Night in the Novak

By Darren LeVanelle

Published on Jul 21, 2000


This is a work of fiction. The characters are fictional, this series is fictional, and so I don't need to worry about trampling on anybody's feet. However this story in no way implies anything about the sexuality of the characters on the show or the respective actors. I don't own these characters. I'm just borrowing them for a little adventure into my world. The WB Network and the creators of the series 'Popular' own them. This story revolves around the relationship of Harrison John, (My Favorite! Yum Yum!!!) And Josh Ford, (Also very yummy nummy if you know what I mean!) and I hope I don't do too much damage to them. If you are under the age of 18, or this type of material is illegal in your state/country, please desist now and head for So read on. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up! ***********************************************************************


This is the continuation from the previous chapter. Sorry to my few dedicated readers. I had a lot to do with work and all and my other story as well as the finale to this portion of the series. I hope you'll all like it and what I'm trying to do. These events take place during and after the episode 'All About Adam' with some obvious twists and such for my own amusement. Ok. Thank you's again!!!

Thanks to Mizz Pembroke, M, Brian, Mr. Apathie, Bubbles, Natasha, The Amazon Faerie (You know who you are), JM, and several of my fans that have written me including Matt V. (A response every time :) Thank you!) WILG (Hope your story comes out great!), Jerry (Thanks for your insight and comments), DeCrazy19, Closer1000, 'D', and Richard. Thank you all for your praise. I appreciate it all. Send commentary to please note change of address I will no longer be taking e-mail from the previous address. And please visit my page with more information on my stories and ideas at -----

Thank you to all the fans who have appreciated my work!!!


-DISTRACTION Part II- By Darren LeVanelle

"Is Mary Cherry retarded?" Adam asked the question so poignantly. The rest of the Glamazons had just headed out of the Novak after a minor confrontation with Brooke. She shook her head at the question.

"Sorry Adam. I thought they might go for it." Brooke stormed out of the Novak herself.

"It's quite all right 'Brookey'. I knew they wouldn't." With that Adam stood up and left the Novak himself. Noticing Brooke still trying to make a plea with the rest of the Glamazons, Adam took his exit easily without being noticed. "You haven't got a clue yet. But don't worry. It'll all be perfectly clear soon." A smile crossed his face. "Just not too soon."

Adam bounded down the hall with a hint of happiness in each step that he took.

"That guy gives me the creeps!" Harrison spoke to the group of friends gathered at the lunch table.

"Yeah I know what you mean." Josh responded sitting across the way. "And what's with all the black?" He turned towards Carmen. "Is he gay?"

"C'mon guys. He really wants to be a cheerleader. He's different and I think that's cool."

"What kind of guy wants to be a cheerleader?" Harrison shot Josh a glare.

"Y'know he told me that he once had a one-night thing with Queen Latifah!" Sugar Daddy added into the conversation. "I both fear and admire him!"

"That just exactly it. Why would Queen Latifah want him?" Harrison asked.

"As opposed to you." Lily shot back.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Josh joined Harrison's stare towards Lily.

"I just think that all you quivering male ego's are intimidated by him because he's different and secure with himself and I think you guys are just the tinniest bit jealous." Lily extrapolated.

"Jealous? As if!" Josh started up as he and Harrison and Carmen walked down the hall to 5th period together. "What the HELL do I need to be jealous about?"

"What's this all about?" Carmen asked Harrison in a hushed voice.

"I don't know Carm. He's been a little 'weird' today."

"I mean it's not like he's anything to be jealous about." Josh started to ramble off. "So he's Brooke's new friend. So what? He doesn't have my friends. He doesn't have anything I want. And most importantly," he turned to Harrison and added with a smile. "He doesn't have you Harrison." Harrison's face blushed over. He started to point to the side of him.

"What Harrison?" Josh asked.

"Um...did you forget that um...Carmen was walking with us to class today.

Josh turned and saw Carmen standing there with a shocked look on her face as she waved hesitantly. "Oops." He stated.

"I think 'Oops' is an understatement." Harrison turned around to face Carmen also.

"What the...what do you mean by that Josh?" Carmen asked.

"You up for another 5th period skip session Harrison?" Josh questioned his secretive companion.


"I think this'll take longer than the break period to explain."

"YOU'RE WHAT?" Carmen's voice almost screeched through the secluded section of the bleachers.

