No More School

By Toby Simon

Published on Mar 29, 2015


We had pizza delivered to our tent and then after feasting we walked the beach hand in hand as the sun set. I fell asleep cocooned by Kent, his arms wrapped around me, his breath gently tickling my neck, and later in the night his boner pressed firmly against my rear. This is how it should be. Friday dawned, Kent's erection was still pressed firmly against me. We swam and breakfasted. Outside the tent we caught more rays and for the first time discussed our future. Our future, in its immediate form was to be deprived of Chris for the next several days.

After lunch the campground began to fill with people planning on enjoying a summer weekend at the beach. Sadly tent sites up on our level began to be occupied ending our privacy. Feeling exposed we both went into the tent to change, I had dropped my shorts when Kent knelt and sucked me into his mouth. His hands clasped my buns as his fingers wormed their way towards my puckered ring. As he pulled me into his warm orifice I moaned and responded with firm vigour.

I struggled to keep my moans low in volume. Kent grasped and cupped my balls and could feel them tightening and just as I reached the point of no return he stood and pointed my dick at his groin as my ropes of cum blasted forth. I sank to my knees and sucked Kent into my mouth, my cum tasted better on his prick than it had ever tasted. Seeking more I licked his pubes and balls before returning to his cock and being rewarded with spurts of precum. Hungrily I swallowed again and again. I could feel Kent tense and then his cock erupted flooding my mouth.

Sated we pulled on our speedos and ran down to the waves. The feeling of body surfing in with the waves crashing around me, I'm not sure how to describe it but in my speedos I felt naked and not naked. The waves caressed me and on arriving in the shallows Kent caressed me as well. Getting to his feet Kent stood still and looked down, "I was sure they would be see through when they got wet." I followed his eyes down and was relieved that my speedos glowed white against my deepening tan without revealing what was clearing swelling within them. We returned to the seats outside our tent and let the sun dry us.

The next morning the few remaining camp sites were occupied. Kent and I went for a wander to spot any fresh talent. There was one boy, his wetsuit peeled down showing off his chest and abs as he stood waxing his board. The curves of his bum were held firm by the rubber of his wetsuit but he was so engrossed in his task he never noticed us circle back for a second and third look. At another site twins just a bit younger than us were setting up a small tent next to their parents caravan, they both wore figure hugging boardies and tight singlets. The most promise was in the area near the office for those teens and twenties there on their own. Among a group of four was one guy probably about twenty, he scoped us as we checked him out. His eyes followed us round and he adjusted his package more than once. His friends seemed completely oblivious.

We went for a swim and were sunning ourselves in just our speedos when Mr Twentyish appeared. "Hey, how'd you guys get to score this choice site?" He asked as he plonked himself down beside us.

"We've been here all week," Kent replied as he rolled over onto his back. Mr Twentyish swallowed and looked directly at Kent's lycra encased package and then adjusted his own. Kent swept his hand down his chest and pushed down onto his dick as it lengthened off to the side. I turned onto my side to watch the show. My own groin was filling and Mr Twentyish's eyes were flicking back and forth. Kent rubbed slowly back and forth along the length of his cock. "You should check out inside our tent," Kent said as he rose to his feet. Mr Twentyish practically crawled into the tent behind Kent and I followed after him.

Inside Kent had pulled down his speedo and his dick poked out, Mr T dropped to his knees before him and latched onto Kent's cock and began sucking with all the vigour of a new born lamb. He pushed his own shorts down and began fisting his own prick. I laid down beside him and guided his hand to my cock and started stroking his. After a few minutes Kent bucked and groaned and Mr T swallowed noisily before twisting round to take my cock in his mouth. One load down and he was clearly hungry for more. Kent knelt beside him and tongued my balls as they began to tighten and the cum churned and fired.

Kent pushed Mr T over onto his back and then straddled him and guided his dick into his own hole. "Fuck!" Mr T cried out.

"Shhhhh," we both responded and I leant forward and kissed him. He looked shocked and then returned the kiss with unbridled enthusiasm. Kent was bouncing up and down energetically and Mr T's whimpering was picking up pace when he suddenly broke away from me, "Aaahhhhhh!!" As he thrust his hips up off the ground to meet Kent's downward plunges. Kent grinned a satisfied grin at me before settling himself down upon Mr T.

