No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Aug 12, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Authors Note: Hey, this series is almost over. There are only 4 chapters left, and I'm going to write an epilogue to tie up any loose ends. I don't think this story is very good. It's too mushy and sappy. LOL. When I wrote it, I was in a different mood. Now I can't stand this happy shit anymore. But I like to finish every story, so I'll finish this shortly. Not too sure if I'll write another story, but never say never. Sorry if there are typos and such, but I'm too lazy to reread everything. Thanks.


"Awesome cake, Maggie!" Jackson exclaimed with a big childish grin.

While the weather was still good in mid-September, Ray and Maggie had a small cookout so they could finally meet Corey and Jackson. It was nice for them to meet my best friend, as well as their other nephew. Initially, they knew Kyle had issues with Corey and their different upbringing, so they never pushed for a meeting prior.

They wanted Kyle to feel comfortable. Since Kyle and Corey's relationship was solidifying more and more each day, he ended up suggesting a get together. Kyle had to admit that Corey was a good guy and some things were in the past and he had to get over it. True, they weren't close now, but perhaps one day, they would be. It was always nice to have a sibling to turn to, in time of need.

On the other hand, I knew that Kyle didn't want to meet Corey's parents anytime soon, if ever. He said he likes his life, and he's satisfied with the things he has accomplished, but meeting Corey's parents and having the `what if' thrown in his face would be too much. It'd be like purposely trying to make himself feel badly, and he wasn't up for it.

It was difficult explaining that to Corey though. On one level he understood how different their lives were, but at the same time, he didn't really know how hard it had been for Kyle when he got thrown out of his house and had to adjust to living without his parents. It was a different upbringing. I knew that Kyle tried explaining it to Corey and Corey was listening. Maybe in time, like a long time from now, would Kyle be ready to meet Corey's parents.

Maggie and Ray laughed. "You and Jackson are exactly alike," Ray commented.

I grinned. "Me and Jackson do have our twin moments. Usually with food."

"This is a beauty. So much frosting. So much chocolate. So beautiful," Jackson said.

Kyle laughed. "Watch out Maggie. There's gonna be drool spots."

I wrinkled my nose. "Eww. Get away Jackson, I want some cake too, and minus your drool."

"Shut your face," my best friend shot back. Corey and Kyle chuckled to themselves, while Corey rubbed Jackson's back.

"These two are like bickering puppies," Corey said affectionately.

Kyle and Corey simultaneously tried tickling us under our chins and Jackson and I slapped their hands away.

"Wow, you guys are a very similar pair," Ray breathed, looking in wonder between Corey and Kyle.

It was naturally a huge shock to them finding out about their other nephew. What shitty parents Kyle had to have lied to everyone and given up their son, and then disown the one they did keep! I hope I never had to meet them. Ever.

"I work on Wall Street," Corey began. "I graduated from Columbia, having gotten my Masters, not too long ago." Ray and Maggie listened with interest.

Jackson poked me. "Mace, can you help me with my homework?"

I rolled my eyes. "You mean do it for you?"

Jackson smiled impishly. "I need to discuss stuff with the other E-board members for this week's practices."

"Jackson, you can't survive through life with me doing all your work," I reminded.

"I know, but I just need help now. You're so smart," he said widening his eyes.

"Ugh, flattery," I groaned.

"And guilt. Don't forget guilt."

"Right, guilt," I sighed. "What subject?"


"What, you didn't tell me you were taking French again," I exclaimed. "You finished your language requirement, I thought."

"Turns out I didn't read the fine print," Jackson shrugged. "I need a whole year of a new language, instead of a review course of my high school language. And I took Spanish in high school. Well, it's a long story, but yeah, I need another semester of it. Actually, it's not so bad. I kind of like learning French. I'm able to understand more of it."

"How can that be when I'm doing your homework?" I asked in exasperation.

"Because that's the homework. I pay attention in class and study for the exams," Jackson said. "Come on, help me, please? I'll buy you a nice dinner."

"Alright fine," I huffed.

Jackson grinned. "I knew you'd fall for the dinner."

