No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on May 9, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.


"What are you doing tonight?"

"On this lovely March evening, for my first official night of spring break, I am having dinner with Kyle's Aunt and Uncle."

"Ooh, meeting his `parents' so to speak?"



"A little," I admitted. I paused. "Ok, a lot."

"Don't sweat it. You'll be amazing. Just be yourself."

"That's what everyone says and you know what? It doesn't help the nerves at all," I said in annoyance.

"Well, it's the truth," Jackson said. "Go to dinner, eat, talk about yourself, ask some questions, and you'll be fine. You're shy, but it's a likeable quality. You have a good presence, not like some cocky vibe or shit like that. Shy is endearing, parents like that, are intrigued by it. So you're pretty much golden."

He paused. "There, did that help?" he asked sarcastically.

I burst out laughing. "It did, actually. Thanks."

"That's what I'm here for," he said breezily. "Thank you and good night."

I checked my cell and noticed I had to leave. "Hey, Jackson, I got to go."

"Heading over now?"

"No, Kyle is coming over. I don't wanna be late."

"Totally. Leaves a bad impression. But you know, you could always lie about why you were late," Jackson said. "Like, say you saw a stray cat an decided to pull over and help it. Or-"

"I'm going to be late because of you!" I exclaimed. "I'll call you later!"

"Alright. Later."


I let out a breath, made sure I had my wallet, keys, and phone and I quickly checked my appearance one last time in the mirror. I chose a simple black sweater, and my faded jeans. I had a really simple style. But of course my hair was my typical porcupine spiked look. Yeah, I did use a lot of hair product, but whatever. It was me.

When Kyle arrived, I opened the door and smiled nervously at him. He returned a reassuring one in return, kissed me, took my hand, and led me to his car.

The drive was too long and too short at the same time; I felt anxiety in my stomach, and my hands were clammy. I was definitely shy and could be polite to adults and stuff, but engaging in a full blown conversation with Kyle's Aunt and Uncle was something completely new for me. Even with my own friends I wasn't Mr. Chatterbox.

"Stop freaking out." Kyle's voice broke into my thoughts.

"I'm not." I shifted slightly, paused, folded my arms. "I can't help it."

"They're going to love you."

"How do you know?"

"Because you're a charmer."

I looked at him incredulously. "No fucking way, I'm not!"

He laughed. "Ok, you're not a charmer in that super cool, slick, suave way, with that cheesy grin or super smooth ways. But you have a different charm. Simple, quiet, friendly, and sweet. You don't have to shout and yell and tell loud jokes to get someone to like you. You draw them in and then when someone gets to know you, they can't resist you."

I stared at him. "That's basically what Jackson said. He called before you picked me up and was giving me a little pep talk."

"It will be a fun evening," he promised, turning onto a residential street. The car started slowing down and I swallowed hard.

"We're here," he said and I looked over the modest looking home, neat, with a tree in front and a pretty garden with flowers.

I didn't say anything, just followed him out of the car and to the front door. He stuck his key in and pushed the door open, taking my hand in the process. He squeezed it gently as if to reassure me and I wrapped my free hand around his wrist, leaning on him for support.

"Maggie! Ray!"

"We're in the kitchen!"

Kyle led me through the warm house, which had a very simple style and almost no clutter. It reminded me a bit of my house, except for my bedroom, which was always messy.

"It smells really good," I whispered into his shoulder.

He turned slightly towards me. "My Aunt is an amazing cook."

I inhaled deeply and he laughed. "Little piggy," he teased. "Oink, oink."

I didn't get a chance to answer as we had entered the kitchen and both his Aunt and Uncle were standing around the stove and oven.

They both smiled at me.

"Hello Mason," his Aunt said. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I'm Maggie."

"The slave driver," his Uncle chimed in. Maggie poked him in the stomach and he grinned. "I'm Ray, Kyle's very awesome and handsome and charismatic uncle."

I laughed. "It's nice to meet you, too," I said shyly.

"We're really happy to meet you. Kyle has been his happiest and bubbliest lately and we had to meet the person that caused it," Ray said shooting a teasing look at Kyle.

Kyle didn't say anything, but raised my hand to his lips, kissing it. I blushed profusely, and Maggie and Ray chuckled.

