Night to Remember Series

By Enzed Writer

Published on Jun 19, 2003


The following story contains themes, languages and content that is considered to be adult. If you are not of legal age please be aware of the actions you are taking and the consequences that could occur for reading such material. With that said I hope you enjoy the story. "A night to remember" and "Roam" are both properties of the author and under international law is bound by copyright. If you have any queries regarding distribution or republishing this story please contact me via email

I'd like to dedicate this story to anyone who had a close friend but lost contact with them over time. It's never too late to pick up the phone or send an email.

A night to remember

In late 2002 I started writing a story called Roam. It was about three friends whose friendship had carried on from high school to adulthood. It also covers issues that trouble the character Blair Mclean and to a lesser extent Victoria (Tor) and Nick.

A night to remember is a short story giving you an insight to the root of the friendship between Victoria, Nick and Blair and also a glimpse at the relationship of Blair and Andrew. Hopefully it will fill in some gaps that may appear from reading Roam and help you to get to know the characters a bit better. A night to remember is set in year 12 or Sixth form back in high school in 1999.

Part Three


As per usual Nick, Tor and I met at the back of the science block to walk home. I admit I felt a bit apprehensive leaving the school grounds but knowing that the "idiots" were suspended gave me the courage to keep going. As we all turned the corner we noticed that none of the goons were there. I audibly sighed in relief. We were idly chitchatting on the way home when Tor brought up a point.

"Blair, what happened with you and Andrew today?"

"Yeah, you never did say what he wanted" nick added.

"Well maybe I didn't say anything because there's nothing to say." I grinned.

"Oh no you don't mister! I know that smile, something definitely is going on" Tor raised her eyebrow expectantly at me. I turned to Nick on my other side and he too had a raised eyebrow.

"Ok, ok. Well you guys will never believe this. Andrew asked me to the ball!"

"Oh my god really?" Tor asked.

Nick looked at me like I was an alien. "You can't be serious Blair. Why would you want to go with him?"

I looked at him annoyed.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I want to go with him?" I said defensively.

"Well how can you go from hating him one minute to going to a ball the next?" Nick asked incredulously. I could see where he was coming from.

"Look Nick, if I'm ever going to get on with the guy I have to bury the hatchet and put whatever has happened between us in the past. Plus you should have seen how he was when asking me. He was a nervous wreck and seemed so sincere."

Nick didn't look too pleased but accepted my way of thinking. "Okay dude, but Tor and I are still going to be there, just in case!"

I had to laugh "Of course! I mean we're all still going together right?"

"Damn straight! But since you've got a date Blair, looks like Nick's going to be my unofficial date... for public viewing and even number purposes only of course" she grinned. Nick rolled his eyes and both Tor and I laughed.

"Have you guys got your outfits sorted yet?" I asked.

Tor grinned. "I have, I'd tell you about it... but it's a surprise"

"I'm going in a suit, no biggie. I mean the theme is Mother Nature, what am I going to go as? A tree?"

Tor looked surprised. "Oh bull, there are plenty of things you can go as!"

"Exactly! Nick this is a themed ball, its not the same if everyone just turns up in a suit!" I said.

"Well I don't DO costumes okay?" He said sounding defensive.

"Oh get of your high-horse boy, if you're going to be my date you are so wearing a costume or at least something that resembles effort!" Nick sighed audibly. Tor and I had won this time. Though that thought had got me thinking, what on earth was Andrew wearing?


I was pacing around the room thinking to myself. '4pm? Is it too early to call him now? I mean school only finished at 3:20. Of course it's too early you idiot! He's probably doing something with Nick and Tor. '

I sat down and tapped on the arm of the living room chair. I had the phone in one hand and kept glancing at the clock. I couldn't believe Blair said yes! But what time would he want me to call? Maybe I'll call now! I dialled his number on to the phone and waited.




Ring-ring... CLICK

An adult female voice came over the phone.

"Hi you've reached the McLean residence, we can't take your call so leave a detailed message after the tone... bye!"

I sat there not knowing what to say. I was about to leave a message when dad walked through the door. I quickly hung up and put the phone down. Dad looked at me funny.

"What are you up to? You look like you've just stolen a cookie or something!"

I smiled and shoved my hand in his face. "Blair gave me his number!" I said excitedly.

"Oh I see," he said grinning. "So why the guilty look?"

I blushed. "Well I err... He told me to call him but didn't give a time. What should I do?"

