No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Jun 15, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.


"You made pizza?" I asked incredulously. "From scratch?"

"Yup," Kyle smiled.

"God, you're amazing," I said as I inhaled the scent of his delicious food. "All that work."

He shrugged. "It wasn't a big deal."

"What did you put on it?" I asked excitedly as I crouched down to look in his oven.

Kyle's hands gripped my hips and he tugged me to a standing position and turned me so I was facing him. "Look at you, more eager to see the pizza than me."

"What? No," I said as I turned to look at the oven again.

He laughed and gripped my chin firmly, holding me in place. "Give me a kiss," he ordered.

Lifting my head up, our lips touched, and I opened my mouth wider, allowing our tongues to dance around. He hugged me tighter, his arms enveloping me. He pushed me against the oven and I felt as if I were bending over backward to accommodate him.

I groaned. His lips dragged to my neck and he started sucking. I whimpered. "Kyle."

He grunted as his hands wandered beneath my shirt.

"Kyle," I whispered, my hand pushing down his pants.

He gasped and then roughly started dragging me to his living room, laying me on the couch. I moaned as he stretched out on top of me, kissing me hungrily.

His leg nudged between my knees and started caressing my erection. I let out a strangled cry.

Kyle quickly moved down my chest and began unbuttoning my jeans. Once my cock slapped out, his mouth swallowed me and I arched my back, digging my fingers into the cushion in desperate pleasure.

"Oh god. Fuck. Please."

He bobbed his head up and down, his tongue sliding all over my underside and head. Fuck, he was good at that. It seemed he was super horny and was eager to get me off. He accomplished his goal; it didn't take long for me to cum.

A quickie indeed.

Clenching the cushions, I let out a garbled cry and before I could warn Kyle, I started shooting deep into his throat. I tensed and shuddered, my hips pumping into his warm mouth, my legs stretching out, my toes curling.

Finally, I came down from my high and started panting, my heart pounding, my vision blurred. I lay limp, trying to regain my breath.

"Oh god, Kyle."

He slid off me and kissed me. "I just needed that."

"What about you?" I asked. "You're hard." Before he could answer, I wrapped my legs around his waist and grabbed his cock, which was hot, hard, and throbbing. Gripping tightly, I began stroking him. Faster and faster. His cock was already slick with precum and he moaned and thrust into my hand, his face buried in the crook of my neck.

"I'm so close," he gasped.

Four strokes later, he burst all over my hand and in my crotch area; his hot seed burning me. I continued pumping him until nothing came out.

"Stop, baby," he whispered. "Sensitive," he murmured kissing behind my ear. We rested together as it was now his turn to regain his composure. "Mm, I love quickies."

I laughed. "They do have a certain allure. Kyle, baby, are you ok? You said you needed this; is something wrong?"

"Just a bit stressed, I guess. The whole brother, twin thing, is still boggling my mind," he murmured licking my neck. "I needed a little release."

"Happy to help."

"I figured you would be," Kyle said pecking my nose. "Ready to eat?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed.

He laughed and we walked into the kitchen, cleaning up with some paper towels.

"Now answer my question- what did you put on the pizza?"

"See for yourself," he grinned as he opened the oven and took out the large pie.

My eyes widened, my mouth watered. Olives, artichokes, tomatoes, and bell peppers.

"I love it!"

"I know. It's your favorite, just like that place we went to the other day," Kyle said smiling.

"You're the best Kyle."

"Thanks," Kyle said cupping my face, kissing me gently. He pulled away. "We'll do that later. Let's eat while it's still hot."

I nodded in agreement and he laughed once again. He cut the pizza and it took a few tries to lift to it off the pan, since it was so hot.

"Ouch. It burns."

"Blow on it."

"Sounds dirty," I winked.

"Gutter brains," he teased.

I was so hungry that I began eating right away, even if I had to douse my mouth with cold soda every time. It seemed Kyle was doing the same. I guess we were both hungry.

"So talk to me," I began. "Something is bugging you. What is it?"

"The whole Corey thing. I can't get over how different we are and how it seems he lucked out," he explained. "It's just difficult to adjust to. While I had it tough, everything was so easy for him. It won't, well, those thoughts won't go away."

"I know I shouldn't compare, but how can I not? He's talking and saying how everything was so great," he snorted.