"Well, you're my best friend," I rolled my eyes. "So I guess I'd do anything for you," I breathed looking away.

Jackson grabbed my arm, "I love you, too."

"Mushy moment. Ugh," I said.

Jackson laughed. "We need to have them every once in awhile, to confirm our feelings for one another."

"Feelings for one another?" Kyle interrupted.

"My best friend in the whole wide world," I said kissing Kyle's chin. "But you're the best lover in the whole wide world."

"Now who's a smooth talker?" Kyle teased pinching my nose.

Loud laughter erupted from the other end of the table and I heard the tale end of the story Corey was telling, which was his coworker with the triple hair piece.

I smiled. That was a good story.

"I had no idea you loved Halloween that much!" I exclaimed as I trailed behind Kyle. I watched as he grabbed various Halloween decorations off the shelves in Party City and the basket kept growing.

"I do," Kyle said. "I always love the festivities of everything. It just makes life feel more alive, if that makes any sense whatsoever."

I smiled. "It does. I never enjoyed Halloween, but I don't mind giving out candy. I know my Dad hates it, and normally he works anyway, but I think if he were home on Halloween, he would purposely go out to dinner. In fact, I think he is doing that this year."

"Oh, that's no fun," Kyle grinned. "I like to decorate my house and buy lots of candy and make little candy bags with a variety of stuff. And then for myself, and at the garage, I make Halloween goodies, like cupcake or cookies."

"Kyle, you are such a homemaker!" I laughed.

"Hey now!" he said loudly holding up a finger. I stared at him and he bent down, pecking me briefly. "I am not a woman. I'll prove it to you later," he said gruffly, grabbing my ass and yanking me against him.

I snorted and buried my face in his chest. "I know you're not a woman. I love that you do those womanly things, though. It makes you seem so sensitive," I said, my words muffled by his chest.

"Umm, thanks, I think."

"It's a good thing," I said tracing his nipple through his sweater.

Kyle shivered and grabbed my hand. "Stop, that tickles."

"And tingles?" I asked grinning, as I ground myself against his crotch.

"Yeah. We'll save that for later," he said pecking my nose. "I'm almost done."

After he paid for his stuff, he took my hand and led me to his car. "Want to come over my house on Halloween? Spend the night together? Eating goodies, giving out treats to little kids?" he asked. He wiggled his eyebrows, his blue eyes sparkling. "It will be a lot of fun, I promise."

I pretended to think it over. "that depends."

"On what?"

"What kind of goodies are you going to bake?" I asked with a big smile.

"Oh, is that how you're doing it now? You'll only spend time with me if I make yummy baked goods?"

"Yup," I quipped. "I would love cupcakes with lots of frosting," I said hopefully.

Kyle laughed. "I can do that. In fact, I can do better," he said. "You should have seen the things I baked in the past. It's almost professional levels," he boasted.

"Alright, I'm in," I said sitting in his car. "I want to see you in action, my manly man, who bakes cupcakes and sits down to prepare goodie bags." I smiled.

"Are you making fun of me?" he asked in mock anger.

I feigned innocence. "Nope. Not at all."

"It will be fun," Kyle said smiling.

"Oh wait," I said rubbing my head. "There's a party. Jackson mentioned it to me last week."

"Hang out with me," he stated, more than requested.

"Why, is that an order?" I teased.

"Mm, that depends," he grinned.


"Whether or not you like bossy men."

"Hmm," I said smiling. "I do like manly men and manly men do have a tendency to be bossy, so I guess," I drawled out.

"Good," Kyle said grabbing my hand. "I don't want you at some party anyway."

"Why? Afraid I'll get drunk and have random sex with someone?" I asked glancing at him.

"Mace, don't joke about that. People at parties get crazy and you never know if someone might spike your drink or whatever," he said as he started driving.

"True, but I'll be careful. I'm always with a group of people."

"Yeah, but what if that person is not trustworthy? I mean, you don't know a person's true nature," Kyle said.

"Do you always worry this much?" I asked.

