I just want to suck," I said with a trembling voice. It came out sounding a lot more pathetic than I anticipated. I could see it in Peter's face... was he holding himself from laughing? His expression was somewhere between bemusement and compassion. I just want to suck? Really? Goddamnit, I really had a way with words.

Ryan laughed and released me. "You do love sucking dick, don't you, buddy?" He crossed his arms and stood up tall. I shrank before him. I thought about dropping to my knees, thinking maybe that would placate him, but realized that would seem kind of random. I shrugged and sat on the bed.

"Say it," Ryan said. His voice was so serious. Had I pissed him off by telling him I didn't want him to fuck me? It was perfectly reasonable for a boy to not want another boy to put his massive cock inside his asshole. Why was Ryan acting like this was a betrayal?

"S-say what?" I asked.

"That you love sucking cock."

"Come on, Ryan..." I pleaded.

Ryan stepped closer waggling his cock toward my face. My eyes were drawn to it. How had he not nutted yet? I'd sucked him in the morning, I'd basically teased him while he was all tied up, bringing him to the verge of cumming multiple times. And yet there was his dick, harder and bigger than I'd ever seen it. I could see a vein bulging out of it. It was definitely bigger than it had ever been. He was going to blow a bigger load than he'd ever blown before, I just knew it. That nut would feel so fucking good.

I leaned forward to suck Ryan's dick, but he put his palm on my forehead holding my head back, forcing my neck to crane backward. "Ow!" I said.

"Say it," he commanded.

I sighed. "I love sucking cock," I said flatly.

Ryan rolled his eyes. "I'm gonna just go nut in the shower."

"No!" I practically yelled. "Let me have it. Please."

Ryan smirked. Peter continued to watch with an expression of curiosity.

"Then say it."

"Okay, fine," I said. I gulped, feeling defeated. "I love sucking cock, okay? I love sucking your dick and the feeling when it throbs and shoots your nut."

Ryan continued to stare at me. Was that not enough?!

"What more do you want? I love sucking cock! Okay, bro?"

"And when November is over, will you still be begging to suck my dick?" Ryan asked. God he was evil.

"Y-Yes. I want to keep sucking your dick... if you let me."

Ryan smiled. "Good boy." He turned to Peter. "I told you he likes it," Peter's eyes were wide upon hearing my admission, and he just nodded. What the fuck had I just said? What had I just admitted? I wanted to keep sucking Ryan's dick as long as he let me? Surely that wasn't true, surely once I finally nutted this curse would be broken.

Or maybe it wouldn't. Maybe I really did like sucking dick. Maybe I really did like being on my knees in front of a hot stud like Ryan, choking on his dick. Focusing on his superior cock and balls. Helping him nut. And feeling proud when he did. Fuck. Who was I really? What was I?

My spinning thoughts were interrupted when Ryan shoved his cock into my mouth -- hard. He grabbed my head and started bucking his hips rather aggressively. I knew I'd said I liked sucking dick, and maybe that was true, but this was more like... he was fucking my mouth.

"Okay, I'm gonna nut for you, buddy," Ryan said. Peter crept closer to watch. I felt dizzy, looking at Ryan's taut body pumping in and out of mouth, trying hard not to gag, my face red.

And then Peter put his hand on Ryan's chest. "Wait... can I try?"

"You can have a turn with him when I'm done, bro. I'm ready to nut."

"No like... can I... have a turn," Peter asked meekly. He sat on the bed next to me, and I felt his bare leg against mine.

Ryan looked at him confused, pulling his dripping dick from my mouth. Peter reached out and tentatively wrapped his fingers around Ryan's dick, staring at it. I looked between the two boys, also confused.

And then something in Ryan's face changed and a huge smirk crossed his face. "Oh, I got you bro. You want to try what he was doing?"

Peter flushed red, and I felt a total shockwave go through my body. No way was Peter asking what it sounded like he was asking.

"Y-yeah... just to see what it's like. Just for a second. Is that cool, bro?" Peter stammered.

"Of course, bro. Just try it for a second." Ryan sidestepped away from me so he was in front of Peter. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Neither will he."

Peter licked his lips and hunched forward until his face was inches from Ryan's dick. What the fuck was going on?! Peter, who had been so freaked out by the notion of me seeing his hard dick in the showers, was now asking if he could... suck Ryan's cock? Are you fucking kidding me?

