No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Apr 2, 2023



I'd been hoping Ryan would be back in the room when I returned. I knew I needed to see a good nut to calm down after my experience at the gym with Bobby and Peter. But he still wasn't around. I felt a slight panic, but then remembered that I used to be able to get rid of this horny feeling just by watching porn and focusing on the guys onscreen.

Even though nobody was in the room, I was too paranoid to watch porn in case Bobby returned. Especially after this morning when he'd caught me blowing a sleeping Ryan.

So instead, I went to our dorm bathroom. I grabbed the pair of Ryan's stolen boxer briefs from my dresser. My dildo was still wrapped inside. Fuck it, I figured, maybe it could help. I tucked the underwear-wrapped dildo into the front of my jockstrap and hurried to the bathroom. I looked a little ridiculous -- you could definitely see an oddly big bulge in the front of my shorts -- but I figured the odds were nobody would notice.

I managed to get to the bathroom and went into one of the stalls. Our bathroom had several urinals and three stalls. I picked the handicapped one because it was bigger and in the corner, which afforded me a little more privacy.

I pulled out my phone and plugged in some earbuds, then pulled up Pornhub. I hesitated, not sure what to look up, but eventually went with "college guy nutting." At first I checked out a few straight videos, but the camera in them was always more focused on the girl -- it was all tits and pussy and loud moaning. I needed something that focused more on the guy, so I clicked on some gay videos instead. Immediately I found something much better -- it was a solo vid of a muscled college guy, legs spread, slowly jerking his huge cock while he looked into the camera.

Even better, he was talking right at the camera, right at me, in this cocky low voice. Saying things like, "You want this cock, don't you? You want this cock right in your pussy, baby, don't you? I'll give you this cock, baby. You can suck it, you can fuck it."

Fuck, my dick was hard again. I pulled my own shorts down, standing in the handicapped toilet stall. I unwrapped the dildo and held Ryan's underwear to my face, smelling what was left of his musk on them. I tried to imagine the boy in the video was Ryan, that Ryan was telling me I could suck his cock.

The college hunk kept going, his dick getting harder. Clearly he was horny out of his mind. I had to focus on wanting him to cum, wanting his big cock to shoot. I heard him: "Choke on my thick cock, slut. Beg for this big dick. I know you want it, bitch."

I gulped. Why wasn't my cock going soft? I glanced at the dildo and decided maybe I should give it a try. It had worked before. So I let a long strand of drool fall from my mouth onto the tip of the dildo, then maneuvered it behind me. I felt my own saliva rub against my exposed asshole.

I put the waistband of Ryan's underwear over my face, so I had one hand for the dildo and one to hold my phone. This way I could still smell his underwear and see the phone through the leg hole of the boxer briefs. I tipped my body forward slightly so that my arm rested on the toilet stall while holding my cell phone, my eyes inches from the screen. And with my other hand, I pressed the dildo into my wet asshole.

"You want this in your pussy, don't you, baby," the college hunk said as I felt a stinging sensation of the dildo opening my hole. I focused on his cock, how he was picking up the pace, jerking himself off faster and faster. I imagined his cock pumping into my ass, imagined how good it would make him feel, his big college boy cock. My dildo made wet sounds as I pushed it in and out of my asshole, allowing the initial sting to wear off as it massaged my insides.

And then I heard two guys come into the bathroom. I froze. Could they hear the wet dildo sliding in and out of my asshole? Or were my earbuds loud enough they'd hear the college hunk's dirty talk? They were laughing and joking about something that happened at a party last night. I heard their stream of piss hitting the urinals as they continued to banter. Then they flushed and left. I was alone again.

But too scared to continue. After everything that happened, I could not be caught using a dildo on myself in the dorm bathrooms. Nobody would understand why I had to do it, even if they let me try to explain. Ryan would understand, of course. He's the one who showed me these tricks. But the others? No way.

I sighed, pulling the dildo out of my asshole, pulling Ryan's underwear off my head, and then wrapping it back up. I noticed my cock had gone soft at least. I'd been able to focus enough on this other guy's massive dick that I'd forgotten about my own. I breathed a small sigh of relief for that, then left the bathroom, still feeling riled up and unfulfilled.

I distracted myself by working on a paper down in the study room when I felt a presence behind me. It was Bobby and Peter again. This time, they had three shot glasses and some whiskey. Bobby slammed the glasses down and poured shots. "Peter and I talked over what you told us at the gym. I told you I had a plan. Well, it worked. Drink up, Ethan. It's time to get your revenge."