"Calm down will ya?" Josh asked as he sat beside Harrison. "I don't think you need to yell it to everybody."

"I can't believe this. I can't fucking believe this!" She shook her head from side to side, trying somehow to figure out this insanity as she saw it in her head. "Well then again I can. You know what they say about all the gorgeous guys. They're either taken or..."

"Gay." Harrison finished up the statement for her. "Don't tell me you're gonna pull a 'I can't believe you're a faggot Harrison' with me. I thought we were better friends than that."

"We are. What I don't understand is why you didn't tell me earlier." Her head snapped towards Josh. "And you. After everything we've been through. All those late day talks and confiding in me about Brooke and that slut Nicole. You never mentioned this."

"I didn't exactly know at the time. It just sort of...happened. I didn't plan this."

"Well at least now I know the reason why we never went out. You found out that you were playing on the wrong field." Carmen let the words ooze out of her dripping with sarcasm. "You at least could of told me the truth."

"I would have. But I needed some more time to figure it all out myself. I'm still not 100 percent confident about it all. But what I do know is that when I'm with him," he turned to face Harrison, "I don't feel like I have to act a certain way or portray a certain image of myself. I don't have to act the part of Josh Ford, star quarterback." He grasped a hold of his hand and added in. "I'm just Josh...his boyfriend."

"So you two are actually dating and all with official names now?" Carmen almost barked out. "Well you could have at least told me instead of just letting it slip out on accident. Damnit!" Carmen got up from the bleachers and started to walk away.

"Carmen!" Harrison yelled out towards her.

"Don't worry. I won't spill your little 'secret' guys." She said before turning back around to look at them. "I do what a good friend should." She turned back around and walked back towards campus."

"That didn't go exactly well." Harrison said. He gazed down into the stands, sort of gazing off into space. His mind was cluttered with everything that had been said. 'What am I doing this for?' he asked of himself.

"I'm sorry man. I..." Josh stuttered to find the words. "I...I just didn't want to screw anything up for us, or our friends."

"It's not your fault. This is the price we pay for keeping this a secret." Harrison got up and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Josh asked at him, rising from the bleachers and walking towards him.

"I just need some time to myself, that's all." He gave Josh a quick hug and headed off the field.

"Call me later?"

"Of course I will. It just might be later ok." Josh nodded at his boyfriend. With a sigh in his voice he turned back towards campus.

"Damn! DAMN DAMN DAMN DAMN...DAMN!" Mary Cherry slammed her fists into the table furious with rage. Before he lay the sacred text that would surely allow her to get the damn blips off her gaydar screen.

"Ah. What's the matter Mary Cherry?" Nicole asked from across the room that the Glamazons normally practiced their dance routines in. "Split ends again?" With that she examined her own hair.

"I have an appointment at 4:30." She quickly shot back. "And no Nic, it's the not the splits and frizzes that have me all whopped up today. I have read this book from cover to cover three times and I still haven't found anything to help out with this problem I'm having."

"You're hopeless." Nicole stated softly.

"And I suppose your late night Friday shop session dressed in poorly designed clothing to obscure your identity while browsing the racks of Ross Dress For Less is any better?" Mary Cherry barked at her.

"411 Mary Cherry," Nicole started up, "I have found 14 pairs of shoes, 5 dresses, one evening gown, and two sets of earrings that are of exceptional taste and style that you wouldn't be able to notice on a sunny day with 100 percent visibility and a good prescription job from LensCrafters."

"I saw the evening gown and tagged it when you wore it to the Sadie's Hawkins dance. The earrings I told you to throw away and I can't believe you're actually wearing that bracelet." Mary Cherry calmly explained. "It's so 80's!"

"That isn't the issue Mary. We need to start practicing so get your ass in gear or I'll have Sugar D come in her and give you a clutch adjustment." Nicole ordered her associate. "And where the hell is Poppy?"

Almost on cue, in a manner of speaking, Poppita bust through the door with her headset on and lightly singing "Waiting for tonight...oh oh ooo. When you would be here in my do do' and bouncing her head side to side.

"About time."

"What on earth are you talking about?" Poppy asked as she clutched her headphones from her head.

"You're almost 15 minutes late."

"Sorry I had a little run in with Adam earlier." Poppy started to shudder at the mere thought of him.

