
By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Jan 26, 2003


(Author says): I'm not your mother and I'm not goig to warn you twice about whether or not you should be here. You know whether or not you should.

ANd, with that, On to the story:

From the Previous Chapter:

He looked at me, wide eyed. I stroked his matted hair once, telling him he was safe. I wrapped my arms around his smaller body and, in seconds, we were back to my house. I knew I was going to have to give him some answers.

Chapter 2: It Hurt

We landed pretty well. Hehe, I never was that great on the landings. This one was pretty smooth though and it took a few moments for the poor guy to realize that he was in a totally different place. He just stared at me, totally confused.

"What the hell are you?" He mumbled. It was very badly slurred. Ah. Caring for someone in a drunken stooper! NEVER fun! I figured that it might help him to get a little of that out of his system.

"I'm sure you wouldn't remember even if I told you silly goose!" I said as light and playfully as I could in an attempt to calm him.

I picked him up and brought him to the bathroom. He seemed pretty confused. I could tell he was about to ask me what had happened. He bent over the toilet and up came most of the night's alcohol, hopefully along with some of the drug he had been slipped. I told him I would be back with some things in a second. While he was revisiting the "fun" he had taken in I went to the kitchen.

Anyone that saw me with the collection of things would either think me very smart or very silly. I carried back with me apple slices, a small glass of orange juice, a bigger glass of water, and burnt toast. I was a man, but I could cook. This was a meal for someone who had been past their limit. The burnt toast, I'm not exactly sure how, but it was supposed to help. The water was because alcohol dried out your body so he would probably need it. The apple was just for general food. The orange juice was because it was just healthy and I figured it wouldn't hurt.

So with that I started back to the bathroom, where I had left him. He looked miserable. He also looked ashamed. He had realized the state he was in. Through the course of everything he now had nothing covering his lower body. His shirt was ripped open in the front. It wasn't that bad because the shirt naturally opened in the front. It was missing all the buttons though. Added to all that, from being in the alleyway, he looked and smelled like he needed a shower. I wasn't happy with that.

I sighed. I put the tray of things in front of him with instructions to eat what was on it. I was glad to notice I wouldn't get much disagreement. Evidently he knew what the toast was for and didn't complain. He was still under the effects of the drug though. I knew he could, and probably would, lose consciousness any moment now. Regardless, I started a bath.

By the time it was full he was effectively out of it. I knew that, with him in this state, I could do anything to him. I was glad that it was me in that situation and not those other scum! I would never hurt the man. I got him into the bathtub and got in behind him. His body was leaning back against mine. That was how I washed his body from his hair to as far down as I could reach.

By the time I was finished he was passed out, or asleep, and dead weight against me. He only groaned slightly as I lifted him and me out. I carried him to my bed, since it was the only practical place for him to sleep, and got him under the covers. I knew that, with the state he was in, I would wake up before him. I didn't even bother to set an alarm clock. One last look at the clock told me it was 1:23 pm. That was the last thing I remembered before drifting off to sleep.

"The Guest" POV:

As I woke up I realized that my head was pounding! Oh god it hurt so much! My whole body hurt so much! I didn't even feel like I could move. I knew that if I could move it would probably be painful. I tested this theory by turning my head. This made me feel very dizzy and, oh yes, it hurt!

As my eyes adjusted and my vision became a little less blurry I noticed something. It was there, right next to me. My mind felt like it was working extra slow but finally the pieces came together. My god! It... it was a man! There he was, sleeping, right next to me. In fact, I realized that I could feel his leg next to mine under the covers. Dread, among other things, started to sink in. I had absolutely no clue where I was, I had no clue who the man was, and I couldn't remember at all what had happened last night or even whether or not there was anything to remember!

Questions seemed to bounce through my head. Where am I? Why do I feel like shit? Could I really have drank so much to make me feel like this? Why... MY GOD! WHY am I naked?? Then a thought that was a little more important: I had to piss! BAD!

Okay... no, NOT okay! I had to go, but I had no clue where a bathroom was and I didn't know if I could make it myself. The guy was sleeping still. Did I dare wake him up? What if he had hurt me or forced me into sex? Would he do it again? But, then again, I was sleeping in his bed with him. That might mean he actually cared a little more than that. Oh fuck it! I decided I would just try to get there myself.

It hurt to move and when I stood I immediately felt so dizzy that I fell back onto the bed. When I seemed to maybe be okay again I got up. This time I was able to stand. I slowly tried to make my way out of the bedroom. I was just near the doorway when my body gave out. I cried out as I felt my body hit the floor. Everything seemed to get dark. I could still hear though and I heard movement from the direction of the bed.