"Don't be shy here, Mason. We're not a shy people. We're a loud and open people. Borderline gross," Maggie said.

I looked at her questioningly.

"We have gross humor," Ray clarified. "We'll talk about blood, shit, gore, all kinds of stuff. We know no boundaries."

I looked at them, not knowing what to say.

"We're just telling you right now. Beware. We don't want any choking because of our antics," Ray added.

"Yeah, none of us know CPR or the Heimlich, although, we're thinking of getting certified," Maggie said. "What do you think Ray? Should we do it?"

"I do it'd be a good idea. Remember when we had the Walkers over two weeks ago? I thought Lou was going to have a heart attack. I was partially out of my chair, heading towards the phone to call a bus."

I smiled as I watched the exchange between them. They were funny. Some of my nerves evaporated, and my shoulder relaxed.

"Told you," Kyle whispered in my ear, kissing my temple.

"Ray, go bring the drinks and plates to the dinner table," Maggie ordered.

"Why can't the boys do it?"

"They're our guests; now go!" Maggie said pointing.

Ray grabbed a bottle of wine, and several plates, before shooting us a mock annoyed look.

Ray and Maggie were really cool, and younger than I expected them to be. Then again, being Kyle's Aunt and Uncle, then they weren't necessarily old. They appeared to be in their late 30s if even. Ray was still in good shape, with a lean build. His hair was dark brown and he had the same blue eyes as Kyle. His Aunt was a pretty, slim woman, petite, and had that sweet youthful look with her big brown eyes and dirty blond hair.

"How's college life treating you?" Ray asked.

"It's ok. Classes aren't bad, but I commute and I hate the driving and parking and all that stuff."

"I never commuted before. But I'd imagine it'd be a hassle," Ray commented.

"Commuters are like hobos," I began.

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Commuters are the hobos of colleges," I said, some of my shyness melting away as I started to explain something Jackson and I had discussed our freshman year of college. "Think about it. We sleep in public places, we try to score free food on campus, and we carry our houses in our backpacks."

Maggie and Ray stared at me for a few seconds, then burst into laughter.

"Mason, that's pretty good," Maggie exclaimed. "I've never heard of that before."

"But now that you mention it, it makes sense."

"It's a fact," I said smiling. "There are a lot of commuters and we're all struggling with books and bags and finding a place to rest in between campus."

"So do you party a lot?" Ray grinned.

I smiled. "Not really. When my best friend has a party with his club, I go, but that's it."

"What kind of club?"

"Capoeira. It's a Brazilian martial arts form. Like break dancing, but deadlier," I explained.

Maggie smiled. "Sounds cool as hell."

I smiled. "It is. He loves it. It's not my thing because I'm not that coordinated," I shrugged.

Maggie laughed. "Aw."

"You're a junior right? What's your major?" Ray asked sipping his wine.


Maggie and Ray let out collective "oohs."

"Hard stuff. A lot of numbers," Ray said.

"It's not too bad," I said. "I guess it comes naturally, so I can't really complain about it."

"Well, if it's a natural gift, don't fight it," Ray said.

The conversation didn't feel like an interview, although I half expected it to. I guess Kyle had told them a fair amount about me as the remainder of the evening was spent by Maggie and Ray telling stories about themselves or Kyle, and they didn't really ask me anything too personal. I was a bit relieved. When meeting new people, I always felt uncomfortable talking about my family, because whenever I mentioned my mother died giving birth to me, everyone looked so sad and awkward. So I hated talking about it.

I had to wonder if Kyle had somehow prepped them and I was utterly grateful.

"Alright, time for the best part of dinner," Ray announced rubbing his hands together. "Dessert!" he announced gleefully, almost like a little kid.

Maggie and Kyle laughed, while I smiled.

Maggie turned to me. "Usually, I don't spend hours baking every evening. Usually we have a simple dessert of ice cream, pudding, fruit, whatever. But for you, I made a gorgeous cake, if I do say so myself. Wait here!"

I laughed as I watched her bounce out of her seat and hop into the kitchen excitedly.

"Maggie, that's insane!" Kyle gasped when she reentered carrying a rather large cake, with a rich looking chocolate frosting and pink roses made of icing on the top.

