No Choice but Love

By Brandon Kies

Published on Apr 25, 2002


"Damn it's hot!" I thought to myself as I began lugging the last of my possessions into University Apartments. Normally freshman were assigned to dorm housing, but the letter I had received explained the dorms had been overbooked. So a lottery had been held, and I and a few other freshman had been assigned apartment housing, housing usually assigned to married students. And because of this housing assignment, I would be allowed to have a car on campus during freshman year.

I'd been pleasantly surprised when I'd arrived and gotten my first glimpse of the apartment. It was actually rather spacious. Bedroom, Living Room, Bath, Laundry Room, Dining Room, Study, and Kitchen. I wasn't sure if all the apartments where this luxurious, but I certainly wasn't going to complain.

I'd worked my ass off getting into college. I'd decided while I was a freshman in high school that I wanted a great education, and in order to accomplish my goals I'd busted my ass to get a full scholarship to pay for it. And I'd been successful!

Setting the last of my things down in the bedroom, I took another quick glance around. It looked like my roommate had sent most of his things ahead. They'd been neatly stacked along one wall. I knew his name, Aaron Wilkens, and that he was from Maine, but that was about all I knew. I'd learned his name when the university sent me my new housing assignment. I assumed from my cursory examination of his belongings he was from money, probably old money. After all, a Kingsridge education isn't cheap.

Rifling through a few boxes and my luggage, I found a towel, some shorts, and a t-shirt, and headed towards the bathroom to take a fast shower. I was toweling off, examining myself in the mirror: 5'10, runners build, nicely toned and muscled body, blue eyes, blond hair; nothing special, when I heard noise in the other room.

"Looks like your roommates made it Aaron," a female voice said. Aaron's girlfriend? Sister? I figured I'd find out soon enough. "God! Look at some of this stuff. Hefty Garbage bags, and super market boxes," she continued.

Now I realize it's not nice to eavesdrop, and people that do tend to hear only the worse about themselves. But that comment pissed me off. "Great!" I thought to myself, "Snobs!"

"Do you know anything about him," the female voice asked?

"Not really. I know his name is Chris Michaels and he's from Alabama," I assumed it had to be Aaron who answered.

"Probably a backwoods hillbilly. You know the type? Mother and Father were brother and sister," she said.

"Candice," Aaron said in disgust, "I don't know where you come up with that kind of crap, but you better knock it off. If mom hears you saying that shit, she'll kick your ass."

Now I may be a back woods country hick, but I'm pretty sure no matter where your from claiming someone's father and mother were brother and sister is an insult. The fact this asshole hadn't even met me and was already making jokes at my expense infuriated me. But if she expected to meet a hillbilly, who was I to argue?

Tossing my towel over a hook, I quickly grabbed for the bathroom door and opened it. Pulling my t-shirt on as I entered the living room, I discovered myself being examined by two of the most beautiful people I'd ever seen. She was tall, slim, curvaceous, and graceful. Hazel eyes, hair long and luxurious, and so black it was almost blue. Her complexion was dark, silky, and unblemished. She seemed to radiate softness and class. But all of this was eclipsed by him. If she was femininity personified, he was masculinity. He shared her black hair, hazel eyes, and dark complexion. Tall, lean, muscular. He was beautiful, and exuded sexuality. But he had a sadness about him, a sense of grief or lose that attracted me more subtly than his obvious beauty. Slowly I exhaled, realizing I had been holding my breathe, and spent a second trying to reconcile this man's obvious physical attributes, with the sudden stirring in my groin.

"Howdy. I'm Chris," I drawled as I stepped forward to introduce myself. "Can you believe they have an inside outhouse here? Who'd have thunk it. An indoor toilet!"

"Umm.... I .... I'm Aaron. This is my sister, Candice," the young man said, blushing nicely.

"Good," I thought to myself, at least he's intelligent enough to realize I overheard what they were saying, and that I was attacking her provincial, bigoted comments head on. Nodding to the young woman, I headed quickly to the bedroom to grab my sneakers. For now, I'd decided, discretion was the better part of valor, so I'd run down and move my car. Grabbing my wallet and keys, I took one last glance around the room and headed out the door.

"Aaron," I asked, "I'm going to run down and move my car, do you need a hand carrying anything in?"

