No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Nov 6, 2023



When we got back to the dorms, Ryan's belly was full of cheeseburgers while mine was full of his cum. We didn't talk much the rest of the ride after he made me swallow his load in front of the high school drive-through boy. I just felt kind of spacey after swallowing his load, but not in a bad way. My mind was just pleasantly blank. Which was a rarity ever since he locked my cock in a cage almost a month ago, denying me the ability to cum myself. I think Ryan was calm, too, since he got to nut in my mouth.

We returned to a party mostly underway, although it actually wasn't even that much of a party yet. It was mostly just a bunch of the guys on my floor in one of the bigger rooms playing a beer pong tournament. Only a couple girls were there. I wondered if that meant the party was winding down or just getting started.

At least in Ryan's mind, the answer was "just getting started." As soon as we got back, he had us take two shots in our dorm room before joining the beer pong bros. Considering I still hadn't really eaten much besides his cum and the beer he made me chug, I felt the shots go straight to my head.

But it was cool to be back. Just walking up and down the dorm halls again gave me a jolt of excitement. College was way more fun than being stuck at home for Thanksgiving Break.

So after I dropped off my suitcase I jumped right into the swing of things. Ryan signed us up to compete in the beer pong tournament as soon as possible. Normally he probably would've partnered up with Bobby, but I guess Bobby wasn't back from break yet. So I got the honors of being his partner. I wasn't super great at beer pong but I'd do my best.

The guy in charge of the sign-up list was Peter. He lived in the room we were partying in, and was clearly a competitive guy. He wore a soccer jersey for some British team. It looked silky and was blue with white stripes and the number 7 on the back. He even had a kind of European-style haircut with short sides and a longer side-swept top of dirty blonde hair. I wouldn't be surprised if he'd played soccer like Ryan and Bobby had.

Peter made a big deal of announcing to the whole room, "We've got a latecomer team, boys! Ryan and... Ethan!"

The attention in the room turned to the two of us and I noticed a couple of the guys whisper to each other. Peter noticed, and I heard him mutter, "The fuck you boys gossipping about?" Peter conversed with them a moment and then: "Hold up, hold up, hold up."

The current beer pong game ground to a halt as everyone looked to Peter, the leader of the tournament and commander of attention at this juncture. "I need the ladies to leave for a few minutes," he said, gravely serious. The girls who were there scoffed at first, but when they were met with stony looks from Peter and other guys, they departed. Peter shut the dorm room door behind him.

"Boys. Boys! Boys!!" He exclaimed, raising his beer. "It has come to my attention that we are mere days away from the end of No Nut November. Now last I checked, there were only a few boys left in the running. I know that I myself got eliminated on Day 5 when Emily Cross rode my cock reverse cowgirl after the Tri-Delt philanthropy."

The boys all laughed and guffawed at this soccer-jersey clad ringleader, Peter.

"But if the rumors are true... then we may only have one man left standing. Or should I say, one man left drooping," Peter joked. Then he leveled his gaze at me. "You're Ethan?"

I gulped, suddenly the center of attention of all these boys. Most of them wore tanktops. One guy was shirtless. Some wore hats, most wore khaki shorts and flip flops. All of them had cocks inside those shorts. Free cocks that they could jack off or get sucked off or fuck with.

"Bro?" Peter said.

"Yeah... I'm Ethan."

"So it's true? You haven't nutted since October 31?"

I nodded, staring at my feet.

"Damn bro. How do you not have a stiffy all the fucking time?!"

"It's been hard," I said.

Peter laughed. "It's been hard! I bet it's been fucking HARD, bro!" The room laughed. "But if there's nobody else left in the running... then it sounds like we may have ourselves a winner of the $600."

Murmurs broke out around the room. Some sounded discontent. "Rules are rules, boys!" Peter said.

Rules are rules... and if I was the only boy on my dorm room floor who hadn't nutted all month... that meant... holy fucking shit, it was over. It was fucking over. I'd fucking won the bet. I'd won the money. I'd get this cage off my cock. I'd get to finally NUT. To blow a thick, creamy load all over myself and feel what a real orgasm felt like again. I felt the corners of my mouth turn into a smile. Then:

"November's not over yet," came a voice behind me. Ryan's voice. He put his hands on my shoulders. "The bet was No Nut November. He's got to make it through all of November if he wants the money."

