No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Nov 10, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly

Author's Note: As of now, there is only ONE chapter left! I hope to get it out soon and have this done with because I hate dragging stuff out. I have to reread things and see where the plot is going and if I still want it to continue in the same direction. Anyway, thanks to those of you who have emailed me, encouraging me to continue. I really appreciate it. Happy reading and don't mind the editing mistakes or typos. My eyes are too damn tired to skim this over. I'm sure you can figure out the gist.


"Any spring break plans?" Professor Taggart asked as I filed out of the classroom and we headed to Starbucks, our weekly ritual.

"Yeah. Kyle and I are heading to California. My sister lives there," I added. "We're going to visit her and enjoy the west coast and their own little unique style and culture," I smiled. "And it's cheaper; free place to stay."

"That's why you have siblings!" I pointed out. "Freebies! It's their obligation; blood relations and all that," I shrugged.

He laughed. "I guess so. I wouldn't know; I'm an only child."

"My boyfriend thought he was too, but we found out he had a twin brother! That was a mind trip," I said laughing.

"Really? How did they meet?" Matt asked with curiosity.

"I was out shopping and I thought I ran into Kyle eating with another man. I was so confused and hurt because I thought he had been cheating on me. Anyway I got all mad and was prepared to dump him, but Kyle showed up at my house really confused himself. We had a little fight, arguing over who was telling the truth. He insisted he had been working all day and had no idea what I was talking about. By chance, we went to the mall where I thought I had seen him and we happened to run into his adopted twin brother, Corey."

"Wow," Matt said with awe. "Then what happened?"

"It was a shock for them to meet! Spent the afternoon talking in a coffee shop, hashing out the little things and details. Long story short- they kept in touch, got to know one another, and now we're one big happy group. Oh, Corey is dating my best friend. They're in love, too." I smiled.

"That's a really nice story," he said with a sappy look on his face.

I chuckled. "Yeah it is."

"A bit fairy-tale-ish."

I nodded. "Definitely."

"I need a fairy-tale," he slumped.

I swatted his arm. "Stop that! You will get a happy ending, but not if you're feeling sorry for yourself and looking at your stinking shoes all the time!"

"Sorry," he muttered.

"Nah, I'm sorry. I'm trying to utilize tough love, but I remember how I used to feel lost, lonely, and hopeless like you, and Jackson was the one talking me out of it. Trust me, I know how you feel. Well, not the ex-boyfriend thing, but everything else," I clarified lamely. "Ugh, sorry. I ramble."

Matt smiled. "No worries. I like your rambling."

"You do?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's really funny," Matt said. "It's always fun listening to you go on and on about a topic."

"Really? I wouldn't have thought that," I said honestly.

"Did anyone ever tell you that it was annoying?" Matt wondered.

"Nah, but I have my own confidence issues or whatever," I shrugged. "I always doubt and question something good."

"Like what?"

"During our early dates, I used to ask Kyle if he thought I was attractive, like, um, before we were going to have sex, or other stuff," I blushed. "I couldn't help it. Kyle was my first, well, everything." I smiled.

"That's nice," Matt said faintly.

I sensed we were nearing an ugly area so I tried to steer this to a more enjoyable conversation.

"Want to see a movie?" I blurted out. "There's this thrasher thriller movie I want to see. Want to see some people die?"

His eyebrows shot up.

"Oh, come on, it's fun. It's like, a way to get out your violent tendencies without having jail time," I reasoned. "Plus, I never see movies anymore. I used to go all the time in high school, but for some reason, that all changed. I guess as we get older we have more things to do or better things to do? I miss sitting in a crummy theater chair that numbs my ass or eating oily, buttery popcorn and cookie dough bites. So want to go?" I asked.

He smiled. "Sure."

"I hate airplanes," I grumbled rubbing my eyes as we waited for the long line of people in the preceding rows to exit the plane. "It takes forever to get off and I always get stuck in the back, and I'm super groggy and hungry and thirsty!"

Kyle smiled in amusement. "I like this side of you; it's sexy."

