No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Apr 27, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly. Comments, criticisms, or questions are welcomed:


I was sleeping so well; I didn't want to wake up. I was warm, I was cozy, and I felt remarkably content and safe. I snuggled a bit into my pillow, and sighed as my eyes fluttered.

It was then that I noticed the color of the blankets: pale blue. I blinked a few times, to wake up, and finally, stared with wide eyes at the pale, plush comforter that was resting over my shoulders.

Something was seriously wrong.

Here's the thing, my comforter was embarrassingly girly- ivory and green with a pattern of pink and red roses- one that my sister had bought from Macy's. That girl always did love her sales. She'd buy things for other people just to get that sale. She was sick.

Then I realized that this wasn't my room at all. It was totally different. Gone were the mint green walls, and god, yes, curtains with a flower print that happened to match my comforter. Again, another gift from my sister who was into sewing and all those crafty things girls were into.

I continued looking around the room. Instead of my pink carpeting, it was white and matched the white walls, with an outline of blue wallpaper. The room was much neater than mine. I was oddly messy for such a nerdy, dorky dude. The desk was organized, the bookcase tidy, and the computer free of dust.

I shifted on the bed and I got my third big shock of the morning, besides my growing headache.

I was completely naked under the covers. Not a stitch of clothing at all. Now that was a big deal- I didn't even sleep naked in my own bed, let alone in another person's bed! I wasn't one to sleep around. Hell, I hadn't slept around, at all!

I was seriously beginning to panic. I didn't remember anything from last night, where I was, how I got here, and for fuck's sake, with whom. If I was in Jackson's room naked, I'd be freaked out, but at least I'd know I was safe.

Who the hell knew what kind of person I ended up with? Was it a guy or a girl from our party? God there were so many people, a lot of whom I did not even know.

Shifting on the bed, I checked my body over. I didn't have any visible marks or bruises and I didn't feel funny except for my head feeling a little heavy and achy.

Footsteps suddenly clinkered about and my heart started pounding as I realized they were getting louder; thus the person, whoever he or she was, was coming closer. However, judging by the heavy footsteps, I was guessing I had gone home with a guy. My eyes widened as I searched for a quick way out, but even I knew that wasn't realistic as I had no clothes and didn't know where they were!

Breathing hard and staring at the closed door, I waited with fear, my fingers clutching the comforter for dear life.

Oh god, who did I go home with?

A rapist?

A murderer?

A biker dude with tattoos? Ok, I'd take the biker dude with tattoos as long as he wasn't a rapist or potential murderer!

The door swung open and I first saw a tray with several plates of food and juice and a bottle of water. Then my eyes traveled up to the man's face.

The man's very attractive face.

Smiling, attractive face.

I was speechless.

"Hungry?" he asked cheerfully with a beautiful smile. What a nice row of even white teeth.

And his sparkling eyes. What color were they? Blue? Yes, I think they were blue. And freckles. He had boyish freckles under his eyes and across his nose. Dear God, I went to bed with this man and didn't even remember it? The world was truly unfair.

I made an incoherent noise from the back of my throat.

"Here, brought you some Tylenol to ease that headache, or I assume you have one. Maybe not?" he asked, moving closer, setting the tray on the bed.

If I wasn't so freaked out, I would have been in awe of the tray- it was one of those breakfast in bed things.

"Are you ok?" he asked with genuine concern. He sat on the other side of the bed, beside the food. "Here have some water," he said thrusting the bottle at me.

I blankly took it and started drinking. It did feel good to drink water. I ended up drinking half the bottle.

As I handed it back to him, I was painfully aware that he was fully dressed and I was naked. I pulled the covers tighter around myself.

He noticed and smiled. "I was making breakfast, or well, brunch, and I didn't want hot food splashing in any delicate areas, if you know what I mean."

I blinked and stared at him.

He cocked his head at me. "Do you remember anything from last night?"

"Not really," I said cautiously. "Um, no. Wait, let me think," I paused and I noticed the corners of his mouth turn up and I frowned. "What?"

