No Love in the Market

By John Parker

Published on Jan 9, 2021


If you're on Nifty you know what to expect. This is totally fictional and

if any of these guys exist, I don't know them.

Please contribute what you can to nifty so we can all keep enjoying this, you get a lot more from here than you get from going to a movie

In chapter one, two years lapsed between the time Frank and Max first fucked each other and Max's 25 birthday. This chapter addresses the progress of their relationship, over that time.

**** "Max, why did you want me to fuck you, really?"

"I wanted to give you something, it's all I had. To be honest, I didn't think I'd like it. Man, was I wrong!"

"Thank you, Max. Since you gave it to me, does that mean I get to keep it?"

"The fuck, yes; the fuck hole, no. Not that I'm not willing to offer it again."

Max and I laid on our pillows, not talking just looking into each other's eyes.

"Frank, I think I love you."

"You like me Max, but you don't love me. It's a common feeling the first time it happens; you don't know what to call it, so you call it love."

"You don't love me, you love the fuck."

"But I can't hug and kiss the fuck."

"Then come here and hug and kiss the fucker."

"Can we do this again, tomorrow?" Max said.

"If you're willing to do it up in the highlands."

"Why not?"

"I like this exhibitionist side of you, Max, you know I think clothing is primitive. Highlands it is."

"Going to bring the boys?"

"Not this time."

We got to the car, I had my own key now.

"Going to make this a little different today, Max. Take your clothes off now and put them in the trunk."

"We're driving all the way naked?" Max asked.

"Yup, and I'm going to play with your furry body all the way. This time I'll be able to watch your not-so-little buddy get happy."

Frank took off his clothes and we both climbed into the car naked.

"Sorry, Frank, you're a little late."

Max already had a boner.

"I like the kinky-Max, maybe we should work on it."

We got to the side road and parked.

"This is your party, Max. What do you want to do?"

"Kiss and cuddle for a while."

"That's sweet, Max."

"And then fuck the shit out of each other."

"Sweeter still."

We rolled on the grass for a good while, then Max said, "I need you, Frank."

"No cowboys and missionaries today."

Frank pulled his butt-plug out, saying, "Not sure I need that anymore, but I didn't want to ruin the party."

"Stand up, Max. Pick me up and let me wrap my legs around your waist. Then put your cock in my ass, its ready."

"Now for something different. Keep hold of my hips, I'm going to let go of your neck and hang down your leg with you in me. In that position, I'm all yours, I can't do anything, totally helpless, use me."

Frank worked his hands down my body and then let go and dropped, his legs around my waist and my hands on his hips. About five minutes later, two buck naked men with back packs and hiking boots came up the road.

"Hey guys," they said.

"Out for some fun?" Frank said, hanging off my cock upside down.

"Maybe more fun than we planned for. Want some company?"

"Thanks, but we have our own plans."

They walked into the woods.

Max finally got the rhythm for this position, and it worked my prostate. He was enjoying it and so was I. Shortly before he came, he moved his hands to my balls, one on each, I was supported by my my legs and my nuts. I trusted Max to let go if I had to.

"Damn, Frank, that was great. Making love with someone you care about, totally dependent on you."

"It's equally good on the other side, too."

"Now its your turn, Max."

"Frank, you can't even lift me."

"No, but I can approximate the feeling by tying you up."

"Won't be the same."

"I haven't done it yet. Are you game?"


Frank got a thick, soft cotton rope out of the car. "Put your hands out, Max."

He tied the rope carefully so as not to hurt me. The he put a blind fold over my eyes. I didn't see what he did, but my arms were being pulled over my head.

"Stand on your toes, Max."

Frank pulled the rope tighter and I was hanging almost by my wrists.

"Max, I'm going to put a butt plug in your ass."

"No, Frank, no, that thing will kill me, no. Let me down."

"Max, open your mouth."


"Open your mouth, Max, now." He did.

"This is the plug, Max, I brought it for you. It's just a bit bigger than I am, you can tell. Get it nice and wet, because it's going in you."

It was the biggest thing I'd ever had in my ass, but Frank's cock was the only thing I'd ever had in my ass.

"Gonna leave it there until I'm ready for you, in the mean time, I'm going to play." I probably didn't know where all the hot buttons were on this body, but enough of them to make it very happy. Normally Max could see what I was doing and I was quite systematic at exploring his body. Today, however, I jumped randomly from button to button, he couldn't tell where I was going next. I started on his nipples until he asked me to stop.

"Why did you stop me, I was just about to nip these suckers off?"

"Please don't, I've gotten rather fond of them," Max said.

I didn't say another word for almost twenty minutes, but jumped around his body, not spending more than ten seconds on any one spot. I had all the fun with his body that he's used to, but he reacted like it was all new. The blindfold and the bondage made it all very different.

I sucked a ball into my mouth, then tugged until it popped back out. I came back later or the other one. I couldn't kiss him because his arms were in the way, but I kissed and nipped at his neck, not hard enough to leave a hickey, but he felt it. I grabbed tufts of hair from his belly with my lips, and gently tugged them; washed his glans with my tongue, kissed the back of his knees, buried my face in his arm pit.

I removed the plug without warning and replaced it immediately with my cock.

"Push back, Max, or your feet are going to leave the ground." I grabbed him around the waist and did him the way he liked, the way we liked. I held him tight as I came inside him. I let my cock soften in him until it fell out, then quickly freed him. He pulled the mask off, then threw his arms around me, and we shared the longest romantic kiss we ever had.

"Fucking hot, guys." The guys with the backpacks and boots applauded.

"How long have they been there?"

"They saw most of it," Frank said.

Max popped a boner almost immediately.

"Your such a fucking exhibitionist, and I love it." I slapped his cock and kissed him again.

"Is there more?" one of the guys watching said.

Max said, "Count on it, but it's not for you."

Frank picked up our stuff, then threw the mask and rope to the two men. "Knock yourselves out."

We drove back to the condo as naked as we came. Before we turned on to the main road, Max stopped the car and turned to me. "You were right, Frank, I felt totally helpless and dependent on you. It's very different than what we share at the condo, but I'd like to try it again."

When we got home, we started making dinner together. I really can't cook yet, but Frank said I was becoming a helpful sous chef (That means go-fer in the kitchen, I'm good at that.) We were both wearing rubber lab aprons and nothing else (As Frank said, cooking can be dangerous, and you "don't want to damage the dainties.") I was cutting veggies and I said, "Frank, we need to talk. I'm caught between a big rock and a very hard place."

"This doesn't sound like a kitchen conversation, Max. Get a couple of wine glasses off the bar in the living room, I'll bring a bottle of wine." "Frank, I don't know how to say this." "How much wine is this going to take?" "I've got to catch my breath, or I'm going to cry." He was a totally emotionally man, the floor had hurt him. "Then hug me and talk to me." "Frank, another broker wants to buy me." "Who?" "Baxter, his go-fers hate him, but he offered me a three thousand raise." "Do you want to jump." "God no, but if I don't I might as well as hang a "loser" sign around my neck. I told Alice and she said it wasn't in her budget."

"Max, it has nothing to do with our relationship which way you go, but I have to tell you, Alice told me and I told her to do what she needed to do.

// "Frank, do you have a second?" "Anytime for you, Alice." "Frank, Baxter is trying to hire Max Baker away. I have enough to match Baxter, but this is going to keep happening, he's the best go-fer I ever seen in the pit." "Better than you?" "Yes, Frank, you've got to price him so high that no one can afford him, you need him (little did she know.)" //

"She'll make a counter offer tomorrow, I don't know how much. Even if she just matches Baxter, you can forget about the loser sign."

