No More Loneliness

By T Storm

Published on Jul 24, 2008


Disclaimer: This is a slow love story and not a fast fuck one. If this isn't to your liking, please don't bother reading. This story contains sexual acts between consenting adult males. If it offends you, then X out. Any comments or questions, email me and I'll try to respond promptly.

Author's notes: Sorry for the delay with the postings. I have a lot going on at the moment, with renovating my apartment and living with my parents for the time being. (KILL ME!) So I haven't had much time to write and edit anything, so if this chapter doesn't flow well or has typos, I apologize in advance. I hope you're all enjoying this story and will continue to read. Thanks to everyone who has supported me thus far.


"I say we do a trip in July because my sister is visiting from California at the end of August. She saw some good prices for flights and booked them."

"Them?" Kyle asked.

"Her and her boyfriend. Did you know they met off Craigslist?"

"Really?" Kyle wrinkled his nose. "I always found those ads suspicious and creepy."

"Yeah, but they met over some couch and started talking that way. It wasn't for dating; it only escalated into that. It's kind of cute actually, they talked for like a year on AIM, and then met, and continued dating long distance before she officially moved. They are so going to get married," I said. I rolled my hands. "God willing, anyway. My sister always panicked about not getting married in time, and then being too old to have children. If she didn't get married, she said I'd have to take care of her."

"Cool. So I get to meet the bossy sister?"

"Yup," I quipped. "Beware, she's even worse than Jackson."

"Oh dear," Kyle said. "More death threats. I've been getting a lot of them since we started dating. If I didn't know better, I'd say I was dating a controversial figure."

I laughed loudly. "Me? Hardly."

"I guess everyone loves you," Kyle said wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"Focus!" I exclaimed pinching his arm. "We're in the middle of planning our July getaway."

"Miami can be fun? Cuban food. Drinks," he suggested.

"I guess. It might be cheaper and easier to go somewhere in the US rather than abroad. Ooh, there's Mexico or Puerto Rico. Maybe Corey can give us some tips." I rubbed my hands together in excitement. "Man, there are so many trips we need to take!"

Kyle pinched my nose and I slapped his hand away, giving him a dirty look. He only laughed and leaned forward to kiss me. I bit his lip and he chuckled. "Getting frisky, baby?"

"Stop groping me. We need to make some plans. I really want to go on vacation," I said looking at him, widening my eyes.

"Alright," Kyle said taking charge. "Let's just pick a place. No debating. In the future, we'll go to those other places. Let's make it fast and simple. Pick."

"I'm bad at making decisions; you know that," I said with a pleading expression.

"Mace, don't do this to me," he said, but he didn't appear angry. "Don't force all the decisions on me. We can agree on stuff together, but tell me what you want."

I huffed and folded my arms and paused to think.

Kyle's fingers gently traced down my cheek and down my neck.

I squeaked and edged away, my butt almost hanging off the chair. "Stop! That tickles!"

"Make a decision!" he cried out in. his fingers began digging into my sides and armpits. I squealed loudly, like a twelve year old girl and tried desperately to evade him.

"No, please!" I begged laughing and crying at the same time. "Don't do this to me!" I wailed.

Kyle laughed and increased his efforts.

"No!" I howled.

Kyle laughed even louder and eventually grabbed me and lifted me into his lap, cradling me. He kissed my nose. "I love you," he whispered staring at me, his face pressed close to mine, our eyes crossing.

"Ok, because I love you, I will make a decision. Let's go to Miami," I said. "Baby steps on traveling. I've never traveled, ever, so we'll start within the country. Next summer or something we'll go abroad," I grinned. "Sound good?"

"Perfect," he kissed my lips. "Now we have the date, around July. That will be easy to figure out, then booking two flights is even easier."

"Don't forget the hotel."

"That's easy also. Just pick a place," Kyle shrugged. "We can figure out the activities as we go along. Lounging on the beach, restaurants, drinking, sex," he raised his brows.

I laughed. "I love how easy you make everything sound."

"It's not something to be stressed about," he said lightly.

