No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on May 1, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly. Comments, criticisms, or questions are welcomed:


"Mace, what has gotten into you?" Kyle said as we broke apart. He took a big breath and stared at me.

"Nothing," I said rubbing his chest. "I'm just horny."

Kyle smiled slightly. "I can see that. But it's more than the typical horniness. I'm horny. You seem, I don't know. Are you alright?" he asked with real concern.

I stared at him. "Only you would interrupt making out just to ask if I'm ok," I said.

"What can I say?" he said softly. "I care. Even if it means I might not get laid," he grinned.

I laughed. "You'll get laid. Trust me," I said. "It's been long enough."

Even if I was nervous about having sex for the first time, I was anxious. I really liked Kyle and I was so attracted to him; I wanted him. Five weeks was too long going without sex, especially if you had someone to do it with!

In truth, I was a little bummed and stressed about Jackson still. We had barely talked and I hated to admit it, as much as I missed my best friend, I was so busy with school and Kyle, well, it didn't seem that awful without him. I guess I did sort of replace Jackson with Kyle, but I still thought Jackson was blowing this way out of proportion and I was now mad at him.

So there!

However, it still took a toll on me. Whenever I was around campus and got lonely in between classes, I'd always think of Jackson and how we'd eat together and shoot the shit. I missed that.

What made it particularly worse for me, was that today, as Kyle was coming over, I saw Jackson pulling into his driveway and as he walked inside his house, he totally ignored me.

Maybe that was why I was focusing all my energy on Kyle.

"I'd wait for you," Kyle said seriously.

"God, the things you say," I laughed. "Kyle, are you for real?"


"You're supposed to grind up against me and push the limits, to see how far we'll go; not tell me you're willing to wait," I teased.

He hugged me tighter and kissed my neck. "I'm not most guys. You're not most guys. With you, I proceed with care."

"Caution. It's proceed with caution," I corrected.

"I say care," Kyle said pecking my nose.

"You're weird," I said kissing him, running my fingers through his short hair. I tugged on it and Kyle laughed into my mouth.

"Playing rough, are we?" he asked kissing my throat and chin.

"You can take it, big guy," I said kissing him harder. He cupped my face, his thumb massaging my cheek. Our tongues rolled around each others. His mouth was warm and wet and inviting. I had never kissed another person before, but with Kyle, things just came naturally. And in my opinion, he was a pretty good kisser.

I opened my mouth wider to taste more of him and I could feel him breathing through his nose. As we shifted, I felt his erection pressing into my stomach. When his hands slipped underneath my shirt, I groaned.

Pulling away from him with a loud smack, I panted out, "Let's go upstairs."

His eyes were glazed over, his lips swollen and red. He smiled. "Ok."

I took his hand, got off his lap, and led the way to my room. We awkwardly and hurriedly climbed the stairs before barreling into my room. I jumped onto my bed with a laugh and he stretched out on top of me.

My back arched when he pinned my wrists above my head, sucking on my neck.

"Kyle," I gasped, trying to move my hands.

"You're all mine, now," he whispered into my ear, kissing gently behind it.

I whimpered as my eyes rolled back, a tingling sensation erupting from my groin. He released my wrists and started lifting up my shirt. I sat up and he peeled it off, chucking it on the carpet. Then he pushed me back down and started kissing my chest. His lips felt hot all over me and I gasped and moaned, my hands gripping his hair.

"You have such smooth skin," he whispered. "Like porcelain."

I laughed. "Like a doll?"

"No, like a baby." I could feel the smile on his lips.

I giggled. "You think of me as prepubescent boy?"

"No, you're my baby," Kyle said moving his lips to mine, kissing me hungrily.

Gently, I pushed him away. My insecurities were creeping in again.

"You don't think I'm too skinny?" I asked hesitantly. Kyle pulled back and looked at me, searchingly. "I work out a little, but not enough. My chest is nonexistent and my ribs-" I was shut up when Kyle planted a hard kiss on my lips.

"None of that," he said gruffly. "Don't second-guess yourself. Don't be insecure. Fuck, Mason, I'm here, in bed with you, dying to be with you. I have a throbbing hard on. How else can I convince you that I'm attracted to you?"

