No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Aug 17, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Author's Note: Almost done. A few more chapters to go. Thank God, I know. This story is too damn cheesy, even for my own taste. Why was I so sappy months ago? Jeesh. Anyway, those who stuck this story out this long, thanks, and I appreciate it. Hopefully, happy reading!


"Hey Kyle?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"Do you know when our anniversary is?" I asked timidly.

He dropped the spoon he was holding and turned to me. "You don't know when it is?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

I blushed. "It's not like that!" I exclaimed defensively. "It's just that we never officially decided to be boyfriends, you know? We started dating and then somehow became exclusive without even talking about it."

Kyle nodded in agreement.

"So I'm wondering, do you consider our first date our anniversary, or the first time we met at the bar, or the morning I woke up in your bed?"

Kyle laughed. "You're such a little thinker."

I stuck my tongue out. "I'm serious. It's January now. January second to be exact, and I like to know these important dates."

"There's a lot going on in January, huh? Your birthday, our anniversary," he mused.

"And what date would our anniversary happen to fall on?" I pressed.

"That depends; do you want it to be on our first date, or the night we met at the bar?"

I tilted my head in thought. "I don't know. What do you think?" I asked looking at him.

"Normally, I'd go with the first date one, but, there's something cool about the night at the bar," Kyle said.

"Yeah?" I asked. "What is it?"

Kyle shrugged and blushed a little. "When you walked into the bar, I was instantly attracted to you. I know you didn't even remember me or anything, but I think," he paused. "well, I think I fell in love with you right away. I had never seen anyone so innocent, vulnerable, yet jaded, and beautiful."

I gaped at him. "Really?" I breathed. "It was love at first sight?"

Kyle nodded and looked at me, his cheeks flushed.

"I'd like to consider that night our anniversary date also," I said reaching for his hand. "I know I was a complete drunk, but the morning after, well, you were so sweet, and when you touched me, my skin tingled, and you were so gorgeous. I was thinking it was a shame I didn't remember having sex with if, if we had had sex, that is," I rambled.

"But that night can't count if you didn't remember me," he pointed out.

Finally, we hashed out the details and agreed our first date would be our anniversary.

"I love you," I sighed pecking his lips. "I love that we debate over our anniversary date."

"I love you, too. I'm glad you brought it up, because now I know when to officially plan our anniversary celebration."

"No, Kyle," I protested. "My birthday is so close to our anniversary, I don't want you to double the celebration. It's too much."

"How about a simple dinner or cake for your birthday and the anniversary will be a big bang?" he suggested.

"Kyle," I began.

"We have to celebrate our anniversary," he said firmly.

I sighed. "Kyle, you're so sweet."

He smiled and chuckled. "And this is our first anniversary; all the more reason to go all out. Our next anniversary, we'll be more low-key, I promise."

I moved closer. "Oh yeah?" I asked coyly. "How many anniversaries did you anticipate us having?"

"Infinite amounts," Kyle said with a smile. "Never ending."

"Is that so?" I asked brushing my lips against his.

Kyle grabbed my neck and pulled me closer. "It's so."

"Kyle, the gym is closed," I said.

He turned back to me with a smile and tightened his grip on my hand. "Shh, just follow me."

"What's going on?"

"Shh, it's a surprise," he teased.

I bounced impatiently on my heels as he led me to a back entrance. He knocked three times and a few seconds later, it clicked open.

"Hey man," Kyle said doing some weird hand shake with a beefy guy. He led me inside and the beefy guy grinned at me, as if he knew a secret.

"The place is all yours for the night. Just lock it up and give me the keys tomorrow morning or afternoon," the guy grinned.

"Thanks, Derek," Kyle said laughing. "I owe you."

"Give me a free oil change and I'll call it a day. No wait, a brake change."

Kyle laughed. "I'll see what I can do. Thanks again."

Derek waved and walked out.

"What's going on?" I whined.

"Patience, baby," Kyle said kissing my nose. I whined and stamped my foot. "Come with me, my little Mason."

I grudgingly followed him into the locker room. "What are we doing here?"

"Change into your bathing suit," he instructed.