I looked to Peter, who had a slight smirk, arms crossed. Then to Bobby, who shoved the shot in my face. "Drink."

I downed the shot, feeling the sting of the whiskey, then the warmth of it in my belly. I was suddenly really nervous, but the alcohol helped.

Bobby and Peter led me back to our dorm room, stopping outside the door. Bobby looked me in the eyes. "I just want you to know, I feel bad this has all been happening to you under my watch. You deserve better. I hope you know that while I'm still kind of shocked you would do the things you've been doing, I get that you had to do what you had to do to stop Ryan from ruining your life. If it were me, I just would have beat the shit out of him. But I know you're a little more sensitive than me, so maybe it made sense for you to just... you know... do what he wanted. But now is your chance to get your dignity back."

Bobby opened the door to our room and pushed me inside. When I saw the scene inside, my eyes went wide and my jaw dropped.

Ryan was inside. And he was sitting in his desk chair in the middle of the room. His ankles were tied to chair legs with rope, and his wrists were bound together behind the chair's back. A big strip of silver duct tape covered his mouth. His face was red, eyes bulging angrily as he saw us enter. He wore some athletic shorts but no shirt, his pecs and biceps bulging as he struggled against his restraints.

I was speechless. When I turned to Bobby he was grinning ear to ear. He looked to Peter: "I've got it from here, bro." Peter nodded, looking slightly disappointed, and left.

"Take out your phone, Eth," Bobby commanded.

I scrambled to pull out my phone, still unsure what was going on.

"Take a picture of him."

I opened up my camera app and snapped a photo of Ryan tied up.

"Good. Now I'm going to leave, and you're going to do whatever you need to do to get revenge. Take whatever photos you need. Do whatever you need to do. Understand?"

I nodded. Ryan was glaring at Bobby and shouting curses through the duct tape.

"How did you do this?" I finally muttered.

"Ryan's strong, but I'm stronger. Peter and Kai helped, too. We're all looking out for you, bro. I'm not gonna let what happened to Andy happen to you. Get your manhood back, okay? Do what you gotta do."

"Like... should I take his shorts off?"

"Definitely. Underwear too. Get some embarrassing dirt on him," Bobby said.

Was Bobby really recommending I strip his friend Ryan naked and take photos of him while he was tied up? This guy was savage.

"And do to him what he did to you. Know what I mean?" Bobby said, stepping up close to Ryan, leering over him. Then, Bobby gave me one pat on the shoulder and left.

I was alone with a bound and gagged, half-naked Ryan. He finally looked at me, but his eyes were neutral. I could hear him mumbling through the duct tape: "Take it off!"

I looked at this boy... my roommate... and suddenly the memories came flooding back to me. The start of No Nut November. The twinkle in Ryan's eye when he'd told me of his idea for both of us to wear cock cages so we wouldn't jack off all month. How excited I'd been to do something so crazy with my roommate, my friend. But he knew the whole time it was a lie, a trick. He knew what would happen to me.

"Take it off!" Ryan's muffled cry came again.

"You want me to take it off? Sure," I said, approaching. And I hooked my fingers around the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down around his bound ankles. I heard Ryan sigh as his white boxer briefs were revealed. I saw his prominent bulge, the indentation made by his soft cock.

I really could do anything I wanted to do to him right now. I could make him suck my cock like he'd made me suck his. That's what Bobby wanted. Revenge.

I noticed a trickle of sweat running between Ryan's pecs through his dusting of chest hair. I ran my fingers lightly down his chest, feeling the moisture, feeling his taut muscles. I could do anything I wanted to him.

I reached out and wrapped my fingers around Ryan's bulge, feeling the bulk of it. I rubbed the soft cotton of his underwear, running my fingers along his soft shaft.

I could take off this jockstrap he was making me wear and jerk off and cum on HIS face. Make him wear MY cum this time. If I wanted to. Ryan was helpless.

I noticed his dick was hardening, the shaft expanding parallel to the waistband. I wrapped my fingers around it. It was so thick. I pulled at the waistband of his underwear and his dick flopped out and smacked his stomach. I pulled his underwear all the way down to his ankles. His dick and balls were out, exposed, now.