"Thank you, Frank."

"Don't thank me, I did nothing for you, just for Alice."

"This is just a business deal for Alice. If you accept her offer, don't thank her, just tell her you appreciate her confidence in you and you won't disappoint her. She expects nothing more."

"Let's have another glass of wine then go finish dinner." I held out my arm and he laid on my shoulder.

The next day I called Max in to tell him that there was an impromptu board meeting at seven. "You take the car home, I'll call a cab when it's over. I'll call you when I'm on my way."

The only board members at the meeting were the seat holders, the exchange officers and Wallace, the board chair. "Gentlemen," Wallace began, "One of Frank's brokers has offered one of her go-fers an unusually large raise, we have to approve it." "Frank, do you know about this?" "All I know, Wallace, is I gave her permission to do what she felt was necessary. There isn't a broker on the floor who wouldn't kill to get Maximus Baker, but I already employ the most homicidal." "Gentlemen, shall we vote." There was only one dissenting. There was a short additional agenda, then we adjourned. I called a taxi, then called Max. "On my way, Max, about thirty minutes." "Can't wait 'til you get here." "I can't either, miss you, Max."

I heard the cab pull up, it has a brake problem.

When I opened the door, Max was standing there, naked, with a glass of wine, a something between a semi and a full boner.

"Did you do that, or are you just happy to see me?"

"A bit of both."

I kissed him and said, "Get yourself one of these and I'll meet you in the living room in five minutes. What smells so good?"


We kissed again and met in the living room. "Sit down, Frank, I've got something to tell you."

"Frank, ... You already know, don't you?"

"Yes, but you've been dying to tell me. Do it."

"Alice offered me a twelve thousand dollar raise."

"Are you going to accept it."

"Is a bear Catholic?"

I rubbed his belly, "Not this one."

"Actually, Max, I didn't know until the board meeting. The board has to approve a raise that large on the floor. It was all Alice's doing. There was only one dissenting vote, and I don't think tomorrow is going to be one of Baxter's better days."

"What is that wonderful aroma?"

"Clams in red sauce. It's almost ready, I have to put the pasta in. Pour some more wine, I'll be right back."

Max came back with a small basket of bread, a plate with four beautifully grilled giant prawns in garlic butter, and a pile of napkins. He had cooked the prawns in their shells with the heads on, the only way to do it.

"These are messy, as always, but perfectly cooked and delicious. When did you learn to cook?"

"I only know how to cook two really nice things, and you're getting them both tonight."

We ate the appetizer, sharing bites between each other, they were good sized prawns, and fresh. I wonder where he got them.

"Pasta should be ready, dinner in five minutes." Max left for the kitchen and I sopped up some sauce with a piece of bread.

"All ready, Frank." I gathered the the litter and took it in to the kitchen, then went to the dining room. Max had prepared a grilled romaine salad and a red clam sauce that he served with bucatini, and French rolls. He had selected a bottle of Valpolicella from the cellar, perfect choice."

"You made all of this from scratch?"

"Except the canned San Marzano tomatoes and the rolls."

"Fresh little neck clams?"

"I would never consider serving you anything out of a jar, let alone a can."

"I've never had this with anything but linguini, but the bucatini works."

"I don't particularly care for flat pasta, I don't know why."

"Max, this is as good as any I have ever had."

"I've also got a light dessert."

"I don't do desserts, Max, you know that."

"I think you'll do this one."

"Don't bother cleaning any of this up, the maid comes tomorrow and she'll take care of it. Let's go to bed."

I went into the bedroom and the blanket was folded up on the floor, and there was an extra sheet on the bed.

"Lay down, Frank."

Max laid down, picked up a pitcher of something and started to pour a thick red something on his body. He coated his pecs, then poured a stream down his chest and then crisscrossed his eight-pack with it. "Dessert is served, Frank."

I stuck my finger in the red puddle in his navel and tasted it. Raspberry coulis, and a damn good one. I started cleaning up his abs, then worked my way up to his pecs and nipples.

"Got any more of that?"

He handed me the pitcher. I got between his legs and coated his balls, licked them clean, and then covered his already hard cock, and cleaned it up while giving him a blowjob. It didn't take long. I didn't swallow, I just crawled up the bed and kissed him, sharing his man juice.

"Raspberry cum, kind of interesting, give me some more."

"Tomorrow is a work day, go hop in the shower and get the rest of that off, I'll make the bed."

When Max came out of the shower, Bruce and Felix were already in bed. Max crawled in.

"Frank, do you want to cum?"

"Not unless you need it, because I don't. I am a thoroughly happy man. Thank you, Max, this as been a totally delightful and unexpected evening, from 'shrimp to nuts,' and if that is going to be your standard service, I may change my slant on dessert." We kissed good night, I put my head on his chest, laid my arm across his furry belly. That's the last thing I remember until the alarm woke us in the morning.

I don't know how info gets out, but the pit knew about Max. He was being glad handed all day, except by Baxter's go-fers, who didn't dare. On the way home, Max said, "This was a great day, I felt like the quarter back on a championship team."

"That's who you are, Max, and it's nothing you haven't earned."

"Frank, I want to take you to dinner after work on Friday.""

"Where, I hope it's not burger king again?"

"Les beaux enfant."

"Why there?"

"I've heard it's the best restaurant within 100 miles."

"It is, but it will blow your raise for two weeks."

"I pretty much expected that."

"I'll accept on one condition, you let me buy the wine. Let me make the reservation, you probably can't get one this close in, but I can."

"Mr. Jamerson, it is a pleasure to welcome you back."

"... and it's a pleasure to return, Benjamin. This is Mr. Baker. I'm actually his guest tonight."

"Welcome , Mr. Baker, we hope to see you often in the future as well."

"Raphael will be serving your table, here he is now."

"Mr. Jamerson, so good to see you, and you must be Mr. Baker, welcome."

We followed Raphael to the table. As we walked I asked Max, "Did you see the portrait on the way in. Those are the owners grand children, "Les beaux enfant." This used to be Le Cygne, the swan, but he changed the name after the twins were born."

"Mr. Baker is hosting tonight, Raphael"

"Very good sir, can I scan your card."

"No need, I'll guarantee it."

"Not necessary, I'm paying cash."

As Raphael went to get the menus, I asked, "Cash, they may not be able to handle it?"

"This may top my card limit, I'm sitting on a thousand in hundred dollar bills."

Raphael handed us the menus. "Frank, this is all in French."

"We can get an English menu, and that one has the prices."

"Wouldn't that be a little de classe? Can you read this?"


"Do you speak French, Frank?"

"No, I only speak English, but I speak menu in at least four foreign languages. Do you want me to translate? It starts with appetizers, and escargot is first. A lot of people avoid them because they find them disgusting."

"Pretty much all mollusks are disgusting, Frank."

"Good point."

"I've never had them, Frank, are they good?"

"They are, here. Do you want to split and order, four each?"

We put together a meal, that turned out to be truly excellent. We shared the escargot, it was quite good, once I learned how to eat it. We had a soup of artichoke puree with truffles, endive-arugula-radicchio vinaigrette salad which would have been a bit bitter served as a salad course, but they served it along side the main course where is provided a pleasant balance.

"Frank, I know you don't want me to say it, so just let me say that I really, really, like you a whole, whole lot. This meal Is a celebration of us."

"Go ahead and say it, Max, I love you too."

"Frank, I do love you."

We finished with a fruit and cheese tray, which we unabashedly shared feeding each other. If someone there had known us, we had outed ourselves.