His breathing slowly returned to normal and he kept looking back and forth between us before finally finding his voice, "Shit! That was fucking amazing! Better than I ever imagined." We both looked at each other and back at him.

"You mean?"

He looked embarrassed, "well I've fooled around a bit at school. You know. The odd wank and a little bit of sucking. I've always wanted .... and when I saw you two ... I just had to come by." We both grinned and leant back in to kiss him some more. The dam was burst and he grabbed both us and pulled us in tighter.

After breaking for some air Kent wiggled his butt, "You feel good in there."

"I could do it again," he said flexing his hips. "What's it like to get fucked?" Kent lifted off him and we pulled his shorts all the way off and then lifted his legs in the air. His face was torn between fear and excitement as we both stroked around his hole. I leant in and licked and he squirmed as his ring relaxed and flared. Kent wiped up my drool and teased his opening. "Do it to me," he said. Kent shuffled forward and I sucked his dick to get him wet and then kept my head in close to watch as he pushed his way slowly in. Mr T's groans began to build in volume so I shuffled forward and presented my dick to him which he slurped noisily down.

Kent was just building in pace when Mr T pulled off my dick and cried out as his cock blasted forth hitting himself on his face and up and over his head. Kent slowed and stopped. Mr T's chest heaved as he groaned with pleasure. I looked back over my shoulders at Kent and pushed my speedos down presenting my arse. Kent withdrew from Mr T and pushed quickly into me, grabbed my hips and began banging me hard. Mr T squirmed round and under me to suck my hard cock back into his warm salivating mouth. Kent began fucking me harder than he had ever fucked me before. The feelings were intense and I didn't want him to stop. Harder! Please harder!

Slamming hard into me I could feel Kent tense and erupt and with that my cock blasted into Mr T's vacuuming mouth. My ring pulled on Kent as he slumped onto my back. Mr T crabbed himself around on the floor and pulled me down to kiss him, my cum still warm in his mouth. I rolled to my side and Kent stayed lodged inside me as he cocooned me in his arms. Mr T reached between my legs and felt around the base of Kent's cocks, exploring the point at which it melded with my ring before running over my balls and up my dick and back down again.

We all lay soaking in our post orgasmic bliss, grins plastered from ear to ear. "I need a swim," Kent said pulling out from me and tucking himself back into his speedo. We all headed down the dunes and into the breakers. We had barely hit the water when Mr T spotted his friends and left us for them. Kent and I didn't care and enjoyed body surfing the waves as the swell caressed our lycra clad buns and balls. Next moment the twins appeared with their boogie boards. Once wet their figure hugging boardies dived into their cracks showing even more rounded and pert buns mounted atop their boards. We both stood and lusted as they rode the waves in.

The heat was finally leaving the afternoon sun when Mr Twentyish reappeared carrying a beer. "Want to come join us?" He asked, waving back towards his friends. We grabbed Chris' basketball shorts and pulled them on before following him back towards him camp site. "Guys, ummm .... shit, what's your names?" We laughed, in our fun we hadn't worried about names. Introductions were made all round, turns out his name is Brad. We shared some of their beer. Conversation turned to food and they were stoked that we knew the number of the local pizza joint that would deliver.

As the evening wore on Kent had leant himself in to me and I was gently holding him. Brad was looking on enviously and a few of his friends were smirking as they glanced towards us. Finally we made our excuses and headed off, catcalls followed us. On the crest of the flattened dune where our tent was we paused and kissed. We could hear the wolf whistles which only egged us on. Once inside our tent we stripped and laid down on our sleeping bags. We kissed and stroked and without saying a word cuddled up together, thoroughly spent from our day of fun.

In the morning Brad and his friends tents were already gone, someone informed us they got kicked out about 2am for making too much noise. As we walked back to our tent site the twins appeared up over the dunes wet from the water. "How was the surf?" I asked. They stopped and raved about the waves they had caught, oblivious to our eyes as they roamed up and down the boys bodies. They both had a trail of fine blonde hair leading down from their belly buttons and disappearing beneath the domes of their boardies. I began to swell as I thought about being skewered at both ends by the pair of them. "Let's go for a swim," I said to Kent trying to get away before my groin became too obviously filled with lust.