"But you're so buff and-"

"That's why you're attracted to me. And you're slim build gets me really hot," he said pecking my lips. "Everyone is attracted to something different." He took my hand and placed it on his crotch. My eyes widened. I knew he was hard- we both were- but to feel his pulsing and throbbing cock, even through his jeans, it caused a wave of arousal to hit me. "That's for you. That's because of you. This is what you do to me," he finished huskily, capturing my lips as he fell on top of me once again. "So stop thinking, stop worrying," he panted before kissing me again.

I closed my eyes, getting lost in the kiss. I would take his advice. Tonight was going to be special and I wasn't going to ruin it with all my doubts. First time nerves were expected, but I knew that I could trust Kyle.

He quickly kissed down my chest and stomach and I arched into his lips. My head pushed into the pillow as I moaned loudly, fisting the blankets.

I was so hard I was half-expecting my cock to drill a hole into the front of my jeans!

Finally, his hands gripped the waist band of my jeans and he gave a forceful tug. I grunted.

"Can I, baby?"

I nodded and he smiled before unbuttoning my jeans and pulling the zipper down over my lump. I bit my lip and hissed as he tugged down my jeans and boxers at the same time, his fists clenching the material tightly. I lifted my ass up and soon my clothes were past my hips and slowly moving down my thighs and ankles, before they too joined my shirt on the carpet.

I was naked, but felt really exposed, as he was still completely dressed. I pushed my legs together and shrunk into myself, by instinct, especially as his eyes seemed to just swallow me.

He shook his head. "No," he whispered as his hands gripped my ankles and then traveled up my calves before gripping my knees where he shoved my legs apart abruptly.

I let out a cry, but he positioned himself closer and began placing soft kisses on the inside of my thighs. My eyes rolled back. Who knew that area was so sensitive? I shuddered as he licked and nibbled my skin.

When his hot tongue washed over my balls and slid up my member, I almost jumped. It felt like electricity was coursing through my body. My cock was hard and pointing towards my stomach, the tip an angry shade of red and purple.

I watched in a haze as his pink tongue swirled around my head and I let out a shout.

Suddenly, he stopped and sat up. I looked at him in confusion, but he merely began taking off his own clothes. My eyes followed the movement as he stripped and chucked it on the floor, with a loud plop. I smiled when he was completely naked.

"This is my first time seeing you," I reminded.

"That's right," he said with a small smile. "Like what you see?" he asked almost shyly.

My eyes roamed across his defined chest and shoulders, which I knew he already had, judging by the way his clothing fit. His nipples were perfect- pink and erect. My eyes wandered down his defined stomach, with the outline of a six-pack, and his light treasure trail leading to his crotch. His cock was staring at me, amid his bush of dark brown hair, and looked thick, a bit of precum pooling at the tip. I swallowed hard.

"You're beautiful," I said with a hint of awe in my voice.

I swear, he blushed and shrugged his shoulders.

"Not as beautiful as you are," he said stretching out on top of me once again. The skin to skin contact was even better and our hot flesh was rubbing against each other. His skin seemed to burn mine and I sighed, burying my face in his neck, inhaling his scent.

When his dick touched mine I shivered and my legs made their way around his waist, gripping him. Soon, we had a rhythm going, as he thrust against me, our combined precum making us slippery and wet. His pace picked up and I was pushing up against him, matching his stride.

I started laughing; I couldn't help it.

He paused, then smiled in confusion. "What?"

"I feel like a rabbit." My giggling became louder.

He stared at me and his smile grew and before we knew it, we were both laughing, while resuming our thrusting.

"Fuck. Who knew sex could be this fun?" he asked chuckling as I giggled into his neck, holding onto him.

I felt the familiar tingle in my groin and knew I was close. My body started tensing.


"I know, me too," he grunted as he placed his arms on either side of my head and began thrusting hard against me. I could see his arm muscles straining.

I groaned and my eyes rolled back and I dug my fingers into his back. My toes started curling and then I felt the tension traveling up my legs and burst out of my stomach. I let out a strangled cry as I humped against Kyle, feeling my cum spurt out.

"Fuck, oh god, fuck," I whimpered as the pleasure continue swirling around my groin and I lifted my hips and down, trying to prolong the feelings.

Kyle let out a growl and stilled above me and then I literally felt a ripple travel throughout his body and then hot liquid started shooting onto my dick and stomach. He groaned and it sounded so guttural and animalistic, I couldn't help staring at him in amazement.

His Adam's apple protruded as he threw back his head and I leaned up, kissing and licking it. His chest was sweaty and I could see the muscles twitching beneath his skin. I wrapped my legs tighter around him and finally, he collapsed on top of me. I let out a muffled sound, but luckily the bed absorbed most of his weight.

