No Greater Love

By moc.loa@9431irraWS

Published on Nov 23, 2000


No Greater Love

Interlude I

Holloman House, 1998

John and Adam continued to read from Johnny's journal. Both were confused at the order the entries were entered. Johnny, for some reason, moved from the first day of their friendship to the Battle of Chickasaw Bayou. Both boys knew where that was; it was right inside the city limits of Vicksburg. There was a large marker showing where the battle took place, but the journal did one thing the marker never did, it put faces and real people to the event. Now they understood "TOTAL WAR!"

In seventeen years of life both John and Adam never had to worry about war, or hardship in the time of need. Their fathers both held high ranking jobs in the state. John's father worked for the Governor, while Adam's was on the State Railroad Safety board. If either one needed something they just asked.

The southern sun was slowly setting in the west, casting an orange glow over the landscape and Holloman House. The boys looked up and at each other, their shadows casting against the wall.

"John, let's spend the night here. We told our parents that we would get a hotel room in Yazoo City for the night so they will not worry about us not returning tonight."

"Sounds good, Adam. Do we need to get anything out of your truck?"

"Not that I know of. No use in bringing in fresh clothes. We have no running water for a bath. We got candles and cold drinks still, plus more food to snack on in the cooler we left downstairs."

"OK, cool, I will go get it while you light some candles. Use the ones we brought and put them in the holders." John stepped out the door and Adam heard his footfalls on the old wooden floors and then the squeaking of the stairs. Adam started to light the candles already in the holders and left the new ones in the bag. The homemade wax sputtered, then began to burn with a soft yellow glow. The smell of dust floated through the muggy air as Adam removed the dust cloth from the big four-postered bed.

A gasp escaped from Adam's pink lips as he removed the dust cloth. The bedspread was a dark gray and sewn in the center was the Confederate battle flag of the 9th Mississippi Light Artillery Company C. The flag was frayed and faded but Adam could feel the radiance of power coming from it, the small crimson stains and the powder holes where fragments of shells had hit it in the heat of battle, the dark gray cotton beneath it framing the famous starry cross. Adam's knees began to buckle from staring and disbelieving what his eyes were seeing before him. He leaned forward and fell upon the huge bed face first into the heavy gray cotton, his eyes tearing up at the crimson stains as his mind wondered who paid the ultimate price for his country. His golden blond hair fell over the tanned skin of his arms as his lower legs hung off the side of the bed. He lay there so deep into thought he never heard John walk back into the room.

John sat the cooler down on the floor and looked at his friend. He smelled the old wax burning and knew the original candles were casting the light onto his best friend. The long blond curls spread out onto the bedspread and draping the arms of his friend, the powerful legs and the jean- clad butt. Then he too saw the flag sewn into the bedspread and he could not take his eyes off of it. The power had captured John into its radiance. The powder holes and dark crimson blood of some private who marched off to war and never returned home. John looked at Adam and walked over. He sat down on the bed and drew his best friend into his arms and held him. Adam smiled through his tears, looking up into the green eyes of of his best friend, his dark raven hair cut short and lying straight back on his head, the gleam of sweat on his forehead, the powerful tanned arms of a boy who did not mind working in the great outdoors even if he did not have to. The light tan looked golden in the soft yellow light of the candles and the setting sun.

"Oh, John, do you feel the power and sadness coming from that flag? It's as if it is trying to speak to us about what happened under it while it flapped in the breeze. It wants us to understand. I am sorry if I sound crazy but that is what I feel right now in my heart and soul."

"Adam, my friend, I feel its power inside me as well. We feel this way because we know the truth about that faded torn flag and not what most people want us to believe. I feel the glory in that flag, I feel the power of the people who fought so bravely under its white stars and cross of blue on the crimson background of shed blood of the ones who died for freedom and liberty and their homes. You're not crazy, Adam, you're beautiful in every way." John reached down and brushed the tears from Adam's eyes and swept the golden curls back, then he took Adam's chin in his hand and lifted it up and brought his lips to Adam's and tasted the sweet lips of his best friend as they looked into each other's eyes and tasted each other's velvet lips. If they would have listened, they could have heard the voices of ghosts giving their approval of the unselfish love being shown once more in the grand old house in the woods.

The boys held the kiss for a long time, not wanting it to end. The moment was a golden one for both of them, the southern sun setting in the west, highlighting the two golden teens on the dark gray bed, the starry cross shining in the sunlight, and the soft light trails of smoke coming from the tallow candles that had not been lit for a hundred years.

"John, I don't think we're alone in the house. I feel a presence of two others in the room with us."

John felt Adam shiver in his arms as he spoke. "I feel them too, Adam, but they are friendly spirits."

On the table was a small candle holder. The three candles were unlit and John eased from the embrace and leaned over and struck a match. He lit the first two candles and then waved the match in the air until it went out. He then lit another one and lit the last candle. Adam looked at him with a questioning look.

John smiled, "Never light three of a kind with one match; it's considered bad luck." Adam just smiled again, "Like OK."