"Just do it, Mace. It's hard to surprise you when you're so damned resistant. Help a guy out, will you?"

I smiled impishly and started stripping, placing my clothes in the locker with Kyle's own clothes, and we shimmied into our swimming trunks.

I bounced anxiously, curious as hell.

"Curious baby?" he laughed.


"Come with me," he said taking my hand. He grabbed a couple towels and he led me through a small hallway to the pool and Jacuzzi area.

Once there, my eyes widened and I gasped.

Near the Jacuzzi there was a basket, and surrounding the Jacuzzi there were candles lit, and roses alternating in between each candle.


He smiled at me. "We have the place to ourselves. Neither of us have a pool or Jacuzzi, and I thought this would be nice, since our baths or showers together can be a little cramped."

I laughed gleefully and giggled. "Wow, Kyle. You did plan something big."

"Happy anniversary. Our first one. A full year together. I had to try something big and unique."

"You did," I said jumping up and wrapping my arms around his neck.

He kissed me slowly and tenderly. "Come on, let's hop in," he said, rubbing my lower back. Slowly, we eased into the Jacuzzi, the hot water enveloping us, the bubbles tickling us.

We took seats side by side and Kyle grabbed my hand. "Want some champagne? A chocolate covered strawberry?"

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. Kyle laughed and poured me a glass of champagne, which tasted pretty good. Then I took a huge bite of the strawberry and chewed. Kyle laughed again and leaned forward, kissing my lips.

"You taste good," he murmured, licking his lips.

"Want another taste?" I asked leaning forward, my tongue sliding into his mouth. Kyle sighed and wrapped his arms around me, tugging me into his lap. I straddled him and felt the warm water washing over me. I loved Jacuzzi's. It was extremely erotic.

I felt his erection pressing against mine as my mouth was glued to his. I was so horny all of a sudden. My mouth opened wider, my lips sucked and pulled on his, my tongue was literally down his throat.

Finally, Kyle nudged my face away and was gasping for breath. "Mace, what was that?" he rasped out. "Trying to eat me or something?"

I smiled. "God, I need you Kyle," I said grinding my erection into him. His head fell back and he let out a moan.

His fingers started clawing at my trunks and soon he was tugging them off me. I kicked them off and his hands started kneading my ass. I groaned and arched my back.

"You better have packed condoms and lube," I growled into his ear.

"Yeah, but lube would be wasted in the water," he gasped.

"Stretch me out and then we'll get back into the hot tub," I said breathing harder.

"Your wish is my command," he said lifting me out and laying me on the tiles. I spread my legs and watched as he retrieved lube and a condom.

My eyes rolled back as his finger entered me. I bit my lip. "More."

Thrusting one finger in and out, he added a second. I bit my lip harder and winced. "More."

Inserting a third, he stretched his fingers as far as they could go and I felt the familiar ache and burn. He applied more lube and continued to widen my hole, his middle finger curling against my prostate.

"Fuck," I whispered. I watched through half-closed eyes as Kyle pulled off his own swimming trunks and proceeded to sheath a condom over himself. Then he generously applied lube to his cock.

"Ready baby?"

I nodded. "Yes." There was a note of urgency in my voice.

Gingerly, he lifted my hips up, and positioned himself at my hole. I felt the tip pressing in and I instinctively pushed out. With a forceful nudge, he popped past my ring and I let out an involuntary gasp.

"You ok baby?"

I nodded. "Go slow. My ass is always so tight."

Kyle chuckled. "That it is."

Very slowly, he slid more and more of himself into me and I could feel my ass stretching wide to accommodate him. There was the usual pain and burning, but nothing that I couldn't handle. This was the perils of being gay. Gay sex- there was some pain involved, but it was worth the pleasure.

Six minutes later, he was completely inside of me, his balls slapping my ass gently, and Kyle's chest glistened with either water or sweat. I was breathing hard and willing myself to relax, so I could adjust to his size. "Let me know when, baby," he murmured. I nodded and rubbed his chest and arms as I lay back. Kyle was completely still over me, waiting.

"Ok," I whispered. "Take me back into the hot tub. I can take over from here."