"Wow!" I breathed.

"I know, it's a beauty," she said happily. Ray smiled and rubbed her back. "It's three layers, with chocolate in between. And as our super important guest, you get the first piece."

"Oh, super important, wow," I said shyly.

"Don't embarrass the boy, Magpie," Ray said.

Maggie smiled and started cutting me a slice. I had to admit, my mouth was watering.

"Thanks!" I said eagerly. I politely waited for everyone else to get served their slices before digging in. I cut a huge forkful and eased it into my mouth, chewing slowly, savoring the taste.

"Amazing, Mags," Ray said in a thick tone. "Wow. You out did yourself."

"Definitely. Wow. Tastes so good," Kyle chimed in.

I was almost done with my slice while everyone else was just beginning to eat it.

"Can I have another?" I asked, my eyes filled with hunger.

"Maggie laughed. "Of course. I love those who appreciate my cooking or baking," she said shooting Ray a sharp look. I smiled when Kyle passed me another piece.

"What?" Ray said in mock hurt. "I always say thank you! I love your food. And baked goods."

Maggie ran her fingers through his hair. "I know."

They shared a smile and I couldn't help noticing their loving looks. I wondered that's how Kyle and I appeared in front of other people.

Dinner was winding down and as everyone lapsed into their food comas, conversation dwindled.

"I can't eat anymore," Ray sighed.

"Me neither." Kyle patted his stomach. I was almost done with my third slice of cake. Decadence. Mm. "Mason will finish the rest," Kyle said glancing at me as I finally placed the last bite of cake into my mouth.


"If he's full, don't force him," Maggie said.

"He's never full," Kyle said.

"I'm good," I said shooting him a look.

"Really?" Kyle said skeptically. "You don't want any more of this delicious and beautiful cake?"

My mouth was hanging open a bit and watering just staring at the cake. My answer was obvious.

"Ok, gimme," I said eagerly, unable to control my excitement. I loved cake!

Kyle laughed. "Told you! A bottomless pit!"

As he handed me the last hunk of cake, I dug in, only slightly self-conscious that everyone was looking at me. I tried to control my blush, but wasn't sure if I succeeded or not.

"Hey Kyle, man, it's like watching a goldfish eat Jaws or something," Ray said. "That's insane."

"That's what I said to him on our first date!" Kyle exclaimed. "More or less."

"Wow," Maggie said in awe.

"Cool as hell. Where does all that cake go? Does he have a pouch that I don't know about or something? Does the food get diverted there as storage and then he really eats it later on?" Ray asked looking under the table jokingly.

"I should get paid for this, you know," I said, feeling more comfortable. "I mean, you do pay to watch zoo exhibits, right? Pay up. Fifty bucks a piece."

They all looked stunned, right before bursting into loud laughter.

I yawned. "I don't want to go back to school," I sighed as I sank comfortably against Kyle's firm chest.

"Enjoying spring break?" Kyle asked kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah. School isn't that bad because I don't spend that much time on homework, just computer stuff, but still. I like having a week and two days of free time to do nothing. I don't have to get up and trek to campus or anything."

"And spend unlimited time with me?" he asked, his lips on my ear.

I sighed. "Sure," I said casually.

"That's it? That's all I get. Just sure?"


His fingers rubbed my arms and before I knew it, he was dragging them across my sides and stomach, tickling me mercilessly .

"No, stop!" I shouted wiggling around, but his legs trapped me against his chest. "No, please! Stop. No, I love spending time with you! You're my favorite person," I paused as I squirmed futilely. "After Jackson!"

His fingers continued poking around and I squealed. "Ok, you're higher than Jackson!"

Finally he stopped and I panted, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Jackson, huh? That must make me pretty special."

"It does," I gasped.

"Ok, that's more like it," he said wrapping his arms around me.

"Shit, you almost killed me."

"Yeah, you're really ticklish."

"That's not fair," I said swiveling around. "You don't have any weaknesses. How are you not ticklish? You're a freak of nature!"

Kyle menacingly held up his fingers.

"I'm kidding! I didn't mean it!" I stuck out my bottom lip and Kyle started laughing, pulling me onto his lap.

"I can't resist your cute baby face," Kyle said pecking my lips. "So that's my weakness."

