No More School

By Toby Simon

Published on Mar 28, 2015


The next afternoon came around quickly, we were both longing for the next gander at Apollo. Between us we had talked ourselves into a frenzy; who would fuck who, how big his dick was. We were sitting in the beach chairs beneath the umbrella as he turned off the beach access track and headed between the dunes beneath us. I could feel Kent's dick firming up under my hand. Apollo turned and smiled up at us. We waved back and Kent hissed, "I have to fuck you now!" We waited a few minutes longer, Kent's dick lengthened along the length of his boardies as my dick popped up free from the leg of my running shorts. Kent grabbed it and stroked. Apollo paddled out into the breakers, his speedo clad buns thrust into the air teasing our minds and our cocks. We stood and rushed inside our tent.

I pushed my running shorts down and knelt down just inside the open flaps of the tent. Kent wasted no time lubing up and crawling up behind me. Kent hadn't been pounding me long when Apollo headed back in, he dragged his board up onto the sand but instead of heading back into the surf he came up towards our dune. I pulled off Kent and hoisted my shorts up. Kent protested but I paid him no mind as I trotted down the side of the dune hoping my cock would soften enough to not be quite so obvious under my running shorts.

"What's up?" I asked as Apollo appeared, the salt water running in rivulets down his six pack and into the waist band of his speedo. "Have you got any sunscreen? I forgot to put any on before I came down."

"With that tan I wouldn't have thought you need any," I said, "besides, what is all this training in aid of?" I had no idea this would loosen the flood gates as Apollo - his name was Chris - launched into details of his surf lifesaving competitions. I could hear Kent coming down the dunes behind us, he stopped behind me and rested his elbow on my shoulder. Chris interrupted his spiel briefly for introductions. He resumed raving about his training regime and the competitions as Kent's hand stroked its way down my back and into my valley of pleasure.

What was that? The tearing of velcro? Chris didn't seem to notice, but I knew what that sound meant. Kent lifted the leg of my running shorts and his hardness pushed in, firmly and relentlessly it found its mark and entered. Chris hesitated as he described his last competition and his eyes flicked down watching the front of my shorts as a tent rapidly formed. I looked down and his already firmly packed speedos began to swell. A groan escaped my lips and Chris' eyes shot back up to my face. I smiled. "Is he? ... Is he?...." Chris stammered.

"Yes." My cock rose to full mast, popping free of the leg of my running shorts. Chris' eyes shot back down, bugging out as his speedo threatened to burst. Kent thrusted and his hands grabbed my hips. Chris pawed at his groin. I couldn't resist and began stroking my cock. Kent's thrusts pounded my hot button and moments later I erupted, my cum showering Chris all over his abs, groin and legs. The pulsing of my ring pulled Kent over the edge and he emptied inside me. "Oh fuck, oh fuck," Kent and I chanted in unison.

I pulled off Kent and dropped to my knees to lick up the mess I had made all over Chris. My tongue swept up the trail of my cum from his thigh towards his groin as he shuddered and cum began to ooze out through his speedo. I quickly clamped my lips over his pulsing lycra clad head and sucked. The salt of the sea soaked speedo mixed with his cum in a perfect match. Kent lent over me and slurped at my cum covering Chris' six pack. Our tongues roamed freely up and down slurping all my salty emissions from the already salty god. "Go get your board and come up to our tent," Kent commanded. Chris turned and we stood and watched his rounded glutes flex alternately under his speedo.

Chris returned dragging his board and we both assisted carrying it up to the top of our dune. We fell through the flap of our tent, lips mashed together as our swelling groins battled each other. I dropped to my knees and pulled the waist band of his speedo down, his cock popped up. His head looked small upon a shaft that flared out to a thick base. It was shorter but fatter than Kents and my ring pulsed at the thought of it stretching me before it filled me with cum. I sucked it in, my nose inhaling his salt soaked pubes. Kent dropped to his knees beside me and we alternated sucking Chris' cock for a few moments before I stood. Chris locked lips with me again as my hands roamed up and down his six pack and pecs. "Fuck me now," I said turning about. Chris pulled away from Kent's hungry mouth and thrust himself inside me.