Kyle smiled and carefully rolled my hips forward and lifted me onto his lap. I wrapped my legs around his waist and soon we were submerged in the hot bubbling water. Kyle hissed and squeezed his eyes shut as I shifted on his lap to get comfortable. I bit back a shout when his cock bumped into my prostate. My fingers clutched the edge of the tub.

Staring into his eyes, I slowly began churning my hips forward, occasionally rotating. Kyle moaned and his head fell back once again. I was riding him very slowly and I leaned forward to kiss his neck gently, nibbling here and there. I wanted this to last. I wanted to enjoy this special night of lovemaking.

His mouth found mine and we kissed, our tongues rolling together sensuously, teasingly. His hands massaged my back. He kissed behind my ear and I let out a whimper as I shuddered.

"I love you so much Mason," he whispered into my ear, sucking at the sensitive spot behind my lobe. My eyes rolled back and I let out a choke.

The slow lovemaking wasn't going to last long. As he continued sucking behind my ear, sending uncontrollable shivers down my body and in my cock, I started bucking on him, faster and faster. Kyle's lips didn't move from their spot, but I could hear him gasping for breath and his hands cupped my ass, pulling me harder onto him.

I let out cries as my prostate was massaged and poked. "Kyle," I whimpered. "Kyle."

My toes curled and my thighs tensed as I straddled him. The pleasure was becoming overwhelming and I knew it was going to burst out soon.

Gasping, I let out a shout, "I'm cumming!" as my hips thrust forward erratically. His cock was still pounding my prostate and my eyes rolled back as I arched and felt the explosion. It was so strong, I could feel the shots jerking out of my cock.

"Oh god!" I pumped and pumped on top of Kyle and I felt him clench his fingers around my ass tightly.

"Fuck," he groaned as I was lifted into the air as he thrust upwards. I buried my face into the crook of his neck and tried hard to breathe as the euphoric feelings died down. Kyle was breathing hard and still letting out small, gentle moans, and with every rise and fall of his chest, I was there with him.

"Kyle," I murmured.

He was panting still and hugging me tightly with one arm.

"I need a drink," I said.

Kyle started laughing and then I was bouncing in his lap as the vibrations from his laughter grew.

"I was that good, huh?"

I pinched his cheek. "You were that good. If I smoked, I'd be in dire need of a cigarette right about now."

With a content look on his face, he popped out of me and I eased myself into a comfortable sitting position. The warm water instantly eased whatever soreness I might normally have. Kyle handed me the box of strawberries and my glass of champagne.

I sighed. "This is amazing, Kyle."

"I think so, too."

"Thank you," I said sincerely.

He smiled. "Happy anniversary Mason."

"Happy anniversary Kyle."

We shared a kiss.

My legs kicked up and down as I rested on my stomach, lying on Kyle's bed, while reading Jackson's French textbook so I could decipher the passage.

Yeah, yeah, I was still doing Jackson's homework. Some things never changed. In a way that was good. I liked having some constants in my life and it appeared Jackson and all his bossy, quirky behavior would be one constant.

"Hey baby. Lunch is ready," Kyle said poking his head in.

"Cool," I said getting up eagerly, slamming the book shut. "What did you make?"

"Just sandwiches," Kyle shrugged.

"Just sandwiches?" I snorted. "Please, even your sandwiches are gourmet. I lucked out when I landed you."

Kyle smiled affectionately as I followed him into his kitchen. Just as I expected: two cups of lemonade, and two plates with very delicious looking sandwiches sitting atop them.

I grinned widely. "Kyle, you are exactly like a housewife in the 50's. Lemonade?"

"Oh shut up," he said attempting to ruffle my hair.

I squealed. "No, don't mess up my `do!"

"Yeah, yeah, now who's a woman?"

I shot him a dirty look.

"A high maintenance woman," Kyle giggled to himself.

"I will ignore that," I said plopping down on my chair. "But only because I am starving and my head is hurting from conjugating French verbs."

Kyle laughed. "You can always say no to Jackson, you know."

"No, I can't," I said sipping the lemonade which had the perfect amount of sugar in it. Man, Kyle was really good at this homemaking stuff. I really loved him and boy, did I land a catch. "You don't know my history with Jackson. Sure, we've been friends forever, but we are really there for each other. I love him like my brother and literally, I'd do anything for him, and vice versa. He's a really good friend even if he comes off as bossy. Trust me."