"I love your attitude," I said kissing his cheek. "You balance out my craziness," I said. "We're a perfect match."

"Indeed," he said nuzzling his lips into my hair. "Ouch," he grimaced. "Big mistake. Your hair has killer spikes. How much gel do you use every morning?"

"I like this style. It's all trendy. You don't like it?"

"You're a baby porcupine!"

I rolled my eyes. "What's with all the nicknames? Mouse? Porcupine?"

"Who calls you a mouse?"

"Jackson," I sighed. "I'm mousy Mason."

"Oh, you're not all that mousy," Kyle said. "He should give your more credit than that."

"Thank you," I said smiling. "I'm shy, but not exactly mousy. That implies I'm ugly or something."

"And you're certainly not ugly," Kyle said in a teasing tone.

"Absolutely not! I am not a supermodel, but I am extremely cute!" I said haughtily. "Some might even say adorable, with my baby face, baby ass smooth face, creamy doll-like complexion, and exotic Asian eyes. I'm a catch!"

Kyle chuckled. "And may I ask who thinks this about you?"

"You," I said indignantly. "Right?"

He gave a guttural laughed and hugged me tightly, resting his chin in the crook of my neck. "Definitely, but I was just wondering who my competition was."

"Oh, there is no competition for you; I love you completely, but I have many admirers," I boasted jokingly.

He growled. "Are you trying to make me jealous?"

"No," I said with wide eyes pecking him repeatedly on the lips.

He hummed, gladly receiving my kisses. "What about our travel planning?" he mumbled as my lips continued to cover his. His hands began to slide under my shirt.

"We got the basics down. Why don't we take a break and come back to it? We'll settle everything for sure," I breathed before kissing him hungrily, deepening my kiss this time, sliding my tongue deep into his mouth.

He groaned and was panting when I started nibbling on his neck. "That's an excellent idea," he gasped, picking me up and carrying me to my bed.

"Plans all set?" Jackson asked as he hung up the phone.

"Yup. We're going to Miami for five days at the end of July. We need to plan to take time off work and save up more money. I'm excited."

"I'm glad," Jackson said smiling as he shuffled through some payroll attendance sheets. "Wear a lot of sun block, you know you can't tan worth a shit. You'll come back all blistered and red and ugly as hell."

"Thanks a lot, you bitch."

"Anytime," he said breezily. "I'm only looking out for you brother. Be grateful for it."

I snorted. "I love how you rationalize everything."

"I speak the truth, homes."

I laughed. "So how are you and Corey doing? All well? You two enjoy the rest of his birthday celebration?"

"I know what you're thinking, but no, we haven't gone all the way. I'm a nice Catholic boy, remember?"

I started shrieking with hysterical laughter, but then remembered I was at work and the office was a quiet setting. Jackson shot me a dirty look.

"Ah, you're serious? My bad," I said loving the chance to tease my best friend.

"We got giant cups of ice cream, ate it, shared spoonfuls, talked a lot about ourselves, then read some magazines in the bookstores. You know, those tabloid ones and we had some good laughs together talking about those half retarded celebrities. We stayed until closing and ended up getting more desserts."

"Oh yeah, which ones?" I asked. Yeah, yeah, I know, I was more interested in his desserts than his actual hanging out with Corey.

"Umm, cheesecake, a cupcake, and a giant peanut butter cookie."

"Sounds delicious. I think I'll get some after work," I said licking my lips.

"You're a big dork. All you care about is food."

"Well, hell if I'd apologize for it," I said.

Jackson grinned. "Want some coffee?" he asked, producing a large paper cup seemingly out of nowhere.

"Yeah! What, you were holding out on me?" I demanded as I grabbed the cup eagerly.

"No, bitch, that's why I offered," he shot back rolling his eyes.

"What flavors did you use this time?" I asked sniffing.

"Kona and hot chocolate and whipped cream," he answered.

"My favorite!" I exclaimed my eyes lighting up as I took a large sip. "Shit, it's hot!" I cried out making a face.

He laughed. "Mace, it's coffee. What did you expect?"