My eyes watered at his girth. Kent was round in front of me and sucked me into his warmth mouth. Oh god, this week had so far been amazing and it just kept getting better. My hole stretched, my ring was pounded and at the same time my pole was being eagerly sucked. Chris rutted away enthusiastically ramming my hot button and if I hadn't come just a few minutes ago the show would have been all over already. Instead I pushed back in time with his thrusting as my pleasure built beyond all imagination. I reached round behind me and felt Chris' tight lycra clad glutes flexing rhythmically.

Chris shuddered and groaned and his already thick dick swelled and pulsed within my ring as he splurted his cum inside me. He collapsed on my back and then sunk to his knees, suddenly vacating my hole. Kent's fingers quickly filled the void as he continued vacuuming me into his salivating warmth. His thrusting digits caused his and Chris' cum to start running down my leg and with that I came again. It was too much for Kent and cum spilled out of his mouth bathing my balls. Chris had recovered by now and set to slurping up the excess, his tongue rasping my tightened sack. Chris and I then pushed Kent to the ground as we took turns sucking his cock and licking at his balls.

At times we locked lips over Kent's dickhead, our tongues duelling each other and swiping across his pisshole as it belched precum. Chris stood and pushed his speedo down before squatting over Kent's cock, I held it steady and guided towards Chris' virgin hole. "Take it slowly," I suggested but Chris was lost in the lust of the moment. I watched his hole flare and then clamp down tightly on Kent's fuck stick as he gasped at the sudden intrusion.

"Slowly," I suggested again and this time Chris listened and eased the rest of Kent's dick inside him before enthusiastically bouncing up and down. I knelt beside them, one hand stroking Chris' back the other his six pack and down to his stubby fat prick. I could see Kent's balls tightening and I knew he was close. We might have been far from the other campers but surely they could hear us now as we all grunted and groaned with lust. Kent grabbed Chris' hips and pushed him down hard onto his prick as he emptied his load into him. Chris sat back, the grin on his face could not have been any wider. I leant towards him and we kissed and clawed at each other's chests.

"I need a swim to clean up," I said and grabbed Chris' speedo off the tent floor and pulled it up my legs. His cum still glistened in the pouch and I struggled to get my boner tucked in. "Hey!" Chris objected as I darted out the tent flaps. I was almost to the breakers when Kent and Chris caught me up. Chris was wearing my running shorts though they weren't really hiding his excitement. We hit the waves and then spent more time grabbing at each other's cocks and buns than swimming or body surfing. Finally we headed back up the dunes to our tent, all three of us still clearly aroused.

Once back inside the tent Kent and Chris knelt before me and started tonguing my speedo encased cock and balls. Chris pulled my cock out from the pouch and started sucking with gusto. Kent lent down into Chris' groin and the slurping built in volume. I seriously doubted I could cum again despite my lust. Chris started tugging his speedos down my legs. "I want you guys to come on my speedos," Chris said as he pulled on my dick. We knelt together in a triangle pulling at our cocks, Chris' holding his speedo between us. Kent shot first and Chris caught it all. Chris was soon after and finally I added my load. As I finished Chris stood and pulled his speedo back on, cum oozed out around the legs and Kent and I quickly cleaned that up with our tongues.

"Gotta go," Chris said as he darted out of the tent and grabbed his board before heading down the dune and up the access track. Kent and I pulled each other close, our lips met and parted as our tongues twisted together. "Fuck that was hot," Kent finally said. "I'll say." We lay beside each other on the tent floor, stroking each other's chests and abs, kissing, murmuring.

We slept well that night, cocooned in each others arms. The next day we decided to go shopping. First stop was a small menswear shop. We were excited to find they had Andrew Christian underwear in stock! We selected several pairs each and crowded into the changing cubicle. "Put these on," Kent commanded holding up one of the pairs I had chosen. My dick was already thickening as my shorts and underwear dropped and the new pair were quickly filled to capacity. Kent dropped to his knees and pretended to check the fit. "Turn around," as his hands caressed my bum. "Move your legs apart and bend over, yes that fit looks good," as his hand came up through my legs and cupped my package.