John leaned over and untied his shoes and kicked them off, and his socks followed. He then lifted Adam's feet and did the same. John looked down at Adam's pale feet and the long straight toes and began to rub his hands over them, making Adam jump. John smiled and continued to rub Adam's feet, leaving the bottom alone for a few minutes, then hitting them with a slight vengeance, making Adam jump again.

"Quit it, John, that tickles." Adam was laughing as John continued to torture Adam's tender feet."

"No way, you're so cute when you laugh out like that and your face is turning redder and redder, which really highlights that blond hair of yours. That reminds me, are you a natural blond, because if you are, you're one smart blond and that is rare."

"Screw you!"

"I know you would want to screw me because you can't keep those wonderful blue heart-melting eyes off of me." John tickled Adam's feet some more, causing him to jump and the blond hair flare out as Adam shook his head back and forth as he laughed.

John then caught Adam totally off guard as he slipped up farther on the big bed and straddled Adam. John bent down and kissed Adam full on the lips, letting his tongue work its way into Adam's hot, sweet, velvet mouth. John's tongue explored the cavity like a California gold miner digging for the mother lode. Adam sucked in a heavy breath through his nose and it escaped in moans of pleasure. Never had he felt such heat, such power as this. As John kissed Adam, his hands began to roam over his best friend's chest, feeling the hot flesh below the thin cotton T-shirt, feeling the tight muscles in Adam's arms, the muscles he had dreamed about feeling ever since Adam had sent his picture over the internet to him the second time they had talked on AIM. Now for the first time he did not have to worry about how far could he go with brushing up against his best friend, sneaking a feel here and there. He saw in Adam's blue eyes the love and admiration that Adam had for him. They both communicated their love to each other not by words alone but by the actions and expressions on their faces as they read the words that had been written over a hundred years ago. 'Now,' thought John, 'the words, the actions, and the feelings were coming together under the soft yellow glow of the wax candles flickering their light to dispel the darkness for the first time in almost 100 years.' Holloman House glowed with light from the corner bedroom like it had done so many times in the past. A new love was being born where one over a century ago was kindled from a friendship into a love that lasted.

John lifted his lips from Adam's and smiled the smile that had won Adam's heart. The corners lifted to form the gentle and caring but fun-filled smile that Adam had seen the day they first met in real life outside the book store in Jackson. These were the days to remember as they explored the past and grew closer as friends. The little battered notebook that Adam always carried was his own journal. Adam looked over to the stand where the candles burned and where Johnny's journal lay and he noticed his own notebook lying right beside the old leather-bound book of Johnny's, past and present combined. Adam looked back into John's dark green eyes and saw the sparkle in them when John was happiest. Then he whispered,

"John, I love you."

"I love you too, Adam."

Their lips touched again, this time lighty and gently, then they pulled back to see the last moments of the golden sun slip below the horizon. Now the flickering candles cast the only light upon their sweaty faces. John stood up and lifted his shirt over his head. The tight muscles in his back greeted Adam's eyes. Adam had seen John shirtless countless times over the time they had known each other but this time it was different. Was it the light of the candles casting their soft glow onto the shining, lightly bronzed smooth skin? Was it the place and time? Adam smiled at John as he spun around and took Adam's hand and pulled him off the bed. He reached down and pulled Adam's shirt up and out of his jeans and then over his head, ruffling the golden blond hair. John threw Adam's shirt on the floor with his, then took his friend's hands. "May I have this dance, sir?"

"Why yes, you may." Adam smiled.

John began to hum, then sing the words to the Bonnie Blue Flag as they whisked barefooted and shirtless, arm in arm, across the old wooden floor. Adam joined in on the song as their hands intertwined as they danced, singing the old song of the South. Smiling faces from the past looked down at the two boys smiling. Then on angels' wings they took flight hand in hand and danced among the clouds to the singing of the earthly boys down below.

We are a band of brothers

And native to the soil,

Fighting for the property

We gained by honest toil;

And when our rights were threatened,

The cry rose near and far--

"Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag

That bears a single star!"

CHORUS: Hurrah! Hurrah!

For Southern rights, hurrah!

Hurrah for the Bonnie Blue Flag

That bears a single star.

As long as the Union

Was faithful to her trust,

Like friends and like brothers

Both kind were we and just;

But now, when Northern treachery

Attempts our rights to mar,

We hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag

That bears a single star.--CHORUS

First gallant South Carolina

Nobly made the stand,

Then came Alabama,

Who took her by the hand.

Next quickly Mississippi,

Georgia, and Florida

All raised on high the Bonnie Blue Flag

That bears a single star.--CHORUS

Ye men of valor, gather round

The banner of the right;

Texas and fair Louisiana

Join us in the fight.

Davis, our loved president,

And Stephens statesmen are;

Now rally round the Bonnie Blue Flag

That bears a single star.

And here's to old Virginia--

The Old Dominion State--

Who with the young Confederacy

At length has linked her fate;

Impelled by her example,

Now other states prepare

To hoist on high the Bonnie Blue Flag

That bears a single star.