I rolled my eyes at him and he tugged on my belt buckle. I rested my head on the seat and sighed. "That was the longest flight ever. I have a headache," I pouted.

"It was six hours," Kyle snorted.

"Six hours too long."

"We'll eat soon."

"Not soon enough," I whined my stomach growling. "Baggage claim will take forever and then we'll have to call Karen and then wait for her and then drive somewhere to eat. And then waiting for the food to come out."

"Mace, calm down," Kyle said. "If you don't think about it, it won't be too bad. Shit, I should have packed a health bar or something."

I wrinkled my nose. "Yuck."

He laughed. "A Snickers bar?"

"Better," I grinned. "Carry one on you at all times."

"For my little monkey?" he said smiling.

"Shut up. I am not your little monkey." I stuck my nose in the air and I could hear him chuckling. I felt two fingers grazing my side and I shrieked, causing several people to look at me oddly and disapprovingly.

I shot them a sheepish look and then glared at Kyle. He was laughing.

"Serves you right, my little monkey."

I chose to ignore him.

Finally, we got off the plane and I managed to smile at the stewardess and thank them.

"Want to grab something now? To eat?" Kyle asked grabbing my hand.

I wrinkled my nose. "No, I want a real meal."

"Beggars can't be choosers."

"Let's just get our luggage," I said tugging him forward. "Hurry up, let's beat these slow pokes in front of us." We wove around the slow couple and I was eager to get out of the airport and some good food in my stomach and maybe a nap. I was so tired. Airplane naps were sucky as hell and there was a slight ache in my neck.

"Fucking baggage claim," I snapped staring hard at the metal, mentally willing it to beep, flash red, and start turning.

Kyle chuckled. "Again, this side of you is so endearing."

I huffed. Suddenly, a loud beep sang out and my eyes widened when I saw the red bulb flashing, indicating our bags were coming out. I did a little jump and squealed a bit in excitement. Kyle laughed and his eyes screwed shut as he snorted. I nudged him aside as I moved closer, so I'd have better chances of seeing my luggage.

A few pieces came out, very slowly and I sighed in irritation. I bounced on my feet and I felt Kyle's hand on my lower back, rubbing gentle circles. I sighed, this time relaxing a bit.

Soon Kyle's hand ventured further up my back and then he was massaging my shoulders. I shot him a grin and he smiled back, inching closer. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a young guy gawking at us.

What the fuck, he's never seen a gay couple before? This was fucking Los Angeles.

Being so cranky already from the stupid flight and dying from starvation, I stared hard at him, narrowing my eyes, with a bit of a curl of my lip.

"What are you looking at?" I practically snarled.

Kyle frowned and whipped his head around, following the direction of my stare. His hand fell from my shoulder and I raised my eyebrow at the young guy challengingly.

He instantly blushed and looked away.

I took a deep breath and felt Kyle's eyes on me.

"What the hell was that?" he asked a little breathlessly.

"He was staring at us. I'm not in the mood for any homophobic bullshit. I'm tired, achy, and fucking starving," I said.

Kyle's eyes were wide. "Wow, this is definitely a side of you that I haven't seen before."

"Only cause I'm starving as balls," I said shrugging. I looked at him hard, licking my lips. "Like my new attitude?"

He bit his lip. "Oh yeah," he said his breath seemed a little ragged.

My eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

"Yeah, you're always so sweet and cute and I love that about you, but it's always a turn on to hear you go off," he said grinning. "It's random, so whenever you do it, it's extremely entertaining."

"Entertaining?" I demanded.

He giggled. "Bring that attitude to the bedroom, bad boy," he smirked.

I shoulder bumped him. "I'll bring my attitude, handcuffs, and whip."

"Yeah, I can't imagine you wielding a whip."

"Hey now!" I exclaimed. "I'd make Jackson teach me some hand tricks and watch, in no time, I'd be like, a lion master or something."

"Lion master?" he snorted.

"Shut up! I'm hungry! I can't think straight!"