I smiled. "Really? That's the sweetest thing I ever heard."

"I'm a sweet guy."

"The sweetest," I said rubbing my nose against his. "The sweetest guy I've ever met. Probably the sweetest guy I'll ever meet."

"Mm, you might meet other sweet guys, but I'll just have to amp up my sweetness so no one can steal you away from me," he murmured.

"No one will steal me away from you," I said a warm feeling spreading throughout my stomach.

Kyle hummed quietly and kissed my neck. "So how do you want to spend the remainder of your spring break?"

"You mean my last two days?" I whined.

He laughed. "Yeah."

"I don't know. You're working, right?" I asked even though I already knew the answer to that.

"Yeah, but I have a set schedule and I never work too late," he said. "You can always hang around in the office."

"But you'll be busy and I'll be bored without you," I sighed. "No, I guess I'll hang out with Jackson and see what he's up to. Most likely hanging out with his capoeira buddies. Maybe there'll be some party happening. Actually, I'm pretty positive about a party."

"Don't get too drunk at the party, ok?" he said. "I don't want anything happening to you."

"I won't. I normally don't drink," I reminded. "My birthday, I was feeling crummy. I don't feel crummy anymore."

"The thought of anything happening to you really scares me," he said quietly. "I worry about you when you go to these parties."

"You shouldn't. They're all nice people and Jackson would never let anything happen to me," I said confidently.

"Parties are huge and strangers come and go all the time; don't you watch the news?"

"I'll be fine. Wait, parties are at night. Come with me after work," I said.

"Oh ok, that's better then."

I laughed. "Protective, are we?"

"Very. You're my baby." He pinched my cheek.

I slapped his hand away. "I'm not a baby."

Kyle was still touching and squeezing my check and I squirmed in his arms until he started kissing me, moving towards my lips. I opened my mouth, allowing his tongue entry.

Things escalated rather quickly after that. His hands moved along my back, slipping beneath my shirt. I was clenching his hair, sitting on him. Finally, he lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me upstairs to my bedroom and plopped me down gently.

As far as our sex life, we had done mutual jerk-offs, grinding, blowjobs, and anal sex, with him on the receiving end. I had never given a blow job before, and it was a learning process.

I could never swallow him completely. The first time I only got three inches before I gagged. The next two times were the same. The fourth time, I was relaxed enough to get to five inches, and I would jack off the remaining two. Now that's my method; I don't think I could fit any more of him in my mouth. I must have a small mouth. Kyle insisted he loved everything we did together and he always came, so it didn't matter how far he got. Quality over quantity. I made up for my lack of deep-throat skills with good tongue action and a nice rhythm. I always paid special attention to his head, digging my tongue into his piss slit, occasionally squeezing his balls, rubbing his perineum.

When I made love to him for the first time, I was super nervous.

I wasn't ready to have anything up inside of me just yet and Kyle was insistent on not pushing me. Even when I was arguing with myself and convincing myself, Kyle said quite forcefully: "Look, if you're trying to talk yourself into it, you're not ready. When you're ready, you won't think; you'll do it. I want to have sex with you, but when you want it so badly you'll come to me. Until then, you're sticking this inside of me!" Then he grabbed my aching cock through my jeans and I quickly agreed with him.

That didn't stop my nerves, however.

"Mason, this will be amazing," Kyle had reassured me. "I know it will. You always make me feel so good."

The evening was him talking me through it, as in how to prepare him. "It's been awhile," he had admitted. "Years, actually."

Then he walked me through the opening him up process. That was something new, sticking my fingers up another guy's ass. He had cleaned himself out prior to this, but his hole was warm and hot and really tight. My fingers were slender and as soon as I stuck one inside, it grasped it in a vise-like grip. I was amazed and spent a bit of time finger fucking him.

His loud moans and precum leaking out of his cock encouraged me. And the sight of him lifting his hips up and down, and his eyes rolling back boosted my confidence. I added a second finger and a third and before I knew it, he was growling and grabbing my hips.

"Are you stretched enough?" I asked as he kissed me hungrily.

"I know how to take it. I can handle it. I want you," he said, pulling on me roughly, lining my cock to his entrance.

Then I was inside him.

