No Love in the Market

By John Parker

Published on Dec 28, 2020


If you're on Nifty you know what to expect. This is totally fictional and if any of these guys exist, I don't know them.

Please contribute what you can to nifty so we can all keep enjoying this, you get a lot more from here than you get from going to a movie

I work in the financial district; not in New York, we're smaller, but this exchange does a billion in trades everyday. Can't compare to Wall Street, but the commission on that comfortably pays the bills. After the markets close the local bars become packed. This isn't a gay bar, and I don't frequent them; but there are always a lot of men. I sometimes get lucky. I'm a fairly good-looking man, but there was a man sitting at the bar who makes me look like a gnome.

"Hi, I'm Frank and you're not."

"How do you know?"

"Because, I've only known two other Franks in my whole life. So, if you're not Frank, who are you?"

"I'm Max."

"Maxwell or Maximillian?"

"No. Maximus, and I've never known of another."

"You've got dinner plans?"

"No, I've only been here ten days, and I haven't had a paycheck yet. My employer pays for the hotel, for four more days, but I pretty much subsist on fast food."

"Would you like to have dinner with me."


"Because I asked you."

"I can't afford it, Frank."

"Who said anything about money, I want you as my guest."

"This is kind of weird, Frank, we don't even know each other."

"We'll take care of that, in time."

"Do you have a car?"


"I do."

We went out to my red Alpha Romero.

"Sweet wheels."

"Do you want to drive?"

"Can I?" I gave him the keys. We took the long way, getting up on the causeway. The causeway is twenty-five miles of very limited access and egress that connects two large communities. Police rarely patrol it, because they can't easily get on or off it.

"Go ahead, Max, open it up, if you get a ticket, I'll pay it."

"We've got to take the next exit."

"Damn, Frank that was exciting."

"I can tell."

"What do you mean?"

"That bulge in your chinos is a dead giveaway," He tried to adjust it, but he couldn't.

"Pull in over there,"

"Where's the restaurant?"

"There isn't one. I'm making dinner, and I'm a damn good cook, Max, but there's no menu, it's take it or leave it."

We entered Frank's condo. It was large and elegant. As we walked in, a dog and a cat came out of somewhere. The cat curled itself around my leg and the dog sat panting with his paw up, I scratched it under the chin and shook its paw.

"These are my Garfield and Odie. Felix likes you, but he likes every one; Bruce is quite selective, but he seems to like you, too."

"Those are kind of gay names," I said.

"I can be a bit of a gay kind of a guy," Frank said.

"Frank, on that note, I think I need to go."

"I didn't bring you here for sex, I've never brought a man here for that. It's much less complicated at a hotel."

"Then why?"

"I'm not entirely sure, but it felt like the right thing to do. If sex had anything to do with it, you would have known before we left the bar," Frank said.

We went into the kitchen. I sat at a luncheon bar while Frank got busy. The cat jumped up on my lap and the dog pawed my leg. I picked him up too.

Frank put some cheese, fruit and crackers on the counter. "This is usually the last course, I don't make desserts," but dinner will take a little while.

Frank grabbed a piece of brie and an apple slice. I was petting the animals on my lap. "Who's who." I said? "I assume that this is felix."

"Nope, my dog is felix and the cat is bruce, but which ever one you call for, they both come. They have very different personalities, but are totally compatible. I love my boys, at least they were boys, but I didn't do it to them." Frank served a wonderful meal in his dining room.

"Where are your boys?"

Frank pointed to the door way, where they were both seated. "They're not allowed in here while people are dining, even if it's just me."

Over dinner Frank asked, "What do you do?"

"I'm a go-fer in the pit at the Market, I work for a broker and wear head phones to take directions, I actually haven't been in the pit yet, I've been in training."

"I would have noticed you if you were, I have a seat on the exchange."

"What? Those cost a million dollars."

"And ten times that in an equity stake. Many seat holders use a line of credit to support their position, mine is all securities."

"But you're not that much older than me."

"I am, but let's not make an issue of it."

"The Market is a dog-eat-dog business, Max, and there is no love or loyalty in it. Good go-fers jump among brokers a lot, the really good ones eventually become brokers themselves. Love your job, not who you work for."

"I think I need to get going, Frank. Can you call a taxi?"

"I can drive you, but why don't you just stay here with me?"

"I can't, Frank, I already told you."

"I didn't mean that. You'll have your own room. Tomorrow's Saturday, so we don't need to get ready for work."

