No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on May 25, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.


Kyle and I got dressed in silence, with him occasionally shooting me worried glances, which I couldn't even process because I was full of fear and nerves.

My Dad was nice enough to walk out of the room so we could get dressed, although he stood outside my room, with the door open, reminding us of his presence.

Upon spotting me and Kyle in bed, Dad had remained in shock for a good minute before taking action. He stalked into my room, switching on the light, and roughly started shaking Kyle's shoulder.

I was too shocked to even argue or protest. I just sat there, clutching my blankets, watching with wide-eyes.

"Huh, wha-" Kyle said groggily, moving slowly, rubbing his eyes. He squinted his eyes against the lights and looked at me. Upon seeing my expression and following my line of vision, he spun around to face my father's face, which was by now, full of rage. I had never seen my father so angry before. He normally had one of those neutral expressions and this was scary.

Apparently Kyle thought so too, because he tensed, staring up at my father.

"Get out," my father stated in a tight voice. "Right now." There was no room for argument in his voice.

Kyle nodded and was about to get out of the bed, when he hesitated, realizing he was naked.

Clenching his jaw, my father walked out, but not before calling out, "Two minutes. Be dressed. Both of you."

By now, we were fully dressed and he grabbed my wrist, staring at me. "Mason."

I looked at him, feeling scared and helpless. "I didn't know he was going to be home tonight. He never comes home. Tonight of all nights," I whispered. I could feel a stinging sensation behind my eyes.

"Shh, it's ok," Kyle murmured stroking my cheek. "It's ok. It's going to be ok."

I blinked at him, wondering how he could be so calm, but at the same time, extremely grateful for it.

"Are you dressed?" my father's voice boomed in and caused us to jump apart. Holy, I didn't even know my father could talk that loudly.

"Yes," I called out faintly. I almost didn't get the word out; the lump was that big in my throat.

"Get out there, right now."

Placing his hand on the small of my back, Kyle walked with me, where we joined my father in the hallway. He didn't say anything still, but started walking down the stairs, which we followed.

My heart was pounding. I'd rather he'd yell at me and get it over with.

Finally, we were in the foyer and my father looked pointedly at the front door. "I'd like to talk to my son, so if you could please leave," he said to Kyle.

Kyle looked at me and I bit my lip, nodding for him to go. Kyle looked like he didn't want to leave and I could see it on his face. However, glancing back at my father and his set jaw and grim expression, he started towards the door, putting on his shoes.

I wanted to walk with him to the door, to his car, or hell, go with him, but I was rooted to the spot, feeling like an ant under my father's hard stare.


I looked at Kyle.

His eyes looked troubled. "I love you."

From the corner of my eye, I could tell that my father's eyebrows had shot up off his forehead, but my eyes were still glued to Kyle's. The fact that his eyes suddenly appeared worried and his posture so unsure, it was so unlike him.

It was then that I realized he was scared.

Scared that I would reject him now because of my father and his looming presence. He was afraid I'd deny him, deny being gay, blame him for everything. Perhaps he had experienced that in the past.

I realized that Kyle always appeared really confident, but with his parents kicking him out when he was younger, and then not having any serious relationships, he too was worried about being loved. He was scared that he loved me more than I loved him.

"Please leave," my father repeated again, louder this time.

I didn't even look at him; I was still focused on Kyle. "I love you, too."

Kyle looked visibly relieved and his shoulders sank back down to its normal level. Without even thinking, I walked over to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, tilted my head up, and kissed him. Brief, tender, but deep, full of feeling. I inhaled his scent.

Then I had to pull back.

"Mason! Get your friend to leave. Now!"

"I love you so much," I whispered.

Kyle cupped my face. "Call me tonight, ok? No matter how late, call me. If you don't, I'm coming right back here to make sure you're all right. Understand?"

I nodded, his hands still cupping my face. He kissed me gently. "I love you." His eyes bore into mine. I nodded again.

As he disappeared through the door, I felt a yearning in my stomach and chest and I wanted to grab the door and follow him.