I felt my stomach tremble with rage. What the fuck was Ryan doing? This was OUR money. Our $600. Why wouldn't he accept the victory right now? What kind of fucking asshole move was this?

"Yeah, plus he fucking cheated," came the voice of the shirtless bro playing beer pong. I recognized him. He'd seen me running out of the shower naked in my cage. He saw me trip and fall on my ass on the bathroom floor. His name was Kai, and he had broad shoulders and an eight-pack. No wonder he was shirtless.

"What do you mean, he cheated?" asked Peter. "Everybody shut up!" He added, quieting the hubbub in the room.

"He's got some faggy thing on his dick," Kai said matter-of-factly. I felt the alcohol rush to my head even faster. My excitement at winning the bet was draining rapidly.

Peter screwed up his face as he looked at Kai, confused. But when he saw some of the other boys nodding in agreement, he whirled around to me. "The fuck is he talking about, Ethan?"

I opened my mouth to speak, but didn't know what to say.

"Show them," came Ryan's voice behind me. I looked back at him, betrayed.

"No," I pleaded.

"Show us what?" Peter asked.

"I fucking told you bro, he's got a faggy thing on his dick!" Kai repeated, exasperated.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Peter said.

"Ethan here took the competition very seriously," Ryan interjected, speaking for me. "There was nothing in the rules against doing what he did. Even if it's something none of us would ever do... he was willing to do it."

Peter still seemed confused. "Okay, now you gotta show me what the fuck you're talking about."

"The girls are gone, bro, show him," Ryan prodded.

I noticed many of the guys in the room snickering amongst each other. And then I felt my shorts and boxer briefs get tugged all the way down to my ankles in one swift motion from behind. Ryan had grabbed them and pantsed me -- including my underwear -- in front of all the guys on our floor.

I froze, my caged cock on display for the whole room of beer-drinking bros. Peter's eyes dropped down and froze. Then his face screwed up in disbelief.

"Told you he had a faggy thing on his cock," Kai chuckled.

"Bro..." was all Peter could say.

"There's no way he could nut even if he wanted to with that thing on. He cheated. Voids the bet. No winner," Kai said. A couple guys seemed to agree with him.

"No fucking way. Bet's still on," Ryan said commandingly.

"I dunno, man," Peter said, still staring at my caged cock. His eyes drifted up to meet mine.

"Bet is still on." Ryan repeated.

"Bet is VOIDED," Kai insisted and stepped up closer to Ryan. Ryan met Kai, stepping up to him even as Kai stood a half-head taller than him.

"Boys! Settle down," Peter commanded, wringing his hands. "Let's compromise here. We've still got a couple days left in November. My ruling is that Ethan here can still win the bet, but he's got to do it without that... thing... on his... thing."

Peter put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. "You okay with that, bro?"

I nodded.

"Okay, take it off, then," Peter said, staring at my caged cock.

I looked back to Ryan, who seemed particularly red-faced. He was fucking angry. I'd seen Ryan angry before. He was angry.

"Take it off, he said!" Kai yelled.

I gulped and grabbed at my cage. But I wasn't going to get it off without the key. "I need the... the key."

"It needs a fucking key? What kind of faggot shit is this?!" Kai blurted.

Peter took a deep breath, seemingly unable to comprehend what I'd said. "Where is the key?"

"I have it," Ryan said, producing it from his pocket. He handed it to me. "You heard the boys. You gotta do the last two days without your cage if you want to win the money."

I took the key from Ryan. But the look in his eyes... part of me wanted to shout at everyone to fuck off, that I wasn't going to unlock myself, that it wasn't fair. Because I don't think Ryan wanted my cage to come off. I think he looked so furious because he knew he was outnumbered and there was no way these other guys were gonna pay up the $600 if I won the bet with this cage on. But they didn't have to sleep in the same room with Ryan like I did. They didn't have to suck his cock in the showers like I did. If I pissed him off... ah fuck, I had no choice.