"Only about you and parties," he answered honestly. "I never liked the party environment. In high school, there was so much drama at these parties, you know, sex everywhere, then the next day it was called rape. You never knew who to believe and I never liked parties. It's too many bad elements in one area and someone will get hurt. Or that's how I see it. I'm a little biased I guess because I've always had negative party experiences."

"It's good to be cautious," I agreed. "But you don't have to worry about me that much."

"Mace, I can't help it. It's how I feel."

"I know," I said softly, feeling touched. "I don't care for parties much either. But if I do go, I'd be careful. I never get drunk at parties. I usually leave early. I mean, the only time I got drunk was when I met you that night at the bar."

"Which was really not safe," he reminded. "I mean, you let a complete stranger walk you somewhere. You could barely stand."

"I guess luck was on my side that night," I said kissing his cheek. "He dropped an Angel on me. An angel who was a gentlemen and protected me and didn't take advantage of me."

He smiled. "Aww, Mace, that's so sweet."

I batted my eyelashes. "What can I say? I'm a sweet guy."

He laughed. "It was fate. Our meeting was fate."

"I really think it was," I said seriously. "When I met you I was feeling shitty about life, and," I bit my lip, getting a little emotional. "You changed my life," I finished quietly, peeking at him. His blue eyes were trained on me and he had a gentle look in his eyes.

"I love you, Mace," he said.

"I love you, too."

"Cool costume, Eric," I said looking at the little boy in awe. "You're a really convincing Frankenstein."

He giggled and bounced on his toes. "Thanks!"

The child was barely recognizable with all his face paint, but it was indeed a pretty bangin costume.

"Going to dinner with your Dad, Mason?" Michaela, Jackson's older sister, asked me.

"No. I'm going to Kyle's place. He loves Halloween and giving out candy. My Dad hates it. Normally he would be working, but he's doing his part-time retirement thing, so he's going to hit up a bookstore and have dinner, maybe a coffee shop afterwards."

"All by himself? Aww," Michaela said. Eric ran up to her and grabbed his mother's hand. "Hey Mason, how old is your Dad?"

I gave her a curious look. "Forty-six."

She looked surprised. "Really? He looks like he's in his thirties."

"He ages well, I guess."

"He has a bit of a baby face," she went on.

"Michaela, is there something you, like, um, wanna tell me?" I asked looking at her skeptically and hesitantly.

She stared at me in confusion, and I stared right back at her. Soon, Eric was looking back and forth between the two of us. Finally he giggled. "Staring contest."

She broke the silence first. "I was just wondering. Your Dad hasn't date in a long time, right?"

I shrugged. "As far as I know, he hasn't dated since my Mom-" I didn't finish the sentence, but she nodded quickly. I looked at her. "You're not, like, crushing on my Dad or anything, right?"

Her eyes widened. "Mace! God no!"

"Hey!" I said.

She laughed. "Mason, your Dad is good-looking and smart, but way too older for me. I'm close to 30, but he's still too old for me. No, I know someone from work and she's single too and we talk a lot during lunch. I was thinking about setting your Dad up."

"How old is she?"

"She's 39. She got divorced about two years ago and has had trouble meeting someone new. She was married a long time, and she said it was hard jumping back into the game."

"I guess," I said. "Well, my Dad has time these days, so maybe we can set something up. I'll have to check with him, because maybe he's not interested. I don't know."

"Cool," Michaela said. "Ready to go, baby?" she asked looking down at Eric.

"What about Uncle Marcus?" he asked, referring to Jackson's younger brother.

Jackson had a huge family. One older sister, two older brothers, and one younger brother. The two older brothers were out of the house, and Michaela lived at home because she needed babysitting help, since she was a single mother. Marcus was a cool kid, but I rarely saw him. As far as I knew, he was really into sports, and was always at some kind of event or practice or game.

"He's out with his friends, sweet heart."

Eric pouted.

"No sad face," Michaela said. "Let's get moving. Candy awaits you!"

Eric instantly grinned and started bouncing again.

I rubbed his head. "I'll bring you back some goodies," I said.

"Thanks Uncle Mason!" he cheered.

I laughed. "Have fun kiddo." I waved to them as I headed to my car.