He smiled. "I understand. I'm a little envious actually. I've never had a best friend."

"Ever?" I asked in surprise.

"Nope," he said. "I was always a bit of a loner and had trouble connecting with people, even as a child. My parents were never really affectionate, and when I was thrown out, I guess I went through a withdrawal period or where I didn't trust people. I love my aunt and uncle, and I have a lot of friends, but none with a deep bond like you and Jackson. My friends will do me favors and go out to eat, but you and Jackson, you genuinely love one another and would sacrifice for one another. That's amazing."

I stared at him.

"You know, I had such crummy luck with relationships or flings or whatever you want to call them," Kyle explained quietly, "I was really wondering if I'd ever find love, find someone to connect with. In this day and age where everything is sex, fun, flings, cheating, where would I find a suitable partner? Some gay men are even more promiscuous than slutty girls!"

I laughed.

"I mean, come on, I am a homemaker," Kyle snorted. "I need to share my life with someone, otherwise I'd never feel complete or satisfied."

"You feel complete and satisfied now, right?"

He caressed my cheek. "Of course, baby. Like I said, when I first saw you at the bar, there was something about you," he sighed. "I just looked at you and just knew. I just knew there was something. I had no idea for sure if you were gay or what, but the look on your face, the look in your eye." He paused and gazed into my eyes. "And you are really an incredibly cute drunk."

I slapped his hand away. "Go away, don't bother me, I am trying to eat here!"

Kyle rubbed my knee while I took a huge bite of the sandwich on my plate. As soon as I my mouth closed, I let out a groan.

"Goddamn Kyle, your sandwiches are amazing," I said chewing.

He laughed. "I love that you appreciate my cooking. It makes me enjoy cooking for you even more."

"I don't even have to ask what you put in here because I know for a fact it will be amazing," I sighed taking another huge bite.

"Well, in case you're wondering," Kyle said rubbing my lower back. "It's a bun toasted with parsley and butter, then I have garlic chicken, with chopped tomatoes, and cashews and more garlic, blended to make some kind of paste."

"Mm, tastes heavenly. But all this garlic, it will put a damper on making out," I said my cheeks stuffed to the max.

"I have a new nickname for you: chipmunk."

I rolled my eyes and continued eating. Kyle did the same.

"So what are you plans after graduation? How's the grad school applications coming along? You're starting your last semester soon-"

"Don't remind me!" I groaned. "You sound like my Dad."

"Sorry, just curious," he said apologetically, but there was a sparkle in his blue eyes.

I smiled. "I was just kidding. I had already been in the process of applying. It's recommendations, paperwork, busy work. I took the GREs awhile back actually. Not that hard. It was the SATs all over again."

"For someone as smart as you, I'm sure."

"No use putting it off last minute."

"You applying to instate schools?"

"Yeah. Some are farther out, but I also applied to where I'm going now. They have a graduate program as well," I explained.

"If you got into all the schools, which one would you most likely choose?" he wondered.

"I don't know. I like where I am now, and all the programs are good. I just applied to a bunch of places because it's not good to throw all your eggs into one basket."

"True," Kyle said and then he looked down at his plate as he continued eating.

I was getting a weird vibe from him and I studied him, but he appeared lost in his thoughts.

"Are you ok, Kyle?"

"Move in with me."

My eyes widened. "Huh?"

He licked his lips and cleared his throat. "Yeah, I don't know how long you're supposed to wait or whatever before you move in together, but with you graduating college, I thought it would be a good time. I mean, you still have grad school and all, but I figured-" he trailed off.


"It's too soon, yeah, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything," he said waving his hand.

I grabbed his wrist. "No!"

He looked up at me startled.

"Kyle, I do want to move in with you. You just shocked me. I mean, living with you would be a dream. Well, I think, we never tried it before, although we have stayed over one another's houses in the past. But I do miss you when you're not around and I think we'd be good together, domestically and all that stuff-"

"You're babbling. Is there a `but' coming anytime soon?"

"Well," I hesitated. "What about my Dad?"

