Disclaimers; the usual. You have to be 18 to read this.
It was the end of summer and just a few days before High School resumed. I had just finished and was about to enter College. I was 18-1/2; 5'4" and about 110 poinds. I was your classical 80 lbs weakling all through my life, and now, looked more like a 15 year old that one about to embark on his 19th. year.
On the Wednesday of that week, a new family moved in next door: a mother and son. He looked 20'ish; about 6 foot, thick brown-blondish hair; excellent physique. On the second day after they moved in, he tackled the lawn that had grown for the two weeks since the former occupants had left. I couldn't help but admire his frame. Yup...he was 20'ish, perhaps 22.
Being a shy person despite my 12 years of High school, I did not go over to introduce myself, and they seemed to be out quite a bit. On the following Monday, to my shock/surprise, I saw my 22 year old in school uniform. 'What?...is he still in school?" thought I. "Guess so...as I had experienced lots of guys in their final year about the size and physical maturity of this new neighbour.
The week went pretty quickly. The following Saturday, it was my turn to tackle the lawn around our house, and as I mowed the fence line, from around the corner came my new neighbour. Wayne was his name. He was wearing the shortest shorts, a pair of old cutup jeans, and a V-shaped T-shirt. He greeted me with a broad smile, displaying a perfect set of white teeth. The hairs on his hand and wrist immediately caught my attention, as his the hairs on his chest, and his two-day growth on his face. We exchanged niceties, all that 'where are you from?' stuff.
"So you are in year 12?' said I. He looked surprised and declared: "Oh no...not won't be for another two years!"
"You mean you are only in Yr 10?' exclaimed I. 'Yes...everyone thinks I am older than I look." 'How old are you? asked I, knowing that a typical Yr 10 student is either 15 or 16. "I'm 15' replied Wayne, "but lots of people who meet me for the first time think I am 20 or so."
"Well, I certainly did' said I, shifting awkardly from foot to foot.
I was overwhelmed with this 15 year old's physique: my eyes darted from face, to chest, to arms, to legs. A closer look at his chest revealed well-organized chest hair, which spread across his entire chest, trailing downward to his navel and into the region below his belt. As he spoke, we made eye contact, but my eyes kept darting from face, to chest, to arms, to legs, to the obvious bulge below his buckle.
"So, what grade are you at school?' he asked. Sheepishly I informed him that I had just finished school and was now awaiting the commencement of University. He showed no surprise and casually asked what courses I had chosen.
It was hot, standing there in the sun, so he invited me over for a drink. "My mother is working at the Racecourse all day, so come over if you like... you could do with some ice water." My heart leapt; I consented and suggested I put the mower away. I raced the mower back to the garage, wiped myself down of persperation, and darted towards his front door. My knees were trembling as I negotiated three steps at a time up to the front door.
Wayne was in the kitchen, and as I approached I noticed he had removed his T-shirt and was now barechested. He sat on a bar stool at the kitchen bench and invited me to sit on the other one. It was then that I noticed he had also changed his shorts, and was now wearing something a little more baggy.
As I sat, our knees touch and were close enough to touch again if either of us made the right move. His larger hairy legs, with blonde wiry hairs that were one inch long contrasted with my smooth inner thighs; his arms were in completel contrast to my smoother arms
"So, if you're at Uni you must be 18? he asked. "Yeah..!' said I quietly. "When do you turn 19?" I gulped: "Errrh...in two months time." "I won't be 16 until August: said he. (This made him 3 years and 5 mths younger.
I fixed on his chest; then up to his unshaven face. His right leg touched my left leg and they stayed touched. We looked each other in the eye and there was silence was the longest five seconds of my life.
(to be continued)