"Sorry baby," he whispered.

"My luggage!" I nearly yelled nudging some people out of the way and grabbing the handle with the pink ribbon. I lifted it off the belt and smiled happily.

"You know we still have to wait for mine, right?" he smiled.

"Oh shit, you're right," I slumped.



"Liar. You're secretly cursing me off in your head."

"Nah, I can't curse you off in my head because my stomach is grumbling too loud," I smiled sweetly.

He laughed. "You crack me up, Mace."

"I aim to please," I shrugged.

"My little sweetpea," he said. I gently slapped his ass. "Whoa baby, feeling frisky? We're in a public airport."

"Can't help it. Aside from my starvation, I'm in a good mood. It's fun to get away from school and home and enjoy winter break. And I haven't been to California since I was real little and I'm super happy you're here with me, so we can enjoy this together and explore together and everything," I rambled.

"Aww," he tilted his head. "I'm so happy to be here with you, too," he said softly. "If you were gone for over a week without me, I'd be so bummed and lonely." Pause. "I need you with me, Mace."

I smiled. "I need you, too, Kyle. I love you."

"I love you." We gazed at one another.

My eyes drifted away from his when I spotted his red suitcase. "Your luggage!"

"Quick, call your sister," he advised as he grabbed the handle. "I'm hungry, too and after that sex talk, a little horny now."

I burst out laughing and had trouble fishing my cell phone out of my pocket.

"Wow, so many Asian kids," Kyle said sipping on his bubble tea. "Such trendy guys." His eyes roamed around.

I had no idea where we were, but Karen's boyfriend had driven us to some sort of Asian complex hangout where everyone was Asian. They were a selection of stores, restaurants, and arcades. It looked like a lot of fun except that all the Asian kids were staring at me like I was some alien, and they shot curious glances at Kyle.

Oh, and my boyfriend was having a field day checking out other dudes. Not that I was really jealous or anything, since I knew how much Kyle loved me. Having someone love you was a real ego booster.

"See anyone that excites you?" I teased.

Kyle turned to me and smiled. "Well, lots of lookers around here, but there's only one who really excites me."

I laughed. "Again with the smooth talking."

"It comes naturally," Kyle shrugged. "What can I say?"

"What's going on, turds?" Karen asked plopping down beside me; her boyfriend Cam was beside her.

"You're the turd."

"Good one, Mason," she rolled her eyes grinning. I stuck my tongue out at her immaturely. It just came naturally whenever I was with my big sister. It was the dynamic of our relationship.

She playfully flicked my ear and reached over to muss up my hair but I dodged out of the way.

"No, not my hair!" I nearly shrieked and everyone started laughing at me while I folded my arms in mock anger.

"Dork," Karen said rolling her eyes.

"So what have you got planned for my visit?" I asked smiling widely. I knew Karen; she probably had every minute of every day planned out, right to my shit and shower breaks.


I eyed my sister. "You lie."

"I speak only the truth," Karen said innocently.

"Seriously Karen."

"Ok," she said leaning forward. "I have so many cool restaurants to show you, and I know you'd love the food. I was thinking we could visit my friend in Santa Barbara, and then drive to San Francisco? Cam has friends and relatives there. Also, maybe a road trip to Vegas?"

"Karen, I'm only here for a week," I reminded.

"Ok, Santa Barbara then; it's only two hours away. San Francisco isn`t all that and Lombard Street is nice and all, but jeez, I'll take you a picture and send it to you. And those freaking hills? Yeah, not cool. And it's chilly at night. Vegas is a nice little road trip we could do in two or three days, depending on how long we'd want to stay. It's a five hour drive. We could see a show or two, gamble since you're finally of age-"

"Karen, make up your freaking mind! What are we doing?"

"I want to do it all! There's so much to show you!" Karen exclaimed. "Let's just do it all. No sleeping."

Cam chuckled. "Yeah, I'm not a fan of forced insomnia."

Karen smiled. "You don't have to, but for one week during my brother's visit, who needs sleep?" Karen asked. "Sleep is for the weak!"

