Nightmare or Reality

By george Robinson

Published on Nov 23, 2015


nightmare or reality ch 2

Monday morning and the lads were heading for the garage to collect the van. Terry spoke " I've been thinking...we only do two days on the moors run...that means I'm losing out on a lot of from tomorrow we will start at 7.30 and when we get to the store, you will go straight to the electrical stockroom, get fucking naked and remove the bar from the doors [The bar is a length of mild steel which secures the doors. The only way to get into the stockroom is via the service lift] The cleaning staff finish at 7.30 so you will wait for me, naked, on the sales floor and I'm going to fuck you on the sales floor with you bent over a washing machine

All that day the prospect of being fucked prayed on Jay's mind. Being a straight guy, having a man put his dick up his arse was absolutely abhorrent , but he simply couldn't do anything about it. As ordered Jay was ready extra early for work and sure enough Terry knocked on the door at 7.00am with an evil glint in his eye. Jay knew that this was the day that Terry would fuck him and take his cherry. They arrived at work and Jay went straight to the lift, entered the stockroom and stripped as previously ordered. He then removed the bar and went onto the sales floor as naked as the day he was born. Jay had to wait more that five minutes for Terry to emerge from the customer' lift but when he did he had this evil supreme arrogant smile wrapped around his face. He approached Jay while getting his cock out and uttering " Get bent over that fucking machine now!!!!. Jay immediately bent over the washing machine and Terry aimed his cock at the target and thrust it into Jay's tender arse. The pain was intense but Jay did his best not to cry out for fear of attracting attention to this brutal assault on his virgin arse. Terry plowed away enjoying every thrust and it wasn't long before he was filling Jays arse with copious amounts of spunk. He withdrew his tool and told Jay to suck his cock clean and then to get dressed. Jay didn't need to be told twice. he rushed into the stockroom and dressed in seconds having only to put on his trackies and a t shirt and trainers. He arse was on fire but he knew better to not complain.

Terry told him to get the orders on the lift and be quick about it. This was normally the sidekicks job but these were not normal times and Jay knew it.. Terry sat back and had a smoke while Jay rushed hither and dither getting the orders sorted. Terry noticed that one order, a fridge, was addressed to one of his close friends and this gave him an idea. When they finally arrived at Terry's mates house, he told Jay to get the fridge to the edge of the van and he would knock on the door. Jay didn't know that this customer was Terry's mate.The appliance was carried into the house and as Jay headed for the door to exit he heard Terry yell " Hey cunt...where the fuck do you think you're fucking mate wants to fuck you and then he get his cock get fucking naked and prepare to get get fucked...NOW!!!!!.For quarter of an hour, Terry's mate pounded Jays already battered arse until he shot his load inside Jay. Jay was then turned around, ,pushed to his knees and had a spunk soaked cock thrust into his mouth. The day was not going good for Jay. He was looking forward to a quiet evening in front of the tv. Surly terry wouldn't come around with his wife in the house. What Jay feared the most actually happened. There was a knock on the door. Jay opened the door just to be pushed out of the way by Terry as he barged his way into the lounge, quickly followed by Jay. " Hi June how;s life treating you" said Terry to jay's wife. " oh hello Terry...well can't complain..You'll have to excuse me ...I've got a bath running...see you later. answered June as she disappeared from the room. She could be heard walking around up stairs.. Terry whispered in Jay's ear " well that's a bit of fucking luck...drop those boxers get on your knees and suck my start sucking and you will suck until you swallow my spunk even if your bitch comes down".. Jay dropped to his knees and sucked like there was no tomorrow. He knew Terry meant every word he was saying and desperately needed to make Terry spunk up fast . After what seemed like a lifetime, Jay heard his wife moving around again and that meant she was out of the bath. He still hadn't made Terry cum and started to panic. Then without warning, Terry sent a load of spunk cascading down Jay's throat. Terry whipped his cock away and gestured to Jay to put his boxers back on. Jay had his boxers on in a second. Only seconds later June entered the lounge and asked terry if he wanted a coffee " No thanks June...I got what I wanted from Jay" replied Terry with a rye smile" Turning to Jay , he said " right that was good..see you tomorrow normal time isn't it. We're on the moors run...looking forward to that". he left feeling Jay's balls as June was now in the kitchen. As Terry was leaving the house with Jay at the front door he again squeezed his balls and said " Tomorrow is going to be great...for kev and me...for you..not so great. Next morning started in the same old way, including Jay, naked on the sales floor getting fucked over a washing machine, but today was also moors run day, so Terry helped prepare the goods which would be going to the moors shops. There was a call came over the tannoy system for Jason to go to the manager's office. Jay emerged a few moments later with a rare smile on his face. He approached Terry and with renewed confidence said " The boss has put Kev on the run with us. apparently there's not enough work on the loading dock to justify two of them there" " oh right "said Terry " need to make a call of nature ...two minutes" He disappeared down the stairs and Jason just stood pondering the thought at his nightmare was nearly gone. Terry wouldn't be able to subject him to his vile activities while Kev was around or he'd be outing himself but he still had to find a way of stopping Terry coming to his home, but this was a good start. The van was loaded and the three lads set off for the moors shop...cont.

Next: Chapter 3

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