No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Nov 23, 2023



I had wild dreams that night. It had already been probably the craziest night of my life, so that plus all the booze made me have some really vivid dreams.

In one of them, it was the next morning and I woke up and caught Peter jacking off, completely naked, on his bed. He was watching porn on his phone, and when I walked over to him, he glanced at me but didn't stop. I saw on his phone the porn he was watching -- and it was me blowing Caleb. And then he'd told me he wanted that, and so I'd crawled onto his bed and had been about to wrap my lips around his cock... but then the dream had changed. And I was instead in the car with Ryan.

Except I was still wearing only my jockstrap. Ryan drove us through the drive-through, and the same high school boy gave us our food. While the boy watched, Ryan reached into the fast food bag and pulled out a huge dildo. He passed it to me without a word, then munched down on his burger. The high school boy stared at my half-naked body in disbelief.

"Well? You gonna use it?" the high schooler asked me. I looked to Ryan, who kept ignoring me. "Feet on the dashboard," the boy said. And I put my feet on the dashboard, knees bent. "Now push it in your hole," he said next, his voice cracking briefly, betraying his age, but I slowly pressed the dildo into my asshole.

The high school boy pulled out his phone to video me, wide-eyed. "I can't fucking believe this! This guy is fucking himself with a dildo!" the boy said, laughing. "Shove it all the way in, bro!"

I pushed the entire dildo into my ass for this high school boy. His eyes went even wider as he held his phone closer, filming me in disbelief.

Ryan still ignored the entire thing, just eating burger after burger. It was the strangest thing. Then the high schooler asked Ryan, "Does he suck cock, too?"

Ryan looked at the high schooler, smirked, and then drove away. Dream Ethan frowned at Ryan and asked, "Can I get his nut?"

"Just shut up and keep using your dildo," Ryan said as he drove. I closed my eyes and felt the dildo sliding in and out of my asshole, wishing I could've sucked the high school boy's dick.

It felt so real, so visceral. I could really feel the slight discomfort of this foreign object pushing into my asshole, opening me up.

And then, slowly, I woke up from this dream. But I still felt like the dildo was in my asshole. I was lying on my stomach on top of some towels on top of Peter's roommates bed, still wearing the jockstrap... but something was pushing in and out of my asshole. It wasn't a dream anymore. It was real. I got a crazy headrush. Was it Peter?

I felt a shift on the bed. Someone was sitting next to me. My eyes fluttered open. Sitting there wearing a tanktop and sweatpants was Ryan. He ran a couple fingers over my exposed ass crack and pushed a finger inside me.

"Good morning, Eth," Ryan said softly. He pushed his finger deeper into me. He'd woken me up by fingering my asshole.

Realizing what was happening was real life now, I startled a bit, but Ryan pressed me back onto the bed. "Relax. Peter went to the gym. He left me his keycard to check on you."

"I'm sorry," I blurted. My head felt like a ton of bricks.

"Last night was nuts, man. Everyone got too drunk."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. I'm proud of you, buddy," Ryan said, and I felt him slip a second finger into my asshole. I winced, feeling the intrusion sharply. "Does that hurt?"

"A little," I said.

"Your dildo is about two fingers wide, so it shouldn't feel that different," Ryan insisted.

"Why are you proud of me?" I asked. I probably should've stopped Ryan from fingering me, but it felt kind of nice to just relax right now.

"You kept your jockstrap on."

"You made me promise I would."

Ryan ruffled my hair as he pressed his two fingers deeper into my hole.

"Ah, fuck, Ryan," I groaned.

"Just relax, Ethan."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you've earned it, bud. You wanna try three fingers?"

I slipped my ass off of Ryan's fingers and sat up. I still felt a tiny bit drunk. "No," I mumbled. I realized that my dick was rock-hard in my jockstrap, the outline clearly visible through the white fabric.

"How about we take a shower? That sounds nice, doesn't it?"

A shower did sound nice. Ryan helped me up out of bed and led me to the door. "I don't have any clothes," I said, realizing I was still buck-naked except for my jockstrap.

"It's ok, the bathroom is just two doors down. And nobody's awake yet, everyone's so hungover. Come on."

