No Matter How Far

By moc.loa@rehctawehtsanoJ

Published on Aug 1, 2002


This is my first story and I would like your comments on it please email me at I would like to observe your comments to help the characters develop. Please let me know what you think of them.

This story will contain explicit situations including teens. Please do not read if this offends you.

No Matter How Far The Watchers Chronicle Introduction

Did you ever feel that no matter how far you run away from your problems the problem is right in back of you and no matter how far you reach your dreams are always one step away. Welcome to Little River. I am The watcher this is my narrative on teen emotions and the role they play in their every day lives. My story begins in Little River High. I will tell the story from my point of view and the thoughts of my subjects.

7:45 am Little River High. Main lobby as Jessica Devin a girl with long red hair walks in nervously through the front doors.


"Another day in paradise I tell myself when I walked into Little River High. I always had the feeling that this place was going to motivate me to go some place else in life like across the country. But then again hardly anybody leaves Little River. I intend to be one of the few that leave and never come back."

Jessie walks from the lobby to her homeroom where a short boy with messy brown hair named Robert Brady sits and waits he is being taunted and harassed by a group of people a couple of rows behind him. He looks up at Jessica as she walks in.


"Another day in paradise I thought as Jessica walked in. the glow from her smile is non-evident as she walks right by me again not noticing me. But the assholes in back always notice me, and they never let off. Today their choice of weapon is spitballs and I can't stop them."

As Rob and Jessie sit in homeroom Jennifer Perlich walks across the cafeteria and sits at a table where several people sit.


"Another day in paradise I thought as I looked around the cafeteria. All these people have families and warmth but the only warmth I get is from my boyfriend when we have sex, after he acts like I'm not even there. I don't even remember when I last saw my parents. Then again they probably don't remember me."

As Jen sits in the cafeteria Tony farmer walks into the schools main lobby. New to the school and not knowing where to go he walks to what seems to be the main office.


"Another day in fucking paradise I just moved to this town and already dad is on my ass to play football. Things are different here than in Wisconsin. The people here look at you different like you don't belong. It's depressing. But mom and dad don't seem to notice it."

Tony is asked to sit and wait by the secretary as Elizabeth Brady storms out of the principal's office and runs out of the room.


"Another day in this shit-hole. I have to deal with this shit everyday and they don't even bother to learn my fucking name. Everyday the same bullshit I get blamed for something I didn't do. Hello I'm not the only smoker here but off course I am the one to blame."

Ian Lewis sits next to Jennifer in the cafeteria and holds her hands but again the cold stare is there.


"One more day I thought as I looked at jen's eyes. She needs somebody more than me I cant even bring my self to feel something for her. But then again I always knew what I like. And if I let go of my image I am toast. I sometimes suspect that people know but are afraid to tell me. And everyday I try to convince myself that I'm not."

Robert and Jessica sit in the small classroom covered in posters and shelves with dusty books. Bookbags books and miscellaneous paper litter the dark green floor. Restless students populate the room to early for conversation the room is almost quiet as a short woman walks in holding a stack of papers and is followed by Tony. The short woman puts the paper down on a worn old metal desk and says. " Ok kids we have a lot to cover in ten minutes so bear with me. First we have a new student his name is Tony farmer." The short lady looks at Tony and asks him to say Hi. Tony says hi and is asked to sit down. Tony takes a seat next to Robert and the short lady carries on.

Across the school in another homeroom Ian sits in a large white room with a dark green floor. Students populate big black tables and stools while a tall man speaks. Ian is sitting alone staring at another student in front of the class when Elizabeth comes storming through the door startling the class.

"What are you staring at" she yells at the classroom. Who all turn away as if they are afraid all except Ian who almost expects it from her and gives her a smile? She walks over to his table and sits next to him.

"So how's the fire breathing going for you Elizabeth?"

She turns and gives Ian a smile that announces to him that she still has control. Ian has always known that smile ever since they met in sixth grade. They met at recess while she was batting base balls and he asked her if he could join in he hit the ball further than she could and she Idolized him for that but that turned into an infatuation.

"Good so far it's the first day of school and they are already on my ass for smoking like I'm the only smoker here."

"Not the only one but the one that always gets her self caught. Were you smoking in the front again?

Elizabeth dismisses his question as The bell rings and Elizabeth and Ian walk out of the homeroom to the hallway already populated by what seems to be a thousand students all having a vague memory or non at all as to where they are supposed to be. Hall monitors guide some of the students up and down stairs and through doors and hallways. Ian and Elizabeth turn left down the hallway and walk into a room. As usual they have the first period of the day together. So they always sit in the back where the cant be bothered by the rest of the students. Ian watches the door as Tony walks in and sits down directly in front of him.