He smiled at me slightly, obviously aware that I was trying to get the hell out of the apartment for a moment. "All my items were delivered last week, Chris, I'm fine, but thanks for the offer," he said.

Opening my car door, I settled in my Lexus. Stroking the fine leather and inhaling that new car smell, I smiled to myself wondering how Candice would reconcile a country hick owning one of these. That thought was quickly suppressed when I remembered exactly how it was I got the money to buy the car.

Moving the car to one of the apartments assigned parking spaces, I got out reluctantly and locked the doors. Taking a deep breath, I straightened my shoulders and slowly headed back. Deciding that Aaron and his sister had had enough time to discuss my inadvertent eavesdropping, and refusing to be chased from my room, I opened the door to let myself back in.

I was surprised to find the living room overflowing with people. An older couple, a young woman, and a toddler where all exploring the room and making conversation. I guessed the couple were Aaron's parents. Well dressed, impeccably groomed, I understood immediately where Aaron got his good looks. The young woman was obviously a servant of some kind, nice looking don't get me wrong, but her clothes and bearing didn't exude the class and style of everyone else. And she seemed to take an instant disliking to me. I wasn't certain if I imagined it, but I thought I saw actual hate cross her face when we were introduced. A nanny for the young boy I figured.

And that young boy. Adorable. Bright eyes, intelligent and inquisitive. He watched silently as those around him explored. Content to sit quietly while the adults moved around the room frantically examining and beginning the process of unpacking Aaron's belongings.

"Oh! You must be Chris. I'm Eliza Wilkins, Aaron's mother," the elegant woman said introducing herself. "This is my husband, Marcus. And this..." she continued as she bent over to scoop the young boy up, "is Eric, my grandson." She was beaming at the young boy proudly.

"Ma'am, Sir," I drawled, "pleasure to meet you," I continued as I moved to shake Mr. Wilkins hand.

"Chris," Mr. Wilkins said nodding his head acknowledging me. "We have reservations at Rourke's for lunch, why don't you and your family join us?"

"Umm... N.. No thank you sir," I stammered. "I'm sure you'd like to spend that time visiting with your son."

"Nonsense," Mrs. Wilkins said patting my shoulder softly, "It's all settled. Dress is casual. It's really a rather lovely restaurant. Marcus and I discovered it a few years ago when we were attending an alumni fund raiser. And once we've finished lunch we can stop at the grocery store and get you boys stocked up. Do you have a car, Chris?"

"Really, Mrs. Wilkins...."

"Eliza, dear," she said interrupting me. "I'm sure rooming with Aaron you'll be one of the family soon. No need for formality. I'm Eliza, he's Marcus," she finished smiling brightly.

"Eliza," I began again, smiling despite myself, "I really don't think..."

"Mom," Aaron said, "Stop pressuring the poor guy, maybe he and his family have plans already." I looked over at Aaron as he completed his statement and noticed the twinkle in his eyes. I'm not sure exactly what happened next. I remember him returning my smile, and I felt my stomach lurch. I shivered for a second, and I noticed my body covered in goose pimples. I felt a stirring in my groin, and realized just how much I was attracted to the guy.

"I'm sorry Chris, I didn't mean to pressure you," Eliza said interrupting my thoughts. "Do you and your parents have plans," she asked?

"Actually my parents are dead," I answered before thinking. Tearing my eyes away from Aaron, I turned back to continue the conversation. I wasn`t sure why I decided to accompany them to lunch, maybe it was the challenge Anne seemed to project towards me once the invitation was issued. "If your sure I won't be imposing, I'd love to have lunch with you, and yes, I have a car," I said. Glancing at Candice, I continued mischievously, "By casual dress do you mean shoes are required?"

I heard Aaron's laughter from behind me, it was deep, hearty, and rich, and I realized he and I might become great friends. Candice did blush nicely at my statement, and hurriedly busied herself with something else so she could ignore the questioning glance in her mother's eyes.

Eric had been watching our conversation with fascination. I think he was trying to decide if I was safe or not. Aaron's laughter must have convinced him I was ok, because he walked over shyly to examine me closer. It was amusing watching his progress as he walked across the room. He would stand still, peeking at the adults from behind his dark lashes, until he thought he wasn't being watched, and then creep closer to me. He was inordinately proud of his progress when he finally stretched his arms around my legs. Looking at me with more confidence, he released my leg, raised his arms into the air and demanded, "UP!"

