No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Jun 21, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.


"So now that we're dating twins, does this mean we can compare sex reactions?"

"What?" I demanded loudly, turning to Jackson. He was facing me, with a big grin on his face. Even the other part time girl glanced in our direction, but quickly turned away.

"Corey and I have been going out for three weeks. He's a bit of a fireball in bed," Jackson went on.

As it turned out, shortly after my talk with Corey, he had indeed asked Jackson out, and they had been dating steadily for three weeks. Summer was here and I was grateful for finals to be over, and we were nearing the end of May. So far, I hadn't done anything but work, but it was nice to see Jackson and get paid for it, so I couldn't really object to the hours. Plus, I saw Kyle at night. A total win-win.

I held up my hand. "I don't want to hear it! Keep your business to yourself!"

"Oh come on," Jackson protested. "We're dating twins. This is even more fun. We can compare their techniques. Wonder over nature versus nurture."

I looked at him in disbelief.

"You know, to see if their upbringing or genetic development contributes to their lovemaking skills," he explained.

"I know what nature versus nurture means!" I snapped. "I am not having that talk with you. What I do with Kyle is private."

Jackson pouted. "Well, that's no fun. Fun sucker," he made a suctioning sound.

I shook my head and attempted to change the subject. "You like Corey?"

"Sure, what's not to like?" he asked shrugging.

"Do you really click with him?" I asked. "Or are you just fooling around with him? Because you shouldn't-- he's a really good guy and trust me when I say this-- he really, really likes you. Like, hardcore."

Jackson looked at me seriously. "I know that. And I like him. A lot. Although I do have a different way of showing it," he grinned, winking.

I groaned. "I don't want to know!"

Jackson laughed. "It's just new to me, someone liking me this much. It feels a little weird."

"How so?"

"Well, I don't want to get into the habit of taking advantage of him, just because I can," Jackson said. "I don't want him to be wimpy and me to become, well, obnoxious," he finished. "You know?"

"No," I said shaking my head.

"Corey is really attractive, smart, and funny, but he's so damn accommodating," Jackson said. "I feel like he's not being himself, completely. He's trying so hard to please me. I just want him to relax and be himself. I think we'd get along even better."

"I guess," I mused. "Tell him the truth."

"Yeah, I will. He's getting me sick, being so freaking lovey dovey," Jackson rolled his eyes. "Is Kyle that way?"

I smiled. "Yeah, but he's not a total pushover. He's just so sweet and I love it."

"Well, I don't. I want a manlier man!" Jackson said.

I laughed. "I always joke about Kyle being a manly man, when he's really not. He's masculine, but too damn nice and sweet to be super manly."

"I want a guy who's a bit more upfront, not afraid to speak his mind, and more, macho? Rougher?"

"Rougher?" I asked.

"Rougher," Jackson said.

"Right," I drawled out. I turned to my computer. "Moving on."

Jackson laughed. "You're a little prude, Mace."

"I like my privacy," I stuck my nose in the air, mock haughtily.

He laughed. "You're no fun! These are our experiences, or fun gossip moments. Boo," he pouted.

I looked at his sad face and giggled. "You're so silly."

He pouted further.

"How about if we're not detailed?" I suggested.

"Huh?" he asked.

"Ok, I'll start," I began slowly, as if I were talking to a child. "Kyle is really good on going down on me," I whispered.

Jackson grinned, his eyes glinting. "So is Corey. He has great tongue activity and he rubs my ball with his hand."

I closed my eyes. "TMI!"

Jackson laughed. "Come on, your turn. Go."

"Umm, sometimes Kyle rubs my prostate at the same time, and it feels, wow, it just feels explosive," I said turning red.

Jackson eyebrows shot up. "Hmm, Corey and I only got to hand jobs and blow jobs. But I think we'll go further very soon," he said winking. "We tried the anal thing, but I was so tight. Next time we'll have lots of lube on hand."

"Ok! That's enough talk now," I said quickly. "Sex talk anyway."

Jackson snorted.

"Actually, I have something to talk about. Kyle's birthday is coming up. The first week of June," I said. "I want to do something nice for him, but creativity isn't my forte."

