Nights of Our Lives

By Jane Stephens

Published on Aug 12, 2002


NIGHTS OF OUR LIVES by little lez janie (c) August 2002

(Hi all! After a long absence, I'm finally ready to write my next story, based on characters (some former, mostly current) from the long-running soap "Days of our Lives." I am not using only current storylines, so if you're a fan of the soap, please bear with me. This story says nothing about the true sexual preferences of the actresses who play these characters (although we can all dream!). I have further stories for this series in mind, but it depends on the response I get for this story. So by all means, if you like it, please write me at Enjoy!)

Seventeen-year-old Belle Black was going through one of the most difficult times of her charmed life. She had recently gone through a devastating breakup with Shawn Brady, the love of her life, after learning he had fathered a child with a classmate of theirs. The breakup had been very hard on young Belle, and she was only now beginning to heal and properly function again.

Even so, today had been very bad for her. She had not been able to stop thinking about Shawn all morning. The beautiful blond girl had spent most of the day in her room, looking at pictures of her and Shawn together and crying occasionally.

She was looking forward to the evening, though. Her friend Chloe Lane had called and invited Belle to sleep over. Chloe was a relative newcomer to Salem, and one of Belle's best friends. She had been given up for adoption by her mother when she was born, but the two had since been reunited. Now, Chloe lived with her birth mother, Nancy, and her husband Craig, the chief of staff at the local hospital.

After accepting Chloe's invitation, Belle's mother Marlena had insisted that Belle go shopping with her. After a fun afternoon at the mall, the two had returned home about 7:00. Belle hurriedly ate dinner and packed a bag to go to Chloe's house.

She arrived a little after 8:00. Nancy had let her in. "She's in her room, honey. You can go on up," Nancy said. Belle thanked her and walked up the stairs to Chloe's bedroom. She found her brunette friend lying on her bed, watching television. "Hey there," Chloe said pleasantly as Belle walked into the room. "Where should I put my bag?" Belle inquired. Chloe looked around the room for a spot. She climbed off the bed and walked to her dresser. "You can put it here in the floor," she said as she discreetly shut the top right dresser drawer, which had previously been slightly ajar. Belle thought it strange, then chalked it up to her friend's meticulous nature and set her bag down.

The two friends spent the next few hours doing anything and everything except thinking or talking about Shawn Brady. They watched movies and ate everything they could find. Finally, Chloe looked at her clock and was surprised to see that it was nearly midnight. "I guess we should get ready for bed," she said. Belle went to the bathroom first and changed into her sleep shirt, leaving her light blue cotton panties on, but removing her white bra. She then brushed her teeth, washed her face and returned to the bedroom. Chloe then made her way to the bathroom to do likewise.

While Chloe was gone, Belle began to think again about the dresser drawer her friend had been so careful to close. Almost guiltily, she decided to check it out, just out of curiosity. She opened the drawer and sifted through its contents: socks, socks and more socks. Finally, buried under several pairs, Belle felt something hard. She pulled it out; it was a small key.

Just then, she heard Chloe walk back into the room. "Um, can I help you?" she asked semi-sarcastically. Belle tucked the key into the waistband of her panties and spun around quickly. She tried to think of an excuse for her behavior, but there wasn't a good one, so she opted for a half-truth. "I'm sorry, Chloe. I noticed how careful you were to close this drawer earlier, and I wondered if you were hiding anything, so I looked. But I couldn't find anything, so I guess you weren't."

Chloe frowned thoughtfully for a moment, then broke into a smile. "You could have just asked me, silly," she said brightly. She flipped off the light, and the two girls climbed into bed in their long t-shirts and turned their attention back to the TV. A few minutes later, Belle was hit with an incredible urge to pee. "Ugh, I shouldn't have drank so much tea," she said as she excused herself. She made her way to the bathroom, only to realize there wasn't any toilet paper. Thankful that she hadn't started peeing yet, she padded back up the hallway toward Chloe's room. Peeping in again, she saw Chloe frantically rifling through the sock drawer. "What are you doing?" she asked.

Chloe jumped and turned to face her friend. "Okay," she sighed. "You were right, Belle. I was hiding something in that drawer, but now I can't find it. It was a key, and --" she stopped short.

Belle smiled and produced the key. "Is this it?" she asked with a devilish grin. Chloe looked angry for a moment, so Belle thought it necessary to apologize. "I'm sorry. I found it there, and then you came back in, and I didn't want to embarrass you, so I lied. I'm sorry." Chloe softened and said it was okay as she took the key back from her guest. The two went down the hall together, and Chloe showed Belle where to find more toilet paper and then returned to her room, where she rehid the key.

A moment later, Belle was back. The two lay in silence until Belle finally had to ask. "So, are you gonna tell me what it unlocks or not?" Chloe groaned. "Damn, I was hoping you wouldn't ask." After a few minutes of persuasion, Belle finally prevailed upon her friend to show her. "Okay, I'll do it, but you have to swear this doesn't leave this room." Belle promised, and Chloe disappeared into her closet, reappearing momentarily with a small lock-box. She retrieved the key, summoned her courage and unlocked the box. "There," she said.

