Night on the links

By Josh

Published on Jun 25, 2003



I like writing about actual experiences. The following story is based on experiences a friend shared with me.

Aaron (t/t)

We grew up together. We went to elementary school together. We were always friends, and we both loved to run.

We lived, running. We played on the run, whether it was kicking cans or tossing a ball, we ran everywhere. And we ran well.

By the time we were in Junior High, we were THE track stars. When we started high school, Coach told me I ran like a black boy. (In college, I heard that a lot.)

Aaron actually was a black boy. Real black. He had dark skin and eyes. The whites of his eyes were very white and his teeth were very white. His nose was broad, and his lips were full. He was tall and slender with long limbs and no body fat. His skin was hairless and shimmered when he sweat. He had a high, narrow, muscled butt like blacks sometimes get. Aaron was gloriously, beautifully black in a small South Texas town, where his was the only black family.

Not that there were many gringos either. My name is Jeff. At that age, I had brown hair and gray eyes (the eyes have stayed the same, but the hair is a little gray now). In every other respect, it was as if my body had tried to match Aaron's, muscle for muscle, hair for hair, inch for inch (yes, we had measured). We were like black and white versions of identical bodies, well except for the butt. I had a little bit of a white boy's bubble butt. Oh, and I was cut and Aaron was uncut.

We went everywhere together. People called us salt and pepper. Some called us a lot worse. It was especially hard on Aaron. I hate to say it, but Hispanics can be really prejudiced sometimes. Some of them were hard on Aaron. But most of the time, people liked and treated him well. After all, he was a bit of an oddity in our small town; not gringo, not Hispanic. A lot of people just weren't sure how to treat him. Most decided that since he wasn't Hispanic to treat him more like a gringo.

We were always good friends. I'm not sure when it turned to infatuation. I remember my sister accusing us of making "goo-goo eyes at each other" and I remember my Mom shushing her. I remember feeling embarrassed because it was true. I, at least, had been making "goo-goo eyes." I do know when infatuation turned to lust and then love.

When we were 14, we mowed lawns together. We would both wear just shorts and shoes. That drew lots of looks and stares. We both had beautiful bodies and knew it. Without saying anything to each other, we both knew that we liked the way people stared. Fact was, we looked at each other that way some.

Now despite all the lawn boy stories you may have read, very little happened for us. Several middle aged ladies and a couple of men flirted some. There was one time, though, and we lost our cherries together. It was actually embarrassing, and is worth mentioning here for one reason only.

To make a long, and unlovely, story very short. Once when Aaron and I were out mowing an empty lot, a winter tourist couple drove up. The man got out and began talking to us. It took him forever, but he eventually offered us a lot of money to fuck his wife and let him watch. They were probably in their mid-fifties, a Midwest farm couple, and really not bad looking. It was money, and a chance to try sex with a real woman.

Well that lady was so loose, Aaron later said it was like fucking air. The only reason I mention it here is that as we each watched the other fucking, watched the butt and back muscles working, watched the butt tighten and flex thrusting, and clench on the cum. As we watched each other's naked bodies in action making love, both of us became very horny for each other. Much later, when we looked back on it, we decided that was the point when we each made a conscious decision to somehow have sex with the other.

Before that, we had done the usual measuring and even jacked each other a couple of times. But watching Aaron stroking up his beautiful cock, seeing him standing tall and elegantly lean, watching him mount that old bitch awakened a balls-deep hunger in me.

That was at the beginning of the summer before our freshman year in High School. Aaron and I had already begun working with a couple of the coaches. They wanted us for running and defensive backs for football. We just wanted to run.

We would run almost every night. Aaron's house had been built before air conditioning and had a screened in sleeping porch that caught any night breeze. With a couple of fans and roll-away beds, it was a great place to sleep. So though his house was now air conditioned, he and I would sleep on the porch. We could come and go as we pleased.

It was South Texas. The days are hot. We would run at night, while there was still a breeze coming in off the coast. Our coaches wanted to train us as sprinters. We liked running cross country, long runs. In the dark, we ran the roads mainly, but we had a favorite place to run at night; the country club golf course.

For a small town, it really was a nice country club. The golf course had been there a while, and had some big trees lining the fairways. Not far away were the little league parks, and the light from the night games would filter through the trees to give the course a mix of shadow and enough light to see where we were running.

It was Aaron's idea to begin running naked. Since we usually ran in just shorts, it was a simple matter to carry or stash them and run the course naked but for our shoes. Sometimes we ran barefoot. We ran the tree lines and stayed out of the light. The feel of sultry evening sea breeze as it blew past our naked skin, our balls, and our semi hard cocks was so tangible, it was like a lover's hand. Sometimes we would just stop and face the breeze, letting it make love to us. We were often hard, and felt sexy. Then we would run and felt like we could run forever.