I had mixed feelings, but I agreed. The room he offered me was as nice as the rest of his home.

"Don't close your door when you go to bed or my boys will be scratching on it to getin." ???

I brought coffee service into Max's room the next morning. Felix was laying on his chest and Bruce was playing with his impressive erection. He was quite a man. At least seven inches, and it was veiny and thick, really thick, with a large mushroom glans. Max's eyes were closed, but he had to be awake, he had a big smile on his face. He was an attractive man clothed, but drop dead gorgeous naked. His body was very well developed, all of it, and the more than otter but less than bear pelt ran from his massive pecs to his cock. He obviously groomed his cock and balls. Not that I really took any notice.

My naked body showed my appreciation. "I see Bruce woke you up. Is that thing why you're named Maximus?" Max opened his eyes and pulled the cover over himself.

"Get over it, Max. If you're going to be staying here we'll see a lot of each other. I never wear clothes at home, I hope you can be comfortable with that"

He smiled. We had coffee, bruce pulled the sheet off and started to play with Max again.

"I need to warn you, he may bite. It doesn't hurt, but it may be startling."

"Do you want breakfast in here, or in the dining room?"

"How about in here, your boys are happy where they are."

I risked it, "All three of them, I think." It settled well.

We had Eggs Benedict, the hard part I had done before I brought the coffee, "Can I lay there."

"Please," Max said.

When we were finished eating , I collected the dishes and put them on the dresser. I crawled back in bed. Max's boner had relaxed. A cat playing with your cock can be fun, but only for so long.

Bruce curled up on my belly.

"Max, I want to tell you about life in the pit. Some brokers want their go-fers to learn the ropes the hard way, it cleans out the chaff quickly. I won't let my brokers do that. I haven't been in the pit for a long time."

"How long?" Max asked.

"Almost twenty years."

"What" he said, sitting up quickly. Felix went flying off the bed with a yelp.

"I told you I was older than you." "But life in the pit, if it's dog-eat-dog among brokers, the pit is a battle royal, totally cut-throat. Try to be nice and you'll be cut off at the knees. I educated him in pit strategies for almost four hours. The more I told him the more stressed he became. I could tell. That monster cock had shriveled up tight."

"Oh God, Frank, that's not who I am." Felix came up and licked his chin, he could tell when someone was troubled.

Max was on the verge of tears. "The Market is not who you are, Max, it's what you do. Why do you think the bars are so busy after the market closes?" I wanted to hug him, but touching him might ruin everything.

"Why don't we go to your hotel this afternoon and get you some clothes, or better yet, pack it all up and come move in with me."

"Are you sure?"

"I'll take you there and leave you there, or bring you back, it's your choice."

After a long pause. He said, "I'll come back."

I gave him the keys.

On the way home I suggested we stop for lunch.

"Is Burger King okay?"

"Max, I won't eat where you have to eat, and you can't afford where I will. Don't worry about the money, you already know I have more than any man needs."

"But I don't want to feel like your whore, Frank."

"Get used to it, just lay back and enjoy it. They do."

Back at Frank's condo he said, "Get yourself settled in and then light the fire, it's all set except for the match. Would you like a glass of wine?"

"A white if you have it."

I put my suit case on the bed, changed into some sweats and came back to light the fire, felix was dogging me, running between my feet. I don't know where bruce was.

As I had just finished lighting the fire, Frank came in, stark naked. I said to myself, what the hell, and stripped down too.

He did have a white wine, it was Veuve Clicquot champagne. He also brought a gray pasty stuff and some crackers, it tasted way better than it looked. I found out later that it was foie gras.

"Max, do you want to tell me about yourself, or do you want me to tell you about me."

"Why don't we just bat it back and forth?"

I started talking, when bruce walked in with a pair of my low-rise briefs stuck around his waist.

"Did you leave your suitcase open?" Max.


"Then you've got a big mess to take care of before you go to bed tonight."

"Come here, bruce."

Both of them came over. Frank picked up bruce and I picked up felix. He extricated bruce from my briefs and handed them to me. I put them with the rest of my clothes on the floor by the couch. We chatted until the wine was almost gone.

"Gotta go finish getting supper ready, Boeuf Bourguignon with a potato galette, maybe fifteen minutes, Max."

After dinner we had a cognac by the dying fire and shared more of our lives. I couldn't believe I was sitting here naked with this man, but totally comfortable with him, thought Max.

When we got up to go to bed, we walked into my room.