"That's not true."

"Yeah, but I can't think of anything good to do for him," I said shrugging.

"Just go to dinner, or cook for him, or have a lot of sex. I'm sure he'll love it," Jackson said.

"I can't cook," I remind.

"Oh yeah. Duh," he grinned. "My sister could help you cook."

"No, it won't seem as genuine."

"What, would you rather you cooked it yourself and then take Kyle to the emergency room?" Jackson asked sarcastically. "That's romantic. Sitting by his bed all night long. Romantic."

"I'm not that bad!" I protested.

"Listen, you can't serve him eggs and hot dogs," he rolled his eyes.

"So what do I do?" I asked.

"I don't know," he laughed. "I wouldn't cook for anyone. It's just not my thing."

"Hmm, I'm stumped," I said. "This is going to require some real hard core thinking."

"Or you could just ask him."

"No, then he'd tell me I wouldn't have to do anything and he'd be happy just spending time together," I said. "But that's no way to celebrate a birthday."

"God Mace. He gives you an out; for heaven's sake take it!" Jackson said in exasperation.

"No, Kyle is really important to me. It means more if I actually made an effort. Trust me, he'd remember this," I said rubbing my head.

"You worry so much," Jackson said. "Little worry wart."

I didn't even bother to turn to him. My mind was still mulling over what to do for Kyle.

Jackson turned back to his computer, typing in some data on an Excel spreadsheet.

"I got it!" I exclaimed.

Jackson literally jumped in his chair and I giggled. "Sorry J."

"I know what I can do for him. It's nothing super romantic and it's more silly than anything, but it's something we haven't done together. I mean, normally, our dates our dinner, movies, coffee, reading at the bookstore, or inside his house or mine. Very low-key you know? We don't do enough other activities. This will be fun. He'll love it," I said, speaking more to myself than anything.

"Care to share this fantastic idea of yours?" he asked, but I was too busy searching the internet for a location.

"Hey, maybe after my thing with Kyle, or before, we could do lunch or dinner with you and Corey. Or maybe the four of us and Kyle's aunt and uncle? We could go to that restaurant we went to for Cassidy's dinner party?" I suggested.

"Do you think that's a little weird, though? I mean, having the aunt and uncle meeting their other nephew?" Jackson pointed out.

"Yeah, you're right. It hasn't been that long. About two months; we met Corey the beginning of April," I murmured to myself.

"Are Kyle's aunt and uncle interested in meeting Corey?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. They were shocked with the news and my guess is that they're very curious to meet Corey. However, Kyle has some issues with it, so I don't think they push him for any introductions," I explained.

"What kind of issues?" Jackson asked curiously.

I hesitated, not sure if I should disclose Kyle's personal feelings, but I knew Jackson wouldn't mention it. I could trust him.

"He just feels inferior to Corey at times because Kyle's parents are their biological ones, and Kyle had a negative reaction to his coming out, whereas Corey had the perfect family and still does. It just that Kyle feels like he missed out or he got the shitty end of the stick, so to speak. He likes Corey a lot, and they're getting closer all the time, but it will take awhile before Kyle doesn't wish he had been the one adopted, you know? Or the feeling comes and goes."

Jackson nodded. "It makes sense. I imagine it'd be hard for Kyle to deal with someone who is a copy of him having the life he never had, or wanted. I get that. Well, no rush. Let Corey and Kyle develop their relationship and go from there."

I smiled. "Definitely."

"So, dude, why you holding out on me? Are you going to tell me about this excellent idea of yours or not?" he asked. "I'm down with the dinner thing. I'll chip in half for Corey. It's his birthday too."

"Oh right," I said laughing. "Forgot about him."

"Should I do something special for Corey?"

"Only if you want to. It has to come from your heart," I said honestly. "It needs to be sincere."

"We haven't been dating long. How special should it be?" he wondered.

"Like I said, do what feels right. We can do dinner together and split the bill, or you can take him out on your own. Maybe see a movie together. I don't know--what do you guys like to do together?" I asked.

He grinned at me and raised his brow. "Well, you know..."

I groaned. "Damn it! I gave you the perfect opening for that!"