We headed down over the dunes to the beach arriving just as the boy in the wetsuit emerged from the water. He walked straight towards us. "Hey Kent, peel me," he said as he about faced. Kent tugged on the zipper of the wet suit and it travelled south towards a finely curved pair of buns. Reaching the end of the zip Kent then grabbed at the top and pushed it apart to reveal first his shoulders and the width of his back and down to a narrow waist. So many presents to unwrap in such a short time, why would we ever go home? "Thanks," he said and picked up his board and headed back up into the camp.

"I didn't know you knew him?" I said once I had rolled my tongue back up into my mouth.

"Yeh, he's been coming here with his family longer than us," Kent replied, "he stopped being friendly a few years back. I think he knew what I wanted when he caught me staring at him as he stripped off his wetsuit one time."

"Well I don't blame you," I said, "besides he's the one missing out on all the fun."

After our swim we were sitting in our chairs under the umbrella outside our tent when Brad suddenly appeared, coming up out of the water and up the dune towards us. "Hey guys, we got kicked out! So I slept in my car. I had to come back and see you guys again." He flopped down on his back on the grass stretched out in front of us, he put his hands behind his head and thrust his groin skyward a couple of times. I could feel my groin filling as the mound in Brads boardies swelled as well.

"Lunch is served," I said to Kent. Kent and Brad both laughed and pawed themselves. The sun glistened in the drops of sea water littered over Brad's chest and abs. Who needs to think about buried treasure when sparkling jewels are laid out in front of you? I knelt down and ran my hands up from Brads ankle, up his shin and thigh, lightly feathered over his groin and firmly up his six pack to his chest. He groaned and thrust his hips up again. I stroked up and down his chest and abs a few more times, darting down to paw his package once or twice. He reached out and snuck his hand up the leg of my shorts making direct contact with my balls.

He cupped them and rolled them about before advancing up to my hardening pole which he stroked up and down. Back down to my balls and I lifted myself up onto my knees and spread my legs, Brad understood and his fingers traced down and under to my hole where they probed. Kent stood and went inside the tent. Brad withdrew his hand from my shorts and sniffed his fingers before licking them with a wicked grin. We both got to our feet and followed Kent into the tent. Kent was already naked, his legs astride and his dick pointing straight out. Brad and I dropped to our knees and as Brad swallowed Kent's fuck pole I licked and sucked on his balls.

"I want you to fuck me while I fuck Kent," I said into Brad's ear as he continued sucking greedily on Kent's hard cock. I stood and dropped my shorts, grabbed the lube and moved around behind Kent. Pushing forward on his shoulders he understood and opened himself up for my invasion. Grabbing his hips I pulled him onto me and just as my pubes mashed up against Kent's buns I felt Brad getting ready to do the same to me. His cock head popped in through my ring and my dick swelled inside Kent, and the feeling as he slid deeper in to me was heaven. My dick swelled even more and Kent groaned and began thrusting himself onto me. Brad steadied himself with his hands on my hips and began thrusting from behind. They quickly synced themselves as Brad rammed me from behind Kent rocked back hard against me.

My balls began to churn and tighten and suddenly I volleyed shot after shot deep into Kent and I began to crumple at my knees. Brad pulled out from me and thrust into Kent. Kent pushed back to meet Brads thrusts and the sound of flesh hitting flesh had my lust back within moments. My hole felt empty so I stood and positioned myself in front of Kent and backed towards him. Brad rammed hard into Kent throwing him forward and burying his cock into my waiting and hungry hole. "Oh fuck!!" Kent cried out and with a few more thrusts emptied himself in me. Just as Kent's cock stopped pulsing inside my ring I could hear Brad grunting as he came in Kent. We all sank to our knees and kissed furiously our hands cupping each other's buns and fingers dipping into sloppy holes.

Brad broke away from us, "I have to go soon, long drive back home, but I've got to have something to remember you guys by," he turned over onto his hands and knees and looked back over his shoulder at us, "I want both your loads in me." Kent was up and in him faster than a rat up a drain pipe, his rear pumping rhythmically letting little rivulets of cum leak and run down his legs. Best way to fix that was to plug that hole which I did moments later. Kent grunted and twisted his head round grinning. I let Kent set the pace, he had hold of Brad's hips and was pounding him good. Brad was grunting his encouragement, growling out "Yeh, fuck yeh, god that's good."