I smiled at the Halloween decorations as I parked in his driveway. He had a realistic looking zombie and witch on his lawn and even I was a bit creeped out while I walked to the front door. I couldn't help eyeing the figures, as if waiting for one of them to jump out at me.

When I entered Kyle's house with the key he had given me, I inhaled the unmistakable aroma of cookies and cupcakes. My mouth instantly started watering. Before I could locate him, I saw the bowls of candy on the kitchen table and I smiled.


"In the kitchen!" he called out.

My eyes widened. "Whoa, Kyle!"

I gawked at his ghoul costume. "You look so scary!"

He grinned and I grimaced. He looked like he belonged in a horror movie and I felt myself backing away.

"Don't be scared, baby. Come here," he motioned for me. I hesitantly looked at him.

"You look really scary," I repeated. "You're freaking me out."

"Stop," Kyle said laughing. He grabbed my wrist and tugged me closer. "Have a cupcake."

It was the second time my eyes widened. Kyle really went all out.

"Kyle, you should be a baker," I exclaimed, looking over the cupcakes with spider frosting design.

"Wow," I breathed. "Can I have one?"

"Of course, baby," he said. "I always bake a whole bunch and give them out to people. I have plenty," he said waving further along the kitchen counter. I saw trays of cupcakes.

"A lot of the neighborhood kids, well, I'm friendly with their parents and such, so I give some away to them as well," he continued.

"You're Mr. Friendly. Everyone just loves you, don't they?"

"I can't help it," he said with a smile.

"Mmm, well, give me one!" I said snatching a cupcake from the tray and taking a huge lick of frosting before biting into it. I sighed and smiled as I chewed.

He pinched my cheek. "My little piggy."

I shot him a dirty look, but couldn't say anything for I had crammed the remainder of the cupcake into my mouth. With him watching, I grabbed another one. The doorbell rang and he carried the bowl of candy to the front door.

A series of "trick or treat" rang out and I heard Kyle complimenting the costumes.

I shook my head at his enthusiasm. It was truly endearing.

For the next few hours, we alternated handing out candy, or doing it at the same time. Mostly, I watched him and enjoyed the company. The night died down quickly since this was a small suburban town and well, it pretty much shut down around eight or nine. Fine by me. I wanted Kyle all to myself.

"Have an early class tomorrow?" he asked me.

I shook my head. "No. Two afternoon ones."

"Want to stay over?" he asked smiling.

I grimaced. "I can't have sex with you until after you've showered. Your whole costume still freaks me out," I said.

He laughed. "I'll shower. In fact, shower with me," he said raising his eyebrows.

"Oh wait, I promised Eric I'd bring him some Halloween treats," I said.

"You can drop it off and come back?" Kyle suggested.

"Nah," I said. "He's four. He probably got tons of candy and might be heading to bed soon anyway. It can wait until tomorrow. Right now, you need a shower."

Without another word, Kyle grabbed my hand and walked purposefully to his bedroom and into the shower. Instantly, he started taking off his clothes, while I eagerly did the same.

Ten minutes later, his face was scrubbed clean, and I was pressed up against the shower wall, with Kyle thrusting inside me, as his arms wrapped around me in a tight hug.

I moaned and gasped, arching to meet his thrusts, and my hands dug into his back.

I whimpered and my heart was pounding as I felt the unmistakable tingle of my impending release.

Kyle kissed behind my ear and I could hear him panting. He started grunting and pounding harder into me. I let out a cry. My eyes zoomed in on the white tiles above and then I saw sparks as I came without warning, my hips jerking wildly as I shot against his chest and stomach.

I heard faint cries as Kyle pushed into me one last time and then we both stilled, me pinned against the wall. We remained in that position for a bit, as we breathed hard, and tried to regain our composure.

Finally, the tension was released from Kyle's shoulder and he stepped away, gingerly setting me back down on the tub floor. He looked sleepy all of a sudden.

I kissed his chest gently, rubbed his lower back.

"Wow, that was a hard orgasm," he murmured.

I laughed. "You know what, Kyle?"


"This was the best Halloween ever."

He looked down at me and started snorting, and then full blown laughing.

