Night in the Novak

By Darren LeVanelle

Published on Jun 8, 2000


This is a work of fiction. The characters are fictional, this series is fictional, so I don't need to worry about trampling on anybody's feet. However this story in no implies anything about the sexuality of the characters on the show or the respective actors. I don't own these characters. I'm just borrowing them for a little adventure into my world. They are owned by the WB Network and the creators of the series 'Popular'. This story involves a relationship between Harrison John,(My Favorite! Yum Yum!!!)and Josh Ford,(Also very yummy nummy if you know what I mean!)and I hope I don't do too much damage to them. If you are under the age of 18, or this type of material is illegal in your state/country, please desist now and head for So read on. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up! ***********************************************************************


OK! So I lied, big deal. This isn't a one-shot after all. Several readers came back with some very positive comments and remarks and one even made me blush when he described my writing talent. Thank you to all of you who read the story and sent in your responses. I appreciate all of them. To those who read the first installment and didn't e-mail me, shame on you. I even like to hear criticism ok? Send all responses to ok! This chapter kinda picks up where the last one left off. Forgive any continuity problems with the show. I'm not following that timeline. So now that I have all the formal stuff out of the way there are some people I'd like to thank.

Mizz Pembroke thanks for the Beta Reading and the comments and praise. You know I wrote it cause of you silly Bitch. My slash master, the bitch of no end and my loving husband, M, thank you for all those constant late night slash sessions and reading me 'The Horror, The Horror' while I was sick and in the tub. I would've never traveled to the slash universe if not for you. To Brian, thanks for the late night discussions and inspiration. To all my friends out there, thank you for the support and the shoulder to lean on. Ok. On to the story!


-SUNRISE- By Darren LeVanelle

'Sam McPherson'

You'd think I would have been shocked. But for some reason I really wasn't. Not like I had any idea that Harrison was gay. Or that his first experience would be with Brooke's ex-boyfriend Josh. I mean, I should have been shitting egg rolls or something...but I wasn't. And that kinda scared me. And very few things scare me nowadays.

You'd also think that unlocking the door to the guestroom to make sure the two of them were awake and catching them making out garbed in only boxer shorts would gross me out or make me scream. Same effect, nothing. I stood there and looked at them, completely from a journalistic point of view, and found them intriguing.

Neither of them noticed me unlocking the door. When I swung it open, neither of them flinched a bit. I had to clear my throat three times, THREE TIMES, to finally catch their attention.

"Sam!!!" they both cried out at me together. Damn. Already joined at the hip too. This should get real interesting real fast.

"Hi guys!" I chirped out, not trying to sound too smug mind you. In fact I wasn't feeling smug. It wasn't like I was trying to catch them in the act. It just sort of...happened. "Having a good morning I see?" They looked at each other as if trying to search for the words to say to me. Damnit. Who do they think I am? Nicole? Mary Cherry? I deserve better than this. I am far from a gossip queen or a clone of one of those two bleached blond bitches. Try saying that five times fast.

"Yeah." That was Harrison trying to look innocent. Please. If I was shacked up in a bedroom with Josh Ford for the night I know for a FACT that sleep wouldn't be happening at all. "I thought the door was locked?"

"It was. I have a key to the room. Well, actually mom does but I took it out of the drawer just in case Brooke got curious." They both issued a sigh of relief at my comment. Damn these two were on edge.

"Is she up yet?" And then there was Josh. Just broke up with Brooke about two weeks ago, been talking to Carmen apparently ever since, fucked Nicole, was my date to the Sadie Hawkins dance and tried to get frisky with me that night and then tried to get frisky with Brooke later. The boy had HOE written all over him as far as I was concerned and I know Harrison knew about that conversation. I'm sure the two of them chatted quite a bit in there before doing anything like that. Um...whatever that was anyways. I really don't want to speculate.