Instead, I faced the music. "Dad-"

"Who was that?"

I swallowed hard. "My," I licked my lips. "Um, my boyfriend."

"You're boyfriend? That's no possible. You're not gay," he said emphatically.

"Dad, I'm gay. I've been for awhile now," my voice cracked.

"When?" he demanded. "How come you never told me? I don't believe you. You would have said something to me. No, he made you this way. You've always been shy and impressionable. He took advantage of you, seducing you, convincing you that you're in love with him-"

He was rambling.

"No!" I shouted.

He stopped and looked at me in surprise.

"I've known I was gay since I was fourteen and I had been so depressed about it. All through high school I was depressed and you never noticed! You didn't even care. Only Jackson noticed and cared enough to talk to me, figure out the truth, and help me deal. He even helped me meet other people to talk about my feelings. Without him, I might have killed myself!" I shouted. I couldn't seem to stop.

He just stared at me, shock still on his face.

"I've been so unhappy, Dad. So unhappy. All this time," my voice cracked once again. "Even in college. I have no friends except for Jackson; I go to school and work, but something was always missing. I met Kyle on my birthday and he's so nice and sweet and we clicked and we've spent almost four months together. I met his Aunt and Uncle and I like them. I've had sex with Kyle!"

My father flinched.

"And he didn't force me to do anything," I seethed. "He didn't want to rush me and would turn me down! I was the one who wanted it! Do you hear me? I wanted to have sex with him. I bent over-"

"Stop!" he shouted back, but I couldn't be stopped.

"You're never around. What Dad, do you hate me or something? Don't get mad at me, you have no right. Nothing is wrong with me. I'm finally happy. You're supposed to want that for me! Damn it, I love him!"

He opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

"You've had to have noticed that I never had girlfriends or anything. Deep down you must have known or noticed," I went on more quietly. "You have to understand, please. Please."

My father paced back and forth and was breathing heavily. "How old is he?"

"Twenty-five. His birthday is coming up in May, though. We're planning a weekend trip somewhere," I said and instantly regretted it when my father's expression darkened. I should probably let him accept the fact that I was gay before announcing love weekends away with my boyfriend. My bad.

"He's too old for you."

"Five years!" I protested. "I'm twenty-one. Thanks for the birthday wishes by the way."

He flinched and looked away. "What does he do for a living?"

"He's a mechanic."

My father snorted. "I could tell. Doesn't look like a very professional person."

"What does that mean?" I asked growing angry at his mocking tone.

"He couldn't handle college?" my father went on. "I can tell."

"Shut up."

He whipped around to face me. "Learn some respect, young man!"

"How about you! Don't insult Kyle; he's a great person. Honest, hardworking, caring. He might not be some fancy rich doctor, but he makes an honest living, doing something he loves. He's good to his Aunt and Uncle, and he's good to me. I don't care what you think about me or say about me, but you won't say shit about him!"

For a second, he looked surprised. Hell, so did I.

Backbone, where did you come from?

Being with Kyle definitely gave me confidence and I guess I was protective of Kyle and anyone badmouthing him.

"It's late, Mason. I came home early this weekend and I was tired. Imagine my surprise seeing a strange car in the driveway and seeing you and him in bed together." He had some difficulty getting those last words out. "I need to process this. I need to adjust. I need to think. All this time, I just, I don't know anymore."

He went to the kitchen and I heard glasses clinking.

"Dad," I said quietly. He didn't turn around. "I'm sorry for not being closer to you, but it's not all my fault. I wish I could have told you. I wish I felt like I could go to you, but I never saw an opening for it and I didn't feel like you cared. I'm sorry. I know this is a shock. But I think if we talk more-" I trailed off, not having the courage to say anymore.

He still didn't turn around, so I ended up going to my room. I breathed in relief, feeling safe at last as I shut my bedroom door. I hopped into bed, inhaling the pillow Kyle had been sleeping on. I loved his scent. I whipped out my cell phone and quickly called Kyle. He picked up on the first ring.