"What a coincident." Mary Cherry spewed forth. "I had a run in with him today in the Novak. And it was not a pleasant visit either."

"OK girls. What's up?" Nicole asked angrily.

"Nothing!" The two remaining Glamazons replied in unison.

"Fine then. Let's get going at this. This routine has to be finished within a week for the rally coming up." Mary Cherry and Poppy stared aimlessly around the room. "Pick up those pom-pom's, get in formation and move it ladies!" She finally screamed out.

Josh knocked on the front door of Harrison's house. A moment later the door opened.

"Good evening Josh." The woman said as she swung the door open. "C'mon in."

"Thanks Mrs. Harrison." He replied back formally.

"I think you know me well enough to call me Robin now. I hate formalities." She laughed a bit as Josh walked into the house. "Harrison is upstairs waiting for you. I'll see you boys in the morning." She turned around and headed into the kitchen.

He climbed the stairs and approached Harrison's room. He then gave a heavy knock on the door. Harrison could be heard from the other side of the door asking 'Who is it?' "It's me Harrison." Josh responded eagerly.

"It's about time." Harrison opened his bedroom door and looked out. Josh was standing there in his Varsity jacket with a backpack slung over his shoulder. "What's that for?"

"I thought I was staying the weekend. Is that a problem?" Josh asked almost in a confused state.

"No it's not." Josh walked on in and as soon as the door was shut Harrison added in "We need to talk."

"What do we need to talk about?"

"Us. I mean where are we going with this? I just have to know." Harrison paused as he sat on the bed next to Josh, who just sat there silently as he waited for Harrison to finish his thoughts. "Do I mean something to you or am I just better than a girlfriend cause we can communicate like real people instead of the wine and dine and romanticize structure of heterosexual relationships?"

"Where is all of this coming from?" Josh asked quickly.

"I'm being serious Josh. I know it's only been two weeks since we started 'dating', if that's what you want to call it, but after everything you said to Carmen the other day I just can't get those words out of my head." Harrison drew in a breath and made a silly face as he tried to imitate Josh's voice. "I'm still not 100 percent confident about all of this.' Do you know how that made me feel?" He glared over at him. "Do you know how small I felt when you said that? Sure everything else you said was so...sweet a...a...and touching but all I can think about is that sentence and what it did to my security in this whole relationship! I thought you were sure about us." He paused again as Josh sat silently waiting. "I thought you said for once it felt like you were doing something right. When did that change?" Josh gazed lazily at the floor, his eyes unfocused but his ears attuned to everything his boyfriend was saying. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yeah..." Josh pulled his eyes up from the floor. "I'm listening. I heard everything. I'm not stupid."

"I wasn't saying you are." Harrison threw in quickly. "But for once I want you to tell me," He grasped a hold of Josh's hand tenderly, "Honestly, the truth and nothing else what you're feeling. I can handle the truth Josh. I'm a big boy. If you want this to be over just tell me!"

"I don't want us to be over!" Josh practically barked back. He let out a gasp and clutched his hands to his face, letting his fingers trace down his cheeks. "Do you know how confused I've been feeling lately? Do you..." He stopped himself in the middle of the sentence. He looked over at Harrison, a look of concern plastered on his face, and thought about how much of a fool he could have made himself out to be. "I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that." A sigh escaped his lips again. "That...that is how I would normally react to Brooke and you're not Brooke. Do you want to hear all of it?"

"Yes Josh. I do." Harrison said calmly, a slight hint of fear in his voice. 'Here comes the truth're gonna lose him.'

"The reason I said all of that to Carmen was because that's really how I'm feeling. This whole...change...y'know, of being with girls and then being with a guy is so alien to me. I feel so right when I'm with you but it still didn't make any sense. I don't feel all that different I just feel...comfortable with you. I don't have to hold back."

"But you have been..."

"Can't you just let me finish?" Josh asked kindly as he held Harrison's hand in his own.

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

"You see what I've been thinking about these past few days is gonna really sound bad cause I know how I would take it. But I've figured out what's been bugging me so much lately." He paused to collect his cool before stating, "I'm not gay Harrison."

Harrison's head snapped to attention and then directly at Josh as soon as his brain had registered the comment. "WHAT?!?"

"I'm not gay." Josh stated again.