Kyle frowned in confusion. "What about him? He's cool with us, I thought."

"He is," I said. "That's not it."

Kyle tilted his head, waiting for me to go on.

"My Dad went on a blind date recently, remember?" Kyle nodded. "And it didn't go well, and I've been thinking, or I've been feeling bad about my Dad lately. All these years, it was nonstop working, and now we're starting to get close, he retired part-time so he would be more involved in my life, and Karen is long gone, and when I move out, then what? Will he truly be all alone?"

"Oh baby," Kyle murmured.

"I don't want him to feel sad. Maybe his reaction won't be sad, but if it is, I couldn't bear it," I said slumping in my seat.

"He knows you'll move out eventually, right?"

I shrugged. "I guess he figured I was the baby and since in the past, I never had a girlfriend, he never worried or thought too much on it. I don't know if he thought much about it now, though."

"We don't have to rush into anything. You're not even done with school yet. I was just asking because it's been on my mind lately, but seriously, no pressure."

I smiled at him gratefully. "I'd still like to talk with him anyway. Just to see where he stands and know how he's feeling."

"Mace, no matter what, you'll always be his son. And even if you move out, you two can still get together as often as you want for dinner. Actually, invite him over and I'd cook for him! He'd always be welcome. Your Dad is quite easy to get along with, in spite of our awkward meeting in the beginning."

I chuckled at the memory. "Yeah, I know. He and I, we're communicating better. I want to continue doing that."

"Ok, then talk it over. Whenever you're ready, Mace. It was just an idea."

"And a very good one," I said reassuringly. "I love you, you know that?"

He nodded, smiling.

"How and why wouldn't I not want to spend all my time with you? You make me feel whole, and you make me feel good and happy, and you make me love myself more, if that makes any sense whatsoever."

"It does," Kyle said softly. "It really does. I feel the same."

"School blows," I said in response to my father's question about my first day back of the spring semester of my senior year.

He chuckled. "That's it, huh?"

I shrugged. "My classes were ok. It's not that bad, really. One of my classes has a cool professor, kind of young. The young ones are better than the old ones. Not as uptight."

My father smiled.

"So, Dad," I began. He looked at me expectantly. I looked at him and wondered how to phrase my question about moving out, one day.

"Mason?" he asked. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I was just wondering..." I trailed off.


There was only one way to say it. "Kyle asked me to move in with him," I blurted out.

I waited for my father's reaction.

He blinked. "What?" Then he cleared his throat. "When?"

"Oh, not right now. We didn't even set a date. He was just throwing it out there and asking me my plans for the future in terms of grad school and whatnot," I rambled.

He nodded slowly, processing this. "You want to move in with him?"

"I didn't think that far ahead, but I guess I always considered it a possibility. I mean, it is the next logical step."

"I suppose."

"So, what do you think?" I prodded, curious to know his true feelings on this matter.

"I guess I am a little surprised," he said slowly.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. It's only been a year, and I just finished you're so young-"

"I'm 22."

"You're still a student and you still have graduate school. It is some time before you get a job. I always figured you'd be staying home. Even if you had a girlfriend, back when I thought you would have a girlfriend, I still thought you'd wait until you were settled before moving out," my father said honestly. "My thinking hasn't adjusted, even though you've been with Kyle for a year now."

I smiled. "I'm not in a hurry to move out, Dad. It was something he wanted my opinion on, to see if we were on the same wavelength, more or less. He knows I have school still. But I also want to tell you that it is a realistic possibility for the future," I said almost gently.

My father smiled, too. "I know Mason, I know. I don't have a problem with Kyle anymore, but that doesn't mean I'll get used to you growing up. It's different with Karen; she's so much older and she's always been more independent."

"Kyle doesn't live far," I went on. "You and I will still get together for our weekly dinners. We can even have more dinners a week. And do emails. And Kyle cooks, you know. You should come over and let him cook for you."

"Mason, it will be ok."

I ducked sheepishly, knowing my father figured me out.

"This is typical for men my age with children. Empty nest syndrome, when their kids leave the house. It's natural. I'll be ok. I have work, my hobbies, and such."