Looking down I watched my cum slicked fuck stick sliding in and out of Kent's buns with no effort on my part. I moved back slightly and let Kent ridge fuck himself on my cock. "Oh fuck that's good," Kent panted before tensing and firing into Brad's no longer virgin ass. Kent moved aside and I teased Brad with my cock at his hole, nudging it in and out slightly, slowly increasing the depth of my thrusts until I was pushing all the way in and coming right out before plunging in again. Kent was beside me, his fingers pushing in and out of me in time with my thrusts into Brad.

I wanted to hold off on cumming as long as I could but my balls were tightening and then suddenly i was over the top and blasting into Brad. I collapsed on his back and hugged him as he lowered himself to the ground. "Stay in me just a bit longer," he said wiggling slightly underneath me. Kent straddled us and lined himself back up with my hole. Sinking in he laid on my back. We all wiggled just slightly at different times, feeling our holes stretched by the cocks inside them. Brad began moaning and wiggling more and then I felt his ring spasm and he hissed a "Ahh Yes," as he shot his load on the tent floor.

We exchanged numbers then Brad dressed and left. We pulled on our speedos and headed down for another swim, and to wash away the smell of sex. I had caught a good wave in and was just coming to my feet in the shallows when the twins came back down with their boogie boards. "Nice speedos," one of them said as they got closer.

"Thanks," I said, "You'd look good in them too."

"You'd have to take them off first before I could put them on," he shot back with a wide smile and a quick glance at his twin. I moved my hands to the waist band and started easing them down slightly. They both laughed and headed out into the waves, heads close together as they discussed something before looking back at me as they laughed some more. Back out among the breakers Kent clearly liked the idea as much as me and his hands kneaded my lycra encased package. My dick responded with enthusiasm and Kent slipped his hand in through the waist band pushing it out and down and tucking it under my balls before he returned to stroke my hardness some more.

Distracted we failed to notice a sizeable breaker and it crashed down over us and as our heads popped back up through the water the twins were there on their boogie boards. I grabbed my speedos and pushed them down, stepping out of them I hoisted them up above the water and said to the twins, "So, which one of you was going to model them for me." They laughed and suddenly one slipped from his board and grabbed them off me. I panicked for a moment thinking he would take off with them, then I could see him pushing his shorts down which he handed to me as he pulled my speedos on and then climbed back on his board.

I pulled his shorts on but they were too small, the velcro fly cupped my package but there was no way I could get it closed. I watched as the twins caught another wave in. His pert buns clad in my speedos raced away from me, reaching the shallow he stood and posed and waved at me to come in to shore. I shook my head. The two of them put on a little show together continuing to wave at me to come in to the shallows. Finally they gave up. When they got back out to me he said, "You got to see me model your speedos, I want to see you in my shorts."

"So stick your head underwater then." And with that he did.

Coming back to the surface he laughed, "Jeeze ya coulda poked my eye out, a bit of a warning would've been nice." He quickly shucked my speedos and handed them back to me, I stepped out of his shorts and pulled the speedos back on tucking myself in and tying the cord. Then he and his brother paddled away, close together in conversation. Kent and I watched their tanned backs and tight buns recede.

Mid afternoon as we were sunbathing there were voices right behind us. "We have to get some speedos, they do look good and they felt sexy wearing them on the boogie board." Kent and I looked back over our shoulders and there stood the twins. "We have to go home now, but before we packed up the tent we made you guys a present." One of them dropped a plastic bag down by our feet and they turned and ran off laughing. Kent reached back and retrieved the bag. He opened it and fished out two pairs of fruit of the loom briefs, one red and one blue.

"They're damp," he said.

I took a pair off him and sniffed, "Yes, its cum." I unfolded them to find the wettest spot and stuck it in my mouth to suck. Kent stood and went inside the tent, puzzled I followed him to find him dropping his speedos and putting the briefs on. "Well," I said, "It looks like you got into his pants after all, and he came for you." I shed my speedos and pulled on the cum soaked briefs I was holding. Kent stepped up to me, wrapped his arms around me and mashed is his swelling groin into mine as we passionately kissed.

We continued humping one another. I thought about the twin whose cum was now wrapped around my package, the other twins cum being humped up against me. A few more thrusts and I shuddered and came. Kent pulled back surprised, "That was quick!" He pulled his cock out and fisted it until he was close when he flipped the briefs back up and filled them with his cum. We returned to kissing some more, our sopping groins squelching as we continued grinding up against one another. "I hope they come back next weekend."