I shot him a wounded look and he shook his head at me. "Anyway, back on topic. You and Corey are getting closer? Is he less girly acting?"

Jackson laughed. "Yeah, he's more himself. Wittier and more sarcastic- definitely my type. We have a lot of fun bantering or challenging one another mentally and verbally. So much fun. Most guys I have a lot of fun with, joking around, because my friends are all funny. But Corey is smart, and is a good guy, comes from a good family, and doesn't come off as a dumb, silly, or immature college kid. He has a little more experience and knowledge and talking with him is comfortable, even about serious topics. Most of my friends in the club, we only talk about random stuff, but after that, the conversation dwindles. So-"

I interrupted. "Corey's a keeper then? You really, really, really like him?" I asked with an obnoxiously large smile. "I thought you said there was no one out there that you could fancy enough to settle down?"

Jackson rolled his eyes. "I said there was a possibility. Besides, those were just some of my worries about connecting with someone. What? Did you think you had the monopoly on that? Just `cause I don't cry to you all the time like you do to me doesn't mean I don't have worries and fears."

"I didn't say that."

"I know, but some people act so surprised when I have the occasional," he emphasized the last word. "Insecurity issues. Jeez, I may be an asshole sometimes-"

"A lot of the time," I coughed into my hand.

He narrowed his eyes, but didn't stop talking. "Sometimes, but they seem so surprised when I have an off day. It's annoying. I feel like I always have to keep up that front."

"Not in front of me, you don't have to," I reminded. "If you listen to all my bullshit, it's only fair I listen to all of yours. And you forget the most important thing: I want to listen to all your insecurities and shit. Maybe I can feel better about myself or something. Misery DOES love company."

He slapped my arm and I giggled. "But Corey started being himself, and I started being myself, so he doesn't see me as only a fun, on the surface, person. I'm deeper than that, which only you know. I have to maintain a confident front for my club members, as I will be future president."

I grinned. "On that Presidency thing again, huh? Hmm, it seems your soft moments don't last very long."

He shrugged. "Nah, can't let that crap weigh me down."

I laughed loudly. "Man, I love you Jackson. You're so honest and you just crack me up."

He smiled at me. "Yeah, I kinda crack myself up, too."

That only made me laugh further.

"I want to see some people die! I want to see some limbs chopped up, some necks sliced, some eyeballs scraped out!"

Corey, Kyle, and I stared at Jackson with a variety of expressions.

Corey's was one of amusement.

Me- rolling of eyes.

Kyle's eyes darted around, wondering who was within listening range.

"You're crazy," Corey said.

"I second that," Kyle added.

"Nah, that's just Jackson; in dire need of violence every now and again," I explained.

"And blood. Don't forget blood. And screams. Girly screams," Jackson pointed out.

"Right, I forgot," I said smiling.

"If you want screams, I can make you scream," Corey winked leaning closer to Jackson.

"This horn dog," Jackson said nudging Corey away.

Corey pouted and Jackson laughed, blowing him an air kiss.

"I still love that Jackson and I are dating twins," I whispered to Kyle. "Two of you! Two hot guys!"

Kyle pulled me closer. "Do you have dreams of doing twins?"

I looked up at him. "Nope, I only dream of you," I pecked his lips. "You're all I need," I whispered. "I love you."

"Oh Mace," he murmured. "I love you, too." He hugged me tightly.

A pillow was thrown at us.

"No making out!" Jackson shouted. "I want to see a movie! Move your asses!"

I was still holding onto Kyle's neck. "You see a movie. I don't care about all that blood and gore. I want Kyle," I said looking at Kyle.

"Oh wow, that hungry look is in his eyes," Kyle laughed. "Guys, get out of here. I need alone time with Mace."

"Mace, you promised not to be one of those guys in a relationship that disappears," Jackson said, playing the guilt card. "You're supposed to hang out still."

"Ahh, Jackson, shut it. I'm gonna have blue balls, here!" Kyle said in mock anger.

Jackson giggled. "Suck it up, big boy. I want a day with my best friend and my best man," he said looking at Corey.

