No Nut November

By Ethan Sharp

Published on Nov 28, 2019



Hey guys, my name is Ethan Sharp. I'm currently a freshman at a big university in California. I live in a dorm on-campus where the entire floor is guys. I got lucky and scored one of the rare 3-person rooms. Which maybe sounds bad to have more people, but the upshot is that our room is twice as big as the other rooms so we have our own mini-living room. It's super cool, and we set up a big TV, a PlayStation, got a great soundbar... and stocked the minifridge next to it with beer.

I got randomly assigned my rooommates, but the two of them knew each other. They'd requested to be roommates and then I got paired as their third-wheel. Right off the bat, they seemed super cool.

Ryan and Bobby had been best friends all through high school, they told me, and were both on the soccer team back then. They always bring up funny stories about guys on the team. It sounds like it was a blast. In high school, I just ran track which didn't have the same kind of camaraderie, I think. I feel like I missed out on that kind of bro-bonding that team sports provide.

Ryan has blonde, somewhat shaggy hair that he's always brushing out of his blue eyes. He has these big dimples when he smiles, which he likes to do often. Whenever we're about to get into some shenanigans, he'll flash a wry little smirk that makes you immediately down to do whatever idea he's got. Like when we stole a case of beer from the convenience store. I guess technically I'm the one who stole it... Ryan distracted the clerk with some bullshit questions while I ran out with the beer. I could've gotten in some serious trouble... but Ryan had somehow convinced me. We had gotten invited to a frat party that night and wanted to be able to pregame in the room but were out of beer. And Ryan's older cousin who would buy for us was busy. So... Ryan flashed me that smirk of his and suddenly we were hatching a plan to steal some beer.

I'll be honest, it was kind of thrilling to steal the beer. I'd never EVER done anything like that in high school. I was always just the good kid, the teacher's pet, student council president. I always had a girlfriend in high school, and usually it was one of the most popular girls. I guess that's one area where I was maybe not the "good kid"... I did have sex with my girlfriend a few times. And she would suck my dick, and I'd finger her, and a couple times I tried eating her pussy but it seemed a little bit gross. I think just the smell or something, I don't know. But the other stuff we did a bunch, and she really liked sucking my dick. She always said it was really big. I mean, I don't think she had much to compare it to, but I feel like it's pretty big. When I get hard and measure it, it's 7" long. I've read online that's above-average.

Anyway, the two of us broke up when college started because we didn't want to do long-distance. I didn't want to be held back, you know? Like if I was at a party and met some hot girl, I wanted to be able to act on it. Though for whatever reason that didn't really transpire my first couple months in college. I made out with a couple girls at parties, but never brought one home. I guess I wasn't trying that hard, but I sort of blame my other roommate, Bobby.

So while Ryan is kind of mischievous, Bobby is much more metered and by-the-book. Not that he doesn't like to get wild and party, but he's just more methodical about it. When he heard about Ryan and me stealing the beer, he just shook his head at how stupid our plan was, how we didn't consider there were security cameras and shit like that.

Bobby is the tallest of us all. Ryan's about my height, 5'11. Bobby's got short brown hair and deep brown eyes. He's always got a little bit of scruff, and he's got great posture and probably the most muscular of us. Because he's tall you wouldn't necessarily notice it as much, but the first time I saw him take his shirt off in the room I was very impressed. He had a total six-pack and that V-cut leading to his waist. And his biceps are really defined. I think he knows it, too, because whenever we are playing drinking games on our floor he always ends up taking off his shirt. He's pretty conservative when he's sober, but give him some beer and suddenly the shirt is off and he is hurling playful insults at everybody. He's kind of the master of insults. Not in a bad way. But he just always has a sick burn in his pocket waiting to knock someone down a peg, and he delivers it in his deadpan baritone voice.

As I was saying, I kind of blame Bobby that I haven't had any sex yet in college. He made it really clear from the outset that he didn't want to walk in on me having sex, and that the only time I could bring a girl back would be if he was out-of-town for the weekend. I told him I could do something like put a rubber band on the door handle, but he scoffed at that. "Try again. You're not gonna sexile me, bro." Sexile, of course, is a portmanteau of "sex" and "exile"... when you can't enter your own bedroom because your roommate is having sex.