"Are you ok?" he asked instantly.

I smiled. "Were you waiting for my call?"


"I don't know how it went. There was some yelling and arguing, but nothing serious. He said he needs to think and process this. He's having a drink right now and I'm in my room. I'm guessing we'll talk more in the morning," I sighed. "Can't wait for that."

"He didn't hurt you, right?"

"No, Kyle, he didn't. I didn't think he would."

"Just making sure. You hear stories sometimes."

"I know," I murmured. "I miss you. I wish you were here. My pillow smells like you."

"Yeah, smelling it?"

I laughed quietly. "Yes."

"You're sick."

I sighed in response.

"Everything will be ok," Kyle assured softly. He read my mind.

"I hope so."

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, walking into the kitchen. I stopped when I heard my father talking on the phone.

I crouched behind a wall and listened.

"Did you know about this?" he asked. He paused before talking again and I realized he was on the phone. "No, I got a huge shock last night. I didn't know what to do or say, but get rid of him. Mason and I then talked." Another pause. "We didn't accomplish much. Some yelling on both our parts." He sighed. "I'm planning on taking him to breakfast, or lunch, whenever he wakes up, so we can talk some more. Calmly this time. Maybe we can understand each other better."

Long pause and more sighs on my father's part. "Yeah, I know. I know, I'm not home a lot. I don't know why." Pause. "I have a lot of responsibilities." Pause. "No, Karen, I'm not that old and I don't want to retire yet."

Karen. Dad was talking to my older sister. God, he rushed to call her? They were always on the close side. Or at least closer than he and I were. Not that I had anything against my older sister, but sometimes she was so bossy and overbearing, I wondered if she'd be calling me to lecture me. Ugh.

"I feel like I missed out on so much. I don't even know Mason at all; I feel really bad." I could hear the emotion in his voice and I suddenly felt bad for my father.

"No, I don't care that he's gay. I don't hate Mason, I just feel like I don't know anything about him. Last night, he said he didn't think he could come to me because he thought I didn't care. And I do care."

Pause. God, that Karen was a talker. Probably lecturing Dad too. I couldn't help smiling over that.

"His boyfriend, I don't know about him. I don't know anything! How does he treat Mason? Is he good to him? Is he one of those controlling, abusive boyfriends? I don't know anything!"

"Are they even really in love? Mason's young, what does he know about love?"

I frowned in annoyance.

"You know how Mason's always been. So quiet and shy as a child, never talking too much, following Jackson around. What if he got influenced? That's what I'm worried about. Kyle's a mechanic; he's probably rough, rude, crass, and, and, I don't even know!"

I felt myself growing angry again, knowing that Karen was probably talking shit about Kyle too. She was a real snob, thinking she was so great just because she had a Masters degree and her boyfriend was a rich businessman. Money wasn't everything. Kyle had great character.

He sighed. "Alright, Karen. It was nice talking to you, too. I'll call you again." Pause. "Yes, I'll talk to him and listen. I will. Have a good day."


I waited a little bit, before walking slowly into the kitchen, where my Dad was reading the newspapers and sipping a cup of coffee. He looked up at me and I sort of shuffled in, my head down, shoulders slumped.

"Mason," he began hesitantly. "Last night, um. Last night was a tough night and our emotions were running high. Do you want to get some breakfast? We can talk some more. I promise to listen to what you have to say," he said, then glanced at his watch. "Or if you can wait an hour or so, we can do an early lunch. You pick."


"I think it's a good idea to talk," he went on. "I'm home now and obviously we have a lot to catch up on."

I nodded. "Are you hungry now?"

"I could eat."

"Ok. I'll get dressed."

Awkward. That's the only word that kept running through my mind.

Our goal was to talk, but we were obviously unsure where to start.

We headed to a diner, ordered our drinks, our meals, and now we were staring uncomfortably at one another. I was fiddling with my straw wrapper, rolling it into a ball and flicking it back and forth.

"How did Jackson," he began. "When did you know? About yourself?" he looked uncomfortable but determined.