"This isn't as bad as I expected," Frank said.

Frank helped me put my stuff away.

I crawled into bed, pulled the covers up and said, "Good night, Frank."

"It's going to be," he answered.

He pulled the covers off me and grabbed my cock.

"I can't let you do that, Frank, I'm not gay."

"I've got a lot to say about that, Max. First of all you can let me, you just don't think you want to. Second, I'm not gay either. A good number of young ladies have been laying exactly where you are and letting me do the female equivalent to them. Men are comfortable with hotels, women are not." All the time I said this, I was stroking his cock to an erection and he never stopped me. "Make a deal with you, Max, don't say don't. Later you can say `don't do that again' and I won't."

I felt trapped, I had no place to go. "Okay, Frank, deal."

I already had him erect. I put that mushroom head in my mouth and massaged it with my lips, I licked his piss slit. It open up for the tip of my tongue, its size was commensurate with its owner. Then started slowly up and down his shaft, adding a half inch every few strokes. He was an incredible mouthful. I couldn't deep throat all of him, I have a gag reflex that stops me. While I had him in my mouth, my hands were all over that beautiful body. I rubbed his furry pecs and worked my way down to each plate in his hard eight pack and thumbed the grooves between the ab biscuits, then I grabbed his balls.

"I'm going to come, Frank"

I intensified my sucking.

"Frank, I'm coming ... now, now."

"Geeze, Frank, that was the best blowjob I've ever had in my life. What did you do with the cum?"

"Swallowed it. It's the polite thing to do."

"I've had a few of those before, not all that many, but the women either finished me off manually when I told them I was coming, or let it run down my cock out of their mouth. Switching from a blow job to a hand job isn't anywhere near as good as what you did for me."

"We had an agreement, Frank. Don't ..."

"Don't what? Max."

"Don't stop doing that."

"I won't Max, I won't."

Max said some thing I didn't expect yet. "Frank, do you want to sleep in here with me?"

"No, I said." The look on his face was painful.

"No, Max, this room is my bordello, we'll sleep in my bed tonight."

"You're the first person, man or woman, who's ever slept in here with me."

Felix and Bruce were on the bed between us fighting, but not really.

A comfortable week later ..."Frank, you were right, I've already had a broker want me to work for her, and she's offered me a five thousand dollar raise."

"Are you going to take it?"

"I kind of have to, I've got to get my own place sometime."

"You can, Max, but you don't have to. Who is she?"

"Alice Watkins."

"Do you know which seat she works for?"

"No, does it matter?"

"Not really, but she works for me."

"Did you ..."

"I don't mess with my brokers, she doesn't even know that we know each other. She's as good as they come, and no one's going to steal her, I pay her a hell of a lot. When she was in the pit she was vicious, she'd bite your balls off and eat them."

"You must be good; she wouldn't have wasted her time otherwise. Listen to her and learn, but don't even try to like her. There's no love on the floor, Max."

"I've got to take a leak."

Max went into the bathroom "Sh-i-i-t."

I laughed my head off.

Max came back, started to talk and I said, "You don't have to tell me. Bruce obviously was batting at your balls. It's actually kind of fun, but if you don't expect it ..."

We went to sleep, Felix was on my belly and Bruce was on Max's

When I woke in the morning, Max was sleeping peacefully. I pulled the sheet off of him and slowly began to suck his cock.

"Good morning, Frank, are you getting ready to do that again, I hope."

"Not exactly, Max."

He got me fully hard , then pulled a huge butt plug out of his ass, threw his leg over me, and settled slowly as my cock slipped into his anus.

"Hug me, Max."

I did, then he rolled over on his back with me still inside him.

"Fuck me, Max, however you like it."

I've fucked a few women, never a man, but as I worked his hole, Frank was incredibly, excitingly responsive, better than I've ever had.

"Do it the way you like it, Max, but I like it hard."

I slammed my cock into Frank as hard as I could, over and over again.

"Do me, Max, do me." he said.

As my balls slapped up against his ass, Bruce was playing with them. It's hard to tell you what it felt like, but it was terribly erotic. I unloaded into Frank, a lot, then collapsed on top of him.

The weight of Max's body was exciting, and his softening cock in me was too. Max kissed me, and it wasn't just a friendly gesture. I had wanted to kiss him since we met in the bar, but I was afraid that that would step over the line. He stepped over it, there was no going back.

"Frank, that was great, but you didn't get off yourself. Do you want me to do something about that?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"I'll jack you off."

