Ninth Grade

By Kevin Michael

Published on Mar 27, 2004


We were the same age, 15, and had most of our classes together. It was our tenth-grade Chinese class, though, that brought us together. I was a little immature for my age and very shy, but I liked this one boy, Jason, who looked a lot like the boy in the movie "Criss Cross." When I say I liked him, all I knew was that I got a kick out of teasing him and calling him a funny name. You see, his chinese name sounded very much like a specific body part in English and I always mispronounced his name to make it sound like that body part. By the way, my name's Kevin. I didn't know I was gay until way later. Anyway, this name calling bothered Jason a lot more that I realized because one day he challenged me to a fight after school. I could tell he was mad and suddenly I was scared! Luckily that day I was able leave school a few minutes before Jason, but when I looked back, I saw him running after me. By the time I turned into my yard, he was only a block behind me. I already had my key out. I shoved it in the deadbolt and slammed the door behind me. In about ten seconds there was a knock on the door.

I was all out of breath, but our door had a chain, so I latched it and cracked it open. I guess Jason wasn't sure if anyone else was at home. He was nice, but firm.

"Come outside."

I didn't know how to respond. I just stared at him wide-eyed. He was out of breath and sweaty like I was. He was buff, too. I wasn't scrawny, but I could tell he worked out. Finally I managed to say, "I don't want to get beat up."

"You got it coming' boy!"

The 'boy' stirred something inside my loins, but I wasn't sure then what it was. There was no way I was going outside. I felt a wave of submissiveness wash over me and I actually wanted him to have his way with me, but I didn't want to get hurt. It was then that I was beginning to understand the underlying reasons for my infatuation with Jason. That stirring in my loins was growing stronger by the minute. Then I had a brilliant idea. "You can come inside if you want."

I unlatched the chain and opened the door. Jason slowly crossed the threshold and asked if I was alone.

"Yeah," I whispered, expecting him to take advantage of the situation and punch me, but he didn't. I could tell he was on edge. I knew he still wanted to beat me up. But not inside. The silence finally got to me. "Wanna watch TV?" I asked.

"Nah," he casually said. He followed me into the kitchen. On the way I did something quite impulsive. I was hot and it probably wasn't just the humid Ohio afternoon. Without thinking, I peeled off my shirt and tossed it in the washer. Now I was shirtless, wearing only jeans and sneakers. That stirring in my loins came back. I liked that feeling.

"Thirsty?" I asked as I opened the fridge.

"Yeah," Jason responded. He was beginning to relax. His right hand dove under his T-shirt and caressed his stomach, lifting it up part way so that I could see his belly button. Why do boys do that? I doubt if most of them realize just how sexy that looks! Then he did something even sexier. He lifted his shirt up and wiped the sweat off his face. I got a peek at his nipples this time and I couldn't take my eyes off his bare torso. Before he could catch me staring at him, I blurted out, "Take off your shirt if you're hot." I seemed like a logical thing to say, but then I wasn't sure. Suddenly I felt nervous.

But he did and set his shirt on the counter. I forced myself to look away and retrieve a couple cans of Pepsi. I always used a straw with cans and opened both cans and put straws in each. He smiled as I handed him his.

Maybe it was a sneer, I don't know. I figured he still wanted to beat me up. But I was on to something. Just being nice to him for a change, instead of taunting him, had a calming effect on him.

"C'mon," I said as I led Jason back to my bedroom. I wanted to take him by the hand, but I resisted the impulse. Once there, impulse took over and I plopped down on one of my two twin beds and clasped my hands behind my head. As Jason came into my bedroom and gazed at my naked stomach, chest, and armpits, I felt that feeling in my loins again. Suddenly it was an awkward situation again, but more for Jason than for me. I was curious to see how he would handle it. I felt submissive again, vulnerable, almost helpless lying in front of him standing over me there. I liked that feeling! Jason approached me bed and looked down on me.

Finally I asked, "You still want to beat me up." With him now shirtless, I caught a whiff of his natural body scent. It made me feel funny again. I liked looking up at his bare stomach and chest and broad shoulders, broader than mine, and his ruby-red lips and into his eyes and his ruffled sandy blond hair.