I licked my lips, not knowing where to begin and feeling uncomfortable myself. "I guess I always knew. I was always unhappy, feeling off, but never knew what it was. Then in high school, you know, hormones and stuff," I blushed. "I realized I was attracted to, well, you know. I tried to ignore it, but it was just there. I looked at guys. I noticed them. I stared at them. I just knew it. Then when I realized it and accepted it, I began questioning myself and my future and my life and got so depressed. Things were just bound to be that much harder because I was gay."

"I managed to push through until graduation, but with college starting, I felt so alone. All these couples and happy people; shouldn't I be one of them? I didn't have any hope for the future. Would I ever be happy?"

"Jackson noticed my moods, but never bugged me about it, until after graduation. That's when I told him. He said he had an idea but wanted me to come to him. I couldn't tell him earlier because then it would be staring me in the face, hanging over me. He wasn't mad; he was really supportive. Started researching gay stuff online, everything," I laughed at the memory. "In college, whenever I was down, he would listen to be worry about being alone forever." I felt my eyes tearing up and my Dad's eyes looked a bit glassy too.

"You really thought you'd be alone forever?" he asked quietly.

"I was really scared. Thinking that, it made me feel like, like not living because there was no hope for happiness."

My Dad's nose became a little red and I looked away, not wanting to see him cry. Thankfully the waitress came with our food, giving us weird looks, but leaving quietly.

"At my birthday part- combined with Jackson's- I felt even more alone. Here were all these young, fun people and I couldn't connect with them; I didn't have any fun with them, and Jackson was just so normal, talking and laughing with everyone, even strangers. Then I was mad I couldn't be more like him. I couldn't be normal. So I left. Went to a bar."

"A bar?" he asked.

"Yeah, went to get a few drinks," I said dryly. "Ended up getting drunk off my ass."

I watched as my father's face contorted into a look of disapproval.

I was suddenly feeling bold and wanted to get everything off my chest.

"Got really drunk, Dad. Passed out even. Kyle was the one who helped me get some fresh air and when I was out like a light, took me to his house and let me sleep it off. Alone," I said, not elaborating on the details. I doubted my father wanted to hear how I was about have sex with a total stranger, but ended up falling asleep before it could happen. My Dad was on the old side; no need to give him a heart attack.

"The next morning we talked while we ate breakfast that he made for me. Then he drove me home and asked me out, and ever since, we've been together. Everyday has been great, too. Jackson likes him. Our other friends have met him. My life isn't perfect at all still and I have my moody moments, but without Kyle, I'd be heading in the same hopeless direction," I finished bitterly. "So you may not like him, but you should get to know him before making judgments."

He got silent, processing it. I took the moment to start eating, finally feeling hungry. Soon, he was eating, and we were just chewing and swallowing and occasionally sipping our drinks.

Finally, he cleared his throat. "I need to do more thinking. But perhaps, just perhaps, eventually, I can meet Kyle, more formally."

I slowly started to smile. "Really?"

"Not yet. I'm working on it."

"Ok," I said smiling still.

My father still looked serious. "Why'd you ask if I hated you?"


"Last night, you asked if I hated you. Why would you ask that?" he appeared hurt.

I stammered a bit, not able to come up with an answer right away.

"Why did you think I didn't care?" he went on. "I do care. I care a lot. You're my son, Mason. I love you."

"Dad, I just, I was just saying it. I don't know why I said that."

"There had to have been a reason," he asked leaning forward. "I need to know, Mason."

I took a deep breath. "Dad," I started.

He looked at me patiently.

I finally blurted it out, "Dad, do you-"


"Do you resent me? Do you blame me for Mom not being around anymore? Because I think you work so much to avoid being home because you miss her and when you see me, you're reminded of why she died," I said, the words falling out before I could reign them in.

He stared at me wide-eyed. He didn't blink for a good fifteen seconds.

Then an emphatic, "No!"

"It just felt that way," I said weakly. "That's why I always went to Jackson's house; it was like I had a family. Especially when Karen moved to California."