"No thanks, I can do that myself."

Max sat on the bed for a few moments, not saying anything, then rolled over and slowly slipped my cock into his mouth.

"No teeth, Max."

His technique, such as it was, sucked, no pun intended, but I let him do me this time. I'd teach him in time.

"Max, I'm going to come, bring me off with your hand."

"I didn't want to come in your mouth," I said fingering the puddle on my abs. "Have you ever tasted this stuff?"

"No, not even mine." I held two cum coated fingers up to him. I didn't think he would do it, but he took my fingers in his mouth.

"Bitter, salty, but not as bad as I thought it would be."

I scooped up another two fingers and offered it to him, "Want some more?"

"Not especially."

I licked my fingers then put the rest of my cum in my mouth, "Max, I would like you to kiss me like you just did, but you know what's on my tongue. You don't have to, but I'd like you to."

He thought about it for a few seconds, then did it.

"Either I'm getting used to it, or it's not so bad this way." He kissed me again, long and deep.

"Do you want some breakfast?"

"Didn't we just have it?" Max said.

"I can probably come up with another serving of that, either yours or mine," I said, "but I was thinking more in terms of waffles and sausage."

I rolled over on my back and felix jumped up on me. He licked my face, all of it, then laid on my belly. I rubbed his ears. Bruce was trying to get to my balls, but I wouldn't let him. He went into the kitchen with Frank, I knew Frank would. Felix was a love sponge he seemed very needy,but I know Frank hadn't neglected him, maybe in a previous life. He rolled over and I rubbed his belly, he did the dog thing with his legs. I laid back and closed my eyes. I may have fallen back to sleep, I was totally relaxed. I woke up to Felix essentially French kissing me, I'd never do it on purpose, but a dog's tongue is kind of special. While he was doing it, Frank walked in with breakfast. "Do you guy's need some space, I can come back?" I laughed.

Over breakfast I asked, "Has he done that to you?"

"Never, I'm not sure he's my dog anymore. When you leave, I'm going to have to find a therapist for him." That "when" hit me like a sledge hammer, but I don't know why.

"Do you want to take a drive up into the high lands," Frank asked? "The roads are very twisty, you'll love to drive it."

"You're going to let me drive?"

"The Alpha is only a car to me, but you get off on it. I'll just watch to see when when you're going to pop that boner, and on this road you will. When you do, I intend to take care of it." He hugged and kissed me, this was beginning to become a very nice relationship.

"Are they going to be alright?"

"They're coming with us."

Damn this was fun, it was like driving a le mans. "You're really enjoying this" Frank said. Not trying to hide it anymore, I rubbed the swelling in my crotch. "There's a side road up ahead, pull over into it." We drove maybe a quarter mile up a dirt road. Frank started to take his clothes off, "Come on, Max, we both have a need, it's obvious, get your clothes off."

"Out here?"

"That's part of the fun, but it's not likely that anyone will see us. Anyone else up here is probably here for the same thing.

"Felix and bruce went for a stroll, arm in arm if that were possible."

Max and I enjoyed each other's bodies. I took a nipple in my mouth and sucked on it, it was the first time for Max. "Frank, I didn't know those could feel like that.."

"Want more?"

"Is there?"

I did that nipple in spades. He pushed my head into his massive pec, and I kept chewing on it. He moved my head to the other one. He was so strong, I couldn't resist if I wanted to, which I didn't. We were all over each other and ended in a mutual blow job. He followed my lead this time, he was a quick study.

"I'm going to cum, Max."

"I'm going to come, now." He didn't stop.

"Don't swallow it, Max." Once, I shot he did too.

"Kiss me, Max, this is called snow balling."

"We taste different, but I'm getting to like it." Max said.

We hugged and laid on the grass for a while. Felix and bruce came from where ever they went and climbed between us. There wasn't any room between us, but they both crawled in. We laid there together for a long time. I was content to stay there the rest of my life, but Frank said we had to go.

That night I said, "Frank, can I fuck you again?" and then after along pause ",and then will you fuck me?"

"Let's do it in reverse order, I've got to stretch my ass to take that fat thing of yours."

Frank went to get his butt plug, lubed it up and sat on it. I could tell it hurt. "I've never done this before, Frank"

"I didn't think you had, why did you ask?"

"I need it, or you, Frank, but I don't know why."

