Ninth Grade

By Kevin Michael

Published on Mar 28, 2004


Categories: Authoritarian & High School

The two characters in this story are actually 15 years old (going on 16) and are in the tenth grade, but I forgot to change the title before I sent part one in. I made them a little older in order to give them just a bit more sex appeal! Sorry for the typos.

I couldn't wait for the afternoon of the next day. After school I hustled home and changed into a pair of my old gym shorts and flip flops. That's all. And those red silk shorts were actually a size or two too small! I added a surprise--no brief.

All four of our parents had active careers and both of us were only children. Actually, Jason did have an older sister away at college. I loved these hot humid afternoons because I wasn't the only boy my age who was shirtless. I had quite a few nice views all the way over to Jason's house. Some people were eyeing me as well. Yeah, I guess I was cute, but I thought Jason was cuter.

Jason came to the door also shirtless. He wore a pair of cut offs and was barefoot. I slipped off my flip flops as I entered his house for the first time. As I looked around, Jason suddenly put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close, getting me in some kind of half-Nelson and giving me a noogie on my head. "Owww," I said, but I could tell he was just playing. I hands came up and rested on his bare waist. He had my face pinned against his bare chest. I was totally loving this!

I found myself being wrestled into the living room and down onto the floor where I was subsequently pinned face up with Jason on top of me, his hands wrapped tightly around my wrists. Sweat trickled down his sides. Both of us were breathing hard and smiling. Then we both got kind of serious at the same time, you know, when your eyes meet and there's that awkward silence again. He was the first one to speak.

"I've been thinking a lot since yesterday," Jason began.

"Yeah, me too."

"Oh, don't get any ideas ... boy!" Jason continued. You're still my slave and I still own you. I'm the prince and you're my whipping boy. You're still going to do all my chores every day before my parents come home. I own you from three to six every weekday and sometimes on weekends. I might even invite you for a sleep over and you will accept.

All I could do was nod my head.

"But I'm curious. Yesterday was way weird. I want to try something with you, okay?"

Was he asking my permission? I thought he said he owned me, which was fine with me. I totally loved the thought of being his slave, obeying his orders, and receiving lashes across my bare back and chest in return. "Okay," I whispered.

"I wanna kiss you ... you know ... like boys and girls kiss each other."

I just lay there under him in silence. I honestly couldn't think of a response.

"Hey, c'mon," Jason continued. "I saw your jeans tenting yesterday, too. I wasn't the only one."

I smiled, but still was speechless.

"If you tell anyone, I will beat you up, and not with a belt--with my fists!"

Ouch, I thought to myself. Fists would definitely be worse than belts.

Wouldn't it be funny if one day two high school boys went to fight after school, but instead of throwing punches, they each took of their belts and shirts started whipping each other as each one tried to dodge the other's lashes. Cool! Now that would be a fun fight to watch.

"I won't tell, I promise."

"Good," Jason whispered. His grip loosened from around my wrists and as his lips lowered to mine, his hands caressed down my arms, my arms finally coming up with my hands resting on his bare sides. I could feel his breath now. His hands were cradling my head as our lips met. Wow! A cute boy my age was kissing me! His lips were on mine! This was like a dream. Instinctively my lips parted and my tongue came up to taste his lips. Instead, I tasted his tongue and with sudden forceful passion, Jason pushed my tongue back into my mouth, his tongue wrestling my tongue as his buff body had wrestled my less-than-buff body a few moments ago.

All time stopped. His bare chest and stomach pressed down onto my bare chest and stomach. I was aware of his excited breathing, the movement of his diaphragm, his belly alternatively concave and convex. We found some kind of rhythm. Breathing was difficult as neither of us could seem to get enough air through our noses. HIs rock-hard erection was mashing down next to mine and I felt as though I might cum right then and there! Our bare feet and legs jostled back and forth and I found this almost ticklish.

As Jason cradled my head ever more passionately, my hands caressed all up and down his smooth sides and around to his bare back. Embracing him tightly, I pulled him even closer, as if that were even possible, for our two teen bodies seemed to be pressed together about as tightly as they could be.

His teeth were grinding against mine a lot at first, but he slowed down a bit and settled into a reasonably comfortable position so that our tongues could enjoy each other's intimate company. And he had a very good tongue! I think he was as surprised as I was.

Finally, Jason came up for air and we were both breathing very hard. Exhausted, he nuzzled his face between my neck and shoulder and rested, breathing in my scent. I could feel his boner starting to get big again. Mine responded likewise as I inhaled the strong scent of his now glistening body. I felt drenched ... and thirsty. But I didn't care. His body slid around on top of mine as he began nibbling, licking, and sucking on my neck and shoulder.

Suddenly, I rolled us over and now I was on top of him, his eyes looking up into mine. I pinned his wrists at his ears and licked and sucked on his smooth hairless chest. Our bodies were not pressed so tightly together now and I could feel him pushing his cut-offs down ... as well as mine. Now we were both naked from the thigh up and our boners were rock-hard and they lay next to each other.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Jason had also slid his belt out of the belt loops of his cut-offs. As I continued planting sweet kisses all around his sexy tanned neck and shoulders and face, he brought his belt up and slapped it down across my bare back. I winced, but it didn't sting at all. He wasn't really in a position to deliver a real lash. But the idea of Jason whipping me as I tenderly kissed his body, our pelvises grinding together with a rhythm all their own, was enough to make me cum, and I did, and then he did, our spunk mixing together in and around our belly buttons.

I just lay there on top of him for a while until he rolled me back on top of him. He was the first one to say it.

"I love you."

Damn, was this really happening?!! Yesterday, wanted to beat me up. This is way heavier than the kinky play I thought we were getting into. But I definitely felt something, and not all of it was in my loins any longer. I felt something in my heart. "I love you, too," I whispered in his ear.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 3

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