Dad just cracked up laughing. "Oh my god son! You're acting like a little schoolgirl with a crush. Come to think of it, I've never seen you fuss over someone before!" I put my hands on my hips as if to look defiant but he just laughed even more.

"Now you look like a mother!" he hooted.

"Yeah ha ha ha dad. Blair said yes to going to the ball and now I'm nervous! I've never been on a date with a guy before! And what am I going to wear?" Dad just laughed even more.

"Son, you wear a suit to a Ball. It's going to be okay, you'll see! And as for calling this friend of yours, perhaps waiting till around 5pm. You don't want to seem too eager now do you?"

I sighed and embraced dad in a shoulder hug. "Thanks dad, you're the greatest" Dad just shrugged it off.

"So how was school son?" He started making himself a cup of coffee.

"Oh it was okay. Hey, David and John got suspended!"

Dad stopped what he was doing and looked at me. "How did this happen?"

"Well some students saw what happened yesterday and reported it. I didn't even know until Blair told me today at lunch"

Dad resumed making his coffee "Son, I think you may need to be a bit careful"

"What do you mean dad?"

He came and sat down by me with his coffee "These guys probably weren't expecting to get suspended and regardless of who's to blame, you and Blair will probably bare the brunt of it son."

I never really thought of that. Dad was right and especially with the ball on Saturday, we'd have to be extra careful. David did say they were planning something. Damn... things just have to get more complicated.

The Ball

Victoria (Tor)

Nick and I arrived before Blair and Andrew. Those two had rented a limo of their own while Nick and I went halves on our own stretch limousine. The ball was at the Duxton hotel opposite the Wellington harbour. The ball was inside one of the function venues at the top of the Hotel.

When we arrived there was a small jazz quartet playing music while ushers were taking people to their seats. The principal, head boy and head girl were waiting at the entrance shaking everyone's hand. Nick and I shuffled quickly through and were ushered to a seat.

The room was decorated to match the Mother Nature theme. There was a giant painting of a woman with long flowing hair that was coloured like a river. It was like a centrepiece and along the room different images were pasted along the wall in the same vain of Mother Nature including some traditional Maori mythology pieces. It was quite spectacular. In front of the centrepiece was a stage set up for a band while next to the stage was the small Jazz quartet. There was an area in front of the stage set up for dancing and the tables were set around it.

I was tugging a little at my outfit when I turned to Nick "Do I look okay?" I asked. I was wearing a turquoise coloured dress that had little patterned sequence vines on it. My hair was tied in to little twists and held together with vine type hair ties.

"Girl, the room stops in awe of your presence. You are breath-taking tonight" Nick replied making me blush. Nick didn't look half bad either. I managed to get mum to make him a shirt out of the same material my dress was so we matched quite well. He had a dark black leather jacket on over the shirt and black slacks.

"I wonder where Blair and Andrew are?" I asked.

"They shouldn't be long. They left shortly after we did."

We didn't have to wait long for their arrival. The room seemed to stop on seeing two guys walking in together side by side.

Andrew wasn't dressed in the spirit of Mother Nature but he wasn't dressed horribly either. He was wearing a dark black suit with a grey tie and had his usually moppy hair swept back. He oozed sex appeal but there was something about him that didn't quite register with me.

Blair was a totally different story. He was wearing a short sleaved button up shirt with a collar with a nature scene printed on the material. It was a picture of a waterfall but it looked like it was woven rather than printed. His hair was also coloured a dark blue and I think he was wearing deep blue contacts. His pants were black silk looking which seemed to glow and he was wearing a pair of boots. He also had a rather stylish dark green see- through PVC jacket which seemed to round off his outfit well.

Blair looked across the room and noticed us. He pulled Andrew over by the arm and sat down.

"Girl you are looking hot! And you two Nick. If I didn't know any better I'd say you actually look like a couple!" Blair gushed.

"Hehe thanks B but you aren't exactly lacking either. Damn boy your outfit looks hot. And your suit looks great Andrew." Andrew nodded but Blair grinned.

I was getting this weird Vibe from Andrew though, something I couldn't quite fathom. I looked at Nick to see what he thought and he seemed to nod in agreement. I took another glance around the room and noticed someone staring at us. I looked closer and realised it was John hanging on to some bimbo! He wasn't alone either; David was also there with a slag of his own while the goons were all sitting around the table. What the hell was he doing here? This wasn't good at all. I didn't want to alert Blair just yet but something was afoot tonight and I was determined to find out!