"I know it seems he had it easier and maybe he did. Ok, he did," I said when Kyle shot me a look. "But think about it- you'll be a better person in the long run. You already are. You know how to work hard and overcome tough things. Sure, in theory, it would be fun to have everything handed to it and if given a choice, that's the way to go, but you can't change the past. And you've turned out well, in spite of the odds. And everything you're talking about, in terms of Corey, those are material things, more or less. You have more character. You're deeper, smarter, just," I searched for the right word. "Just better quality. Does that make sense? Who wants a jock rich boy who thinks he's the shit. It would get old eventually."

Kyle was smiling. "Man, you have a way with words."


"Yeah. I actually feel better. Not completely. It will take time, but it's a start."

"Get to know Corey better," I suggested. "His life might not be all that perfect. You never know what demons he has. He just met you, of course everything is great. Maybe he got burned badly in a relationship and will never recover from it."

"Do you sound a bit hopeful?"

"No," I said laughing. "Just throwing some ideas out there."

"Maybe. I do want to get to know him. It would be nice to have a sibling. Get closer. Someone to talk, although, it's not like we share the same parents. Well, you know what I mean."

"Hey! Maybe he wants to meet his real parents."

"I doubt it. Another gay son, yeah, that will make them happy."

"Sorry, that just came out." Then an idea occurred to me. "Jackson's batizado is coming up this Sunday. Why don't you invite him?"

"You think he'd go?"

"Why not?"

"He seems like the type to go to more," he paused in thought.

"Entertaining things?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Rich boy."

"I know. That was something I noticed and which was why I was so confused when I saw him and thought he was you. He does give that vibe off. Anyway, there's no harm in asking!"



"I'll ask."


He studied me. "You're cute."

"I know." I grinned.

"Don't go liking Corey."

"Huh, where did that come from?" I asked in surprise dropping my pizza slice onto the plate. That's how shocked I was; I dropped my food.

"We look alike, but you're mine," he said with a hint of jealously, avoiding my eyes.

"Kyle, stop," I said taking his hand. "I love you. Corey's appeal is in his looks, your looks, but it ends there, ok? I'm just so happy with you, I can't imagine being with anyone else, twin or no twin." I frowned. "Umm, did you get all of that `cause I'm replaying it all in my head and I didn't." I chuckled to myself.

He smiled faintly and finally met my eyes. He squeezed my hand. "Ok."

I stared into his eyes to make sure he understood me. When I was satisfied, I nodded. "Ok." I began eating again, faster now, since the pizza had officially cooled off.

"I still need to release some tension," Kyle announced.

I looked at him as I chewed. I nodded and swallowed. "I can stay over. How much release do you need?" I teased. "Give me a ball park figure?"

He smiled. "Five times."

I raised my brow. "Ambitious. We've never done that much in a night."

"Nothing wrong with striving for a goal."

We laughed.

We managed to do it two and half times before we got too tired.

"We need to do it two and a half more times," Kyle murmured, his warm body over mine. I caressed his forearm gently, marveling at the soft blond hair. I rubbed my face into it and sighed.

"There's always tomorrow morning. I'm too sleepy. Sex. Food. Sleepy," I yawned.

Kyle chuckled, but it was laced with sleep. "Me too. Tomorrow morning."

I managed to grunt before sleep took over.

"What's Capoeira?" Corey asked while I drove us haphazardly to campus. "Shit, watch out for that car!" Corey nearly screeched.

I swerved around the car in a large arc and then did a quick left to the parking lot. Corey and Kyle were holding onto the door handles.

"Now you know how I feel," Kyle said laughing. "He's a maniac."

Corey laughed as well. "I feel like puking."

"I have barf bags stashed with me at all times," Kyle said.

I was happy; Kyle appeared to be in better spirits around Corey, and it was a good start. Corey did seem like a good guy.

"Capoeira is a Brazilian martial arts that was created during the slave days when they found ways to practice by pretending it was a dance form. They couldn't get into trouble that way," I explained. "My best friend Jackson has been doing it for eleven years and he loves it. So I'm going to this thing to support him. Not to mention he has been busy fundraising for it and asking everyone to come. It will be fun. There are more food backers, and there are dance performances, and such. They're going all out this year. Better than last year, or so Jackson says."

"Cool," Corey said.