Then cheer, boys, cheer,

Raise the joyous shout,

For Arkansas and North Carolina

Now have both gone out;

And let another rousing cheer

For Tennessee be given,

The single star of the Bonnie Blue Flag

Has grown to be eleven.

Then here's to our Confederacy,

Strong are we and brave;

Like patriots of old we'll fight

Our heritage to save.

And rather than submit to shame,

To die we would prefer;

So cheer for the Bonnie Blue Flag

That bears a single star.

The two boys continued to dance in the flickering candle light, their bodies covered in sweat that shone like a mountain dew in the morning sun. Time seemed to stand still as the boys waltzed to their own music. One could almost hear the soft playing of the grand piano in the music room, the chanteys of the slaves as they worked the landing. As if time was reversing itself back to the time when the old plantation house was in her prime and music and laughter was common during the dark days of war, but for now Holloman House was host to two boys, the best of friends who, as they danced, began to see each other in a whole new light of the flickering wax candles. The friendship was becoming a bond of love. John leaned in, pulling Adam close, and as the last words of the song passed from his lips he kissed his new found lover on the lips and it was if angels were singing on high. They looked into each other's eyes for a long moment, then John glided Adam back toward the big bed.

"Adam, I'm hungry, let's plop on the floor and eat so we don't get any crumbs on the bed. I would kick my own ass if I spilt coke on that bedspread or dropped crumbs on the gray."

"I agree," so they sat down on the faded carpet and opened the big cooler. John handed Adam a coke and a ham sandwich, then got one each for himself. They began to eat, sitting across from each other so when they looked up at each other they could see the other's eyes sparkling.

"John, I wonder if I am kin to Johnny's Adam. We both got the same last name but I have found nothing on my family from before 1900 as if we did not exist before then."

"I don't know, Adam, but it sure would be cool. From Johnny's descriptions of his Adam, both of you come from the same blood because both of you are handsome young men."

Adam smiled as he took another bite of his sandwich. They both talked about this and that and about planning another trip to the national park in Vicksburg. They finished up, putting the empty cans and sandwich bags into the bag with their supplies. John stood and walked over to the big window and gently closed it. The night breeze was chilly. It was late April but still nippy on the bare skin of his chest, which was baby-smooth except for the few dark hairs around his nipples and the light trail of black hair leading from his belly button to his groin.

He walked over to where Adam still sat cross-legged in his faded jeans and smiled. Adam had been looking at his tanned legs all day, with the light black hairs covering the lower calves. Now it was his turn to look at Adam, no need in the boy hiding from him. John pulled Adam up off the floor and stood in front of him. He watched Adam's eyes run over his chest as he reached down for Adam's button on the front of his jeans. John unbuttoned the button and eased the zipper down. Adam did not say anything but just stood there, looking. John grabbed the sides of the jeans and eased them down, revealing the Tommy boxers below them. He motioned for Adam to step out of his jeans and Adam did, but not before he grabbed the button on John's cutoffs, which hit the floor as soon as the button and zipper were undone. They smiled at each other, Adam in his boxers and John wearing tight briefs.

"So what next?" asked Adam.

"I thought we would crawl back up in bed under that wonderful cover and snuggle and read some more. This way, we're comfy and I can feel your wonderful skin brushing mine without little brothers sneaking in the room whenever we stay over at each other's houses. This time we're almost alone."

"Almost?" asked Adam with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yeah, Adam, we can not forget our angels watching over us. I am sure Adam and Johnny are around."

Adam smiled, "You're right, this is their home we're guests in."

They stepped over to the large four-postered bed and turned down the gray covers. They could smell the stale, unused musty smell of the old linen but they did not care. They folded the gray cover back till it almost covered the flag and John slipped in under the heavy cotton. Adam stepped around the room, blowing out the candles in the corner holders, leaving only the three by the bed lit. Adam slipped under covers that John held. The old oil paintings of distant battlefields were now cast in the shadows of the room along with the cherry dressers casting their own shadows. The sword hung above their heads as they lay back, the dull shine flickering in the light. Adam reached over for the journal and he carefully opened it to where they had left off. John put his arm beneath Adam's head and took Adam's free hand in his other as Adam began to read the faded writing written so long ago.

" Johnny and Adam walked down the hall after cleaning Billy's wounds......"


Hello, Dear Readers. Once again we are at Holloman House in the year 1998 with John and Adam. As we learn more about the past we learn of the present as well.

I must thank Ed for his wonderful job on this chapter.

I must thank all my friends for encourging me to continue this tale of Love and War. I must thank my readers for taking their time to read it. I hope it is as much of an enjoyment to read as it is for me to write.

This one is for you, Brent. I love you, cousin, more than you will ever know. But I have a feeling that you already know because you love me just as much as I love you. Thank you, Bro, for being here for me.

Please e-mail me at

And let me know what you think or how I might be able to improve my work.

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And please sign my guestbook at the bottom. I would love to know who stopped by. I have added a lot of Civil War art and photos to the pages, also writings by a good friend of mine. These pages will continue to grow over time. Stop by on the Writings page and enjoy.


Next: Chapter 13

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