"They might, but we have to be back home on Friday, our parents want to hear our plans remember."


Kent lay down on our mattress and I joined him, we continued our kissing and stroking then I rolled over and Kent snuggled up behind me and we fell asleep for an hour or so. By the time we awoke the area around our tent was empty again. Kent and I decided to enjoy a beer in the chairs under our umbrella while still wearing the twins cum soaked briefs. We were enjoying the last rays still when Chris appeared, wearing a medal.

"I won my age group," he said holding it out to us. His eyes feasted on our groins before he dropped to his knees in front of me. "Something smells good," he said nuzzling my balls with his nose, "But aren't they uncomfortable being that tight?"

"Oh, they're not mine."

He cocked his head sideways looking up at me quizzically.

"There were some twins staying here over the weekend. They brought us a present before they left this afternoon."

"Twins. Were they hot?"

"Blonde and trim, I only wish that I really got into their pants and them into mine."

Kent laughed, "but you did!" And he proceeded to tell Chris about the speedo swap out in the breakers.

After Chris finished laughing he stopped and looked at us, "Speedos? You guys have speedos?"

"Yeh, we had to go buy some given how good you look in yours."

"You gotta show me."

So we went into the tent together and emerged to model our speedos for Chris. "White ones," he said grabbing at my groin, "Don't they go see though in the water?"

"I didn't think of that when I bought them," I said, "But fortunately they dont."

"I'd better get back," Chris said, "I didn't tell my parents I was going anywhere and dinner will be ready soon." After he left Kent suggested McDonalds and a movie. During the movie I was feeling horny again, we were both still wearing the twins cum crusted fruit of the looms. I stuck my hand down the waist band of my shorts and grabbed my cock and started stroking. Kent grinned and watched me as the front of his shorts blossomed before he too stuck his hand down and pawed himself. No one was nearby so I pushed my shorts down to my knees and pulled my cock clear of the waist band of the twins briefs.

Kent looked shocked, and then looking around he too lowered his shorts and pulled out his cock. We sat there stroking watching each other rather than the movie. We took turns stroking each other's dick and cupping our balls. Before I knew it the credits were rolling. I pushed Kent's hand away and fisted myself until I could feel my balls tightening to that final moment. I flipped the waist band of the briefs up and soaked them again. Moments later Kent came, his dick was pointed straight at my groin so I had my cum inside the briefs and his cum on the outside.

We stood at the same time and I pulled Kent towards me and kissed him passionately, grinding our groins together. We separated and pulled our shorts up before making our way out of the theatre and back to the camp ground. As we pulled up beside our tent Kent looked at me, "lets skinny dip." I hopped out of my side and moved round the car towards Kent, pulling him into my embrace and kissing him deeply. I pushed his shorts down and stroked the length of his cock. The crustiness of the twins briefs enhancing his hardness.

Kent dropped to his knees and pulled my shorts down, his tongue lapped at my cum soaked package. Suddenly he was up and shedding his clothes before he ran down the moon lit dunes. I followed suit and chased him into the breakers. This time kissing and humping in the shallows as the breakers swirled around us was even more undescribably erotic. After ages of kissing and stroking and grinding against each other as the waves washed around us we stood and made our way back up the dunes and flopped down in the chairs outside our tent. Kent's cock pointed skywards and the moonlight glistened on the drops of seawater scattered across his chest.

I ducked inside the tent and grabbed the lube before returning to coat Kent's pole. I straddled him in his chair and lowered myself down, feeling my hole flare and suck him in. We locked lips and I started slowly lifting myself up and down enjoying every veiny ridge of his cock as it slid in and out of my ring. "Let's go inside the tent and you can fuck me to sleep." Kent nodded his agreement and I lifted off him. Inside the tent I lay on my side and Kent spooned in behind me slipping his cock back into my empty hole.

Slowly he thrust, holding me tight. The perfect end to an awesome day. I could feel that familiar tightening in my balls. Kent began ramming me more urgently and then without having touched my dick at all it started spurting as Kent sent his load into me. We both sighed and snuggled down drifting off to blissful sleep.

I hope you are enjoying this latest story.

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Next: Chapter 4

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