"B...b...but these past few weeks. The kissing, the hugging, the...the...the sex!" Harrison stumbled through his words. "The roses and dinner and staying over at my house?" He barked out quickly and in uncertainty.

"Harrison." He placed his hands gently on his boyfriend's. "Do you remember that kinda strange gothic senior last year?"

"Um...oh yeah! Natasha Paige."

"That's her."

"Well what about her?"

"A few times last year we would be sitting in World History class together when we had subs and she'd just start talking to me. She also was bisexual."

"Really? You mean the fishnet stockings and the bustier tops didn't imply something strange about her."

"This is important." Harrison just nodded and let him continue what he was saying. "We had a few interesting conversations. This one day she just flat out asked me if I ever thought of guys in a manner other than friendship. I told her no. She just laughed and told me that someday, and probably someday soon, well actually she said during MY sophomore year, that would change. She told me that everyone at one point in their life or another would develop feelings for someone of the same sex. That they would normally only develop these kind of emotions for someone that they truly cared about in a more than friendly manner."

"So what does this have to do with you?" Harrison asked as he interrupted him. "And what does this have to do with us?"

"Remember when I told you that I was just starting to realize that I really liked you too. Well you are that one." Harrison shot his eyes right at Josh. "I'm straight Harrison but you are that one guy, the only guy that I will ever be able to share something intimate with. I don't know why I feel this way but since we started dating I realize that I don't even pay attention to other guys. I never have. But there was always something about you that made you interesting to me in a more than friendly way and that's probably the reason why I never tried to get close to you. I was afraid this would happen. I didn't want to admit to myself that I could possibly have feelings for another guy. It scared me."

"So is this the part where you break up with me?" Harrison asked in a monotone voice without even looking over at him.

"Do you really think that I would come over here with my stuff for the weekend if I was gonna break up with you?" Josh kept his eyes fixated on Harrison's face. He didn't budge or flinch so Josh didn't say another word. The time passed by slowly and finally Harrison turned around and looked Josh in the eyes. "You said you wanted to know what I'm feeling. Well this is it. If it was any other guy locked in the Novak with me that night it would have never turned out like this. I share something with you that I've never been able to share with anyone. That's why I keep coming over here and back to you. I WANT this to work and something inside me tells me that you are the one. Not just the one guy..." He caught his breath and uttered out to his own amazement, "But the one...period!"

"What are you trying to tell me Josh?" Harrison almost started to sob out.

"What I want to tell you I can't say yet. But maybe someday I will." He pulled Harrison over towards him and kissed the brunette softly and gently on the lips. "Don't cry. You're not losing me." The two embraced each other tenderly. Harrison savored the moments he shared with Josh like this. The romance, the intimacy, the private memories that he would carry for life. Josh had other plans, as he always did, as he began to tug Harrison's t-shirt off of his body.

"What are you doing?" He asked as Josh pulled the garment over his head.

"I owe you for being so patient with me these past few weeks." With that Josh started to remove his jacket and unbutton his shirt. As the garment dropped to the floor he noticed Harrison looking over at him perplexed. "Did you not want to do anything?" He asked nervously.

"No. It's not that." Harrison quickly retorted. "It's...a little unexpected."

"How so?" He questioned bringing his lips to the boys neck and softly sucking at his sweet flesh. "You still think..." he muttered while licking the side of Harrison's ear lobes. "I'm just the horny..." continuing with his tongue lazily creeping down the back of his neck. "Little straight guy?" as he gently swirled his lips around Harrison's erect nipples. He shuddered at the sensations that went through his body, the reflexive action to Josh's touch.

"Before I just thought it..." Harrison responded playfully. "Now I know it's true." That elicited a giggle from Josh who went back to seducing the young brunettes body. ""

"What?" Josh asked quickly at the words he had just heard.

"Nothing. It just feels so good." Josh smiled at his boyfriends comment and brought his hand down to Harrison's zipper. He gave it a tug and helped him out of his pants.

"If you think that feels good..." He trailed off as he pushed his hand behind the elastic waistband of Harrison's boxers. "...You're gonna go wild over this." He pulled teasingly at Harrison's semi-hard cock and began to stroke it lightly. Harrison responded with a soft moan at the man's touch. "Oh yeah. You like that!" Harrison shut his eyes as Josh pulled his slacks off with one hand, the other one still beating the dick it held in its fingers. He dropped to his knees beside the bed and gazed up at Harrison, his eyes still shut firmly, his body quivering with anticipation.