Ryan led me out into the hallway, and I quickly realized how his assumptions were wrong. Whether it was on purpose or not I don't know, but a few fully-clothes bros on our floor passed us in the hallway and gave me a look. I wondered if they saw my still-hard cock in the jockstrap. If they did, they seemed less surprised than I'd imagined. I guess they'd been in the beer pong room last night, so they already had seen worse. The way Ryan had kept tugging me around by the strap of my jock. Or how he'd pantsed me in front of everyone, how they'd all seen my dick get hard when it was free from its cage. Ugh... part of me couldn't wait for this year to be over so I could move out of this dorm.

Once in the shower, I assumed my usual position kneeling in the corner while Ryan stripped naked, his soft, hung cock swinging in front of his ample balls that never seemed to run out of cum. He started his normal routine, ignoring me as I knelt there. He shampooed, conditioned, soaped up his whole body and his cock and balls.

And then he pulled out some shaving cream and a razor and lathered up his face. He was even fucking making me wait while he shaved. My knees were starting to hurt. And my cock was still hard. Now that it was contained only by the jockstrap Ryan had told me to wear rather than a metal cage, it seemed to have a mind of its own.

I watched Ryan shave his face as he stood there naked above me with his perfectly-sculpted college boy body. I felt like a real fly on the wall. I bet there were millions of girls who would pay to be a invisible in this shower stall right now. And guys too. Gay guys would love watching him go about his morning routine like this, stark naked.

When he was partly done shaving, he glanced at me, "I gotta piss, aim it at the drain for me, bud," he said.

Fucking come on, he wanted me to hold his dick for him while he pissed? This seemed a bit much. But Ryan didn't wait for an answer and a jet of piss started coming out of his dick spraying all over, so I lurched forward to grab his shaft and aim it down at the drain. The last thing I wanted was to be covered in piss again like Kai had done last night. That was awful.

Ryan continued to shave his neck while I diligently held his cock for him and ensured his stream went into the drain. Of course, I had to be pretty close to it and so I definitely felt his piss splashing off the floor onto my thighs, but that wasn't a big deal. As long as it wasn't all over my face and in my hair.

When he finished pissing, I squeezed his thick shaft at the base and pulled my hand up along it to get the last bits of piss out. I just imagined what I would normally do with my own cock when I finish pissing. That is, when I didn't have to piss while wearing a jockstrap. Ryan didn't make any comments, still ignoring me as he washed his face, finally done shaving.

Without really thinking about it, I started stroking his dick. My hand was already on it, and so I went from squeezing out the last drops of piss to jacking him off. He looked down at me, "I didn't say you could do that yet."

I gulped and dropped my hand. Ryan laughed. "Lighten up, bro, I'm just joking around. But we do have a problem," he said. And then he reached out his big foot and tapped the front of my jockstrap with his big toe. His toe tapped right on the tip of my hard cock. "You gotta stop getting hard like this."

Feeling his big toe poke my hard cock sent a weird exhilaration through me. He'd touched my cock when soft when he was putting it in its cage, but never when it was hard. I felt my cock throb in the jockstrap. Ryan sighed, and I blushed.

"I was worried this would happen. It's been almost a full month, you could cum at a moment's notice, Eth."

"I know... I'm sorry... I can't help it."

"What was making you hard?"

I shrugged.

"Was it holding my cock while I pissed?"

"No, of course not."

"Was stroking my dick making you hard?"

"No, that's supposed to help me not be hard, right?"

"Now that you don't have your cage, you're starting to think about your own dick again. That's the problem."

It's true... I was much more aware of my dick when wearing the jockstrap. I needed to keep thinking of the jockstrap as a cage. My dick was locked away in it, and didn't matter. All that mattered was Ryan's bigger, better cock. All that mattered was that he got to cum.

"I think I just gotta stop thinking about myself is all," I mumbled.

Ryan nodded. "I have another idea." And then he reached into his toiletry bag and pulled out the dildo. My dildo. "I grabbed this from your stuff. The key is that you have to stop thinking about your dick, right?"


"So we need to distract your mind and your body. This should do the trick. Get on all fours."

"Ryan..." I started to protest, but he gave me a look that he was very serious. And so I sighed, turned away from him, and then put my bare hands on the dirty shower floor so my exposed jockstrap ass was facing him.

"It's no big deal, you've been using this thing plenty, haven't you? I know you like it, I've seen how good it makes you feel." Ryan crouched behind me and slipped the tip of the dildo between my ass cheeks right overtop my asshole.