Aaron and I had no trouble keeping the same pace, but I liked to fall behind him sometimes, to watch his back, butt, and leg muscles working under his dark, shining skin in the faint light of the night. He ran with the grace of a long-limbed youth, effortlessly. No male was ever more alluring than Aaron at 14, running naked in the night.

Sometimes he fell back and I wondered if he liked watching me running bare.

On that golf course were several small water traps. Old golfers kidded that there were alligators in those traps. Others said that was just a rumor that the course spread so people would leave the stray balls that landed in there for the course to collect.

One night we were running alongside the biggest of the water traps when Aaron stopped and turned back. He stopped at the edge of a little drop off. I came up beside him.

"I bet we could just wade out and collect enough balls to make some good money," he stated.

"Yeah, right. And put them in your pocket?" I asked.

"We could stash them and get them later. You're just afraid of the alligators, aren't you Jeffy, baby?" he taunted.

"Shit," I said. We had been carrying our shorts. I thrust mine into his hands, kicked off my shoes and started to wade in, feeling for golf balls with my feet.

I heard a giggling, and turned to see Aaron take off running with my shorts and shoes. I was out of the water in a flash.

He couldn't run as fast, carrying my shoes. I was glad he didn't throw them away--I'd never find them. I caught him on a green and took him down with a tackle. We wrestled naked.

He was laughing so hard, it was easy for me to get on top and pin him. I pinned his wrists with my hands and my butt was sitting squarely on his stomach. He was still giggling, and so was I when he started trying to buck me off. I slid my butt further down his body to try to hold him down. Some how, in the struggling, I wound up sitting on his very hard cock.

The tip of it was in the underside of my balls and the length of the shaft pressed hard into that sensitive spot under my balls and between my legs, where the root of my cock really is. I was instantly hard.

He continued to buck, but the giggles died. The bucking became sliding; mainly me sliding, rubbing my now hard cock root back and forth over his cock shaft. I closed my eyes, and moaned.

When I opened them a moment later, I looked down at Aaron and thought I saw tears streaming down the sides of his face. "Oh, buddy, I'm sorry." I said frantically, suddenly stricken with the terrible thought that I had just crashed our friendship.

I released my grip on his wrists and began to sit up, but Aaron reached up and grabbed me. He pulled me down on him and said throatily, "I have wanted you for so long." He pulled me into a strong embrace. I slid down until my body lay full length on his and our hard cocks were pressed between our hard bellies. I wrapped my arms around him too.

I lay my face next to his and felt his tears dampen my cheek. There was a sudden tightness in my throat as tears came to my eyes too. We hugged tightly for a long time.

Not entirely sure how to consummate our love, we began grinding our cocks and bodies together. We rolled back and forth on the green, first him on top, then me, then him. Our hands explored each other's bodies, tracing the outline of muscles under smooth skin, gently stroking fine body hairs, or grabbing firmly each other's butts. We kissed.

Our lips just met and like magnets locked. His tongue pushed into my mouth and mine pushed back. We became two points of intense contact, where our mouths and cocks pressed into each other. We came that way; deeply entwined in passionate kisses and grinding loins, legs all tangled.

And we laid that way, kissing and embracing until we went soft. And still we kissed. I became hard again, and then he did too. And we began humping again, all while still kissing deeply.

However, the itching from the grass was beginning to intrude on our lovemaking, and the breeze was dying. It started to get muggy. We were definitely sweating big time. Panting for air, I pulled off from kissing and whispered in Aaron's ear, "Want to skinny dip at the pool?"

The country club swimming pool was out a little from the main buildings, and surrounded by semi tropical gardens. It was a good size pool. Boys could slip into a corner of the pool at night and not worry about getting caught. It had been done before, many, many times.

I made Aaron put my shoes back on my feet. He stroked my legs as he did so. While one of my feet was still bare, I placed it in his crotch as he tied the shoe on the other. I rubbed him with it.

Shoes on, we trotted, our hard cocks swinging, on up to the pool area. We knew where to get through the fence. At the edge of the pool, I bent to take Aaron's shoes off, and slid my hands up and down the long muscles of his thighs, all the way up to his balls. There for the first time after longing to for so long, I could make love to his cock and balls with my hands. I reveled in the feel of them. The heft of their weight, the softness of the skin, the heat, the smell. I pressed my face into his crotch and nuzzled and smelled him. His hands pressed the back of my head.

Then he repeated the treatment on me. His hands on my thighs were electrifying. As he ran his hands lightly up the skin of my inner thighs, it was like he was pushing waves of pleasure into my crotch. And then his hands found my balls, and lifted them. His hands caressed my cock and balls as lovingly as mine had caressed his. Then his rough, wet tongue went over the head of my cock. I shuddered and my fingers slid into the curly hair of his head.

He put his mouth over my cockhead, and I felt his tongue again. My knees almost buckled. His lips tightened around my cock and slid slowly down the length of it. He began to gag and pulled back. Then down again. As he took part of me into his mouth, he stroked the remaining shaft with his hand. His other hand was all over my butt and balls. His broad tongue caressed the underside of my cock on every slide in. I began to fuck his mouth.