"You're pretty good for a straight boy." Harrison's eyes popped open suddenly as he grinned childishly down at Josh.

"It get's better." Josh released his hold on the stiff member and let his hand slide back out from underneath the cotton mesh.

"You take your hand out and it gets better?" Harrison asked shutting his eyes again.

"Just enjoy." Josh stopped speaking as he pulled the enlarged organ out of the fly. Even though he'd only seen Harrison's dick fully erect twice before he always was fascinated by it. The shape, the texture, its rigid feel, down to the veins that protruded from the underside of it and its magnificent length which he appreciated and envied at the same time. Harrison was a hung young man, that much was certain. And no matter how much he might have said he wasn't gay, just looking at the erect cock sticking out of his boxers gave him a hard-on from hell. But Josh wasn't worried about his own sexual satisfaction tonight. He had already planned to give Harrison a servicing he would not soon forget.

Josh brought his lips within an inch of the head. He opened his mouth slowly and let his lips drape over the warm mushroom shape, letting his tongue slowly swirl around the head. He got a small taste of pre-cum on his lips. Harrison was also an incessant cummer too. Not that he was minding. Josh pulled back from the head until the tip was barely connected to his lips and then slowly engulfed the prick into his mouth. He then repeated the actions, taking his time to savor the feel of Harrison connected inside his own body. The dick was pulsating inside his mouth, a sensation that Josh liked to feel. It was just a friendly reminder of how good he made Harrison feel.

Harrison was moaning fairly quickly now and Josh didn't want it to end so soon. He made a final descent on Harrison and pulled his mouth off of him. Reaching his hands up to the waistband, Josh tugged down on the boxers. There was some resistance, as Harrison was still sitting on the bed. So he decided to make it easier for Josh and he stood up. Josh continued to pull the underwear downward but there was still some difficulty in the form of Harrison's rather hard dick popping out of the fly. He determined to have some fun with that and slowly pulled the boxers down, the fly clutching against Harrison's enlarged organ, but he continued with his plan. Just as the pain was about to register in Harrison, Josh had the boxers pulled past his knees, letting the hard dick flop back onto Harrison's belly with a resounding slap. Josh was surprised to find himself even more erect from the sight he had just witnessed and opened his mouth to go back down on the gorgeous sex tool.

"Oh GOD Josh!" Harrison almost screamed out while Josh took the entire length of his cock inside his mouth. He let his lips tighten around the base and slurped up to the tip quickly, then dropped back down so that his nose was buried in Harrison's pubic hair. Harrison let his hands roam down his bare chest and let them rest on Josh's shoulders. He brought one of his hands under Josh's chin and pulled his gaze upward. Josh continued working up and down on the enlarged prick in his mouth as he stared into his boyfriend's eyes. "You make me feel so good. Oh god." He stuttered out uncontrollably with Josh furiously blowing him, his eyes locked into his lovers, succulently servicing his man. "Oh yeah baby," Harrison continued to murmur out without thinking, "Yeah. C'mon suck that dick!" Josh stopped for a second as he heard the words. "Oh shit!" Harrison stuttered out when he recognized what he had just said.

Josh let the rod flop out of his mouth and started to get up to look at his boyfriend. "I'm sorry Josh." Harrison started to explain to him. "I am SORRY! I...I didn't mean to say..." He was cut off when Josh's tongue was forcefully shoved down his throat. Josh passionately kissed the man for a few moments before pulling back from his act.

"Sorry 'bout that."

"What was that about?" Harrison inquired. Before Josh could respond he continued. "I'm sorry about telling you to suck me off. I shouldn't have said that."

"Actually you told me to 'Suck that dick' but it's ok." Josh licked his lips and placed them on the side of his neck as he mumbled out, making a trail of saliva down the boy's body. "It actually turns me on a lot."

"Oh really?" Harrison asked, a devious smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah." Those were the last words he said before going back to work on him.

"C'mon Josh." Harrison started to speak out in a lower, huskier voice. "Yeah suck it baby." He licked his lips while Josh continued to service his dick. "Suck my dick. Oh yeah." His words trailed off into mumbles as he got close to cumming again. Josh knew he was getting there quickly and placed his hands on Harrison's ass, pulling him deeper into his throat. Harrison shuddered and then asked him. "What'r you doin'?"