"Oh my god," he breathed. He was breathing hard, trying to regain his breath. I could feel his chest rising and falling. "I really enjoyed that."

I started laughing. "Really?"

"Yes," he kissed me gently. "It's amazing to have sex with someone you care about." He stared deep into my eyes.

I smiled. "I care about you, too," I said quietly, peering at him. "And I enjoyed it, too." I blushed when he chuckled.

"I hope you did," Kyle said. "I'd like to do it again sometime."

"Tonight?" I asked curiously not really sure how things were supposed to work.

Kyle laughed. "I'd love to. I'd love to do a few more things with you, in fact."

I blushed and smiled, my fingers tracing circles on his chest. "Like what?"

"I'd rather show you," he murmured looking at me through half-closed lids.

"Ok," I whispered, trusting him completely.

"Just give me some time to recover. I'm an old man, you know."

I rubbed my face into his neck and sighed. "My old man." I smiled because we were obviously joking. He was only five years older than me.

"My little baby," he breathed against my temple.

The next day I finally got to see Jackson.

Too bad it was because his mother insisted on sending over food.

His arms were folded and his jaw was set stubbornly. I had seen that expression on him before, just never directed at me.

"Here," he said shortly, handing me three containers. "Some potato salad, and another is double baked potatoes, and the last is lasagna. I think." He met my eyes briefly and nodded before turning.

"I had sex with Kyle," I blurted out. I so wanted to talk about it with my best friend. That's what us guys were supposed to do.

Jackson whipped around with record speed. Gone was his disgruntled expression, instead, replaced with a surprised one.


I nodded.

"Get the fuck out! How was it?" he asked, stepping side my house, brushing past me, like he always did. I smiled, welcoming the familiarity.

I walked to the kitchen and placed the food on the countertop. Then I turned to Jackson, who had followed me, looking curious.

"When?" he asked.

"Wednesday night," I said blushing.

"Was it good?"

I nodded, my blush deepening. "I ended up skipping class on Thursday."

Jackson hooted. "Fuck! Details! Did you do the real deal or the other fun stuff?"

I frowned. "Fun stuff?"

"Actual anal sex or jerk-offs, blow jobs, stuff," he clarified.

"I guess we jerked off together. We were grinding into one another. Then he gave me a blowjob. Well, twice. He slept over. Thank god my Dad is never home," I said bashfully.

Jackson's eyes were wide. "Wow! You did a lot. My little Mace is all grown up!"

It felt good to hear him call me Mace again. I smiled.

"I never had a blow job before. It felt really good."

Jackson laughed at me and I ducked my head. "Kyle's good, huh?"

I nodded, turning red again. "He was really good," I said, hopping a little.

Jackson grinned. "I'm happy for you. It's about time!" he crowed. Then he became serious. "So you really like Kyle?" I nodded. "He treats you good, right?" I nodded again. "Good," he said. "Otherwise I'd so kick his ass or have my friends run him off the road and then call it an accident. I know people who know other people who know- well, you get the idea."

I smiled. "You'd do that for me?"

"Of course," Jackson snorted. "You're my best friend."

"Really?" I asked. I must have sounded really surprised, because he looked at me like I was an idiot.

"Umm, yeah. You don't just throw away sixteen years of friendships, you dumb shit."

"I'm sorry I said all those things; I didn't mean it," I said quickly.

He stared at me. "I know." Then he grinned. "I was just waiting for you to come to me to apologize. I knew you were worried and nervous about approaching me, but I wanted to see how long it'd take you to come crawling back," he said almost smugly.

"You ass!" I cried out. "I was really worried you hated me or something."

Jackson became serious again. "I'd never hate you Mace. I couldn't. We have too much history and you're the greatest friend. I really want good things for you and for you to be happy." He sounded almost emotional. He cleared his throat and paused. "I just want us to best friends and not have guys come in between us, you know? We're such a pair, well, I didn't know how to feel when you weren't there all the time for me, which is stupid, because I know that no matter what, you're always there for me," he rambled.

"I am," I said.

"We're growing up and now our lives are going to diverge a bit especially when significant others enter the picture," Jackson said. He sighed. "I'll have to get adjusted to that, and I will, in time."

I smiled. "So we're good?"

Jackson matched my smile. "We're good, you little mouse!"