Soon I was whimpering as my balls tightened and I felt my orgasm squeezing intensely up from deep inside. It burst through my cock in jet after jet of cum that Aaron sucked and swallowed down. I finally finished, and bent weakly over him, like a wilted plant.

He looked up at me and smiled, the whites of his eyes and teeth stark in the dark. Then he slid into the water. I quickly slid in after. Aaron was not a great swimmer and we stayed mainly at the wall in water shallow enough to stand in.

I felt like I owed him in the tally of great cums. He had just done something generous and beautiful. I wanted to serve him.

We slid into an embrace, there along the wall. Our arms were around each other, and our bodies pressed together in the thick warmth of the water. He slid his legs around my waist. I cupped his butt with my hands to hold him up to me. Aaron was still hard. I was getting there again. As we kissed, cockhead of my hardening shaft began to press his butt. He felt it.

With one hand, he reached around and stroked. Then I felt him guiding the tip of my cock to his butt hole.

I pulled off our kiss. "It's my turn to please you," I protested.

"Shssss," he said, "You can please me later." Then looking into my eyes, he was deeply serious. "I have dreamed of doing all these things with you for so long," and he kissed my neck. Then slid down to bring his butt hole firmly against the tip of my cock.

We had no lube. At that point, I didn't even know you needed it. But the water acted a little as lubricant, and Aaron got my cockhead in. I believe he was so hungry to do this, he would have gotten me in somehow. But I felt him tighten as I would start to move in. I would stop. He would relax. Then I would move a little further in. We kept repeating this until I was all the way in. He was incredibly tight.

He hugged me hard and we just held each other a while, with me deep inside him. His tight hard body pressed to mine. I could feel his big balls against my belly.

I kissed his slender shoulders and the long nape of his neck. The intimate closeness of this lean, hard body that I had so long desired; the pressure of his tight butt ring around the base of my cock, and the water lifting my balls--it was one of those moments when people say, "Time stood still."

And I wanted it to; to stand still that is. But then the urge to move my cock inside Aaron began to build. I pulled out just slightly. His grip on me tightened. I pushed back in. Then out a little. Then in. Aaron held on tightly, and buried his mouth in the nape of my neck. I felt and heard him moan.

My hands moved to his hips and I slid him up and down in the water as I moved in and out of him. Soon, he was moving too, and I felt his hard cock brushing up and down on my belly.

Moving one arm further around his waist to hold him, I reached between us with the other and gripped his cock. I did my best to stroke it as he rode up and down on my cock and I pumped in and out of his muscled butt.

His legs tightened against me, and I felt his balls press into my hard lower belly. He leaned back, his arms still on my shoulders. Throwing his head back, Aaron began moaning, and said, "It feels better than I imagined."

"I never imagined anything like this." I confessed. "This feels sooooo good."

As I stroked him, Aaron began deliberately fucking my hand as he bounced up and down. He was getting really hard. The skin of his sheath, under my hand, felt like it was sliding over a steel rod.

Suddenly, he was cuming, moaning loudly. But I was too busy to be concerned about how loud he was because when he started cuming, his butt had clenched down hard on my cock. I continued to fuck into him, but the pressure almost slowed me down. Then he relaxed, and I thought I saw in the faint light, streams of his cum, floating off in the water.

He lay back a little in the water as he further relaxed. That moved his butt so that my balls began trapping between our bodies as I thrust. That sensation was all I needed to put me over the edge. I came in him, in long relaxed strokes. "Ummmm," he said, "I can feel you squirting in me. It feels...good."

I stayed in him, and I walked us around in the water a while, him floating on his back, my arms locked under his waist supporting him, his legs around my hips, my dick in him.

We were both quiet, relaxing in the feel of the night, the water, and our bodies together. Eventually, I slipped out. Aaron stood up and gave me a hug and a good, long kiss. We got out.

We stayed naked while we dried, and mostly walked back to his house. We did very little talking. We held hands and let the water drying off our bodies cool us in the muggy night.

It was late, probably 2:00 AM when we reached his sleeping porch. We had never bothered putting our shorts back on. Once inside the porch, it was very dark. Aaron pulled me to him. We kissed and embraced and got a little hard. Then he stepped away and I heard him climb into his bed.

I started to move toward the bed I normally used, but then crawled in with Aaron. He rolled up on his side to give me room to get in, and I backed up to him, like spoons, my butt in his crotch. He put an arm around me and kissed the back of my neck. I felt him begin to get hard against my butt, and I smiled thinking that maybe I would get my turn to please Aaron.

Aaron knew about lube, and he was prepared.

I hope you enjoyed the story. As always, comments and suggestions are appreciated at (And no, the btom does not stand for bottom, though I can get in the mood.)

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