Kyle nuzzled my neck and I sighed, resting on his chest.

"Save it for later," another pillow was chucked at us. "Anticipation makes it better. I've read Cosmo."

I laughed. "Lame!"

"Just see the fucking movie with me, you bitch," Jackson said laughing.

"Alright you big baby!" I exclaimed. "Come on, let's get this movie over with so I can have sex with Kyle afterwards."

Kyle blinked at me. Then he abruptly stood up. "Ok guys, you heard the man, let's get the show on the road."

I laughed as Kyle dragged me to my feet quickly and the four of us headed to Corey's jeep.

"I've never seen you move so fast before," I teased Kyle.

He kissed my nose. "I'm horny for you. Anything wrong with that?"


"Corey, drive faster," Kyle instructed.

"Down boy," Jackson snorted. "Jerk off in the bathroom stall or something. I want to enjoy my movie."

"Nope, I'm saving myself for Mace later."

"Saving yourself?" Jackson scoffed. "What, like some kind of virgin?"

"Virgin! This guy. Bitch please," I joked. "I made good use of him. For quite some time," I winked.

"I'm hurt," Kyle said pouting. "You talk about me like I'm a piece of meat. Maybe I won't put out for you later."

"Really? Can you resist alllllllllllll of this?" I asked, doing some kind of stomach roll and thrusting my hips towards him.

Kyle laughed. "Oh baby, how can I resist that?"

"So you cave?"

"Yeah, I'll bend over for a piece of that," Kyle said grabbing my hip and tugging me closer by the waistband of my jeans.

"All this sex talk is getting me horny, too," Corey said grabbing for Jackson.

"After the movie," Jackson ordered. "I need my blood and gore fix."

Corey fisted Jackson's shirt and pulled him closer. "One kiss first," he demanded.

Jackson rolled his eyes, but smiled as he roughly grabbed onto Corey's short hair and pulled his face forward, planting a deep kiss.

"They like it rough," I whispered to Kyle.


"Yeah, you know Jackson. A rough little monster," I giggled.

"Go, Corey," Kyle murmured.

I slapped his chest. "Are you saying you rather have it rough?"

Kyle kissed my forehead. "Hey now, baby, I'm more than satisfied with our sex life."

"Smooth talker."

"You know it, baby."

"You better mean it," I said, a flash of insecurity striking me. Kyle met my eyes. He must have noticed it. I could never hide my feelings from him.

"I do mean it," he said gently. "You know I love you," he emphasized grasping my chin tightly. "I love everything about you. I loved you the day you walked into my life when you entered that bar. I loved your bumbling drunken ways. I love the way you look naked. I love how you kiss and the little squeaking noises you make when I surprise you with a kiss. I love the feel of your skin beside me. I wouldn't trade anything or anyone for you."

I stared at him with wide eyes. "Wow, Kyle," I whispered, extremely touched. "You really do know what to say all the time."

"I know you too well, baby. You can't hide anything from me. I know what's going on in here," he pointed to my temple, "and in here," he pointed to my heart. He rested his forehead against mine. "I know you baby," he finished, his blue eyes peering into mine.

"You're going to make me cry," I said, unable to believe that someone could love me this much and care this much.

"No, no crying, baby," he said kissing my forehead and encasing me in a tight hug. I inhaled his scent and sighed.

"Bitches, get your freaking tickets!" Jackson shrieked. "After the movie you can do your business. Come on!" he yelled across the parking lot where he and Corey were already waiting in the movie theater.

"I love you, Mace," Kyle sighed. "But Jackson is a lot to handle."

"Well, he comes along with me. We're a package deal. He's my best friend and a part of me. He's done so much for me."

"I know," Kyle sighed again. "But man, is he bossy!"

I threw my head back and laughed. "That I will agree with."

"I don't know how Corey puts up with him."

"Corey is quite smitten with Jackson. Some people find his bossiness and craziness and violence very endearing."

"I'm smitten and endeared with you," Kyle said touching my cheeks.

"There you go again, smooth talker."

"What can I say?" he shrugged. He took my hand and led me to the ticket booth.

