No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Jun 7, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.


I stuffed my last Oreo into my mouth and chewed as I strolled through the mall. It wasn't the local mall nearby, but a huge mall about thirty-five to forty minutes away. It was a bit pricey, with shops like Armani and such. I didn't go there as often as I did in the past, so now I was really enjoying checking out the new stuff.

Checking out the Apple Store I got some new things for my iPod, and then scanned a couple clothing stores and bought a few new sweaters. I guess I was just in that shopping mood, like a big ol' girl.

I passed by the food court and was contemplating eating at Panda Express or having a Sicilian slice of pizza, but my food ponderings were interrupted when I noticed a familiar face.


I frowned. What the hell was Kyle doing here? This was a little far for him to travel, just for lunch in the mall.

Then my heart stopped.

Another guy sat across from Kyle and then the two of them hunched over their lunch as they talked animatedly. It didn't look too suspicious, but they were obviously good friends or there was some flirting going on, by the way they were laughing and smiling so much.

Or maybe it was my paranoia at work.

But seriously, why would Kyle come this far just to have lunch with another guy? And why wouldn't he tell me?

I strolled closer to get a better look. Yup, it was definitely Kyle, although his clothing looked more preppy and expensive than usual. Not that Kyle dressed like a bum, but he didn't usually go for that fancy, high maintenance look. Instead he was a casual guy, with jeans and a sweater, or sweatshirt. A real man's man, or on that masculine level, which I loved about him.

Was he dressing up for someone else? I was enraged at the thought.

I must have been staring harder than I thought or gotten too close, because Kyle's lunch companion suddenly nodded in my direction. I watched, frozen to the spot, as Kyle turned to look at me, with a curious frown on his face.

His blue eyes washed over me and then his frown deepened, but his lips were curled in a confused smile. He raised his eyebrows and shot me a dismissive glance before turning back to face his friend.

That felt like a punch in the gut. He was pretending not to know me. He didn't even have the grace to look guilty.

I felt so embarrassed. Humiliated. His friend was still looking at me. Oddly. Like I was the freak.

My eyes were still wide open and I was standing there like a fool. People were dodging around me to take seats in the food court, and it was crowded today since it was Saturday and the weather was decent.

When Kyle's friend shot me an annoyed look when I remained standing in the same spot minutes later, I finally was shaken out of my stupor.

But not before I caught the two of them touching hands. I was going to vomit.

Then I bolted. I spun around and just ran, swerving around people, bumping into them, ignoring dirty looks and pissed off comments. I just wanted to get into the solace of my car before the tears started falling and I looked like a bawling baby. Then again, I had the luck of looking young so maybe I could pass for a teenager who had a bad day, but that wouldn't really stop the embarrassment factor.

As fast as my short skinny body could take me, with my bags flapping between my legs, I made it to the parking deck. Scurrying into my car, I slammed the door shut, and rested my head on the steering wheel, letting the hot tears fall down my cheeks and hit my lap.

My shoulders started to shake and I gripped the wheel tightly with my hands. My nose accumulated with snot and I just wanted to get home. And talk to Jackson. Or maybe just go home and cry in the safety of my bed. It was a toss-up. Maybe I'd figure it out by the time I started driving.

I sat up and wiped my eyes hurriedly, although tears seemed to be falling on it's own. I sniffed and rubbed my shirt sleeve against my nose. Licking my lips and rubbing my face, I threw on a pair of shades. Five minutes into driving, they started steaming up from my tears, but I didn't want to bawl while driving. That would definitely attract some stares.

I was surprised I made it home alive. It might have been better if I didn't.

It was a sheer miracle that I happened to remember that Jackson had a practice on campus and that campus was on the way home, albeit a slight detour.

Cutting off two cars, I managed to bear right and head toward school. I ignored the loud honking due to my dangerous move. I hurriedly sped towards campus. I already knew where Jackson's practice would be and where he'd park.

"Jackson!" I shouted, bursting into the multi-purpose room. I frantically looked around for my friend.

He was in the middle of showing a couple people a new move and didn't hear me right away.


He looked up at me and automatically smiled. "Hey ma-" he trailed off. "Dude, what's wrong?" his expression became one of concern.

Not caring who was watching or who was listening, I walked over to him. "I caught Kyle cheating on me!"