"Nothing, go on and do your thinking," he insisted.

I thought hard about last night. I did remember meeting up with Jackson and going to our party at one of his friend's houses, although I took my own car because sometimes I'd get so sick of the crowds that I'd have to leave, but I wouldn't want to disrupt Jackson's fun.

When we arrived, Jackson started talking and yelling with everyone as the loud music infiltrated my ears.

I went off to get a drink, and as I watched Jackson get immersed in the crowd, I suddenly felt really lonely. And envious. Envious of Jackson and how well he got along with everyone, even complete strangers. I had so much trouble connecting with another person and it just made things so hard in life, at least when it came to relationships.

Everyone else my age had had tons of relationships under their belt, and me almost 21, had none. Nothing. I was a freak of nature. Absolutely no sexual experience either. I'd be like Steve Carrell in the 40 Year Old Virgin.

After awhile it became too much and I left. I left and headed to a bar. I remember having a few shots and that was where my trip down memory lane ended.

"I went to a bar?" I said slowly, looking at the stranger for affirmation.

He pointed at me. "Bingo. Now, do you remember my name? Or even meeting me?"

I shook my head and stared at him.

He merely chuckled. "I figured as much. You were kinda out of it. My name's Kyle."

"I'm-" I automatically started to introduce myself, but he cut me off.

"Mace, I remember. I wasn't that plastered," he grinned and I was mesmerized by his smile. "But I have to say, that's an interesting name. Is it short for something or a nickname? I tried asking you last night, but you mumbled something about school, Jackson, and I think, um, obnoxious jerk."

I laughed. "When I was in kindergarten, I met my current best friend. When we told each other our names, he said mine was a stupid old man's name, so he called me Mace. Then everyone else started calling me Mace. Jackson has that kind of power over people. Now, I'm officially Mace. Unless it's my father or sister talking to me; then I'm Mason," I rambled. It helped to calm my nerves.

"Mason," Kyle mused. "I like Mason actually. It's neither stupid nor old sounding."

I shrugged. Then I returned to my questioning. "So, how did we meet? Or, umm, end up here, like this?"

Kyle laughed. "That's a fun story."

I blushed. "Oh."

"You walked into the bar and I noticed you right away because you just looked so sad and conflicted. And I thought- how could such a cute and young guy be so sad and conflicted? I watched you down a few shots and then ask for a mixed drink. You said it was your birthday and you were allowed to drink as much as you wanted. You were starting on your second drink and I decided to buy you another one. Then I walked over and made conversation," he said, then laughed.

"Although, you weren't making much sense. You were kind of loud and blubbering about your friends or parties where people spilled food on you. Either way, I thought it was cute. Then you said you weren't feeling well and I asked if you wanted to take a walk with me, get some fresh air."

He glanced at me. "By the way, you're lucky I'm not some psycho, because taking a walk with a complete stranger while drunk is never a good idea. But anyway, you were starting to fall asleep as we were walking, and I couldn't find out where you lived, so I ended up taking you home with me," he finished.

I took a minute to process everything he said. I was never one to drink a lot and I can't believe my small body was able to handle that much. I didn't even feel that bad right now. Then a thought occurred to me.

"How did I end up here? I mean, not here, here, but in here, with no clothes?" I blushed as I spoke the last two words.

Kyle's eyes sparkled. "Somewhere between the car and here, you got your second wind back. Started talking and I couldn't help myself- you were such an adorable bumbling drunk- I kissed you. A quick peck, but man, you're a passionate little guy, and soon we were making out like two teenagers. We made it to the bed, shed our clothes, got all hot and bothered," he paused dramatically. "And then you fell asleep, out for the rest of the night."

My mouth fell open. "Really?" I squeaked.

Kyle nodded. "I wouldn't lie about that," he joked. "And that's why you're in my bed with no clothes on. But I was a perfect gentleman; I slept on the couch and I didn't grope you at all while you slept, only a peek or two. Or three," he grinned.