I grinned. "Don't you just love Karen?"

"Yeah," Kyle and Cam chimed in.

"Today is your only day of rest. Let's go home soon and get some sleep. Tomorrow we'll do Santa Barbara and hang out on State Street to eat and shop. It's a one day thing. Then we'll do San Francisco for two days, Vegas for two or three, and the remainder we can just chill around here. Sound good?"

"Excellent," I said, knowing there was no way to argue with her, and I always loved it when Karen took charge. It was something she had always done in the past, and something I could always trust and rely on her to do. What can I say? I knew my sister.

"Stop yelling," I groaned as I placed my hands over my ears.

Kyle gently grasped my wrists and tugged my hands down. "I'm not," he said softly. I made a face and closed my eyes. "You just have a really bad hangover."

I shot him a dirty look. "No shit Sherlock," I grumbled.

"You had a lot to drink last night."

I shot him another dirty look before collapsing on the pillow. It hurt to even glare.


"No," I moaned.

"Mace, are you ok?" There was genuine concern in his voice.

"I can't eat. My stomach is queasy," I whined burrowing under the covers.

"Maybe you'll feel better?"

"No," I moaned again.

"How about something really plain? Like toast and eggs."

I imagined yellow runny eggs and I felt even more nauseous. "No," I whimpered.

"How about some water and some Tylenol?" he whispered kissing my neck gently. I nodded against him, my eyes still closed and I heard some movement, then silence. Suddenly, I was being lifted into a sitting position and a water bottle was pressed at my lips.

"Is he ok?" Karen's voice rang in.

"Shut up," I muttered. Kyle smile and caressed my cheek.

"Open up," he instructed, popping in two pills. Then he gingerly held the bottle to my lips and I started drinking. I gulped it in, grateful for the cool liquid running down my throat.

"I want to sleep more," I murmured.

"Ok, sleep," Kyle said quietly. "I'll be here when you wake up."

"You can get food with Karen and, umm, what's his name..." I had forgotten my sister's boyfriend's name. Temporary memory lapse. "I sleep." I was getting drowsy all over again.

I felt shuffling and then the bed dipped. Then warm arms wrapped around me and I snuggled backwards into the hard body. Soft lips nuzzled behind my ear. "I'll wait for you."

"Thanks lovely," I slurred before falling asleep.

"He had fifteen jello shots? Him? Mason? Little Mason?" Karen nearly shrieked. I winced, but not out of pain, but from her shrill voice. I was slowly getting over my hangover.

"And a pineapple soaked in alcohol, a test tube shot, and a cherry bomb," Kyle grinned.

"What's that?"

"A cherry soaked in alcohol," Kyle explained.

"Why did you drink so much?" Karen asked.

"I just felt like it," I shrugged. "I was in the mood, the bartender was so nice, and they tasted yummy, at least the more I had."

Cameron and Karen laughed. "Yeah, it usually works that way," Cameron joked.

"I was having a good time," I shrugged.

"It's Vegas baby. Everyone has fun," Karen said smiling.

"And things are always better when you're drunk," I pointed out. "And I was drunk with a capital D."

"Yeah, he started giggling like crazy about seven shots in," Kyle smiled. "I think everyone was amused by him. The bartender certainly was."

"I had a good time," I shrugged.

"You were a major morning grump," Kyle reminded.

"I said you could leave," I protested.

"Yeah, did you think I was really going to leave you?" he asked.

I smiled impishly. "No. You're too stubborn."

Kyle laughed. "Nah, I wanted to cuddle with you. It's like hugging a small teddy bear. You make little cat noises when you sleep."

"I do not!"

"Umm, TMI," Karen called out. "I don't want to hear any noises my baby brother makes. This conversation ends now."

We all laughed but listened to the lady at the table.

"What's the plan for today?" I asked my older sister.

"We're seeing Blue Man Group, and then dinner. I'm thinking ChinChin--they have great spring rolls," Karen said enthusiastically. "Then some gambling," she cheered.