Jackson's eyes widened. "What?" he shouted in a rage. "What?" he shouted again. "That fucker!"

"I caught him in the mall. He was eating in the food court with another guy. He might have just been a friend, but when he saw me standing there, he pretended not to know me. He just looked right through me!" I blubbered. "He pretended not to know me! He just ignored me. So he must be, I mean, that guy was probably another boyfriend and he wanted to make it seem like- fuck- I don't know!"

"Mace, come here," Jackson said pulling me over to a corner. He lowered his voice. "Are you sure? I mean, is that what happened."

I nodded, practically hysterical. "Yeah! It was definitely him! I even walked closer to make sure and I looked like a real freak and people were wondering who that big baby was and everything. Then I ran to my car and cried like a big baby and-"

"Mace!" Jackson grabbed my arms. "Calm down. Calm down, ok? Breathe."

I stared into my best friend's eyes and started breathing along with him. "Ok. Ok."

"Guys, I'll be back," Jackson said and his team members nodded as they looked at me with concern.

"Mace, maybe you should relax and bit or let me take you home or something," he said quietly. "Do you want to go get a drink and we can talk?"

"No, I don't want to disturb your practice," I said rubbing my nose.

"Please, this is just an extra practice for the batizado. Let the president handle it."

"You're the future President."

Jackson grinned. "Even if I was the President, you'd still come first."

I couldn't help smiling. "Thanks," I said softly. I looked down at my hands. "I thoughts things were going good between me and Kyle. Why would he cheat? He doesn't even seem like the cheating type. He's so sweet, but then again sweet guys are charmers and maybe that's how he gets people to trust him. Him and his baking stuff." I was rambling.

Jackson rubbed my back. "Maybe he has a good explanation," he offered.

"Maybe, but what about the whole ignoring me part?" I asked. "There was no reason to do that!"

"I don't know, buddy."

"I can't believe this Jackson. I really loved Kyle; I was so happy. I knew this would happen."


"I shouldn't have dated in the first place, or I should have-"

"Mace, stop it. Maybe you need to rest up and talk with Kyle. At least you'll feel better?"

"I think I might feel worse. I don't want to see him. He'll make excuses or he'll break up with me, realizing he liked the other guy better!" I sniffed.

"You're the best, Mace. I'm sure he has an explanation," Jackson reassured.

"No, he doesn't," I snapped.

"Ok," Jackson said. "Sorry, I don't know what to say and I don't want to upset you further by being angry myself."

"I know," I whispered. "I guess I should just go home and sleep."

"I'll take you home."

"No, that's ok. Go back to your practice."

"I don't want you driving on your own. You're a mess."

"I'll be fine. I'll see you later," I said standing up dejectedly.


"Go back to practice. I'll call you tonight. Or tomorrow or something, ok?"

Jackson licked his lips and his shoulders sagged. "Ok. Just drive carefully, please? And if you're upset, just pull over or go into a parking lot? Ok? Please?"

I nodded. "I will." I waved half-heartedly and then left, ignoring the curious looks I got from others.

This time I was more detached while driving, so it wasn't as haphazard. I did feel a sense of relief being home and I collapsed onto my bed in pure exhaustion. I didn't move, I remained in that sprawled out position until I finally drifted off to sleep.

I was so emotionally drained and my heart was literally hurting. Things with Kyle seemed so perfect and I was literally bouncing with happiness everyday, feeling incredibly lucky to have met a guy like him. A guy who so obviously cared about and loved me and treated me like I was the most important person to him.

All those thoughts were in vain because I obviously meant nothing.

How did things get this way? One minute we were proclaiming our love to one another while making love, then my father finally accepts us, and we're living happily ever after.

And now this?

Shit, my Dad was right! I was so stupid to have trusted Kyle. He was just playing me. I wonder if he had been playing me all along, but I was so too shy and too much of a pushover to even notice.

I fell asleep feeling angry at myself and angry at Kyle. Angry at the world, and angry at God for not allowing me to be happy.

Not even the ringing of my cell phone could stir me awake.

I tossed and turned when I could no longer sleep, but was too lazy to get out of bed. I heard the beeping of my cell phone that indicated I had a missed call.

I already knew it was Kyle. Or Jackson. Or both. Jackson called and texted me a lot, but Kyle also called me on a regular basis, especially around the weekend when it was our together time. The fact that I hadn't called him last night or even returned his calls, was enough a reason for Kyle to bombard me.