We ordered coffee and a double cognac. Raphael asked, "Would you like that served in a banquette, or at the table. The Banquettes are more private."

"A banquette, would be nice, Raphael," said Max.

Let me escort you. There were four banquettes, circular padded booths that were quite private. If the lights in the restaurant were dim, the banquette area was even dimmer. Raphael turned on a small light on the cocktail table. "Once I serve you, I will turn this off, should you require anything, just turn it back on."

The cognacs came in the largest snifters I'd even seen. Raphael served the coffee, then turned off the light.

We clinked rims, then took as sip. "Maximus Baker, I love you. Kiss me now, I don't care if anyone sees."

I kissed him, somewhere between a sweet kiss and a romantic one. "Frank Jamerson, I do love you." We kissed again. Over our drinks and coffee we reminisced, trying to piece together how we got where we were.

"Max, try this, it will please Raphael no end, l'addition s'il vous plaît. I'll ask for more coffee, and after he pours, you say it." I turned on the light, Raphael was there in moments. "Could we have another coffee, Raphael?" He was right back with the pot.

"l'addition s'il vous plaît, Raphael."

"Mais certainement, Monsieur."

Raphael handed me the folio. Not as bad as I thought, just under two hundred and fifty; I put three hundred in with the check portfolio.

"Leave it on, Raphael, we'll be leaving soon." He brought Max's change back; Max just left it on the table.

"Will you ask Benjamin to call us a cab?"

"Aren't you going to get a check for the wine?"

"I never do. They bill my accountant and he pays."

Benjamin came to us, "No need for a cab, gentlemen, our limousine will take you home, when you're ready."

"I think we're ready now, aren't we Max?"

"Mais certainement, Monsieur."

"Cute, Max."

Benjamin escorted us to the door, we weren't drunk, but were in no shape to drive. I wasn't concerned about the Alpha, but risking Max wasn't worth it. "Gentleman, this is Randolph, he will take you home."

Randolph walked with us to the limo. "Honestly, Randolph, is that your real name?"

"No, it's Hank, not even Henry; but who want's to say 'home Hank' ? "

We climbed in and Hank asked for the address.

Max and I had lost any inhibitions with each other a while ago, we made out like hormone-crazed teenagers in the back seat all the way home.

"We're about there, gentlemen."

The limo pulled up to the building, Hank came around and let us out.

Not that either of us cared, but Max's shirt was unbuttoned and pulled out of his pants. "I need to walk you to your door, gentlemen, policy. I presume you're both are staying here."

At the door I offered Hank forty dollars. "Thank you sir, but I'm not allowed to accept that."

"You can if I insist, and I insist."

"I trust you will enjoy the rest of your evening. I hope I'm not overstepping my grounds, gentlemen, but you two are a very handsome couple." Max and I kissed him on the cheeks together.

The boys greeted us at the door and followed us into the bedroom. We undressed and laid our clothes on the bed. "I've got to take a leak," said Max.

"I'll beat you."

We ended up taking a joint leak. We tried to get our streams to join, or at least cross. We were like two pubescent boys playing naughty games in the woods. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Are we regressing, Frank."


We hung up our suits, put the dirty laundry in the hamper, and crawled in bed.

"Frank, will you hold me tonight?"

I put my arm out, and he laid on my chest.

"Frank, are we a couple, like Hank said?"

"We are two men who love each other and care deeply for each other. We trust each other and enjoy each other's company. Somehow a couple should be more than that, but I can't say how."

"Good night Max, I love you."

"Good night, Frank, I do love you."

Max cupped my balls in his hand. We fell asleep

"Max, why are you sitting up like that? This isn't what I expected this morning, no hug, no kiss, no cuddle, not to mention the rest. I don't like the looks of this."

"Frank, I've been thinking ..."

"Dangerous thing to do, Max. People can get hurt."

"Hear me out, Frank."

"What if I don't want to?"

"Frank!" Frank put his hand over his mouth.

"Frank, I don't want to suggest that I'm that I'm in any way unhappy or ungrateful ..."

"Don't like this already," Frank said.

I just sat looking at him until he said, "Okay, I'll shut up."

"We've been staying together for over ten months now. Before I came, you had a life."

"Such as it was ... oops." Frank said.

"You deserve to have your life back. Thanks to you and Alice I can afford a decent place now."

"Max, are you saying this because you want a different life for yourself, or are you really thinking of me?"

"I don't want another life, Frank. I've never been happier."

"That makes two of us. So why are we having this conversation?"

"I think it's time, Frank. I can get a place not too far away, so I really won't be gone. I'll still spend all the time here that I can."

"I knew this day would come, Max."

Frank rolled over, opened his nightstand and handed me an envelope. "Open it," he said.

"What is this?"

"It's the key to your own place."

"Is it close by?"

"Not too far, Max, about fourteen ..."

"Fourteen miles!" Max said.

"No, fourteen feet, It's right across the hall from our place. It's a one-bedroom apartment, fully furnished, equipped and ready to be occupied."


"Max, I don't just own this condo, I own the whole damn building. Most of the units are rentals, except the penthouse, which I didn't want."

"Can I afford this, Frank?"

"Barely, but who said anything about rent? Discussion over?"

"Discussion over."

"Come and kiss me you big lug before I start crying," Frank said.

I hugged him and we kissed, and we both cried.

"When do you want to see your apartment?"

"Not today; maybe never."

We hugged and kissed for longer than we ever had, and neither of us made any move for sex, this wasn't the time for that.

"Can we go to the knoll, today, Frank?

"Feeling a bit exhibitionistic, Max?"

"What can I say. I like voyeurs."

"I do too, but not as much as you do, your boner's already digging into my hip. How about we do that tomorrow, I want to do a little shopping today. I'll throw together a quick breakfast, if you'll put out food and water for the boys. We'll be gone most of the day."

"Where are we going ?"

"To a toy store, it will take almost two hours."

"A toy store."

"Toy store?"

"You'll see."

The sign read Sex World, and under it, grown up toys for grown up girls and grown up boys. I've never been in a place like this, I was getting a little turned on.

"I see you're happy to be here, Come on in, you haven't seen anything like this, I'm sure."

"Look around, I've got to see if the owner is here."

"Is Rowdy here?"

"He's in the arcade, I'll page him. This gentleman asked for you."

"I expect that we, my friend and I, will do a bit of shopping here today and I'd like your help. To start with, he needs a cock ring, and then I want matching leather jockstraps with chainmail pouches and matching chest harnesses, we'll start there. I wear a two inch ring that weighs about a half pound; he's going to need at least two and quarter, maybe two and a half."

"Check out my catalogue and show me the jocks and harnesses you want. I make all of these myself." I picked what I wanted.

"Come into the back room, and we'll do a fitting."

"Max, follow me."

"Please disrobe, gentlemen. I'll be right back."

Max looked at me.

"Getting shy, now? No need, this man has probably seen more cocks than a urologist."

"No, I just didn't expect it."

"I'm buying some stuff for us that needs us to strip."

"What's that thing on your balls?"

"A cock ring, I wear it most of the time, but you've never seen it because I didn't have one for you. We're going to fix that in about two minutes."

Rowdy came back with two cock rings and a measuring tape. "Now that I see him, two and half is what he needs." He handed me the larger ring and I showed Max how to put it on, a smaller one wouldn't work.

"This feels kind of good, Frank."

"I need some measurements." He measured Max first, then me.

"Curious, you two have exactly the same low-rise waist measurement, thirty three and a quarter." He went on to get mychest size, "... and the same size chest measurements."

"In my dreams," Frank said. We all laughed.

Give me five minutes.

"What are you buying?"