I stepped back to admire him in the chair. He was sweating. I noticed a little glistening of sweat running down his abs, a couple drops of it in his belly button. Even his dick and balls looked a little sweaty. His face was still red. He'd been struggling for awhile. His cock was semi-hard now. It was bigger than my cock ever got, and it was only semi-hard. Fucking Ryan.

I could suck his cock as long as I wanted. He couldn't do anything about it. I could suck his cock as long as I wanted and swallow his big load of cum.

No, that's not what this was about. That's what he had been making me do. I was supposed to get revenge. Like Bobby said. I pulled out my phone and took a couple more pics of Ryan in his helpless state.

Then I dropped to my knees and took some close-ups of Ryan's cock. I noticed it getting harder when I did. Ryan was actually getting turned on by having me take close-ups of his cock. I arranged his dick and balls and found just the right angle, making sure I got some of his glistening abs in the shot. I could take photos of my naked roommate as much as I wanted and there was nothing he could do about it.

On my knees between his legs, I caught a whiff of Ryan's cock and his sweat. It reminded me of our morning showers. I know I was supposed to be getting revenge right now, but I had as long as I needed to do that. And right then, I kind of wanted to suck his dick again. That would help settle my own horniness and then I could focus on humiliating Ryan some more.

I slipped my lips over the tip of Ryan's cock and I felt his body shiver slightly. I looked up at him as I licked his cock from the base all the way to the tip. He moaned a little bit. He liked it. That made me feel good.

Without warning, I slid his entire shaft into my throat in one motion. I felt Ryan's cockhead pulse against my throat, releasing some precum, and it made me gag a little bit, my eyes watering. Slowly, inch by inch, I pulled my lips up his shaft until they were kissing the very tip of his dick. I tasted his salty precum. He was definitely hard now. Rock hard.

Still holding his thick cock in one hand, I leaned closer and licked his abs. I tasted his salty sweat as I ran my tongue up to his belly button. His abs were so hard, and the salty sweat taste was actually... kind of nice. I jerked his cock off as I lightly kissed his abs.

Then I backed off and took some more photos of his hard cock. And then I took a couple with it next to my face. And then one where I held my tongue against it. And another where I wrapped my lips around it. I could hear Ryan moaning and trying to say some things, but I couldn't make out what. This was actually really fun. I could do anything I wanted. I was in control now.

Or was I? I realized for a brief instant that I'd just been taking photos of myself sucking Ryan's cock. He definitely wasn't making me do this. He was tied up and couldn't say anything. I'd chosen to do this. But it was just because I was so damn horny and hadn't gotten to see a good nut. Yeah. I needed to get Ryan's nut, and THEN I could humiliate him.

So I went back to work on Ryan's massive cock. I sucked on each of his balls, turning them over in my mouth, smelling them. Then licked all the way up his shaft again, licking up all his precum on the way. With one hand wrapped around his shaft, I picked up the pace, jacking him off while slurping on his dick. The foreplay was over. I was going to get his nut now. And I knew exactly how to manipulate Ryan's cock to get his nut. I was really good at it by now. Nobody was better at sucking Ryan's cock than I was, I thought proudly.

As I kept sucking my roommate's dick, I heard his moaning through the duct tape, and I felt his dick grow even bigger, pulsing a little bit. I knew what that meant. Ryan was about to nut. He probably hadn't nutted all day. It was going to be a huge load. I could swallow it, or I could pull off and take on my face. Whatever I wanted.


Right before Ryan was going to cum, I pulled my hand away and took his dick out of my mouth. His naked, wet cock pointed straight up in the air, and he squirmed. He was so close to cumming, but I'd stopped.

Ryan had been preventing me from cumming for a whole month. I realized suddenly how I could get my revenge. I didn't want him to suck my cock. That would be... I don't know. It wouldn't feel right. I think I'd feel embarrassed even. No. What I really needed to get even was to do what Ryan had done to me.

"Do you wanna nut?" I asked Ryan. He looked at me, confused, then nodded.

He wanted to nut. Of course he did. That's what all college boys want. That's what I'd been wanting for a month. But Ryan wasn't going to get to nut until I let him.

I waited until his dick softened a bit, then resumed my blowjob. No foreplay, just quick rhythmic sucking, bobbing my head up and down, moving my hand around his shaft. Ryan got rock hard again. He moaned even louder through the duct tape.