"Hey chubs, how was the vacation with Kyle?" Karen asked as she rubbed my hair.

Instinctively, I slapped her hand away. She had flown in the night before and now we were playing catch up, although we had been exchanging emails ever since I came out and Dad called her to rant about it. She wanted to make sure I was ok and her emails were full of questions. Typical big sister behavior.

"It was good. Got a little sunburn. It really hurt, but Kyle rubbed Aloe on me. But my skin has been peeling for awhile now and it's disgusting," I shivered.

"I told you to wear sunblock. Florida sun is very strong, Mason. You need to protect yourself, ok?" Karen asked. "Skin cancer is increasing and you have to make sure that you don't neglect your skin. You only get one, well, layer of skin."

"Ok," I said rolling my eyes. "Thanks for the advice, ma."

She slapped my head gently. "When do I get to meet Kyle?"

"Whenever you want," I said truthfully.

"Maybe the five of us can go to dinner," Karen suggested. "You, me, Cam, Dad, and Kyle."

"Where is Cam?" I asked. "I haven't seen him."

"We went running yesterday and he hurt his ankle. He's just resting right now. He gets cranky like a little baby," Karen smiled. "What were you saying?"

I nodded. "Kyle and Dad are getting along, so it wouldn't be a bad idea."

"I'm glad Dad is coming around. He still has reservations, but he does genuinely care and is making an honest effort," Karen went on.

"Does he email you a lot? Or call to complain about me?" I asked.

Karen sighed. "Mason, this is still an adjustment. It will take awhile. He needs to rant, too. Ever think he never had an outlet all his life?"

I sighed as well. "I know, I know. I'm just sensitive. I'm happy and I want him to be happy for me. Kyle treats me so well."

"He is happy for you, but that doesn't mean he's adjusted. Come on, stop your whining. Parents could have had worse reactions," Karen said nudging me. "Give him some credit. He does want you to be happy."


"Yeah, hon?"

"I used to think Dad hated me," I said looking at my hands.


"Yeah. He was never around. Did he hate me `cause I killed Mom?" my eyes filled with tears.

"Mason, you don't really think that do you?" she whispered looking worried.

I shrugged.

"Mason," she led me to the couch. "No, he didn't hate you. If anything, he loved you more. You were this precious little baby and Mom was gone. He relied on Mom a lot, you know. A typical man. Helpless without a woman. I was left alone, too. Dealing with babysitters and then finally on my own, watching you. I had to grow up fast and take care of you, too. I resented it a bit, but it was the luck of the draw. I don't resent you."

She paused.

"Ok, maybe when I was younger I did, but now that I'm older, well, childbirth is hard, Mason. There are complications. You're his precious baby. You're my precious baby," she said rubbing my back. "We love you so much, sometimes it comes off as bossy or overbearing."

"But Dad does not hate you," she said firmly.

"Do you think a small part-"

"No," she stated. "No."

"Ok," I whispered. "Ok."

"Cheer up, chubs," she said referring to my childhood nickname because I was all fat. "I'm on vacation. I want to spend time with my baby brother. I want to meet Kyle. I want to hear how this gay business works."

"Gay business?"

"You know what I mean. Details. What are your dates like?"

"Karen, our dates are like straight dates. We do normal things, you know. Movies, dinner, whatever."

"Is he good in bed?"


She giggled loudly. "Just teasing baby bro. You know that over dinner he's going to get the third degree from me?"

"Yeah, I already gave him advance notice."


"Cookies?" Karen asked staring at the container in her hands. "Thanks Kyle. This is better than flowers. Wow, what a shame you're gay. Straight guys should take lessons from you."

"You didn't make me cookies?" I pouted. Kyle pinched my cheek.

"Chubs, I'll share," Karen said handing me the container. I grinned as I grabbed one and bit into it.

"Chubs?" Kyle asked.

"Yeah, he was fat when he was younger."

"Was not!"

"He had chubby cheeks. So cute. See the pictures?" Karen asked.

"Oh yeah, I did," Kyle laughed.

"A fat little piggy, always stuffing his face."