"You sure did!"

"Seriously though? You guys go on dates, and not just have sex all the time, right?" I asked.

"We do both, actually," Jackson said. I shook my head. "We like eating out, watching movies. I take him along to Capoeira shows. A lot of times, we just shoot the shit over coffee. Star bucks has become our new favorite hangout. Coffee and lounging on the couches are the best!"

"Don't tell me you fool around on those couches?" I asked, a little fearfully.

"No. We have our fun in private," he said. "Corey has the greatest condo. A huge hot tub, and one of those bathroom Jacuzzi things. Awesome. That's our favorite spot."

Jackson paused. "Actually, he's loaded, and what do you give or do for a guy who's loaded and has everything? I'm a broke ass college student."

"Corey has money but he doesn't strike me as some snob. He might appreciate the little things. It could be more fun for him, doing things he doesn't normally do."

"I guess. Hmm. I wonder if could do a sport date, like rock climbing, or archery, or the shooting range. Ooh, how cool would that be?" Jackson mused. "Something new together. New memories."

"Now you're thinking," I said smiling. "Sounds really great."

"Ok, I'll look into it. Maybe he and I will do something during the day, while you and Kyle do your stuff. Then we meet up for dinner? The whole double date celebration things?"

"Sounds perfect."

"You're the best boyfriend ever!" Kyle exclaimed. "I love you! This is the best birthday ever!"

I laughed at the glee in his voice. I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Wow, and you didn't even get the rest of your birthday gifts."

"There's more?" he asked, his blue eyes wide.

He was so adorable, I just wanted to jump onto him in the middle of the race track, tear off his clothes, and have crazy sex with him with the sun shining above us and people watching. Hmm, nice fantasy.

"What's the look for?" Kyle asked curiously.

I grinned and shrugged. "Nothing."

Kyle smiled at me, stuffing the last piece of his fourth hot dog into his mouth. I chuckled at the mustard and ketchup at the corners of his mouth.

"You got something," I pointed at his mouth.

He grinned and licked his lips, looking like a big kid.

"All better," I said. "Want to do more race car driving?" I asked. "Or batting cages?"

Kyle smiled. "Let's get some snow cones first."

I laughed. "You are such a big kid." I leaned over and kissed him briefly. "Anything for you , honey buns."

"Honey buns?" he crowed.

I laughed loudly, throwing my head back. "It just came to me. I have no idea."

He grabbed me in a hug and nuzzled my neck, kissing behind my ear gently. I groaned and clutched his shirt, fisting them.

"None of that," I moaned. "Save that for later. We're still on your birthday date. There are small children around," I teased. "I'm not an exhibitionist."

He kissed me, holding me in his arms. "I know. But thanks for this. I'm having the best time so far," he said softly, staring into my eyes.

We had spent the afternoon doing go-cart driving, over and over again. He challenged my driving skills, and we ended up betting kisses, depending on who won. It was a win-win situation. He wasn't as aggressive as I was, so I won most times, but that just meant he had to pay me kisses. We had a good time.

Then we had taken a break for lunch and he inhaled popcorn, hot dogs, and French fries. He said I could eat; but that boy could really pack it in! Four hot dogs! Even I only had three!

"I love this junk food. I don't eat it often, because I don't cook them at home. It's more fun when you're outside, doing these kiddie activities, but then I got too old. So now, I'm enjoying my youth, or at least my blast back into youth. Technically, I'm one year older," he said.

"Ok," I said. "Let's eat some snow cones, then do more driving?"

"Sure," he said. "Then more hot dogs and French fries. And snow cones!"

"In that exact order?" I asked.

"Yes," he said grinning.

"Okie dokie artichoke. That sounds perfect," I said smiling at him. He leaned down and pecked my lips briefly.

Then we walked together to the ice stand. "Two please."

"What flavors?"

"Ooh," I said gazing at the syrup flavors. "The blue one."

"And the cherry," Kyle said.

"I hadn't had these in the longest time either," I said excitedly, grabbing my spoon. I paid for our desserts and we sat down at a nearby bench, shoveling shaved ice into our mouths.

"Is it good?" I asked with my mouth full.