"Yeah, I just came for the snacks. I heard they got a Starbucks backer. Coffee!"

"Something about Mason," Kyle explained to Corey. "Is that he eats forever! I bet he'd choose food over sex."

Both guys looked at me.

"Don't put me on the spot!"

"Oh man, I think he would choose food!" Corey laughed. "Sucks for you, man."

I parked and quickly kissed Kyle. "Stop making fun of me." Then I got out of the car and waited for them to follow suit. I immediately knew where the batizado was as there was music and a large crowd.

Walking inside, there were tons of people in white uniforms and I saw a large table of shirts and clothing that would be sold. I scanned the area for Jackson because I knew he'd be here early to help set up.

Corey was looking at everything with interest and I smiled. Kyle was behind me, looking at something else. I couldn't blame them; there was a flurry of activity going on.

I finally smiled when I spotted Jackson with the other E-board members and they were talking over some pieces of papers. My smile widened when Jackson was frowning and pointing and arguing. I knew his arguing face and could imagine his voice was getting loud.

He looked up and rolled his eyes at me. I laughed and then started walking around, looking at things, keeping an eye on Corey and Kyle. Corey was checking out a lot of the male members and I couldn't help snorting. Kyle was looking at the t-shirts and I joined him.

"See anything you like?"

"Some of these shirts are funny," Kyle said pointing at the sayings.

We were so engrossed in reading the shirts that I didn't realize that Corey and Jackson had approached us.

Technically, Corey approached us first, then Jackson approached Corey.

"Glad you made it, man," Jackson said chatting away with Corey. "Hey, nice outfit by the way. Doing a style change or something? Mixing it up a bit?"

I elbowed Kyle and grinned. He looked confused for a second until I pointed to Jackson and Corey. Corey was effectively blocking the view of us, so Jackson had no idea he was talking to a stranger. Kyle slowly smiled in understanding and crouched down to enjoy the show.

"Umm, what?" Corey asked in confusion.

"Since when do you wear such trendy clothing? Metro-sexual isn't really your thing. Dude, is that Armani?" Jackson went on. "I mean, that's cool and all. You look good, but man, since when are you so high-maintenance." I heard the teasing tone in Jackson's voice. If only Jackson knew he was talking to a complete stranger. I muffled my laughter and tried to keep a straight face.

"Well, I-" Corey looked down at himself, as if assessing his outfit.

"Anyway, thanks for coming. I have to go get some fruit from the dining hall across the street so we can sell it and make a profit," Jackson said.

"But you're a commuter," I broke in, finally moving into sight. "You don't have a meal plan."

"I know, but I can be a guest," Jackson explained. "Hey, want to come with? Cassidy will swipe me in and Reagan can swipe you in. Hey, bring Kyle too..." he trailed off when Kyle finally emerged beside me. Kyle waved in greeting with a big grin on his face.

Jackson's eyes widened and he looked back and forth between Kyle and Corey. "Wha...?" He shifted from one foot to the other, not saying anything as he stared dumbly at us. Finally, "I'm sorry, what's going on?" he asked calmly before blinking some more. "This is some weird shit."

I grinned and nudged Corey. "Introduce yourself." I laughed louder when Jackson started rubbing his eyes.

Corey was staring down at Jackson with an amused expression. "Hi, I'm Corey."

Jackson ignored his hand and looked at me. "Mace, is this a trick? If so, you have improved your skills. Being a magician may be your calling." He rubbed his eyes again while Kyle, Corey, and I continued to laugh.

I snorted. "Jackson, this is a real person. Corey is the guy I saw at the mall the other day. It just so happens he's Kyle's twin, separated at birth."

"Wow, really? You have a twin. Get the fuck out of here. That's some weird shit, you know, the type you read about in magazines--like those long lost siblings who live really close to one another and never knew it. Interesting. Must have been a total mind trip," Jackson said looking over Corey. "Dude," he went on, looking at Kyle. "I was wondering what was up with the clothes. Since when do you wear pressed pants and dress shirts? What are you, ninety?"

Corey frowned and looked himself over. I shot him an apologetic look. Not everyone was used to Jackson's antics.

"Hmm, very alike," Jackson murmured one last time. He grabbed my wrist. "Excuse us dudes, we have to steal some fruits."

I shot Kyle a smile and followed my best friend.