"Yeah. She's in the shower right now. You two better start getting ready soon. I'll meet you two downstairs in about 45 minutes." Then I left the room. I mean, what business is it of mine to inquire about their personal lives. I'm Harrison's friend first, and I'm not all too positive about the sincerity of Josh in this matter but I really don't have a choice. It's obvious that it's gonna happen whether I like it or not. So I dealt with it...and I was happy for Harrison. Another strange thing. O'well. I walked back into my room and waited for Brooke to get out of the shower. Damn she took forever. Before long she was out of the bathroom and I headed in. I just know this is going to be an interesting day.

'Brooke McQueen'

I realize that I asked Sam to go get Josh and Harrison out of the Novak last night because I just couldn't let Josh stay there the whole damn time. As much as he's pissed me off these past few days, and even more after last nights 'Girl Talk' I still love him. But seeing him and Harrison walking down the stairs together yapping their heads off and acting all chummy chummy was just awkward. Those two hardly spoke a word to each other daily, much less any lengthy conversations. But the two of them just kept talking and talking and talking and talking and...ARGH...this is driving me nuts. What the hell could have happened in a few hours?

"Morning Josh." I said softly, plastering that sweet innocent smile on my face. He just sort of nodded in my direction and then picked up on his conversation with Harrison. Bunk! He just totally blew me off like nothing. You'd think that since I was being nice enough to say good morning and all, not looking pissed off or anything, especially after all the shit I found out about last night, he'd show me a little gratitude. Instead it's and A-B conversation between him and Harrison and I seem to be C'ing my way out of it without trying. Talk about upsetting to a girls' ego.

Then there was Sam. I can't thank her enough for what she did for me last night. We're not exactly close and that's how I'd like it to stay. But she can be a sweetheart at times, even if we don't get along 99% of the time. She rounded the bottom of the stairs with a huge smile on her face. I wonder what that's all about. She looked over at Josh and Harrison, then turned to look at me. "It's such a beautiful morning. Don't you think so Brooke?" Ok. Hold up. I know that tone of voice. Sam usually gets it when she's either up to something or knows something I don't but should. Now I'm worried.

"Yeah. It's a beautiful day." I responded easily to cover up my uncertainty. I look over at Josh again and smile. He almost responds this time, sort of smiling a little back at me. But then Harrison starts to say something and the smile goes to him. That little bitch! Listen to me! I'm getting jealous over a man, a definitive 'geek' on campus who seems to have become Josh's close friend after their night together. I must have some nerve. Maybe the PMS hasn't quite worn off yet. "Excuse me. I need to use the restroom. I'll be back in a little bit." I left the table and headed upstairs to the bathroom. Hopefully Sam didn't take all of the Midol. I could use some right about now.

Thank the LORD there was one pill left. Now if it would just last me till Lunchtime I'm sure I could get one off of Nicole. Lord knows from now on she's bound to keep a bottle full of them in her purse at all times. I swallowed the pill and came rushing back down the stairs, hoping maybe Josh and I could talk a little bit before we could leave. Hmm. That's strange. They weren't in the dining room. From the sound of it, it seemed like Sam was warming up the car. Damn. There went any private time I might have had until school. Well maybe we could talk in the car on the way there. After all Sam was bound to have Harrison riding shotgun. He always did. As I headed into the living room I stopped dead in my tracks. Josh and Har...Har...Harrison were just inches from each others face and they looked like they were going to...kiss! Wait Brooke! Calm down. Breathe...exhale...Ok! That's a little better. My mind must still be recovering I mean there's no way they could have been ready to kiss. Neither of them seemed to notice me and they were kind of talking. Maybe a little lower that earlier but they were saying things to each other. I just couldn't make out the words.

Well I collected my wits and walked proudly into the living room. I can't believe I almost let myself think that. After all, Josh did have sex with me! Oh yeah, and that bitch Nicole. Maybe Carmen. Who knows for sure? He couldn't have. They're just friends Brooke. Yeah. Just friends. I made my presence known. They both said hi to me, actually in a friendly tone of voice for once and we headed out to the car. Maybe I'd get my quiet time with Josh after all.