He nodded. He leaned forward suddenly and kissed me. "Cold kisses," he laughed, before pecking my nose.

I grimaced and wiped my nose rapidly with my fist. "Eww, you got syrup on my nose."

He laughed again. "You look like a little bunny!"

I made a face at him and continued eating.

"So what are our plans tonight?" he went on looking at me.

"Can't tell you," I said. "It's nothing too exciting, but I'm trying to keep some mystery in it."

"Oh come on, tell me!" Kyle begged.

"Nope! Birthdays are supposed to be full of surprises. I mean, I had the greatest surprise on my birthday, or well, birthday party," I said winking at him. "Waking up in a gorgeous man's bed? Can't get any better than that."

"Don't forget breakfast in bed," Kyle pointed out.

"Oh yeah. Actually, that was the best part," I giggled. "The food." He nudged me.

"Fine, I'll be surprised then," he said, glancing at me several times.

"Stop looking at me. I'm not telling you anything," I said firmly.

He huffed. "Fine."

I smiled as I studied his profile.

I had a fun evening planned out: dinner with Corey and Jackson. Have a few laughs and fun stories. Then back to my house, where I had Kyle's presents waiting and a cake that I baked. Ok, well, Jackson's sister helped me bake, but I did try to help as best as I could. I frosted it pretty damn nicely. I even had candles all ready.

I was just so excited. I really loved Kyle and although technically we had only been together for five months, we really connected. Kyle was right; it was quality over quantity. I could talk to him about anything, all my hang-ups and bullshit, and he listened patiently and would talk me through it. I never felt so comfortable and safe with another person, besides Jackson. Even though it might sound a little premature, although maybe not, I could literally envision spending the rest of my life with Kyle. But I wasn't going to think those thoughts-- it was too soon. Right now, we just had to enjoy our time together.

"Alright dream boat," I said grinning, tossing my empty cup into the nearby garbage. "Ready for some more fun?"

"Definitely," Kyle said, spooning the rest of his ice into his mouth. He took my hand. "Let's go be little kids again. Race carts, hot dogs and French fries, and snow cones. That exact order."

"Whatever you want, baby. This is your special day," I said.

He smiled at me, tightening his grip on my hand.

I couldn't help skipping a little.

"I'm working as an investment banker on Wall Street. Went through the final interviews a month ago and now I'm settling in," Corey said.

"Do you like it so far?" I asked.

"It's ok. I like it, but don't love it. It's not a passion, but a job," Corey shrugged. "I'm not one of those people who have a creative hobby or passion."

I smiled at Kyle and shot him a meaningful look. Kyle may not have been wealthy like Corey, but he was happy with his job and everyday was good. Kyle smiled back at me, having gotten my meeting.

"Oh but there is one guy that kind of creeps me out. He's some dude in his forties who tries to be friends with everyone and he's been paying a lot of intention to me. Check this out," Corey began. "I swear he wears a hairpiece, but he has, like three different kinds!"

"What?" Jackson and I exclaimed, laughing.

"Yeah, seriously. He has the short one, you know, to show that he got a haircut. The other one is slightly grown out, and the third one is too long, where he would need a haircut! It sounds confusing, I know, but it's a mind trip looking at his hair piece," Corey said shaking his head. "I mean, how does that shit stay on? I want to ask him. Does he use some kind of adhesive?"

"Gross," Kyle said.

"I know. I have to see his ugly hair or lack thereof every single day," Corey rolled his eyes.

I smiled. So far, dinner was going great. The conversation was flowing, everyone was laughing, and happy. We had tons of awesome Chinese food for a great price. And I could see firsthand how well Corey and Jackson got on as a couple and they were cute. They were more of a bantering couple, but with obvious affection for one another, whereas Kyle and I were the quiet, PDA couple.

"Want to go get some ice cream at Cold Stone's?" Corey asked as our meal was winding down. "I love their ice cream."

"Yeah," Jackson agreed. "I'll get you a huge one," he said and Corey smiled.

"You're the best," Corey said. "Me and this little guy had a ball today at the shooting range. He's a violent little thing. Martial arts, shooting guns."

I laughed. "Yeah, he totally is."