"Kinky stuff, you'll see."

"We'll start with the harness."

He put one on me and Max said, "Wow."

He put Max's on and said, "I've got to put another hole in the strap, only takes a second." He brought it back and put it on Max. It's hard to imagine anything enhancing that chest, but he looked incredibly hot.

"Slip these on." We put on the jocks. Rowdy checked the pouch fit and said, "Yours looks really good, but I have to open this pouch and add two more rows of links. That will take me about a half an hour. You can go into the arcade if you want while I adjust this, no charge. Keep the harnesses on, the patrons will appreciate it."

"No thanks, Rowdy, well just go shopping."

"Well, keep the harnesses on anyway, the patrons in the store will appreciate it too."

"Do you want to put these on me?" Max said, handing me a pair of handcuffs.

"I'd love to put you in wrist restraints again, but not those. In my wayward youth I actually had a real pair of those on, and they hurt. I've got some more comfortable ones at home in the bordello. There are a few toys in the bordello already; again. all for women, but they're adjustable."

"Do you want to go in there?"

There was a room labelled BDSM over the door. We went in.

"What's that, a hammock?"

"No, Max, it's a sling. A man lays in it with his legs cuffed to the chains and another man sticks his arm up his ass."

"Ouch, the whole arm?"


"This is a St. Andrew's cross, it's another form of restraint that makes a man helpless and dependent on someone else."

We went through the other paraphernalia in the room, some of which I didn't know what were.

"Don't think we need anything in here, Frank."

As we left the room, Rowdy said, "Its ready."

We took our pants off and Rowdy put my jock back on me and then the adjusted jock on Max, checked the fit and said, "Perfect."

"This is really quite impressive, have you two ever seen how you look together?"


"Give me your phone and both of you stand in front of that curtain. Big bear, stand behind the otter and put your arms around his waist." He came over and adjusted our positions, then took several pictures.

"You guys kiss, don't you?"

"All the time," Max said.

"Do it."

He took several more pictures. "Come here and look at these, these are really hot."

We looked so beautiful together, I teared up. Max did too. We kissed long and deeply.

When we checked out, we had the jocks and harnesses, which we were still wearing, a pair of button-fly jeans for each of us, Max's cock ring and nipple suction cups for him. I thought we'd buy more.

Back at the condo, we stripped down to our new gear and I took him into the bordello to show him the toy box.

"This stuff stays in the bordello, Max. This is the play room, that is the love room. Do you want to come in here tomorrow and play, or head for the knoll?"


"Okay, we'll wear this stuff instead of driving naked, but bring clothes."

When we got to the highlands we were in great spirits and looking forward to a lot of fun. There was another car there, Max was going to have his audience. Two half naked men came running down from the knoll carrying the rest of their clothes, "Something really ugly is going on up there, two men are beating the shit out two boys."

"Why didn't you stop them?" They didn't answer and jumped into their car.

"Come on, Max, someone has to stop them."

When we got to the knoll, two young men, looked like high school footballers, not boys, but probably under age, were tied to trees and crying. Their backs and asses had been whipped red. The men had just dropped their pants and were about to rape them when I called out, "Step back, assholes and no ones going to get hurt." "Who's going to stop us." "We are." "This is private property, and you're trespassing." "So are you." "No we're not, we own this hill and fifty acres around it. When we're done with you, we want you gone."

They started walking toward us. "If you think you can take us, try; but it's going to be hard to get home with two broken arms. We can and will do it, you wouldn't be the first." They stepped back. "Kneel down." "Max, go untie them." They threw their arms around each other and cried. "Where are their clothes?" "I asked you a question, shitface." "Over there, what's left or them." "Stand up and strip, then back on your knees."

I took the men, one at a time and tied them where they had the boys. I didn't think Max would be able to do it. "They're yours, guys, do what ever you want."

They picked up the whips and flailed the men like maniacs, then dropped the whips and picked up branches and beat their asses bloody. "That's enough, you may want to kill them, but you can't. These are you clothes, leave wallets and keys and stuff on the ground and get yours out of that pile of rags. Stay here with them, Max. I've got to get my phone. I called the sheriff's office. "Is Brady there, tell him Jamerson is on the line." I explained the situation and he asked, "Why did you let them go?" "I have no authority to hold them, even though they were trespassing, but I could shoot them. I will tell you that swift and biblical justice met them before they left. If you can find them, you can deliver a more benevolent form."

"Can you come and get them, Brady? I think they're runaways."

"On my way."

I went back up to the knoll. Max was holding the two young men in his arms, he is such a gentle beast.

"I've got someone coming to pick them up. Max, untie these jerks one at a time and send them off."

I walked the boys down to the road. Brady was there with the squad car, blue light flashing.

"Is he going to arrest us?"

"No he's going to help you, we've done all we can, but you need a lot more help. He's a very good man, trust him."

Brady and I put the boys in the back of the squad car. Brady turned to me and said, "Just damn, Frank, you ... just damn."

"Thanks, Brady."

Back on the knoll, the second man was just hightailing it out.

"Frank. I'm more than a little sick, can we just go home? "I am too."

We got back to the car, took off our gear and dressed. Once in the car, Max said, "You were a helluva hard ass up there, It's a side of you I've never seen, and I really don't like it. Would you have really broken their arms?" "I can and would if I had to, and have done it before."

"My God, Frank."

"Max, it's not a side of me anymore and hasn't been for a long, long time, and not one I'm proud of, but when I was younger, younger than you, I was a hellion. I told you about the handcuffs. When I see stuff like what we saw, it comes out. If it hadn't we wouldn't have been able to help those boys. Is that why you didn't want me to hug you?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but we're okay again." He reached over and we hugged and kissed.

As he started the car he asked, "Do you really own this?"


"Is their anything you want that you don't own, Frank?"

"Just you, Maximus Baker. I want you, but I don't want to own you. If anything, I'd rather you owned me."

As we drove down from the highlands, Max asked, "Who did you get to pick those boys up?"

"The sheriff."

"In your jock?"

"He's seen me naked on the knoll."

"Is your stomach settled, do you want some dinner."

"I've finally sorted out what you did, and even though I don't think I could have done it, I now understand why you did everything you did. And yes, I'm starving."

"When we get to the intersection of the highland road with the main road, turn left instead of right, then turn into the first place you see."

"Where are we eating?"

"Your place, not too fancy, but damn good food."

I pulled into Max's Bar-B-Q Shack, and laughed.

Frank had back ribs and I had brisket. We shared a bite."

"That's good, Frank, but I don't like gnawing on bones."

"You don't seem to mind gnawing on mine."

"That's different, yours is all meat."

This place was excellent, the sides were as good as the entrée and the bread was fresh out of the oven.

Frank reached for the check, but I grabbed it first. "You don't pay at Max's, Frank." and we set off for home.

When we got home we had a great welcoming party, Felix and Bruce were all over us. Let's get undressed and have some wine and a fire in the living room, these boys need some love. The boys dogged us, even Bruce.

"Can we make love tonight, Frank. Its been a while, at least for you."

"Have I ever said no?"


"Well I'm not saying no tonight." I kissed him, with Felix licking our chins.

"Are you ready to hop in bed, Max."

"Have been for a while."

"We laid on the bed, I played with the hair on his chest and said, "What shall it be, heads or tails, suck or fuck?" "I can't really decide, Frank, I want both."

"Then let's do both, let's start with a sixty-nine and then finish with fucks."