"Stand up again," and he stood behind. His arm came round my waist and his hand dived into the front of my underwear and he stroked my dick to an even more aching hardness as he nibbled at my neck. "Your turn," I said breaking free of him before I lost my load. Kent pushed his shorts and underwear down and his cock sprang free. He had chosen another jockstrap. He pulled it up his legs but his cock stuck up well clear of the waist band. "Turn round, spread your legs and bend over," I commanded. I dropped to my knees and ran my hands under the straps before cupping his package as he had done mine. "Yes, that seems a good fit," I said and then sank my tongue into his pucker. He groaned and lent back onto my face.

We had seen movies on the net where they had rimmed each other, and we had tried it before, but today in the changing cubicle it felt good. I pushed my tongue into Kent as deeply as I could, I could feel his ring opening and taste his muskiness. Kent rocked on it and I pulled my dick out of my underwear and stroked it. Kent spun round and jammed his dick into my mouth.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door, "are you two alright in there?"

"Ah, yeh," Kent gasped.

"Do you need any help?" Came the voice again.

"No, no, all good." We heard his footsteps as he moved away and we stifled our laughs. Our dicks had softened, and we tried on a further pair each before selecting our favourites and heading to the counter. "Just these today?" Asked the assistant. "Are you sure I couldn't help you with anything else?" His knowing smile made me blush and harden again. We paid and ran out of the shop laughing.

We chose a department store next figuring the sales people were less likely to bother us. Kent chose some cut-off jeans and a bright shirt, I chose some silky basketball shorts and matching singlet and we then both selected several pairs of underwear and headed to the change rooms. The department store had a disabled change cubicle that gave us plenty of room. Kent stripped off completely and I followed suit. I grabbed a pair of bright yellow diesel briefs and Kent a pink pair. We stood back admiring each other before locking lips, groping and grinding. I knelt down and forced Kent's rod through the fly opening before sucking him into my warm hot mouth.

After savouring his hard cock for a few slurps he lifted me up and handed me a white pair of underarmour. I pushed the diesels down and pulled them up, they hugged my thighs and cupped my balls and dick beautifully, making it look bigger than it really was. Kent stroked up and down the length of my cock and a pearl of precum oozed through. He lent down and sucked at the spot before licking up and down the shaft.

Standing back up he shucked off his briefs, donned the bright shirt and tried to pull on the cut-off jeans but they were at least a size too small and he struggled to get them up. With his dick at full mast there was no hope of him doing the fly up and he stood there and stroked it. He looked hot, the shirt open displaying his pert nipples, six pack and happy trail down to his groin nicely framed in the open vee of the cut-offs. I leant in and took him into my mouth again, sucking hard and noisily.

Fuck! The door rattled and a sales assistant called out. We reassured them we wouldn't be long, our dicks melted and we quickly changed back into our clothes. Kent pulled me in to a long kiss, The assistant was standing just outside the change cubicles looking pissed, "so, you will be buying that lot then?"

"No," Kent said handing his lot over to the assistant, "we don't want anything thanks." We stopped and bought some fries and a coke at McDonalds before heading into a sportswear store. The thought of Chris in his speedo had us making a beeline for the rack of swimwear. Kent chose a bright blue pair and I chose a white pair. Kent decided he wanted some running shorts like mine so that he could join me in looking "respectable" in shorts but ready to fuck any time. He found a plain black pair with silver edging where the side split went right up to the waistband.

We spent some time looking at the underarmour and other compression gear and then noticed the wrestling singlets. "You'd look good in this," Kent said pulling a white wrestling singlet with blue side panels and blue edging off the rack. I found him a bright blue one, the same shade as his speedos, with white stars down the side. We raced over to the change cubicles and quickly shed our clothes. The wrestling singlets were first on, god he looked hot in his and I pulled him to me and we kissed and ground against each other. I peeled his singlet off him and held out his speedos. He climbed into them and wrestled his tumescent prick into its lycra confine.

I followed suit and we stood side by side and admired ourselves in the mirror of the change cubicle. I reached over and ran my fingers along his cock as it pushed off to the side lifting the edges of his speedo away from his body. My fingers dived into the gap and stroked up to his dickhead where they met a rapidly building slick of precum which I stroked back and forth. I knelt and pulled his cock out. My saliva and his precum melded as his shaft slid into my mouth and hit the back of my throat. I sucked greedily at him. I could feel his balls tightening inside his speedo. His cum hit my tonsils and I swallowed as quickly as I could.