Peter wrapped his lips around Ryan's cockhead and sucked up and down it just about an inch, back and forth. He really had never done this before, and it showed. He was barely moving up and down the shaft. There was so much more of Ryan's dick he wasn't even getting in his mouth.

"Nice bro, you're doing great," Ryan said, smirking down at Peter. Somehow he'd gotten straight soccer jock Peter to suck his big dick. Damn. Ryan must feel like a complete stud right now. And maybe Peter wasn't as straight as he appeared. Then again, I'd thought I was straight before November. And now I realized... well I don't know what I was, but I clearly liked sucking boys' dicks and swallowing their nuts.

Peter seemed like such an amateur. Ryan inched his cock deeper and Peter gagged. "Oops, sorry bro," Ryan said. His cock wasn't even halfway in Peter's mouth. If Ryan ended up nutting in Peter's mouth after all this... I was going to be so fucking mad. He wasn't even good.

"Am I d-doing it right?" Peter asked as he paused to get a breath of air.

"You're doing great, bud," Ryan said, running his hand through Peter's short, stylish hair. Ryan was talking to Peter the way he talked to me. Did Ryan like Peter sucking him more than he liked me sucking him?

I grabbed the base of Ryan's dick and pulled it out of Peter's mouth, then dove onto it, deepthroating his cock in one motion.

"Woah there, buddy," Ryan said, laughing. I licked his dick from the base to the tip. His favorite. "Let's give the new kid a chance, okay?" Ryan winked at me, then slotted his dick back into Peter's mouth.

He'd chosen Peter over me. I felt jealousy like I'd never known before. Who the fuck did Peter think he was? I'd been sucking Ryan for weeks, and he thought he could just come in here and take his biggest nut ever from me? I felt my breathing quicken, and I felt increasingly invisible as Ryan focused solely on Peter's blowjob. And Peter, for his part, was getting the hang of it. He was managing to take more of Ryan's dick in his mouth.

I looked down and saw Peter's dick was still rock hard. I could suck it right now. Then Peter would have the pleasure of sucking Ryan's dick while simultaneously getting blown. I leaned down and sucked Peter's perfect cock. I heard Ryan laugh. No, I didn't want Peter to feel good right now, not after what he was doing. Fuck that. I pulled off of him.

My breath was rapid and shallow. I tried to catch Ryan's eye, tried to see if I could maybe get a turn again, but it was like I didn't exist.

And then I blurted out, "Okay, you can fuck me."

Ryan immediately turned his attention to me, his face lighting up. "Yeah? You finally ready, bud?"

I nodded, smiling when I saw Ryan pull his dick out of Peter's mouth. Peter wiped some drool from his mouth with the back of his hand and stared at his feet. I knew how he was feeling right now. The first time I'd sucked Ryan's dick, I felt so ashamed and confused and embarrassed. Peter was probably feeling that right now.

"Lie on your back," Ryan commanded me. I got on my back on Bobby's bed. I couldn't believe we were doing this on his bed. He was the straightest guy in our dorm and his two roommates were going to fuck on his bed. Fuck... I was going to get fucked. I'd just given Ryan permission. I thought that was a bridge too far?

But Ryan seemed so eager as he climbed on top of me, his thick cock fully erect, his big balls swaying beneath it as he moved. He was practically giddy. And that brought a big smile to my face. He really wanted this. How bad could it be, really? It would just be like a bigger, thicker dildo. So what if it was a real boy's dick instead of a toy? It had gotten Ryan to stop paying attention to Peter. Maybe he didn't actually like Peter more than me. Maybe it was just the novelty of having a straight soccer bro suck his dick. He knew I would suck his dick whenever he wanted, but getting Peter to do it was unexpected and new. Yeah. I was still his favorite.

"I... I should go," Peter mumbled.

"No. Stay," Ryan said, then handed him his phone off the nearby dresser. "You've gotta record this."

"What?!" Peter and I said in unison.

"Just do it," Ryan commanded. Peter nodded. I sighed, but figured with all the weird recordings Ryan had of me at this point, what was one more? And honestly... maybe it would be kind of hot to be able to watch it in the future. It might help me settle my horniness the way watching porn did. But I wasn't going to have to use porn to settle my horniness after today... this was the last night of No Nut November.... Still, Ryan was suddenly in such a good mood, I didn't dare protest.