"Did you plan for this?" I asked as I was chucked a book bag.

"We planned this like a heist," Jackson said. "We're not supposed to bring tons of food out, but we're going to create a diversion and then stack them in our bags and leave casually. That's the game plan."

"You're crazy."

"Or brilliant. Let's roll."

"Alright peeps, let's set up," Jackson said with authority as we walked back in twenty minutes later. "Mario and Reuben, get that table over there."

I watched with a smile as the two guys rushed to get the table. I had to admit that Jackson, as small and cute as he was, had a very commanding personality. He wasn't even the President, but other club members treated him as if he already was by jumping at his orders. Cassidy helped balance the table as they got the legs out.

"Wow, you guys cleaned up good," Hannah said in awe as we loaded off fruit out of our bags. "Did you take a whole basket?" Hannah asked Jackson.

Jackson shrugged. "No one was looking and I figured, we will have a nice little basket for presentation and everything," he grinned. He waved his hand.

"Little thief," Kyle murmured, his arms around my waist.

"Jackson's fault," I smiled. "I cannot be held accountable. He's a terrible influence."

"Whatever," Jackson said dismissively.

"I love you anyway Jackson."

Jackson smiled and looked pleased.

"Do you need any help?" Corey asked.

"We got it," Jackson said, motioning at his friends to help him out.

I glanced at Corey and did a double take; he was staring at Jackson. Quite intently. When Jackson moved off with the other E-board members to get the show started, his eyes followed him.

"Let's sit down," I said nudging Corey and grabbing Kyle's sleeve.

We got seats in the second row and a lot of the Masters started playing instruments. Loudly. The chatter in the room instantly quieted down and the members were warming up, starting rodas.

"What are they doing?" Corey asked.

"Warming up. But later on, it gets faster. Then they have to go one on one with the Masters and show specific moves and then they advance a belt," I explained.

"Interesting," Corey mused. "They look like they're contorting," he frowned.

"Some are. Others do break dancing moves. It's cool to watch," I said. I took out my camera and followed Jackson with the lens, snapping a few pics.

I snuck a glance at Corey and noticed his eyes were also locked on Jackson. Every movement Jackson made, Corey's eyes followed.

I leaned over to Kyle. "Someone has a crush on Jackson."

"Huh? Who?" Kyle asked.

I pointed to my left and understanding washed across his face. "Oh. Really?"

"He's staring," I whispered with a smile. "Imagine Jackson dates your brother? We can double date together."

"What? You aren't going to set them up, are you?" Kyle asked.

"Oh, it would be so cute!" I said happily.

"Mace, what if Jackson doesn't like him?"

"Maybe we can go out to eat together afterwards or something. Get to know each other."

"Mace," Kyle warned. "We don't even know Corey that well."

"Well that's what the meal is for, silly. To get to know one another," I grinned.

Kyle sighed and hung his head, knowing there was no room for argument.

"Do you like Jackson?" I asked when Corey and I were refilling our cups with soda. I glanced over at Jackson and some other members of the Capoeira club. He was laughing loudly, food falling out of his mouth. I grimaced. "Although I can't imagine why," I murmured to myself. Jackson's eating habits always grossed me out hardcore.

"What?" Corey asked, although I noticed a blush tinge his cheeks. My grin widened.

"You do, don't you? I knew it! You were totally eyeing him before!"

"I don't really. I mean, I really don't know him," he stammered. "It's just, well, he seems cool. He was so outspoken and-"

"Obnoxious? Cocky?"

"Well, a little, but it was kinda hot."

I laughed. "He gets that a lot."

"Yeah, a lot of people like him?" Corey asked. I smiled when I detected the flash of jealousy that washed over his face.

"Yeah, but he's single."

"How come?" he wondered curiously.

"In his own words-- he hasn't found anyone amazing enough that caught his attention. High standards, I guess?" I mused aloud.

"He gay?"

"Bisexual," I affirmed.

"Does he think Kyle's hot?" he asked avoiding my eyes.

"Huh?" I asked initially confused by the question.

"Well, if he thinks Kyle is hot, then he'd think I was, too," he said a bit shyly.

I laughed loudly and noticed Kyle looking at us from the table. I smiled at him. "He never said anything to indicate that he thought Kyle was hideous. But don't worry, you and Kyle are great-looking and I'm not just saying that."