But you know what the fucked up thing is? Bobby totally had sex in our room. After all that, I was on my way home from a party one night and got a text from Bobby sent to Ryan and me: "don't enter room until I give the go ahead. busy with girl." I was so fucking pissed. I got to our room door and listened for a second, and I could hear a girl moaning. I should've just walked away, but I stayed by the door for a few minutes more. At one point I heard Bobby's deep baritone, "Cum for me, baby." And then her moaning, "Fuck Bobby, your cock is so big." It was like live porn, except I could only hear it. I realized that my dick had gotten hard, and was kind of embarrassed, but luckily nobody was around. I went to the bathroom on our floor and debated what to do. I could knock and put an end to it. Because Bobby was being a fucking hypocrite. But no... I didn't want to rock the boat. Bobby and Ryan both seemed to really like me, and I had to live with them until the end of the year.

So I decided to wait. And found myself wondering what position Bobby was fucking the girl in. I wondered if Bobby's cock really was big like she said, or if it was just like when my high school girlfriend had said I had a big dick. Bobby was so tall, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a big one.

Thinking about the live porn happening in my room more just kept my boner going strong. So I'm not going to lie... I ended up jerking off in one of the bathroom stalls. I spat on my cock and jerked it. I tried to imagine what the girl in my room looked like at that moment, and the face she was making while my roommate plowed her. Maybe it was weird to masturbate while thinking about my roommate having sex, I don't know. I figured I watch porn all the time where you see a bunch of naked guys with hard dicks, but because they're fucking chicks it's not gay or anything. So thinking about Bobby in a purely porn context... it wasn't about him it was about the girl he was fucking. That's what was turning me on. Does that make sense?

Eventually, Bobby sent a text that simply said, "done." I wondered where he had nutted his load. He seemed like the kind of guy that would just cum inside her. Ryan seemed more likely to want to cum on a girl's face.

But onto the real story I want to tell here...

In case you hadn't heard, there was this whole trend in the month of November called "No Nut November." The idea was all the teen guys of the world were going to try to go the entire month of November without busting a nut. That meant no jerking off, no fooling around with girls, nothing. You were allowed one wet dream, but that's it. If you got hard, that was fine, as long as you didn't nut.

No Nut November became a huge joke on our all-male dorm floor. Leading up to it, bros were challenging other bros that they would last longer. Eventually, everyone had gotten in on it, including me. I think Ryan was the first one to mention it to me. He said something along the lines of "It's a way to prove to our dicks that we are the ones in control." Plus, he said, that if we went a whole month without nutting, our next nut would be the best we'd ever had.

So I agreed to try. I'll be honest, I jerk off like once a day. It's been harder in college due to having roommates, but mostly that means I just end up jacking off in the shower. I think all the guys do it. I've definitely seen cum in the drain. It's kind of funny to imagine all the bros on our floor all jacking off and cumming on the same tile floor of the shower. I wonder how many loads have splashed onto that poor tile floor.

Going from jacking off once a day to not jacking off for a whole month kind of terrified me. I asked Ryan, "What if we start getting boners during class all the time?" And he told me, "Just tuck it in your waistband, bro," and flashed that smirk of his. Ultimately, though, I didn't want to be the only guy on the floor not participating, so I said fuck it, let's try.

And then a couple days before November, things got more interesting. The guys on the floor all started a prize pool. Twenty dollar buy-in. Whoever made it through the whole month without nutting split the pot. With everyone pitching in, that meant a prize pool of $600. Let me repeat: SIX. HUNDRED. DOLLARS. That's like... a semester's worth of beer. For free! Well, not for free... I'd have to somehow not jack off for a month.