"I can't help it if I have great hand -eye coordination," Jackson boasted. "I felt so powerful."

"What did you guys do today?" Corey asked.

"One of those parks where they had go carts and batting cages and that gladiator thing. It was fun," Kyle said smiling. "It was like being a big kid again. I love those moments."

"Yeah, we don't get to do that often enough," Corey said. "Getting old is no fun, which is why I really appreciated doing something new. It's nice to keep doing new things, keep things interesting."

"Definitely," Kyle said. He turned to me. "We need to try more things. Want to do the shooting range?"

"I don't know; guns are scary," I said honestly.

Kyle smiled and hugged me tightly.

"How about rock climbing?" Jackson asked.

"No, I tried it once with my sister and I got stuck," I said.

"Oh yeah, I remember that," Jackson.

"How did you get stuck?" Corey asked.

"Well, I was holding onto two rocks or whatever and then I didn't know where to go next. Everything was so far from my reach and the longer I thought about it, the more tired I got. Eventually, my hand cramped into this awful looking claw," I said demonstrating. "And then it stayed that way for thirty minutes!"

Corey and Kyle snorted with laughter.

"It's not funny! It hurt!"

"I know baby," Kyle said.

"The worse part was that my sister scaled that wall like freaking Spiderman. My sister is more buff than I am," I said.

"It's just `cause she did gymnastics as a kid and has good upper body strength," Jackson reminded. "Hey!" he suddenly exclaimed. "Maybe we can get a paintball thing together-- I'll get some of my Capoeira buddies and it would be awesome. More shooting!"

"You're sick," Corey teased.

"Yeah, yeah, you love it."

"I do," Corey grinned shrugging. "Never a dull moment with this one."

"Alright, you guys get your ice cream. I have dessert waiting for Kyle back home," I said standing up.

Corey and Jackson started whistling and I blushed. "Shut up! I didn't mean it like that!"

Kyle laughed. "Really? Oh bummer."

"No, we will! I mean, I have," I sputtered. "Oh shut up you two," I said to Corey and Jackson who were laughing like hyenas. "I'll see you two some other time. We're leaving," I grabbed Kyle's hand.

"The boss has spoken," Kyle joked following my lead. "Talk to you guys later."

"We're heading out too," Jackson said. "Ice cream heaven here we come!"

We parted ways in the parking lot, with some waves and mutual shouts of `Happy Birthday'- me to Corey, and Jackson to Kyle.

Double dating with twins on their birthday was confusing.

"This day has been a whirlwind. Out all day, an awesome dinner. What else have you planned?" Kyle asked in amazement. "Is there anything else?"

"Of course there is! This is going to be a day to remember!" I exclaimed.

"It already has been."

"Well, it's not over yet. Lots more in store," I grinned.

Kyle smiled. "I look forward to it."

We drove in silence for a bit.

"Thanks Mason."

I turned to him. "You're welcome baby."

"I love you."

"I love you, too," I said. "But don't get frisky. I want to get home in one piece so we can continue your birthday festivities."

Kyle laughed. "Ok, I'll keep my hands to myself. It's hard when you're looking all sweet, and cute, and giddy with excitement over my birthday."

"We'll be home soon."

Ten minutes later, we walked into my house. "Ok, come with me," I said grabbing his wrist. Walking into the kitchen, I took off the lid of the cake dome and presented my beautiful creation!

"Tada!" I sang out.

"You baked? Get out!" Kyle said laughing, admiring the large chocolate cake and pretty writing in pink icing- I love you Kyle. And then 26 in quotation marks. I ran out of room and could write `Happy Birthday.'

"Actually Jackson's sister helped me out, but I emphasize the help part. I did a lot of the work. You know, opening the instant mix, adding the eggs and oil, turning on the electric mixer, putting it in the pan, turning on the over."

Kyle smiled. "You are too great."

"Let's eat," I said my mouth salivating. "Candles first! And pictures! And presents!"

"Wow Mace, you really went all out."

"Anything for my number one guy!" I said cheesily. "Wait here."

