
By moc.liamtoh@7rekamkcigam

Published on Nov 22, 2002



Hello readers. This is a spin off of my other series, "Caleb's Love". You could read this without reading "Caleb's Love" first, but it won't make as much sense. So I highly suggest that you read my "Caleb's Love" series first.

This story MAY include, but is not limited to: violence, man to man sex, pagan themes, attempted rape, alcohol use, bigotry, expression of gay stereotypes, child abuse, sexually transmitted diseases, and little white tiger (as in, a stuffed doll).

If any of these things offend you or are illegal for you to read about then, well, don't read this! If you think you can handle it then read on! (and please don't get caught reading this if you shouldn't be.) Getting caught reading this kind of stuff can stir up quite a bit of trouble. Read all you like, but don't get caught. Beyond that, there are no rules. : )

Other than that, enjoy the story. This story is dedicated to Tyler. I owe you my life. I can't wait to get to my REAL home. I will always love you Babe.

******************************************************************************* Part 1: Finding my Soul

Derek's Point of View:

It was January 28th. Just a couple days yet until I was to get together with the coven to celebrate Imbolc. In the most general sense it was a festival to celebrate the return of spring. I could go into more detail but that's not what this is about.

Here it was, as I said, a couple days from Imbolc. Another year threatened to sneak by offering no relationship opportunities. Last year had been no better. I figured that was the price for being gay. It was, as research has shown, just more difficult. Less opportunities to be sexually involved with people that you care about. Less opportunities for a lasting relationship. Everything was just harder.

So it was with a sigh and a little demanding from that inner voice that I got dressed and went out for the night. My plan was to find a club and go from there. I was, in all honesty, fairly good looking. I could probably bring home someone for some meaningless sex if I really wanted to. It was a tempting idea but I just didn't like the risks behind it. There were MANY risks behind it. Ranging from disease to hurt feelings to sexual disinterest. So I decided that I would probably have a few drinks, make myself feel a little better, and go home for the night.

I know most people would have just stayed home to drink but, as a rule, I never kept alcohol in my house. It just seemed to make sense to me. Nobody could get drunk spur of the moment that way. There was always time to think things through in the time it took to go get the alcohol. Also, frankly, I liked mixed drinks and they were just easier to buy than to make.

I got out of my car and walked into the club. It was one of the few gay clubs in the area. I got my drink and went to sit at a table. The tables were offset from the rest of the club. They were on a sort of platform about three feet off the average floor level. It gave the people sitting a pretty good view of what was going on in the club.

In a while it was about midnight. I hadn't intended to stay this long. I decided to stay at the table until my drink was done and then go. It was from my table that I noticed a young man enter. He didn't look like he could have been much younger than myself. He had a pronounced swagger going and it was obvious to anyone with half a brain that he was a glass or two from bring totally drunk. From where I sat his eyes looked red, as if he had been crying. He sat down on the bar and ordered a drink. A shot of something. I couldn't tell what but it was obviously something hard and fierce. He downed that quickly and asked for another one. The bar tender just shook his head and poured him another. This one he decided to take his time with.

With a casual glance at a group of guys a couple tables away I realized that they too were also watching the young man. The group talked in hushed tones and whispers. From where I was sitting I could tell that something had been agreed upon and one man was agreeing that he could do it with little to no difficulty.

All but that man got up and left the club. I just relaxed and waited to see if he was doing anything stupid. After about ten minutes he got up. He walked up to the heavily intoxicated man and sat next to him. I had to admit that the man had an air of charisma. The two got to talking and little touches here and there. It wasn't until the smashed man got up to go to the bathroom that the whole situation changed. While the man was gone I noticed Mr. Charisma pour a small amount of some liquid into the man's drink. I couldn't say I was surprised. I had figured he was going to do something stupid. It was just a matter of what.

After a short amount of time the man came back. They resumed their flirting which was getting progressively more daring. As the man finished the drink I could see the changes he was going through. I sighed. Probably a date rape drug. Of course my brain picked that moment to have an attack of conscience for not telling the man in the first place.

"Shit!" I cursed as I placed my drink down. My brain had already committed itself. I was going to look out for this man and that was all there was to it.

I turned my attention back to the poor guy and the bastard that had undoubtedly slipped him something. It all made sense now. From the conversation with his friends to drugging this man that, I noticed, was actually pretty good looking. His features looked promising for when he was happy and a little less shit-faced. I looked at my watch. I was sure I had a good amount of time left before the bastard made a move. My drink was finished. I had to piss like a race horse and there was no way that I would be of any help like this.