"I was sitting in first period when I saw him. I didn't know his name. I didn't know who he was. All I knew was that I had to have him. He smelled so good and his hair was perfect. He had short spiky black hair. He looked to be about six feet and muscular. I almost shed a tear."

As Ian was staring at Tony Elizabeth looked at him. She knew that he was gay even though he hadn't told her it's something that she always suspected but she kept it in denial because of her own feelings. The way that he looked at Tony confirmed the way he felt to her and that scared her. Elizabeth picked up her books and ran out the door almost hitting the teacher that was walking in.


"People here are crazy in first period some girl burst out of the room crying for no reason. I suspect it had to do with the kid sitting behind me but that wasn't my business so I kept quiet. That kid was looking at me weird to. I miss being in Wisconsin I miss my old friends and I don't think I can make any here with all the weirdness going around."

Ian ran after Elizabeth trying to find out what was wrong but when he got out in the hallway she was gone. Elizabeth knowing the school like the back of her hand hid in one of the hidden janitor's closets. She had used this closet to smoke. She lit up her cigarette and started to cry. The one thing that she always wanted was not meant to be hers. Ian went back to his classroom and sat where he was seated earlier. Several doors down in the same classroom that Ian and Elizabeth had homeroom Jen and Jessica sit across from each other silently thinking. Jen has hated Jessica ever since they met. Jessica had everything Jen wanted but she never seemed happy. Jen asks to be excused and goes into the bathroom at the end of the hall. The bathroom is painted bright yellow and has three stalls and three sinks with a big long mirror opposite from the stalls. Jen walks into one of the stalls and sits on the toilet. From her bag she grabs a flask filled with rum. She smells it and drinks the whole contents of the flask. She gives a sour face and then pops a mint into her mouth. Jen walks back to her classroom a little light headed and blurry eyed. Jen has always thought of herself as independent and that all she needs is herself. But in the last few months her only solace comes from the harsh burning taste of alcohol. As she sits down Jessica smells the alcohol from Jens breath. The mint Jessica used doesn't hide the alcohol's odor. Jessica looks at Jen and asks, "Have you been drinking?" Jessica asks Jen. Jen feeling the alcohol's' affect gets angry with Jessica and yells "look bitch I don't like you and I'm not going to sit her and play nice." Jessica feeling threatened steps back and says, "I was just asking you a question what is your problem? Now I know what the answer is." Jen now furious looks at Jessica and yells, " cunt! Do you think that you can judge me? I will drop you like the load of shit that you are." Jen storms out of the classroom and heads for the front lobby and out of the main doors as Jessica follows and catches up to her.


"I don't know why I chased her. The bitch deserved it but I couldn't let her drive drunk. She needs a friend right now but it's hurting me more than it's hurting her to even talk to her."

Before Jen leaves the classroom and Jessica exits after, Margaret Della stares at Jen and Jessica in a hateful jealous way. Margaret felt an inner sadness as she looked at Jen and Jessica. They had come to school wearing expensive clothes that Margaret could not afford. Her hand-me-downs had served as her wardrobe for the past two years. And she wore the same pair of scuffed up shoes that her mother had found at the Salvation Army last Christmas. Margaret lived in a single parent household with her two older sisters. Her mother worked long hours at the local diner and her sisters had gone back to school for the fall. As a tear falls from her eye Matthew Weir frowns at his friend. He has known of her predicament for the past couple of years. He has begged his parents to offer her mother a better job but her mother had been too proud to accept their proposal. Matthew also felt an inner sadness. He had fallen in love with Ian Lewis and Ian had no clue as to who Matthew was.

12:30 Cafeteria

Margaret and Matthew stand in line ready to pick up the schools version of a well-balanced meal. Ian and Jen sit at a table as Tony walks through the main cafeteria doors. Margaret looks up at the prices for the food wondering how much she can buy.


"Things are never easy here. My life sucks I never get what I want or what I need. We never have enough money. And mom is getting more and more tired. Life is sure easy for everybody else though."

As Margaret realizes that she doesn't have enough she exits the line and sits alone at a nearby table. Matthew follows her and sits across from her.

"You know I could have bought you something." Matthew says looking at Margaret with concern.

"No ok. I don't need you paying for me you've done enough, plus I'm not really that hungry."

Robert after another day of harassment walks in to the cafeteria and sits next to Margaret and Matthew. His anger visible he stares at the foot ball table.

"What makes them better than us?' Rob asks as Margaret and Matthew looks at him with the same question burning in their minds.

This is the end of the introduction every chapter will focus on one of these characters as they live their lives. Please email your comments at

Next: Chapter 2

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