Jason only nodded his head while biting his lower lip.

"What do your parents do when they punish you?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"They spank me with my belt."

I wasn't expecting that. Gosh, my parents hadn't spanked me in years. Without thinking, I found myself whispering, "Okay."

As we looked into each other's eyes, some kind of connection was made and because of this, what Jason did next didn't really surprise me. He reached down and unbuckled my belt. I left my hands clasped behind my head.

Tugging on my belt and rocking my pelvis back and forth, he pulled it out of the belt loops of my jeans.

I thought to myself--Shit, this is really happening! This is so cool. I felt totally hot! I guess I was in some kind of delirious ecstasy.

After getting my belt all the way out from my jeans, he just held it and looked up and down my bare chest and stomach. I didn't move a muscle. I'm not even sure I breathed. Then Jason whispered, "Can I whip you?"

Oh, there's that feeling in my loins. The way he asked me seemed so seductive! His lips were gorgeous! Damn, that feeling is getting strong. I was definitely in unfamiliar territory and loving it. Silently, I nodding my head.

As he lifted my belt, I braced myself. He didn't seem mad anymore. He seemed kind of dazed as if he were also in unfamiliar territory. My parents used to whip my bare butt with a belt and I remember how much it hurt, but Jason's first lash across my quivering stomach was very light. It didn't hurt at all, but that feeling in my loins had now moved down to my balls and was now beginning to ache! I left my arms in place hoping that I wouldn't cum. The next lash across my chest was a little harder, but still didn't hurt. I couldn't even see the marks. Maybe Jason was just playing with me. Fine with me! I loved this horney attention--and I got the impression that he was feeling the same way I was.

My armpits just had a few sprigs of hair, but each time Jason lifted my belt, I could see that he had a bit more armpit hair than I did. I thought it was funny that this would turn me on, but it did, in a very real way. My jeans were definitely bulging--and so were his! This is totally awesome, I thought to myself.

Jason whipped me all up and down my bare chest and stomach with the tip of my belt wrapping around my side and often stinging. After a while I began to wince and whimper. He was really getting into it and after a couple dozen lashes or so it was really beginning to sting a lot and not just on my sides, but across my chest and stomach as well. I loved being whipped by this guy. He was cute and I had his full attention and he made me feel as though he were in control, almost as if the whipping were a form of seduction. Well, it was sure working on me! A fine sheen of sweat began to glisten from my neck to my jeans and in my armpits. My clasped hands never left the back of my head and I never asked him to stop.

Finally, Jason did stop whipping me and I actually felt a little disappointed. We were both breathing hard. He dropped my belt and tenderly rubbed his hand across the faint welts running back and forth across my bare torso. I winced at his touch, more of erotic stimulation than anything else. I liked the feel of his fingers gliding across my skin. I really liked it a lot! I guess he did, too, because his rubbing grew more and more sensuous. I unclasped my hands and wrapped my fingers around his inner thigh, gently pulling him toward me. Lifting his opposite leg, he sat on top of my pelvis, causing my erection to grow even harder. With his hands he pinned my wrists on each side of my head. I squirmed, but just for show.

I loved the feeling of his grip growing tighter around my wrists.

Then Jason put my wrists together and pinned them with his left hand. With his right hand he began rubbing my arms and chest. He seemed to enjoy this and so did I. It was as if he were on a voyage of discovery. I, for one, was certainly discovering some wonderfully erotic feelings I never even knew existed! Jason gingerly danced his fingertips all around my face and lips. Finally he lowered his head and nuzzling his soft cheek against mine, he whispered in my ear, "You're mine now, boy. I own you! You're going to be my slave and come to my house and do my chores--NO SHIRT! You'll regular whippings. And you'll obey all my commands!

Whoa, this was heavy. The scent of his hair was so intoxicating! All I could do was slowly nod my head and whisper back, "Okay."

Part two will be cumming soon!

Next: Chapter 2

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