Eventually, I knew he'd come over to make sure I was ok. I just wasn't prepared to face him or deal with this. I was still in my self-pity moping stage.

I went to the bathroom, splashed water on my face, and went to get a drink. I was thirsty. My plan for Sunday was to drink some water and sleep forever and ever.

However, it appears God was not on my side.

As soon as I stepped off the last stair, the doorbell was ringing. Through the opaque class shade I could make out a tall figure and knew it wasn't Jackson.

My stomach filled with dread and anger and annoyance and frustration. Kyle. Couldn't he give me a fucking moment? I went and grabbed myself a bottle of water. Then I opened the front door. I looked at him stonily.

He looked confused and his blue eyes blinked at me. "Mace. Are you ok? I've called you-"

"I know," I said in a cold tone.

He blinked again. "Why haven't you called me back? I thought we were going to do breakfast today?"

"Listen, I need some time. I, I can't do this right now," I stammered.

"Do what?" Kyle asked sounding even more confused. "What's wrong?"

A note of desperation in his voice. It made my stomach hurt.

"You know what's wrong," I exclaimed, a shrill note in my voice. "You were there!"

"What? Where?" he asked, his brow knitting. "At work?"

"Yesterday. At the Freehold Mall. In the food court."

He shook his head. "Mace, what are you talking about? I wasn't in Freehold; I was at work all day yesterday. You know that. And besides, Freehold is way past your house. I'd never drive that far for food. Unless you wanted to go there or something."

I stared at him as I processed what he said. "I saw you," I finally said.

"I was at work."

"I saw you."

"Mace, I was at work. Ask my Uncle. Ask any of the workers."

"I saw you! You turned and looked at me. Right at me!" I screamed.

Kyle took a step back. "Mason, calm down, baby." He reached for me.

I slapped his hand away. "Don't touch me," I hissed.

Hurt flashes across his features. "Mace, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?" He took a step closer.

"Don't come in!"

"Mace," he pleaded. "Talk to me. What's going on?"

"Are you seeing someone else?" I demanded folding my arms.

He looked taken aback. "Mace, where is this coming from?"

"Answer me!"

"Of course not! Where is this coming from?" he asked sounding frustrated. "Why would you even think that?"

"Because I saw you at the mall yesterday eating with a guy and holding hands and laughing and talking and flirting!" I shouted.

"I wasn't at the mall! I was at work!" he yelled back. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing," I screamed. "I know what I fucking saw!"

"Then get your fucking eyes checked because I was at work!"

"You fucking liar!" I shouted, abruptly grabbing the door and slamming it in his face.

Or tried to that is. He was bigger and faster. He did play sports in high school. Damn fast reflexes.

"Mason!" he exclaimed sharply, forcing the door back open. I struggled futilely for a few seconds, before the door gave and I fell backwards.

Well almost. His hand shot out and grabbed my waist tightly, and pulled me to his chest. I gasped and then my eyes narrowed. Placing my hands on his chest, I pushed away from him. However, his grip tightened around me.

"Mace, we're going to talk about this," he said firmly.

"What's there to talk about? I know what I saw," I said trying to pry his arm off me.

"Well I'm telling the truth, so we'll have to work together to solve this little mystery!" he argued. "But I'm not leaving!"

I narrowed my eyes. "Fine. Shut the door. And let go of me!" I said finally wiggling free.

We stared at each for.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked, my manners kicking in.

He sighed. "Stop treating me like some fucking stranger, Mace! I'm your boyfriend, ok? Can we just sit down and talk about this?"

I hated that he was being so reasonable. Without answering or saying a word, I stomped to the kitchen, letting him follow me.

I handed him a cup of water, since I was drinking something also.

"Mace, start from the beginning. I'm really not getting this and I feel like a fucking idiot."

"I'm not lying."

"I didn't say you were," Kyle said calmly. "But I'm not lying either, so I think we have a conflict."

I looked away.

"From the beginning, Mace."

"I went to the mall," I said carefully, clearly annoyed. "I went to the food court because I was hungry. I was shopping for a few hours. Then I saw you sitting there, alone. I was confused because this mall was far for you to travel."

He nodded. "It is."

I glared at him and he leaned back, sighing again. He waved for me to continue.