Belle gasped; in the box was a slim purple dildo! She had seen one before, but had never used one, and certainly didn't think her friend would own one. "Oh my gosh. Where did you get that?" she inquired. Chloe flatly refused to answer, but once again, Belle got her way eventually. She began to recount the history of the toy.

"Okay, remember that I grew up in a foster home. Well, when I lived there, I shared a room with three other girls, and the oldest one felt it was her obligation to teach us about -- well, you know."

"Self-love?" Belle offered with a bemused expression.

"Um, yeah," Chloe replied. "Anyway, she also seemed to have a never- ending supply of these things. I don't know where they came from. She let us use them when we needed to, and when I left, she gave me one."

Belle's mind was working overtime. "Wait. Wouldn't that mean you kind of had to -- um, do that in the presence of the other girls?" Chloe looked down and admitted that was the case. She quickly defended herself, however. "You know, it's not such a terrible thing. I mean, all girls do it, pretty much, so it wasn't, like, perverted or anything."

Belle responded, "Oh, I know. I've done it before too." It was true; she and her best friend Mimi had experimented a few times in junior high, kissing and watching each other. She didn't elaborate to Chloe, though.

The next few minutes went by in awkward silence. Finally, Belle yawned and said, "Well, I need to get some sleep. Good night, Chloe." Chloe responded and turned off her bedside lamp, and the two girls tried to go to sleep.

Belle felt as if she'd only been asleep for a few minutes when she was awakened next. A quick glance at the alarm clock proved that she had slept for just over an hour; it was now 1:30. She thought she could hear Chloe's breath, but her friend wasn't beside her in the bed. Suddenly, Belle began to remember the last thing they had talked about before going to sleep. She quickly rolled to Chloe's side of the bed and peeked over the edge at the floor. The street light outside gave Belle just enough light to make out what was beneath her. Sure enough, there was Chloe, her t-shirt pulled up above her navel, her panties around her ankles, and her right hand passionately working the slim toy into her pussy.

Chloe gasped when she saw he friend's surprised face above her. "Jesus, Belle, are you trying to scare me to death?" she hissed. Belle smiled and quickly apologized. "I just woke up and saw you weren't in bed, but I could hear you breathing, so --" Belle's voice trailed off when her eyes landed on her friend's crotch. Chloe had thick, dark brown pubic hair, trimmed in the shape of a "V."

Chloe followed Belle's gaze, and was pleasantly surprised to discover her friend was staring at her pussy. She smiled and said, "You know, it's not very comfortable down here. Do you think I can get back up there now?" Belle looked surprised for just a second before nodding and rolling back over to her side, making room for Chloe to join her. Her brunette friend climbed back into bed, her panties still around her ankles, and the dildo still grasped in her hand. Belle, by now feeling less awkward and more horny, allowed her eyes to travel wherever they wanted. Chloe responded to her friend's gawking by easing the fake cock back into her pussy. She inquired, "Have you ever used one of these, Belle?" The blond girl shook her head. Chloe followed with the inevitable question. "Would you like to?" Smiling bashfully, Belle managed to whisper, "Oh, yes, please."

Without another word being spoken, both girls removed their clothes, and were soon naked in front of each other. Chloe turned on her lamp again, filling the room with brighter light and allowing the girls to get a much better look at each other. Chloe's eyes traveled the length of Belle's body. Her breasts were very firm and perky; Chloe estimated them to be b-cups, a little smaller than her c's. On down her eyes went to Belle's pussy, which was sparsely covered with blond hair.

Deciding now was the time to start, Chloe grabbed Belle's legs and pushed them apart, giving her access to her friend's now-soaked box. Chloe positioned the dildo between Belle's puffy outer lips and began to slowly work it in. Belle's eyes blazed with passion as her friend began to establish a rhythm. She began to cup her own tits, tweaking her nipples gently as she softly moaned. "Just lay back," came Chloe's instructions. Belle obeyed, closing her eyes and concentrating on the incredible sensations between her legs.

Suddenly, she became aware of a new sensation. She opened her eyes and looked down, only to find Chloe leaning over her, gingerly tickling Belle's clit with her experienced tongue. Just the sheer newness of it all was enough to send Belle over the edge. Trying to keep her voice down, she panted her way through an orgasm. When the waves of passion subsided, Chloe pulled the dildo out of her friend and threw it on the bed. But she wasn't through; she pushed Belle's legs farther apart and began to eat her in earnest.

Belle couldn't believe how good it felt to be licked by her friend. Her thoughts alternated between, "Damn, this is great!" and "Why didn't we do this sooner?" Reaching down, Belle began to stroke Chloe's hair and whisper to her. "Oh, that's it. Make me cum, Chloe, please," she cooed. Chloe obliged, pressing her tongue deeper into Belle's slippery tunnel. Her fingers found her friend's throbbing clit and began to massage it, soon coaxing another climax from the blond.

Finally, the two girls lay side by side, both breathing heavily. "Wow," was all Belle could say. Chloe just smiled, her eyes telling Belle how wonderful it had been for her. Silently, she turned the lamp back off and kissed her friend gently on the lips. Then the two girls fell asleep, naked in each other's arms.

That's all for this time. Hope you liked it! Again, comments are welcome at Thanks!

Next: Chapter 2

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