I was mentally trying to get Nick's attention but he was chatting away. I kicked his foot under the table and he sharply looked in my direction. Using my eyes I gestured towards where John and David were. It took him a second to catch on but Nick turned and noticed too. He visibly frowned but looked at me as if to say "not now". Blair and Andrew were busy chatting away but Andrew seemed to glance sideways every now and then keeping an eye on John's group.

The Jazz band stopped playing and the Head girl was standing in front of the stage with a microphone.

"Hey guys how's everyone doing tonight?"

Everyone cheered loudly in reply.

"Well from the sound of it thing's are going fantastic! Coz you sure as hell look it!"

That brought another round of applause from everyone.

"First of all I'd like to welcome you all to the Hutt Valley High annual end of year Ball. We've got some awards to give away tonight but that will be after dinner."

A person crudely called out "Are you desert?" causing a wave of laughter.

"Honey, If your momma taught you manners you'd know that is no way to talk to a lady" she replied which resulted in a few catcalls and laughs.

"But I'd like you to give a round of applause to 'a taste of jazz' who have been providing us with the wonderful jazz arrangements tonight" Everyone clapped and the group bowed graciously.

"But now its time to really get this party going. We're going to have a bit of a boogie for the next hour then we will break for dinner. Then after that we'll present some awards and then the floor will be open until midnight. How does that sound?" Everyone clapped in appreciation.

"Great, well as you know tonight we have a fantastic live band. They've been together for a while now and have built quite a reputation here in Wellington. So please, put your hands together for the PHAT KATS!"

Everyone clapped as the band all appeared on stage. There must have been over eight people on stage and two of them were vocalists. They started off with that Cher song Believe. It sounded a bit weird with a live band but it was a good dance opener.

"Would you like to dance my dear?" Nick asked in a sarcastic tone.

"How can I refuse such a tempting offer?" I grinned.

"Excuse us Andrew and Blair, I have an appointment to attend to," I said as Nick took my hand and lead me to the dance floor. Nick and I started bumping and grinding back and forth, laughing and joking about.

"I saw John and his crew back there," He shouted over the music.

"I know! What the hell is he doing here?" I replied. Nick just shrugged.

"We've got to keep an eye on them, did you see how he was looking at us while we were at the table?" It was a bit tedious having to shout over the music but I'd rather we had this conversation without having to worry Blair about it.

"Yeah I know! They're definitely up to something. Don't worry I'll keep an eye on them If I see something suspicious I'll let you know" Nick shouted. I nodded in agreement and kept dancing. The song finished and faded in to one of Britney Spears' songs. Nick and I kept dancing. After a few songs had passed I noticed my heel was a bit sore so I gestured to Nick to sit this one out. When we returned to the table there was only Blair there.

"Where's Andrew gone?" Nick asked.

"He's just popped out to the loo" Blair replied. He seemed to be drumming his hand against the table to the music.

"Their pretty good, don't you think?" Blair asked. I nodded while Nick seemed to be tapping me with his shoe I looked at him and he rolled his eyes towards John's group. I looked and noticed that He and David weren't there. I looked at the dance floor and noticed they weren't there either. I gave Nick a worried look and he seemed to catch on.

"I'll be back guys, I've got to go to the loo!" Nick said as he got up.

"Cool, tell that Andrew to hurry up! I want to dance!" Blair said.

"Come on then, come dance with me while we're waiting for him!" Blair smiled and took my hand as we made our way to the dance floor.


I walked out to the foyer of the function room but neither David, John or Andrew was in sight. I saw a few people from school and nodded while heading for the toilets. I opened the door slightly and could hear voices talking. I couldn't see who they were though as they were talking around the corner of the stalls. I slipped discreetly in to one of the cubicles without being seen and shut the door. I listened closely and could tell that there were 3 guys there. Under closer eavesdropping I could make out without a doubt that one of the voices was Andrew. The other two must have been David and John. What the hell was going on? I listened in to their conversation.

"Dude what the fuck is up with you and that fag?" Said a voice that sounded like John.

"Yeah man, I never knew you were a fucking fairy!" the other voice said. That must have been David.

"Fuck up dude I ain't a fairy!" I heard Andrew snap. "Besides, don't you know that faggots give the best head?"

"Dude that's whack, you can't be serious!" David said sounding a bit sceptical.

"It's true dude. Guys give the best head. Think about it, it takes a guy to know how to please one and Blair seems hot for it!"