"Then I saw a guy sit down with you and I walked closer, to actually make sure it was you. And it was," I looked at him pointedly.

He looked like he wanted to interrupt, but he didn't, clenching his jaw instead.

"I stood there like an idiot staring," I said, my face flushing. "But it was you. I stood there so long that you and your friend turned to look at me. And it was you! It was you! You glanced at me and then went back to your lunch," I snapped bitterly. "Remember?"

"No!" he exclaimed again. "I was at work, grease on my hands, under a car!"

I grabbed my hair and tugged on it. I growled in frustration. "Well, what do we do?"

"What do you mean?" Kyle asked in confusion.

"Listen, I was really upset, ok. You were with another guy. Although you said you were at work, well, to me, I saw you with another guy, and it really hurt me. I was, I was-" I broke off.

"What?" he asked curiously.

I looked at my hands. "I was going to break it off," I said quietly.

There was silence. For a long time.

Finally, I looked up and Kyle was sitting on the couch opposite me, looking like he was in shock. Or sick. His face was pale and he looked queasy.

"You were going to break up with me?" he whispered looking like he was going to cry.

Even though I was mad at him and extremely confused, it didn't mean I stopped loving him in that instant. It hurt me to see him this upset.

"I don't know what's going on. Is this some kind of alternative universe or something? Some parallel shit?" I asked.

"Here's what we're going to do!" he announced firmly standing up. I looked up at him in surprise. "We are going to the garage and you will know I was there. All day long. Then we will go to the mall and you can show me where you saw me. Maybe we can run into my clone, if we're lucky."

"Are you making fun of me?" I demanded crossly.

"No!" he said seriously. "This is a big thing, Mace. If there's some guy that looks like me out there, I want to see his ass, because I'm not going to lose you! For something I didn't even do!"

He seemed so genuine, that I actually believed him. Fuck, what the hell was going on.

"I don't know what's going on, Kyle."

"Me neither," he said holding out his hands.

"But I love you," I stated honestly. "I'm confused and I was hurt and my head got out of control. I mean, if you cheated, well, it would be a deal breaker, but I don't know what to do or say, except," I paused. "I love you."

"I love you," Kyle said thickly walking closer to me and enveloping me in a tight hug. Both arms wrapped around me, crushing me to his chest. "I love you and we're not breaking up. I won't let that happen. I won't let you do this. I won't let you go that easily."

I rubbed my face into his chest and inhaled. "I love you," I sighed.

We stood like that for a few minutes before he took my hand tightly in his.

"Time to investigate," he said with determination leading me to my car.

I rubbed my head as Kyle drove us to the mall. He must have been anxious because he was driving faster than normal and it was my turn to grip the door handle in fear.

I was anxious myself because it turns out Kyle had been at work. He had signed off on several invoices and all his coworkers saw him there, including Ray, his uncle. His uncle wouldn't lie to me, and surely wouldn't lie so well under pressure. Kyle hadn't had time to give them a heads up.

Now I was more confused than ever.

"Come on," Kyle said when he had parked. He grabbed my wrist and we walked to the nearest entrance. "Where's the food court? I haven't been here in several years."

Without answering, I led him to where I had last seen him. I was dragging him actually. Although it was pointless, it wasn't like the Kyle clone and his companion would be there. It was useless. Utterly useless.

I told Kyle so. "Useless."

"Baby, I don't know what to tell you," Kyle said sighing heavily.

I sniffed the air. "Want to get something to eat? I didn't eat much last night or have breakfast and it is lunch time. My stomach is growling."

Kyle smiled, although his eyes looked a bit tired. "Always thinking about food, huh?" he asked cupping my face, caressing my cheek. "Little piggy."

"Stop," I said giggling as I swiped his hand.

He bent down and quickly placed a kiss on my lips. Not caring who saw us, I kissed him back. Everyone was gay these days; people needed to get used to it.

"Alright, let's feed you, baby," Kyle said. "Where do you feel like going?"

I looked around, scouring for a joint that satisfied my hunger. Sandwiches. I was in the mood for sandwiches. I marched purposefully in that direction and Kyle followed behind.

"I want a giant sub, with everything on it!" I grinned gesturing wildly. "Food, food, food," I rubbed my hands together. "I'm feeling better already!"

Kyle just chuckled.