The feeling was incredible and indescribable. I wasn't sure how long I lasted. It was so tight and it felt like a thousand tiny threads were gripping my member. He was so warm and moist and it literally felt like heaven.

I thrust and thrust and was vaguely aware of Kyle yelling out something, but I wasn't sure because I was cumming and grunting and whimpering.

I felt slightly embarrassed that I didn't last too long, but Kyle was quick to comfort me. "I really enjoyed that, baby," he whispered. Apparently, Kyle had cum and he explained: "That even though it wasn't marathon sex, you were hitting my prostate and fuck, I forgot how good that felt."

Since then, we had been doing a lot of that and of course our usual sex activities. Anal sex still scared me and even though I was horny for Kyle, I wasn't ready to have something shoved up there. Although, I was experimenting with my finger in the shower occasionally. Thankfully Kyle never pressured me. He kept saying I would enjoy anal sex more if I truly wanted it. He said he could wait.

Now, tonight, after three months, one week, and two days together, we were going to go a step further. A new development in our sexual relationship.

Writhing on my bed, his legs tangled with mine, my arms wrapped around his neck, his hands caressing my body, I nibbled on his ear.


"Baby," he murmured.

"I want you to make love to me," I breathed in his ear. He froze and then looked down at me. "I'm ready. I want this. I really want it."

He continued to stare at me and must have seen the lust, desire, and need in my eyes.

He kissed my tenderly. "Ok, angel. Ok."

Then, much like the time I made love to him, he prepared me, but with more foreplay. I think he sensed my nerves again- Kyle seemed to know me better than I knew myself- and was extra careful with me.

His lips dragged all over my body and I mean every inch. He avoided my cock and balls, but his soft kisses and gentle nibbles and tender licks was enough to almost knock me over the edge.

Then he started licking my hole, swirling deeper and deeper, until his tongue felt like it had entered me. I gasped and arched my back. Something cold then touched my hole and again I jumped. I relaxed when I felt his finger rubbing across my hole, warming it up quickly.

"Baby, push out for me."

I did as he instructed and bit my lip when his finger penetrated me. It didn't hurt, but was uncomfortable. He eased his finger further and further, and then just rested it there.

"Get adjusted," he whispered and I breathed deeply, staring into his eyes; they soothed me. I sighed and sensing that I was more relaxed, he began moving his finger in and out very, very slowly. I admit, the longer he took, the more adjusted I became and it didn't feel uncomfortable anymore. Instead, if felt right. I sighed again and let out a quiet moan. "More, Kyle, more."

"Fuck, that's cold," I hissed when he added more lube to my hole before easing in a second finger.

"I have to make sure you're greased up. Trying to make this as painless as possible," he said simply. I opened my eyes and looked at him and he was staring at me intensely. "I refuse to hurt you."

I smiled. "I'm not as delicate as I appear. More," I said lifting my hips up, causing his two fingers to bump into something that literally made me shout. "Fuck, what is that?" My eyes were wide.

"Prostate. It's electric," Kyle said as he rubbed the knot inside me. I felt ripples of pleasure wash over me and my groin was tense, as if waiting for a release. My erection bobbed in the air between our bodies.

I whimpered. "I'm going to cum."

"Not yet, baby."

"It's so intense," I whispered, my body tensing, my fingers grabbing the sheets.

Kyle stopped stimulating my prostate and concentrated on a third finger. His fingers were larger than mine and I was definitely feeling my hole being stretched out. Discomfort radiated and I shifted on the bed, making a face. When his fingers teased the knot deep within, I again writhed with pleasure, my body heating up. It was such an enticing combination of pain and pleasure. It was agonizing.

"Please, I can't take it anymore," I nearly screamed as he teased my prostate with gentle swishes against it. "I need you, right now. I want to cum so bad. Please."

His fingers were gone and I eagerly awaited what was to come. Anxiously, I listened to the rustle of the condom wrapper, then the stretching sound rubber made as he rolled it onto his length. As I watched him add lube to his cock, his very hard and long cock, I felt waves and waves of lust wash over me and I wanted him to shove his cock inside me and make me cum and then cum inside me! Horniness is an amazing thing.

Taking a deep breath when I felt the tip nudging at my hole, our eyes locked.