I reached down with the key and fumbled it against the metal cock cage. My hands were sweaty, and I dropped the key on the ground. I bent over to pick it up and became acutely aware of my bare ass mooning the boys behind me. I'm pretty sure I heard one of them mutter, "faggot," and a couple of them laugh. Maybe it was my imagination. I was honestly kind of drunk from the shots and a little bit out-of-body from the humiliation of all my floormates seeing my cock cage that I wasn't sure what was what anymore.

I gripped the key tightly and unlocked my cage with a click. I removed it from my soft cock, my balls clinging up tightly against my body. Every guy in this crowded dorm room looked at my dick in that moment. Consciously or not, they were all sizing me up, thinking "I'm bigger than him" or "I'm about the same size as him." It's just natural for guys to compare their own dick with any dick they see, I think. I know I do it.

As I held the cock cage in my hands and felt all the eyeballs on my own dick... I also felt the air on my balls, and I felt how my shaft was able to just dangle down freely. And with horror I realized I was starting to get hard while all my floormates watched.

Kai held out a trash bin. I looked at Ryan, whose eyes told me "don't do it..." but I had no choice. I tossed the cock cage in the trash and heard it thud against the plastic.

My cage was gone now. My cock was free.

And fuck. Now I had a full-on boner. "Are you fucking kidding me?" Kai said.

Peter looked confused at first, then noticed my hard-on. "Damn, bro, just like that? You're gonna cum if you so much as see a girls tits, aren't you?"

"Or a guy's dick," Kai muttered.

"Quit with the homophobic shit, bro," Peter said, sounding exasperated. Something in me lightened up a little bit. The soccer bro was defending me?

"It's not homophobic if it's the truth. Ethan -- do you like pussy or penis?"

"P-pussy," I replied. Peter gave Kai a look as if to say, "See? There you go," and Kai just rolled his eyes.

One of the other guys yelled, "Quick, somebody show him some porn! Make him cum!" A couple of the guys rushed forward and grabbed me by either arm as the room laughed. My hard cock pointed straight up, my face turned red, and I wished I was anywhere else.

"Get off of him, faggots!" Ryan bellowed. Everyone silenced and let me go. I sheepishly pulled up my shorts and underwear, tucking my hard-on down into my underwear. It was weird to feel my fingers touch my own dick again.

Ryan grabbed me by the arm and led me out of the room. "We'll be back for next game. We're gonna fuck you boys up," he added.

Ryan dragged me down the hall by my arm, not looking at me, not saying a word. When we got in the room, he slammed the door. I don't know why, but I found myself pleading with him: "I'm sorry!"

"Shut up. This is serious. Without your cage, you're gonna start thinking about your own cock again like you did in there. And then it's gonna get hard and you're gonna cum."

"I promise I won't," I pleaded. "I'm sorry!"

"Strip," Ryan ordered as he went to his dresser. I wasn't sure what he had in mind but I didn't want to question it. I could tell he was a real powder keg right now. I pulled off my t-shirt, kicked off my shoes, peeled off my socks, then pulled off my shorts and underwear. I was really naked now. Like totally stark naked. I hadn't been naked like this in awhile. My dick was still hard, poking straight out.

Ryan took the bottle of vodka we'd had shots from and chugged some, then passed it to me. "This will help control your dick. Chug." Fuck. I'd never "chugged" vodka before. I took a big swig.

"I said CHUG, Ethan," Ryan said. I poured more vodka down my throat until he said, "Okay, that's good." Fuck. Fuck. That was a LOT of vodka. I really should've eaten dinner.

Ryan tossed me some underwear and a pair of his athletic shorts. "Put those on."

I took a closer look at the underwear -- it was a white jock strap. Why was he having me wear his fucking jock strap? I didn't really think about it as I put it on and it contained my dick. But left my ass rather... exposed.

My cock, still rock hard from being exposed to the elements in front of all the guys in my dorm, strained against the tight, bleached fabric of the jockstrap.

Ryan sighed. "Get on your knees," he said, unbuckling his jeans as if he were doing a chore.

"Huh?" I said. Ryan raised an eyebrow at me and I got down on my knees as he pulled out his soft, hung cock.