Well surprise, surprise again. Harrison hopped in the back seat with Josh hot on his tail. I shouldn't be so shocked. After how all the girls, myself included, treated him yesterday nothing should be astonishing. He made a new friend, so what? With that idea tossed out the window by my ex-boyfriend I started to debate whether or not I should actually speak to that skank Nicole. She was supposed to be my friend and instead she betrayed my trust. Well two can play at this little game. I'll speak to her...later. And after I get her back as a friend I'll bide my time and wait for the perfect time to stab her in the back. Sounds like a plan.

'Harrison John'

This has got to be the strangest 24 hours of my life. I could have never imagined that I would be sitting next to Josh Ford in the back of Sam's car riding to school after discovering that we both have 'something' for each other. Sam, stop looking back here. She probably thinks I don't notice her peering into the rear view mirror every so often to see what's going on back here. Well guess what Sam? I've caught you. I pulled my middle finger up to my lips and made a small gesture at her. Yep. She noticed. I know that face. Sorry Sam. I do trust you and all and I know you're looking out for me but let me have this. Please?

Josh seems to have been sincere so far. He's been talking to me all morning long. Not to mention the wake up kiss he gave me. Now that was a shock! But Sam opening the door in the middle of it was not my idea of good. And speaking of surprises Josh keeps surprising me more and more every minute. First the good morning kiss. Then, he wanted me to shower with him. That was very nice. We didn't even do anything other than a kiss here and there and THAT I liked. Hmm. I guess he's not a hoe after all. And the hug before we left the room was nice too. I just hope this lasts past today.

Ever since we got in the car Josh has been pretty quiet. And Brooke...she's just gazing out into nowhere through the window. Knowing her she's probably upset that Josh hasn't really said more than two words to her all morning. Well too bad Brookie! For once the attention's not on you and it's driving you crazy isn't it. Yeah, it is. Well Sam finally gave up on trying to 'spy' on us. She's just driving now. Good.

How sweet. I felt a tug on my hand and looked over to see Josh staring at me with this huge grin. I gazed down and he was holding my hand. Now, don't get me wrong here cause I'm so deliriously happy that he's not afraid to show me all this attention and affection and all BUT I know he can't be like this every minute of the day. He's popular. Everybody knows him, he's the school's star quarterback, GORGEOUS, and to top it all off he's gay, I think, and he's probably gonna keep that hidden. I know it. Being a fag isn't something that goes hand in hand with the Jock crowd. And as much as I'd like him to be open about it now that we're boyfriends I don't want to see him and his reputation crushed. He did say he wanted time and I'm willing to give it to him. But how much time will he need? And how long can I expect this to really last? Yesterday we weren't even friends. And all because of a little mutual blowjob session he wants to be my man?!? Yes Harrison. It was more than just a blowjob. God!

The way he whispered my name. His hand caressing the back on my neck. The look on his face when I took all of him inside my...


Ok I need to stop thinking about that unless I wanna spring a woody in front of him and possibly embarrass myself in front of Sam and Brooke. Not that I give a rats ass about Brooke but I have a reputation and all too. And the entire student body finding out about me getting hard in the back seat holding hands with Josh is not a good way to jump start the day.

"Thank you." It was Josh. He whispered it into my ear very softly. I hardly heard it.

"For what?" I asked. I was seriously lost. Thank you? What the hell did I do?

"Just because." He smiled at me. That same killer smile I saw last night and woke up to. Good lord. How the hell am I going to survive a day on campus if I can't survive a trip to school in the car. Damn this was going to be a long day. I threw my head back on the seat, which caused Josh to give me this weird look. I must have hit the seat pretty hard cause both Sam and Brooke shot around and stared at me. Luckily Josh let go of my hand before they turned around to face me.

"You alright Harrison?" Brooke asked. Well. I guess when I have your man I'm worthy of your attention.

"What was that about?" It was Sam asking this time. Both of them at the same time? I hope I wasn't being that obvious.

"Nothing. I'm just kinda tired that's all." And god Damnit I was. We got, maybe, four hours of uninterrupted sleep before the alarm jolted us awake at 6:45 this morning. If I wasn't waking up next to the man who currently sat beside me I would have been a real bitch. But that kiss made all the difference. The girls turned back around and the trip to school continued. If this day went by any slower or any more grueling I would be a wreck by the time school got out.