I kissed Max, then played with his nipples for a while. Then I kissed my way down his chest to his abs. I pulled a lip full of hair from each of his eight ab biscuits, then headed for the prize. By this point he was pretty hard. Max took me into his mouth as I began to go down on him. I swirled my tongue around his mushroom, then sucked up and down each side of his hard cock, the thick veins that wrapped it were exciting to feel on my tongue. Then I started to suck his shaft. I could take more now than I used to, but I'll never be able to take it all. I want to go balls deep on him, he was already there on me, but I can't. I matched Max's rhythm as we sucked each other; as he went down, I pulled up, and vice versa.

"Easy, Frank, or we won't get to round two."

"Then let's go there now. I think I want it cowboy, Max."


I rolled over and he mounted me, no lube, no prep. He took a deep breath, then eased himself down my shaft until my pubes were tickling his balls.

"Okay, Frank, I'm hot to trot."

I played with his cock and balls while he rode me.

He laid on my chest and said, "Grab me, Frank. I'm going to roll over so you can finish me missionary."

With me still deep in him, he rolled us over. We laid belly to belly as I fucked him, his hard cock sandwiched between us. I filled his guts with my seed and collapsed on his chest. He was breathing heavy.

"Hold on, Frank." He put his hands in the small of my back, pressing our bodies together, did four or five hard pelvic thrusts then squirted his hot juice between our bellies. "I couldn't hold it, between the blow job, the hand job and the belly humping, I knew I was going to blow." "Why don't you just go to sleep on top of me, your still pretty hard inside me."

"That would be wonderful, but tomorrow's a work day, we need to get cleaned up."

"No it's not, Frank, I don't know why, but when I left the floor on Friday Alice said, 'Enjoy your long weekend.' "

"He was right, Monday was an audit, and the Market was closed. I had to go in after lunch, but he had the whole day off."

I laid on his chest, wrapped my arms around his body, and said. "I love you, Maximus."

He wrapped his arms around me and said, "Frank, I never really liked my name. The only one who ever called me Maximus was my mother, and when she did, I knew I was in trouble. But when you say it, Frank, I get butterflies in my stomach."

"Do you want me to stop using Max?"

"No, just surprise me from time to time with Maximus."

We fell asleep in each other's arms.

I woke laying next to Max. He was sleeping peacefully.

"You are so beautiful, Maximus Baker, I love you." "Thank you, Frank. I love you. Kiss me." I did.

"Do you want to shower together this morning?" "Yes, but I've got to take piss first."

"Don't, just climb into the shower. We're going to try something new."

"In the shower I told Max, to piss on my cock."

"You're serious."


He started to piss on me and I let loose a stream on his cock, I raised my aim to his abs and he copied.

"Frank, that was delightfully naughty. If you'd told me before we started I probably wouldn't have done it, but it was a new layer of sharing between us."

"I'm not going to jump in here every time you need to take a leak, Max, but when we're in here together, it's kind of fun."

We finished and dried off. You make the coffee, Max, and I'll make some pancakes and bacon.

Over breakfast, Frank said, "I have to go in to the office after lunch. Do you want to make dinner?"

"I've already given you my best."

"Several times, Max." I kissed him.

"Thank you, but I meant my culinary best. I do have a few others that are good, I think, but they're just good home cooking, not like the other stuff."

"I'll leave you the car and take a cab. I don't know when the auditors are going to let us go, I'll give you a call."

When I got home, Max met me at the door with a beer in his hand, and this time a full boner. He had to have been playing with that, waiting for me to get home. I stroked his shaft a couple of times then said, "Take those in the living room. I'll be right out."

He was on the couch with the boys and a beer for both of us. "This is a beer dinner, Frank."

"So, how was your day?"

"Tiring, auditors are heartless brutal sadists, and if you don't have the numbers they want they'll crucify you."

"Max, you are a master at culinary aroma. What is that?"

"Chicken enchiladas with Mexican rice. It's usually served with beans, but I don't like them. I just put it in the oven, it will be a little while." He got up and came back from the kitchen with a bowl of chips he obviously made himself, a fresh guacamole and a queso fundido, (Mexican fondue), and two more beers.

"Max, this is delightful, I've never had any better, and I love the heavy dose of cilantro in the guacamole." I gave a chip to bruce, who just played with it. I gave one to felix, and if you blinked you would have missed it."

Max dipped up some fondue and fed it to me. I fed him some guacamole.

"It'll take me about fifteen minutes to finish up, don't eat too much of that, there's quite a bit of dinner."

I cleared the coffee table and followed him into the kitchen. I put the left overs in containers, this was too good to throw away. "Put a thin layer of mayo on that quac, or it will get ugly."

"Take the beer into the dining room and grab a couple more, this will only take a couple of minutes." There were two places set, not across from each other, like usual, but adjacent. There were Mexican shrimp cocktails at each place. Mexican shrimp cocktails are like no other.

"I'm on my way in, Frank, grab a seat." He put a plate with two fat enchiladas with green tomatillo sauce and a large scoop of red rice in front of me.

"The coctel de camarones is perfect, I'm speaking menu again, and these enchiladas are not to be believed. Max, I didn't want to say anything, but I generally don't like these, but I've never had anything this good. If this is just good home cooking, Max, the kitchen is yours."

"I had a Mexican duena (that's nanny, it's not on any menu, but you probably know it) growing up, she used to make dinner for my parents, I learned all this from her. I would have made a flan caramel, but you don't eat desserts."

"Let's get this cleaned up and in the dishwasher and then get to bed. I want some more of your enchilada."

"There's more, I'll get you another."

"Not this enchilada."

We cleaned up and crawled in bed. "Do you want me to fuck you, Frank?"

"You didn't get to rev your piston in my cylinder last night so we can do that."

"Aren't you full of erotic euphemistic metaphors. You called this meeting, Frank, what was on your agenda."

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to fuck me, but what I had in mind was long slow blow jobs, followed by cum sharing kisses, followed by a warm cuddle into dreamland."

"That works for me, Frank."

"Frank, I'm going to slip your ring off. It hits my teeth and keeps me from taking all of you." Frank was already doing a number on my third leg (Why these metaphors, tonight?") and it was clear he meant long and slow. Frank's cock is the only one I've ever had, or will have, but I can't imagine a better one to suck on. His cock was probably a bit under six inches, had a nice plump glans, was smooth as silk, and when hard, was rock hard and perfectly straight and he was as thick as I am. His cock was actually pretty, but I considered mine kind of ugly. I wouldn't enjoy sucking mine (Well that's not true, I've thought about it since I was twelve, but I mean a cock like mine.) Frank also had an impressive set of balls, and that's where I started. They hung loose, but weren't low hangers. I sucked one nut into my mouth, massaged it with my cheeks and tongue, then tugged on his sack it until it broke the vacuum and popped out. I went back and forth between them until Frank's boner was bobbing, begging for attention. I ran my tongue slowly side to side up the underside of his cock. I sucked on his glans, popping it in and out of my mouth, then I slowly began to blow him, taking a little bit more of him on each stroke. Eventually I had my nose buried deep in his balls. He was a very satisfying mouthful, and just the right size to avoid a gag reflex. I slowly pulled off him and repeated what I had done several times.

"I'm about to cum, Frank, ease up."

"I am too, you speed up and we'll go together."

I changed from slow and gentle to fast and aggressive, so did Frank. As Frank started to cum, I unloaded into his mouth.

I flipped over and we shared a cum kiss, a romantic one, not an erotic one. We tasted different, but before long it was all mixed together. We deep kissed until it was all gone.

We crawled under the covers and laid on our pillows just looking into each others eyes. "Maximus Baker, I love you." "Frank Jamerson, we love each other deeply."