"I aim to please, baby."

"Thanks Mason," Michaela said as I handed a container of Kyle's spider cupcakes to her. Eric immediately came running to the door and started squealing with excitement when he saw them.

"Can I have one? Can I have one now?" he begged his mother.

I smiled in amusement.

"Fine, but only one. Dinner is in two hours."

Eric snatched the container and started running.

"Only one, Eric! I mean it!" she called after him.

"How was your Halloween?" I asked.

"It was good. Only a few hours of trick or treating. You know kids, they get tired so easily. I ended up carrying him home," she rolled her eyes. I snorted. "Hey, Mason, did you get a chance to talk to your Dad about the blind date?"

"Huh?" I asked. "Oh sorry, not yet. My Dad was out last night and I stayed at Kyle's. We're having dinner tonight, so I can casually mention it to him then."

"Good. Try to be convincing," she said excitedly.

"I will," I said. "Although, I'm not in marketing so I don't know how good my selling skills are, or whatever."

She laughed. "Well, try hard!"

"Ok, ok. This woman better not be crazy, though," I warned.

"She's a delight."

"Right," I said eyeing Michaela. "Alright, I'm on it."

I walked inside my house, made a cup of tea, and did some homework really quickly, then I showered and waited for my Dad to get home. I was watching some old reruns.


"In here, Dad!" I called out.

"Hey. Ready to eat?"

"Always," I replied. "Where do you want to go?"

"Doesn't matter. Any food in particular you feel like eating?" he asked.

"I can eat anything, you know that," I said smiling. "But I wouldn't mind having pancakes. Want to hit up a diner?"

"Sure," he said. "Let me change."

During the car ride, I was contemplating on how to bring up the whole dating thing. That's an awkward conversation to have with your father, with a capital A.

"Something on your mind, Mason?" he asked when we were seated and looking over our menus.

"No," I answered quickly. He looked at me expectantly. "Well, maybe," I shrugged.

"What is it?" he asked.

"I was talking with Michaela, Jackson's sister," I started. He continued looking at me. "Umm, and anyway, she asked if you, um, if you, you know-"

"Mason, spit it out," he smiled.

"She wanted to know if you were dating anyone," I blurted out quickly.

My father looked surprised. He didn't say anything for awhile. Then he cleared his throat. "Um, what?"

"Michaela has this friend," I started.

"A blind date?" he interrupted. "Mason, I don't think so. And Michaela? How old is she? I'd be way too old for one of her friends."

"You're not that old," I said. "And besides, her friend is older than her. Closer to your age."


"She's 39."

"Mason, no."

"Dad, have you dated anyone, um, you know, since Mom?" I asked hesitantly.

He looked down at the table. "Not really," he said quietly.

"Not really?"

"Um, no, not really. I mean, I was so busy with work. Those hours don't exactly leave a lot of time-"

"So that's a no, then?" I asked.

"I guess."

I smiled. "Don't you even want to meet her?" I asked. "One date. One dinner. Possibly some interesting conversation?"


"Oh Dad, come on. I'm dating and out of the house most of the time. Michaela lives next door and will not stop hounding us. Just go on one date; what's the worse that could happen?" I stated reasonably.


"Dad, do you ever get lonely?" I asked seriously.

He shrugged and looked away. "Sometimes," he said in a soft voice.

My heart hurt when I heard him say that, although I figured as much. When your kids grew up, most parents did feel lonely, or some kind of loss, but it was even worse if it was a single parent.

"So one date?" I asked.

He sighed. "You won't give up until I say yes, will you?"

"Nope," I quipped.

He sighed again. "I'm in."

I grinned triumphantly. "Great. Let's eat. I'm starving. How `bout them pancakes, huh?"

He sighed loudly and continued perusing the menu.

"Michaela, he didn't like her," I said as I helped fix a peanut butter sandwich for Eric.

"He didn't like her?" she repeated looking at me dumbly.

"I don't know, he didn't give me a lot of details. Just that they didn't have a lot to talk about, or more like she went on and on about her divorce. I think he mentioned something about too much emotional baggage."

"Oh man," Michaela said. "She's so cool."