Everyone paid up their entry fee (which was securely stashed by our floor's RA... he's super chill, also participated in No Nut November... if I get a chance I'll tell you more about him). And then the last night of October, all the guys on my floor partied it up. That night, it was kind of hilarious because all the guys took "night showers." Only a few guys actually showered routinely at night. But this night... so the one bathroom on our floor has four shower stalls in a little room, each with a privacy curtain. That night, those four showers actually had a line forming. We'd get lines in the morning... never in the evening.

I joined the queue, too, eager to rub one last one out before November. It was kind of funny, because whenever a guy would leave the bathroom, towel around his waist, he would avoid everyone's gaze and look a little ashamed. Because we all knew what was happening. Every guy on my floor was jacking off together, essentially.

I entered the shower stall, pulled the curtain shut, and dropped the towel from my waist. I set down my basket of toiletries and turned on the shower. The water was immediately hot. As I rinsed off, I listened intently... and heard what was definitely some rhythmic fapping. It's like whoever it was wasn't even trying to be discreet. Damn. I realized I was getting hard and took hold of my shaft, stroking it up and down, careful not to be too loud. Still astonished at how loud whoever was in the next stall was being. And then I heard a little exhaled grunt and the fapping stopped. A moment later, the water turned off. I heard the shower curtain sliding back, and then a voice... Ryan's voice.

"Let the games begin, boys!" Ryan jeered. I peeked out of my shower curtain and saw him with his head up, towel around his waist. He raised his hand to high-five the line of waiting guys, but they looked at him disgusted. He laughed and cruised out of the bathroom.

So the guy who had been loudly fapping in the next stall was Ryan. Of course. He didn't give a fuck. We all knew everyone was jacking off, so he just did it loud and proud.

I grabbed my cock and jerked it, closing my eyes, trying to decide what I'd jerk off imagining. I wondered what Ryan had been thinking about that got him going so loud and proud. Maybe he was imagining some girl sucking his cock. I'd seen his cock before. He wasn't too shy when he was changing after a shower. His dick seemed really big when soft, but that doesn't necessarily translate to it being a certain size when hard. Maybe he's just a shower. He has really low-hanging big balls, too. My balls are kind of tighter against me.

Eventually I busted my nut in the shower. I'd gotten kind of lost in my head and was stuck imagining Ryan getting a blowjob, which again... if I just imagine it as if I'm watching a porno and Ryan just happens to be the dude, I don't think it's that weird. But at that point I did kind of quietly think to myself that I should not involve my roommates in my jerk-off fantasies. It did seem a little bit gay.

Returning to the room, I adopted the more embarrassed posture passing the line of waiting guys. They all looked at me and I definitely felt a little shame that they were about to walk into a shower I'd just nutted in. Oh well.

When I got to the room, it was just Ryan in there. He was already dressed in some khaki shorts and a polo as I walked in with just a towel around my waist, my hair dripping wet, carrying my toiletries.

"Six hundred dollars, Ethan. That's a lotta booze," Ryan said, shaking his head.

"Seriously, bro... one of us has to get it," I replied.

"I agree. Which is why I have a fool-proof plan," Ryan said. And he flashed that signature smirk, showing his dimples.

"Okay... tell me. What have you cooked up this time?" I asked as I pulled some boxer briefs from my dresser. I slid them on under my towel before dropping the towel. They were white Calvin Klein boxer briefs, and I tugged at them to arrange my bulge.

"First you have to tell me... are you in? It would be me and you to the end."

"Well, I don't know what the plan is yet, Ryan. So I can't say."

"I'm telling you, if you're in, then we will be up $600."

I considered as I pulled on a tanktop. I'm kind of a skinnier guy, but I do have pretty good muscle definition. I go to the gym a couple times a week, and it shows. So I like wearing tanktops.

"Fine," I said. "I'm in."

Ryan nodded solemnly, then reached into his drawer and pulled out... some kind of metal contraption. He tossed it on my bed. I stared at it, puzzled.

"The fuck is that thing?" I asked, almost afraid to touch it.

"It's a cage. And if you wear it, you won't be able to nut," Ryan said matter-of-factly.

"Dude... that's some fucked-up shit," I murmured. Where the hell did he even get this? I picked it up and examined it. Sure enough, it looked like a metal cage and had a lock on it. "There's even a key for it?!"

