Night with Kevin

By Painter Paul

Published on Mar 13, 2001


Kevin and I had been friends for a long time. Went to school together, hung out together, all the usual stuff. On weekends, we used to like to sleep over at each other's houses. Originally, the nights we would sleep over were just so we could hang out late and talk.....

I remember the first night we expanded our sleepover activities. It wasn't really planned, just spontaneous. In fact, I think if you had asked either of us if it would have happened, we would never have believed it.

That night started like most of them did. We had hung out for most of the afternoon, went out and got some junk for dinner and came back to my place to watch TV and bullshit.

We went down to the basement to watch the wide-screen TV and sit on the couch. Kevin turned on the TV and started surfing to try to find something to watch. While he was surfing, I went to get a couple of Cokes.

There was absolutely nothing on the TV to watch. How can you have a million of cable channels and still have nothing to watch. He settled on MTV, and we started chatting again.

As you might expect, the topic turned to women. You know, if either of us had done anything near what we boasted, our dicks probably would have fallen off (or rotted off). Of course, the stories that guys exchange are governed more by overactive testosterone and imagination than reality.

We started getting a little tired, and I suggested that we just pull out the bed part of the convertible sofa we were on and use that. Hard sell. Once we got our energy up enough to get up, we turned the sofa into a bed and laid down on it.

We were both laying on our stomachs, and I reached over and started giving Kevin a back rub. We had done this for each other many times, so it didn't surprise Kevin. In fact, I hadn't really thought about it before I started rubbing his back. He was lying with his head turned towards me and I was kind of lying on my side using one hand to rub his neck and back.

My right hand started by massaging his neck, and worked down to his shoulders. I did his right shoulder first and then his left. Using one hand wasn't working very well, and we both knew it.

"You can do better than that!" Kevin said.


"Use both hands. It feels better"


I sat up next to him and started using both hands to do his shoulders. After just a couple of seconds of this, I decided that the shirt was a pain in the butt. I reached down and pulled his T-shirt up from around his waist. He lifted himself up so that I could pull up the shirt. There was a bit of a groan coming from him as I removed the shirt over his head. I guess he was just too lazy to get up until I jabbed him in the side a little.

I took just a minute to look at his body. I had always admired it a little, but just sitting there looking at his broad shoulders, his small waist, his muscular back, those nice legs coming from his boxers....he was really good looking. When his shirt came off his aroma filled the room, too. He always smells so clean. I don't know what he does or uses, but he always smells like of a combination of just coming out of the shower and baby powder.

He sort of moved his shoulders around a little. "Excuse me..."

I came back from wherever it was that I'd gone off too. I put a hand on each shoulder and started working on them. I deeply massaged his shoulders and worked my way down to his shoulder blades. Using a hand on each side, I worked my way down to the waist strap of his boxers and back up. His skin has the nicest texture. Almost creamy. So soft and smooth.

After doing his back, I went down to his legs. I started down around his ankles. I would have done his feet, but he was too ticklish. Kinds of ruins the mood.

I started doing his lower legs and worked my way up to his thighs. He gently moved his legs apart so that I could do both legs. I could see a little of his balls in his boxers when he moved his legs. I wasn't so much turned on as excited that we were sharing this intimacy.

After I did his legs, he turned over. You know, if his back is nice, his front is fantastic. He is one of those people that can walk through the gym and look like he has spent the entire day there.

It is a little difficult to do his chest and abdomen because he is kind of ticklish. I started on his chest, working on his pecs. (What pecs!) After working them for a bit, I concentrated on his nipples a little. I mainly like doing his nipples just because they get so hard when I do.

I worked down to his belly. It is so cool when you massage his abdomen. He has such a cut six-pack that it seems like you can feel each muscle. The area around his navel is cool, too, because it is a soft area in the midst of that hard set of abs. And leading from his navel is a short line of dark brown hair which seems to lead to....

Well, his belly was getting kind of ticklish, so it was time to start working on his legs again. He moved his legs apart just like he had when I was doing the back of his legs when I moved to the front. This time, his right ball seemed to fall a little out of his boxers. It seemed like his dick was getting a little fuller, but I wasn't that interested in his dick....was I?

"OK, your turn." I said as I pulled my shirt off and laid down on my stomach. He sounded a little reluctant, but a deal is a deal. As soon as he touched my shoulders, I seemed to relax. It just felt so nice to have those big, strong, yet soft hands on me. It was also cool to know that a guy as cool as Kevin was spending time and energy with me. I took a deep breath to inhale that wonderful, clean aroma of him. He was kneeling next to me, and I liked the warm feeling of his leg against my arm and side.

I don't think that he gives as good massages as I do, but it is nice just to feel him touching me. And to lie there and enjoy his body and aroma.....

He had done the back of my legs and it was time for me to turn over. I rolled over next to him, and laid my arm on his leg for lack of anywhere better. He was sitting crossed-leg at this point, so my arm sort of fell into his crotch. It wasn't really intentional, it just sort of worked out like that. I don't know, his dick felt a little fuller, but I wasn't really that concerned with it. I think mine was feeling a little fuller, too, but I didn't want to embarrass myself by getting hard in front of him.