Even though I was still confused, it was nice to have things kind of normal. Even when I wanted to be mad at Kyle, I couldn't. I was just happy around him. He made me happy; he had that effect on me, I guess.

I was going to forget this whole thing and pretend it never happened. Kyle made me too happy. I loved him too much to let anything get between us.

"I'm sorry, Kyle," I said once Kyle paid for the food. He was carrying our tray and leading us to a small table in the corner.

"For what?"

"I still maintain what I saw, but I do believe you and I love you and I think we should just forget this and continue as we were," I said in a rush.

"I'm confused, but I also believe you because I know you wouldn't lie. So I guess we should just consider this forgotten," Kyle said popping a fry into his mouth. "Or one of life's great mysteries that us simple-minded humans can never figure out."

"Ok," I sighed. "This was stressful."

"I agree. I was so worried about you," Kyle said. "When you didn't call. We usually talk everyday and spend the weekend together. It was so unlike you."

"Sorry. I was really upset yesterday. I actually slept a lot," I said. "I guess I didn't want to deal with anything."

"Understandable. But I was still worried."

"Sorry Kyle."

"No worries, baby. All in the past," he said smiling at me, touching my fingers.

"How come you're so forgiving and loveable?" I asked in disbelief.

"Because I love you," Kyle stated. "So even if you stress me out and kill my brain cells, I love you anyway."

I sighed and rolled my eyes comically. "You're a smooth talker, Kyle. That's dangerous."

Kyle laughed. "Hardly dangerous."

"Hmm," I said eyeing him.


"Nothing," I smiled widely, taking a bite of food and bouncing a little in my seat.

He shook his head and looked at me affectionately. It was a quiet meal as we were still reeling from the emotions earlier in the day.

"Since we're here, want to walk around a bit?" I asked patting my full stomach.

He laughed. "Sure."

I glanced at store windows, at their clothing.

"I didn't know you liked to shop so much?" Kyle said.

"I really don't. I have to be in a specific mood, or a really good mood. I guess I've been in a good mood for awhile now," I said looking at him pointedly.

"Because of me?" he asked grinning widely.

I shrugged. "I guess."

He nudged me playfully.

"Ok, yeah, `cause of you."

He laughed. "You're a high maintenance boy. These stores are mad expensive!"

"That's why I only go here once in awhile," I explained. "Just because my Dad buys my stuff doesn't mean I want to abuse it."

"I know baby."

"Hey, want to know something?"


"Now that I think about it, your clone or lookalike or whatever?"


"His clothes were really fancy. Not fancy, but the latest styles, really put together, and expensive. He was wearing dress pants," I mused to myself.

"Are you saying I dress like a bum?"

"No!" I exclaimed. "I love how you dress. So relaxed and laid-back and manly," I said winking with a little growl.

He laughed. "You and your manly men."

I grabbed the waistband of his jeans. "Yup. But anyway, this guy had your face, but everything else was different. The clothes and the demeanor. It was so strange."

"Definitely," Kyle agreed. "I wish I could meet this guy," he muttered. "I want to punch his lights out."

I laughed. "What? Why?"

"He caused all this trouble and if he dressed all expensive, then he's probably a spoiled shit. And he has my face!"

I laughed loudly. "You're funny, Kyle."

Kyle grunted. "I'm serious," he murmured. "Kill the sonofabitch. With my face."

"Come on. Let's go home. I'm feeling tired now and I want to nap," I said yawning.

"Oh yeah? Can I join in on that nap?" he asked.

I glanced sideways at him. "Maybe."


"Yeah, if you're real nice to me."

"What?" he laughed. "I just fed you a month's salary of food. I deserve some cuddle time."

I laughed and grabbed his hand. "You do." I kissed him gently and he smiled down at me.

Since we were staring at each other while exiting the mall, we weren't watching where we were going and we bumped into someone.

"Sorry," Kyle automatically said, still staring down at me.

By instinct, I looked at the person to apologize and that's when I froze. I gripped Kyle's collar tightly and my eyes widened.

"It's you!" I breathed out.

The three of us were totally blocking the exit, but none of us gave a shit.

"What the fuck?" Kyle whispered. "Holy shit."

It was Kyle. But not Kyle.

It was a stranger, with Kyle's face! I wasn't hallucinating.

"I told you it was real," I whispered to Kyle, as if I spoke too loudly, the image of Kyle's clone would disappear.