I rolled my eyes while resting my head on Kyle's shoulder.

"How was the trip?" Matt asked. "Have a good time?"

"A great time. It was nice seeing my sister. We get along a lot better now that we're older and we're not so far apart, in terms of where we are in life. Wait, did that make sense?" I laughed cocking my head.

Matt smiled. "I get it."

"We went to a ton of restaurants. We drove to Santa Barbara because she had some friends there. We shopped on State Street, ate at Ruby's which had the most amazing food. We ate at The Habit, which serves burgers and sandwiches. On the college campus, we ate at some burrito joint--"

"Did you only eat?" Matt laughed.

"We drove to Vegas and stayed for a few days. I got shit faced drunk, saw a show, and ate some amazing spring rolls," I went on.

"Ah, again back to food," he teased.

I shrugged. "We love eating."

"Who doesn't?"

"Good point," I said. "The rest of the time I chilled with my sister in downtown LA. Laid back stuff and chilling with her friends. Her life out there is good and she's happy."

Matt nodded.

"How about you? How was your winter break?" I asked.

He sighed. "Nothing to write home about. Kind of lonely. Story of my life."

"Did you go out and see any friends?" I asked. "You should make an effort, man."

He sighed again. "Can't help it. I guess I'm still in a funk. I saw my ex and he was shopping and he just looked so happy..."

"Oh Matt."

"I miss being with someone and having someone there for me. You're so lucky to have someone," he murmured.

"You need to join a dating site. What's a good one for someone your age? I know, eHarmony!" I exclaimed.

"Someone my age?"

"Early thirties?" I said. " seems more suited for younger people ? I don't know. It was just a thought. Don't hate."

"I appreciate the effort, but online dating? That's so awkward and not for me."

"How else are you going to meet people? You sit at home all day and mope around," I said bluntly. He shot me a hurt look. "It's true."

He looked down. " I guess."

"Listen, me and Kyle, well no one meets that way and if so, it's really rare. Most times you have to go out. Maybe not look for someone, but go out and have fun, and someone will come to you on its own. Like fate or whatever," I explained. "Hit up some clubs, bars, and lounges. The city isn't that far."

"I can't dance."

"Have a few drinks. After popping back a few, anyone can dance. Trust me," I grinned.

"I don't have any friends to club with."

"You, me, Kyle, Jackson, and Corey. That's five of us; a nice sized group. And if Jackson invites his club members, forget it, you'd have about twenty plus people. He's popular," I clarified.

Matt shook his head. "I don't know."

"Think about it then?"

He shrugged.

"Matt, it's either you start having fun and find someone by chance, or have coffee with me, crying about your loneliness, and NEVER meeting anyone," I emphasized.

"You're such a little shit. Cute, but such a shit," he said with a small smile.

"There's this one club Jackson mentioned awhile back," I began.


"Want to get laid?" I couldn't resist teasing. "I know what it was like being single, jerking off gets tiresome, right?"


"Oh come on, I was just joking. Laugh; it was funny!"

"Vodka tonic," I asked placing a ten dollar bill on the bar.

"Planning to get drunk on me tonight?" Kyle said into my ear.

I turned to him and smiled. "Maybe."

"I'm going to throw you over my shoulder and take you home and have my way with you then," he grinned.

"Ooh, that sounds exciting," I giggled. I paid the bartender and took my drinks. I held both in my hands and sipped one.

"So, how well do you know this Matt guy?" Kyle asked.

I smiled. "Kyle, I told you while we were getting ready, we're just friends. We meet for coffee on campus and went to a few movies. He was my professor and he liked my writing style. That's all."

"You guys seem awfully chummy," Kyle went on.


"I think he has a crush on you."

"He doesn't."

"He looks at you a lot."

"He's the only one I know out of this big group," I pointed out.

"Listen, why are so many of your friends gay?" Kyle asked in frustration.

"Because we flock together?"

"Mace, I'm serious."

"Kyle, I don't know what to tell you. I love you and I have no interest in anyone else," I said seriously downing my first drink until it was empty. "How can I make you believe that?"