I nodded. "Umm, have you thought anymore about dating?"


"It was just a thought. I want you to be happy, also. Karen would too," I said in a slightly whiny tone.

"I've been out of the game too long, Mason. I wouldn't know where to begin."

"It is harder to meet people these days, but sitting home won't do it. You know, there are internet dating sites for people your, uh, age."

"I don't know Mason. The internet?" he asked skeptically.

"Don't knock it. A lot of people have had success with the internet. With everyone so busy these days, it's a great way to get to know one another," I said.

"I still don't know."

"Just think about it, Dad?"

"God, Mason."

"There's no rush, but it would be great if you had someone in your life by the time I left the house, whenever that may be."

"Mason, I'll be fine," he stressed.

"But just keep that as an option, please?" I asked earnestly.


"You're a really good writer. Are you an English major?"

What penetrating eyes. Very few people had green eyes. Not just bluish green eyes, but rich, vibrant green eyes. Like a forest. Or a jungle.

I never noticed before, probably because I sat too far back in the classroom and always rushed out the door as soon as class was dismissed. And ever since I started dating Kyle, my mind went on vacation and I didn't always notice good-looking college specimens when I had someone gorgeous and wonderful waiting for me.

However, with a one on one office hours for discussing the papers; it was something the professor thought the students needed.

"I had no idea I could write," I laughed. "It's a surprise actually. I'm an engineering major."

"Wow," Prof. Taggart said raising his brows. "Impressive. So you're into science and those types of things?"

"Pretty much. I avoided taking this writing requirement because I dreaded it. I really don't enjoy writing. Numbers and computer codes is much more my style."

"Well, I'll say you have a natural talent and you'll excel in this course," he went on.

"Thanks," I said smiling widely, taking it as a big compliment. He studied me a bit more, with a small quirk of his lips. I soon became self-conscious. "What?" I asked hesitantly.

He shook his head. "You just remind me of someone I knew."

"Oh yeah, who?" I asked before I could stop myself. I wasn't normally super chatty with professors, but I was curious beyond anything.

"My ex-boyfriend."

"Oh," I said. I didn't know what to say after that.

He stared at me a bit more and then shook his head as if to clear his thoughts. "Sorry, a bit of a blast from the past. You look just like him. Even have his mannerisms." He sighed. "Anyway, great job on the paper. This is an intensive writing course, so look forward to more of them."

"Oh goody ," I said grinning. "I hope all my papers are as good as this one."

Professor Taggart laughed. "I'm sure they will be. They'd better be, in fact. If not, well, there's nothing I can do about it."

I laughed, too. "Thanks." I held up my paper.

"No problem. Have a good day."

"You too."

"I've never celebrated Chinese New Years before," Kyle stated.

"Well, duh, you're not Chinese. You're a white boy ," I snickered.

He grabbed my neck and mussed my hair. I started shrieking and pushing him away. He laughed and gripped me tightly around my waist.

"No, I need to redo my hair now!" I begged.

Kyle released me and hugged me close. "You and your hair," he teased as I anxiously ran my hands over my spikes.

I frowned at him and started running into the house.

"Mace!" he called, following behind me.

"Dad, I have to fix my hair. Give me a few minutes!" I yelled as I ran upstairs into my bathroom where a tub of hair gel sat.

Kyle entered the bathroom a few seconds later, breathing lightly. I was in the process of lifting my hair up and pressing it between my fingertips.

He started laughing and I shot him a dirty look. "Shut up."

"You and your hair. It's so cute," he cooed, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist. He nuzzled the back of my neck, his lips nibbling gently.

I sighed and wiggled around, so I could focus on my hair. Finally it looked satisfactory. I pouted when I turned in his arms to face him. "Do you want me to look ugly when I go out? The hair is important."

Kyle slouched down and pecked my nose. "Now you see my ulterior motive, to make you as ugly as possible around other guys. Oh and you and ugly, that's an oxymoron. You'd never be considered ugly. You're as cute as a button."

I smiled. "You're so cheesy!"

He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine, his tongue nudging between my lips. I placed my hands on his chest and nudged him away. "We have to leave soon. My Dad is waiting downstairs to drive into the city. We cannot be delayed any further by your horniness."