"Hey, you're shorter than me!"

"But you're all quiet and shy and soft-spoken. Like a mouse. Mousy Mason," he smirked.

I grinned and jumped on him, wrapping my arms tightly around him, in a vise-like hug. He grunted and tried to hug me back, but it was hard since I had his arms pinned.

"Missed me, huh?"

"You have no idea," I said.

"Alright, make me something to drink and we'll talk."

"About what?"

"About Kyle," Jackson said. "I want to know everything. The things he says, how he treats you, how you finally made it to the big moment," he smiled. "I want to be included. We're supposed to know everything about the other," he said pointing back and forth at the two of us.

"Wait, is this in reference to the time my Dad bought a new cabinet for our DVDs and when you saw it, you freaked out?" I snorted.

"It wasn't the furniture," he scoffed back. "it was the symbolism of that furniture. It meant that we hadn't talked or hung out in awhile, because if we were hanging out, I would have known about your new furniture purchase, or whatever. It was a wake-up call. We needed to hang out more."

I blinked, trying to process his fast speech.

"Anyway, that's what this is. We had our little fight and now I've missed out on some details of your life and I plan on catching up. Now go make me something to drink," he ordered. "Can you make me some tea, and add some honey and lemon juice? It makes the sweetest combination ever."

I rolled my eyes. "What am I? Your maid?"

He smiled sweetly. "No, I'm your best friend. We do things for each other, even if we don't want to."

I shook my head and went to get a tea bag. "Fair enough."

Jackson grinned and kicked his legs a little as he plopped in a chair. "So, did you and Kyle do anything for Valentine's Day?" he asked, getting comfortable.

I put some hot water in the kettle and turned on the flame.

"Yeah," I smiled. "We saw a movie, then had a late dinner here, with takeout. Then we made coffee."

"Any dessert?" Jackson winked.

I cocked my head. "Do you mean actual dessert?"

"Both," he shrugged. "Enlighten me."

"Well, when he came to pick me up, he had a bunch of cupcakes with red frosting and he had a box of chocolates, and a card, and roses," I said grinning. "He said he made a batch of cupcakes and gave them to his aunt and uncle, and for his mechanic buddies. He does it every year."

"To his mechanic buddies? Doesn't he get a beat down because of that?" Jackson asked.

"It's his Uncle's business and everyone is like family, so I've heard. And he's out and pretty respected and well-liked, I gather. Besides, he likes these holiday things. He says he usually bakes or buys something for occasions, so everyone can celebrate together."

"That's kinda sweet," Jackson mused.

I nodded happily. "I wasn't expecting any of that. I didn't get him anything. I mean, I never spent time with anyone on Valentine's Day, except for you and you don't count."

"Gee, thanks," he said sarcastically. "Did you make it up to him, though?"

"Ah, the second meaning of dessert," I giggled. "Yeah, we fooled around a bit afterwards. I think he was happier with that than he would have been with candy and flowers."

Jackson hummed. "I bet."

I finished making his drink, with the both of us relaxing in comfortable silence.

Yeah, things were definitely back to normal.

I couldn't have been happier.

"So your group of friends is called `the Gay UN'? As in a gay United Nations?" Kyle laughed.

"Yeah, `cause we're all so ethnically different," I replied. "It's a fun joke among us."

"If your group of friends are mostly gay, how come you never hooked up with one of them?" he asked.

I shrugged. "I guess the attraction wasn't there. I mean, I think they're all great looking and super nice and funny, but there wasn't that extra something." I looked at him. "You know?"

He nodded. "I do. Besides good looks and personality, there has to be that spark." He smiled and took my hand. "Like that spark with us."

I grinned and leaned over in the car to kiss him. "Yeah, we have a special spark."

"Special indeed," he murmured deepening the kiss, cupping my face.

I moaned softly and gently nudged him away. "No more of that. We have Cassidy's dinner to go to," I said starting up my car.

"How do you know Cassidy anyway?"

"Through Jackson. He's a nice enough guy," I shrugged.

"He invited you?"

"Me and Jackson and everyone else," I answered. I looked at him. "What's with the twenty questions?" I asked.

"Just wondering who this Cassidy person is," he answered nonchalantly looking at his hands.

I studied him. "Are you jealous?" I asked incredulously.

"I don't know. You're a young guy in college, surrounded by other fun loving college dudes," Kyle answered looking around. "Who knows if one of them might strike your fancy. Or you strike theirs," he said meeting my eyes. "You have a common background, being students and all that."