When I felt a hand on my shoulder I instinctively tried to pull away from it. Of course this caused me more pain! "Please, stop! Don't hurt me!" I heard myself whimper. Really I had no clue where it came from. I knew it came out of my mouth but I didn't even feel like I said it.

The voice I heard seemed to come from far away, "Oh god ... out of it! What .. trying to do? Could have hurt yourself. ...woke me.... hurt you!" his voice seemed to be breaking up. I was hearing pieces of what he was saying. I felt him feel my chest, and my wrist, and rub my arms. My body seemed to be feeling less and less.

Then I heard it with renewed volume, "God! BREATHE! Please sweetie, breathe!" Oh, that made more sense. I guess I wasn't breathing after all... So, I did breathe, which resulted in me coughing a little, and I realized that it also hurt to breathe. Gee, this wasn't going to be much fun at all!

"Oh Fuck! My... my god! I'm such an asshole!" His voice seemed so much clearer, but it wasn't as loud. "Breathe. Keep breathing .. I'll be right back. Please keep breathing." Oh great! So much for my knight in shining armor! I had no clue where he was going and at this point I didn't really even care all that much. Mostly because I was starting to remember. No one wanted me anymore! If this man knew what I was.. he probably wouldn't want me either.

Now I noticed I couldn't hear him anymore and figured that he must have left by now. It gave me a little time to think, or course. Why did this have to happen to me? I had it all! Now though? Now I was just a useless disgusting faggot that everyone hated. I felt so trapped. So dirty, as I remembered the price I had to pay to try and keep it a secret. It didn't help anyway. My mother, my father, the girlfriend I tried to have, the times I was blackmailed so someone would keep my secret. All the times I heard "I won't tell if...". It all was starting to come back to me. Then the disgusted looks and everyone who turned away from me when it came out what I really was.

******* Derek's POV

It was probably the most terrifying moment of my life. I hadn't realized just how hurt he was. It wasn't until I asked him to breathe, and he coughed out blood, that I understood. A frantic look at his chest told me all I needed to know. I could see now that it was all bruised. Dark, ugly bruises in several spots and, I was willing to bet, that he had some internal damage. I felt so horrible now that I hadn't noticed last night. I knew what I had to do though.

I was very reluctant to leave him. I urged him to keep breathing. I had to get him help. Dylan! I had to get Dylan. He would know what to do. On top of that, I knew he would probably be home. It was weird the way that he had no real social life to speak of outside our group. I often wondered if he liked guys and just hadn't come to terms with it. It really wasn't my business though. All that mattered right then was that I needed his help with this in a bad way.

Within seconds I had traveled to Dylan's house. The ten seconds of waiting, that we all had decided on, in order to make sure no one outside our group was in the house... seemed to take forever. As soon as the time was up I burst out of the closet I was in, frantically calling his name and starting to run through the house. I just about ran straight into him as I was turning a corner. Immediately he picked up on my anxiety.

"Derek, what's wrong Buddy?" He asked, evidently worried.

"Dylan, ya gotta help me. There's this guy, and I took him home, and I didn't realize it and he's hurt bad! I think he might have internal injuries! Please, I don't know what to do!" I pleaded, desperate for his help.

He responded more quickly than I could have ever hoped for. "Ok. Derek, where is he?"

"He's in my house!" I practically yelled. I was thoroughly panicked.

"Ok. Ok. Um, listen to me Derek. I can't deal with something like that. I don't have the power to. I have to go get Brian and Theresa. Or, at the very least, I have to get Brian. I want you to go home and wait there with him." he was trying to be calm but I could see that he was almost as nervous as I was.

I really didn't have to be told twice. "Thank you." I told him as I gave him a quick hug. Within seconds I was home again. I ran in and, seeing that he was still breathing, was instantly at his side. His eyes were closed, but I guess he heard me come in because opened his eyes. Unlike before, it seemed like he actually might see me this time.

"Ok. Listen to me, you're gonna be ok man." I tried to assure him. "I need to ask you, what is your name? Can you tell me your name?" I figured it might be a very good thing to know.

He groaned. "Tyler. Tyler Palmer."

Tyler. Oh god, what a name. I know that, in his present state, some might have thought he didn't look well at all. But as I looked over his naked body I couldn't help but think just how beautiful he was. And now, my angel had a name.

******* That's it for this chapter! I hope to have the next chapter out soon enough! So keep an eye out for it! ;)

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