'Josh Ford'

Well, we finally made it. Back at good old Kennedy High. Yay! As soon as we parked I bolted out the door with a firm grasp on Harrison's hand so he wouldn't lag behind. He's been making the weirdest faces ever since this morning. I can just picture what Sam and Brooke look like right now, seeing the two of us running off like girlfriends ready to gossip in the bathroom while we powder our noses. Well, we were in a bathroom but powdering our noses never came about. Something much better did. And he's not my girlfriend...he's my boyfriend. That feels so weird saying that. I suppose I'll get over it someday. And that makes me wonder.

I can't help but feel like I'm a totally different person than who I was just yesterday morning. It's like I'm seeing everything around me through a newborn's eyes. Everything is brand new and exciting. I don't know what to expect or where I'll be going. I peer over my shoulder and give Harrison a smile. He smiles back at me sweetly. I just don't know where this all came from. I know that him giving me a blowjob didn't make me want to be with him. And it didn't make me gay. I don't think it's that at all. I hope that's not what he's thinking. There has to be doubt inside him somewhere. But I'm just hoping, praying, that he noticed everything last night and today. It wasn't just a horny thing. If it was I wouldn't have kissed him and held him and I certainly wouldn't have returned the favor. A horny straight guy never would have, ahem literally, got down on his knees to please another guy. I mean, that just couldn't happen. So I'm thinking that I must've felt this way about him, somewhere inside, for quite some time. Maybe that's why I never got along with him that well before. Well, it's pointless to try and analyze everything. All I know is that for once I feel like I'm doing the right thing. His touch feels right. His kiss feels right. And waking up to him in the morning was the best feeling I've ever experienced in my life! So c'mon Josh. Don't screw this one up too.

I can't help but feel sorry for Brooke. She seems to have been trying to get my attention all morning long. C'mon. Did you think I was ignoring her unintentionally? She's done nothing but use me to boost her popularity. When I tried out for the play and landed the lead role she went crazy on me, like it was the end of the world. All I wanted her, and my father, to understand was that I'm my own person and I do what makes me happy, not them. Well Brooke, maybe this will get it through that thick skull of yours. Sorry but we had our chance and all you could think of was yourself 90 percent of the time. 10 percent of unselfishness doesn't help a relationship. At least I know where I'm headed with Harrison here. He doesn't want popularity. He doesn't think 'Me Me Me' all the time. He doesn't want the spotlight on him. He just wants to be himself and enjoy the life he has. So what if it means isolation from the majority of those around him. He says in the face of adversity, Fuck You! And he doesn't look back. Maybe that's why I'm falling in love him.

Wait. Did I just say that?

We rounded the corner in the hallway and headed into the cafeteria. He looks relieved that I let go of his hand finally. But I had to get a kiss in before first period. "Follow me," I said to him going into the east-wing men's bathroom.

"Not another bathroom!" he pouted in response to me. That actually was pretty funny. But I understood, at least I thought I did, what he was trying to say.

"Don't worry Harrison. This won't be an everyday thing." And then I pulled him into my body and gave him a long passionate kiss. He must have been pretty excited given the bulge I felt on my leg after a few seconds. Not that I'm complaining or anything. This was definitely a weird thing, since I never had to pull someone inside a bathroom before in order to get a kiss in before school or in-between classes. I just needed a little time to figure out how to handle all of this. It hasn't even been 24 hours yet for pity's sake. And I was in unfamiliar territory.

After a little while we left the bathroom. I had to make sure than my hair wasn't too ruffled from the little experience we just had. I had to be myself so I walked Harrison to class and told him I'd see him at lunch.

"Are you sure about that?" I really didn't get why he questioned what I said.

"Yeah I'm sure. You mean something to me and I wanna spend time with you while I can so I'll see you then ok?" He just nodded his head at me and went inside. I felt a little strange after that but I didn't know what to do about it. This wasn't the game I've been playing for a long time but, Damnit, I was gonna play it right.