"I love you," he stated simply.

My eyes widened and then I gasped as he entered me, with one sharp pop. I grimaced and he paused; I gripped his arms tightly and slowly and steadily, I felt him pushing further. It felt like my ass was slowly giving way to this new intrusion, while I was being torn apart. I took deep breaths. My nails started to dig into his biceps and he gritted his teeth.

"Are you ok?" he stopped moving.

"Go slow," I panted shifting on the bed, determined to do this.

He continued until I felt his balls dangling near my ass and he stopped all movement.

"Oh god."

"Take your time, baby. Just tell me when."

I nodded, my eyes closed, as I mentally willed the pain to go away. I guess his fingers weren't as big as I expected or the width of his cock.

I don't know how long it was, but the both of us were surprisingly still. Finally, I grasped his shoulders and opened my eyes.

"I love you, too."

His own eyes widened and then softened, before filling with happiness.

"Make love to me," I whispered, never breaking eye contact.

Without another word, but with the same emotional glint in his eyes, he pulled out all the way, and pushed back to the hilt. I gasped and arched my back. His thrusts were slow and measured, but as I loosened up and the pleasure began to spread and take over my body, he movements became faster. I could tell he was still going easy on me and I expressed my growing need for him by meeting his thrusts, and kissing him frantically.

"Oh god," he panted and then I guess his primal urges took over because he started moving faster and faster, with short and hard thrusts. I could feel the rocking of the bed and my head fell into the pillow, my eyes rolling back every time his cock massaged my prostate.

"Kyle, I'm going-"

He covered my mouth with his own, and I was nearly bent over as he continued pushing into me. My cock was now rubbing against his abdomen and the dual stimulation was driving me crazy. I was so choked up with the wonderful feelings that I couldn't even moan or anything. I just bit my lip and squeezed my eyes shut as I dug my fingers into his shoulder blades.

Without warning, or seemingly, I started shooting. I think my cum burst out of my cock before my mind or body could register it. I started spasming, shaking beneath Kyle, my hot load soaking the both of us. My ankles and toes felt sore and tense, as if the muscles had knotted up. Shudders racked my body and I held onto Kyle. As I took in large gasps of air, Kyle grunted into my ear, before stilling.

And then I felt it.

The explosion of warmth in my ass and I couldn't help the small smile of amazement that spread across my lips. A few whimpers escaped from him before his head fell into the crook of my neck. Then heavy breathing, from the both of us.

My hand made its way to his hair and I gently caressed it, feeling the softness of it. Even though my stomach felt soaked with my precum and cum and sweat, I didn't want to move. I liked the feel of his body on top of mine. Made me feel safe and loved.

Alas, it had to end. Boo.

Kyle gingerly eased out of me and got off the bed. I watched as he rolled the condom off and threw it in my garbage pail.

He brushed my forehead with his lips gently. "Wait here." then he went into my bathroom and I heard water running. Seconds later he came out with a towel and proceeded to clean me off. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the fact that he was giving me a pseudo washing. It seemed like such an intimate gesture.

I must have been drifting off because the next thing I felt was a body behind me, spooning me. The soft hairs on his legs rubbed my hairless ones. His muscular arms wrapped around my stomach. His lips kissed the nape of my neck. The covers were pulled over us, creating more warmth.


"I love you," he whispered.

I hummed. "I love you," I said sleepily. Then I was out. Post-coital bliss indeed. We slept, I don't know for how long, but it felt like a long time.

I wasn't sure what woke me up, but something did. I lifted my head off the pillow and for a second was disoriented, until I noticed the clothing on my floor and those familiar arms around me. I sank back down in comfort and sighed.

Then my eyes flew open. I suddenly realized what had woken me up.

I stared at the figure standing in the doorway, illuminated by the hallway light.

The man looked shocked, frozen in my doorway, unable to move at all.

Our eyes met and mine were full of shock and fear and worry; his held shock and something else.

Anger? Disgust?

Fear began to brew in my stomach. Not even the gentle sounds of Kyle's breathing could help me right now.

"Dad," I whispered.

Thanks for reading!

Other stories by me:

True Love Will Survive- College, March 20, 2008, complete

Turn of Events- College, May 14, 2007, complete

Next: Chapter 6

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