Laughing at his antics, I reached down, scooped him up, and started tickling him as I observed, "Well, I think we know who the boss in this room is, don't we little guy?"

He laughed delightedly as I cuddled him for a few seconds. Then looking over my shoulder he demanded of Aaron, "Potty, Daddy!"

I have to admit I was a bit stunned by that revelation. I had assumed the Wilkins had another older son or daughter, and that Eric belonged to them. I guess Candice wasn't the only one capable of making false assumptions. Turning to Aaron, I deftly handed off the squirming boy, noting again Aaron's amazing smile.

"Good boy," Aaron said proudly. "We've just started potty training him, but he's getting much better about letting us know before accidents happen," he explained as he headed towards the restroom.

"Marcus dear, why don't you go get the car seat. Chris and Aaron can meet us at the restaurant in his car, and that will give the boys a few moments to chat before Chris is subjected to the parental inquisition," Eliza said laughing.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment then," I said as I started for the bedroom. "I'll change quickly."

I have to admit I considered wearing sweats to goad Candice a bit more, but decided against it. Pulling suitcases out, I finally located a pair of black jeans, and a creme colored cashmere sweater that I thought would look nice with my tan. Beginning to strip, I heard the door open behind me, holding my running shorts in front of me I turned to see who had entered the room.

"Sorry bud," Aaron said laughing at my expression, I admit I probably looked like a dear caught in the headlights. "Mom's filled me in on the logistics so the little guy and I need to get changed too."

"No problem," I smiled. "I'm not usually so jumpy, but I wouldn't put it past your mother to decide she needed to coordinate my wardrobe."

"Yeah, she can be a bit intense can't she? Don't worry about it, she's very conscious of observing boundaries and personal space."

Dropping my shorts I resumed my dressing, I wasn't sure but I thought I saw Aaron checking me out as he began his own search for clothing. I'm sure it was my imagination though. I mean the guys got a kid for goodness sakes, how much more proof do you need that someone's straight.

"Could you hold Eric while I change," he said after noticing I was finished and getting ready to exit the room.

"Sure," I said, hugging the squirming boy he handed me for a quick cuddle. Have you ever noticed the smell babies and toddlers have? It's amazingly clean and fresh. I think it could be one of the reasons adults are so protective towards them.

Sitting down on one of the beds, I have to admit I watched Aaron disrobe. I've already mentioned how beautiful he is, and as more and more skin made an appearance, I was pleased to have my earlier judgment confirmed. His musculature was defined, and it was obvious he took good care of himself. But just as important, at least to me, was his body was almost hairless. I noticed a small trail of hair on his lower stomach heading towards his pubic region, and that was it. Smooth chest, legs, back, and arms. He was perfect, and I suddenly realized that living with this guy was going to be tough. I knew he was going to be masturbation material, and prayed I could hide my obvious attraction to him.

"Aaron," I asked turning my attention back to the little boy sitting patiently in my lap, "where's Eric's mother?"

He paused a moment and looked into my eyes. I knew I was being judged as he did so. I'm not sure what he was looking for, but I knew his decision to tell me would be determined by what he saw within those depths. He sighed finally and said, "Let's wait until we get to the car and I'll tell you the story on the way to the restaurant."

Slipping on a pair of loafers, he motioned for me to follow him, "Carry the little guy for me, and I'll get the car seat strapped in."

Making sure I had my wallet and keys, I quickly followed him out the door, waited for him to lock the apartment, and led him to my Lexus. I gave him a devilish smile as I unlocked the doors and asked, "Think Candice will approve?"

He chuckled good naturedly at my comment. "I guess I owe you an apology for that. Candice isn't really all that bad, she's just really protective. After I explain Eric's mother to you, maybe you'll understand where she was coming from."

I'm sure I had a look of disbelief on my face after that statement, but the process of transferring Eric to his car seat quickly allowed me the chance to school my face into a more neutral expression. Walking around to the driver side, I got in and started the car. As I always do, I spent a few seconds caressing the leather and inhaling that new car scent.

"I hope you know where this restaurant is," I said, "this is my first day in town, and I have no idea where anything is," I apologized.