"Who are you?" Kyle finally got out.

"Who are you?" the clone shot back.

"Wow," I breathed. I was still in awe. "Two of you," I murmured.

"What's your name?" Kyle asked.

"Corey. Yours?"


"What? I mean, where- shit, this is so messed up," Kyle said grabbing his hair.

"No kidding. I never knew I had a twin. I didn't even know I was adopted," Corey breathed out.

I stared at him. He had Kyle's big blue eyes, boyish freckles, tall, broad shouldered, and muscular build. Wow. Two Kyle's. Gorgeous. I was sensing a bedtime fantasy for myself tonight.

"You were adopted? Maybe I was adopted. Which of our parents, or who, I mean what," Kyle stammered. He licked his lips.

"Do you guys want to go somewhere and talk about this?" I interrupted when we got a dirty look from a group of girls trying to pass. "Maybe over coffee? This is a lot to process and caffeine might help," I said in a feeble attempt to lighten things up.

"Who are you?" Corey asked curiously. "I remember you yesterday. You were staring."

I blushed. "Umm, yeah, about that. Sorry, I didn't mean to bust up your lunch by being all weird. It's just that I thought, well, you look like Kyle and I thought that-"

"That I was cheating," Kyle stated. He looked down at me. "Which I never would, so don't ever accuse me of that again, ok?"

I nodded, feeling guilty. "I'm sorry."

"It's ok," Kyle said his expression softening, as his fingertip nudged my chin. I smiled at him.

"You two are boyfriends?" Corey asked in surprise. "Wow."

"Why?" Kyle asked.

"I guess if one twin is gay, so is the other. Makes sense." Corey said smiling slightly.

Kyle slowly smiled.

"Was that guy yesterday your boyfriend?"

"No, just some guy who likes me, but nothing more. He just gets flirty. It's fun," Corey shrugged. "Anyway, maybe we should go somewhere and talk about this. I need to sit down and think and ask questions and everything."

"Me too," Kyle said blinking. "Want to head to Barnes Noble, across the street?"

"Sounds good," Corey agreed.

I couldn't help checking out Corey as he made his way to his car. Kyle nudged me and shot me a pointed look.

"Calm down. I'm still shocked at seeing the two of you together. And you should be flattered; he looks like you and I love how you look," I explained.

Kyle sighed and grabbed my hand, tugging me gently to his car.

"This is bizarre. I wonder if Ray and Maggie knew all along. I have so much to ask and think about and then ask them about it," he rambled, starting up the ignition.

"One thing at a time, baby. Let's talk to Corey and then we'll go from there, ok?"

Kyle nodded. "Yeah." He sounded shaken up. "Yeah."

"Favorite food?" Corey asked.

"Uh, spaghetti and meatballs."

"Lasagna for me. Favorite sport?"


"Me too. Played in high school and college. You?"

"High school, but not college. College wasn't for me. I'm a mechanic with my Uncle," Kyle explained. "Where did you go to college?"

"Columbia," Corey answered. "Graduate school there as well. Just finished recently, actually. Business and finance."

I was impressed. "Very cool."

Corey shrugged. "Big nerd."

"I doubt that," I grinned.

He grinned as well. "Not entirely, I guess. Just smart."

I laughed. "Nice. You remind me of my friend Jackson."

"Get along with your parents?" Kyle asked suddenly.

"Yeah, they're the best. Support me in everything. My biggest cheerleaders," Corey said with a big grin. "I try to call and see them as often as possible, but they're retired now and like to travel a lot. But we're very close. How about you?"

"No, not close at all," Kyle said quietly. "I went to live with my aunt and uncle when I was fourteen. Y parents didn't take the coming out well."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Corey said sincerely. "That's rough, I'm sure."

"Yeah," Kyle said in a subdued voice. I had a feeling he didn't want to talk too much about it. I laced our fingers together under the table and he squeezed back.

There was a lull in the conversation and we stared at one another a bit awkwardly.

"I guess we have a lot to talk about with our families when we go home, huh?" Corey asked, laughing dryly.

"Definitely. I need time to wrap my head around it," Kyle answered.

"Hey, do you want to exchange info?" Corey asked. "I'd like to keep in touch and talk some more."

Kyle smiled slightly. "Yeah, that'd be great."

I watched as they both wrote their information out. Both were left handed and had chicken scratch. I suppressed a smile.