"Yeah, so you can't take it off," Ryan said. "That's why I can't do this alone."

I suddenly regretted agreeing to this plan. It seemed like some kind of weird freaky sex shop thing. I didn't even understand how you would put it on.

Ryan walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Ethan. This month is not going to be easy for any of us. But here's the plan. I got two of those cages. One for me, one for you. We put them on, then trade keys. Then, when November is over, we unlock each other, split the $600, and have the best fucking nut of our lives. What do you say?"

For some reason I felt a slight panic. I think I assumed I wouldn't last more than a week, so giving up masturbation for a month didn't seem like a big deal. But now, with a plan that would actually force me to do it... well, fuck. But at the same time... six hundred dollars. SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS. "What if... what if we change our minds?"

"We won't change our minds," Ryan said. "But if we both agree, then we can swap keys back. But only if we both agree do we swap keys. Okay?"

I pondered it. So if I was seriously dying of horniness... I could probably convince Ryan that we should just end it together and swap keys. That seemed reasonable. I thought he was probably underestimating No Nut November, too.

"Okay," I said quietly.

"Fuck yeah, bro. All right, I'm gonna go take a piss, and I want you to put the cage on while I'm gone." Ryan slapped me on the shoulder and left the room.

I let out a big sigh as I pondered the metal device. I pulled my boxer briefs down to my knees and tried fitting my cock inside. It was a bit tight, but I think I understood where everything was supposed to go. As I fumbled with my soft cock in the metal cage, I tried to figure out how to fully close the thing. Something didn't seem right... and then as I continued fumbling I heard our door click open. I froze and turned my head to see Ryan coming in. He got a face full of my ass, with my boxer briefs still around my knees.

"Dude... what's wrong?"

"I can't... I can't figure out how to put it on," I muttered.

"It's not rocket science, bro. It took me like 10 seconds to put mine on."

"You're wearing yours now?"

"Yup. Sure am."

"Well... do you wanna just... I feel like there's something missing..." I mumbled, not wanting to ask my roommate for help locking my cock in a cage.

"It's fine, let me see," Ryan said with the casualness of a doctor helping his patient. I turned toward him, my face flushing red as his eyes darted down to my soft cock. He knelt down and examine the cage, then reached up and grabbed the cage with one hand and my balls with the other. I inhaled sharply, not expecting my roommate to grab my balls. He tried shoving my balls in somewhere and I yelped a bit.

"Sorry bro... you're right, though, I feel like there's another piece..." Ryan rose to his feet and opened his dresser. "Oh. Shit. Hah." He laughed and pulled out another metal piece.

Ryan returned to me and squatted down. He fit this new metal piece under the bottom of my balls and snapped it into place. My cock was now totally contained by this cage. "My bad... I don't know how I forgot to give you that piece." For some reason, I didn't totally believe him. I feel like he might've done it on purpose because he knew it would embarrass me. He was always a prankster.

Then Ryan pulled out a key, put it in my cage, and locked it. I heard another click. Ryan gave the cage a little tug to see if it was secure. It pulled on my cock and balls, stretching them. "You're good."

He pocketed my key and then pulled out another. "I've got yours, and now you have mine. Remember the rule -- we only exchange these keys if we both agree."

"Yup. We got this." I stood there, cage around my cock, staring at my roommate.

"Bro... you can pull up your pants now."

Turning even redder, I hurriedly pulled up my pants. As I moved around, it was hard to get used to having a metal contraption in my pants, pressing against my dick. At first the metal was cool, but now it had warmed up. I wondered what it was going to be like to shower and piss with this thing on. I was probably going to have to start sitting down to piss. But hey... Ryan was right. There was no way we weren't going to win that $600 now.

This and the following stories will chronicle my experiences during No Nut November. I've changed a lot this past month, and I think writing about it is a good way to process what has happened. Bobby was actually the one who suggested I do this. He said I might realize a lot about myself by writing out my experiences.

Next: Chapter 2

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