He sighed. "Mason, no, I don't hate you, I don't resent you, and I don't blame you. There was nothing the doctors could do. They tried. And god, she was so happy to have you. A boy. How could I hate something that made her so happy, even at the very end?" He was tearing up again.

"Then how come you were never home?" I asked, feeling like a little child.

My father sighed heavily. "I didn't hate you Mason. I don't hate you, but I did miss her. The house was so big without her, with so many reminders. Work made it easier. Then it became a routine. Then I was moving up and gaining prestige. Then I got used to working and having a routine. It's pretty lonely for me too," he finished.

I guess he and I were more alike than I thought.

"But I'm planning to be home more. It's not too late to fix this," he said.

I knew what he meant; to fix our relationship. "No, it's never too late."

"It will take time, though."

"I know."

"But I'm willing. For the most part."

I shot him a look.

"I'm still wrapping my head around it," he admitted. "I think I'll be better in a week."


"So this Kyle, huh?"


"Nothing. Just trying to get used to the whole idea. I'll start with name association, male to male. Get used to the idea in my head."

I couldn't resist; I rolled my eyes. He chuckled.

It wasn't perfect, and we hadn't dug much into the shit pile that was our whole messed up relationship, but at least we were moving in the right direction. It made me feel a lot better.

It was a good start.

"No fucking way! He walked in on you!" Jackson nearly shouted.

"We were already sleeping, but basically," I said as I tossed a ball to Jackson. "Like, he didn't see us in action or anything."

"Wow. That's fucking insane."

"Yeah. It ruined our evening," I said.

"Oh yeah? Good evening?" he grinned. "Lots of movements? Sweaty movements."

"Don't be gross," I said rolling onto my stomach and resting my head on his pillow.

"At least your Dad didn't react badly," Jackson pointed out. "I mean, feeling shocked and yelling isn't the worse reaction ever. He does seem to be trying or at least open to the whole thing."

"My Dad's a total snob. I wonder if he'll ever like Kyle."

"Who cares?" Jackson snorted. "As long as you like him."

"It's not that easy."

"It is that easy," Jackson insisted. "I know you're always trying to make others happy, but what about yourself? Stop thinking about your Dad; he'll get over it. Over time, he'll get to know Kyle better and like him. All that matters is you like Kyle, and you're happy with him. End of discussion."

I smiled. "I love how you simplify things, Jackson."

He shrugged. "Yeah, you're the book smarts, I'm the street smarts. I break down difficult concepts, you do book work and stuff."

I laughed. "That is true, I'll give you that."

Jackson went to his laptop and booted it up.

"I told Kyle I loved him."

He swirled around quickly. "You did?"

I nodded.

"I guess you managed to figure out your feelings. About fucking time. I already knew you were in love with him," he boasted.


"At Cassidy's dinner party. It was obvious you two were in love. Not just new couple closeness and affection, but a genuine amount of caring involved that was basically love, but maybe just dormant, because you bozos hadn't realized it yet."

I shook my head. "You have the strangest explanations."

"Whatever, it's still true. Keep up, man."

"We said it the night my Dad caught us. That's why it was kind of ruined," I explained.

"Oh," Jackson said.

I sighed. "Drama, drama."

"I know, how did you go from nothing to so much? It's not real, man."

"I have no idea," I agreed. "I don't really care for it."

He snorted. "Who does?" He glanced at me. "but would you go back to being single?"

It was my turn to snort. "No. I love Kyle."

Jackson grinned at me. "You're so cute it's disgusting. Snap out of it."

"I can't help it," I shrugged. "Besides I'm just keep you up to date on my life. If I don't, you'll have a heart attack like that time my Dad got a new-"

"I told you," Jackson interrupted. "It wasn't the new cabinet he bought, but what it symbolized," he emphasized. "It meant we weren't communicating."

"It was a cabinet!"

"Yeah, but it represented the big picture!"

"Oh forget it!" I said rolling my eyes.