"Let's get together soon."

"Ok," Kyle agreed.

"Later, Kyle."

"Bye, Corey."

I turned to Kyle. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah. This is just a mind trip," Kyle said his eyes wide as he stared at the table. "I have a bother. A twin brother no less. Fuck."

"I know! I couldn't imagine having another me around! And meeting him in the mall," I said. "You ok?"

"Just need to process this. Like overnight or something. I have so many questions. I should talk to my aunt and uncle."

"Want some company?" I asked, wondering if he needed moral support.

"Um, I might just talk this out with them alone."

I nodded. "Ok. Call if you want to talk."

"Don't you have school tomorrow?"

I shrugged. "School isn't hard for me. I do computer codes all day long and the occasional elective. Or Jackson's homework. Nothing I can't handle. You come first," I smiled.

"You're so sweet," Kyle said leaning over to kiss me.

"I try."

"You don't have to. It comes naturally," Kyle grinned.

"Now you're being sweet."

"Now the both of us are being sickening," Kyle smirked.

"Who cares?" I asked kissing him, biting on his lip. He moaned and grabbed the back of my head, pulling me closer as he deepened the kiss, his tongue digging into my mouth. He moaned again, really getting into the kiss.

I wonder if the drama and stress from the whole day was causing his passionate outburst. Well, I wasn't complaining. I wasn't insane. My boyfriend loved me and hadn't cheated on me.

In the middle of stuffing my face with granola bars and coffee from the campus coffee shop, I heard my cell ringing.

"Yeah?" although it came out muffled because my chewing.


"Hey Kyle. How are you?" I asked swallowing my mouthful.



"Of course," Kyle laughed.

"So how are you?"

"Still have a mental hangover," he laughed. "Talked all night long with Ray and Maggie. Turns out they had no idea. But I think my parents are the real thing; my mother was actually pregnant. Maggie said my mother never mentioned two babies. I guess they couldn't afford two?"

"Wow," I said, not knowing what else to contribute to this conversation.

"Corey lucked out. He got the good parents. Rich. Nice. Supportive. Loving. I got the shitty end," Kyle said glumly.

"Oh Kyle," I murmured.

"Corey is nice enough, but he just got everything I didn't. I mean, he's loaded, went to a great college, is smart, and loves his parents and vice versa. Shit. I got none of that!"

"Hold up," I protested. "You're very smart! You're a great mechanic and you didn't choose the obvious route of college. You think outside the box. You're handsome, charming, sweet, honest, and respectful. You're so good to me. You have a boyfriend that loves you like crazy. You have the best aunt and uncle ever, who are super hilarious. Your aunt makes amazing cakes. You're great in bed," I said lowering my voice.


Then he laughed. Loudly.

"Oh Mason. My beautiful Mason," he sighed. "You always know what to say. All true by the way," he added. I giggled. "Especially the in bed part."

"Oh yeah," I agreed. "Definitely. You know how to satisfy," I leered.

Kyle laughed again. "Creepy doesn't suit you baby."

"At least I made you laugh," I quipped.

"You did," he said. "When are you done with school?"

"By four."

"Want to have dinner with me?" Kyle asked. "I'd like to see you."

"Of course. Want me to come over?"

"Sure. I'll cook for you. Come over at seven."

"You don't have to. I'll take you out for a change."


"Kyle, you never let me take you out," I protested.

"I like taking care of you Mason," he said firmly, not leaving room for argument. "Your food needs that is," he added with laughter.

I sighed. "You big macho man."

"Yup. That's me. Super duper macho."

I laughed. "Whatever makes you happy. What will you cook for me?"

"What do you feel like eating?"

"Anything that tastes good and is edible."

"Of course you'd say that," Kyle answered. I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'll think of something creative."

"See you later baby. Should I call first?"

"Nope, just come over."

"Okie dokie, artichokie."

Silence. Then snorts. Then full blown laughter. "Did you just say that?" Kyle crowed.

"Yeah. I think I heard it on a sitcom show," I said sheepishly. "The one with Charlie Sheen."

"I love you." He laughed again. I was delighted I could cheer him up.

"Love you, too. See you tonight."

"Looking forward to it."

Other stories by me:

True Love Will Survive- College, March 20, 2008, complete

Turn of Events- College, May 14, 2007, complete

Next: Chapter 8

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