I smiled. "Nah, college guys don't do it for me. They're all whiny and dumb and messy and unshaven. I like older men, who are rugged and handsome and manly. Manly," I raised my brows and winked at him.

Kyle laughed loudly. "Now I know you're lying to my face. I'm not rugged. And I'm manly, but not that manly," he said modestly.

I rubbed my face into his cheek. "You're manly enough for me. You work with cars, that's super manly. And hot. And you have the perfect combination of sweet, like when you bake for your Aunt on special days. You're the ultimate package," I said sincerely.

"Really?" Kyle asked turning his face and searching for my lips.

I nudged him away again. "None of that. We really have to get going. I hate being late."

Kyle mock pouted. "You're no fun," he said rubbing my knee.

"We have the entire weekend to be together," I said shifting.

It wasn't a big deal, we had already been intimate, but it was weird to cohabit with my boyfriend for the first time. It's not like I had a lot of experience with this thing. It was like playing house for two nights. It was a bit exciting.

"I know. I like having you at my house," Kyle said looking ahead as I switched lanes.

"You do?"

"Yeah. A house, a job, life in general means nothing if you don't have some good company to share it with," he said looking at me, his eyes appearing even bluer because of the blue sweater he was wearing.

"Two months, two weeks, three days, and," I checked my watch, "Six hours together- You better enjoy my company by now!"

"Oh yeah and if I don't?" he challenged. "What are you going to do?"

"Kiss you until you do," I shot back as I pulled in front of the restaurant. I found a spot and instantly swerved over to it.

"Shit, I'll never get used to your driving style," he muttered breathing hard, his hand clutching the seatbelt.

I grinned. "I had to make sure I got the spot!"

"There's no one else," he exclaimed looking around. I turned my head just as another car pulled in from the highway and I looked at Kyle triumphantly. He rolled his eyes. "Quit your whining. I'm starving. Let's go eat!" I said enthusiastically.

Cassidy's Uncle owned the restaurant and everyone invited got a good deal- a nine course meal and only twenty bucks. It was crowded as we walked in, but I immediately spotted my friends in the Reserved table section.

"Jackson," I called out.

He turned around and waved once he saw me. Like me, he was dressed up. Not suit and tie, but nicer than our sweatshirts and jeans and sneakers. I always enjoyed those rare times when a group of my friends dressed up. It made the evening more fun in my opinion.

Moving closer to his table, I spotted Christopher and Misha with their boyfriends, as well as Cassidy and a few girls I knew through Jackson.

Christopher and Misha waved, while a few girls shouted hello or gave me a hug.

As I took a seat, Kyle whispered in my ear, "I see through your shy act. Look at you, so popular."

I smiled. "Not really my friends," I said quietly. "Only through association. Jackson is the social butterfly."

To prove my point, I nodded at Jackson who was still milling around, talking to everyone, practically yelling with laughter.

I introduced Kyle to Christopher and Misha and all the boyfriends said hello to everyone else. It was all very confusing, all these gay boys around.

"I heard that Mason found a man," Christopher said, his bright smile enrapturing me as usual. "It's nice to meet you in person."

"You mean to observe me?" Kyle laughed. "See how I treat little Mason, here?"

Christopher laughed. "I can tell Jackson had a talk with you."

"That I did," Kyle said.

"Beware of Jackson; he may be little, but he actually means what he says. And he's surprisingly strong. You can't tell, but his small body packs a lot of strength. One time we were fighting over something and he pinned me down," Misha said, gesturing over his six foot tall body, "And I couldn't move. I'm telling you, he's just a freak."

"Freakishly strong," Christopher added.

"He wrestled with you too?" I asked.

Christopher nodded. "Something about him wanting the last brownie or something. He said he'd fight me over it. He did," he finished solemnly causing all of us to laugh.

"I'll keep that for future reference," Kyle said. He rubbed my back and Christopher smiled, catching my eye. I blushed and looked down at my plate.

Conversation was light and fun, at times hilariously funny.

The food was my favorite part. There were so many courses and luckily none of the other guys ate as much as I did, except for Jackson. He and I could really rival each other on our stomach capacities.

Oh and sitting next to Kyle was also my favorite part of the night; for once having a boyfriend to bring to such things.

"Jackson, how are you so buff and so small, but eat so much?" Don, Christopher's boyfriend, asked.