Little Eric suddenly burst into the room. "Food is ready!" he announced happily, bouncing on his toes.

"Come here," Jackson said to his nephew extending his arms. Eric ran into them and they hugged. "What did I tell you about knocking, you little butt," he teased affectionately, brushing his hair off his forehead.

"I forgot," Eric said looking imploringly at Jackson.

"Remember next time," Jackson replied pinching his cheek.

"I will," Eric promised. Jackson kissed his temple.

"Let's go," Jackson said lifting Eric into his arms and nodding for me to follow, clearly assuming I'd eat with his family.

It was a good assumption. After all that stress with Kyle and my Dad, I could use an evening with Jackson's large family. Where everyone talked at once, told obnoxious stories, fought over food; that was exactly what I needed.

It turns out my father needed more time than a week.

More like a month.

But he was trying; I could tell. Had to give him credit for that. He made efforts to talk to me and ask questions. Granted, the both of us were extremely uncomfortable, but Rome wasn't built in a day. Or overnight. Or whatever.

A couple nights ago, my father was home, amazingly, and he approached me, looking somewhat uncomfortable, but also determined.

"So Mason."

"Yeah?" I asked cautiously.

"How about inviting Kyle over for dinner sometime next week?" he asked.

My eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes. I think it's time I got to know him better, since you've been spending so much time with him."

I blushed. Even though I never told my father outright, I guess he had noticed I was gone most nights, and if I wasn't with Jackson, I had to have been with Kyle.

Kyle seemed surprised also, when I mentioned this.

And now it was his turn to be nervous. But I didn't tease him; I was nervous too.

"What do I wear? Is your Dad really formal?" Kyle asked. I sat on his bed and watched in amusement as he rummaged through his closet. "I can't look like a slob. He already thinks I'm beneath you," he muttered.

"He doesn't really think that. He was just upset and was saying anything," I protested, regretting I had even mentioned what my father had said. But Kyle had been insistent on prying it out of me. "He doesn't even know you and I completely set him straight. Don't worry. My Dad's opinion of you won't change how I feel."

"I know," Kyle sighed. "I don't know why this is getting to me so much." He paused. "No, actually I do. It's `cause you're someone I love..." he trailed off.

"I love you, too. Let's not worry prematurely. Can we just make it through dinner?" I kissed his neck.

He turned and kissed my nose. "Yeah. One thing at a time."

"Definitely," I smiled and he wrapped his arms around my waist, yanking me closer.

I placed my hand on his chest and craned my head back. "Oh by the way, we can't be late. That would really tick my Dad off. So don't get any ideas, Mister," I warned.

He scrunched his face comically. "Oh knock me while I'm down, why don't you?" he asked right before he planted his lips on top of mine, hugging me tightly, leaving me no room to wiggle free.

Not that I would. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held onto him tightly, as our kiss deepened, our mouths opening wider.

I pulled back. "Seriously, we can't be late," I whispered against his lips.

He chuckled. "We won't." He rubbed his nose against mine.

"Figured out what to wear yet?" I asked pecking his lips.


"Really?" I mocked. "With the two of us standing in the same position for the last five minutes?"

"I mentally decided what to wear. Khakis and a sweater. That argyle print one. And a dress shirt. Make me look all spiffy," he grinned.

I shook my head. "Fine, smartass. Get dressed." I gave him a forceful push towards his closet.

"Want to help me get dressed?"

"What are you, a baby?" I rolled my eyes.

He pouted and I laughed, jumping over to the closet with him.

"We can't be late," I reminded.

He kissed me. "We won't."

"Fucking hell, Mason," Kyle muttered as I literally swerved the steering wheel into a large arc and parked in my driveway.

"We made it!" I exclaimed triumphantly. I turned to Kyle; he looked a little white and he was still gripping the door handle. "What?"

"I think I need to puke."

"I wasn't that bad."

"Do you ever brake on turns or anything?" he asked somewhat annoyed.

"Not really," I shrugged. "Let's go."