I went to the bathroom. As I entered it was clear that two guys were enjoying themselves in one of the stalls. I just quietly went to a urinal, pissed, washed my hands, and was on my way. As soon as I stepped out of the bathroom I just knew that something was wrong. I tried to push the thought aside and went back to the table I had been at. Within two seconds of sitting down I knew what was wrong.

"Fuck!" I cursed in pure frustration. In the time I was gone they had left. I had no way of finding the man now! I could look for them... No! Fuck that! I had a life here. I had to be at work tomorrow. So the man would probably get hurt. It really wasn't my problem though. He should have been more responsible.

I kept telling myself these things. Fighting back my conscience that kept trying to take control. Trying to make me do the right thing. Just for once I didn't want to do the right thing! I wanted to just live my life and let other people live theirs. Let them face whatever consequences they have coming their way. I would face mine.

I got up and started to walk out of the club. Then I was out of the club and it was just a small distance to my car. I got in my car, started it up, and then my cell phone started ringing. I had set it to a high pitched annoying ring that I knew I wouldn't be able to ignore. Right now I wanted to just toss it out the window. However, when I picked it up it showed that the number was from Theresa. Why the hell was she calling me at this time of night? It didn't matter really. I had to pick up. It was probably important for her to call me about it.

"Hello?" I grumbled into the phone.

"Hi, Derek?" I hear Theresa's voice.

"Yeah. It's me. What do you want?"

"Oh. Sorry if I bothered you. I know it probably could have waited. It's just that my memory is so horrible and I didn't want to forget it before I got a chance to tell you. Brian wanted me to tell you that he thinks you're making a big mistake."

I froze. There was no way. Was there? Brian... of course! He was talking about something all together different. Some unfinished conversation about me trading in my car for a better one.

"Now, mind you, I don't know exactly what he was talking about but he seemed to think it was important. Heh, the way he was acting you'd think it was a matter of life and death! He has this idea that..."

"Theresa, I have to go!" I cut her off and turned off the phone. This as too weird. Too many coincidences. I let my head slump down and press against the steering wheel. I knew I couldn't ignore this. I would be an asshole to ignore it. Signs are signs and I was sure that these were indeed signs no matter how much I wished they weren't.

I headed back to the club. It was "in town" so there were several other buildings around it. I figured if I started there I might get lucky. I had no idea just how lucky!

A small amount noise in an alleyway prompted me to investigate. As I was about two feet from it I heard a rather pronounced slap followed by a "shut the fuck up slut!". With the music from the club you wouldn't be able to hear it unless you were as close as I was. I froze and, cautiously, looked into the alley. What I saw made my stomach lurch and would be burned in my memory for a long time to come. The price of waiting and not doing the right thing when I should have.

It was, most definitely, the man. He looked so different this time though. So frightened, innocent, and helpless as two of them had him pinned to the ground. One was between his legs, I can only imagine, getting ready to full out rape him. It was that one, I realized, that had spoken before. He had the man by the hair now. One of the others was covering his mouth.

The man leaned over him and hissed, "If you make one noise, one fucking noise, I will kill you! Don't make this hard on yourself."

The man resumed his position. I was willing to bet that his manhood poked against the man's opening because the captive let out a desperate and terrified whimper. This had to stop. I couldn't let him rape my man. man??? I wasn't sure when I started thinking like that but I realized I actually seemed to care about him. I was desperate now and realized I didn't have time to have it out with them physically, magick or not! I whispered an incantation. I knew it would be draining but it was the only thing I could think of at the time.

Instantly the three men fell to the ground, writhing in pain. This pain, I knew, could be as intense as I wanted. However, the longer I caused them pain, and the more pain I caused, the more of my energy it would use. So, I rushed to the man as quickly as I could.

He looked at me, wide eyed. I stroked his matted hair once, telling him he was safe. I wrapped my arms around his smaller body and, in seconds, we were back to my house. I knew I was going to have to give him some answers.

******************************************************************************* That's it for now. For those of you that haven't guessed yet this is a VERY important part of the lives of Derek and Tyler. Duh! This is how the lovers met. A sad story? Yes, for now. It'll probably get worse though. There's much more to come though! Questions or Comments welcome at:

Next: Chapter 2

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