Josh pulled off of him for just a moment, and then said forcefully "I want you to fuck my mouth." and then went back down on him. Harrison obliged and started to push his hips forward, faster. It was in no time at all before he shot his thick load of cum volleying down Josh's throat, who swallowed every last drop with his eyes gazing upward and locking into Harrison's.

Josh continued to suckle on his penis, savoring every bit of Harrison's seed in his mouth. As he went limp Josh let the semi-hard member slip out of his mouth. He kept his eyes on him as he rose to his feet, the gaze never flinching. When he was finally at eye level with him he smiled. "I still love seeing the look on your face when you cum." He pinched his cheeks lovingly. "You just look so cute."

Harrison felt the stiffness of Josh's erection poking at his still half-hard cock and groin. He let his hand wander to grab Josh and feel his rigid manhood. Josh gave a joking stare to him and drudgingly pulled his hand away from his cock. "Now now there. I told you I owed you one and I intend for this to be a good servicing session for you. I want to make your whole body feel good. Don't worry about me." Josh got back on his knees and started to knead at his ass, cupping the firm small cheeks in his palms, massaging them tenderly. He brought his head below the nut-sack and let his tongue roam into unfamiliar territory as he explored Harrison's 'other' side and started giving him a little rimjob.

"But what if part of what makes me feel good is making you feel good?" He asked Josh.

"You have to wait till I make you cum a second time first." Josh responded happily, a smirk crossing his boyish face as he went back to work.

"Fine by me...but we don't have all night." He leaned down and placed a kiss on Josh's forehead. Josh then went back to it, drowned in the scent of Harrison's clean (And recently showered) ass while he elicited moans from him.


They were cuddled up closely together in Harrison's bed. Josh was almost completely dozed off, his arms draped over the brunette, but something was still on Harrison's mind. One last question he had to ask.

"Hey Josh?" he asked slightly shaking the teens muscular form from behind.

"What is it?" His voice sounded groggy.

"If you're not gay," he spoke out almost sarcastically, "Then why do you enjoy having sex with me so much?"

Josh turned Harrison around so he could face him. "Let me ask you this." He said with resolve in his voice. "If you were in a relationship with someone, whether there was an initial sexual attraction to them or not, wouldn't this kind of intimacy be a natural part of it. I mean wouldn't you eventually want to explore the body of the person you cared for?"

"Well yeah." Harrison said, with that ever so present slight chuckle in his voice. "But I've never been in a relationship before."

"Take it from me. It wasn't that I just wanted to jump in the sack with you. These feelings have been around for awhile."

"But we weren't even in this relationship that night." Harrison countered.

"I know. I know. But there was something about you. I guess it's a comfort level kind of thing. After we kissed I just, I don't know..." Josh trailed off as he let out a little more about his own feelings then he wanted Harrison knowing yet. "I just felt...connected to you...somehow, like it was serious...meant to be. My heart fluttered from your touch and your taste on my lips. It was like I was looking through you, not at you, but like I could see you...your soul."

"That's pretty deep Josh. Why didn't you tell me this before?"

"I wanted to feel secure about 'us'. I want this to be perfect or at least as close as possible."

Harrison turned back around and snuggled back comfortably into his arms. "It's already pretty damn close." He mumbled softly before sleep took over both their forms.

"Well Mary Cherry. You look positively stunning this morning." Nicole made her observations as Mary Cherry walked into the cafeteria wearing a sparkling blue dress that looked like a cross between some high priced designer dress and casual wear.

"Thanks Nic. I just feel like a million bucks this morning. That was the best night of sleep I've had since I was prescribed Vicadin for my reconstructive oral surgery." Her southern accent was in full drawl, complete with its usual nuances and accents.

"Must be because we busted that rat Adam in his tracks." Poppita added into the conversation, speaking of the recent revelation that Adam was trying to get Brooke out of Kennedy High and into a pretzel tiara, only to be uncovered and undone between a joint venture of the popular and alternative crowds.

"Actually that's not the only good news."

"Explain!" Nicole demanded with intense curiosity.

"Well a couple of nights ago those annoying blips disappeared all together."