I blushed again and I actually felt my face reddening. I clutched the covers even tighter.

"You're hungry, right?" he asked, nodding at the tray. "Eat up. You'll feel better and more energized."

It was a standard breakfast- eggs, sausage, and toast, but I was hungry and it did look really good.

"Umm," I said glancing at his expectant face. "Can I have my clothes?"

"Oh! Yeah, of course," he said jumping off the bed and walking over to his bathroom. "Here," he said handing it to me. They were all folded perfectly and I raised my brow. He shrugged. "I like my room being neat. Strewn clothing on the floor is only allowed during sex; afterwards, it better be tidied up."

I burst out laughing and I threw my head back.

"Why you laughing? I'm serious," Kyle said with amusement.

"I'm sorry," I said between giggles and Kyle was smiling at me the entire time. "I've never met such a neat freak before."

"I'm not a neat freak," he muttered good-naturedly. "I like good presentation. Now quit talking and eat!"

"Um, I'm gonna put my clothes on first," I began. He just looked at me, standing in the same spot. "Could you, umm, you know, could you turn around?" I asked hesitantly.

Kyle's smile grew and he went into the bathroom. "Tell me when you're done."

I quickly shuffled on my boxers, threw on my shirt. I got out of bed and chucked on my jeans. As I was buttoning up, I called out to Kyle. "All done."

He emerged as I sank back down onto the bed. I grabbed a piece of toast and bit off a huge hunk of it. I chewed and noticed Kyle smiling at me.

"What?" I asked with a full mouth.

"You're smiling as you chew. I guess it means you're happy when you're eating," he said.

I shrugged. "I'm hungry. I get hungry a lot."

"Yeah?" he asked looking me over. "It doesn't really show."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm skinny," I said. "Can't help it. I eat and eat and it doesn't go anywhere."

I had always been thin. Not rail thin, thankfully, as I had some arm muscles and abdominal muscles due to my pushups and crunches I did, and the occasional jog. I hated lifting weights. It was boring and tedious. But depending on what angle I sat at, my rib bones stuck out a bit, and my elbows and knees protruded a out. So sometimes I did resemble a prepubescent teenage boy and I hated it.

I didn't know how to rectify my young look. Jackson suggested I try to grow a mustache, with emphasis on try, because it was a well-known fact that Asian guys couldn't grow hair anywhere. Most times.

"Hey," Kyle said holding up his hands. "That's not a bad thing. If you're lucky enough to eat as much as a cow, then enjoy it."

I grunted as I devoured the sausages in literally four bites. The eggs were polished off in seconds and I downed the juice in two big gulps. I sighed and then burped.

"Sorry," I said sheepishly.

Kyle laughed. "It's quite alright."

"Thanks for the food," I said, not knowing what else to say. I fidgeted with the blankets between my fingers.

He fingers crazed my forearm and my skin tingled. I looked up at him.

"Want more food?" he asked with a gentle look in his eyes.

"Yes, please," I said shyly and he laughed.

"Come," he said motioning for me to follow him.

I watched as he moved smoothly around his kitchen, cracking eggs and frying them in the pan. I couldn't help checking him out. He was tall and had that sexy curve or slope of his shoulders and arms when it was really well muscled. I couldn't really explain it, but it was hot watching him move around. Occasionally, I'd see his muscles flex through his clothing; his forearms were exposed and the veins moved beneath the skin as he grabbed things. I was getting a little aroused watching him.

"So you're twenty-one?"

I nodded.

"When was your birthday?"

"Last Wednesday."

"A fresh twenty-one," he said. "So why were you all bummed looking last night? Rough day?"

"I was at a party. My party. Well, our party. Me and Jackson, my best friend," I clarified. "Our birthdays are a week apart, and since we were little, we usually would have a party together, with friends anyway. Family things were separate. Sorta."

Kyle's eyebrows were arched as he waited for me to go on.