Kyle composed himself and took a deep breath.

"Are you nervous?" I teased.

He shot me a dirty look, adjusting his collar. "Well, in my defense, I have a right to be! Your Dad hates me!"

"He doesn't. He was just shocked. Your Aunt and Uncle knew about you and they were given a heads up. Cut my Dad some slack. It's not everyday he walks in on his youngest child with another man. In bed, clothes on the floor."

Kyle breathed out. "Yeah, I guess."

I jumped on my toes and kissed his cheek, before opening the front door. "Dad?" I called out tentatively.

My Dad arrived and looked at me and then at a very apprehensive Kyle.


"Nice to see you again, sir," Kyle said politely, reddening a bit.

My Dad smiled. It wasn't a big smile, but a genuine one. Beggars can't be choosers, eh?

"I made reservations at eight," he said. "I figured we could talk a bit before heading to dinner."

I looked at my boyfriend, who visibly swallowed. Where was the confident man I had met?

"Come," my father motioned us to the dining room. "Care for a drink?"

"No," Kyle said, then cleared his throat. "No, thank you."


I shook my head.

"I thought it'd be a good idea to clear the air between us. Get rid of any existing tension or worries between us," my father began, taking a seat. We followed suit.

"Listen, that night, when I caught the two of you, umm," my father cleared his throat. "It did come as a shock," he began. "But I am trying to deal with it," he smiled wryly. "And I won't get violent or yell again, so you don't have to look so nervous," he said to Kyle.

Kyle blushed. "Umm, yeah, well. Umm, I just know that, well I just know what it's like to have a bad reaction, so I just brace myself for the worst," he blurted out.

"I wasn't expecting this. I had no indication that Mason was gay. And Mason isn't exactly the toughest person, so I just had to make sure no one was forcing him into something." My Dad rubbed his forehead.

"I'm still here, you know," I muttered.

My father smiled. "Sorry Mason."

"I understand," Kyle said. "I'd never hurt Mason. I just wouldn't."

My father studied Kyle for a bit, and Kyle seemed uncomfortable being scrutinized. Finally, my father nodded. "It seems that you and Mason are rather close, so I guess this dinner will be a good time to get to know one another, as if seems we'll be seeing more of each other in the future." He smiled.

Kyle smiled as well. "I agree."

"I know I can be a bit analytical, but I want to start off with the small facts and work our way up. I admit, I haven't always been around for Mason, or rarely in fact. It came as a harsh slap to the face, realizing how little I know about Mason, but I want to fix that. So I guess we'll all have to work together on this, right? Gradually?"

"Right," Kyle and I said at the same time. Our eyes met and we smiled at each other.

Things were definitely looking up. And promising.

"Let's head to the restaurant. This may be better over food."

"Yes, food," I said excitedly.

Kyle and my father laughed.

"He eats a lot; that's one thing I know about my son."

"Definitely. Cleans me out every time we go out to eat," Kyle said. "About to get a second job."

My father actually chuckled. Yes!

"That I have some experience with," my Dad agreed. "Always was an eater, although it doesn't show. I have some amazing baby pictures of him with food all over his face. Actually, pictures that go all the way up to age fifteen. My daughter Karen took a lot of those pictures and she managed to capture his messy nature." My Dad had a smile on his face, a wistful one and his eyes had a faraway look.

"I'd love to see these pictures," Kyle said.

"No," I protested.

"Sure. I was looking at them recently," my father stated. I looked at him in surprise, but his eyes were still on Kyle. "After dinner, we'll check them out."

"That'd be great," Kyle said. "Right messy slob?"

I scrunched my nose at their teasing, but hey, if they were ganging up on me, that meant they had a common ground to work on.

I wasn't going to argue with that.

Although the way Kyle and my father laughed at my embarrassing pictures was proving to be more taxing than I had initially expected. But begrudgingly I sat through the torment because my boyfriend and father were actually getting along.

For now, that's all that mattered, even if it was at my expense.

Baby steps in the right direction.

Next: Chapter 7

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