Peter stood a few feet from the bed, still naked, with his adorably perfect cock still sticking straight out, his balls tight underneath it. His body really was what I wished mine was. And he had a kind of dazed look on his face, like he was only half-present as he held Ryan's phone out to film us on the bed.

Ryan grabbed my ankles and lifted them up, rolling my weight onto my upper back as my ass got fully presented to him. Peter leaned in closer and I knew on that phone screen he was seeing a close up of my asshole. Ryan and Peter were both looking at my bare asshole right now. How had it come to this?

I heard some wet sounds coming from Ryan's mouth and then a long strand of drool escaped his lips and landed perfectly on my exposed asshole. I felt the wetness of it, and my hole involuntarily puckered open and closed. I felt Ryan's saliva entering me. Ryan's saliva was in my ass right now. I realized my own cock was hard in my jockstrap. Luckily it was safe behind the white cotton fabric, hidden away. Well, kind of hidden away. I guess it was pretty obvious I was tenting the white jockstrap.

Ryan worked some more spit up in his mouth and then let another strand of drool fall onto his dick. He jerked himself a few strokes to spread it. Then slapped the head of his cock a few times against my exposed, wet hole. My hole puckered open and closed again, and I felt just the very tip of Ryan's dick pressing against it. Oh god. Fuck.

"Look at me," Ryan commanded. I realized I'd been closing my eyes, bracing myself, but did as I was told and looked up at Ryan looming over me. He held my right ankle in his hand and my left leg was draped over his smooth shoulder. Ryan held his own cock with his right hand and leaned down over me so his face was just a foot away.

Ryan stared deep into my eyes, the slightest smirk on his face. He had me right where he wanted me. I was helpless beneath him now, his cock ready to penetrate me whenever he pleased. He could hold me like this for minutes or plunge his dick in right now. And Peter just stood there silently, watching and filming.

"You want this cock, bro?" Ryan said.

I nodded. I couldn't take the suspense any longer.

"Pretty please?" Ryan said.

"P-pretty please," I stammered. And Ryan's smirk grew into a broad grin as he pushed his hips forward and I felt the thick head of his cock tear into me.

"Oh fuck!" I exclaimed, wincing. It was nothing like my dildo. It was like a searing pain tearing my asshole. "Ahhhh!"

"Does it hurt?" Ryan asked.

"Fuck yeah it hurts!" I exclaimed. I sounded like I was whimpering. "How much is in?"

"Just the tip, bro," Ryan said. Peter's eyes were wide. Ryan looked to him. "Try not to get my face in this, okay, bro?"

Peter nodded. "What about his face?"

"That's fine."

Ryan pushed another inch of his massive cock into me and the pain only got worse. "Ahhh, fuck Ryan! I don't know if I can do this, it fucking hurts."

"You can do it, buddy."

"Your cock is too big!"

Ryan laughed. "Not the first time I've heard that. But you're better than all the other girls, right? You can handle it." Ryan pushed another inch in.

Ryan's cock was inside me now, and it hurt like fucking hell, and I felt paralyzed to do anything about it. I felt like my body wasn't mine to control anymore.

"Just give in," Ryan encouraged. "It'll stop hurting. Don't fight it."

Don't fight it? What was he talking about? I wasn't fighting anything other than the intense pain of having my roommate's massive dick fucking my virgin asshole.

"Accept it," Ryan added. He pulled his shaft out a little bit, then pushed it back in. I heard his wet saliva squishing around on his shaft as he did.

Don't fight it. Accept it. I was on my back in nothing but a jockstrap and my roommate had tricked me into letting him fuck me. Well, I guess I'd agreed to it. Like I'd agreed to so many things for Ryan. And now he had me. Accept it.

Ryan slowly bucked his hips back and forth, and I felt his dick sliding in and out of my hole. "There you go, bud, you're starting to loosen up a little bit."

The pain suddenly wasn't as searing or sharp. I still felt pretty uncomfortable with each push Ryan made, but it's true that kind of just giving up was helpful. Accepting it. I realized I was holding a lot of tension in my neck, in my legs, my arms. I relaxed them and laid back on the bed, letting out a deep breath. Just give into it, Ethan, I told myself. Let him fuck you. There's no turning back now.

Ryan spit right on the top of his shaft again and pushed in even deeper.