'Lily Esposito'

Great. School again. More ridicule. More homework. More stupid bitches that I can't stand seeing. I'm so tired of having to see those three hoes together in one room which is why I HATE biology so much. Ok, so Miss Glass is another reason to hate bio. Yeah, and the fact that dissection is totally against my belief system. Well nothing could be worse than yesterday. If I ever get locked in the Novak with those three again I think I'd rather die than talk to them. Note to self, never spill secrets about your questioning sexual preference when your friend will freak out when you talk about it. I think Harrison would have flipped if I told him what happened afterwards.

Speaking of which he's been rather happy looking all day. Usually he just does his work in the same manner every day. But there's something, I dunno, different about him today. It's like he's chipper and peppy and looking so...satisfied. I wonder what the hell is going on. He keeps looking over at Josh, lord knows why, and Sam a lot. And there's the occasional glare in Brooke's direction today. This is a different kind of glare though. Usually it's the 'I want you SOOOOOOOO badly Ms. Brooke McQueen I desire you' glare. Now it's more of a 'Die you fucking Bitch' glare, which is fine by me, cause after all I can't stand the skank but Harrison has been chasing her for years. What suddenly changed his demeanor? I guess I'll find out later.

Ok. I think I have it at least partially figured out. Nicole is not looking too happy and there are words being spread across the room. It seems that our beloved head whore locked Josh and Harrison in the Novak last night and left them there to rot for the night. But our fair maiden Sam went to their rescue with Brooke in her stead. Pretty juicy gossip this morning. So it looks like Nicole is not at all happy with the rescue last night. Actually it happened this morning. But who's bothering with the details. Damn. Word travels fast in this class when all of the 'crowds' are gathered in one room.

"Is there a problem Miss Esposito?" Miss Glass barked at me all of a sudden. I didn't realize I almost started a heated conversation with one of my classmates over what she knew about it all.

"No Miss Glass. I was just discussing some studying issues with May here." She raised her nose in the air. You know, that arrogant you can't pull one over on me look and started to walk my way.

"I realize that you just can't live without that juicy morning gossip session Ms. Esposito, but some of my students are actually trying to get some lab work done. So turn the volume down just a notch before you continue with your issues," she stated at me with her nose pointed towards the ceiling. God I'd love to just beat her fat ass. "Or I'll have to put you on a magazine rack." She turned back around to the front of the classroom and I didn't pay her any more attention.

Before long class was out and I hurried over to my next one. Harrison started to pass me in the hall so I decided to start up a friendly conversation. "Hey there."

"Hey." Damn Harrison. Turn that bright smile down just a notch for me will ya? I think I need sunglasses now.

"So why are you so bright and happy huh?" I started out casually. His smile went down by about 80 watts or so at the end of the question. What the hell is he hiding?

"Oh no reason. I'm just having a good day that's all." He just looked forward as we walked down the hall together.

"So I heard you were locked in the Novak till two in the morning with Josh."

"Yeah." He said blankly.

"So. Did you guys talk about anything interesting?" I said as we rounded the corner towards the west-wing.

"Nothing more interesting than the shit you girls had lipsticked to the mirrors." He looked over at me and smiled at little, a giggle sort of in his voice.

"Well that was Nicole. I had nothing to do with it."

"Uh huh. Look I need to get to class. I'll see you at lunch ok?"

"Sure Harrison." He walked into the room and I got to class just before the bell rang.

'Nicole Julian'

This is so whack! I mean, what the hell does Josh think he's doing bringing Harrison to 'our' table during lunch. "Listen spunky. I don't care if you and the zit-faced homo here shacked up last night and are now dating each other in a sick, twisted, homosexual love affair. He's not a part of this crowd so he can sit somewhere else!" That'll show them. And what's up with the strange faces guys? That look would be so classic if I just had a camera right now Josh. You lock so shocked like I just spilled something major. Hmm. I don't get it. And by the way, don't you dare bring a geek to this table without written permission from Brooke or myself. I don't give a damn whether you're her bitch or not. Those are the rules so get with the program before the commercials start in. Thanks to this damn author, this will be one of the only times I'll have the spotlight on me so hurry up and do what you're gonna do jock boy. I don't have all day!!!