"Those big parties, they aren't really me. And most of them are Jackson's friends; some were complete strangers and I didn't feel like mingling with them. Actually, I'm not so good with meeting new people. Never have been. Usually, I just tag along with Jackson who's the more aggressive one and he's always dragging me everywhere with him, in order for me to have fun, but he never understands that that's not MY idea of fun. But every time I try to tell him so, he gets all defensive and hurt, so I just learned to shut up and go along."

"But last night? I was just so sick of having to spend my birthday with his people. It was so frustrating! I probably would have been happier hanging out with my sister or Jesus, my Dad! But of course neither of them was home. I just wanted my day to be about me; hanging out with someone that wasn't Jackson's friend!" I ranted.

Kyle handed me a new plate of eggs and sausages. I noticed the toast pop out of the toaster; I didn't even know when he had put them in.

"You did," Kyle pointed out handing me a jar of peach jam and butter. I smiled.

"Huh?" I asked as I inhaled the aroma of fresh food.

"Last night you did spend time with someone who wasn't Jackson's friend. I have no idea who Jackson is," he added.

I stared at him for a few seconds before I laughed. "You're right. Good point. Thanks."

"You're welcome," Kyle said.

Then a thought occurred to me. "Shit, Jackson."


"He's probably wondering where I am. When he gets drunk, he stays up forever. I know, it's weird. It has the opposite effect on him. I probably have a billion missed calls from him," I said. I searched in my jeans for my cell phone, but couldn't find it. "Shit, I must have lost it."

"Finish eating. It might be in my car," he said. "I'll drive you back to your car. We left it at the bar, since you were in no condition to drive."

I quickly finished the remainder of my food and then we were off.

"I like your car," I said taking a seat in his Mustang. The first thought that came to mind was that Kyle was a manly man. His car wasn't overly fancy or expensive, but sporty and aggressive. I had to force down a flash of lust.

"Thanks. It's beat up, but it gets me where I need to go."

I fished around in his car, checking under the seat and I spotted my cell phone. I strained to reach it and as soon as I did, I opened it to see how many times Jackson had tried to contact me.

"See? Ten missed calls, five text messages, and six voicemails!" I said showing Kyle my phone.

"It's nice that someone is looking out for you," he said. "Where did you park?"

I directed him and finally we stopped at my simple silver Integra. I turned to Kyle, not knowing what to say really, other than, "Thanks. For everything. For breakfast. For the ride. For last night. If it hadn't been for you, who knows what would have happened."

"No problem."

I looked at him awkwardly. "Umm, ok. Well, um, thanks again. Bye." I tugged on the door handle, but stopped when I felt Kyle's hand grab my wrist, pulling me back into the car gently.

I stared at his hand; his fingers were long, but strong looking. They wrapped entirely around my wrist and I liked the feel of him around me even if it was just my wrist. His skin was so calloused and weathered compared to my smooth delicate texture. Another reminder of how different he was compared to me and undoubtedly masculine. Let's face it; I wasn't exactly a super butch gay guy. I just considered myself a normal guy, typically Asian, with delicate features and a thin build.

"Hey," he said softly.

I looked at him with wide eyes, curious.

"Do you want to go out sometime? A real date. With you sober and not passed out?"

I flushed and looked down at his hand, which was still clasping my wrist. His thumb began rubbing circles and the contact was warm and made me tingle.

"I promise to be a gentleman," Kyle went on with a grin.

I smiled. "Um, ok. But I'm not taking my clothes off on the first date."

Kyle laughed. "On the second perhaps?"

I shot him a mock angry look and he pulled my hand to his lips, kissing it gently. "I promise to be a gentleman," he repeated. "Neither of us will take our clothes off for a long, long time."

"You say the sweetest things," I teased, although I did secretly feel pleased at his mention of our potential future together. The sentiment was nice even if it didn't turn out that way.

He shrugged. "I try."

"When do you want to go out?" I asked.

"You have school every night?"

"Right now I'm on winter break, so I'm free everyday. No, wait, I work in the mornings. But evenings, I'm free."

"Monday night?" he asked after pondering for a bit. "We'll go to dinner. I'll get you at seven?"