I shuffled around the kitchen getting candles and a lighter and fished around in my room for my digital camera and his gift, which were a bunch of DVDs- Wedding Crashers, Old School, Love Actually, Will and Grace, Kill Bill- some of his favorites. I also got him a couple gay books I wanted him to read so I could discuss them with him- I wanted to start a two person book club. I was a dork, I admitted it!

Also an iTunes gift card and a Visa gift card. Kyle never let me pay for anything when we went on dates, so now was my chance to spoil him silly.

"Ok," I said placing a bunch of candles on the cake.

"Twenty-six is a lot of candles," he groaned. "All of them, in my face."

I laughed. "Alright, how `bout ten?"


I lit the candles and got my candle ready. I started singing `Happy Birthday' and when I got to the end, Kyle smiled at me and I took a picture. Then he blew out the candles and I took a picture of that too.

I gave him the first slice, but he ended up feeding me the first forkful. I laughed and took it. "Mm, I'm a good baker."

"Cute. Tooting your own horn," Kyle said taking a forkful for himself.

As I was working on my third slice and he was on his second, I whipped out my bag of gifts. "Ready for presents?"

"Wow, this night never ends," he smiled.

"More after present opening," I grinned. I raised my brows suggestively.

"I like the sound of that!"

"I bet you do, you dirty boy," I teased. I handed him the bag. "Open, baby."

He took the bag and unwrapped the DVDs. "Oh my favorite!" he said his eyes widening with glee. "Books?" he said studying the titles. "Are these the one you wanted me to read so we could discuss them over tea?" he asked.

I blushed. "Guilty."

Kyle laughed. "I'll start on them right away."

"Keep going," I encouraged.

"An iTunes gift card AND a Visa gift card?" Kyle asked flipping them open. I had gotten him a twenty-five dollar iTunes card and a one hundred dollar Visa card. I would have put more on it, but I knew Kyle would balk at it. "This is so much, Mace," he said. "For the whole day, you must have spent hundreds."

"Oh come on, don't give me that look. Whenever we go out to dinners and movies or even at a random snack bar, you never let me pay. This is my chance to give you something in return! And not my love, before you say that," I warned.

Kyle laughed. "You anticipated my reaction, huh?"

"I know you well, baby," I said.

"I love everything. Thank you so much," Kyle said kissing me. He cupped my cheek and deepened the kiss, his tongue roaming over mine. I moaned softly into his mouth, wrapping my arms around his neck.

His passion grew as his tongue moved further into my mouth, practically devouring me. I was panting heavily through my nostrils.

I pushed him away gently and his eyes looked dazed and he reached for me again, but I pulled back. He shot me a confused look, his fingers still grabbing at me.

"This is the last part of your special day. Let's go upstairs," I whispered taking his hand. He smiled and followed me to my bedroom.

Once in my room, I pushed him onto the bed and climbed on top of him. Kyle smiled, his hands moving to my waist. "I love you so much, Kyle."

"I love you, Mason." He caressed my cheek. I took the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. His hands gently moved across my ribs to my chest, tugging on my right nipple. I sighed and groaned quietly. Kyle sat up and peeled off his own shirt. I fell backwards, but Kyle lifted his knees up, keeping me balanced. When he chucked his shirt onto the floor, I leaned forward and kissed him, hard.

Kyle moaned and immediately opened his mouth, his tongue pushing between my lips. Fisting his hair, I quickly deepened the kiss with Kyle matching my passionate frenzy. His hands tugged at my jeans, pushing them down, his fingers caressing my ass.

I groaned into his mouth, arching into his touch, my erection drilling a hole into my jeans. I kissed harder, digging my tongue further into his mouth and Kyle made a grunting whimpering sound at the back of his throat and he started pulling at my jeans even harder.

Pushing Kyle away forcefully, I started tugging frantically at the buttons and zipper of my jeans, slipping them past my hips with Kyle helping me. I got my jeans off and Kyle was tearing at my boxers.

"Careful," I laughed as I kicked off my boxers, adding it to the pile on the floor. "Work on yours," I breathed when Kyle reached for my cock. I lunged on top of Kyle, helping him with his own jeans. My fingers were smaller and more nimble than Kyle's. Kyle laughed as he fell back onto the bed, kicking off his jeans and boxers simultaneously.