Tonight I laid on Max's chest while we cuddled. "Come on boys." Felix and bruce had taught themselves to wait in the doorway when we were in bed, until we called them.

On the way to work I told Max, "You're due for a weeks vacation, discuss with Alice when she would like you to take it. I can take whatever time I want off, but haven't for years, but I'd like to share a private week with you somewhere."

We're off to the knoll in our gladiator costumes. Max wants to be tied up again, we'll probably both be. I offered the bordello, but he said the knoll. He's quite the exhibitionist, I hope there's an audience for him. I had packed a bag of toys and rope from the bordello.

There were two cars in the drive already, Max might get lucky. We walked through the meadow, heading to the knoll. Two men were already enjoying each other there. When we got to the knoll, two young men were making out on the large picnic table. "Mind if we share this space?"

They looked up, it was the two young men we saved the last time we were here. They jumped off the table and ran to hug Max. "Can we hug you ,too?"

"Please do."

They told us their story. They were adoptive brothers, unrelated and near the same age. Their father had walked in on them making love and stopped them. "You guys can't do that." "But we love each other, dad, like you and mom do." "Separate rooms tomorrow, boys." They had been making love since they were twelve. They ran away that night rather than lose each other.

"We're back at home now, and together."

"When we were here last, ugly as that was, we figured that this was a safe place for men to come to do what we wanted to do."

"We've got plans of our own, guys. Have your own fun, or watch."

I put padded wrist restraints on Max, then tied his arms between two trees, then ankle cuffs. I didn't blindfold him this time, but I had one. "Get this nice and wet Max, because it's going in you again."

"This is a ball gag, Max, you can't talk when you've got this in your mouth, open up." He accepted it without complaint.

"Can we touch him?"

"Ask him, I don't own him; his name is Max."

"Can we touch you, Max?' Max nodded. The boys ran their hands all over his body. Shortly both of them had full boners. Max seemed content.

"Can we see in there, they said, pointing toward his jock."

"Max, they want to see your cock, is that okay?" He nodded.

I pulled his jock down and his cock popped up. "Take a nice close look, but don't touch. I don't own him, but I pretty much own that."

"Now it's my turn, guys, but you can watch." I gave his cock a few sucks then put him back in the jock, well, most of him, an inch and a half stuck out. He's going to need that to fuck me later, don't want him to lose it again. I worked his nipples, then mouthed his body up and down his abs, grabbing tufts of hair in my lips as I went. "Gonna have to lose this, Max. It's in my way." I said, removing the gag. We exchanged deep, erotic kisses for a while. I buried my face in his arm pits and sucked on the hair. I eventually popped the butt plug out and replace it with my cock. I fucked the shit out of his ass, hard and lusty, until I came. I felched some of my cum out of his ass and shared it with him.

"Where did that come from?"

"I'll never tell."

As I untied him, I said, "Time to flip."

I stepped out of my jock. Max put the wrist and ankle restraints on me. As he tied me between the trees, I said, "I want the mask and the ball gag, the big plug is in the bag. You're in complete charge of me, if you want to let them play, let them play."

"Tighter max, I want my arms stretched, not just tied."

Max put the mask and gag on me. "Everything okay, Frank?" I nodded. Then there was a deathly silence for what seemed like a long time, I could see or hear nothing. It was eerily erotic. Then I felt a hand on each of my butt cheeks separating them wide, the the butt plug was pushed in. Max only has two hands. Then silence again. I felt Max's strong hands move over my body, then two more hands, then two more; but still deathly silent. I could tell Max's hands, and he had a plan; the other hands wandered all over me. Then it all stopped for a few minutes, and started up again. I had an almost painful boner. Every once in a while a small hand would stroke it a couple of times, then go away. I'd get the silent treatment again. This was getting awfully intense, I'd never felt this turned on. Then the plug was ripped out of my ass and Max's cock replace it. He hammered my ass harder than I had done him. Then two mouths took my balls in and sucked them. I could feel Max arch and cum, and I came again. Max took the ball gag off and kissed me with a mouth full of cum.

"That's not yours."

"No, it's yours. You just gave these guys a facial, I cleaned them up and gave it to you. Let's get you out of this."

"That was way beyond special, thanks all of you." We had a big group hug, and I gave both the boys a tongue kiss, before doing Max.

"I don't think we'll ever forget this. It's amazing how special two men in love can be to each other." We never said we were in love. "Just stay in love with each other, and all of this will be yours," Max said. We gathered our stuff and walked down to the cars, the other two men were asleep in each others arms in the meadow.

"Is that yours?" one boy said, pointing to the alpha.

"Yes, do you want to go for a short ride?" They both said yes.

"You can only go one at a time. Max, will you give them a five minute ride the way you like to drive it?"

When they were both back, they couldn't say how great the ride was, especially since they were naked.

We said good byes, and every one kissed everyone.

We dressed and got ready to head out. "You hungry, Frank?"

"I could eat a bear, you better watch out."

"Then we're going to my place."

"Do you want to invite them?"


Max got out and walked to their car. They had just finished getting dressed. "We're going to be stopping for dinner in a few minutes, would you like to join us, my treat?"

"Is this a date?" one of them asked.

"No, just dinner, no after party."

"Damn," they both said at the same time. "Sure, where are we going." "Just follow me, I won't be driving the way I did with you guys."

"Frank, Alice said that the best time for my vacation is over Easter weekend."

"That's perfect. Have you ever been to New Orleans, Max?"

"No, but I've always wanted to."

"I'll make all the arrangements, we'll leave after work on the Wednesday before Easter. We could drive, but I think we'll fly. It'll save us a lot of time."

We packed the night before, and took our suitcases to work with us. The boys went to the kennel last night. After work we headed off to the airport, Frank was driving. "You missed the turn, Frank." "No I didn't." Shortly he pulled into something called MetroHeliport.

"Ever been in a helicopter, Max?"

"Never even seen one."

"Your in for a thrill."

This was an six-seater, but it was all ours, except for a stewardess I hired for the ride. After we took off, she served us some hor's doeuvres and champagne. Some of these were warm, I don't know how. We ate and relaxed and kissed.

"Go sit next to the pilot, Max, this is going to be a thrill."

"Excuse me sir, you need to return to your seat and belt up, we're about to land."

As we walked out of the heliport, a rental agent was there with a red dodge viper, the sexiest domestic car made. He handed me the keys and I signaled to give them to Max. Max walked around the viper in awe, "Frank, they could give this thing a ticket for speeding even if the engine wasn't on."

"Have fun." If we had flown commercial we would still be on the ground, even if their was a a flight. We arrived at the hotel at nine-thirty. We had a late dinner in the dining room. We were already checked in and our bags were probably already in the room. They brought the room key into the dining room.

"Frank, is this going to get better?"

"I hope so."

We got to the room and started to strip. "Just leave them on the floor, Max. The hotel will have them cleaned and pressed tomorrow." We crawled into bed, kissed deeply and I said, "Good night beautiful, Max."

"Frank, I'm not anymore attractive than you, you've got the pictures, just different."

"Good night, pretty one," said Max.

We slept in until almost ten-thirty. We got up and showered, not bothering to take a morning drain. We put on casual clothes, pretty much all we brought, except what we wore down. We had a noon reservation at The Court of The Two Sisters. We walked there, the bougainvillea were in bloom and the courtyard was stunning. To be honest, the buffet here is very good, but not up to New Orleans high culinary standards, but the variety of dishes more than makes up for it. We had mimosas, de rigueur for the court, followed by chicory coffee and beignets. I don't eat desserts, but I will eat beignets.