"Yeah, it's not hard to find, in fact your probably passed it on your way into town. It's on Highway 12 near that huge mall."

Nodding at his directions, I put the car in gear and began our trip. Peeking at him occasionally I waited patiently for him to begin his story.

"It was two years ago, I was 17," he began his voice lifeless, it actually sent a chill up my spine it was so eerie. "I'd known Linda from school. We weren't friends, actually I don't think we'd ever spoken a word to each other. So I guess it's more accurate to say I knew of her. She lived in a trailer house in what would have to be called the slums of town with her mother and step-father. She was small, delicate, almost to the point of emaciated. And she had these wonderful wide, purple eyes. They were haunting. After the party, I could never look in them without seeing accusation and pain."

"I'm not sure why I went to the party that night."

"That's not true, I do know why. Dad and I had a fight. He wanted me to go, to have a good time, and I decided it was easier to give in than continue fighting with him over it. I've had a beer or two before, so it wasn't my first exposure with alcohol. I should have known better, I probably did. I just didn't care. I started slamming back beer and shots almost from the second I got there. Within an hour I was totally wasted, and within two I had passed out. It's probably a good thing I had, because the way I was drinking I'd have died of alcohol poisoning if I hadn't."

"I don't even remember sleeping with her. Amazing isn't it? I loose my virginity and I don't even remember it happening."

"I woke up the next day with a major hangover and went home. Party over, lesson learned, time to move on with my life. What life there was to move on with. Three months later, Linda corners me at school. Tells me she's pregnant, the child is mine, and she won't have an abortion. She's 18, demands I marry her until the child is born, at which time she'll relinquish all parental rights and divorce me for the tidy sum of 5 million dollars."

"I guess you can tell my parents are rich. Dad's a lawyer, Mom`s an event coordinator, so even on their own right they make plenty of money. But compared to my grandparents, they are paupers. Granddad has real money, billions actually."

"So what could I do? Let a child of mine be raised in that trailer by her step dad and mother? I talked to my folks, and after some DNA tests were done to confirm paternity, legal documents were drawn up, and she and I were married."

"For an extortionist, she was an honest crook. She kept her word exactly. Moved in with us, and once the child was born, she signed over Eric, got her divorce, and collected her 5 million."

"My folks were great about the entire thing. I mean someone extorts your family for that kind of money and they could hold it against you right? They just paid the money without batting an eye. Hired Anne, our nanny, to help me out."

"Candice took it kind of hard, she got a lot of shit from friends in school. And Linda wasn't nice about making her realize that it was our money she was after. That she had purposely seduced me while I was drunk so that she could get pregnant and escape her life. Maybe that helps you to understand her remarks earlier? She really isn't a bad person, but she sees bogeymen everywhere now. I feel bad that because of me she's lost her innocence, her ability to trust people. But I understand her. For the most part I agree with her."

"What?" I asked surprised.

Aaron looked at me for a moment, perhaps gathering his thoughts before he continued, "I'm sorry if that surprises or disappoints you, Chris. But Candice and I each have our own issues. Issues that involve trust and acceptance. I think Eric was sent for a reason, I'm not sure if I could have survived without him. I've never said this to anyone, but if I had to do it again, I would. All of it. Eric fills a void in my life, and he is worth any of the pain and bullshit we had to go through."

"He's adorable," I said glancing back quickly at Eric. "It's good that you want him, that you would do it again. Too often, I think, parents resent their children. They don't appreciate the gift they've been given. They fail to recognize the unconditional love their children have for them, and their resentment eats at them and the child until everyone is miserable and unhappy."

"So your parents are going to look after him while your in school?"

"Yeah," he said sadly. "It's not ideal, and I really don't want to be separated from him, but at least my freshman year he'll stay at home."

I'm not sure why I did it, I'm not normally a demonstrative person with people I just meet, but I reached over and squeezed Aaron's shoulder. Comforting and empathizing at the same time. I guess I just wanted him to know he wasn't alone, that someone understood.

The rest of the journey to the restaurant was uneventful. Each of us occupied with our own thoughts. Eric had been amazingly well behaved and quiet during the trip. He hadn't fallen asleep. He'd spent the time entertaining himself, playing one of those simple games that only toddlers can understand.

Next: Chapter 2

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