"Mace, I'm just really happy and in a good place in my life and I don't want to lose it," he said equally serious. "I know how life is--there's temptation and, and, and, just bullshit."

"Kyle, stop worrying. I love you. How can I make you not worry? I'll do it," I said. "I'm not attracted to anyone else and I don't want to be with anyone else and you make me completely happy."

"I don't know. I get in these moods sometimes," Kyle said sullenly.

I frowned and stared at my boyfriend. He was never like this. I wonder what had gotten into him. "What's going on? What's causing this?" I said into his ear.

Staring at me, he grabbed my hand and led me to the alley where the smokers were. It was considerably quieter and we could hear each other without screaming.

"My friend at work had a rough breakup with his girlfriend and it just got me thinking. I mean, they were together for eight years, and he caught her with someone else. And it turns out, she doesn't want to work through it, she wants to go off with this new guy. Says she got bored, says the relationship has no life, no spark. Is that possible? Do people fall out of love that easily? I mean, that's just scary!"

"Kyle, everyone is different. I've heard of couples who've been married for thirty plus years and are still going strong."

"But what if one person falls out of love and the other doesn't?" Kyle asked staring into my eyes.

"Are you afraid that will happen to us?" I asked rubbing his shoulder.

"Aren't you afraid that could happen?"

"I don't know. Sometimes I think about it and it makes me sad, so I just don't," I said softly. "We can't control the future or our emotions. I do think we'll be together for a long time, but forever is not a guarantee. But I would be happy if we were together forever, but forever for one person may not be forever for the other."


"What if one of us died?"

"Oh Mace."

"Sorry, but it's true," I said.

"Sorry, I guess my friend's story just got to me," Kyle said distractedly. "And I got to wondering about our future and stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Like how we're going to progress in our relationship."

I frowned, not understanding. "Huh?"

"You're going to graduate school in the fall, right?"

"Yeah," I said slowly.

"Well, I don't know if we should wait until after you finish graduate school, but it's two years-"

"Do what?" I asked still confused.

"Move in with me," Kyle stated.

My mouth fell open. "Really?"

"Yeah. You've never thought about it?"

"Not yet. I guess because I'm still in school," I said honestly. "I don't feel independent yet."

Kyle nodded. "Makes sense. What would you think about living together?" he asked quietly. "Eventually?"

Leaning closer. "I think we'd be awesome roommates," I grinned.

He smiled. "Really?"

"Of course. I love you, you donkey." I rolled my eyes. "Although you're a bit of a drama queen," I snorted.

Kyle laughed. "I have one more question."


"What do you think about getting married? Or adopting kids one day?"

"Wow, some serious questions in a club setting," I scratched my head.

"I know. So?" he had an expectant look on his face.

"I guess I never gave marriage much thought, being gay and all. Same with kids. But now that I have you in my life," I grabbed his hand, "And we're in it for the long haul, I wouldn't be opposed to marriage or adopting kids, if the timing was right and everything is going well in our lives. Like, we're settled and have good jobs, and everything. Besides, you're already a great home maker."

Kyle laughed and kissed my hand. "Good because I have something to ask you."

"Shoot. More serious stuff, perhaps?"

"Maybe," Kyle said biting his lip. He disentangled my hand from his grip and reached in his pocket before moving to the floor, on one knee.

"Mason Lee will you marry me?" he asked in one breath, showing me a shiny gold ring.

My mouth fell open and I squeaked. "You're fucking me!" I nearly shouted. A few people standing around us turned and frowned.

Kyle chuckled. "No, I'm not fucking you. Yet. Maybe tonight," he said with a mischievous look in his eyes. Then he became nervous again. "So, will you marry me Mason Lee and make me happier than I already am?"

I gawked at him.

Kyle looked at me hopefully and expectantly.

Other stories by me:

True Love Will Survive- College, March 20, 2008, complete

Turn of Events- College, May 14, 2007, complete

Next: Chapter 15

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