Corey shrugged. "I guess. I don't know him too well."

"Maybe in time," I suggested as we started walking back.

I sat beside Kyle and nuzzled his shoulder. He smiled at me.

"So it's been affirmed; Corey likes Jackson. At least a little," I said smiling.

Kyle shook his head. "Still on that matchmaking thing, huh?"

"I can't help it! How cute would it be if he and I dated twins?" I asked grinning.

"You are so," Kyle searched for the word.

"Adorable?" I asked sweetly.

He groaned. "Yes, you are too freaking adorable and I can't even get annoyed at you, especially when you're looking at me like that!"

I blinked at him innocently. He pecked my lips briefly. I smiled up at him and leaned closer, telling him with my eyes that I wanted another kiss.

"Blah!" Jackson called out across the table. "None of that!"

Kyle and I broke apart, looking at him.

"Yeah, we're eating," Cassidy chimed in, smiling. "Please, we need our energy back after that grueling performance. Let us digest in peace?"

I rolled my eyes and Corey laughed. "Oh shut up Jackson. Taco meat is falling out of your mouth."

Jackson flipped me off and crammed more food into his face. I rolled my eyes again.

"How long have you been doing Capoeira?" Corey asked Jackson.

"Since I was ten," Jackson replied. "Why, interested in throwing down?" he asked, raising his brows suggestively.

Corey's mouth opened and he looked like he didn't know what to say.

"He's kidding," I said.

"I'd take you down," Jackson said winking.

Corey blushed. I had a feeling Jackson knew that Corey was attracted to him and was having a ball teasing him.

"Umm, that's ok. Sparring is, well, I've never done it. I wouldn't know where to begin or how to get to one move to the next."

"Mm, you'd be easy then," Jackson grinned. He stared at Corey and licked his lips, supposedly to get the food off.

Corey looked up and met Jackson's eyes. I noticed that by the time I looked back up from my own food, they were still looking at each other.

I couldn't tell if Jackson really liked Corey or not or was just having fun like he usually did. Sometimes Jackson liked the ego boost, knowing he could mess with someone and get them all flustered. But I wondered if something good was in store for Jackson and if he and Corey could actually click. Who knows?

Did Jackson even like Corey? That was the main question.

But I planned on finding out.

"Your best friend is driving me crazy," Corey said taking a seat across from me and Kyle.

"How?" I asked curiously, wondering how much time they were actually spending together. I hadn't seen Jackson much lately, as we were both busy with school, and I was usually with Kyle.

"So we talk on AIM and email once in awhile, and even had lunch a couple times, but he's so hot and cold! I mean, he's so hard to figure out!" Corey exclaimed.

Kyle chuckled. "Jackson is a nice guy, but a little out there. At times," he added glancing at me.

"Not everyone gets Jackson and his ways, nor appreciates it," I admitted. "He can drive you crazy sometimes. Ok, a lot."

Corey shook his head. "Jackson is really different. He's a really fun person, and full of life, and he always had something crazy to say. Like, sometimes, conversation runs out with other people, but with him, it keeps going and going, and I love that my brain has to catch up. And he's insanely opinionated. It's a challenge."

I smiled. "So just ask him out. Trust me, he won't be grossed out. I told you he's bisexual."

"Yeah, but I can't tell if he likes me, likes me," Corey emphasized. "I don't want to go out as just friends."

"Well say that!" I said. "Tell him, we're going out, on a date. There will be no question about it," I explained. "My bet is that Jackson knows you like him and is just having fun with you, waiting for you to have the courage to ask him out."

"Why doesn't he ask me out?"

"Jackson is a conceited asshole. He'll want you to ask him out," I said rolling my eyes. "Trust me."

"Fine, I'll try that," Corey sighed. He took a sip of his coffee. "So what's up with you two? Anything new going on?" he asked conversationally.

"Well, summer is going to be here soon," I said excitedly. "Two more weeks. Finals. Blah! But then summer is here!" I cheered.

Kyle rubbed my side and kissed my cheek.

"Have any interesting plans?" Corey asked.

"We're trying to plan a trip!" I said bouncing in my seat.

"Down pup," Kyle murmured in my ear and I nudged him. He only gripped me tighter, his fingers slipping beneath my shirt and caressing my side. I sighed and relaxed into his body.