"Thanks a lot Nicole. I always knew you'd never change your bleached stripes." Did Josh just say that to me in that defiant tone of voice? The nerve of some people around here. O'well. He just doesn't appreciate the fact that I'm trying to keep the social food chain intact. So look at this. Huh? Poor little Joshy boy is getting up from the table and moving over to the 'loser' table with Sam and her husky bunch. And Harrison is right behind him too. How quaint.

"Ah. Look at that girls. I lock him in a bathroom for about 6 hours and he and Harrison are friends and all. In fact they're so close that Josh would rather sit in Nowheresville with the rest of the outcasts than sit here without his precious new-found friend." It was a witty comment, I'm sure of it. Even got a little snicker out of Brooke although it looks like she's trying to hide it. News Flash Queen Bee. I notice. I notice every little thing that happens in this school because mark my words Ms. McQueen; I'll have your job and title. Don't think I've forgotten all about last night already.

"Why are you so concerned about it Nic? It's not like you really care about what Josh does anyways. You got what you wanted. You fucked him, I know, and you don't care about what he feels or wants. He was a conquest so you can drop the façade." My, my Brooke. How you shock me so with your words and deeds. So forward and honest and brutal. Looks like the head of the popular crowd is back in business.

"That's right Brookey. I got him. He was a conquest and it's done and over with. I don't want anything else from him than what I already got. That's prime USDA choice cut meat sitting over there with those who didn't make the grade. I may have used him for my own ends, but you love him girl. I don't regret what I did cause I knew what I was doing. Do you?" Let's see if you can figure that one out.

"What the hell do you mean Nicole?" Hmm. Feisty this morning. Must have been the very last Midol again.

"Let me put it into Internet terms you can understand. WWW.GO- GET-YOUR-MAN.COM. He was upset. I was ruthless. He was vulnerable and I took advantage. He didn't do anything wrong. In your eyes I did. But that doesn't matter. This hierarchy doesn't work right without the Head Cheerleader dating the Football Quarterback. And unless you want your popularity to fade as quickly as Mary Cherry's hair color with an increasingly apparent presence of dark roots," and I saw Mary Cherry examining her golden locks at that exact moment, "I suggest you shack up with the big boy again. Case closed." God! I can be such a ruthless bitch sometimes. Yes, I know, you're jealous of me aren't you. You aren't? Well at least I don't stare at a computer screen reading pornographic stories in my spare time. Let's get this going again!

"Wait a second." The baffled look is, as always, so YOU Brooke. "You actually want me to get back together with him after everything he's done? What about Carmen?"

"What about her. She's a nobody and you are everybody?" I looked over at the 'other' table. How the hell did all of that completely pass me by? I must have been too focused on getting Brooke back into the social good graces. Looks like jock boy is quite a hit with the academic class. He's causing quite a stir over there. Mental note. Carmen does not look at all happy with this recent development. If I knew her, I'd say she was jealous. Maybe this Harrison-Josh friendship could work out in our favor after all. "Speaking of Carmen she doesn't seem to be too accepting of this newfound friendship that brewed up overnight. Look for yourself." I motioned with my head towards them and kept my eyes glued to Brooke's face for a reaction. A devious smile crossed her face. I knew it. You just can't keep a good bitch down. Even if Brooke so easily passes up the obvious sometimes. "This looks promising. Don't you agree?"

Brooke nodded her head at me. That was a good sign. Now I all have to do is get a plan laid out and the players lined up by tomorrow. That should be ample time to get things underway and still leave room for my daily teen drama shows. Well a girl needs her inspiration. And remind me to never wear these panties again. I hate, I HATE the ones that crawl up your ass just as something profound happens.

'Carmen Ferrara'

"Why are you so down today?" Why did he have to start talking to me now? Why couldn't he have said something earlier?