Kyle gave me a puppy dog face as he rubbed his nose against mine.

I giggled. "Stop," I squirmed.

He kissed my firmly one last time, then grabbed my hand and together we made our way to my Dad's car, where he was already waiting. I noticed Jackson was in the front seat, gesturing wildly. Jackson and I had been friends for so long, he was usually invited to big things with my family, and vice versa. Now that my sister moved across the country, Jackson could take her place as my sibling. I kind of liked the sound of that: Jackson being my sibling.

"Mason, lock the door!"

I waved to indicate I heard him and a minute later, we were seated in the backseat as my Dad started reversing out of our driveway.

"So is the food really good?" Kyle asked.

"Always," Jackson said quickly. "Fried rice, noodles, shark fin soup, duck, lobster, fish," he went on dreamily.

"There's so many courses and most Asian people don't eat a lot, so Jackson and I get to clean up," I added. Jackson nodded enthusiastically.

Kyle laughed. "Clean up?"

"Yeah, like garbage disposals. Any remaining food, they eat," my Dad chuckled. "Sometimes they even lick the plate."

Kyle looked at me incredulously. "Lick the plate? In public? In a restaurant?"

I laughed at his expression. "Dad! Jackson and I hadn't done that in awhile."

"Yeah, like two years ago," Jackson chimed in. "And in our defense," he said whipping around to face Kyle. "It was really good food with really good sauce and by God, Mace and I weren't going to let it go to waste! Starving children in Africa would die for that sauce, and well, we would be horrible people to waste it!"

Jackson blinked. "Ok, not too sure if that made sense, but it was damn good sauce, alright?"

All four of us began laughing.

"My Dad didn't tell my relatives that I'm gay," I whispered to Kyle as we entered the restaurant. "he didn't think it was his place to tell my news to everyone. He's not one to gossip and he's into those doctor-patient confidentiality or something."

"Oh," Kyle frowned. "Do you plan on telling them today or something?"

"I don't know. Some of my relatives are such asses. I don't know if I want to deal with them."

"So don't," Kyle said. "It doesn't matter who you tell. All the important people know."

"I'd have to tell them eventually. In a few years, when I'm supposed to get married, they'll ask questions."

"So tell them then," Kyle said grinning. "And when they ask who your lover is, you can tell them: you already met him. He was the devilishly handsome and dashing white guy at the banquet dinner a few years back."

I burst out laughing. "You big dork! Why do I put up with you?"

"Because I'm good in bed."

"Hmm, I think you're right. I almost forgot," I mused.

He knocked my shoulder. "How could you forget that?" he asked in mock horror. "I shall remind you tonight! Over and over again," he said a bit huskily.

"Oh yeah, big boy?" I laughed, playing along. "Now that you said it, you'd better."

He raised his eyebrows up and down suggestively. "Don't worry, I will."

Jackson wedged between the two of us and wrapped an arm around our shoulders. "What's going on? Having a naughty discussion?"

I elbowed Jackson gently. "Shut up, you turd."

"Fuck you, you're the turd," he exclaimed.

I muffled my laughter when I saw several of my relatives look over with disapproval. Yeah, none of them cared for Jackson too much because he was a bit obnoxious. I loved him for it.

"Yes, we were discussing naughty things," Kyle whispered to Jackson.

Jackson shot me a triumphant look.

"Why do you encourage his behavior?" I demanded.

Kyle pinched my ass and I squeaked. "I love getting a rise out of you. I love seeing your cute little face when you're pretending to be all ad, but in reality, you can't resist me."

I rolled my eyes. "Why do I even bother?"

"Come on bitches, let's sit down and get some food. I'm starving, let's get this show on the road!" Jackson said plopping down and pouring himself a cup of tea. "Mrs. Lee, how's your back doing? I heard you pulled it?"

I smiled at Kyle as we took our seats. We sipped our tea and I introduced Kyle to my relatives as my friend. No use having them gossip throughout the entire dinner.

Plus, Kyle was right; all the important people knew about us, so there was no rush to tell everyone else. At the end of the day, all that mattered was me and Kyle. No one else.

Next: Chapter 13

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