"Jackson really weighs 213 pounds; he just carries it really well," Misha said swallowing his mouthful of food. "His bones must be made of titanium or some shit. I'd never want to go out on a date with him and pay for his meals," he shook his head.

That happened to crack up the entire table. I spent the whole night laughing my ass off, my mouth open in some kind of howl. Those were the best laughs and I was just in really good mood.

Jackson obviously noticed because he nudged me when Kyle and Misha were discussing college basketball.

"Someone is happy," he said. "I guess Kyle takes good care of you," he raised his brows in a suggestive manner. "Man, if all it took to make you lighten up was getting you laid, I would have hired us some strippers for our birthdays."

"Keep your voice down," I hissed, checking to see if Kyle had heard. He didn't; he was still engrossed in his sports talk. Manly man. I smiled.

Jackson rolled his eyes. "Calm down, it's all in good fun."

I checked to see if Kyle was watching and I quickly leaned over to Jackson. Jackson frowned and leaned towards me.

"I think I might be in love," I said as if divulging some huge secret. I couldn't tell if I really just liked Kyle a lot or he was special because he was my first boyfriend. This love business was confusing.

Jackson's eyes widened. "What? Really?"

I nodded.

"Why might?" he asked. "Do you not know?"

"How are you supposed to know?"

"You just know," Jackson stated as if I were dumb.

"Like you're an expert?" I snorted. "Give me some sure facts."

"Ok, " Jackson said turning to me. "I've never been in love myself, but I love certain people, and you know, I read a lot," he shrugged. "So here's the deal. You care about them and their well-being. You'll put them first even if it puts you in a sticky situation and you won't resent it either, because you'll want to do it. Let's see- you'd think about them all the time, want to see them all the time, feel bad if you're not with them all the time. Then when you are with them, you're grossly happy making others puke, and you have constant butterflies in your gut, but also a level of comfort and confidence because the feeling is, hopefully, mutual," he finished.

I stared at my best friend, wide-eyed. "Wow," I breathed. "Not bad, my friend. You certainly pick up the facts quite well. I almost feel like you've been in love."

"Nah, there hasn't been a snazzy enough person to catch my attention," Jackson shrugged. "Can't rush these things." He stared at me. "So Kyle, huh?"

"Like I said, I don't know for sure."

"Do you feel and think exactly what I've just mentioned?" he questioned.

I thought about it. "I think so," I said slowly. "Um, more or less. I can't do a mental checklist right now! There's too much pressure!"

"Too much pressure for what?"

I nearly jumped in the air. I turned to Kyle who was smiling, but frowning at the same time.

"What's with the jumpiness?" he asked before he started to grin. "Were you talking about me?"

"No," I said quickly. Too quickly. I instantly cursed myself when his smile grew wider.

"You were, weren't you? What were you saying?" Kyle pressed moving closer.

I licked my lips and tried to think of a quick answer, but Kyle's smiling eyes were making it difficult. And that sweater really brought out the vibrant color of his eyes.

"How good you look in that sweater," Jackson said smoothly. "You really do. That's a nice sweater, by the way. Where'd you get it from?"

Kyle blinked and then frowned. "Oh, I don't remember. It's kind of old."

"You can't really tell," Jackson said and then get this: they spent literally ten minutes talking about sweaters they liked and what stores had the best ones. I kid you not, ten freaking minutes of my life, wasted away, on stupid sweater talk!

When Kyle excused himself to go to the bathroom, I turned to Jackson.

"Smooth, right?"

I laughed. "Smooth indeed, but also incredibly boring. Sweaters?" I paused dramatically. "Really?" I asked sarcastically.

Jackson laughed as well. "It was all I could come up with in a span of half a second. Give a brother some credit."

I bowed my head. "Credit is bestowed."

"Credit accepted," he said bowing back down.

We laughed.

"You're so lame."

"So are you," Jackson snorted. "You were laughing also. We're equally lame."

"You two are weird," Misha said smiling.

"I agree," Kyle said sitting down beside me. "But super cute," he murmured in my ear. "Right, baby?"

I blushed when Misha and Christopher smiled in my direction. I took Kyle's hand and nuzzled his neck, brushing my lips gently against his skin.

"Right, manly man," I laughed lightly.

Thanks for reading!

Other stories by me:

True Love Will Survive- College, March 20, 2008, complete

Turn of Events- College, May 14, 2007, complete

Next: Chapter 5

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