And then once again, when I felt his balls tighten up and his dick start to pulse, I withdrew, leaving his naked penis abandoned, pulsing in the air. Ryan made some kind of sound... almost like a whining sound, as a trickle of precum ran down the head of his cock. "Ethan!" I heard him trying to shout.

I smirked at him. That time I'd taken him from semi-soft to the verge of nutting in less than 30 seconds. I guess I was really good at this blowjob thing.

"If I take off the duct tape, do you promise not to yell or anything?" I asked him. He nodded, helpless. He looked kind of cute like this, all tied up and sweaty and horny out of his mind. His hair was all tousled, too, like he'd just gotten out of bed. With a rock hard cock leaking precum like a faucet. Damn, I'd never seen him precum so much before. I took another photo on my phone and realized it was hotter than any porn I'd ever seen online.

I licked up all the precum on his cock, and just from that alone I felt he was about to cum again. I backed off quickly, and he whined again.

I ripped the duct tape off his mouth. "Fuck!" he screamed, and I put my hand on his mouth. He quieted, and I removed it.

"Untie me, Ethan," Ryan said. "This is fucked up."

"Why is it fucked up?"

"I'll still let you suck my cock if you untie me. I blame Bobby for this, not you."

"I dunno, you've made this past month pretty fucking miserable for me, Ryan," I said. I gently wrapped my fingers around his cock and stroked it super lightly. Ryan shivered and squirmed against his restraints.

"Fuck, what are you doing?" he muttered. "Look, how about you just make me nut and then we can be done with this. You can take photos of me covered in my own nut or whatever sick shit you want."

"You want to nut pretty bad, I bet," I said. Ryan looked at me, realizing some devious streak had kicked in.

"Come on, bro. Don't pretend you're something you're not."

"What am I?" I asked him.

"Judging by the last month, you're a talented cocksucker."

I felt anger bubbling up inside me. How dare he call me a cocksucker. But at the same time, I felt a tiny twinge of pride that he'd said I was talented.

"Look bro," Ryan said. "Don't act like you haven't wanted to do everything you've done this month. You came in here and could do anything you wanted to me, and what did you do? You dropped to your knees and sucked my cock like a good little faggot."

"Fuck you, Ryan," I blurted. "I'm not a fag."

"You're not?"

I shook my head.

"So you don't want to suck my thick cock right now? Come on, look at it. Look how big that shaft is. You don't want to put that in your mouth right now?"

I stared at Ryan's dick. I knew it as well as my own dick by now. "No," I said quietly.

"Fine. Then I'll never let you suck it. Ever again."

I felt a slight panic rising in me. This isn't how I wanted this to go. I didn't want to piss Ryan off like this. Had I just sucked his cock for the last time ever? He wasn't going to let me do it ever again?

Why was Ryan such a fucking asshole? How dare he call me a faggot? I thought he was better than Kai. Maybe I was wrong. I met his glare. And then remembered he was tied to this chair. He told me I couldn't suck his cock ever again? Well, he couldn't stop me now.

I wrapped my lips back around his shaft and deep-throated it all the way, then started slurping it nice and slow. I could stay on my knees and suck his cock all night if I wanted. I could keep getting him close to cumming, then stop, then repeat. My knees might be red and raw by the end, but that would be nothing compared to how swollen Ryan's dick would become.

I heard Ryan laugh. I looked up, and some saliva drooled from my mouth onto his cock. "Keep sucking, bitch."

I felt confused as I continued slurping Ryan's shaft. "Okay, I'm gonna cum, you ready for my load?"

I backed off again, suddenly.

"What the fuck, bro? Stop fucking around and get my fucking nut!"

"I'll get your nut when I'm ready. Bro." I met Ryan's stare. I was the one who could let him cum or not now.

Ryan sighed and softened. "Dude, you're gonna break my dick if you keep doing this. Can you please just finish me off already? I didn't mean what I said before. You can still suck me off in the showers and stuff like that."

"I'm not a faggot."

"Fine, you're not a faggot. But do you want to be able to keep sucking my cock in the future?"

I hesitated. Did I? Not once November was over. No way. I wanted things to go back to normal after November was over. "Yeah," I heard myself mutter. I was staring at Ryan's dick and couldn't help myself, I guess.

"Good boy. That's good, because you give the best head I've ever had."

"Better than Andy?" I blurted out.

Ryan was silent a moment. "Bobby tell you about him?"

"You blackmailed him to suck your dick."