"I'm sure she is," I said. "But she has to learn to not talk about her divorce on a first date. As a dude, I'd be annoyed."

"You're gay," she pointed out.

"Hey, I'd be annoyed if a guy went on and on about an old break-up, or even listening to a woman I just met talk about a divorce. It's just not good first date etiquette."

"Yeah," she sighed. "It's like the first date no-no's."

I smiled. "I don't want to twist his arm for another date either."

"That's ok," Michaela sighed. "I just thought it'd be cool."

I shrugged, not knowing what else to say. I handed Eric his sandwich and he smiled, taking a big bite.

"Hey, where's my sandwich?" Jackson pouted, walking into the kitchen, his hair still damp from his shower.

"You got hands, make it yourself," I said and Michaela laughed. Even Eric was smiling as he chewed happily on his sandwich, some jam on the corner of his mouth.

"You're so mean," Jackson said reaching for the jar of peanut butter. He began making his own sandwich. "So, what's the gossip?" he asked looking back and forth between me and his sister.

"Never mind that," I said. "How was dinner with Corey's parents?"

"Not bad," Jackson shrugged.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Nah, there's more to it than that," Michaela stated.

"Oh yeah. Tell me," I demanded.

"No way. You didn't make me a sandwich," he said sticking his tongue out at me.

"Michaela?" I implored. She smiled.

"Michaela, shut up," he said.

"Jackson, up yours," she rolled her eyes.

"Up his where?" Eric asked looking at his mother.

"Nothing baby. Why don't you eat in the living room? Watch some TV?"

"Ok," he said running out of the room.

"His parents are ok. Not the most exciting personalities in the world."

I laughed. "Wait, are they boring as hell or something?"

"Worse than hell," Jackson smirked. "All preppy people and they just sit there, having nothing to talk about. I can see that Corey is adopted."

"Oh dear."

Michaela bit back her laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Jackson asked.

She shrugged innocently. "I think I'll go join Eric." She snatched Jackson's plate with his sandwich and left the room.

"Hey!" he protested. Then he grumbled something under his breath and began making another sandwich. "Everyone stealing my food. What the hell."

I smothered a giggle.

"But all my worrying was for nothing, because his parents liked me and my personality. Naturally," he snorted cockily. "I don't mind seeing them again, since Corey is so close with them. And since I love talking, then it's no problem if they don't have much to say."

"Definitely," I agreed. "It's a perfect match."

"So what's this business with your Dad? He went on a blind date? Did he score?"

I groaned in disgust while Jackson grinned widely, chewing with his mouth open.

"I'll miss you," Kyle said kissing my neck.

I sighed and leaned into him. "I'll miss you, too, but I'll only be gone for a week. Since my sister didn't come home for Thanksgiving, we're visiting for Christmas," I explained snuggling into his arms.

"One week is still too long," he murmured.

"Oh, you're so sweet," I said turning my head to kiss him. "We'll just have to spend lots of time together before I leave, that's all."

"Indeed," he said deepening the kiss, bending his head, his tongue digging into my mouth. I opened wider, and gripped the back of his head, pulling him even closer.

"I can give you your Christmas present early," I said.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" he breathed.

"Eight days of sex," I grinned.

"I don't think that's Christmas."

"Do you want nonstop sex or what?" I demanded.

He chuckled. "Yeah, but I'm already getting it pretty regularly."

"Really? From who?" I said in mock anger.

"From this really cute guy that I really, really love," he said playing along.

"I better never run into him or I will kick his ass."

"Ooh, sounds kinky," he laughed.

"Oh shut up," I said grabbing his hair and kissing him hard on the mouth. "It's sex-time. Not another word out of you," I ordered.

"Yes sir," he panted.

I giggled. "Let's do it rough."

It was impossible for me and Kyle to engage in rough sex because we just naturally gravitated towards the slow sex. Sure, sometimes when we were really horny, it was a quick, fast fuck, but never did he get rough. We weren't into that mixture of pain or pleasure. It just wasn't my style.

He snorted. "Whatever you say, baby."

"Damn straight."

Next: Chapter 12

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