"Ok," I said, feeling incredibly flattered and excited.

"Ok, good."

I gave him my address and as I started exiting his car, once again I was pulled back. I was confused until I felt the soft pressure of Kyle's lips on my cheek.

"See you Monday," he said blushing a little himself.

I grinned like an idiot. "Bye."

Christ, I felt like a little school girl. I waved as he drove off and I sank inside my car, my mind swirling over the events.

"It's a fucking dream," I sighed rubbing my eyes.

"Where the fuck were you?" Jackson screeched. As soon as I drove up, he was out of his house and walking towards me. He practically bombarded me as soon as I got out.

"Mace, I left you a billion messages. What happened? Are you ok?" the concern was evident in my best friend's voice.

"Jackson, I'm ok!"

His dark eyes flashed. "Ok, then where were you?"

"I'm surprised you even noticed I was missing."

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asked as he grabbed my shoulder.

"Nothing," I said shrugging him off. "That party was nice and all, but it was a lot of people, and I didn't know any of them. If you know me so well, you'd know that I like small gatherings with people who matter. Those people were all the people you know. They're nice and all, but I don't really care for them either way."

"Sorry, but we're young, we're supposed to do raging parties," Jackson countered.

"Yeah, most people, but not me."

"Excuse me, but not everyone is an old man at age 21!"

"Forget it Jackson. I can never tell you how I feel without you getting offended. I appreciate your efforts, but you're wondering why I took off, and I'm trying to tell you, but you're not listening!"

We were silent, looking at one another, breathing hard in our respective aggravations.

"Fine," he said through gritted teeth. "Next time I won't bother with any party."

"You can have a party, but don't automatically drag me into it when it's clearly a party for just you. How about a party for yourself, and then something with you and me, and a few of our good friends?"

"Fine," he said snapping his mouth shut, his jaw twitching.

"Don't be mad."

"I'm not."

I knew him well enough to sense that he wasn't really mad; he was getting over his pride and it usually took a few seconds for him to calm down.

"Now that that's settled, where were you all night? You didn't go home," he stated curiously. "Who were you with?"

"Why? Can't believe I have friends other than you?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it!" Jackson said shrilly. "But if you want to know the truth, well, you normally don't hang out with that many people, so my thoughts are somewhat justified."

I smiled. "Fine. Good save, by the way."

"Thanks. So who were you with?" he pressed. "Christopher? Jay? Misha? Did you crash with one of them after the party?"

"I went to a bar in New Brunswick," I replied as I started walking towards my house. It was too cold to be conversing outside. It was January after all.

"By yourself?" Jackson asked surprised, following me.

"Yup. I was feeling crummy last night. Another year older, nothing to show for it. Still alone and friendless, except for you. I mean, I was at a crowded party and still felt alone. It hated that feeling and needed to get away."

"So then what?" Jackson asked. "Did you get shit faced and fall asleep in the bar?"

I moved inside my kitchen and started heating up some water to make some tea. I was cold.

"Supposedly I did get shit faced, but I didn't fall asleep in the bar. I went home with a guy."

I didn't hear anything but silence. When I finally turned to Jackson, his mouth was hanging open and his eyes were bulging out of his head. It was really comical. I started laughing.

I watched as his mouth moved several times, but no sound came out. Finally, a few squeaks emerged and he sputtered for a couple seconds, before he got out a high-pitched, "What?!?"

I was still laughing.

"Get the fuck out! You're lying! What guy?"

"A guy from the bar."

"Did he work there?"

"No, he was just having some drinks himself," I answered.

"Rewind!" Jackson yelled. "How did you meet? Did you do anything with him? Oh my fucking god! Are you a virgin still?"

I couldn't help laughing. A lot. I put my hands on my stomach and crouched over in die-hard laughing.

"Stop fucking laughing and answer me!" he demanded slapping my back. Finally, I straightened up and wiped my tears.