"Absolutely false. If anything, it was the other way around," Ryan said. "I thought Bobby believed me, but I guess he's a shitty friend."

"So then what happened?" I asked. I realized I was idly pumping Ryan's cock up and down, still on my knees between his legs. It just felt good to have his dick in my hand, to play with it. Almost like having a fidget spinner or something... it just felt good to be doing something with my hands to relax my mind. In this case I was casually jacking Ryan off.

"What happened is I caught him staring at me in the showers after practice in high school. And he was hard. One thing led to another, he wanted to see how big my dick got when it was hard, and... I let him jack me off. And then I let him start sucking me off. Just like you."

"What about the blackmail? You had photos of him?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't blackmailing him with them. He's the one who wanted to take them. Eventually I wanted to stop the whole thing but he got all needy. He was constantly begging to suck my dick."

"You stopped letting him suck you off?" I asked. I thought for a moment what it must've been like to be this boy Andy, getting to suck Ryan's cock after soccer practice, and then having Ryan lose interest and not want me anymore. I felt a pang of anxiety on Andy's behalf.

I leaned down and slowly licked the shaft of Ryan's cock while he replied: "Yeah, the guys were getting suspicious, and it wasn't worth it. Plus I'd gotten into a relationship with a girl, and I was getting head from her, so why bother?"

"Who was better at giving you head? Andy or your girlfriend?" I asked while lapping at the base of his cock with my tongue.

"...Andy was good."

"Better than me?"

Ryan smirked down at me, between my knees, casually licking his cock. "Of course not, bud. Now will you please untie me?"

So Ryan really wasn't the asshole Bobby thought he was? It sounded like this Andy guy was the real jerk, getting all needy for Ryan's dick and refusing to stop begging to suck him off. Andy sounded like an annoying little bitch.

I untied Ryan's ankles first. As I did I could smell the musk of his big feet. There were red marks where the ropes had left an imprint on his ankles. It looked like it hurt. I found myself lightly rubbing Ryan's ankles, then squeezing the back of his big foot, massaging it.

Ryan looked down at me curiously. "That feels good, bud."

For some reason I felt so guilty I'd kept him tied up like this so long on false pretenses. I massaged his big foot some more, digging my thumbs into his calloused heel and then the softer arch. I heard him moan a little bit. It was kind of like the moan he gave when I sucked his cock, but different. More of a relaxed kind of moan. His eyes were closed.

I gripped each of his sweaty toes between my fingers and pulled, wriggling my fingers up the toes for a nice massage. When I was finished with all five toes, I leaned down and lightly kissed the top of his foot.

Why did I kiss his foot? I don't know.

"Before you do the other foot, suck my cock some more," Ryan said. I noticed his dick had softened a bit. "Sorry," I muttered. I'm not sure why I apologized for his dick going soft, but I did, and then I gently sucked on his cock until it was hard again. Once it was hard, I untied his other ankle.

"You like massaging my feet?" Ryan asked.

I shook my head as my fingers pressed into his other foot, working it, feeling his callouses. When I finished, I moved to untie his hands, but Ryan interrupted me: "No kiss for my left foot?"

I blushed red. I felt like such a little bitch. Wasn't it enough I sucked Ryan's cock on command, now somehow I was kissing his feet?

"Sorry," I said and leaned down to kiss his foot.

"Lick it," he commanded. I sighed, but licked the top of Ryan's foot. He lifted his foot up showing the bottom of it. "Again."

He wanted me to lick the bottom of his foot? "Do I have to?"

"You've got a lot to make up for, Ethan. What you did to me is really messed up. I ought to do to you what I did to Andy and just cut you off."

I glanced up at his cock, noticing it had softened a bit since the massage. I went to go suck it more, but Ryan interrupted again: "No. If you want to suck, you've got to lick first."

My knees were feeling raw. How long had I been on them in front of Ryan? I gripped his big foot in my hands, one holding his toes, feeling his dull toenails. The other hand gripped the back of his foot, the heel and Achilles tendon. And I leaned even lower, so my face was practically on the ground and I was looking up at the bottom of Ryan's jock foot. I could really smell his college boy musk now.

I licked the bottom of Ryan's foot, feeling the rough texture of it on my tongue, while he smirked down at me, his hard cock poking up into the air. "Good boy. Now untie my hands."

I scooted on my knees around to the back of Ryan's chair and quickly undid his hands. Ryan immediately stood up and stretched his arms out. He did a couple standing twists from side-to-side, and I watched as his hard cock whipped back and forth as he did.