"Still does," Kyle grinned.

"Why does everyone gang up on me?"

"Because it's fun," Kyle and Karen said at the same time. They looked at one another and laughed.

"I like you already Kyle," Karen said in approval.

He wiped his forehead. "Thank God. I was worried about you."

"Really?" she asked, clearly flattered.

"Yeah, everyone has threatened me with bodily harm if I mistreat Mason."

"I will you know. Keep that in mind," Karen said. "You'll be sorry."

Kyle ducked his head. "Oh, I know. I would never leave him. I'd like to be alive."

I swatted his arm.

"And he's too cute to leave," Kyle said kissing my hand and feeding me another cookie.

I smiled and leaned into him as I chewed.

"Alright guys, let's head out. I have the camera," my Dad said.

"Camera?" Karen asked.

"Yeah, you never visit anymore," Dad said. "Gotta take pictures."

"Oh, guilt on a platter. Lovely," Karen said.

Kyle and I trailed behind them as they started talking about Karen's job and real estate. They were always closer and engaging in those topics.

I didn't mind; gave me some snuggle time with Kyle.

"I went to Paul Van Dyk's concert last year," Kyle said.

"Really? So did I!" Karen exclaimed. "I love him. He's gorgeous, and talented, and German!"

Kyle laughed. "I know!"

"Hey," I pinched him.

"Not as gorgeous as you," Kyle said automatically before turning back to my sister.

I sighed. I glared at Karen. Boyfriend stealer.

"So Dad, how's work?" I asked, unable to think of anything else to ask.

I then proceeded to listen to my father go on about his part-time retirement plan and how we were going to spend more time together, and have dinner at least once a week. Then he grilled me on my grad school plans, as if determined to know everything about my life.

All in all, it was good. Karen and Kyle were getting along. Well, Karen did give him the third degree; she asked him similar if not the same exact questions my Dad asked Kyle the last time they were together.

"How old are you?"

"Where did you go to school?"

"What do you do?"

"How are your parents?"

"Where did you meet Mason?"

Then there was the ultimate threat: "If you hurt my brother, I will fly here from LA and bring my ever person who knows karate with me, and they will gang up on you and beat you until you're unrecognizable."

Well, those weren't her exact words, but something akin to it, and even Kyle was surprised, albeit slightly amused.

Gosh darn, it was nice knowing how much everyone loved me, but that didn't mean they had to threaten my poor boyfriend and try to scare him.

To Kyle's credit, he answered all the questions happily, and with a big smile. I guess he had become accustomed to answering these questions. It seems like everyone in my life was hounding Kyle, as if making sure he was a good guy.

Kyle didn't mind and I loved that he had such a great attitude. He really helped balance me out and my stupid moodiness.

It seems that Kyle was finally accepted as being a huge part of my life, and the fact that my family supported me and recognized our relationship made me a whole lot happier.

Hell, my Dad was making such an effort to be ok with this that I didn't even mind his lecture about grad school, or his weird talk about doctor gossip.

I was in such a good mood, I didn't even roll my eyes.

Well, maybe once, when he wasn't looking. What can I say? Old habits die hard, even if my father and I were genuinely getting along these days.

"Where did the summer go? How is it September already?" I sighed as I rested my head on my arms while Jackson ate a snack in the cafeteria.

"That's life," Jackson said shrugging. "At least we had a good summer. Well, you went on a trip. I mostly worked, held practices, and had sex with Corey. Oh and had awesome dates with him which ended in sex."

I rolled my eyes. "I feel so old. Seniors," I shivered. "I gotta prepare grad school apps. More stress."

"You have time."

"Yeah, I know, but it will fly by."


"How's the presidency treating you?" I grinned not wanting to talk about higher education 1before my senior year was officially over.

He smiled. "First practice tomorrow night. Gotta get the forms ready," he said. "But since I helped out a lot last year, I know the drill. I'm not worried."

"Of course not. Nothing the great and mighty Jackson can't handle."

"You know it, bitch."

I watched as Jackson took out a Pepsi from the vending machine and then grabbed two bags of chips.