Keeping some of his cum in my mouth I stood and we kissed. As Kent tasted his own cum I swear he tried to climb into my mouth and his hands pulled hard on my buns grinding his groin into mine. Suddenly it was too much and my dick erupted, cum bathed my dick and balls within the confines of my speedo. Kent dropped to his knees and licked furiously as it oozed out of the speedos and down my legs. Finally he pulled my speedos down and licked and sucked at my cock and balls cleaning me up. Satisfied he pulled the waistband back over my package and then stood, shucked his speedos and pulled on the shorts. We kissed again, my hands cupped his bare cheeks under the silky running shorts and my fingers dived in towards his pucker.

"Lets get back to the campground, I have to fuck you in these," I said as my finger dipped in and out of his ring. I started to peel down my speedos when I stopped, "I can't take these up to the counter soaked in my cum." Kent reached over and yanked the tag off, "We'll tell them you've kept them on because we're about to go for a swim." He grabbed my underwear and pulled them on, and then pulled his underwear over top. I moved round behind him and ground myself up against his buns, pawing at his front making him swell. Remnants of my cum glistened on his underwear.

We finished dressing and paid for our purchases. Back at the campground Kent rapidly changed into his new shorts and presented me with the lube. I pulled on my running shorts, Kent looked puzzled. "You fucked me in my shorts down there," I nodded down to the track that ran between the dunes below our tent, "I want to do you up on the lifeguard tower." Kent's jaw dropped and then he grinned and nodded enthusiastically. We ran down the dunes and along the beach to the lifeguards hut which was deserted. Kent leant forward onto the rail that ran around the deck of the tower as I pulled my dick free from my shorts and guided it into him.

Out in the breakers in front of us a few surfers bobbed up and down waiting for their moment, one caught a fantastic break and came in close to shore where he paused and looked up at us. Kent waved and the surfer flashed a smile and grabbed his crotch. I reached round Kent's waist and cupped him before pulling the leg of his shorts to the side and flashing his dick. The surfer licked his lips, turned and ran back out into the breakers. Kent pushed himself back against me and our tempo built. I grabbed his hips and pounded him. Kent straightened up and lifted a foot up onto one of the railings of the deck. I ran my hands up and down his chest and abs before returning to his cock stroking him in time to my thrusts.

My balls were pulling up and my breathing signalled how close I was to Kent. He pushed my hand away and began jerking himself furiously. Just as I began to erupt within him Kent's dick volleyed his cum up and over the railings. I wrapped my arms around him and nuzzled at his neck, stroking up and down his chest as his ass-ring sucked on my cock. We looked up to see the same surfer standing in the shallows grinning widely. Kent stepped away from me, turned around and our bodies and lips met. We ran together down into the sea washing the sweat and cum away as we swam in between the surfers.

After a short swim we collapsed together on some towels outside our tent and fell asleep, Kent wrapped in my arms. We awoke to find Chris standing over us pawing at his rapidly filling speedos. "Come back to my place, no-one is home for the afternoon." We roused ourselves and joined him heading down the track and across to his parents place. We were barely inside the front door when Chris pulled both of us towards him and we all tried to kiss each other at once. "Do you guys want a beer?" Chris asked after we had eaten each other's faces for a bit. We took our beers out onto the balcony which had a fantastic view over the top of the campground and out to sea.

Kent stood bent at the waist leaning onto the railing of the balcony. His new running shorts flared away from his pert buns and you could see a teasing glimpse of his crevice. I grabbed Chris' hand and guided his fingers up to Kent's cum moistened pucker. Kent groaned and pushed back onto his fingers. I flicked Chris' speedos waist band down freeing his cock and bent to suck it into my mouth. Without the usual sea salt that bathed his body his precum tasted sweeter. Just as his precum began to pump more thickly into my mouth Chris suddenly pulled away.

Chris moved forward and thrust into Kent. "Fuck!" Kent gasped straightening up. "Fuck him with that fat prick," I said. Kent leant back down and Chris grasped his hips and set to pounding Kent's hot button. The sight of Chris' tanned muscled back as it lead in a vee down to his speedo encased buns as they flexed and thrust into Kent was better than any porno I had watched online. I stood beside them running my hands up and down Chris' back and then diving in through the legs of Kent's shorts to cup his balls and stroke his leaking cock.