Why? You're asking ME why Josh? I turned around in the near empty room. I didn't really want to face him but I had too. No more running away from what I can do. No more hiding Carmen. Be strong. You haven't said more than two words, TWO WORDS, to me all day long. 'Hi Carmen.' That's all I've gotten out of you till now and you're asking me what wrong? What's wrong with you? I had to pause and catch my breath. I finally spoke up. "I thought something was happening here Josh? Was I mistaken? Am I reading you wrong? Did I hear you correctly when you said you wanted to go out on a date with me last night?" Those weren't easy words to say. I'm not the pretty one or the popular one but I'm not going to let a man walk over me.

"Yes. You heard me correctly. But there's..." He stopped dead in the middle of his sentence.

'Oh god. Please don't say it. Please don't say it.' I thought to myself as the silence dragged on between us.

"...There's something we need to talk about." He moved in closer towards me. "I don't think we should reschedule that date Carmen." ARGH!

You don't think??? How the hell could you do this to me? After everything you said and after everything I've, we've, been building over the past few weeks and you don't want to go out on a date with me anymore? Fucking bastard. "What did I do wrong?"

"Nothing. Look, I know this sounds really bad right now..." I wasn't about to let him try and talk his way out of this one. But he probably would anyways.

It's Brooke isn't it? Damn. I bet you talked to Harrison about everything that happened last night. Even talked to Sam too. Got all the juicy bits of information you needed to find out that Brooke still loves you and since you love her it's time to run back to her. I can't believe this is happening. We were getting so close. You always seemed like you were holding something back from me and I was just waiting for you to say something about it. Now it's clear to me. You didn't want to say that you still loved her. "Brooke." I barely whispered out at him. Josh shot me this death glare that was so intense I could feel the anger coming off of him. "I can take the truth Josh! I'm a big girl. And you still love her." But don't play this mind game bullshit with me!

"Carmen, that's not it at all." What? Josh was still looking right at me with that serious and cool look on his face. He couldn't be lying. When he told me about Nicole he had that same expression. Controlled, collected, sincere, and truthful. It was like his soul was being laid before me to question his honesty and integrity. But if that wasn't it. "I just can't deal with this right now ok? I need some time." He closed in towards me and gave me a hug. "You're still a great person and I want us to stay friends but this is a tough time for me. It's not going to be easy for me, or you, in the end. But I need you to be patient." He lifted my head up so that we looked directly into each other's eyes. "Do you trust me Carmen?'

"Yes..." I barely sobbed out. "But I don't understand!"

"You will." He released me from his embrace and walked out the door. After a few minutes I picked my things up and started out of the classroom. When I started to get out the door I noticed Josh waiting outside one of the class doors. Wait a second. Wasn't that Harrison's history class? I heard the bell ring for the break and sure enough Harrison came walking out the door. The two of them walked my way. I bolted back into the room and tried to stay out of sight. I could hear them as they passed the open entry. They were talking about something. But the only word I could make out was 'Novak'. What the hell could they have been saying? Novak was the only word I heard but I couldn't find any reason why they would be talking about it. Was something going on here that even I didn't figure out already?

'Mary Cherry'

I never knew that a last minute root bleaching could be so difficult. Not to mention strenuous physically, and emotionally damaging on the psyche. I wasted my entire 5th period history class reclaiming that obvious yet subtle change in my natural hair color from the hideous mousy Streisand-esque brown that is my unfortunate birthright to a more socially acceptable shade of bright platinum blonde. Damn you Nicole. But I probably should thank you for noticing before anyone else did. I'm glad I always keep a bottle of Clairol in my purse for just this type of occasion.

I hustled my way to PE, my last class of the day that just happens to be the most grueling, with no time to spare. I was changing then Nicole just popped up out of nowhere.

"Last minute cover-up. Hmm." She looked me over quickly. "Good job. I'd say you've gotten to the root of problem. Loreál?"

"Clairol." I responded in disgust to her accusations.

"Emergency supply?"

"You bet your plucked eyebrows I did." Sometimes I just say the silliest things.

"That's confidential. Good job. Hoped you weren't staring at Josh too much today. You surprise me by actually paying attention." Bitch!