"I'll be honest with you Max, I'll be as gentle with you as I can, but it's going to hurt for a little bit. It always does the first time, but the hurt goes away quickly and then it will be better than you could ever imagine. But first I have a surprise for you. Lay on your back and pull you ass cheeks apart. Felix was on the bed cuddled up to max. "Come here boy." Felix started licking my ass hole deep in my ass crack.

"Oh, geeze, Frank."

"Just relax and enjoy it, he can do that better than I can."

"This is a little perverted, Frank."

"Do you want him to stop?"

"Oh no," Max said.," and rolled his ass up and pulled his cheeks wider to give Felix better access to his anus."

"This is going to get better?"

"A lot."

I shewed felix away, lubed Max's hole and started to finger fuck him. He took three before he showed any pain.

"Okay, Max, I want you to sit on my cock just like I did with, but put your back toward me. That way you're in total charge of the penetration. Just take it easy and relax.

"Frank, I can't get you in me."

"That's because that hole thinks it's a one way street. Try to push down like you're taking a shit, it will loosen up expecting something coming through from the other side."

"That's it, my glans has cleared your sphincter, now just ease yourself down." "Your balls are kissing mine now. Do you want to ride me like a horse, or should we roll over so I can fuck you?"

"Can we do both, Frank?"

"It would be my pleasure, don't doubt it for a moment. Since we're going to flip fuck, You've got to be careful not to cum while I'm fucking you. That stuff is for me next. If I don't cum, I'll just jump back in here a second time."

We fucked for about twenty minutes, alternating positions.

"Ready to switch?"

"Okay, Max, you're in charge, do it how ever you want. First, you've got to remove the butt plug. Just twist it around a couple of times, then rock it as you pull it out. Then drop it off the bed. There will be a pretty large hole there waiting for you, already lubed." Max went for the missionary position, fine with me, it let me play with his chest and assault those fat nipples. He didn't last ten minutes. He fell on my chest, slammed hard into my ass five or six times, and I could feel about six spasms, but the first and the last couple you can't often feel.

"Are you going to come back and finish in me?"

"You sure you not too sore?" "Not too sore for that, sometimes little hurt feel good."

I couldn't believe he said it. What we have been sharing is wonderful, but some times I really like to feel it, hard. Not into BDSM by any means, but I have a mildly kinky side that I think he told me just wanted to share.

"It hurt when you first went it, Frank, but now it feels great, take as long as you want. I edged myself for twenty minutes, changing positions frequently. We had ourselves in every way a man could fuck a man.

A little over two years later, I laying looking at Max, waiting for him to wake up. I could never ever tire of looking at him, awake he could be devil, but asleep he was positively angelic. I wanted him badly, but this was his morning.

As he started to wake he looked at me. "Good morning, beautiful." He rolled over and laid on my chest, felix and bruce bolted, they were on the bed between us. He kissed me and I kissed him. We have three kisses, a sweet one, a romantic one, and a lusty one. He gave me a sweet one, but I returned a romantic one, which he accepted and copied.

"Happy 25th birthday, dear one. Do you want me to burn 25 candles on your belly?"

"How did you know it's my birthday?"

"Oh, Maximus, who do you work for? I know everything about you any employer does, and a hell of a lot more."

"But, you don't work for me any more."

Max sat up in bed, screaming, "OH, MY GOD, FRANK, HOW COULD YOU WAIT TO TELL ME THIS ON MY BIRTHDAY? I love you, Frank, and I thought you loved me. If this morning is just a sweet goodbye, it's not sweet, it hurts terribly."

He had never sat further from me in this bed before, felix was in his lap. He was crying, almost sobbing.

"Hug me, Max."

"I can't."

"Wipe your eyes and read this."

"I opened it, but I didn't know what it was."

"What is this, Frank?" I said, still crying.

"It's a Security and Exchange Document registering you as half owner of my seat on the exchange."

"What? This is worth over five million!"

"No, $500,000; the equity stake is still mine."

"But why?"

"Because you have made me a lot more than that since you worked for me. Alice wanted me to make you a broker, she said you were way too good to be a go-fer. I reviewed what you'd done in the last two years and decided that the way you had crossed Alice to make better and more lucrative decisions, I wanted you in the box with me. You don't work for me, anymore, we're business partners. We'll work that out in a couple of months."

"Max was crying again, but happy tears." One of the things I loved about this huge man is he has a great depth of feeling. I wish I hadn't given this to him this way.

"Frankie, I don't deserve this."

I would never let anyone call me that except my mother, but Max only used it when we were being affectionate.