Chris began groaning in a crescendo and I could tell from the slowing rhythm of his thrusts that he was sending a load deep into Kent. He withdrew and we gathered together again for more three way tongue duelling. We collapsed into the deck chairs and sucked at our beers. Kent's dick poked up clear of the leg of his shorts, still needing to cum after his second fucking of the afternoon. Chris crawled along the deck licking his lips and pushed his head into Kent's groin before engulfing his cock and sucking noisily at it. Kent grinned at me and sucked on his bottle of beer, I saluted him by upending my beer into my throat. I began lazily fisting my prick as Chris slurped and slathered Kent's pole with his saliva.

I stood and walked over to Kent, his lips slid down my shaft to the root as his fingers came up and stroked my balls. Chris looked up at me, "fuck me." I couldn't refuse and moved round behind him, pulling his speedos down I eased into him, savouring every inch of his ring as my shaft slid into him. My pubes met his crack and I pushed harder into him forcing him down onto Kent's cock. I began to jack into him with short punchy strokes, his nose bouncing into Kent's pubes with each thrust.

Chris arched his back and screamed, "ahhhhh, fuck fuck fuck. Fuck that feels good! Fuck me harder!" I turned to look towards the street, we weren't that far from it and surely someone would hear us? "Fuck yes, like that, that feels so fucking good," Chris continued his ecstatic cries. He was suddenly silenced as Kent's cock erupted in his face. Cum dripped down from his blonde locks over his rosy cheeks. Face painting never looked better. A few more thrusts and I began to groan loudly as I spurted deeply into him.

I lay myself down across his back and he turned and grinned as I began licking up Kent's cum from his face and holding it in my mouth so that we could all share it again as we kissed some more. "I'm going away this weekend," Chris said as he broke the kiss, "I have surf life saving competitions up the coast. I leave tomorrow straight after school and won't be back until late Sunday."

"The sight of someone wiggling their bum in speedos in front of me would certainly make me paddle faster," Kent said. "But running with a boner might be hard." Chris stood in front of Kent cupping his speedo encased package and thrusting towards him. Kent leant forward and joined Chris in rubbing at his hardening prick. I sat and watched them, stroking myself back to full mast.

"Come with me," Chris said as he lead the way into what was obviously his parents' bedroom and on into their ensuite. The shower was huge with jets coming out of the walls all over the place. Chris turned a number of knobs and they all began spouting water. We all dropped our shorts and speedos and advanced on each other to kiss and stroke among the warming spray. I bent over to take one of them into my mouth and suddenly felt a spray right onto my pucker. "That feels good," I said looking back over my shoulder. They both laughed as I backed towards it.

Chris moved towards me and I engulfed his prick and sucked at it. Kent had found another nozzle at the same height and was trying it out, spreading his cheeks with his hands and moving around to try different angles. "Turn around and let it spray on your prick," Chris suggested. We both stood and turned and Chris nestled up behind me, his cock in my crack and his hand reached round my waist and stroked me as the water pinged off my balls.

He pulled away from me and I looked over my shoulder to see him lying down on the floor. "Come and lie beside me," he said and we both laid down. One each side. The feeling as water rained down on us from all angles was hard to describe. Chris reached for both our cocks and slowly stroked us. And then he was on his feet straddling Kent and ramming himself down onto Kent's cock. He bounced up and down for just a few strokes before moving over and plunging himself down onto mine. His hole was still slick with my cum and the warm water from the shower ran down off his back, over my balls and down my crack. Chris rammed himself enthusiastically up and down and then just as quickly he was off me and back over to Kent.

He carried on alternating between us. "I've already cum four times today," I said as Chris again mounted me, "I don't think I can cum again this soon."

"Don't care," Chris said as he continued to bounce up and down. My cum was oozing back out of his hole and going frothy with the water from the shower. Finally the water began to run cooler and Chris abandoned his dream of two more loads in his hole and we stood and quickly soaped each other up and stroked and nuzzled for a few more minutes. Drying off we went back into the lounge. Chris suddenly noticed the time, his mum would probably be home any minute and our shorts were soaking wet and still on the floor of his parents shower. Chris grabbed two pairs of his basketball shorts and thrust our shorts into a shopping bag and pushed us out the door. We also scored a couple of extra bottles of beer.

Next: Chapter 3

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