"Fuck..." I moaned breathily.

"Look at me," Ryan commanded. Once again, I'd been closing my eyes. So I obeyed, looking at him. His face was glowing with a radiant, almost manic energy, a little bit of sweat on his brow. He had that slight smirk on his face and his eyes bore into me. Slowly, he pressed his shaft deeper into me.

My jaw fell open into a combination of a moan and a whimper as I felt the fullness of my roommate Ryan's cock inside me. It was so hard, and so thick. "You like that, don't you," Ryan said as he brushed my hair out of my face with his hand. "You like feeling my cock inside you."

I nodded absently. Did I like it? I don't know. Whatever Ryan said was probably right. I was his now. I'd practically forgotten about Peter still standing there, naked and hard, filming me. He felt a million miles away. All that I saw in that moment was Ryan's muscular body looming over me, his eyes staring into me. All I smelled was his sweat, his saliva, his body odor.

I remembered my training -- focus on Ryan's cock. That's how I could feel good. I imagined what it must feel like to be a stud like Ryan, commanding a boy like me to get on his back and accept a giant cock in his ass.

Ryan picked up the pace, and in a daze I realized he was properly fucking me now. I heard myself grunting with each thrust, felt Ryan's balls slapping against my ass. He held his dick in me for a moment and throbbed it, then pulled it back out and kept fucking. His dick was feeling so good, so big, so hard. He was getting to fuck. I felt awesome for him.

I was his now. Ryan controlled my cock, controlled my body, and I let him. Because he deserved it. He deserved to feel this good.

"Fuck yeah, take that big cock, bro!" Ryan grunted and I felt him slam his dick into me. "Every fuckin' inch!"

"Ohhh fuck, Ryan!" I moaned. I sounded kinda like a girl. I realized I was actually moaning a lot -- I hadn't even realized it. But the pain was kind of vanishing. It still felt kind of uncomfortable, but I'd just accepted that Ryan's dick belonged inside me now, and this was how life would be. And I saw the glow in Ryan's face, the light in his eyes, and it made me content to know that my body was able to please him like this. He'd picked me. He wanted me.

Fuck, it was actually starting to feel good. I was coming to my senses again a little bit, slightly more aware of my presence in the room. Of Peter obediently filming as Ryan railed me. I looked between my legs and saw his massive dick. Was that thing really plowing my asshole right now?

"Oh fuck..." I moaned again, my eyes widening, realizing I was indeed taking a massive cock up my ass.

Ryan smirked at me, then looked to Peter. "He's nice and warmed up now. I think he actually likes being fucked."

"Does it feel good, Ethan?" Peter asked.

I looked at Peter, who was still filming me. Ryan plunged his dick all the way inside me and held it there, twitching it. My eyes rolled back and a loud moan escaped my lips.

Peter and Ryan laughed. And then Ryan slowly pulled his entire shaft out of my ass. I felt an immediate emptiness and an immediate soreness. My asshole kept puckering open and closed as if searching for Ryan's dick.

I scooted on my back closer to Ryan, took his dick in my hand, and pressed it back against my hole, trying to get it back inside me.

Ryan shoved my legs down onto the bed, then grabbed my shoulder and rolled me over onto my stomach. He pushed my legs toward me so my knees were under my stomach. Then grabbed the sides of my torso with two hands and pulled me up. Now I was on all fours on Bobby's bed. I looked down underneath my body and saw my sweaty stomach and the bulge in my jockstrap. I was hard as a fucking rock. Focusing on Ryan's dick wasn't helping. It all felt too good.

I hadn't been able to feel pleasure like this all month. Why did getting fucked feel so good? It made no sense. I wasn't even touching my cock -- nobody had touched my cock in a long time -- and yet I was rock hard.

Ryan gripped the strap of my jock, pulled it taut, then let go and I felt it slap hard against my lower back. I moaned again. He did it again, and I moaned again. It didn't even hurt. Nothing hurt anymore. I arched my lower back, presenting my ass to him.

Ryan's hand slid from my strap down to my crack, feeling my ass, giving it a light squeeze.

"You're gonna do him doggy style?" Peter asked, eyes wide.

"Yeah, he's gonna fucking love it," Ryan said. He rose up on his knees and I felt his dick at my entrance again. "You ready for my cock, buddy?"