"How's life with Corey going?"


"Just good?" I asked.



"I don't know about Corey," Jackson said hesitantly. "He's getting all serious on me."

"What?" I asked.

"I mean, it hasn't been that long, you know?"

"You spent the entire summer with him," I stated, not getting his meaning.

Jackson let out a groan of frustration. "Mace, it's just getting so serious."


"So?" Jackson sputtered. "It's too fast. He's getting so serious. I mean, I'm only 21. I haven't finished college. I still want to have fun and live life and-"

"You can still do all that even if you're with Corey."

"Yeah, but it's the not the same. now I have to worry about another person's feelings, ALL THE TIME!" Jackson nearly yelled, causing some people to stare at us in the quad. I looked around and nodded at the strangers casually. "In the past, I just worried about myself. I could flirt, I could kiss, I could touch anyone without worrying about hurting someone else. Or me worrying about him hurting me. This relationship stuff is such bullshit and I'm not sure I'm cut out for it!"

"Jackson," I said in awe. "Calm down. Where did all this come from? I thought you wanted to be in a relationship."

"I did. I mean, I do. I thought I did. I mean, I don't know. It's a lot to handle. It's like a responsibility."

"It is. You're part of a pair now," I pointed out. "Do you have strong feelings for Corey? I mean, you're at the point in your relationship where Kyle and I had already exchanged `I love you'."

"He's said it to me already," Jackson said.

My eyes widened. I slapped his arm. "Why did you tell me you bitch? That's huge news."

"Because it freaked me out," Jackson muttered. "I didn't say it back."

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"I started freaking out," he explained. "But Corey was really cool about it and said there was no pressure for me to say it back."

"Wow," I said in awe. "If someone didn't love me back, I'd cry."

"It's not like I don't love him, but it's so fast. It's only been a little over four months," Jackson said.

"Jackson, you once told me how it felt to be in love. I took your advice. You should take your own advice. And something I've learned- there's no time frame to fall in love. It either happens or it doesn't."

"What happens if we break up? Then we'll both be in agony."

"Jackson," I sighed. "You can't worry about that right now. Are you saying you're willing to break up in order to protect yourself from something that hasn't even happened yet, that might not even happen?"

"I don't know!"

"Do you want to break up?"

"No," he said in a quiet voice.

"How would you feel without Corey?"

Jackson looked at me with his big brown eyes. "I'd feel like shit," he groaned. "He listens to me rant, he laughs at my stupid obnoxious jokes, he's so considerate, and the sex is great, and I'm always happy with him."

"Sounds like someone is in love," I said softly.

"I don't want to be in love," he said almost angrily.

"Why not?"

"Because there's pressure involved! And more heartbreak. Come on, Mace, how many couples stay together, or how many couples remain faithful, or-"

"If you really love one another, none of that will happen," I assured. "And if it does, don't let it prevent you from being happy right now. Then you'll always be miserable." I pointed at my chest. "Do you think I wasn't worried? I love Kyle so much and I know we'll be together forever, but a small part of me knows that we could be separated one day, for whatever reason, but I choose to be with him right now, at this moment, because when I'm with him, I'm so happy, all the risks are worth it."

I looked at Jackson. "You know?"

He nodded slowly.

"I think I do love him," he said in a quiet voice. "I, I, umm, I love Corey."

I grinned widely. "I'm so happy for you!" I squealed grabbing him in a hug.

"He wants me to meet his parents," Jackson blurted out.

I pulled away. "Is that what triggered your freak out?"

He nodded. "it's just that Corey knows me so well. I can't hide anything from him. He knows I love him, even if I didn't say it yet, and that's why he's pushing me to meet his family. Dude, that's the ultimate pressure."

I laughed. "Jackson, you're amazing with people. You're so popular and social. If I could meet Kyle's aunt and uncle, you will have no problems with Corey's parents."

"I guess," he shrugged.

"Wow, Corey really got to you, huh? Enough where he made you question your self-confidence. Wow, that never happened before," I breathed out.

He smacked my head.

Next: Chapter 11

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