"This is weird," I mumbled. But I stayed in position as I felt the dildo slowly push an inch inside me. It opened my hole with a stinging sensation, and I winced. And then Ryan pulled it out completely.

"I think I see a problem," he said, staring at my asshole. Fuck, was there something wrong with my asshole? "You're mostly hairless, but you've got a little bit of peach fuzz around the hole. That's going to create friction and make it harder for you."

I had peach fuzz around my asshole? I guess I never really looked that closely until recently. I felt a little embarrassed. Was it normal to have hair there? It must be. Plenty of guys had hairy asses. "I don't know, I can't even feel the hair," I said.

But Ryan was adamant. "Trust me." I heard an aerosol sound and looked over my shoulder. Ryan had sprayed some shaving cream on his fingers. God damn it.

"Come on man, what are you doing?" I pleaded.

"Would you rather do it yourself and risk cutting your asshole?" Ryan said. No, I guess it would be hard to do it myself. The last thing I needed was to cut myself. Fuck.

I felt the fingers of one of Ryan's hands spread my ass cheeks while the other delicately rubbed shaving cream on my hole. I looked back over my shoulder and Ryan looked rather concentrated. He took his razor -- the same one he'd used to shave his face -- and still holding my ass cheeks spread apart to expose my hole, scraped the shaving cream off in small strokes.

I felt the delicate scratching of the razor right around my asshole. It was almost like a tickle, but not too unpleasant. The shaving cream actually made it a little bit soothing. I couldn't believe Ryan was doing this. He was staring at my asshole and shaving it as I was on all fours in nothing but a jockstrap. How had it come to this? But it wasn't as big a deal as, say, someone like Kai pissing all over me. This was just one guy helping another guy shave his asshole.

Ryan's razor carefully scraped right against the edge of my some sensitive skin and I felt my hole involuntarily pucker. I noticed Ryan smirk. Looking down underneath myself I saw my cock was still fucking hard. Not only that, I was leaking precum now. This was a disaster. Literally everything was making me horny. I had a brief moment where I wished Novemeber had never been a month. But no, it was almost over. Six hundred dollars. Six hundred dollars.

Ryan finished shaving me. "All done, buddy. You're smooth as as baby now. Ready to feel the difference?"

I nodded. Ryan pressed opposite thumbs into my asshole and pulled his hands apart, then spit three times into my hole. I felt his wet spit dripping down my crack.

Then Ryan pushed the dildo inside my hole once more. Weirdly enough, it didn't sting this time. It felt like my hole was actually a lot looser. I don't know if I felt any difference from the hair being gone or not, but somehow the act of Ryan shaving me had made my hole less tight. Or maybe it was his warm spit lubing it up.

It didn't even sting when Ryan pushed the dildo almost all the way inside me, though I did gasp a little bit and mutter, "Fuck!" Maybe it was more of a moan. I don't know, there was a dildo inside me, so it was hard to focus.

Ryan pulled the dildo out and pushed it back in gradually, then more rhythmically. Goddamnit, my college roommate was actually fucking me with a dildo while I took it on all fours. It was one thing when I did it to myself. Even if Ryan had watched me do it, commanded me to do it. It was different when I wasn't in control of when the dildo plunged deep inside me. That was up to Ryan now. I tried to stop myself from making noises, but every time he unexpectedly pushed it deeper I couldn't help but let out a kind of high-pitched moan. I felt so out of control of the situation.

Ryan placed one hand on the small of my back and the other underneath my chest. He pushed down on my back and up on my chest and made me arch my back. Then he pushed the dildo all the way inside me -- deeper than it had been so far. "Oh fuck," I said breathily, biting my lip.

"That's a good boy, Eth. You're doing great. Notice how your dick isn't hard anymore?"

Fuck. He was right. My cock was soft. I was so focused on my asshole I had forgotten about my dick. Ryan stood back up. "Back up on your knees. Leave the dildo in."

I pushed myself up off my hands and turned to face Ryan, still on my knees. Damn if they weren't so raw and red on this tile floor now. I should look into if shower knee pillows were a thing. I guess I don't know why they would be.

"This is great news. When we distract your body away from your dick by focusing on your asshole, it helps redirect the blood so you don't have a boner. If we combine that with your usual routine of focusing on my dick, which we've proven works wonders for you, then you should be good to go. Isn't that good news, bud?"