"Yes please," I begged. Just give in. Accept it.

"Good boy," Ryan said as he pushed his dick inside me again, and I relaxed. My mind felt clear again. Ryan still wanted me. And this position felt different, too. As Ryan slid his dick deeper and deeper, I realized he was hitting an even deeper part within me. He was going to be able to fuck me even harder like this.

Ryan thrust in and out of me a few times before going balls deep and leaning over my back so his mouth was right by my ear. "Who do you belong to, Ethan?" he whispered.

"You," I said immediately, without hesitation. Nobody had ever made me feel like this before. I didn't care how it looked, didn't care what Peter thought. Ryan wanted me, and that was all that mattered.

"Good boy," he whispered, and then lightly kissed my ear. I felt a shiver run all the way down my spine, and my asshole loosened even more.

"Your cock feels so fucking good, bro," I said. I felt his dick twitch inside me. He liked when I said things like that. I should say more things like that. "It's so fucking big." It throbbed again. Yeah, he loved when I complimented how big his dick was.

"That's right, bro, my cock does feel good," Ryan said, grabbing a fistful of my hair and pulling my head back as he fucked me.

"Ahhh, fuck!" I exclaimed, my head back, jaw open, staring at the ceiling. Ryan released my head and my gaze fell back down under me, where I could see that my dick was now so hard the tip was poking out of the waistband of my jockstrap. I was leaking precum. My penis... I hadn't really been seeing much of him in awhile. I'd forgotten what sexual pleasure was really like. I'd had to trick myself into believing Ryan's pleasure was mine. But now, feeling his dick fucking my ass in and out, feeling how my mind was just relaxed as I gave into it... I realized this was way more pleasure. Getting fucked felt so much better than giving a blowjob.

"How fast can you go?" Peter asked Ryan. I realized he seemed rather transfixed watching Ryan's dick going in and out of my asshole. He hardly seemed to be paying attention to me.

"Wanna see?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah!" Peter exclaimed, sounding like a kid asking to see an athlete bat a home run.

Without warning, Ryan's fucking took on a new level of ferocity. I felt overwhelmed by the squelching wetness of his saliva-drenched cock in my hole, the slapping of his balls against my ass, my uncontrollable, breathy moaning, his own primal grunts as he proved to Peter how much he truly owned me, how much he was truly a man and had conquered me.

I was Ryan's conquest. Fuck, his cock felt so good inside me. "Ohhhhhh, god..." I moaned, my voice shaking with each hard thrust inside me. "Oh my fucking god! Fuck, Ryan! Oh, fuck, bro -- your cock!"

I didn't care who heard. I hadn't felt this good in a month. My vision was blurry, and I was feeling waves of pleasure, of exhilaration, building and building deep inside my asshole. Each time I felt Ryan's cock penetrate to the depths of my body, I felt him claiming a little piece of me, and I allowed it. Just give in. I didn't care about being Ethan Sharp anymore, I just wanted to be Ryan's boy.

"Holy fuck, bro! You're a fuckin' stud!" Peter exclaimed. Ryan must have really been pounding me.

I only faintly heard Peter though, as I was on another planet. The pleasure in my asshole just kept building higher and higher, like nothing I'd ever felt before. It felt like I was cumming in my own ass, except the orgasm didn't stop, it just kept growing, sending wave after wave of ecstatic pleasure up my spine and through my limbs.

Ryan wrapped his arms around my torso and I felt his hot, sweaty chest on my back, felt his hot breath on the back of my neck. "You feel so fucking good, Ethan. You're gonna make me cum such a big nut."

I felt Ryan's muscled arms around me, felt his sweaty pecs sliding against my back, and felt another tingle run down my spine from his breathy voice in my ear. I was the luckiest boy alive.

"Oh please, fuck me harder, pretty please," I muttered. "Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck!"

"I knew you'd love this," Ryan whispered into my ear as he relentlessly pounded my hole. "From the first day I met you in this dorm room, I knew you'd love this. Welcome to college, Ethan Sharp."

The mounting pleasure in my asshole exploded through my body, raging in my veins, and my vision went white as my body suddenly became wracked with convulsions. I thrust my hips back and forth up and down Ryan's dick, practically screaming with moans.