We did all of the touristy stuff. I had done it all before, but it was fun to see it through Max's eyes for the first time. Over the next few days we took a paddle boat ride down the Mississippi, went to the Mardi Gras Museum, had the king cake, Max got the baby, that cost me forty bucks, I'll never tell him.

"I can't believe they spend all that money for a two hour parade."

"There's a lot of old money in the Big Easy; and, as you saw in the video, the tradition of Mardi Gras is ages old."

We took a street car ride through the garden district. I hadn't been here at this time of year, but everything was in bloom.

"Can we ride on the streetcar named Desire, Frank."

"Not unless you have a time machine. The Desire line ran from Canal Street, through the French Quarter, to Desire Street. It was shut down not too long after Tennessee Williams published the book."

Most of the finer restaurants weren't open for lunch on weekends, but formal for dinner. Those that were open for lunch allowed casual attire, Commander's Palace for example. We usually had heavy lunches, and then light suppers in the room, that's traditional in New Orleans. On Easter we put on our suits and went to Antoine's the oldest restaurant in New Orleans.

On Monday evening I told Max to put on what we were now calling our gladiator gear under his street clothes.

"What is this place?"

"It's a gay bath house."

"Why are we here, we aren't looking for sex."

"No, we brought our own. We're here so you can show off your beautiful body to an appreciative bunch of voyeurs and so we can play with some of their toys."

"Are we going to have sex here?"

"We'll play that by ear."

"I've only been to a bath house once, and it was this one. A man I met in a straight bar, never knowingly went to a gay one, brought me here. It was eye opening. We did have sex here. I don't know why he preferred here to my hotel, I didn't. They have some toys here I want to try."

"I want you to strap me in this." It was a sling. "I told you what people usually do in this thing, but I just want you to mess with my body for a while, while I'm helpless and totally dependent on you. I laid in the sling, Max cuffed my arms and legs to the support chains. "Give me a ball gag."

Max was very tenuous about this, but he he sort of got into it.

"You going to fist him," someone said.


"Can I?"


"Can I touch him?" Max looked at me and I nodded. "Okay, but hurt him and you're dead meat."

It felt nice, like when Max and the young men on the knoll played with me. Soon another pair of hands joined in.

I felt a hand snaking into my pouch. I heard a slap, "Stay out of there, that's mine."

Max was sucking my nipples when a couple of fingers slid in my ass. Three more men came in.

"Party's over guys, unhook him." Max removed the ball gag and kissed me. "We need to move on, things are getting a little pushy in here, and more than I can control," he said. Another man hopped into the sling before it had a chance to get cold.

"This is what I want to try with you, Max." It was a St. Andrew's Cross. If you don't want to, just tell me. "You want to, so I want to."

I shackled his arms and legs to the cross. "You still okay with this." "Yes." I put a blind fold on him and a ball gag, then started to do with his body what he liked.

"God he's gorgeous," someone said. "Can we touch him?"

"Yes, but don't hurt him, and stay out of the jock."

"Only two at a time," Frank said to someone. You guys have to move on.

A pair of large strong hands and a pair of small ones were using me now. God, I hate this, I fucking hate it. Why is Frank doing this to me? It felt like a hundred men were pawing me for over an hour, but really only about a dozen for twenty minutes or so.

"Let's get you out of this." I took the ball gag off and then the mask, the mask was soaked with tears and Max was crying.

"How could you let them use me like that? God, Frank, it was hell."

"I'm sorry ..."

"Don't talk to me, don't touch me, just get me fucking out of here."

As I drove back to the hotel max was bent over at the waist, sobbing.

We gave the keys to the valet and walked into the hotel. I reached an arm out to him and said, "Max ..."

"Shut the fuck up and don't touch me."

When we got back to our room, Max collapsed on the bed and fell asleep or passed out. I had hurt him bad. I undressed him down to the jock and harness. Getting those off him might have wakened him. He was restless, but asleep. I decided to let him sleep an hour or so. I just laid next to him looking at him, it made made me very happy, but at the same time I cried because of what I had done to him.

I called room service and ordered strawberries with whipped cream and champagne, and told them not to knock, just come in. The waiter opened the door and wheeled in the cart. He saw Max on the bed and said, "Woof."

"Pretty spectacular isn't he? Go and get a closer look, he likes that, but don't touch him."

"Touching him would be like trying to eat one potato chip."

He went and knelt by the bed. He was raping Max with his eyes. I let him ogle for fifteen minutes. It was kind of a turn on for me, which was obvious. I had signed the folio and said, "Do you want this back?"

"No, yes."

"Is he yours?"

"I'm not his, and he's not mine, but we love each other totally."

"You're both very fortunate men."

"I know."

I kissed Max awake, once he kissed me back I said, "Open your mouth, Max."

"If that's a butt plug or a ball gag, Frank, I'm going to hurt you."

"It's big enough to be either, but it's a lot juicier." I put a cream coated strawberry in his mouth. Before he could say anything, I gave him another one.

"I'm sorry, I would never have done it if I didn't think you'd like it. I should have asked."

"It may take me a while to get over that, but I'm still okay with you. When people are as close as we are, someone's going to get hurt from time to time, just promise to forgive me when I do it."

"I do, I already did. When you wanted your own place, it wasn't easy to take."

"Do you have any more of those?"

"A whole bowl, and champagne." I pulled his jock off and helped him get out of the harness.

I brought the berries and cream over to the bed along with champagne. We fed each other berries.

"Do you want something more to eat."

"Frank, I've eaten more in the last four days than I do in a whole week."

"That's New Orleans, Max; but the room service waiter will be disappointed, he saw you on the bed when you were asleep and is already in love with you."

"The food has been from very good to fantastic, but that muff thing I didn't like."

"I actually don't care for muffalettas either, I'm not sure anyone does, but it's a city tradition that goes way back. The ones we had were the originals, and damn near everyone who comes here buys one, but if they had to rely on repeat business, they'd might have to stop selling them."

We ate most of the berries and finished the champagne. We crawled under the covers.

"Hold me, Frank, tell me you love me and that you'll never share me again."

"Never again, Max. I love you so much Maximus Baker."

We fell asleep.

"I love you, Frank Jamerson." Opening my eyes I said," I love you Maximus, I hope you know that."

"I do, I was very rude to you last night, I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, I deserved everything you gave me, and a lot more."

"This is our last full day, Max, Is there something New Orleansy that you haven't done yet.?"

"Nothing, I can think of. Do you have any more ideas."

"Yes, this afternoon we're going to school and tonight to the riverboat casino."


"Yes, Cajun cooking school."

"The cooking school was a class act (for the price it should have been). There were only four students. We each got an apron with our names machine embroidered on them. They asked us our names and programmed them in to the machine. Max said, Max, I said, no Maximus, he nodded. They gave us each a paper toque and directed us to the classroom. We each had our own work station. We made chicken gumbo chowder and shrimp jambalaya. Everyone except Max burned their roux for the chowder, Max's somehow cooked his to a deep chocolate brown. They gave the rest of us an already prepared one. When the time came to eat our creations, the chef came around and tasted our dishes. At the first station she said, "Barbara, you don't want to eat this." She signaled a sous chef to bring an already prepared lunch. "Frank, this is good, but you need a better balance on your seasoning. This tastes more straight French than Cajun." "Maximus, this is excellent, bordering on divine. You can cook for me anytime." "This is okay, Mary, but you can have some of ours if you would rather.'

We ate half of our own dishes, then Max and I switched. "Damn, Max, this is good." Max said, "I don't know what French seasoning should taste like, but this isn't really right." How the hell would he know, I said to myself. "Taste them side by side, you'll know what I mean." We left with a signed copy of the chef's cook book. "I expect you to make that sometime when we get home. It was really good."