"Hold up." Nicole said, interrupting her elaboration. "A week ago you were talking about hunting down faggots and making them suffer a horrible and painful demise and now the 'blips' are gone and you're just happy about it!" She snapped her head in Mary Cherry's face and added. "Just what kind of bitch are you anyways?"

"Hold on just a second Mizz Julian before you bust out of that brazier you're wearing. You see after the blipping stopped curiosity got the better of me so I did a little more research in my sacred text. As it turns out if the blips are that strong and then disappear out of the blue like that it means one of two things. Either that A, all parties involved in the blipping scenario have died..."

"Or???" Nicole shouted out.

"Or the parties involved have found true happiness." Mary Cherry gasped out dramatically. "I know. It sounds so Melrose Place 90210 but I'm just glad the blips are gone."

"I've had enough of these damn blips. Whatever brought the end of it, good riddance." Nicoel blurted out furiously.

"That's right. I back the sister up on this one." Poppy added in.

"O'well" Mary Cherry said. "I need to get going soon. I have a noon appointment with Mama Cherry and we're gonna look for a new car and matching shoes." She picked up her purse and waltzed away. "Bye y'all!"

Harrison and Josh were walking to fifth period together when a shaved teen boy abruptly stopped them.

"You know if you two were any more obvious the rest of the Glamazons would have spotted this sordid love affair of yours over a week ago." The teen grinned mischievously.

"What the hell are you talking about Adam?" Josh started up angered.

"You can drop the charade around me Mr. Ford." Adam looked over at Harrison. "I'd ask you to also Mr. John but there's no way I could ever bring myself to ask such a thing to a," he paused, "'Hottie' such as yourself." He looked back over at Josh. "You're lucky I'm not a home wrecker or I would have gone after him a while ago. How can you resist that cute little ass, that finely chiseled boyish face and extraordinarily beautiful brows that accent his eyes in all the right ways." He giggled at their facial expressions. "I bet you don't resist do you Josh? Anyways don't look too shocked."

"How the hell did you know?" Harrison asked.

"I can pick out a fag with 99 percent accuracy within a 100 yard radius. Call it a gift. In fact that's what that whole little mess with Brooke and Sam and company was all really about."

"WHAT?" they both shouted out in unison.

"Mary Cherry was becoming increasingly aware of some fags on campus. And you two were being way too obvious in some ways. If I didn't distract them for the week or so that I did you two might have been discovered. And I know how much the football quarterback would quickly drop from the ranks of the social elite when word gets out he's playing playmate to one of the social nobody's. No offense Harrison."

"Why would you do that?" Josh questioned him. "You don't even know us."

"I know. But I know that look between you two." Josh and Harrison took a moment to look at each other. "Two completely different people from two completely different worlds. A budding relationship. You two have the words 'Gay Romance Novel' written across your foreheads and that's something special. I was giving you guys time to reflect and think and not have to worry about bitches investigating your sexual preferences or sexuality for the time being." Josh shuddered in his shoes at the young man's insight into his character having only been here for one episode. "And contrary to popular belief not all of us are out to just hook up with the man just cause he's fine. You two share something and you needed the break from the spotlight whether you realized it or not." He turned around and walked down the hallway. "I might see you two later, hopefully. This school is a mighty big place and you can get lost in it sometimes. Just don't forget each other."

Josh and Harrison cast each other curious gazes before they were alarmed by the sound of the bell ringing through the hallways.

"Looks like we're late to class again." Harrison said tentatively as his hand unconsciously reached over towards Josh.

"I can handle being late." Josh's hand also reached over as their hands met and grasped around each other's fingers. They walked down the empty hallway hand in hand, not knowing what would happen tomorrow but that they would face it...together.


*********************************************************************** Sorry about the long wait for those of you trying to keep up with my story. I'm currently working on other part's of this story arc as well as two other series, so keep your eye's peeled for more announcements and such. As always I love feedback so drop me a line at my NEW e-mail address and please note that I will no longer respond to e-mail's from my previous address. The next chapter might not be out for about three weeks but I PROMISE that it will be worth the wait. So I hope to hear from all of you soon. BYE! ***********************************************************************

NEXT CHAPTER!!! It's POPULAR like you've never seen it before. The Season Finale in a whole new light. Be here in three weeks to see the final conclusion to A Night In The Novak and the beginning of a new era for the boys and girls of the WB's...P O P U L A R !!!

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