I nodded, feeling the fullness of the dildo in my asshole.

"Good. Now swallow my load."

Finally, I thought to myself. The only reason I put myself through all this bullshit Ryan made me do in the shower was so that he'd let me suck his dick. That was always a reliable way to quiet my horny mind.

I jacked the base of his shaft with one hand and swirled my tongue around his cockhead. I tasted his salty precum already leaking out. Then used my other hand to fondle his big balls. I looked up at him and licked his shaft from the base to the tip. He smiled and winked. He was probably feeling so good right now. I felt so relaxed.

I took his shaft into my mouth and felt his hand on the back of my head pushing me onto his now rockhard cock. I gagged a little as it plunged deep into my throat, but managed to relax my throat muscles to let him fuck my mouth. While his dick was all the way in, I felt him pulse it a few times. When he throbbed his dick in my mouth, I felt my own asshole pucker against the dildo deep inside me. Ryan's dick was so much bigger than the dildo. A dildo as big as Ryan's cock would surely hurt like fuck. I was grateful he got me a reasonably-sized one.

My mouth and asshole both felt so full in a way that totally cleared my mind. I wasn't even paying attention to whether there were other guys coming or going from the shower room. Probably there were. But at this point, if Ryan wasn't embarrassed by it, then I didn't really care. They already knew some weird shit was going on. I knew Ryan would protect me if necessary. The same way he'd fought Kai for me when he found me huddled in the shower. Ryan had my back.

I felt a sharp tug on my hair as Ryan pulled me off his dick. He took his cock in one hand and jerked it furiously -- faster than I ever could -- all the muscles in his torso and arms tensing, his face flush red, his mouth partly agape. "You want this load?"

I nodded and opened my mouth.

"Fuck yeah you do, Eth. Take it, bitch." Ryan shot a stream of cum onto my waiting tongue. "Take that load."

Another stream of cum splashed onto my face across my cheek. Another volleyed up onto my hair. I kept my mouth open and tongue out, letting Ryan's cum wash all over me.

"Fuck yeah, that's a big fuckin' load bro," Ryan moaned, still cumming all over me. I felt my asshole twitching nonstop, pressing against the dildo inside me, causing strange waves of exhilaration all through my lower back. I felt like such a fucking slut for some reason, but I just didn't care. Ryan was cumming, Ryan was getting his nut, and that was all that mattered. He forgave me for what happened last night, I'd never taken his jockstrap off, and I'd given him another great blowjob. And he was rewarding me with an amazing nut. We were feeling so fucking good.

When Ryan finished cumming, he slapped me on the cheek with his cock. "Awesome work, bro." I smiled. Ryan reached down and quickly pulled the dildo out of my asshole. I felt a sudden emptiness, and a sudden soberness. I was very aware now that my face and hair were covered in his cum, and that I had just been loudly gagging and moaning on Ryan's big cock in our boy's dorm room showers without care for who might hear.

Ryan gripped my chin and turned my head to look up into his eyes. "I won't let Kai fuck with you ever again. Understand?"

I felt warm, despite wearing nothing but Ryan's jockstrap. I nodded, staring into Ryan's eyes. He did have my back. He really did.

Ryan shut the water off and toweled off, leaving me without a word. I stood, a little shakily as my knees were truly fucked from kneeling that long. I realized that I didn't have a towel of my own. "Ryan!" I shouted after him.

"Yeah?" He called from the edge of the bathroom.

"I need a towel."

Ryan laughed. "No, you don't." And then I heard him leave.

I sighed. I definitely wasn't going to walk back to the dorm with cum all over my face. Plus I did need to piss. So I rinsed myself off best I could, pissed in the shower, and then walked straight back to my dorm room in nothing but my soaking wet jockstrap.

Luckily there was no line for the shower, no other guys in the bathroom. But right before I got to my room, the hallway door swung open. It was Peter, sweaty in his gym clothes. He looked me up and down in my soaking wet jock, then just gave a little nod and continued on his way.

NO NUT NOVEMBER IS ALMOST OVER! The rest of the story will be finished in one more (long and epic) chapter. Eventually I will post it on Nifty, but I'm going to give those on my mailing list an opportunity to read it early, so sign up here:

Thanks again for reading. Write me with your thoughts at -- it's been a wild experience recounting this story of my No Nut November, and it's great to hear from you. I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe.


Next: Chapter 17

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