"I wasn't doing anything really. Had some drinks. He bought me one and then came over to talk. We went for a walk, I fell asleep, and he ended up taking me home with him-"

"Did he take advantage of you?" Jackson asked suddenly enraged.

"No, no. Calm down Jackson. We made out a little, were probably going to do something more, but I fell asleep," I finished blushing. "I didn't remember any of that, but that's what he said."

"Are you sure he wasn't lying?"

"No, because he was definitely too nice to be lying about that. And I didn't feel off, or bruised. Just tired."

I handed Jackson a mug of tea and we sipped it silently.

"I'm glad you're ok Mace, but seriously, next time be more careful. I was worried something had happened to you. And are you sure can trust this guy? Maybe he's just sweet-talking you."

"I don't know, but I kinda like him," I said. "He was so nice."

"Nice doesn't mean shit," Jackson snorted. "I'm nice too. And an asshole. I rest my case."

I smiled. "It was the little things. Like, he brought me breakfast in bed. Left the room so I could get dressed-"

"You were naked?"


"Shit, Mace, look at you. All wild. I didn't know you had it in you. You shy little-"

I laughed. "Hardly. He asked me out."


I nodded. "We're going out Monday night."

"I want to meet him," Jackson announced. "I have to make sure my best friend isn't going out with a total madman."

"Ok. But don't be mean."

"I'm never mean."

"How old is he?"

I opened my mouth. "Oh, I don't know, actually. We didn't talk much, and whatever we did talk about was about me. I guess I'll find out more over dinner. But I wonder how he knew I was gay?"

"You're a small Asian guy. We all look a bit effeminate. It was an easy assumption."

I glared at my best friend.

"No insult intended, Mace. But you have to admit, you're not some jock meathead. Hell, neither am I," he said. "Are you excited for your date," Jackson asked with a smile.

"Yeah," I said honestly. "I mean, I'm sure it won't go anywhere, but it's nice to go out on a date, for once, and feel normal instead of some anti-social freak."

"You're not a freak and don't psych yourself out. This could be the start of something amazing. You never know. That's your problem right there, Mace. You're always so damn negative," he said shaking his head. "It won't do you any good to think that way. No wonder you never take any opportunities. Lots of people think you're good-looking, but you're so aloof and closed off, no one wants to approach you. I guess you need some booze in you in order to relax a bit and let loose."

I thought about what he said. He was right.

"Was he hot?" Jackson asked. "Please tell me he was hot and not some short, fat dude? Because you're cute Mace, and you deserve better."

I laughed. "You're so shallow!"

"Shit! He is short and fat! Mace, why? For the love of God, why, why, why?!"

"You're so dramatic."

"Maybe I don't want to meet him anymore."

"You're horrible!"

Jackson shrugged off the light insult.

"I think he's hot," I said.

"Hmm, what's your definition of hot?"

"He's tall. At least six feet. He had quite a few inches over me."

"Yeah, and you're around 5'9, so that does make him pretty tall. Ok, good. Go on," Jackson said resting his elbows on the kitchen chair.

"He has blue eyes. Light brown hair. Short. Freckles," I said in a dreamy tone. "Makes him look so boyish. Cute ears. Small. A big smile. And really white teeth."

"Wow, someone is infatuated."

I shrugged and took a big sip of tea even though it ended up burning my tongue. I made a face.

"I guess you don't remember what he looked like naked?"

I shook my head.

"Bummer. But he's not fat?"

"Nope. Not that I could tell. Looked a little on the buff side, but not built. Just very toned. Especially his arms and shoulders," I said thinking back, another goofy smiling forming on my face.

Jackson laughed. "Mace has a crush! About time. For a few years, I thought you were asexual! I was worried about you."

I was tempted to chuck my tea at him and Jackson must have noticed my fingers twitching because he relocated to a different chair at the opposite end of the table.

Thanks for reading. Comments, criticisms, and questions are welcomed.

Other stories by me:

True Love Will Survive- College, March 20, 2008, complete Turn of Events- College, May 14, 2007, complete

Next: Chapter 3

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