And then on his last twist, his hard cock whipped around and smacked me in the face. Ryan laughed, looking at my shocked face. He grabbed the back of my head, gripping onto my hair tightly. It kind of hurt a little bit. "You did a bad thing, Ethan," he said, and with his other hand he slapped me on the cheek with his dick again. And again. Smacking me right in the face with his college boy meat stick. "You like it when I slap you with my cock like that, don't you?"

I felt suddenly trapped. Ryan was free. I was on my knees, and he was grabbing my hair. And slapping me with his cock.

"No," I muttered. I didn't want to give him the satisfaction.

"No? I bet you're hard right now," Ryan said. It was true. I was. Ryan grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled it up off over my head. I let my arms fly upward to let the shirt off. "Take your pants off, too."

I unbuckled my jeans and slid them off. I was still wearing Ryan's jockstrap like he'd told me to. At least he couldn't be mad about that.

"You're hard," Ryan said simply. "So I guess you do like it." He smacked me in the face with his cock again. This time it really stung. I wondered if I would have a red mark on my cheek the size of Ryan's cock. What would the other guys in my dorm have to say about that?

"I'm trying to decide where I want to cum," Ryan said idly, looking me up and down. He was leaking more precum now. I realized some of it was on my face. "Why don't you suck me while I think about it?"

Ryan grabbed the back of my head and shoved it toward his cock. I opened my mouth wide and his dick slammed into the back of my throat, gagging me. My eyes watered, but I just tried to swallow his dick down best I could. Ryan bucked his hips back and forth, really pushing his cock in and out of my mouth. He'd never been so aggressive with me before. I realized he probably was really mad at me for leaving him tied up, for believing Bobby's lies about Andy.

But I also had been craving his cock all day and in some weird way, I was grateful he could get his frustration out on me like this. I knew he was enjoying fucking my face, because he couldn't help but let out his boyish moans. I looked up and saw he was staring right down at me. He wasn't closing his eyes, imagining I was some girl he was skullfucking. He was looking at me. He wanted to see me there, on my knees, red in the face, drooling as he choked me with his massive cock. He wanted to see it, to see me struggle.

I maintained eye contact with him, accepting his cock, accepting my position on my knees, letting him do what he wanted to do because... he was Ryan. He deserved to do whatever he wanted to do to me. I was there to receive his dick, receive his load, be his cocksucker. All thoughts drifted away and a calm settled in as I realized I was perfectly fine exactly where I was right now. I didn't need to think about the end of November and what that meant, I didn't think about what it meant that I was sucking my straight roommate's dick. I just allowed it all to happen, and allowed myself to feel relaxed and give in.

"You're such a good cocksucker, Eth," Ryan said, still staring me straight in the eyes. I was such a good cocksucker. I was such a good cocksucker. I wanted Ryan's load so badly.

I pulled off his dick, catching my breath, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand. "Did you decide where you want to cum?" I asked. Ryan shook his head. "Can you do it in my mouth, please?" I sounded like his kid brother begging for a turn playing Nintendo. My voice sounded so innocent, despite the fact that it was begging him to cum in my mouth.

Ryan smirked. And then a knock came on the door, and Bobby's voice: "Ethan, you still in there?"

Instinctively I started to scramble to my feet, but Ryan grabbed me by both shoulders and pushed me back onto my knees. I looked up at him pleadingly, but he just kept smirking at me. He turned to the door and said, "Yeah, we're in here, Bobby."

Through the door I heard Bobby utter a faint, "The fuck?" and then to my horror, our dorm room door clicked unlocked. My mouth fell open in shock as Ryan grabbed the back of my head and stuck his still-hard cock into it. The door swung open and I froze -- on my knees in just my jockstrap, red in the face, Ryan's cock in my mouth as he stood above me, naked. It was very obvious what was happening. What had happened.

Standing in the doorway was Bobby and Peter. Peter's face was in complete shock. Bobby, on the other hand, looked disappointed and furious.

"What's up, bros?" Ryan said casually, pumping his cock in and out of mouth for my dormmates to see. I just accepted it, distracting myself from the humiliation by focusing on the feeling of Ryan's cockhead pressing against the back of my throat.

Thanks for reading... and get ready, because the next chapter is a long one. Feel free to write me at :)

Next: Chapter 19

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