"Focus on this dick, Ethan. This is the one that you need to get hard. Not yours."

I nodded and leaned closer to Ryan's cock. It was nice seeing it hang down the way it did, the long shaft hanging even lower than his low-hanging balls. One ball hung slightly lower than the other, and there was only a dusting of blonde hair around it all. The tip was so smooth and perfect.

My tongue slipped out of my mouth and lapped at the underside of Ryan's cock. There I was, on my knees wearing nothing but his jockstrap, lapping at his cock. Coaxing it to harden.

As Ryan's cock stiffened, I realized my own was softening, and a great wave of relief washed over me. And then Ryan's cock pulsed and slipped between my lips into my mouth. And I knew if I got his dick even harder, my relief would only grow. My own dick was now just a soft mass in the tight jockstrap. Tucked away, as if it were back in its cage.

It actually helped, when I imagined I still had my cage on. I was able to better focus on Ryan's cock, and just imagine how good every swirl of my tongue or slurp up and down his shaft felt.

At one point, when I managed to take his entire shaft deep into my throat, gagging on it, my eyes watering and turning red, I felt Ryan's whole body shiver a little bit. Fuck. It was so incredibly hot and I couldn't believe I was making his cock feel so good he literally shivered. I made Ryan shiver.

It wasn't long after that that Ryan's cum splashed into my mouth and on my lips. Seeing as I'd just made him cum an hour ago, it wasn't nearly as big a load as usual, but it did really coat the inside of my mouth with his warm, thick saltiness, washing away the taste of the vodka I'd chugged.

I licked my lips, swallowing down his cum, then looked up to see him smirking down at me.

"Good. You are never to take that jockstrap off unless you get permission from me. Understood?"

"Yes..." I muttered, not really understanding.

"You can wear the shorts over it for modesty."

I put the shorts on over Ryan's jockstrap. They were silky and bright blue and loose-fitting with a broken, dirty-white drawstring. "What about a shirt?"

"No. I need to always be able to see the strap," Ryan said. He tugged the strap of the jock above my ass so it rode higher than the shorts, exposed. "This way I know you've still got 'em on. Understood?"

"But... why?"

"That jockstrap is your cage for now. Keep your cock in there. Don't touch it. Don't remove it. That way you can make it through the next two days." Ryan grabbed me hard by my bare shoulders. "Six hundred dollars, Ethan."

I thought about how when I'd been sucking him off, for some reason I'd imagined the jockstrap as my cage. And it helped me get back into the right state of mind to make my boner go away. Ryan knew what he was doing.

"...Why did you tell everyone I had to do it until December? Why not take the money now?" I asked.

"...Because fair is fair," Ryan said, patting me on my bony shoulder. "Now I know you're kind of wasted right now so I need to hear you say it. Say you will not remove my jockstrap or touch your cock unless I give you permission."

"What about to piss?"

Ryan thought for a second. "It's too risky."

"But... I kinda have to piss right now."

Ryan thought some more. "Do it in the shower. Keep the jockstrap on and piss yourself in the shower. Then wash yourself with soap. Understood?"

Was he fucking serious? He wanted me to piss myself in his jockstrap in the shower anytime I needed to piss? I had to take a fucking shower anytime I wanted to piss? This fucking asshole--

"Say it, Ethan. Promise me. And then we can both take a deep breath, chill out, and go have some fun. Yeah? You want to just have some fun with me tonight?"

I really did. I did not like this angry version of Ryan at all. And so... I just kind of said it. "I promise I won't take off the jockstrap or touch my cock unless you say I can."

Ryan smiled from ear to ear. "Good boy, Eth." He grabbed the back of my head and pulled me in, then kissed the top of my head. A shiver ran down all the way down my spine from the back of my head to my asshole. "I'm proud of you. Now let's go fuck these guys up at beer pong."

He led the way, and I stumbled out after him, finding it a little hard to walk straight.

Thanks for reading! If you want to get email updates from me about this and future stories, subscribe to my email list here:

No Nut November is upon us again, so you can expect multiple chapters this month. The next chapter will be up within a week ;)

As always, you can email me at to let me know what you think. Don't be shy.


Next: Chapter 15

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