My own cock spasmed over and over and over, my balls drawn up tight, my asshole twitching open and closed against Ryan's thick, unforgiving cock. And I looked down between my legs and saw the head of my dick, sticking out from my jockstrap, as a massive fountain of cum spurted out of my dick and onto Bobby's sheets.

Oh fuck, I was cumming. I was fucking cumming. "Harder!" I pled, giving in to this feeling. Nothing else mattered in the world right now besides Ryan's cock in my ass.

Ryan slammed his dick into me and another giant rocket of cum sprayed from my dick onto Bobby's bed. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I exclaimed with each slam of Ryan's cock. There was a massive pool of my cum on Bobby's bed now, and more kept coming. My toes curled and cracked and my body trembled as wave after wave of pure exhilaration and ecstasy raced through my spine.

I was having the best orgasm of my entire life. I'd never dreamed I could feel this fucking good.

And then, all the cum had drained from my dick.

"Bro!" Peter shouted suddenly, and Ryan stopped fucking me.

"What?" he asked.

Peter just pointed underneath me to the massive puddle of my cum. "He fucking lost. He fucking lost!"

I looked over my shoulder at Ryan, whose face was unreadable, sweaty, still glowing, but clearly putting together what had happened.

"Ethan... did you actually just fucking nut?" he asked me seriously.

"I... I'm sorry, I c-couldn't--"

"You nutted that huge load just from getting fucked?" Ryan asked incredulously. "Without anything even touching your dick?"

I nodded, sheepishly. The ecstasy was fading but I still felt like everything had a cloudy glow to it, and my body felt unnaturally relaxed. But there was shame creeping in. And horror. Oh fuck. Oh no.

"It's still November, you fucking idiot!" Ryan said.

I'd lost. I'd made it through 29 fucking days of having my cock locked away in a cage or a jockstrap, of having to fuck with my own mind to distract my horniness by watching gay porn or jacking off my roommate or even sucking off my roommate. Or even... getting fucked by my roommate. I'd done a lot of really fucking gay things this month. All to get $600. That was a fuckton of money. And I'd put up with all of this, all the hazing from my floormates, the embarrassment of running through the halls naked or in a cage... all because I wanted to get that money. And to keep Ryan happy. And now, in the final hours, I'd nutted. I'd failed.

"I'm really sorry," I said quietly. "D-do you still want to nut?"

Ryan looked to Peter. "I'm guessing you won't pretend you didn't see this?"

"Hell no, I've got it all on tape," Peter said with a grin. "Everybody gets their money back. I guess it's impossible to go a whole month without nutting."

Ryan nodded, then looked down at me. "You were supposed to be focused on my cock, not your own."

"I was!" I exclaimed. "I promise... I... I don't know what happened."

"If you were still in your cage, this wouldn't have happened," Ryan said, sighing. "Oh well. A bets a bet."

"Do you still want to nut?" I asked him again. Why had I asked it again? Did I want him to nut so badly? I guess I did. Somehow I felt like if he did, he wouldn't be mad at me anymore. But I'd finally nutted myself, and wasn't that supposed to mean I'd stop feeling like this? I thought once I nutted, the crazy Ethan was supposed to go away. Maybe it would take some time. My brain was still flooded with endorphins.

"Yeah, I'll nut. Come on Peter, let's jack off on his face," Ryan said nonchalantly, as if he were suggesting that Peter have a beer with him.

Peter shrugged and stepped up close to the bed. I flopped on my back, forgetting that the bed had a massive pool of my cum on it, and felt my warm cum spread across my back. It was probably seeping all the way into Bobby's sheets now. Fuck... I was gonna really owe him a solid after this.

Ryan straddled my chest on his knees in the bed while Peter stood beside me. Both of their dicks hovered inches over my face. I could smell my own ass on Ryan's dick, and I could smell Peter's boyish musk. It was kind of intoxicating. And kind of nice to just lie on my back and relax, still basking in the post-nut haze. I'd lost $600. But at least I had this.

Ryan and Peter both spit on their dicks, and I felt some of their saliva land on my face. They stroked their dicks in unison, side by side, and my eyes darted from one to the other. Was everyone on my dorm floor just blessed with amazing cocks? I knew Bobby's was supposed to be spectacular, too. I'd always thought mine was nice, but... these guys were on another level.

The two boys picked up the pace, jacking their dicks with the practice and ease that only college boys have, their arm muscles tensing. Ryan was staring at my face, I noticed, whereas Peter was staring at Ryan's dick. And he still held Ryan's camera, filming a close up of their dicks hovering over my face.