"That's my decision not yours. On Tuesday when the market opens, then it will be yours too."

"This is your second present, Max. I'm in love with you, and I want you as my life partner, not just my business partner."

"Oh, Frank, I am so in love with you too. I've wanted to say it, but it wasn't my place. Yes, Frank, yes."

Now we were deep into an embrace, and both crying. We shared romantic kisses and kissed each other's tears away.

"I don't deserve you, Frank." "And I don't deserve you, Max, but we have each other and that all that counts."

"After all you've done for me this morning, Frank, I'll go make breakfast."

"No you won't, we're going to stay here and fuck each others brains out, then we're going out to an elegant but casual brunch at one of my favorite restaurants." "I've got some coffee over there, Max, you want some?"

"No, I've got to get up to take a leak, and then we can get down to some serious brain surgery."

"No you don't. You can stay here, I've taken care of that with you before."

"But it may be a lot."

"Then the sheets will get wet, we're gong to get them messy anyway."

"He was full, but I didn't spill a drop."

"Okay, birthday boy, what do you want to do?"

"You said something this morning, Frank, that intrigued me. What is it like to have hot wax melting on your body, have you ever tried it?"

"Yes, Max, not my thing, but you may like it. It walks the line between pleasure and pain, and can even crisscross it. When it does that, is pretty cool. I've got a couple of tea candles in the kitchen and we can try it."

"Where do you want this?"

"My birthay, right?"

"I want you chew on my nipples until they swell, and then pour the wax on them."

"I'll do it, Max, but it's extreme. Tell me what your safe word is, I know it, but I need you to say it."

"Money pit."

I did what he asked, I lit a candle on the nightstand and worked his nipples. Then coated them in wax.

"Oh, Frank, that hurts so so good. I never could have imagined. But I think that's enough. "You want more?". "Money pit." "Pour some on my cock bulb now." "He liked it so much on his nipples, a dumped a lot on that big fat mushroom." "Money pit, o-u-ch"

I cleaned the wax up. Max,s little experiment put a damper on our roll in the hay. I tried to play with his nipples, something he loves, but they were too sore now. He couldn't fuck me because his mushroom was red and sore. I couldn't give him a good blow job for the same reason, and when he did cum it ran out of my mouth because I couldn't close my lips over it.

"Let's just cuddle, Max, I don' always need to cum."

We dressed and left for brunch. I handed him the keys. "Looks like someone else has an Alfa too." "Looks like it," I said. Max climbed into the driver's seat of my car. "Don't you want to drive the blue one." "You don't own it." "No, I don't, you do." "But these are your, keys. "They're both keyed the same, the key's will drive both. Here are yours."

"O, lord, Frank, you're going to kill me today." "I doubt' it, but you'll die happy." ""As happy as any man ever was. " "Pretty close," Frank smiled. "Pretty close. "But I can't even afford the insurance on this." "You are my life partner as of this morning, you're a very wealthy man, Max." "Max rubbed the hood of his car and kissed it." "Got one of those for me?" He came around and gave me a hug and a deep romantic kiss. "That didn't take long, that's got to smart a little." Max already had a boner. "Sometimes a little pain is worth it, but not hot wax." We both laughed. We had a wonderful intimate brunch.

"What do you want to do, it's your birthday," Frank said. "Go for a drive, up to the highlands." "The highlands as in ..." "Yes, Frank." "Think you're up to that, yet? "A little pain..." "is worth it, we both said." "What about the boys?" "They'll be fine, I put out plenty of food and water, and Felix used Bruce's cat box. Bruce has a fit, but can't stop him." "We've got to be back to the condo by seven thirty, we have to shower and dress. We' leaving for dinner at nine." "Do you want to share the shower?" "We don't have time," Frank said. Let me go first." When I came out of the shower, there were two tuxedos laying on the bed. "I haven't worn one of those since my high school prom." We dressed. Time to go, Max. We left the condo and Max turned toward the parking deck. "Not tonight, love." We walked out of the front door. There was a limousine there. We had a truly elegant, romantic meal in a private dining room. The limo drove us home. I didn't see Frank pay for anything.

Tuesday morning we both drove to work. Frank had gotten me the executive parking space next to his. I remembered the passcode, 3663. Frank said it took him four years to figure out that it was "DO ME" on a phone dial. We parked and walked into the building together.

"This is a new day in the Market, Max. Today there is love on the floor."

Next: Chapter 2

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