"So your not a fag?" David asked.

"Fuck no, and getting some head from another guy don't make you a fairy either!"

"So what your saying is your getting close to him so you can have your personal cock sucker?" John asked.

"Damn straight! And if you guys lay low and stop hassling him I'll seal the deal and once I gain his trust I'd be more than happy to share the love around."

What the fuck? I knew that Andrew was a shady guy.

"Wait a minute, you seriously think you could get Blair to agree to that?" David asked.

"Have you seen the way that pansy looks at me? He's crazy for me and will do anything I ask for as long as I feed him some of this!" Andrew replied. I felt sick. This guy was a total two-faced asshole!

"So what your saying is if we back off, you'll let us in on some of the action?" John asked.

"Sure man, what are friends for?" Andrew replied.

"Then what was with you punching me outside of school man. That's not exactly kosher!"

"All part of the act dude! Just back off otherwise everything will be fucked. I promise! After tonight Blair will be my personal bitch and will do anything I ask him to."

The other two seemed to pause for a second then spoke. "Sweet dude, we'll play along... as long as you keep your end of the bargain! I could go for some lip service if it's as good as you say" I heard David say.

"Sure thing and trust me it will be worth it." Andrew replied. I heard them all laugh and congratulate Andrew.

"Catch you later man!" Andrew called out as I heard footsteps and the men's room door shut. I decided to make myself known and opened the cubicle door. Andrew turned around shocked as he noticed em there. I was fuming and must as looked as angry as I felt.

"Nick dude, I can explain everything!" he said holding his hands up.

I shoved him against the wall "Shut the Fuck up!"

I grabbed his shirt and held him against the wall forcefully "What the hell was that about huh? You know Andrew I don't know you very well and I never trusted your sorry ass from the start so you better have a good explanation as to why I shouldn't kick it!"

"Okay! Just let me go man!" I reluctantly let go of his shirt as he recoiled against the wall.

"I came to the bathroom and those two followed me. They were asking me why I brought Blair and were threatening me man and I told them to back off!"

"Do I have stupid written on my forehead? You were preparing to pimp off Blair to your dimwit friends there. Shit you must have some screws loose in that damn head of yours!"

The colour from Andrew's face seemed to drain. "It was all a lie dude to get him to back off, I wouldn't think of" before he could finish I backhanded and his face smacked against the wall.

"That's right bitch you didn't think! You've got a sick mind if you think I'm going to believe that was for the greater good you fool! I know what I heard and I'm telling you now, if you even try anything on Blair like that and I will break your face!"

"I don't know what you mean!" Andrew replied dumbly.

"Wrong answer!" I shouted as I shoved him against the wall again. "Look, my best friend LIKES you. And considering I don't know you well, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt. But let me warn you, I'm giving you notice Barclay." I lifted him by the shirt and shoved him against the wall and got right in his face "If I hear something is up, one hint that something's off, even if you breath incorrectly or if your stupid hair is parted wrong and I will come down on you like a ton of bricks, you got that shit head?"

He swallowed and nodded.

"No one fucks with my friends Andrew, not John, not David and definitely not you, got it?"

"Yeah I got it." He said breathing a sigh of relief as I let him go "But can't you see where I'm coming from! I couldn't do something like that to Blair, I really do like them and shit, they promised to back off!" He said defensively.

I thrust my finger in to the middle of his chest "In some kind of sick way I can see where you're coming from but you just don't do that Andrew. You don't go pimping your prospective boyfriends even if it's to save his ass. I'm giving you a chance to make it right. You better be the model Freulein Maria from now on, or else"

Andrew nodded.

"Don't make me regret my decision Andrew! And sort yourself out you look like shit. Your date wants to dance with you." I didn't even bother to look at him and slammed the men's room door as I walked out.


Tor and I had been dancing away to Boom Boom Boom Boom by The Vengaboys when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned and saw that it was Nick.

"Did you find him?" I shouted over the music.

"Yeah he's coming shortly, he was having problems... you know... runs" He replied.

Nick joined in with Tor and I and we danced as a Trio. I couldn't help laughing seeing other people attempt to dance. Especially the teachers! They had some kind of geriatric running-man going on which was entertaining yet disturbing. While we were dancing Andrew appeared and he joined in. His face seemed to be flushed but that must have been from the runs. Andrew started to move rhythmically to the fast beat of the song and was doing pretty good!

"Hey I never knew you could dance!" I shouted.