I opened my mouth instinctually as I sensed Ryan was getting close. He trembled a little bit and bit his lip. He was definitely about to nut. Another wave of exhilaration rippled through me. This was gonna be a massive nut.

And then just before Ryan nutted, Peter exclaimed, "Fuck bro, I'm gonna cum, take it on your face!" My attention whipped to Peter's dick as he sprayed his hot load right onto my forehead, then another volley onto my cheek.

And then -- Ryan's cock began unloading an insane amount of pent-up cum right into my mouth. "Fuck yeah, bro, me too!" Ryan and Peter's dicks alternated volleys of cum that landed all over my face, dripping down my chin onto my neck, soiling my hair. Peter's last dribbles of cum landed on my left eye, forcing me to quickly close it to stop his cum from stinging me.

Ryan and Peter slowly milked the last drops of cum from their dicks and flicked them onto my face. "Holy shit, he's totally covered," Peter exclaimed.

"Yeah bro, that's insane. We painted his whole face," Ryan guffawed. "But you tagged him first, I'll give you that."

The two bros chuckled as they backed away from me and began dressing.

And there I was in Ryan's white jockstrap on my back in Bobby's bed, which had been soiled with a huge pool of my cum. My own face was completely soaked with not one but two of my dormmates loads. And moments before I'd been railed in the ass by Ryan's massive cock while Peter filmed it. It was an out of body experience. I felt like my body wasn't even my own anymore. I'd just been completely used up by these boys. And I'd apparently liked it so much I'd had the biggest nut of my life.

And I'd lost No Nut November.

I still laid there in a daze when Ryan and Peter were fully dressed. "Bud?" Ryan said.


"You can get cleaned up and dressed now."

"Oh. Yeah. Right. Thank you."

"You're welcome." Ryan said, winking at Peter. I heard Ryan crack a beer and chug some, then pass it to Peter, who finished it. "You wanna get something to eat?"

"Yeah, bro, I'm starving," Peter replied.

Ryan and Peter left and I continued lying on my back on Bobby's bed as their cum cooled and dried on my face. For some reason, I didn't want to get up. I just wanted to stay here. Maybe they'd come back after they ate and do it again. No... that was crazy.

Slowly, I rose, and some of their cum slid down my face. I wondered what the video on Ryan's phone looked like. I wondered if Ryan would show it to me if I asked nicely.

I stumbled to the door, grabbing my shower towel. I definitely needed a shower. I couldn't really think straight still, but I knew I needed a shower after all that.

I trudged down the hall to the bathroom. I was still wearing only my jockstrap, carrying my towel. But I didn't care. I was hardly present. I passed a couple guys who lived on my floor, but I didn't really pay them any attention. I think they stared at me. Why? They'd seen me in a jockstrap already. They'd all seen me naked. I had no modesty left.

And when I got the the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I realized I still had an ungodly amount of cum smeared all over my face and crusting in my hair. Both of the guys I'd just passed would've seen it. I wondered what they would've thought? There goes Ethan... I hear he sucks cock. I hear he lets you nut on his face. Maybe they were wondering if they could nut on my face too. Wondering what else I'd do for them.

When I got to the showers, they were full. So I had to stand there in my jockstrap, covered in cum, and just wait for one of the boys on my floor to finish showering. He'd walk past me and see me. I could wipe off my face right now but... I just didn't care. There was no point in hiding anymore.

And then from one of the stalls, I heard the familiar fap-fapping sound of a cock being jacked off. Someone was definitely getting his nut right now. Once upon a time, I used to get my nut in the shower just like him. Not anymore. Now my job was to help guys like him, like Ryan, like Peter get their nuts. To get on my knees for them, and let them paint my face with their cum.

I hadn't always been this way--fuck, I'd never even touched another guy's cock before this month--but something in me was different now. I had gone from a boy who dreamed of fucking girls in college to one who waited for his straight dormmates to finish jacking off in the shower so he could rinse their cum off his face--all while wearing a dirty jockstrap he was forbidden to take off. I'd done things I could never live down, never undo. And for what? In the end, it was for absolutely nothing.

Oh well. That's November for you.

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There's just one more chapter to wrap things up coming next week.


Next: Chapter 20

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