"Oh yeah?" Corey laughed. "Where to?"

"We haven't gotten that far yet," Kyle chuckled. "We know we want to do something. We plan to hang at the beach, Mace is going to work more hours in the morning at his part-time job, but we want to have a getaway, somewhere nice, just the two of us."

"Yeah, my Dad is always home now," I grumbled. "I think he's trying to keep an eye on me and Kyle."

Kyle smiled.

"Wait, I thought he was ok with the two of you?" Corey asked, having been all caught up with our drama.

"Yeah, but I guess he still thinks of me as a little kid and doesn't want to leave me unsupervised with my boyfriend, or something," I rolled my eyes. "I'm twenty-one for god sakes!"

"I kind of understand. He's being protective; he missed out on all those years working so much," Kyle said.

"I know. We have weekly dinners; they're not as awkward as they used to be. It's nice to be able to talk to him more," I said, "And he's being surprisingly good about this gay thing."

"He's trying," Kyle said. "Give him some credit."

"Anyway, staying cooped up in Kyle's place during the summer is no fun, so we have to go somewhere. We just have to," I stated firmly.

"We will, I promise," Kyle said nuzzling my neck.

"I still say Bahamas. I could find us a good deal," I said.

"Or Mexico. I went to Cancun a few times in college, for Spring Break," Corey said. "It gets a bit wild, but it was fun."

"I don't want wild," Kyle said. "It's not really my style."

"Me neither," I agreed, smiling at Kyle. "We just want quiet time together."

"What? To have sex?" Corey snorted. "Get a nice hotel room in the city."

"Oh shut up," Kyle said laughing with his brother. "At least I'm getting some. You're too busy chasing after Jackson."

Corey groaned. "Don't rub it in! That's just plain mean!!!"

The three of us burst into laughter.

"God, I really need to get some," Corey muttered. "I am so horny."

I snorted. "Well, Jackson likes to tease you, so don't expect sex from him right away."

Corey groaned again. "Oh man!"

"This must mean you really like Jackson, if you're willing to put up with all this," I said in amusement.

"I guess," he grumbled good naturedly. "I could always go out to a club and pick up a guy, but it's not the same. Jackson is cute as hell, but I like being with him. He's mentally stimulating and I'd never be able to get it up for another guy, thinking I could be using my efforts to be with Jackson. Does that make any sense whatsoever?" he asked looking at me.

"You'd rather be with Jackson since you really like him, rather than engaging in cheap sex to just get off; I get that," I said nodding. "The sex will be better if it's meaningful. Well, only if you want it, that is. Some people like to play around."

"I'm older now," Corey reasoned. "I did my playing around in college and graduate school. Now I want something more."

"Keep working on Jackson, that's all," I encouraged. "He likes you; I can tell. He's just having fun. That's Jackson, a complete joker. It's one of his endearing qualities. Or at least in his head."

Corey smiled. "It is endearing," he said with a goofy smile.

"Ok, as soon as you two are a couple- I know you will be- we," I pointed to him, myself, and Kyle, "We must go on double dates!" I clapped my hands together in excitement.

"Mace! You're still on that!" Kyle asked in amazement.

"Oh come on!" I pleaded looking back and forth at them. "Imagine how much fun it'd be and how cute we'd all look!"

Kyle shook his head smiling and Corey grinned.

"It does sound cute. I mean, you and me, brothers and everything, and them being best friends," Corey said. "Come on," he said to Kyle. "Don't you see the cute factor?"

Kyle groaned. "I see the cheesiness of double dates!"


"But I'd do it for you," Kyle added looking at me. "As long as you're happy."

I smiled. "How come you're so sweet?" I murmured.

"Because I love you," Kyle answered. "You better love me, too," he said gripping my chin.

This was something we did a lot, and everyone was used to it by now. We were a gross, PDA gay couple.

Corey rolled his eyes. "This bullshit again! Dude, you both love each other. We know, we know! Get over it!"

We intertwined our fingers and laughed.

We were really happy. Life just couldn't seem to get any better. Even with finals and such, I was in great spirits.

This was going to be a great summer. No matter what, it'd be great: I was with Kyle.

And he loved me.

Other stories by me:

True Love Will Survive- College, March 20, 2008, complete

Turn of Events- College, May 14, 2007, complete

Next: Chapter 9

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