"I just couldn't allow my silky hair to fall beneath the standard the Glamazons have bestowed upon the student body. It's my responsibility to maintain the high level of expectation we've established amongst the various social structures of this teenage environment." My words sounded so sweet to my ears. So I often overstate the obvious but it's my job. We can't all be super bitch (Nicole) or super sweet heart (Brooke). Some of us just have to be ourselves. Now that should leave me confused for about a half hour or so.

I've determined that Physical Education is nothing more than a fancy name designed to give the illusion that some actual form of education is taking place while teachers force you to push your body past it's preset limitations and cause sweating, dehydration and humiliation all for their sick, twisted, perverse amusement. Needless to say PE was a hellhole I intended to get out of. I won't bore you with the details but I managed to get out early and go see what else was happening on campus.

The interesting thing was as I headed off to the Novak for a little touch up on my flawless masque that so lovingly adored my lustrous face I noticed that Josh was ditching class and talking to some boy just a little way down the hall. I decided to investigate. I always have to be the first one to uncover hidden details and plot twists that might be further exploited during sweeps week. I put on my best devious grin as I approached the young stud that was so recently sent back into the green fields of bachelorhood by Brooke. "Hello there handsome." God Damn I hate this southern accent sometimes. "Whatcha doing skippin' class like a social misfit?"

Josh appeared quite shocked by sudden appearance and quickly whisked his head in my direction. Curious. He was all flushed over in his face. "Hey Mary Cherry. What are you doing here?" Upon closer inspection I discovered that not only was Joshy here skipping his last class of the day, he was spending time with one of those throwbacks of the social dinosaur days Joe. Joe looked quite more flustered than Josh did and wore a brightly red blush tone all over his face, almost like he was embarrassed to be caught skipping class with our little jock boy here. I found that...interesting.

"Well I couldn't take PE for another second so I faked that I was puking and when he saw my pom pom's fly out from what seemed to be my mouth, he told me to go home. I was headed over to the Novak to do a little touch up when I saw you two over here." I turned my face to Joe who just smiled innocently at me. "Hey Joe."

"Hi Mary Cherry." Well for a geek he is pretty darn cute. If I weren't part of the top of this food pyramid I'd ravish him like a lion hunting its prey. Sensing that these two were up to something and didn't want me to be around them I took my cue to make a timely exit.

"'s been real nice chatting with you boys. But I gotta run to the ladies room. I'll see y'all tomorrow." I turned on my heels and strutted back down the hallway. Then this strange throb started in my head. It felt so familiar. Oh my GOD!


Holy Shit! But it was just blipping. I looked around the hallway. Hmm. There was Josh and Joe walking off together. And there was May, disgusting little thing, with her sister April, equally disgusting. A few non-noteworthy extras roaming around the halls and I think that was Lily. Damnit. I couldn't get a fix on the darn homo. Only one thing to do.

I drove home as fast as I could and busted through the front door. "Mama Cherry. Mama Cherry! I need help Mom!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Cherry Cherry came rushing down the stairs towards me.

"What's wrong honey? You haven't rushed in the house screaming like a banshee since the release of 'Titanic' on home video and DVD." Her accent was worse than mine. Damn she could get on your last nerve sometimes.

"My gaydar went off mom! But I couldn't get a lock on it. It was kind of, just, well, blipping! That's never happened before!" My mom gasped in disbelief.

"Oh my. What can I do to help?"

"I need it mommy." I pleaded with her.

"Are you sure baby? It's been years since you needed it last."

"I know mom. But I don't know what else to do. I need that book. I need 'Gauge You Gaydar-A Comprehensive User's Guide' PLEASE?!?"

"Well. I never could tell you no Mary. I'll be right back." I hate it when my gaydar goes wild like this. I've only had to use the book once before and I swore never to use it again. But to uncover the source of that annoying blip in my viewer was worth any cost. ANY!

*********************************************************************** Well there it is! Hope you enjoyed this installment. Since the plan changed and this ended up being more than a one-shot I decided this change of writing style would better bridge the first story to the rest of my ideas. Sorry there was no sex in this chapter but we'll have more later. I PROMISE. As usual I love responses from the readers so let me know what you guys think. Until nest season, read on! ***********************************************************************

Next: Chapter 3

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