No Common Sense

By Aaron J.

Published on May 19, 2013


If you are under the legal age of consent than you are not allowed to read this story (Even though you are anyway if your horny enough), but this story is not real. Its just something i thought of one hot spring day as my body glistened from the sweat. Anyway don't confuse this with reality its just mere entertainment......Enjoy

It was late November and I had just moved to seattle. It was nearly freezing when i got there that night. I don't mind the cold at all even though i am originally from Georgia. I guess IM just weird like that......

Oh shit IM sorry my name is Aaron...Aaron Floyd,19, I figured I would love Seattle. You know because of the overcast and lack of sunshine. Well fuck all the greetings and shit IM not with that really...i like to get straight to the point. So this is where my story begins.

I just moved to Seattle three days ago and i wanted to go to a bar(Had No friends...STUPID BORED) and a fake i.d is a big help until i actually turn 21( I know Im a bad boy...well fuck off!!). So Im driving down the street at like 12 at nite and stumble across a bar called "The Leather Strap" not really knowing any place around here I walk in and some music is playing with like a Mosh Pit of people in the center of the club. I continue to the bar and began ordering my drink(s); shot of Bacardi rum, crown royal, Henssey,Gin, with like 2 beers. I was pretty messed up by than...drunk off my ass i begin chatting with people.

"So where's the hot bitches man" I say to the bartender

He was a slim Guy around 28

"Well bro' their all around just gotta find the right one" he said wiping a glass

I thought to myself "There are NOOOO!!! Girls in this club"

"I don't really see any..." before i finished talking a Guy around 43 6'4, 250lbs, black hair, and wearing Jeans came sat next to me

"Hey cub, i noticed you over here Alone ever since you came in an hour ago. You don't wanna dance" he asked staring at me through his dark shades

I thought "cub"..fuck is a cub....must be a Seattle thing.

"Naw bro IM too fucking drunk to do shit" i said laughing

He began looking me up and down. I was 5'10 200lbs, short brown hair with green eyes...i was a little chubby mostly in my butt and stomach.

"I you from Here or just visiting" he asked

"Just moved here"

"Oh OK have you ever been here before"

"Nope just moved here from Georgia 3 days ago"

"Interesting...I got me a drunk Georgia cub, I heard y'all taste nice"

My mind didn't process that all the way so it slipped by me

"YEA" I laughed

"You got a girlfriend" he asked


"One. Its No sir. Two IM surprised your cute enough to be somebody's"

"Hah yeah....speaking of..are there any girls here"

"Well not here but there's some honeys at my condo...wanna come?"

I thinking "DUMB ASS WERE ARE YOU GOING"as i stood up and followed the man to his car...leaving mine at the bar.

We drove about 10 minutes thn i looked and it was the same building as mine. We walked through the lobby..him carrying me slightly due to my drunkness...We were both greeted as we got inside the elevator.

"Top floor" He said

"I know Mister Sir" he said extremely respectful

The elevator Guy had to be around my age.

So we got to his condo and he sat me down on the couch.

"Kool place you got, i bet you fucked alot of bitches in this place"

"You wouldn't believe it" he said bring back a drink

"Thanks man...what is it"

"Its a special tea that'll sobber you enjoy what's about to happen" he said smiling

"What you think it'll be that good"

"IM sure it will. It may even change your life" he said sliding his hand up and down my thigh

"So where are the girls at"

"Well one is right here" he said beginning to kiss me

I tried breaking away but i couldn't due to his grip. It went on for about two minutes than he stopped.

"What The HELL MAN!!!!" I yelled

He slapped me like a child

"Don't raise your voice at me boy"

"But im not gay"

"Then why is your dick hard"

I hadn't even noticed

"But...But "

"Okay i believe you, but lets make a deal."

"What kind of deal?"

"Well if you can pin wrestling than I'll give you 10 grand and you can leave"


"Don't you want to know what'll happen if you lose"

"For what? Anything will be better than getting kissed again"(Dumb Ass)

"Okay..lets move this chair so we'll have enough room"

We began moving everything. He had grabbed some wrestling oil

"uhhm what the fuck is up with the oil"I asked puzzled

"To make it more ......exciting"he said grinning.

We got in position..took our shirts off i showed my smooth belly and him his hairy belly..almost like a bear. He took his shades off and his eyes were steel blue almost scary.

"Put this on" he said handing me the oil

I began putting it was very slippery...making my belly shiny.

"You ready boy"



And we began i grabbed him by the waist slinging him down quick...he was no match against me. The oil just helped make me more to harder to grab...i was about to start pinning him, but he said "hope you had your fun"

He began overpowering me flipping me on my back. I couldnt budge with him sitting on my stomach with his butt in my face. I was being utterly dominated. He began taking my shorts off..

"Dude what the fuck"

He continued...know i only had my green boxer briefs....Now he got off of me

"Round two" he stated

I charged at him again...he slung around me and put me in a headlock pushing me forward on the ground with him on my back...

"Ahhh"i groaned

I could feel something pressing against my Backdoor. He continued his torment ripping my underwear with one hand..

"What the fuck!!!!"

He got up

"Last Round"

I was butt naked now with a semi-hardon.

"Boy your a cute little cub mmmmhhmmm can't waste to taste you"

He sent shivers down my body.

We started again...this time he flipped me over him having me land hard flat on my back.


He sat on my chest and began sucking my dick.


"Mmhmm" he moaned sucking me off

I could feel his warm tongue going all around the head..teasing the piss hole...

"Du-dude come ownn let me go im not gay"

He nibbled on my dickhead..making me cringe

"A deals a deal boy..I won fair and square"

He began parting my legs dancing over my hole...than at the same time started back blowing me and popping his finger in my ass. I clenched fast and hard Cumming in his mouth.

"You sure do like being tormented don't you boy"

"Fuck off" i said with my face turning red while bitting my lips

"You were good catch..Totally inexperienced and i can tell you secretly enjoy this" he turned around fingerings me...whispering in my ear

"You feel your ass being penetrated (I let out a slow moan) its just eating my finger...maybe i should add two."

He jammed another finger in my rectum..My eyes popped wide open and i got even redder.

"Don't be embarrassed cause you love it, all little boys secretly enjoy this" he said still whispering in my ear.

He continued to finger fuck me for 5 minutes than he popped them out.

"Look at all this juice...its like your ass was cumming all the while i was teasing you "


"You have such a dirty mouth...i have something for that. He put a ball gag in my mouth. I was gonna slowly teach you to be my cub, but i guess the lessons can start tomorrow."

"You sick bastard" i said muffled

"Are you still speaking rudely to your bear daddy? Boy youre brave. Okay im gonna take that cherry Rough, Fast, And Hard" he said grabbing my ass

"Please ..please don't" my muffled pleas had no effect

He picked me up over his shoulder And took me to his bed. He just threw me on the edge with my tanned lined butt poking out towards him.

He began removing his pants Ans underwear revieling an 8in cock and 4-5 around(but i couldn't see it at first)

He began pouring oil all over my body..mainly my ass crack. I felt him drop his dick on to it he started motioning it between my cheecks. Rubbing it

Next: Chapter 2

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