"Yeah I'm just like John Travolta! I'll put my black shoes and flairs and do the hustle if you like?" He shouted back. The song faded out in to a slow song but I didn't exactly feel comfortable slow dancing with another guy.

"Can we sit this one out?" I asked. I may be out at the ball with a guy but these people would definitely be irked with me slow dancing with Blair.

"Sure how about we go get some photos? There's a photographer in the foyer!" Andrew said.

"Sure thing lets go!" I replied. I told Nick what we were doing and they decided to keep dancing.

"Did I tell you Blair that you look beautiful tonight?" Andrew said as we made our way to the photographer. His comment made me blush. I gave him a quizzical look.

"Its true Blair, you look great!" He said honestly.

"Well gee, thanks." I replied. The photographer was a young woman who seemed very nice.

"Oh my gosh are you two a couple?" She asked smiling. I was about to reply but Andrew interrupted me.

"Yes, we are!" I gave Andrew a questioning look but he just smiled. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close.

"Aw aren't you two just adorable, now smile!" We both smiled and she started clicking away. I noticed a few people looking at us but Andrew didn't seem to mind at all.

"Ok we're done here guys." She said as she fiddled around with her camera. As we both walked away she stopped us.

"I think what you two are doing is so brave, good on you guys!"

"Thankyou, that means a lot!" I replied. That comment made me feel warm inside and a bit more spirited.

"That's okay, we got to look out for our family and I'm glad you two are representing," She winked while holding my hand. I smiled and walked away with Andrew in tow.

"Andrew do you know what she meant by family?"

"Hehe yeah, it mean's she's gay too!" He chuckled.

"Really?" I asked and Andrew nodded.

I had never heard that term before but it sounded quite apt.


I kept going over what happened with David and John in my head. I mean surely it was to protect Blair right? I would never do something like that to him purposely. I'd never lay a hand on him.

As Blair and I entered the ballroom Nick and Tor were at our table waiting for us. From the nasty glare that Tor gave me, I gathered Nick had told her what had happened. With all the tension that was buzzing around the three of us Blair seemed quite blind to the fact that something was amiss and I don't even think he noticed that John and David were at the ball unless he was purposely ignoring them.

Nick wasn't looking at me directly. He seemed to have a slight scowl on his face.

"They've started queuing for dinner now, Blair why don't we go get some food for us and our dates" Nick asked.

"Uh sure, be right back Andrew" Blair replied and they both got up and queued. Tor remained silent but kept looking at me. She was beginning to creep me out a little.

"What?" I asked.

"You bastard!" She hissed. "Nick told me all about your little speech before. I'm not impressed"

"But I didn't mean any of it! How else was I supposed to get them to back away? It was the first thing that popped in to my mind! I mean they followed me!"

"Look... YOU! I thought you liked Blair!" she snapped.

"I do like him!"

"Well you've sure got a funny way of showing it. You have to tell him what happened."

"What! He'll hate me for sure!"

"Well that's not my fault Andrew is it? You should have thought about the repercussions before you opened your stupid mouth. What if John and David start spreading the word huh?"

I didn't say anything because I had nothing to say. I never really thought that part out. Oh shit I really fucked up.

"You either tell him, or I will!" Tor said angrily.

"You can't do that!"

"Look Andrew the way I see it is you've got to be open about it. If you're ever going to stand a chance with him you've got to be honest and if Nick and I can't trust you to do the right thing then you aren't even worth the paper you wipe your ass with."


"Do it Andrew! Don't you know how much this night means to him? He's put so much effort in and he's the happiest I've seen him in a while. If word of what you said gets around it will crush him and I won't stand for that. You've got the rest of tonight otherwise I'll tell him first thing tomorrow!"

I was going to say something but Nick and Blair had returned.

"I didn't know what you would want so I got you a bit of everything!" Blair smiled as he handed me the plate. Tor was right, this is the happiest I've ever seen him.

Good going dick head, now what are you going to do?

To be concluded in part 4

Hey there people! Sorry that it's a bit delayed but better late than never right? I know that I told some of you this was only going to be a 3 part series but there was just too much going on in this part for it to be all contained in one episode.

Some of you are probably going to be angry at what's happened regarding Andrew but please bear with me. I wouldn't intentionally write something to turn all the readers off. It all connects up in the end.

I love reading email and receiving feedback so let me know what you think guys! I take the good the bad and the ugly!

Until next time!

Next: Chapter 4: Night to Remember 4

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