He finished my chest, abdomen and legs, and then laid down next to me. He lay down on his belly, and I was still on my back. I had to move my arm when he got up, and when he laid down again, my arm ended up on his back again. Absentmindedly, I just started rubbing his back with the hand that was on it.

We weren't really talking about anything in particular as my hand was gently rubbing his lower back. I moved my arm and shoulder a little which accidentally made my hand go a little farther down his back. About three quarters of my hand was below the waistline of his boxers when I extended my arm. If I didn't extend my arm, it felt a little strange.

I don't think I was really thinking about it when it happened, but I reached under his boxers and started rubbing his butt. If the skin on his back was nice, the skin on his butt was fantastic. I could feel the light smooth hair, the smooth skin, that creamy feeling. He moved his legs just a little apart again. I guess he didn't mind what I was doing. I sort of explored the top of his butt at first, figuring that he would indicate to me if it were a problem. We were talking, so I knew he was awake and aware of what was going on.

I worked my hand down a little more and could feel the crack. I started massaging and gently squeezing each side. It was obvious he liked it. He kind of squeezed his butt a couple of times, grinding himself into the bed. It almost seemed like he was sort of humping the bed, but I wasn't sure. I know at this point my cock was hard as Hell. Fortunately, it was already straight in my briefs, because I didn't know how to coolly continue what I was doing with him, straighten my cock and not seem like I was playing with myself at the same time. He must have been hard, too, but I couldn't see since he was face down.

I was really getting in to rubbing his butt. I think he was getting in to it, too, but I couldn't be completely sure. I hope that I wasn't acting like an ass (no pun intended) with my best friend. After about half an hour of this, he started to turn over. I quickly pulled my hand out (what was I thinking? Was I hiding something?).

He turned on his back and I could see that he was quite hard. "Um, I really got to do something about this," he said.

"That's cool, me, too"

We both started rubbing ourselves through our underwear. Since he was wearing boxers, his cock fell out fairly soon. He was HUGE! It had a very nice look to it, too. Like the rest of his body, it looked hard but soft and tender at the same time.

Within a few minutes, we were both stroking ourselves slowly. We were kind of furtively looking at each other's dicks. Now make sense out of this - we're lying in bed together, both masturbating, but pretending that we're not paying attention to the fact that there is another guy lying next to you jerking off. Right.

I was just going kind of slowly. I wanted it to last. I had just pulled the top waistband of my briefs down a little and had my dick out slowly rubbing away. Kevin's cock was coming from the opening of his boxers. He was rubbing slowly, too.

"Can I do yours?"

Had he really just asked me that? Had this gorgeous guy just asked me if he could jerk me off? No one else had ever touched me there, particularly when I was hard. I think that this is the first time I'd ever seen anyone hard. I didn't think I was gay. Not that being gay is a bad thing, I had just never thought about it. Now could he rub me?

"Sure, if I can do you."

He sat up for a moment and pulled my underwear off. I was so turned on. I pulled his off. After a couple of seconds of figuring out what would work mechanically, we reached over to touch each other. I touched him at the same time he touched me. I thought I was done for there. His strong, soft, gentle hand on my cock. My hand touching the HUGE (did I mention that?) perfect cock of my best friend with a perfect body. I don't know which was more of a turn on....

It didn't take a whole lot of rubbing before we were both nearly there. I had never experienced this before. Usually, when doing myself, I can change the speed depending on how I feel. It was neat to feel someone else rubbing me.

We both started breathing heavier. I was about to cum. I was concerned for a second about the mess, but it was a little too late to worry about that. We were almost breathing and rubbing in unison. I could feel Kevin's dick getting harder. I felt like mine was about to erupt. My balls were pulling up. I could feel that feeling swell through my groin.

We were breathing really hard now. I was the first to go, cumming with a quiet gasp. I must have shot a dozen times, with the cum going on my chest, belly, some on Kevin's hand, and, I think, some on him.

He then moaned a little and I could feel the muscles in his cock start to contract. His cum shot all the way up to his shoulders and over to my side and chest. Some of it went on my arm, his belly, and my hand.

What a feeling. That was like nothing I had ever experienced. We just both lay there for a couple of minutes breathing hard and recovering. We moved a little closer together to make sure that the cum didn't run onto the bed. We just lay there for a few minutes, but pretty soon the cum got runny and we had to deal with the mess.

I reached over and got my T-shirt and wiped up the mess from both of us. It was neat to wipe the cum off of Kevin's body and cock. He did the same for me. We didn't talk much about it, but did smile at eachother.

After a little cleanup, we just pulled the sheets up, still naked. Kevin turned on his side to watch TV, and I layed behind him up next to him. It was so nice to lie there touching him, feeling his warm body. He lifted an arm so that I could put an arm around him. We fell asleep like that, wrapped in each other's bodies.

The next morning we woke up at the same time, but didn't exactly get straight out of bed. But that's another story....

Next: Chapter 2

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