"I didn't tell Frank then, but we had a Creole housekeeper growing up. I had made this all and more before."

When we got back to the hotel, Max said. "Frank, are we going to the Casino for me or you?" "You." "Then can I recommend a new game plan? Let's jump in there for about six hours of loving, but debauched intimacy, then shower and cruise Bourbon Street, find an intimate restaurant around ten or so and get back here around midnight?"

"Game on, Max."

"Lay down, Max, I'm going to give you an erotic massage and show you how much I love every square in of your body." I did exactly what I said, front and back, top to bottom. By the time I got to his cock, his abs were quivering. I stroked him for only a couple of minutes when he said, "I'm cumming, Frank." I got my mouth on his glans just in time to catch his eruption. I crawled on top of him and shared his juice in a deep kiss.

"Lay down, Frank, it's my turn." The whole scene unfolded again, with Max on top of me sharing my cum. We semi-napped in each other's arms for for about an hour, periodically sharing sweet and romantic kisses.

"Frank, will you fuck me, fuck me hard. I need to feel you deep inside of me."

"I was going to say the same thing, but you're eyes were closed. You'll fuck me too?"

"If you're still alive."

"Hang your butt a little over the edge of the mattress, I can give you what you've asked for better if I'm standing on the floor."

I rimmed him and got him wet, then eased my cock into him until his balls were resting in my pubes. I started slowly, then started giving him what he wanted.

"Harder, Frank, I want to have to walk funny down Bourbon."

"Flip over on your knees." I re-entered him then slammed into him as hard as I could, my belly was getting a little tender."

"Frank, that's so good, oh Frank, I love you, and I love the fuck."

I collapsed on his back as I put a load in him.

Panting, I said, "Was that what you wanted?"

"Exactly, Can I fuck you, now? Do you want it hard?'

"You do me like I did you, and I won't be walking funny down Bourbon Street, I'll be crawling."

"I want to try something knew, something that few men can do, but you can." I laid down on my back and said, "Get in me missionary style." He got me slicked up and then carefully entered me, slowly getting all of his fat cock in. "Now put your arms under my knees. He did it. "Bend over so I can put my arms around your neck." "Now stand up, lifting me to your chest. "I'll let you figure out how you're going to finish this, I'm going to be kissing you all the time you do it."

Between pelvic thrusts and using my ass to jack himself off, he didn't last long at all, but he was already lathered when we started. "Just hold me until you get soft." Erotic kisses turned to Romantic ones. He softened and then pulled out, he was so big, it would never fall out on it's own."

"I think we need a real nap, this time; at least I do, dear Maximus." We left a wake-up call for eight-thirty, time enough to shower and walk across Canal to Bourbon Street.

We strolled down Bourbon, stopping outside bars and clubs to listen to the live bands playing inside. You can hear just about any kind of music walking down Bourbon Street. " "What do they call that," Max asked? "Zydeco, an old Creole music. I may be an uncultured boor, but I prefer it to Jazz. If they were singing ..." Then they started. "Listen to the lyrics, they're hard to understand because they're in dialect, but half of them are in French and half in English."

"Hold hands with me, Max."

"Out here?"

"We just crossed into the gay end of Bourbon, no one will notice or care."

We turned down St. Phillips street and walked toward the river. We saw a very old sign that said "Cajun Kitchen." We looked in the window. There were only two patrons, apparently gay, I guess Max and I are apparently gay. "You wanted an intimate dining experience, how about this." "Suits me, Frank."

The beverage list was sparse, Abitibi lager or Abitibi dark there was more choice on the wine list; red, white, and rose'.

The waiter brought the menu, wearing a tuxedo, which surprised me. He explained, "The left side is Cajun, the right is Creole."

"You seem to know a bit about this, Max. I don't know the difference. There are the same dishes on both sides."

"If its red it Creole, a tomato never gets anywhere near a Cajun kitchen. Cajun is spicier; Creole is more herby. The gumbo we made today was Cajun, but the Jambalaya was Creole. I've made both before."

"How do you know all this?"

"We had a creole housekeeper when I was growing up. I learned from her. I prefer Creole, but I can make both." "I suppose this is just part of your 'good home cooking'."

"Uhm-hm," Max said, taking a sip of wine.

"I'm waiting for you to tell me about your Italian handyman."

"He was Polish, do you like pierogi?" We both laughed.

We got back to the room just before midnight, stripped and crawled in bed.

"Maximus Baker, I love you, you are a delightful bouquet of surprises." I kissed him.

"Frank, do you think we could have some more of those berries tonight?"

I called room service, ordered and said don't knock, just bring it in.

The waiter rolled in the cart, "Good morning, gentlemen." "Are you the only one down there?" "No, but when this came in I grabbed it."

He turned to Max, "You were asleep last night, but it was a pleasure not meeting you."

"I've heard. Do you want to hand me that?"

Max handed me the folio and mouthed, "Can I?" I nodded.

Max threw the covers off his body and the waiters eyes fell out.

"Come here and set down, what's your name?" "C-carl." "Carl, I'm Max and this is Frank." Max grabbed Carl's left hand and put it on is right furry pec. "There are two of those Carl, and you've got two hands." Tenuously, he cupped the other pec in his right hand.

Max slid Carl's hands down his body. "You can play with all of this for a while, but no further, the rest belongs to Frank."

Carl buried his face in Max's abs while massaging his pecs. After a few minutes, Carl kissed Max's left nipple. Max grabbed his head, "Suck it, Carl, suck it hard."

"Time to come up for air, Carl." Max had a boner now, but Carl hadn't seen it.

"Had enough potato chips, Carl?"

"Not nearly, but I've got to get back to room service." He stood up and saw Max's erect cock for the first time. "Damn, that's big." "Max, I'm going to have a very sore cock before I go to sleep tonight, and it's all your fault."

"Are you bragging or complaining? Good Night, Carl, give me kiss."

I had alrady gotten up to open and pour the champagne. I brought the wine and the berries and cream over to the bed and then popped one into Max's mouth.

"That kind of of surprised me, Max."

"It was completely different, it was my choice, you gave permission, I was in charge, and I wanted him to play with me. The main reason I did it was the same reason you get back on a horse when you fall off. I like being touched, Frank, I didn't want that one experience to ruin it."

We finished the berries and wine, then Max said, "Frank, will you finish what Carl started?"

I rolled over and took him into my mouth, he took me in his. We shared a long slow blowjob for about a half an hour, we came at the same time, that was becoming common. We kissed the cum away then crawled under the covers. We held each other. "Good night, Frank." "Yes it was, good night Maximus."

As I nodded off to sleep I tried to remember the last time I had cum three times in one day. I decided that it had to have been in high school, where I lettered in whacking, it was my favorite sport.

We left the car at the hotel, they'd pick it up, and took the shuttle to the airport. We were flying commercial on the way home. The plane was fully boarded when the pilot came on the speaker and said. "We can't take off, because there's a ground stop at our destination due to weather. The in-seat videos are turned on."

"This may be a while, I said to Max." At least we were in first class and being well taken care.

A fifty minute flight took almost three hours. We took a cab to the heliport to pick up the alpha, and got to the kennel just in time to pick up the boys. Felix lost it, but bruce ignored us, he hated the kennel.

That night Max handed me the key to his apartment. "Take this back, Frank, I don't want it, I never want to even see it."

We kissed, and cried a little in each others arms.

Over the next few months we grew closer and closer, I didn't think it was possible. "Happy 25th birthday, dear one."

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