"Don't kick me!" I screeched with a giggle as I shimmied his jeans down his long legs.

"Sorry baby," Kyle laughed as he grabbed my wrists, pulling me on top of him. I grinned as I kissed him, rubbing our cocks together, sliding over one another. Kyle grabbed my ass and started kneading and I thrust harder against him.

I groaned. "Fuck. I'm so fucking horny."

Kyle sucked on my neck, biting gently. I groaned louder. I pushed Kyle's legs apart. "I want to make love to you, baby."

"Yes. Ok," Kyle panted. "Do it."

I slipped a finger in his hole and Kyle rose off the bed, crying out in pleasure. I smiled at his contorted expression of ecstasy. I reached for a condom and lube from the nightstand. I started rolling the condom on my cock, but Kyle nudged my hands aside and did it for me while I eased a second finger into his tight hole. Kyle grunted and then applied generous lube to my cock. When I reached for the tube to grease his hole, he threw the lube on the nightstand.

"I don't need it. It's enough on your cock," he gasped.

"Kyle, I don't want to hurt you. You hadn't done it in awhile-"

Kyle placed his mouth over mine sucking on my lips, rolling his tongue around my mouth, licking my gums. I breathed desperately through my nose as I wrapped my hands around his neck. His hand gripped my aching cock tightly and I trembled, whimpering into his mouth.

I was pulled forward and then before I knew it, my cock was gripped with a hot velvety grip, with warm, moist heat. My eyes rolled back and my head fell back, but Kyle continued to hold me and kiss me.

I pushed him away, taking in large gulps of air. "God, Kyle."

"I need you so bad," Kyle said in between kisses. He lay back down on the bed and pulled me closer with his legs. "Hurry Mace. Hurry. I want you."

Kissing his nose and all over his face, I started sliding in and out of him, pulling out all the way, and shoving back in to the hilt. Every time I hit bottom, Kyle grunted and his hands gripped my ass cheeks, pulling me forward.

Suddenly Kyle was crying out loudly and bucking into me. "Right there, Mace. Don't stop!" he moaned. "Please."

Grabbing onto his hips, I started pushing into him harder and harder, sweat dripping down my face, my arms and stomach burning from the exertion. I groaned. "Fuck, Kyle. Fuck!"

"Harder baby, harder," Kyle breathed, his eyes closed, rolling beneath the eyelids, his head pushing into the pillow.

I was close and I wanted Kyle to cum at the same time as me, so I started stroking his throbbing cock.

Kyle let out a scream and rose up to meet my hand. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum. Baby, I'm gonna cum," he panted. "Oh God, yes. Yes." He bit his lips and I could literally feel his cock grow hotter and thicker in my hand.

I felt the tingle in my groin and I kept sliding in and out of Kyle, feeling my impending orgasm. I wanted to cum. I wanted that explosion of pleasure. My orgasm approached so quickly that I felt it shooting out of my cock before I could register it. My toes curl, my fingers dug into the pillow behind Kyle's head.

I stilled and thrust deep into Kyle, shouting curses with my head thrown back. I felt the ripples wash over my body, starting in my groin and spreading through my stomach. My toes still curled, I pumped slightly into Kyle, trying to get more pleasure and I moaned.

My hand was still on Kyle's cock and I didn't realize he had cum, until I felt the hot spurts of his load spill onto my hand and slap my chest and neck. Breathing hard, I collapsed on Kyle, letting him support my weight. Kyle was groaning and crying out in his own orgasm, thrashing slightly beneath me.

I kissed his chest, tasting his sweat. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and he lay limp. "Are you ok, baby?" I whispered.

"Uh-huh," he gasped. "Wonderful."

I smiled and kissed his chest again, rubbing his nipple. Kyle shivered and whimpered, arching into my touch.

"Oh God. I'm one year older. Give a man some time to recover," Kyle murmured sounding sleepy.

It was the perfect end to the perfect day.

Other stories by me:

True Love Will Survive- College, March 20, 2008, complete

Turn of Events- College, May 14, 2007, complete

Next: Chapter 10

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